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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




    Students who perform academically well and take certain good responsibility can become members through a local selection process that concludes with admission to the school's National Elementary Honor SocietyNEHS chapter(分会).Membership provides an outstanding means to prepare and shape students for their middle level and high school experiences.

    Qualification Requirements

    Student in grades 4-6,who have been registered at the school for one semester, and who meet the cumulative(累积的)grade-point average GPA requirement Scholarship set by their schools chapter are qualified to be candidates for membership. Each chapter determines which grade levels will be included in their local selection process.


    According to national guidelines, at a minimum, students must have a cumulative GPA of 85, B, 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or the same standard of excellence. Each school chapter is allowed to require a higher cumulative GPA.

    ·Responsibility-Positive qualities of responsibility may include high standards of honesty and reliability, demonstrating concern and respect for others, and good citizenship. Local chapters may define.

    Once selected,members continue to demonstrate these qualities, and participate in chapter activities to build and improve their Leadership and Service skills.

    Understanding the responsibilities of Membership

    Students who accept membership and are admitted to the chapter should be aware of the time and commitment involved with this honor. For example, there may be chapter meetings. The chapter by laws should issue the yearly meeting schedule and member attendance obligations(义务). Members also must participate in chapter service projects to benefit the school and community.

    1.What priority does a member of the NEHS chapter enjoy?

    A.Gaining required GPA.

    C.Getting prepared for high school.

    B.Winning a scholarship.

    D.Choosing grade levels freely.

    2.Which of the following will help obtain the membership of the NEHS chapter?

    A.Grade-point average of 80.

    C.Half semester's school experience.

    B.Being trustworthy.

    D.Attending chapter meetings.

    3.What should a member of the NEHS chapter do?

    A.Do services to the school.

    C.Work out school schedules.

    B.Act as volunteers.

    D.Show their talents.


    My Grandfather's old Ford was greeted-not by flashing red,yellow or green-but by guardsmen armed with guns and appearing much out of place in such peaceful surroundings. As our vehicle slowed to a stop, I was scared by a huge machine gun, pointed in our direction.A young guardsman explained apologetically,“Sorry Sir,but we'll have to search your car.Just routine procedure.”

    It was the election day in Benton, a small Tennessee town.Looking forward to a visit to the ice cream shop, I accompanied my grandfather as he drove the ten-mile journey to town. That day an air of uneasiness replaced the usual contentment one felt while passing aged buildings. Having spent the first ten years of my life here, I could detect any change in the town's mood.

    Worried expressions on the faces of the few people were present on the streets. Everyone was in a hurry.No usual groups gathered to exchange local gossip. Most noticeable was the absence of children.

    As the car was being searched,we learned the reason for such severe protective measures. Explosives would be brought into town to bomb the courthouse. As this unbelievable information was being given, I sat in panic. This was the same town where, only yesterday, old men in dirty overalls hung around the courthouse discussing the forthcoming election, and children ran freely on the sidewalks. Strangely,all this had changed overnight, and our peaceful country and the glorious right to vote were beginning to sound as a sour note.Marching through the streets, guards with guns gave the appearance of towns I had seen in the movies.

    We moved on. Surely who could be so stupid as to go into that courthouse now? Thinking how wonderful it would be to get back to the safety of our farmhouse, I was somewhat scared when Grandpa parked near the entrance of the threatened building. The lines in his face carved with determination, he quickly mounted the steps to the building. That right was now even more precious. Grandpa would vote.

    4.Why were they stopped on the way?

    A.They had to wait for the green light. B.They were shocked by the sudden change.

    C.They were identified as the suspects. D.They had to go through the routine check.

    5.Why did the author's grandfather drive to Benton?

    A. To buy some ice cream.

    C.To practice his own right.

    B.To pass his leisure time.

    D.To detect the change of the town.

    6.Which of the following best describes the author's grandfather?

    A.Brave and respectful.

    C.Committed and thoughtful.

    B.Calm and determined.

    D.Honest and hardworking.

    7.What is the text?

    A.A diary entry.

    C.A news report.

    B.A book review.

    D.A travel brochure.


    NFT art stands for non-fungible. Something fungible can be easily interchanged with anything else, like money. If you replace a $10 note with two $ 5 notes, then you'll get the same value. An NFT is different and can't be replaced with another. It's very close to buying artwork. Millions of copies of Van Gogh's Starry Night, but only one original. It has some unique features that can't be copied. The same goes with NFTs, each one being unique. NFTs can't be swapped for the same value,but meanwhile,their value can easily increase or decrease.

    You might wonder how digital art can be unique. Any digital photo, video or image can be easily duplicated or downloaded countless times. A painting is very valuable because it's one of a kind and specialists can distinguish the original work from duplications. And that's exactly where NFTs have revolutionized the world of art. With NFTs, digital art can be symbolised and have a digital certificate of ownership. That's what makes digital art unique. NFTs have made the process of buying and selling digital art possible.

