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    这是一份2023高考压轴卷——英语(新高考全国Ⅰ卷)(解析版)听力,共16页。试卷主要包含了 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。
    3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
    4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁:考试结束后,将试卷和符题卡一并交回。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例:excuse me,can you tell me how much the shirt is?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。
    1. Where is the woman probably from?
    A. Peru. B. Britain. C. Mexico.
    2. What will the man do tonight?
    A. Attend a party. B. Reply to an invitation. C. Play football.
    3. What does the woman think of her old roommate?
    A. Selfish. B. Thoughtful. C. Careful.
    4. What should the city do according to the woman?
    A. Create more jobs. B. Improve the air quality. C. Close some businesses.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. Their daily routine. B. Their dormitory. C. The weather.

    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 22. 5 分)
    6. How does the woman suggest the man get home?
    A. By bus. B. By car. C. By taxi.
    7. Where are the speakers?
    A. At home. B. At a bus station. C. At a restaurant.
    8. Why is the man at the supermarket today?
    A. To do some shopping. B. To carry out a survey. C. To meet the owner.
    9. What change did the owner make to the supermarket last year?
    A. The location. B. The name. C. The manager.

    10. What is the woman doing?
    A. Borrowing a tent. B. Returning a tent. C. Packing a tent.
    11. What is the woman’s motivation for climbing?
    A. To get close to nature. B. To have fun. C. To improve her fitness.
    12. Where will the speakers climb together?
    A. In the wild. B. At a climbing center. C. At a gym.
    13. What is the woman’s opinion about her idea of the online business?
    A. It’s unique. B. It’s practical. C. It’s challenging.
    14. Why will the woman contact artists?
    A. To see their works. B. To look for inspiration. C. To do business with them.
    15. What will the woman do for large orders?
    A. Offer free delivery. B. Charge a small fee. C. Give a discount.
    16. What is special about the packaging?
    A. It’s luxury. B. It’s of good quality. C. It’s environmentally friendly.
    17. Where are drinks served all day?
    A. In the cafe. B. In the dining room. C. By the swimming pool.
    18. What will the listeners probably do around 1 p.m.?
    A. Have lunch. B. Go swimming. C. Attend a conference.
    19. What does the speaker apologize for?
    A. The updated program. B. The high temperature. C. The late lunch.
    20. Why does the conference program have to be changed?
    A. Some rooms are being repaired. B. The General Manager can’t come.
    C. A speaker isn’t able to give her talk.

    Oyster is pleased to offer sea conservation volunteers the opportunity to take part in a 3-day diving course in South Africa.
    What qualification will I receive?
    ●Upon successful completion of the e-learning and the practical course, you will receive a NAUI (National Association of Underwater Instructors) diving qualification.
    What are the requirements?
    ●You will need to be staying for a minimum period of 2 weeks on the shark volunteering project. (It’s highly recommended that you join for 4 weeks, so that you can throw yourself into the volunteer project and allow for bad weather.)
    ●Completion of a medical evaluation form before taking part in the course.
    How does it work?
    ●Before arrival in South Africa, you will start an e-learning course.
    ●The e-learning course takes about 14 hours to complete.
    ●Once in South Africa, you will receive 17 hours of practical instruction, of which 10 hours are spent in the water.
    ●You will not have a set date for your diving course before departure, as this is dependent on weather.
    How much does it cost?
    Learning to dive in South Africa as part of the sea conservation volunteering project will cost just $350. Payment must be made in advance to secure your place.
    How do I book?
    In person: The Volunteer Office is open on weekdays between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m..
    By telephone: Dial (323) 641-7416 to reserve. The line is available from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m..
    By post: Complete the application and return it to the Volunteer Office before Oct. 14th.
    Through website: Visit our website www.oysterworldwide.com.
    21. Which is necessary for a course-taker?
    A. Organizing a shark volunteering project.
    B. Being equipped with weather knowledge.
    C. Taking an e-learning course in South Africa.
    D. Presenting a clinical assessment of health status.
    22. What is the total hours of the complete course?
    A. 14. B. 17. C. 27. D. 31.
    23. How can one book the course?
    A. By visiting the official site of Oyster.
    B. By mailing the application in December.
    C. By going to the Volunteer Office on Sunday.
    D. By telephoning (323) 641-7416 in the morning.

