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    这是一份2023届上海浦东新区高三三模英语试题含答案,共29页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。


    I. Listening Comprehension
    Section A
    Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    1. A. A coach. B. A musician. C. A journalist. D. A secretary.
    2. A. 7: 30. B. 8: 00. C. 6: 30. D. 8: 30.
    3. A. In a hospital. B. In a restaurant. C. In a kitchen. D. In a bank.
    4. A. Attend a wedding ceremony. B. Organize a family reunion.
    C. Go on a spring outing. D. Stay home doing nothing.
    5. A. A significant quote from a wise man.
    B. The inspiration from a man in desperation.
    C. The advice for those in desperation to resign.
    D. A lesson learnt through fighting against nature.
    6. A. The course is becoming more interesting.
    B. The professor asks students to take notes.
    C. The fascination of the course is declining.
    D. He's not as bored in the class as the woman.
    7. A. The woman shouldn't watch the program either.
    B. He did not know that the television was on.
    C. The TV program will be over before long.
    D. The woman can turn the television off.
    8. A. The woman's work is all in her head. B. The woman has to do two experiments.
    C. It's a good idea to work together. D. It is the first time for him to study maths.
    9. A. The woman is sensitive to the paint.
    B. The woman likes the decoration of the room.
    C. The furniture comes from a secondhand store.
    D. The man is glad that he needn't repaint the walls.
    10. A. No one qualifies as the study group leader.
    B. He is the right person to lead the study group.
    C. He will recommend someone else as the group leader.
    D. They shouldn't count on anyone for help with the selection.
    Section B
    Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
    Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
    11. A. His parents. B. College art students. C. His fellow farmers. D. Art professors.
    12. A. Its location in Central China and snacks. B. Its natural landscape and farm products.
    C. Its farmer paintings and rural tourism. D. Its overseas business and good harvests.
    13. A. Xiaohe town sells pens and brushes.
    B. Villagers give up farming to seek wealth.
    C. Artists in college integrate art into farming.
    D. Farmers learn to paint their way out of poverty.
    Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
    14. A. Because it can increase employees' productivity and well-being.
    B. Because it can help build a harmonious company culture.
    C. Because it can promote employers’' devotion and loyalty.
    D. Because it can strengthen the ties between employees.
    15. A. Production of quality work. B. Dependency on mental therapy.
    C. A close connection with the world. D. Employees' increasing anxiety and stress.
    16. A. Banning the use of mobile devices during work.
    B. Developing apps to block distracting messages.
    C. Dividing employees' screen time among different apps.
    D. Arousing employees' awareness of the importance of digitalization.
    Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
    17. A. To find someone to fix her car. B. To earn money with her skills.
    C. To teach others how to play the piano. D. To exchange life necessities with Mark.
    18. A. To live with less stuff. B. To publicize consuming desire.
    C. To raise money for the poor. D. To save money for rainy days.
    19. A. They can buy bargains when there is a promotion campaign.
    B. They can borrow, visit a charity shop, or exchange with others.
    C. They can make a purchase of whatever stuff within their budget.
    D. They can only exchange for things with other members of the Compact.
    20. A. She needs time for a second thought.
    B. She can't resist the temptation of shopping.
    C. She doubts whether it will make a difference.
    D. She has already joined the City Exchange Network.

    II. Grammar and Vocabulary
    Section A
    Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
    9: 00 A. M. , Saturday, November 14
    The moment Fatima Bennett had dreamed of was finally here. Therefore, she couldn'tbe(21)___(happy).
    The 4C Challenge (also known as the Clark County Coding Competition) was the event of the year(22)___target participants were STEM-minded eight graders like Fatima and her two best friends, Julia Sheen and Felipe Alvarez.
    Their classmates were busy posting pictures on social media of their glorious summer vacations while the three best friends, who called(23)___Team Java Time, had spent countless hours storyboarding, coding, and adjusting their program. Their app, Remco and Juliet Remixed, turned the famous play into a multiplayer adventure that retold the story, (24)___(integrate) Shakespeare's language with the rhymes of songs.
    The completed app was due by September 1, and the teens had worked hard to get it done. (25)___at any point they lost momentum (动力),they were pushed by weekly texts from Neil Green, who had taken over the competition coordination (协调)this year.
    On the day when their app(26)___(submit) to the competition’s submission website, Fatima said, “A prize would be great, but we all know the very best reward. ”The teens shouted, “K-J-H-S!”
    Fatima, Julia, and Felipe were excited to show off their digital skills in front of the other teams of eighth graders, but they were most interested in the reward(27) ___(give) to the top three teams: guaranteed admission to Kathrine Johnson High School, the county's STEM magnet school. Felipe, Fatima, and Julia, friends since kindergarten, (28)_barely contain their excitement. Their dream of going to KJHS together was (29)_their reach!
    That was (30)_Fatima didn't mind getting out of bed at 8 A. M. on this cold November Saturday to spend the day at Clarksville University, the site of the annual competition.
    Section B
    Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
    A. alert B. connected C. correspond D. dismiss E. embarrassed F. invaluable G. judgement H. piloted I. respectful J. urge K. wellbeing