    When you buy an NFT art like an illustration, you won't own that illustration and you won't be able to stop it from appearing on the Internet. Anyone can still download and copy that image. You won't own the copyright either.Not all NFTs include the copyright of the original work, so most probably you won't be allowed to reproduce or sell that illustration. You can only sell the NFT itself.

    When you are buying an NFT art work, you are buying not the original artwork itself but the genuineness and the ownership of the NFT artwork. No one can question that you're the rightful owner of that NFT. You can sell it whenever you want at a higher or lower price. People buy an art piece because it's one of a kind. And NFTs have made each piece of digital art unique.

    8.How does the author define an NFT artwork in the first paragraph?

    A.By giving a definition.

    C.By making a summary.

    B. By listing details.

    D.By making comparisons.

    9.What does the underlined word “duplicated” mean in Paragraph 2?


    B. Updated.



    10.Which of the following is one characteristic of an NFT art work?



    B.Easy to interchange.

    D.Free to download.

    11.What will an NFT artwork purchaser be sure to get?

    A.The copyright.

    C.The original artwork.

    B.The ownership.

    D.The right to reproduce.


    Millions of people throughout the world live in “food deserts”: areas where it's hard or even impossible to find healthy food. These food deserts promote poor health outcomes, are a drag on our economy, and give birth to more severe social problems. It's true that food deserts problem mainly affects people of low income. However, while it is a trend for a majority of us to refer to it as somebody else's problem, the deeper truth is that each individual can't be ruled out.

    In Why We Can't Wait, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote: “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality(互惠).Whatever affects one directlyaffects all indirectly.”

    He was right. And now, studies are backing it up. An analysis by the Milken Institute has found that treating the most common critical diseases, with consideration of losses in productivity, costs the world trillions of dollars every year and that even modest reductions in unhealthy behaviors could prevent 40 million cases of cronical(长期)illness annuallythus reducing the high costs of treatment

    While the impact of poor health in low-income communities falls most heavily on the people living in those communities, it ultimately impacts all of us because the costs of medicare and Medicaid, health insurance, government-funded health initiatives, lost wages, as well as hospital emergency care for the uninsured, are ultimately pooled and shared collectively. Ill health anywhere drives up costs and drags down quality of life everywhere.

    Problems such as those in food deserts seemingly concern only a certain number of people, but in actual reality, very often they largely depend on each individual, even though the very communities that have been impacted the most by a problem have the greatest motivation, and the best insight, for finding solutions. We should all take pains, both for reasons of morality and sympathy, and for bottom line, self-interested financial considerations, to turn this around.

    12.What do most people tend to think of the “food deserts”  problem?

    A.It's severe.

    C.It's impossible.

    B.It's achallenge.

    D.It's none of their business.

    13.What does the author mainly want to tell us by using the analysis?

    A.Critical diseases are getting serous.

    B.Productivity has suffered great losses.

    C.Unhealthy behaviors result in significant costs.

    D.Many people ignore their unhealthy behaviors.

    14.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

    A.Causes of ill health and low incomes.

    B.High Costs of medicare and medicaid.

    C.Health conditions in low-income communities.

    D.Effects of poor health in low-income communities.

    15.What does the author mainly suggest we do?

    A.Make joint efforts.

    C.Reduce social problems.

    B.Develop healthy behaviors.

    D.Put more medical investments.

    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)


    If you enjoy helping people from all walks of life and are fascinated by the inner workings of the mind, a career as a counselor might be the right path for you. Professional counselors often work in private practice, but may also work in clinics, schools or nonprofit agencies.              16              It's a good idea to prepare your own list of reasons in advance.

    Some have a strong desire to help others and to assist people with the challenges of daily living. You may have been told that you are a good listener, and others may often seem to feel comfortable believing in you. 17 While you won't always have a solution to every problem, your support and involvement will still make a difference in the lives of your clients.

    At some point in their lives, many people in the helping professions have had a positive experience with a counselor. This is often a strong motivating reason that people choose to enter the counseling field. They want to offer to others the same support and assistance that their counselor once offered to them. 18

    Some people are curious and fascinated by the field of psychology. 19   They are usually people who are already fascinated by these concepts and ideas before they begin their studies. They are interested to know what makes people tick and what motivates their behavior and actions.

    20  They may have a desire to be a part of something larger than themselves. By connecting to others and helping them through the tough times,  they might find the real sense of reward and meaning that they've been seeking.

    A.Some people simply feel that they were “called” to the field.

    B.You've never thought about what will happen if you can't perform well.

    C.That's the reason why you can't put down all your previous experiences.

    D.Maybe you think it's rewarding to help others find solutions to their problems.

    E.In their graduate studies, ambitious counselors learn relevant theories and skills.

    F.It's clear that they were inspired by a beneficial personal experience with a counselor.

    G.In these settings, hiring professionals may ask why you decided to become a counselor.

