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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Who is Carl's brother?
    A. Jon. B. Neil. C. Eric.
    2. How did the woman achieve good grades?
    A. She took very detailed notes.
    B. She got help from a study group.
    C. She listened to the teachers carefully.
    3. Why is the woman's left eye red?
    A. Someone hit it. B. Some soap got into it. C. She overused here yes.
    4. When can the speakers meet?
    A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.
    5. What does the man advise the woman to do?
    A. Enjoy the springtime. B. Do some indoor activities. C. Study hard for exams.
    6. What was the woman's attitude toward the man's plan at first?
    A. Supportive. B. Doubtful. C. Opposed.
    7. What does the man want to do?
    A. Work in a big city. B. Take along holiday C. Live a peaceful country life.
    8. What will the project focus on?
    A. A cat. B. A dog. C. A fish.
    9. What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Brother and sister. C. Teacher and student.
    10. What kind of group does the man cons der joining?
    A. A literature group. B. A language group C. A social contact group.
    11. How often is the small book of student poetry published?
    A. Three times a year. B. Twice a year. C. Once a year.
    12. What does Janet prefer to do?
    A. Write poetry. B. Polish poems. C. Organize meetings.
    13. What are the special boards used for?
    A. Keeping sunshine out. B .Covering buildings. C. Producing energy
    14. Where are the gardens?
    A. On the roofs. B. In the backyards. C. Next to the workstations.
    15. How will Molly go home today?
    A. By hike. B. By bus. C. By car.
    16.What does Molly say about Bed ZED?
    A.The public transportation is poor.
    B.There's much parking space.
    C.It is environmentally-friendly.
    17. What is the main purpose of the talk?
    A. To emphasize the importance of recycling.
    B. To introduce the ways of separating the trash.
    C. To encourage students to join the recycling program.
    18. Why do most recycling programs fail?
    A. All the trashcans are of the same color.
    B. Most people are unwilling to sort their trash.
    C. Not enough people volunteer to collect the trash.
    19. What color trashcans should people put metal into?
    A. Blue. B. Green. C. White.
    20. What is the volunteer's job?
    A. To pick up and sort the trash.
    B. To collect and deliver the trash.
    C. To work in the recycling centers.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Longing for the most amazing places on the planet? You can do no wrong with these lakes across the globe.
    Five Flower Lake
    Set in the striking karst landscape of the Jiuzhaigou Valley in Sichuan province, China, Five Flower Lake is extraordinarily clear, with visibility to a depth of 40 metres. Five Flower is one of a series of blue-, green-and sky-colored lakes blocked by rock falls, but it differs from the others as its waters change color, looking sometimes yellow, sometimes green, but usually diamond blue. In winter, Five Flower never freezes; in summer, it never dries up. Local wildlife living in the surrounding mountain forests include the rare giant panda and the golden snub-nose monkey.
    Crater Lake
    The deep-blue waters of Crater Lake in Oregon, US, fill the outlet of an ancient volcano that collapsed 7,700 years ago. Its strangest occupant is the “Old Man of the Lake”, a nine-metre-tall tree stump(树桩), which has stood upright in the water for more than a century. No rivers or streams enter the lake. Water loss in summer is compensated by winter snow and rain, the entire body of water being replaced every 250 years.
    Lake Ohrid
    Ancient Lake Ohrid has been around for about five million years and crosses the mountainous border between Macedonia and Albania. It has unique plants and wildlife, including the Ohrid “plashica”, a fish native to the lake, whose scales(鳞片) are used to make Ohrid pearls.
    Lake Maggiore
    Surrounded on three sides by the Lipontine Alps and touching the plain of Lombardy to the south, Lake Maggiore is Italy's longest lake. Considered part of the country's lake district, it is shared with Switzerland. Characterized by a Mediterranean-style climate, temperatures here are mild all year. This has given rise to some of northern Italy's most wonderful gardens, which appear to float like flower-decked boats on the water.