    Are you listening? But are you really listening?
    You'd think we'd be very good at listening, but do we deeply listen? Sometimes we quickly_31_another's opinion if it doesn't fit neatly with our own. The British Council has launched a project Crossing Divides aimed to train young people to listen and understand other people with very different perspectives.
    Practicing deep listening means tuning into empathy(同理心),resisting the___32_to judge people who arc distinct from1 oneself. It develops important skills that will make anyone a better listener: empathy, silence and becoming aware of our_33_.
    The project was_34_in Lebanon, where it helped local people find common ground with each other, in a society divided by bitter years of conflict. People taking part in the project said they felt that they were being heard, helping them to feel recognized and understood, which opened communication between communities. All the participants greatly improved their listening skills, which proved_35_in their working and personal lives.
    They have also had a chance to be listened to and heard, which research shows can improve_36_. This is because we all feel accepted, valued and more_37__to others when we sense that we are being truly listened to, and the person listening to us doesn't have to agree with us for those benefits to be enjoyed.
    The project is also an opportunity for participants to feel the benefit of stepping outside their own “echo chamber (回声室)”. Echo chambers are created by our natural tendency to seek out people and opinions, in person and online, that we agree with, so we mainly see and hear information and opinions that_38_to our own. Not surprisingly this leads us to think our views are definitively correct, so we become ___39___ or even angry when we encounter perspectives that our worldview suggests are wrong, because they don't agree with our own echo chamber.
    So, training young people with deep listening skills can encourage many more people to take part in challenging and_40_conversations. Scott McDonald, the organization's CEO said: "The deep listening training gets to the heart of what we do by providing opportunities for people to step out of their echo chambers, to cross divides, and build trust and understanding. ”

    III. Reading Comprehension
    Section A
    Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
    Part of me has always wanted to be the kind of person who breaks the ice with a stranger. When I witness that kind gregariousness (合群)in others,I feel_41_;I assume their lack of reserve means they lead more exciting lives. How many tales of adventure began because someone had the_42_to say hello? Talking to someone I don't know _43_low-level fear, and I avoid it entirely.
    I'm not alone. In a 2022 study, Gillian Sandstrom, a psychologist, noted that people are "remarkably_44_” about talking to strangers, despite research linking frequent social interactions with happiness. We tend to_45_the potential for negative consequences in such encounters, and actively avoid them. As a countermeasure, she gave participants “missions” that involved initiating conversations with strangers who met certain_46_(c. g. , “Find someone who's wearing a hat"). The results were_47_Sandstrom's assumption: these interactions were far more pleasant than people expected them to be.
    Eager to test her theory, I gave myself a week to reproduce Sandstrom's assignment, which meant speaking to around 30 people. I had no_48_not to try: I live in New York City and encounter hundreds of strangers.
    One of my missions was to speak to someone who was eating. “Is that cream cheese?” I asked a guy on a park bench who was eating stuff. It_49_a little more disrespectful than I intended, but once he realized that I wasn't crazy, we had a(n)_50_conversation. When I spoke to an attractive woman on crutches (拐杖)for my task of engaging someone who “looks sad, ” I was worried she'd think of me as a pickup artist. _51_, she humored me when I told her about my knee issues.
    Here's a tip: asking strangers about the bonuses of talking to strangers can be an effective strategy. I used this___ 52 ___with people required to interact with the public as part of their job. Among the waiters I spoke with, a common response was that chatting with customers was one of the most enjoyable aspects of their day, providing a little burst of____53___ , A café worker told me that he was an expert at guessing a customer's order based on their appearance-yoga clothes? black coffee-but felt a distinct joy whenever he got it wrong.
    My_54_didn't transform me into a fearless extrovert (外向者).But it was a useful reminder that when it comes to keeping life interesting, it_55_to make room for the occasional surprise.
    41. A. sacred B. distressed C. disapproving D. envious
    42. A. nerve B. willpower C. sympathy D. vision
    43. A. masks B. eases C. inspires D. taps
    44. A. informed B. pessimistic C. expectant D. confused
    45. A. overstate B. demonstrate C. exploit D. suffer
    46. A. identification B. resistance C. profile D. scale
    47. A. at the mercy of B. in contrast to C. for the sake of D. in line with
    48. A. excuse B. means C. authority D. regrets
    49. A. set about B. came out C. stood by D. ended up
    50. A. delightful B. awkward C. one-sided D. initial
    51. A. Likewise B. Therefore C. Plus D. Instead
    52. A. bonus B. receipt C. approach D. patent
    53. A. unpredictability B. resolution C. discrimination D. inaccessibility
    54. A. persistence B. ritual C. experiment D. convention
    55. A. turns out B. pays off C. goes on D. falls short

