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    这是一份2023届江苏省南通如皋市高三下学期适应性考试英语试卷(三)及答案+听力,文件包含2023届江苏省南通如皋市高三下学期适应性考试英语试卷三及答案docx、英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共16页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英 语 试 题
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上指定位置,在其他位置作答一律无效。
    3. 本卷满分为150分,考试时间为120分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.What does Frank ask the woman to do?
    A. Contact Bob at once.
    B. Postpone the meeting.
    C. Finish the project alone.
    2. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A. Doctor and patient.
    B. Teacher and student.
    C. Mother and son.
    3.Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. In an office.
    B. In a bookstore.
    C. In the library.
    4.Why does the woman talk to the man?
    A. To offer him some help.
    B. To complain about a problem.
    C. To ask him to fasten the seat belt.
    5. What will Suzy help the man do?
    A. Introduce a salesperson.
    B. Organize a party.
    C. Work out a plan.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. What day is it today?
    A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.
    7. What did Lucy do this morning?
    A. She did some writing.
    B. She listened to some music.
    C. She dealt with some deliveries.
    8.What does the woman suggest doing?
    A. Spending a vacation by the sea.
    B. Traveling around South Africa.
    C. Skiing in an African country.
    9.What is the man’s attitude toward the woman's suggestion?
    A. Favorable. B. Unfavorable. C. Casual.
    10. Why is Mark in London?
    A. He's visiting friends.
    B. He’s taking a tour.
    C. He’s reuniting with his family.
    11. When will Mark leave for New York?
    A. This Saturday. B. This Sunday. C. Next Monday.
    12.How does the woman feel now?
    A. Thirsty. B. Tired. C. Hungry.
    13. Where will the speakers stay?
    A. At a hotel. B. At a local's family. C. At their friend's home.
    14. What will the speakers mainly do on the second day?
    A. Learn about elephants.
    B. Hike in a national park.
    C. Make baskets with the elders.
    15. How long will the speakers stay there?
    A. Two days. B. Three days. C. Four days.
    16. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. Preparations for a sightseeing trip.
    B. Their scientific project in Thailand.
    C. Arrangements for a volunteer program.
    17.What makes the birth of the baby cheetahs special?
    A. The date of birth.
    B. The birthplace.
    C. The number of them.
    18.What took place after the birth of the baby cheetahs?
    A. One of the brothers died.
    B. They got medical treatment.
    C. The mother was in poor health.
    19.How is the situation of Asiatic cheetahs at present?
    A. It gets better.
    B. It’s concerning.
    C. It’s perfectly normal.
    20.What is the speaker?
    A. A host. B.A zoo keeper. C. An animal expert.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    We need your help!
    Volunteers are the heart of our organization and essential to our work. Each year our volunteers give a collective 10,000+ hours both in-shelter and out-of-shelter. Our staff and volunteers partner together to form a vital team that's essential to carrying out our mission to promote the health, care, and adoption of these animals. There are many important roles that you can fill to help animals in need. For safety’s sake, all volunteers need to be 18 or older.

    Calling all those who love to organize! Our Cleaning volunteers are absolutely essential to the daily running of the operation. From helping with laundry and dishes to organizing food, toys, and more you can ensure a clean and nurturing environment and make a positive impact on so many animals.
    On alternate weekends
    Animal Transport

    Calling all those who love to drive! Due to the fact that we have limited in-shelter medical capabilities, we are very dependent on our off-site vet partners for major surgeries, diagnoses and more. There is no minimum number of transports — even an occasional transport is greatly appreciated — we need as many people as possible!
    Sat.AM and PM
    Dog Care

    Our Dog Care volunteers are a critical part of our team. From walks in the woods and playtime in our large back pen to just sitting with a dog or building enrichment, like Kongs and Lickimats, our Dog Care volunteers help enrich the lives of the dogs in our care and make their stay as positive as possible.
    No position available at this time.