    21. What makes Five Flower Lake different from other lakes?
    A. Its agreeable climate. B. The rare local wildlife.
    C. Its color-changing waters. D. The visibility of waters.
    22. How does Crater Lake mainly get water supply?
    A. By artificial rain. B. By snow and rain.
    C. From nearby streams. D. From an ancient tree.
    23. Which lake has atypical warm climate?
    A. Five Flower Lake. B. Crater Lake.
    C. Lake Ohrid. D. Lake Maggiore.
    Coming of age is that time in each of our lives when we begin to see the possibilities. The world opens up in ways that matures our vision, gives us a sense of responsibility and gratitude. Connor Thomson had just started college and loved being at that phase in his life where he could eat all the pizza he wanted, yet engage in adult conversations with his parents about the responsibility to make life better for others. Connor's optimism was striking. There was so much he could do, so much he could become. But it all ended one night when Connor was distracted(分心的) while driving in a Colorado canyon.
    Connor's father, David, took it particularly hard. A father sees more than his own traits in his son; he sees greater possibilities than he achieved. Taking that hope away left David feeling aimless. But Connor's optimism was one of those traits passed on to him by his father. So David got to work. First, he established the Honor Connor Scholarship Fund to reward students who served in the community. Next, he went to work creating a research-based curriculum that educates University of Colorado Boulder students and their families about the dangers of texting and driving.
    David now works with lecturers at various colleges and high schools, ensuring young minds understand how statically at risk they are when they text and drive. He's become a passionate advocate for preparing young people to drive safely and not subconsciously reach for their phones while they’re at the wheel. It includes a very simple three-part commitment: to not text or use social media while driving, speak out if riding with a driver who is distracted and encourage friends and family to drive phone-free.
    While every constructive effort reminds David of the loss he suffered, he is encouraged knowing that more young people with so much to of r the word will be around to do good. “I get to be a part of what Connor would have done,” says David.
    24. Why does the author mention Coming of age?
    A. To display Connor's optimism. B. To convey his regret for Connor.
    C. To offer the family background. D. To show Connor's academic talent.
    25. Which of the following can best describe David?
    A. Optimistic and helpful. B. Self-centered but determined.
    C. Thoughtful and daring. D. Cool-minded but reasonable.
    26. What does David now focus on?
    A. Managing his own company. B. Keeping the three-part promise.
    C. Saving people from distracted driving. D. Keeping students focused on school.
    27. What does the text mainly talk about?
    A. How a death could affect a whole family.
    B. What lesson we can get from an accident.
    C. A young man's life claimed by careless driving.
    D. One father turning his loss into helping others.
    People spend about a third of their lives sleeping. That might sound like time wasted, but it's not. Even in a deep sleep, the brain is busy. It's hard at work sorting memories, cleansing itself of harmful wastes and more. This time of rest also helps the body build stronger bones and heal wounds faster. Experts recommend that teens get about nine hours of sleep each night. But surveys show that only about one-third of 18-year-old snow report getting at least seven hours of sleep per night. As teens go through puberty(青春期), they become natural night owls. Their bod is don't release the hormone me a on in(褪黑激素)—which tells the brain it’s time for bed—until later at night. This shifts their circadian rhythm(昼夜节律) such that sleep comes most easily between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m. But most pubic mid de and high schools in the United States start before 8:30 a.m. And that's a major problem.
    Another reason for teens' widespread sleep shortage maybe screens. Survey data from 370.000 U.S. teens has shown an increase in trading sleep for screen time. But losing sleep to screens isn’t just a matter of choosing to stay up later. The light emitted by phones, laptops and the other devices makes the brain resist sleepiness. That’s because the glow contains blue wavelengths also found in sunlight. This can deceive the brain into thinking it’s daytime.
    Lack of sleep has been linked to unhealthy eating and feeling more anxious, Sleep-deprived people a so have higher risk of feeling depressed, using alcohol or drugs, or getting in car accidents. Research suggests that people who use screens in bed have a harder time nodding off. New LED tech could lessen that effect. But in the meantime, experts suggest putting away electronics at least 30 minutes before bed. “It might be hard to quit a lively group chat or save the next episode of a show until tomorrow, but turn of and tum in. Your body and brain will thank you.”
    28. What does the first paragraph imply?
    A. There is more for the brain to deal with.
    B. The brain is the busiest during sleeping time.
    C. Sleep is vital to our health and wellbeing.
    D. Many are suffering sleep-related problems.
    29. What mainly causes teenagers' inadequate sleep?
    A. Early school start times. B. The circadian rhythm.
    C. Their tight timetable. D. Their free lifestyles.
    30. What does “deceive” underlined probably mean?
    A. Talk. B. Mislead. C. Threaten. D. Transform.
    31. What does the author want readers to do in the last paragraph?
    A. Avoid any digital device. B. Buy new-tech products.
    C. Maintain a good mood. D. Cut down screen time.
    Computers are closely linked to education today and the Internet can offer any help you want. But for now, experts say, don't throw away your books. Researchers in Span and Israel took a close look at 54 studies comparing dial and print reading. Their 2018 study involved more than 171,000 readers. “Students often think they learn more from reading online. When tested, though, it turns out that they actually lea med less than when reading in print,” says the researcher.