    It’s no secret now that the more time we spend on social media, the more we feel dissatisfied with ourselves. We tend to compare ourselves to influences and celebrities- so it’s easy to understand how that can affect our confidence.
    But, how often have you found yourself comparing your life to your friends? Engaging with social media shared by our friends can be more damaging than looking at content shared by celebrities, new research has found.
    The study looking at how social media affects body image found that any social media engagement was significantly associated with lower “appearance satisfaction”. Additionally, it found that engaging with content posted by people the participants knew was more than twice as damaging as looking at content posted by strangers, including celebrities.
    Viren Swami, Professor of Social Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, believes this is partly because we know it’s hard to attain the lives of celebrities or influences, but when we’re comparing ourselves to our friends, it feels like we should- or could-live the way they do.
    “One possible explanation is that people may perceive a post showing appearance as being much more attainable if it comes from someone they know, adding expectation or pressure on the person engaging in the post, ” he said. “At the same time, people may be more critically engaged with posts by the likes of models and celebrities, and therefore perceive the images they share to be more unrealistic. “
    This is not just confined to body image though. We all have one area in our lives that triggers(触 发)us. Maybe you’ve been searching for a new job for months and you find yourself on social media, envying your school friend who just landed their dream role. Maybe. . .
    All this is to say the obvious: we only see part of people’s lives -and if it’s getting you down, you’re probably comparing your insides to other people’s outsides. Everyone has their struggles and life is indeed not perfect for anyone. So, put down your phone, get offline, be thankful and try to live your own life.
    24.What did the new study find?
    A. Social media invites unfavorable comments.
    B. Friends’ posts affect us more than celebrities’.
    C. Celebrities have a negative influence on our life.
    D. Body image causes more concern than social life.
    25. Why are we more likely to compare with our friends according to Swami?
    A. They serve as role models.
    B. We know the way they live. ,
    C. Their lifestyles are accessible.
    D. We are curious about their life.
    26. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
    A. Restricted.
    B. Related.
    C. Devoted.
    D. Exposed.
    27. What does the author suggest people do?
    A. Find your dream and fight for it.
    B. Stop comparing and be yourself.
    C. Be grateful and lead a perfect life.
    D. Stop complaining and get down to work.
    The ocean sustains all life on our planet. It provides food to eat and oxygen to breathe, while playing a key role in making our climate less extreme. But the ocean is becoming considerably warmer, affecting its ability to sustain life. The high temperatures seen around the Mediterranean this year are indicative of rising global temperatures. Research found the sea temperatures recorded in the Mediterranean over the period 2015-2019 were the highest since the recording began in 1982.
    Much of the research on ocean heatwaves finds that they affect certain habitats particularly strongly, including coral reefs, seagrass and seaweed. Ocean heatwaves were found to be responsible for the loss of up to 80% of the population of some Mediterranean species between 2015 and 2019.
    A mass death event is a single, terrible incident that rapidly destroys large numbers of a species. Over two-thirds of the deaths of ocean creatures occurring on the hard sea floor were in the waters with a depth of only 0-25 meters, which are subject to particularly intense warming and are home to some of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the Mediterranean.
    Foundation species are critical in structuring an ecosystem. They act as nursery grounds, provide protection against enemies, and serve as a food source. Foundation species are the key to sustaining biodiversity, and their loss will have impacts on other species. As foundation species, the loss of corals, seagrass and seaweed is particularly concerning.
    Additionally, ocean heatwaves often result in displacement(被迫迁徙). Evidence suggests that the exceptional temperatures seen across the Mediterranean this summer may be driving extensive mass displacement. In Greece, scientists have observed a huge increase of invasive(入侵的) species from warmer waters. This includes the lionfish and silver-cheeked toadfish, both of which are poisonous, and carry the potential to cause considerable ecological damage.
    Within some branches of the scientific community, the recent intensity and frequency of ocean heatwaves suggests we have arrived at a “climate endgame”. This involves preparation for the full consequences of widespread ocean species death, if emissions are not controlled. The likely damaging Mediterranean ocean heatwaves of this year will only add fuel to such discussions.
    28. What can we infer about the Mediterranean?
    A. Its worsening ability to sustain life is still being ignored.
    B. Its high temperatures are causing damage to human life.
    C. Its ocean life is increasingly threatened by climate change.
    D. Its surroundings are worsening much faster than expected.
    29. Where do the deaths of ocean life tend to happen?
    A. On the hard sea floor of broad waters. B. On the hard sea floor of deep waters.
    C. On the hard sea floor of shallow waters. D. On the hard sea floor of cold waters.
    30. What do we know about the displacement of ocean life?
    A. It is damaging the ocean ecosystem. B. It is responsible for global temperatures.
    C. It is easily influenced by climate change. D. It is a good way to maintain the ecology.
    31. What is the text mainly about?
    A. The causes of ocean heatwaves around the Mediterranean.
    B. The main natural threats to ocean life in the Mediterranean.
    C. The advice on dealing with Mediterranean ocean heatwaves.
    D. The impacts of ocean heatwaves on life in the Mediterranean.