    Cat Care

    Our Cat Care volunteers are essential to the daily care and enrichment of the cats and kittens in shelter. From cleaning their spaces and monitoring their well being to socializing a new cat or playing with kittens in our cat rooms, our Cat Care volunteers ensure a healthy and stimulating environment for our cats.
    Weekdays AM and/or PM
    21. What should you do if you want to become a volunteer?
    A. Become a staff member.
    B. Behave like a grown-up.
    C. Care for animals' welfare.
    D. Collect many animal shelters.
    22. What is expected of an animal transport volunteer?
    A. To drive animals home occasionally.
    B. To walk animals in the shelter woods.
    C. To transport animals to the needy partners.
    D. To get animals to critical medical appointments.
    23. Which one will you choose if you are only available on Mondays?
    A. Cat Care. B. Animal Transport.
    C. Dog Care. D. Cleaning/Organizing.
    Many people might search online for answers to questions like whether new energy vehicles are suitable for use on high plateaus as they prepare for a road trip to the Tibet autonomous region, but MuYiping and his wife, Tan Yan, focused on something else.
    Like so many others, the young couple from Chongqing traveled to the region to enjoy the enchanting sight of peach blossoms in late March, but what set them apart was that they had come with a mobile coffee van(厢式货车)."I have been looking forward to visiting Tibet for a long time,” said Mu, 32. “And then I had the idea of starting a mobile coffee van business to allow me to fund my travels as I enjoyed the trip.”
    To ensure they reached Nyingchi city before peach blossom season, they left Chongqing in late February. While crossing a mountain pass at about 4,400 meters, they were stuck for two days due to heavy snowfall and had to eat and sleep in the van. “Once we hit the road, we discovered that the trip might not be quite as wonderful as we had imagined. We often had unexpected problems with water and power, and it was also difficult to buy supplies on the road,” Tan said.
    But as their mountain journey continued, so did their progress with their coffee business, which they would set up beside the road during traffic jams. They also began to serve new drinks with a Tibetan twist.
    In mid-March, as the peach trees were still budding, the couple arrived in Bomi county in Nyingchi and decided to stay there for a while. Despite the exhausting drive, the stunning views made it all worthwhile. They stayed for 20 days in Bomi, eagerly waiting for pink peach flowers to cover the mountainside.
    “The sight was amazing and really made our day,” Mu said. “Compared with my last visit, I have noticed significant improvements in the quality of public infrastructure such as roads and scenic spots, which now offer quality services. Whether it's camping or self-driving tours, everything is so convenient in Tibet,” Mu said.
    23. What did the couple focus on during the trip?
    A. Peach blossoms. B. Means of transport.
    C.A coffee business. D. Mobile workforce.
    24. What do we learn about their couple?
    A. Their van was often on the line.
    B. Their journey was no easy task.
    C. They swung into action in Mid-March.
    D. Their concern was justified on the trip.
    26.What message did Mu want to convey in the last paragraph?
    A. Tibet has undergone incredible changes.
    B. Tourism in Tibet needs to be prioritized.
    C. It takes ages for Tibet to become amazing.
    D. The tourist season in Tibet is well underway
    27. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
    A. Tibet: a blessing to Humankind
    B. On the road: the Inspiration behind Coffee.
    C. Benefiting from a stunning mountain journey.
    D. Enjoying dream life in Tibet with a coffee van
    We are eating more fish than ever these days. At around 20 kilograms per person, global fish consumption is now more than twice what it was in the 1960s. What's really remarkable, though, is where that fish comes from.
    For the first time in human history, most of our aquatic(水产的) food now comes from farming rather than fishing.
    People ate around 73 million tonnes of farmed fish--just more than half of the volume of fish that humans consumed—in 2014.That's out of a total fish supply of 167 million tonnes; the remaining20 million or so tonnes go turn into things like animal feed and medical products.