    Reading is not natural, explains Maryanne Wolf, a neuroseientist who specializes in how the brain reads. We learn to talk by listening to those around us. It's pretty automatic. But learning to read takes real work. It's because the brain has no special network of cells just for reading. To understand text, the brain borrows networks that evolved(进化) to do other things. This is similar to how you might adapt a tool for some new use. For example, a coat hanger is great for putting your clothes in the closet. But if a blueberry rolls under the refrigerator, you might straighten out the coat hanger and use it to reach under the fridge and pull out the fruit. You've taken a tool made for one thing and adapted it for something new. That's what the brain does when you read.
    It's great that the brain is so flexible. It's one reason we can learn to do so many new things. But that can be a problem when you make a switch from your reading material to another type of it. Namely, when we read online, the brain creates a different set of connections between cells from the ones it uses for reading in print. It basically adapts the same tool again for the new task. This is like if you took a coat hanger and instead of straightening it out to fetch a blueberry, you twisted it into a hook to unclog a drain(疏通下水道). Same original tool, two very different forms.
    32. What can be known from the 2018 study?
    A. Students can learn more from online materials.
    B. Reading in print leads to a better understanding.
    C. The Internet counts a lot in gathering information.
    D. Fewer people prefer reading books at present time.
    33. What is the writing purpose of Paragraph 2?
    A. To show what the brain takes to read.
    B. To illustrate how the brain evolves.
    C. To introduce a coat hanger's functions.
    D. To outline the features of reading.
    34. What might cause a problem for the brain's flexibility?
    A. Different types of texts. B. Basic forms of the tools.
    C. Different formats of texts. D. Interpersonal connections.
    35. What is the best title for the text?
    A. Always Bear Books in Mind
    B. Try to Be a Reasonable Reader
    C. How to Enhance Your Reading Comprehension?
    D. Learn Better from Reading on Screen or on Paper?
    Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us. It's impossible to make a perfect choice every time. But there is one particularly effective technique to improve our chances: critical thinking.
    Prepare your question.
    36 For example, if you're wondering whether to go for fitness, there are many factors that will cloud your reasons. But, if you know clearly what you can get by body-shaping, that'll help you decide whether it really suits your needs.
    Gather your information.
    There's lots of it out there, so having a clear idea of your question will help you determine what's relevant. If you're trying to decide on a diet to improve your nutrition, you may ask an expert for their advice, or seek other people's opinions. 37
    Consider the implications.
    Imagine you've chosen a business based on his promise to make to cheaper for drivers to fill upon gas. At first glance, that seems great. 38 If gasoline use is less restricted by cost, this could also cause a huge surge in air pollution—an unintended consequence that's important to think about.
    Ask yourself why so many people are drawn to countless travel trips or destinations. Even if you disagree with everything that travel agencies say, exploring the viewpoints might explain why some routes that don't seem valid to you appeal to others. This will a low you to explore alternatives, evaluate your own choices, and ultimately help you make more informed decisions.
    This above process is just one tool, and it certainly won't remove difficult decisions from our lives. 40 And, if enough of us use it, it has the power to make the world a more reasonable place.
    A. Explore other points of view.
    B. Apply the information collected.
    C. In other words, get to know what you're looking for.
    D. Then what about the long-term environmental effects?
    E. But it can help us increase the number of positive choices we make.
    F. Therefore, ask yourself about what interests you most and what is needed.
    G. It helps you weigh different options, moving you closer to a wiser decision.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    There is much we can learn from dogs. In 41 , they are our best companions, seeming to understand our every emotion. They accept us when we feel 42 , waiting hours for us to return from school. And for adults, they remain our 43 friends. It's no wonder we have such 44 for them.
    Capitan, a lovely dog, always 45 his master Miguel. But when Miguel passed away, Capitan disappeared—only to 46 later at the graveyard(墓地), lying on Miguel's grave. Despite many 47 to bring him home, Capitan always ran away, back to the graveyard 15 miles from the house. Such 48
    touched Miguel's family and the graveyard caretakers. Capitan didn't 49 himself to new friends. He just stayed close to the gravesite, sleeping there every night and sitting 50 during the day.