    As one of the biggest: topics of the last decade, sustainability has become the beacon(灯塔) of hope to protect the planet. From supermarkets taking action on plastic packaging to the zero waste movement that can be practised from your kitchen, changes made by individuals and organizations across the globe have had an impact on the way we think, shop and live.
    So what does that mean for the world of technology? You'd be forgiven for thinking that the words "sustainable" and "technology" don't usually go hand in hand. E-waste is, after all, one of the planet's biggest contributing waste streams. Not only that, but the materials that go into technology products are also part of the problem.
    But with a challenge comes an opportunity, and there's already some brilliant progress happening—great news for those of us wanting to be more sustainable with our technology. Firstly, renewed products are having its moment. While consumers would previously turn their noses up at the idea of a second-hand device, there's been a huge surge in demand for renewed technology products. The second major step in tackling the problem of e-waste is a change in attitudes from owning a product to subscribing for one. A subscription for a smartphone might sound like a foreign concept, but it's already gaining momentum. At the forefront of this movement is a London-based technology startup, which offers a subscription service for the latest smartphones. As customers aren't paying to own the phone at the end of their contract, the monthly price is significantly lower than average.
    Studies show that extending a phone's lifespan from one to four years can decrease its environmental impact by about 40%. So the next time it comes to refreshing your device-whether a smartphone, laptop, tablet or something else-consider the more environmentally friendly options that are at your fingertips.
    32.What's the purpose of paragraph l?
    A.To change the way we think, shop and live.
    B.To introduce the topic of sustainability in technology.
    C.To tell us what people have done to protect the planet.
    D.To call on people to do something for the environment.
    33.What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
    A.High-tech products are in short supply.
    B.E-waste contributes to the biggest waste streams.
    C.The two sustainability problems in technology.
    D.Ignoring sustainable technology is unforgivable.
    34.What is present consumers' attitude towards a second-hand device?
    A.Supportive. B.Unacceptable. C.Sympathy. D.Doubtful.
    35.How can we become sustainable in technology according to the text?
    A.By upgrading the old one.
    B.By subscribing for a smartphone.
    C.By spending less money on a smartphone.
    D.By replacing the old one with the latest one.

    I’m a hiker — “born to hike”. It does my heart and soul good to take a pack and head out on a trail (小路), especially when I’m alone and can let my mind wander where it will. ____36____.
    Hiking keeps your brain sharper than many other forms of exercise. As a professional writer, although I am busy with my work, I often spare some time to hike.____37____.
    ____38____. Exercise in general can be a good way to decrease stress. But what sets hiking apart from other forms of exercise is that hiking can happen almost anywhere and give you the happiness that you can take from nature.
    Hiking can increase our creativity. I’m sure I’m not alone in finding that walks in nature let my mind wander freely in creative directions.____39____Sometimes, ideas relevant to music come up from unconscious places when I’m not deliberately thinking.
    Hiking helps strengthen a positive relationship with the natural world. Besides being good for us, hiking may also help the world around us. After all, if we stick to walking and covering longer distances, we could use cars less and reduce our carbon footprint. ____40____. For example, it increases our connection to nature. As one study suggests, when we have a personal connection to nature, we are more likely to want to protect it. That means experiences in nature — like hiking — can be mutually (相互地) beneficial, helping people and the earth.
    So, grab a water bottle, a backpack... and head out on the trail.You won’t be sorry you did.
    A. Hiking helps to keep you calm and happy
    B. Beyond that, hiking benefits our planet indirectly
    C. Following are the benefits you can get from hiking
    D. In fact, I’ve written many of my songs while hiking on a trail
    E. It’s easy for me to come up with creative ideas while sitting alone
    F. It not just makes me feel good, but also helps me keep the brain in top shape
    G This all goes to show that hiking maybe one of the best ways to move your body

    When I was seven years old and my sister Amy was just five years old, we were playing on top of a bunk bed. I thought without help or any ____41____ from me at all, suddenly Amy disappeared off of the top of the bunk bed and ____42____ with a crash on the floor. I nervously peered over the side of the bed and saw that she had landed ___43____ on her hands and knees on the ground. I was nervous because my parents had ____44____ me with making sure that we played as ____45____ as possible. I saw my sister’s painful face threatening to ____46____ from her mouth and threatening to wake up my parents. So I did the only thing my little seven-year-old ____47____ could think to do to change this ____48____. I said, “Amy, Amy, wait. Don’t cry…No human lands on all fours like that. Amy, I think this means you’re a unicorn (独角兽). “ ____49____, that was cheating, but there was nothing in the world my sister would want more than the unicorn. Instead of crying, instead of ___50____ our play, with all the negative consequences that would have waited for me, a smile ____51____ across her face. She climbed onto the bunk bed again with all the grace of a baby unicorn, with one ____52____ leg.
    What we ____53____ unconsciously at that tender age is something called positive psychology. It’s not necessarily the reality that shapes us, but the lens (棱镜) through which your brain ____54____ the world that shapes your reality. And if we can change the lens, believe me we can change every single educational and business ____55____ at the same time.
    41. A. hug B. drag C. risk D. push
    42. A. perceived B. completed C. landed D. exploded
    43. A. crazily B. painfully C. happily D. widely
    44. A. provided B. awarded C. shared D. charged
    45. A. safely B. warmly C. loudly D. mildly
    46. A. jump B. erupt C. complain D. mourn
    47. A. face B. head C. brain D. soul
    48. A. tragedy B. chance C. shock D. legend
    49. A. Oppositely B. Obviously C. Similarly D. Consequently
    50. A. ceasing B. continuing C. envying D. replacing
    51. A. proceeded B. slid C. spread D. stretched
    52. A. broken B. slim C. freezing D. dead
    53. A. adapt to B. come across C. pay for D. point out
    54. A. changes B. imagines C. views D. creates
    55. A. appearance B. person C. protest D. outcome