    To keep eating fish at the current rate, we're definitely going to need to keep aquaculture(水产养殖) developing. That's because the volume of fish caught in the wild has leveled off since the 1990s.
    Back in 1974, only 10% of marine fish stocks had been overfished. Now, more than three-tenths are. Only a tenth of our oceans’ fish stocks could support heavier fishing than current levels.
    But while catchings at sea have suffered, fish-farming has been growing at a fast rate. A lot of that is coming from China, which produces 60% of the world's farmed fish. In fact, some 35 countries, including China, now produce more farmed than wild-caught fish.
    This shift toward aquaculture isn't just good for ensuring salmon (三文鱼) on your plate; it's also crucial to ensuring food security and sustainability. By 2050, the world will need to feed an estimated9.7 billion people. They'll have to get their protein somewhere. However, raising cattle, pigs, and other land-based animals requires vast sums of grain and water. For example, pound for pound, beef requires 15 times more feed to raise than carp, a freshwater fish farmed all over Asia. That grain —and the water needed to grow it—could be consumed by people instead.
    However, aquaculture is not a silver bullet. In some southeast Asian countries, shrimp farming does disastrous damage to marine ecosystems. Despite these problems, however, shrimp continues to be among the most popular seafood worldwide.
    28. What is surprising about the fish we eat?
    A. The history of fish.
    B. The farming of fish.
    C. The importance of fish.
    D. The reproduction of fish.
    29. What does the author sav about China in terms of aquatic food?
    A. It places increasing emphasis on fishing.
    B. It supplies 60% of the world's fish products.
    C. It boasts of the world's largest fishing stocks.
    D. It raises more fish than caught from the wild.
    30. Why does aquaculture have a vital role these days?
    A. It is a must for feeding the world's fast-growing population.
    B. It ensures a balanced healthy diet for people the world over.
    C. It proves a reliable source of protein for humans and animals.
    D. It is essential to maintaining both mental and physical health.
    31.Which has the closest meaning to the underlined "a silver bullet" in the last paragraph?
    A.A big surprise. B. A minor problem.
    C.A wise move. D.A wet blanket.
    Recognizing when a friend or colleague feels sad, angry or surprised is key to getting along with others. But a new study suggests that being sensitive to feelings may sometimes come with an extra dose of stress. This and other research challenge the prevailing view that emotional intelligence is uniformly beneficial to its bearer.
    In a study, psychologists Myriam Bechtoldt of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in Germany asked 166 male university students a series of questions to measure their emotional intelligence. For example, they showed the students photographs of people's faces and asked them to what extent feelings such as happiness or disgust were being expressed. The students then had to give job talks in front of judges displaying serious facial expressions. The scientists measured concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol in the students’ saliva(唾液) before and after the talk.
    In students who were rated more emotionally intelligent, the stress measures increased more during the experiment and took longer to go back to baseline. The findings suggest that some people may be too emotionally clever for their own good, says Bechtoldt. “Sometimes you can be so good at something that it causes trouble,” she notes.
    Indeed, the study adds to previous research hinting at a darker side of emotional intelligence. A study published in 2002 in Personality and Individual Differences c1goested that emotionally perceptive people might be particularly influenced by feelings of depression and homelessness. Furthermore, several studies have implied that emotional intelligence can be used to control others for personal gains.
    More research is needed to see how exactly the relation between emotional intelligence and stress would play out in women and in people or different ages and education levels. Nevertheless, emotional intelligence is a useful skill to have, as long as you learn to also properly deal with emotions—both others’ and your own, says Bechtoldt. For example, some sensitive individuals may assume responsibility for other people 's sadness or anger, which ultimately stresses them out. Remember, as Bechtoldt says, “you are not responsible for how other people feel.”