    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)


    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的ABCD 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Near the top, Peter and Michael had climbed onto a rock of the pine-covered mountainside to admire the view far below them. While climbing, Peter had 21              awkwardly to the ground, his leg bent at a painful angle beneath him. Unable to                            22              ,he was forced to wait where he was, wrapped in Michael's jacket, while Michael              23              down the mountainside to fetch help.

    Michael looked down on the mountainside from the window of the helicopter(直升机).He felt increasingly              24,as it looked totally different from the 25and the network of tiny paths was mostly              26              from view by the thick covering of pine trees. Worse still, the light was fading fast and a thick                            27                            of mist was starting to form. Eventually the 28              and the three mountain rescue workers in the helicopter agreed that they would have to go back and continue the search for Michael's friend, Peter, on foot.

    They had left the helicopter in the village and 29 a mountain rescue team of fifteen men. Michael felt scared for his friend's 30. Slowly they started searching the numerous paths for Peter. The only 31 were the footsteps and the noise on the walkie-talkies that the rescue workers carried to talk to each other. The mountainside was a                            32 place after nightfall and gradually Michael started to              33              that they would never find Peter at all.

    Suddenly Michael heard a voice come over one of the walkie-talkies, “We’ve got him. We're taking him down.” “I'm sorry,” said Michael to his friend the next day in the warm safety of the              34,“I didn't realize it would take so long to 35 you.”

    21. A. tripped

    B. skipped

    C. mounted

    D. fled

    22. A. protest

    B. rescue

    C. move

    D. recover

    23. A. shouted

    B. signaled

    C. swung

    D. tracked

    24. A. energetic

    B. helpless

    C. annoyed

    D. inspired

    25. A. past

    B. air

    C. ground

    D. distance

    26. A. unclear

    B. different

    C. unique

    D. thick

    27. A. scene

    B. weight

    C. flow

    D. blanket

    28. A. doctor

    B. guide

    C. pilot

    D. instructor

    29. A. gathered

    B. assessed

    C. assisted

    D. addressed

    30. A. loss

    B. safety

    C. help

    D. position

    31. A. signs

    B. sounds

    C. remarks

    D. clues

    32. A. scary

    B. quiet

    C. typical

    D. magic

    33. A. confirm

    B. recall

    C. assume

    D. suspect

    34. A. team

    B. hospital

    C. home

    D. village

    35. A. cure

    B. spot

    C. comfort

    D. settle



    In Book of Fan Shengzhi, the oldest agriculture book 36(write) around first century BC, Fan Shengzhi, 37              author and agriculturalist, said that after the start of spring, as the land 38 awake),the chi(阳气)energy rises from the Earth and begins to flow and the soil loosens for the first time.

    The message of _39(anticipate) , unity of people and Earth delivered in the book have_40 (unexpected) inspired a cross-cultural exhibition, Bon Moment, at the Red Brick Art Museum in Beijing where the paintings of 13 Chinese and French contemporary artists are on show to exchange views on shared topics, including the relation between men and Earth, the unknown,41(lonely) and death.

    The exhibition opens the 17th edition of Festival Croisements, a cross-cultural program in China, 42this year, the Festival will include some 65 shows, performances and events held in more than 20 cities across the country,              43(run)from April to July.

    Red Brick Art Museum has been showing contemporary _44(work) of French artists and those living in France_45(introduce) their home audience to the French art. Its founder Yan Shijie was awarded the Orders of Arts and Letters by the French government in 2019, at the opening of the 14th Festival Croisements.

    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)








    Hello, everyone! Here comes the school English News.







    I stare at the one word scrawled on my paper. I know I should write down more, but I can't seem to. I can only write one. You see, my teachers will hand us papers to write down our resolutions right before the New Year's Day. I hate this because I can only think of one thing to write each time. It's just one simple word. Yet, I can't seem to accomplish this resolution.

    I am currently almost eighteen. And ever since I was twelve, I have had this as my resolution. I am shyer than others and don't really know how to talk to people, I don't get invited to even the smallest of parties, which sucks because parties sound like the best thing ever. Chip bowls scatter on tables, sodas I have never been able to drink, and in some cases, beer. This all sounds glorious, but like I said before, I have never got to go to them.

    That's why I have CHANGE as my resolution. If I can somehow just figure out how to talk to other people, then maybe I will be invited to parties. And as you probably know, New Year's Eve has one of the biggest parties of the year. And I really want to be invited to one before the end of high school. If I do that, then maybe I can finally have friends.

    It was the day of the break when I heard some boys and girls talking about a big party on New Year's Eve next to me in the hall. I was about to put my headphones on and walk away when I suddenly heard my name in the conversation. “Do you think we should invite Ethan to the party?" One of the girls asked. “I don't know. Isn't he...you know...shy?” a boy said.



    I acted like I didn't hear them but actually strained my ears to listen in.



    New Year's Eve eventually arrived, along with the party.




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