    Jacopo Della Ragione was born and raised in Florence, Italy. While____56____student of Medieval History at Milan University, he also learned graphic design and printing. In 2001, his passion for China's traditional and modern art brought him to Beijing, and he ____57____(work) there ever since.
    In July 2001, Ragione was in China ____58____ Beijing won the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games. He witnessed this historic moment and shared in the____59____(happy) of the Chinese people. He has worked in many companies in China and also married a girl in Beijing,____60____ has allowed him to know China better.
    When ____61____(talk)about how he carries out his work, Ragione said he designs the picture in his mind first, and then follows the instincts (本能) of his body ____62____(finish) the job. “It's a bit like China's calligraphy and Kung Fu, which has brought me much inspiration,” he said.
    Ragione is now deeply attached ____63____ China. He has witnessed the great changes that have taken place here: streets have become more lively, buses are more advanced, and traveling by subway has become more convenient….
    “I have visited many cities in China, and Beijing is the one I love ____64____(much). I fell in love with it _____65_____(gradual). Italy is where I was born, and Beijing is my home now,” he said in fluent Chinese.

    假设你是李华,最近你要参加主题为“My Dream University”的英语演讲比赛。你的外国好友Jack经常参加各种大型比赛,比赛经验非常丰富。赛前你向他寻求意见,请根据以下要点写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 陈述写信目的;
    2. 寻求具体意见;
    3. 表示真诚感谢。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    Dear Jack,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua

    It was a lovely spring morning in the mountains of my home. Here was full of natural atmosphere. The sky was blue, the sun was warm, and the air was fresh. As driving along the winding road, I could see thousands of wild flowers in bloom. When I turned round, I slowed down as I saw some volunteers picking up garbage along the side of the road. I just smiled as I saw them doing some cleaning in spring for Mother Earth and my mind suddenly floated back in time to another spring morning long ago.
    When my children were younger, I used to walk along a small route around the lake near my home. It was also on a spring morning that I noticed much garbage lying along the route. The next day, I brought a big garbage bag and started to slowly pick up the garbage along my way. All kinds of deserted objects lay all over the floor. There were pop cans, plastic water bottles, wrappers for candy bars, empty chip bags, pieces of broken fishing line and even an old shoe. Every time I stopped, I picked up a piece of garbage. And I even fished some garbage out of the edge of the water. By the time I circled the lake, the garbage bag had been nearly full.
    Tired but happy, I put the bag in an empty garbage can. I stopped before I headed home and took one last look at the lake as the sun set. It looked more beautiful than ever and I felt like the angels were looking down upon it with me and sharing my smiles.
    I always think that at times this world’s problems can seem overwhelming and you may wonder what you can do to make a difference. But the truth is that every good thing you do matters a lot! I do believe every time I stop to pick up a single piece of garbage, I can make a difference. As my children are adults now, I decide to spend more time protecting the environment.
    I begin to encourage others to develop the environmental awareness.
    Many days have passed, and the surroundings have improved a lot.

    1-5 BCAAC 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 CBBCA 16-20 CAABC

    第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    【答案】21. D 22. D 23. A
    21.细节理解题。根据“What are the requirements?”部分中“Completion of a medical evaluation form before taking part in the course.”(在参加课程之前完成一份医学评估表。)可知,要参加这个课程的话,参加者需要先完成一项医学评估表,即要提交健康状况的临床评估。选项D与文意相符,故选D。
    22.细节理解题。根据“How does it work?”部分中“The e-learning course takes about 14 hours to complete.”(网上学习课程需时约14小时完成。)“Once in South Africa, you will receive 17 hours of practical instruction”(一旦到了南非,你们将接受17小时的实践指导)可知,参加这个课程的学习需要14小时的网上学习加上17小时的实践指导。所以完成课程的总计时间为31小时。选项D与文意相符,故选D。
    23.细节理解题。根据“How do I book?”部分中“Through website: Visit our website www.oysterworldwide.com.”(浏览我们的网页: www.oysterworldwide.com)可知,预定该课程的方式之一就是浏览他们的网站。选项A与文意相符,故选A。