    32. Why did Myriam Bechtoldt conduct the research?
    A. To challenge the public assumption.
    B. To introduce measures to reduce stress.
    C. To assess the impacts of being emotionally clever.
    D. To demonstrate how to distinguish different feelings
    33. What does the finding indicate?
    A. Greater emotional cleverness brings a head start in one’s life.
    B. People may suffer from having a high emotional intelligence.
    C. People's psychological well-being is related to various factors.
    D. Emotional intelligence means an upper hand in job interviews.
    34. What do we learn about emotional intelligence from a number of studies?
    A. Some people may take advantage of it and benefit themselves.
    B. Some people may lack it and are easily influenced by others.
    C. People suffering from depression are emotionally immature.
    D. People who look at the dark side of life are often depressed.
    35. What does the author suggest sensitive individuals do?
    A. Help people to deal with their troubles in life.
    B. Learn to cope with people's negative feelings.
    C. Rid themselves of worries over worldly affairs.
    D. Avoid burdening themselves with others' feelings.
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Lotteries(彩票) have been with us for most of recorded human history, dating back to the Han Dynasty, when profits may have helped finance the Great Wall. 36 About half of Americans said that they had bought a lottery ticket within the past year. However, there are many beliefs surrounding these games of chance that are actually untrue.
    Playing makes economic sense when the jackpot(头奖)gets big.
    The expected value of playing actually decreases as the jackpot gets bigger. The jackpot is paid out as an annuity(年金), which decreases its net present value(净现值); if you choose to take it as a lump sum(一次付清), you will get only about 60 percent of the advertised prize. 37 For example, the chance of winning the Mega Million jackpot is 1 in 302 million. Famously, you are more likely to be hit by lightning, than actually winning.
    Winning big will solve your financial problems.
    Even if you know the odds, it's tough to shake the belief that hitting the jackpot would remove all of your money issues. Research shows within three to five years, the winners of big prizes were equally likely to have gone bankrupt(破产) as the small winners, and the groups had similarly low savings and high levels of debt. 38 One winner of more than $300 million led to his granddaughter's drug habit that eventually took her life.
    “Winning $20 million in the lottery won't make you happier,” said Harvard Medical School professor Sanjiv Chopra in a TED talk. He cited research showing that happiness varies with positive or negative changes in circumstances in the short run. 40 Studies that have examined the happiness levels of lottery winners, however, offer a more positive view. Probably the best study on this question, by researchers at the University of Warwick, examined repeated surveys collected from a random sample of Britons, some of whom received lottery wins of up to $200,000. Two years after a lottery win, they exhibited significantly better psychological health than those who hadn’t won.
    A. There is a very good chance of winning the prize.
    B. There are many stories of lottery wins destroying them.
    C. Even now drawing a lucky number still has much appeal.
    D. Winning the lottery will not contribute to your well-being.
    E. They were also present at the beginning of modern England.
    F. Over time people tend to return to their own happiness “set point”.
    G. Besides, with a jackpots much larger lotteries reduced the odds of winning
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分 30 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Graphic designer Aaricia Wiesen bought her cat Munro during the lockdown when she was just a12 week old kitten. They have been 41 since then.
    But, living near Glasgow city centre, Aaricia was 42 to let Munro out of the house to wander. “It wasn’t safe enough to let it out. I didn’t want to 43 her getting caught up in the traffic,” Aaricia said. 44 , Aaricia had a great 45 for a compromise(折中) and bought a chain for Munro—with the 46 of taking her out for adventure.
    “I started off really small. I just got her used to the 47 around the house. Then I started using the chain and 48 I started used to put her in my backpack.
    As Munro got older, Aaricia 49 taking her outside with the chain and putting her in her backpack. Every time they went out, they went a little further.
    Munro has got a 50 for adventuring since Aaricia first started taking her out. Last summer, when Munro was just a few months old, Aaricia 51 Munro to climb the 974m peak of Ben Lomond in the Scottish Highlands. Aaricia said: “I had her in the 52 for most of the way but 53 her when we came back down. She was very happy.”
    The 54 step is to take Munro on a proper trip away to get Munro used to staying overnight in 55 places—with a dream of travelling all around the world with her.