    Capitan became a symbol of faithfulness. But it still remains 51 how he found the grave in the first place. Miguel died in a different town and was 52 directly to the site. There was no clue for Capitan to follow, ye the 53 the man he loved. For us humans, we can more easily find those we love. Capitan reminds us that despite the difficulties that 54 us, there is always a way to get back to 55 love.
    41. A. yards B. childhood C. neighborhood D. schools
    42. A. left out B. worn out C. stressed out D. fed up
    43. A. current B. missing C. committed D. new
    44. A. affection B. respect C. hope D. knowledge
    45. A. amused B. followed C. inspired D. struck
    46. A. takeoff B. carry on C. tum up D. breakdown
    47. A. reasons B. chances C. steps D. attempts
    48. A. devotion B. charity C. sympathy D. preference
    49. A. prove B. comp are C. attach D. limit
    50. A. comfort ably B. awkwardly C. perfectly D. watch fully
    51. A. simple B. unknown C. encouraging D. alive
    52. A. introduced B. reduced C. transferred D. linked
    53. A. located B. persuaded C. revealed D. defended
    54. A. push B. threaten C. combine D. separate
    55. A. romantic B. selfless C. peaceful D. patient
    According to a recent report, tourism in China is now increasing.56. historic and natural wonders are still the priorities, Chinese tourists now prefer a more rural experience. Most of the visitors from cities 57.
    (tire) of the busy urban life. Longing to experience as low-paced lifestyle, they want 58. (desperate) to make a change on the weekend.
    Rural trips help visitors enjoy the landscape, 59. (free) visitors from concerns. They also help the locals get out of 60. (poor). According to Xinhua, the central budget 61. (invest) 6.5 billion yuan in 656 infrastructure(基础设施) projects to boost rural tourism in poor areas in recent years.Meanwhile, the goverment has also setup many training centers and trained more than 8,000 people 62. (help) build a number of quality rural tours m brands.
    The trend has also been pushed by Chinese internet influencers such as Li Ziqi, 63. beautifully-shot videos of simple life in rural Chia have gained tens 64. millions of viewers. To keep this boom going and attract more visitors, some rural areas are increasing their appeal It is be lived that, in the near future, the countryside will become much 65. (beautiful) than in the past.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假定你是李华。你的新西兰笔友Olive发来邮件,表达了对中国学校里循环使用某些学科教材的兴趣。请你给他回封邮件介绍一下循环教材(recycling textbooks)的相关情况。内容要点应包括以下两点:

    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    It was just past midnight. The stars were shining across the sky. Nicholas Bostic, a 38-year-old driver, was still out on his evening pizza delivery shift. With his favorite music on, he enjoyed the soft wind kissing his face. A she drove pasta two-story house around a street corner, he was shocked at the frightening sight: It was on fire! He stopped his car and rushed over to assess the situation and to determine if anyone might be trapped inside. He reached for his phone to dial 911, but realized he left it at home. He didn't hear sirens(警报) in the distance. Nor did he see any bystanders dialing the fire department. Nicholas feared the home's sleeping occupants might not wakeup in time to move to safety.
    With no time to waste, he made the courageous decision to enter the home on his own without protective gear(护具). He gained entry through the back door. He rushed upstairs, yelling “fire!” throughout the home. The oldest child, Seionna, heard his screams and woke up. She woke up her younger sister and a friend who had stayed the night. She then ran to grab her 1-year-old baby sister.
    Nicholas called out to the terrified girls and instructed them to follow him. The sister—Seionna, 18; Shaylee, 13; and Kalia, 1―and their family friend, Livian, 13, followed his directions to escape to the safety of the street.
    “For a minute I didn't understand it,” Shaylee recalled. “But my sister ran upstairs with the baby in her hands, yelling at us to get up because there's a fire. That's when we went downstairs, and Nicolas was downstairs helping us.”
    Once outside in the fresh air, the girls shook in far and coughed from the smoke. However, they soon realized that their 6-year-old sister, Kaylani, had not escaped with them.
    Without hesitation, Nicholas rushed back into the now flame-filled home.

    As flames shot at his feet, he broke the window's glass with his bare hand.


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