    【答案】24. B 25. C 26. A 27. B
    24.细节理解题。文章第二段讲到“Engaging with social media shared by our friends can be more damaging than looking at content shared by celebrities, new research has found. (一项新的研究发现,与看名人分享的内容相比,参与朋友分享的社交媒体可能更具破坏性)”可知新研究发现朋友的帖子对我们的影响比名人的更大,故选B。
    25.推理判断题。文章第二段讲到“Viren Swami, Professor of Social Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University, believes this is partly because we know it’s hard to attain the lives of celebrities or influences, but when we’re comparing ourselves to our friends, it feels like we should- or could-live the way they do. (Anglia Ruskin大学社会心理学教授Viren Swami认为,这部分是因为我们知道很难获得名人或影响力的生活,但当我们将自己与朋友进行比较时,感觉我们应该或者可以像他们那样生活)”可知根据Swam的说法,我们更容易与朋友进行比较是因为他们的生活方式更容易见得到,故选C。
    26.词义猜测题。文章划线单词下一句讲到“We all have one area in our lives that triggers(触 发)us. Maybe you’ve been searching for a new job for months and you find yourself on social media, envying your school friend who just landed their dream role. (我们的生活中都有一个领域触发了我们。也许你已经找了好几个月的新工作,你在社交媒体上发现自己,羡慕你的学校朋友,他刚刚找到了他们梦想中的角色。)”可知划线单词所在句子的意思是:但这不仅仅局限于身体形象。所以第六段中带下划线的单词可能的意思是“受限制的”,故选A。
    27.推理判断题。文章最后一段讲到“Everyone has their struggles and life is indeed not perfect for anyone. So, put down your phone, get offline, be thankful and try to live your own life. (每个人都有自己的奋斗,生活对任何人来说都不完美。所以,放下手机,下线,心存感激,努力过自己的生活。)”可知作者建议人们停止比较,做你自己,故选B。

    【答案】28. C 29. C 30. A 31. D
    28.推理判断题。根据第二段中“Ocean heatwaves were found to be responsible for the loss of up to 80% of the population of some Mediterranean species between 2015 and 2019.(人们发现2015到2019年间海洋暖流导致了至多80%某些地中海物种数量的消失)”可知,气候变化、海水变暖(气候变化)给地中海生物种群造成了日益严重的威胁,与C选项描述相符。故选C项。
    29.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Over two-thirds of the deaths of ocean creatures occurring on the hard sea floor were in the waters with a depth of only 0-25 meters, which are subject to particularly intense warming and are home to some of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the Mediterranean.(发生在硬海底上超过三分之二的海洋生物死亡都仅位于0到25米的深度,这些区域受到海水显著变暖的影响,而且是地中海最具生物多样性的生态系统所在之处)”可知,海洋生物死亡主要发生在硬海底上的浅水区域。故选C项。
    30.细节理解题。根据第五段中“This includes the lionfish and silver-cheeked toadfish, both of which are poisonous, and carry the potential to cause considerable ecological damage.(这包括狮子鱼和棕斑兔头鲀,两者都是有毒的,且有可能造成严重的生态破坏)”可知,海水变暖导致的物种迁徙可能会造成对海洋生态系统的破坏。故选A项。

    【答案】32.B 33.C 34.A 35.B
    34.推理判断题.根据第三段Firstly,renewed products are having its moment While consumers would previously turn their noses up at the idea of a second-hand device, there's been a huge surge in demand for renewed technology products. 可知,尽管人们以前对翻新手机噎之以鼻,但是现在对翻新手机的需求却在激增,因此,现在的消费者对二手设备持支持的态度。
    35.细节理解题。根据第三段The second major step in tackling the problem... but it's already gaining momentum可知,付费使用手机也可以推动科技上的可持续发展。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    【答案】36. C 37. F 38. A 39. D 40. B
    36.根据上文“I’m a hiker — “born to hike”. It does my heart and soul good to take a pack and head out on a trail (小路), especially when I’m alone and can let my mind wander where it will.(我是一名徒步旅行者——“生来就是为徒步而生的”。带着背包去远足对我的身心都有好处,尤其是当我一个人的时候,我可以让我的思想在任何地方漫游)”以及后文“Hiking keeps your brain sharper than many other forms of exercise.(徒步旅行比许多其他形式的运动都能让你的大脑更敏锐)”可知,本句总起下文,指出徒步旅行具有好处。故C选项“以下是徒步旅行的好处”符合语境,故选C。
    37.根据上文“Hiking keeps your brain sharper than many other forms of exercise. As a professional writer, although I am busy with my work, I often spare some time to hike.(徒步旅行比许多其他形式的运动都能让你的大脑更敏锐。作为一名职业作家,虽然我工作很忙,但我经常抽出时间去远足)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,承接上文说明徒步旅行带给作者的好处。故F选项“它不仅让我感觉很好,而且还帮助我保持大脑处于最佳状态”符合语境,故选F。
    38.根据后文“Exercise in general can be a good way to decrease stress. But what sets hiking apart from other forms of exercise is that hiking can happen almost anywhere and give you the happiness that you can take from nature.(总的来说,锻炼是减轻压力的好方法。但徒步旅行与其他形式的运动不同之处在于,徒步旅行几乎可以在任何地方进行,并能给你从大自然中获得的快乐)”可知,本段的主旨是徒步可以带来快乐。故A选项“徒步旅行能让你保持冷静和快乐”符合语境,故选A。
    39.根据上文“Hiking can increase our creativity. I’m sure I’m not alone in finding that walks in nature let my mind wander freely in creative directions.(徒步旅行可以增加我们的创造力。我相信我不是唯一一个发现在大自然中散步可以让我的思想自由地朝着创造性的方向漫游的人)”以及后文“Sometimes, ideas relevant to music come up from unconscious places when I’m not deliberately thinking.(有时,与音乐相关的想法会在我没有刻意思考的时候从无意识的地方冒出来)”可知,本句具体举例说明徒步旅行让作者有了音乐方面的启发。故D选项“事实上,我的很多歌都是在徒步旅行时写的”符合语境,故选D。
    40.根据后文“For example, it increases our connection to nature. As one study suggests, when we have a personal connection to nature, we are more likely to want to protect it.(例如,它增加了我们与自然的联系。正如一项研究表明的那样,当我们与自然有个人联系时,我们更有可能想要保护它)”可知,本句是在说明徒步让我们与自然有了关联,从而想要保护它,对地球有益。故B选项“除此之外,徒步旅行间接地有益于我们的星球”符合语境,故选B。