    41. A. unreliable B. inseparable C. independent D. abnormal
    42. A. anxious B. determined C. supposed D. encouraged
    43.A. avoid B. imagine C. risk D. consider
    44.A. Consequently B. Therefore C. However D. Hopefully
    45.A. idea B. mistake C. accident D. market
    46.A. trouble B. task C. effort D. aim
    47.A. foods B. surroundings C. accidents D. belongings
    48.A. casually B. originally C. eventually D. temporarily
    49.A. began B. questioned C. advocated D. appreciated
    50.A. reward B. break C. pity D taste
    51.A. directed B. expected C. demanded D. took
    52.A. backpack B. hotel C. shelter D. house
    53.A. searched B. stopped C. chained D. discovered
    54.A. first B. next C. only D. initial
    55.A. nearby B. resting C. different D. hiding
    第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Xiaoxilu block, once a run-down area in Nanjing, housed 810 families in an area of 46,900 square meters. Life there was 56 (convenient) due to narrow roads, old buildings with no kitchen and bathroom, and poor access to public services 57 water, gas, electricity, and internet.
    However, with a history of over 600 years, the Xiaoxihu neighborhood had abundant historical remains, and many residents were 58 (extreme) attached to their ancestral houses and the memories of several generations.
    After several rounds of surveys and 59 (consult), the local government adopted a new approach to improve living conditions while 60 (preserve) the historical elements. In 2019, the renovation project broke ground.
    The developer first improved water, electricity, internet, and gas access with a utility tunnel that fits the narrow roads. The residents 61 (give) options of remaining in their homes or moving elsewhere. Those who chose to leave could rent their old houses to the construction company for commercial purposes after renovation, 62 those who stayed would be offered a specialized renovation plan 63 (base) on the house's practical conditions, usually including adding a kitchen and a bathroom.
    With more empty rooms and space, coffee shops, restaurants, and other kinds of businesses have opened up. To date, 402 households still live in the community, but their lives have become much more comfortable. A cultural square 64 stage is shaped like a semi-circle has been built, and the neighborhood 65 (become) more organized and attractive.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分 40 分 )
    第一节(满分 15 分)
    5月19日是濒危物种日(Endangered Species Day),为提高保护野生动植物的意识,你受学生会委托在校英文报发布一则倡以书,具体内容包括:
    Dear fellow students,

    第二节 (满分25分)
    In late February. mv dad asked me if I wanted to go fishing with him. I said yes. My whole family, minus one of my sisters, would be going.
    On the day we left I was excited to go on the trip. As soon as we got there, I unpacked all the things I had in the bedroom My bedroom was small and had two bunk beds on either side of the room. The room made me feel like I was in someone’s grandma’s house. It was late by the time we got to the house, so I went to bed quickly.
    The next morning I got up and my dad said that we would board the boat for just something to do. As we were in the car, I noticed that it was raining pretty hard outside.
    Just then another boat approached us. A man with heavy beard shouted at us, claiming that it was not a good day for boating. He warned us to go back, but we thought nothing of it. The boat was pretty nice. It had a covering over the front side of the boat and seats in the back.
    We got out to the water, and the waves started to pick up a little. As we got out to the water a little farther I thought to myself, "Wouldn’t it be funny if the boat starts sinking?”
    Apparently, my thought was starting to come into reality, as the waves started picking up even more. I looked at my sister with a worried look on my face. She also looked worried.
    The boat started tipping more as the waves spilled into the boat. My sister and I started screaming. I looked at my dad and he had a worried look on his face too. That was how I knew that things were getting worse.
    My dad usually never gets worried about these sorts of things. The water was about knee high on my sister and me. The boat kept rocking from side to side.
    My sister was now crying and my mom was yelling at us to put our life

    I thought I was going to die.

    参 考 答 案
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 ACBCB 16-10 CACAB 11-15 BCBAB 16-20 CBABA
    第二部分 阅读理解
    21-23 CDA 24-27 CBAD 28-31 BDAC 32-35 CBAD
    36-40 CGBDF
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    第一节 完形填空
    41-45 BACCA 46-50 DBCAD 51-55 DACBC
    第二节 语法填空
    56. inconvenient 57. like 58. extremely 59. consultation(s) 60. preserving
    61. were given 62. while/and 63. based 64. whose 65. has become
    第四部分 写作
    第一节 应用文
    Dear fellow students,
    With Endangered Species Day approaching, I’m writing to appeal to all of you to protect wild animals and plants.
    As we all know, we human beings could not live without wildlife, because they play an important role in keeping the balance of nature. Protecting them is actually protecting ourselves. We can put some relevant posters around the school and hand out some leaflets in the neighborhood. What’s more, we can also attend some lectures to have a better understanding of wildlife and their situation.
    We students can also do our part. Let’s take action right now!

    第二节 读后续写
    My sister was now crying and my mom was yelling at us to put our life jackets on. I almost cried myself but I knew that crying and panicking wouldn’t help. My dad had my sister sit closer to the front of the boat so she would be the safest. I held my mom tightly the whole time while she tried scooping the water out of the boat with her hands. We started to head back to the docks before the boat sank. With a pounding heart and cold, moist palms, I found it was getting hard to breathe.
    I thought I was going to die. The waves wouldn’t calm down. The rain was still pouring down on us. Desperate as we were, we had no choice but to stay put, sinking with the boat. Just then, I felt someone grabbed my arm out of the water. Clearing the water on my face, I could see the man with heavy beard came to our rescue. As soon as the boat got back to the dock, my sister and I jumped out of the boat, after extending our gratitude to the man for his kindness.
    Text 1 团队会议
    W: Frank, Bob is not coming to our team meeting.
    M: What? It’s a team project! We have to work together as a team. Give Bob a call right now. It’s hard to finish it by working alone.
    Text 2 家庭生活
    W: Jim, rise and shine, or you’ll miss the school bus.
    M: I’m afraid I can’t go to school today. I feel very weak. Can you feel my forehead?
    W: Oh, dear. I’m afraid you’re suffering a fever. Let me take your temperature.
    Text 3 书店退书
    M: May I help you?
    W: Yes, please. I’d like to return this book. There is a page missing from this book.
    M: I’m sorry, Miss. What other books will you need?
    W: No, thanks.
    Text 4 在飞机上
    W: Excuse me, sir. Why have you unfastened your seat belt?
    M: I thought it was time to do that.
    W: Please keep your seat belt fastened until the captain has turned off the seat belt sign.
    Text 5 请求帮忙准备迎新派对
    M: Suzy, can you help me plan the welcome party for Greg?
    W: Oh, the new guy in the Sales Department? Will he start working this week?
    M: No, next week. I think we should have the party next Friday.
    W: Well, you can count on me. You know, I’m a party animal.
    Text 6 分享周末活动
    M: Hey, Lucy. How was your weekend?
    W: Great. ⑥You know, I had meetings all day Friday, so I went to bed early. Yesterday, I was very busy with deliveries and collections, so I was determined to take today at a slightly slower pace.
    M: What exactly did you do today?
    W: ⑦I belong to a writers’ group. So I joined a Zoom call this morning to discuss and write some flash fiction. Before the call, I was listening to a podcast about Loving, in which Richard Rohr and Jacqui Lewis were discussing how we can love people who come from a different culture to our own.
    Text 7 欧洲太热想去莱索托滑雪
    W: It’s really hotter and hotter in Europe.
    M: Yes. We’re living through a record-breaking heat. How I wish I was somewhere cool now!
    W: ⑧Why don’t we travel to Lesotho? We can try skiing there.
    M: ⑧Lesotho? I’ve never heard about it.