    第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    【答案】41. D 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. A 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. A 51. C 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. D
    41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想,没有任何帮助,也没有任何来自我的推动,突然艾米从双层床的顶部消失了,坠落在地板上。A. hug拥抱;B. drag拖;拉;C. risk危险;风险;D. push推。根据下文“suddenly Amy disappeared off of the top of the bunk bed ”可知,从作者角度来看,他觉得妹妹不知道怎么会掉下床,他觉得自己没有推妹妹。故选D。
    42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. perceived察觉;感觉;B. completed完成;C. landed着陆;跌落;D. exploded爆炸。根据后文“with a crash on the floor”及“saw that she had landed ”可知,妹妹从床上跌落在地上。故选C。
    43.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我紧张地从床的侧面看过去,看到她痛苦地双手和膝盖着地。A. crazily疯狂地;B. painfully痛苦地;C. happily 开心地;D. widely广泛地。根据常识和后文中的“I saw my sister’s painful face”可以看出妹妹从双层床上跌落是非常痛的。故选B。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很紧张,因为我的父母要求我确保我们尽可能安全地玩耍。A. provided提供;B. awarded授予;C. shared分享;D. charged赋予……职责。根据上文得知“我”是哥哥,所以父母会让我照顾好妹妹。我很紧张,因为父母已经叮嘱过我,一定要保证妹妹和我玩耍的时候注意安全。故选D。
    45.考查副词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. safely安全地;B. warmly热情地;C. loudly大声地;D. mildly温和地。解析同第四题。故选A。
    46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看到我妹妹痛苦的脸,预示着她要喊出来,预示着她的喊声要叫醒我的父母。A. jump跳;B. erupt突然发出(尤指叫喊);C. complain抱怨;D. mourn哀悼。根据下文“threatening to wake up my parents”可知,妹妹疼的想要叫喊,这样会叫醒我的父母。所以此处指她痛的要喊出声来。故选B。
    47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以我做了我七岁的小脑袋能想到的唯一一件事来改变这个悲剧。A. face脸;B. head头;C. brain大脑;D. soul灵魂。根据下文“No human lands on all fours like that. Amy, I think this means you’re a unicorn (独角兽).”可知,我对妹妹撒谎骗她。所以此处指我脑子里想到的事。故选C。
    48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. tragedy悲剧;B. chance将会;C. shock打击;D. legend传说。根据前文内容和“I was nervous because my parents had me with making sure that we played as as possible.”可知,妹妹从床上掉落到了地上,父母要求我确保我们安全地玩耍,妹妹摔下床疼得要交出声来,这会惊醒父母,这对我来说是一个悲剧。故选A。
    49.考查副词词义辨析。句意:很明显,这是撒谎。但我妹妹最想要的就是独角兽了。A. Oppositely相反地;B. Obviously明显地;C. Similarly相似地;类似地;D. Consequently因此。根据前文“I think this means you’re a unicorn (独角兽).”后文“ that was cheating”可知,我对妹妹跌落在地上的样子,说她是独角兽,是明显的欺骗。故选B。
    50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她没有哭,没有停止我们的游戏,也没有带来等待我的所有消极后果,她的脸上慢慢地露出了笑容。A. ceasing停止;B. continuing继续;C. envying 妒忌D. replacing替换。根据下文“She climbed onto the bunk bed again ”可知,妹妹再次爬到床上和我一起玩,所以此处指我们没有停止玩耍。故选A。
    51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. proceeded开始;继续进行;B. slid滑落;C. spread(脸上)慢慢流露出;D. stretched伸展。根据前文“I saw my sister’s painful face threatening to from her mouth”及本句“a smile across her face”可知,从开始的痛苦的脸到微笑出现在脸上,笑容的出现是缓慢的。故选C。
    52.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她又爬上了双层床,带着独角兽宝宝的优雅姿态,断了一条腿。A. broken伤残的;B. slim苗条的;C. freezing冰冻的;严寒的;D. dead死的。根据前文“ Amy disappeared off of the top of the bunk bed and with a crash on the floor”妹妹从架子床上跌落在地板上,可推知,妹妹摔伤了腿。故选A。
    53.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我们在幼年时无意识地遇到的是一种叫做积极心理学的东西。A. adapt to适应;B. come across偶尔遇见;C. pay for支付;D. point out指出。根据前文“Amy, Amy, wait. Don’t cry…No human lands on all fours like that. Amy, I think this means you’re a unicorn (独角兽).”及“a smile across her face”可知,我看到妹妹痛苦的样子,我骗她说她是独角兽,这让她忘记了疼痛,脸上露出微笑,这个事实上是积极的心理暗示,所以此处指这个叫积极心里学的东西是偶尔发现的。故选B。
    54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:并不一定是现实世界造就我们,而是我们大脑用来看世界的那个镜片造就了我们的现实世界。A. changes改变;B. imagines想象;C. views看;观看;D. creates创造。根据前文“It’s not necessarily the reality that shapes us but the lens ”及下文“ the world ”可知,镜片是用来看东西的,故选C。
    55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我们可以改变镜头,相信我,我们可以同时改变每一个教育和商业成果。A. appearance外观;B. person人;C. protest抗议;D. outcome结果。结合本句中“we can change the lens, believe me we can change every single educational and business”可知,如果我们可以换一副镜片,我们就可以改变每一个结果。故选D。

    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    【答案】56. a 57. has been workinghas worked
    58. when 59. happiness
    60. which 61. talking
    62. to finish
    63. to 64. most
    65. gradually
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述意大利人Jacopo Della Ragione喜欢中国传统艺术和现代艺术,来到中国工作并爱上中国的经历。
    57.考查时态。句意:2001年,他对中国传统艺术和现代艺术的热情将他带到了北京,从那时起他就一直在那里工作。设空处为谓语,根据时间状语ever since,可以用现在完成时和现在完成进行时,主语he,谓语第三人称单数,故填has been working/has worked。
    61.考查状语从句的省略。句意:当谈到他是如何完成他的工作时,Ragione说他首先在脑海中设计画面,然后跟随身体的本能完成工作。当主句和从句的主语一致时,从句可以省略主语和be动词,所以从句完整形式应为When he was talking about how he carries out his work,设空处应填现在分词,故填talking。
    62.考查动词的固定结构。句意:同上。短语follow sb./ sth. to do,意为“跟随某人/某事去做”,符合句意,故填to finish。
    63.考查介词。句意:Ragione现在深深地依恋着中国。短语be attached to,意为“附属于,喜爱”,符合句意,故填to。

    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    Dear Jack,
    How are you recently? I’m going to participate in an English Speech Competition themed My Dream University. Time ticking by, I’m getting increasingly nervous, so I’m writing to ask for your advice.
    Knowing that you have taken part in many competitions and have rich experience in delivering public speeches, I’d appreciate it if you could give me some practical suggestions. How can I adjust my mindset, better my contents and hold the attention from audience?
    I truly believe that with your help, I’ll have an excellent performance. Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart. Looking forward to your reply.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假设你是李华,最近你要参加主题为“My Dream University”的英语演讲比赛。你的外国好友Jack经常参加各种大型比赛,比赛经验非常丰富。赛前你向他寻求意见,请给他写一封邮件。
    参加:participate in→take part in
    流逝:tick by→go by
    感激:appreciate→be grateful
    原句:Time ticking by, I’m getting increasingly nervous…
    拓展句:As time ticks by, I’m getting increasingly nervous...
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Knowing that you have taken part in many competitions and have rich experience in delivering public speeches, I’d appreciate it if you could give me some practical suggestions.(运用了现在分词作状语,if引导状语从句)
    【高分句型2】I truly believe that with your help, I’ll have an excellent performance.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)

    I begin to encourage others to develop the environmental awareness. I know that there is power in numbers, and I want to get as many people involved as possible. I’ve convinced my children to take action with me like I did before. We learn to make many cards to hand out to people, with some words about environment protection written on them. We’ve also set up signs around the lake to remind people to pay attention to the environment. Other members of my family also go to the lake to pick up garbage on weekends.
    Many days have passed, and the surroundings have improved a lot. Thanks to our efforts, the lake has taken on a new look. The surroundings are clearer and there is no more garbage floating on its water. There is little garbage on either side of the road along the lake. It is surprising that many people take their garbage away. Few people drop garbage here. I am pleased to note that more people actively volunteer to pick up the garbage. This gives us more confidence to protect our nearby environment.
    注意:pay attention to / keep one's eyes open
    高兴:pleased /glad
    惊人的:surprising /astonishing
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I know that there is power in numbers, and I want to get as many people involved as possible. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] It is surprising that many people take their garbage away. (运用了it作形式主语句型)

    (Text 1)
    W: Have you noticed that people here in Mexico stand very close together?
    M: Yes. It’s the same in Peru too.
    W: It’s the opposite in Britain. I was a little uncomfortable here at first. But after a few days, I’m getting used to it.