    W: ⑧It’s a small mountainous nation surrounded by South Africa. It is the only country on Earth where its whole land surface sits more than 1,000 meters above sea level. That gives Lesotho snow during the southern hemisphere’s winters.
    M: It’s really surprising to know that it snows in southern Africa.
    W: Well, snow is really rare in southern Africa. And ski resorts are even rarer. So the ski resort in Lesotho’s Maloti Mountains is Africa’s only ski resort south of the equator. ⑨So do you want to travel there?
    M: ⑨How can I say no to that? I can’t wait for the day.
    Text 8 购物
    W: Mark, do you have a good time in London?
    M: Yes. ➉It’s such a great city! There are so many things to see and do here. Thank you for accompanying me to all the attractions in the past days. You’re really a great friend!
    W: Just don’t mention it! ⑪Since you’re leaving tomorrow morning, what do you plan to do this evening?
    M: I want to buy some souvenirs for my family back in New York.
    W: In this case, why don’t we go to Portobello Road Market? It’s just a twenty-minute walk away.
    M: Is it open every day?
    W: No. ⑪It’s open every Saturday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. There’s the amazing selection of antiques, handmade toys and one-of-a-kind souvenirs. There’s also a variety of hot food stalls that serve up so many tasty options. Tourists like visiting it.
    M: That’s great. I really want to look around there.
    W: OK. ⑫When we get there, let’s try the food there first. My stomach is making noises now.
    M: Mine, too.
    Text 9 志愿项目
    W: ⑮Henry, what are the arrangements for the following three days for us?
    M: We’ll be picked up from Chiang Mai at 9:00 am. Then we’ll travel through a national park and majestic mountains inhabited by local hill tribes until we arrive at our destination, which is a village.
    W: What will we do there?
    M: ⑬We’ll meet our home-stay family, our friendly staff and the other volunteers. We can experience hill tribe culture by cooking with the family and learn how to make baskets from one of the elders in the village.
    W: What about the next day?
    M: ⑭We’ll wake up early to hike in the forest and find their elephants. Once we find the elephants, we will spend the morning observing, recording and learning about those amazing animals and their natural behaviors.
    W: Where will we eat that day?
    M: In the forest with the elephants. We’ll return to the village in the late afternoon and take part in our community and teaching projects.
    W: Will we observe elephants again on the third day?
    M: Yes. We’ll do that one last time. Then we’ll return to Chiang Mai in the afternoon.
    Text 10 野生动物保护安排
    M: ⑳Good evening, everyone. Welcome back. I’m your old friend Mike Brown. Now let’s learn about three newly born Asiatic baby cheetahs in Iran. ⑰The birth of them is being considered as a victory by animal protectors worldwide. It marks the first time the critically-endangered cheetah subspecies has reproduced not in the wild. The lovely male baby cheetahs were born at the Touran Wildlife Refuge. The newborns and their mother were instantly taken away for monitoring. ⑱One baby cheetah died on May 4th, 2022, but the other two have been steadily gaining weight since birth and appear healthy so far. The mother cheetah was rescued from illegal hunters in December 2017 when she was eight months old. She was introduced to the baby cheetahs’ father in 2021. Asiatic cheetahs are believed to have split from the African cheetah ten thousand years ago. The animals once walked freely across Central Asia, from the Middle East to Russia. ⑲However, their population has been reduced due to illegal hunting, loss of habitat, and decreased prey. There are currently only 12 Asiatic cheetahs left in the wild. All are in Iran. ⑳That’s all for tonight’s program. Thank you for your listening.

    Useful Expressions:
    rise and shine 该起床了
    count on sb. 依靠、依赖或指望某人
    party animal喜欢派对的人;热衷于社交聚会的人
    be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事
    flash fiction 微型小说
    record-breaking 空前的;破纪录的
    hemisphere (地球的)半球
    equator 赤道
    one-of-a-kind 独特的;独一无二的
    cheetah 猎豹(有黑色斑点, 腿长善跑)

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