    (Text 2)
    W: Are you going to Brian’s birthday party tonight?
    M: Oh my gosh, it totally slipped my mind! I didn’t even reply to his invitation. I’ve got football practice tonight.
    W: That’s too bad. I’ll let him know you’re not able to make it.

    (Text 3)
    M: How are you and your roommate getting along?
    W: Pretty well. She usually comes home late, but she’s always careful not to make any noise in case I’m sleeping. She’s very thoughtful.
    M: That’s nice.
    W: Yeah. She’s a real change from my old roommate, who only cared about herself.

    (Text 4)
    M: This town is a healthy place to live in. There are many trees, and the air quality is good. I guess that’s because there isn’t a lot of industry.
    W: Yeah. But no industry means no jobs. It is difficult to find work around here. The city should bring more businesses here.

    (Text 5)
    M: What an awful month we are having!
    W: It’s pretty bad, isn’t it? So hot and wet. It’s hard to sleep at night in our dormitory.
    M: It’s not usually this hot in the fall. Well, I think I’m going to get some more ice cream in the store.

    (Text 6)
    W: How are you going to get home later, Harry?
    M: Oh, I can just take a bus or a taxi. There are usually plenty of taxis in front of this restaurant at night.
    W: Yes, but not on a Sunday night. You might wait for a long time. Why don’t you ask Kevin to drive you home? He’s having dinner with us and he lives near you.
    M: That’s right. I’ll ask him when he’s back from the bathroom.

    (Text 7)
    M: Hello, I’m a manager from Sunrise Supermarket headquarters to conduct a survey about customer satisfaction. I was wondering if you could tell me a little about your experience in shopping here.
    W: Sure, I shop here all the time. It’s become a really good place to shop since the owner decided to move here last year.
    M: I see, did you shop at Sunrise Supermarket when it was located on Brighton Avenue?
    W: I went there a few times but the store was so small. I didn’t have a wide selection like we have here.

    (Text 8)
    W: Thanks for letting me borrow the tent, Sam.
    M: No problem, Tara. I was worried it’d be too small.
    W: It was a little tight but we managed. We’ll have to get a big one for next time. Anyway, it was a great camping trip!
    M: Are you going again soon?
    W: No, we’re practicing our rock climbing for a little while to get into shape.
    M: It’s great for building strength! Me and Shelly do it at the climbing center just out of town. It’s fun solving the puzzle of how to get up, and exciting too!
    W: True that! My gym has a practice wall but we’d like to do it in the wild one day!
    M: I have a guide I can recommend. He’ll take you to the best climbing spot and it has all the equipment too!
    W: Great! Do you want to practice together?
    M: Sure, I’m going with Shelly at 6 pm tonight.
    W: Excellent. I’ll meet you at the center then!

    (Text 9)
    W: John, I want to start an online store for homemade items. I want to sell handmade candles, soap, and other household things.
    M: Great idea! It sounds like it can be unique.
    W: I’ve been researching and I found out that this market area is not overly competitive and there’s huge demand.
    M: So, what’s your next step?
    W: I want to start by reaching out to local artists and see if they’re interested in partnering with me and I’d offer a platform for them to sell their products.
    M: Good idea! It’d be a win-win for both of you. What about deliveries?
    W: I’ve been thinking about that. I want to offer free delivery for orders over a certain amount, and for smaller orders, I’ll charge a small fee.
    M: And how about packaging?
    W: I want to make sure the products are packaged well. I’m investing in packaging materials that are recyclable.
    M: That sounds great. I’m sure it will be successful. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.
    W: Thanks, John. I really appreciate it.

    (Text 10)
    M: Well, good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Crowne Plaza business center at Coogee Beach. I’m David Bowers, your host for the next two days, and I just want to give you some practical information.
    OK. Coffee, tea, and cold drinks are served all day in the cafe which is just inside the main entrance to the hotel. Lunch is served between 12:00 and 2:30 in the private dining room. This evening you are invited to join the management for drinks by the swimming pool. The General Manager usually makes a short welcome speech.
    I’d like to apologize for the temperature. I’m afraid it’s a little warmer than usual in here because the air conditioning in the business center is being repaired. However, the work will be completed before lunchtime.
    Right. There are some changes to the conference program. Unfortunately, one of the main speakers has canceled her talk and so a couple of the sessions have been canceled or rescheduled. The updated program is being printed at the moment.
    OK now, before we go for breakfast, are there any questions?


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