    Section B
    Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
    Dear Doggy Diary
    Now we've surely got all we require for the puppy's arrival: a basket, a screaming toy banana and a bag of dog food. For names, we are hesitating between Spike or Lenny-but, as I tell this list to a Black friend, I suddenly realize both names are associated with famous Black men, and panic that this is a little offence.
    Our friend Sam has kindly volunteered to “puppy proof" our home. “You don't want to give him that screaming toy, that's encouraging him to eat your sofa, ” she says, inspecting our purchases disapprovingly. She hands us a book, by Dr Ian Dunbar. “This guy", she assures us, “is a Super Babysitter for dogs. "
    Spent last night ___57___Dunbar has plenty of wisdom on “positively communicating” with the puppy, but nothing on how to get a puppy and also two young children.
    D-Day. Now the registration website wants a dog name at short notice. So, we go for “Buzz". One syllable (音节) and with multi-generational fascination (Granny thinks Aldrin, kids think Lightyear).
    I feel very hesitant about saying so, but last night went well. Buzz is incredibly cute, the kids adore him and he's very cute and only did one pee (排尿)on the blanket,and did I mention he's cute?
    “Love” feels like a stretch right now. Our "play" was evidently not “focused” enough to prevent Buzz biting through our sofa. Also, our three-year-old thinks it's funny to run away, so Buzz wrestles him to the ground and licks all over his face. I suspect this isn't the best way to prepare Buzz for engaging with the public.
    The whole house smells of dog. I find this nasty, but friends, family, and people we barely know existed are dropping by to meet him. “It's like having a baby, eh?” says my neighbor, Erik, brightly. “Yes, but it's a baby you can neglect when it cries!” I respond cheerfully. He frowns(皱眉).
    It's 2 A. M. on the coldest day of the year and I'm on my hands and knees in the bushes. I think you've never really experienced a harsh mid-winter until you're trying to run after a puppy. Then, we return inside, and it's just me and Buzz. Peace. I should put him back in his cage, but I find I can't resist a hug. Don't tell my wife.
    56. What does the phrase “puppy proof" our home mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Make our home clean enough for the puppy.
    B. Inspect our home to make it puppy-friendly.
    C. Prove that the puppy will satisfy our needs.
    D. Decorate our home with books on puppies.
    57. In the diary of “WEDNESDAY", a passage is missing. Which of the following plot best fits into the numbered blank?
    A. Picking a dog's name from a name list of Blacks.
    B. Looking over the house for potential safety hazards.
    C. Studying Dunbar's book on how to take care of a dog.
    D. Visiting Dunbar in person in order to adopt his puppy.
    58. Which of the following is the reason for naming the puppy “Buzz”?
    A. Other choices imply strong prejudice against Black people.
    B. Its pronunciation resembles the puppy's cute and short bark.
    C. The registration website recommends the name to the family.
    D. The name holds appeal to both the elder and the younger generations.
    59. Which of the following does the diary feature after the adoption of the puppy?
    A. Chaos and cuteness. B. Hatred and love.
    C. Mess and cleanliness. D. Abuse and affection.

    (B) DART II System

    60. The two objects circled at the bottom of the picture are probably
    A. relays B. monitors C. anchors D. sensors
    61. What can be inferred about the buoy?
    A. The sensors fixed on the floating buoy record the sea pressure.
    B. It communicates with other devices through single-way signals.
    C. The buoy features direct connection to scientists and the monitor.
    D. It sends data collected from both the depths and surface of the ocean.
    62. DART II System is most probably designed to ___.
    A. detect upcoming tsunamis
    B. transmit satellite data to the seabed
    C. monitor marine biodiversity
    D. change the buoy into a ground station
    More and more online shopping platforms now offer consumers a detailed look into products' historical prices. But how does this information influence buying decisions?
    To explore this question, we conducted a series of experiments with a total of more than 5, 000 business school students and working adults. We measured the impact of different kinds of price shifts on people's interest in purchasing products and identified several consistent trends:
    First, when consumers saw that the price today was lower than it had been in the past, they were more likely to buy now, because the current price seemed like a good deal.
    However, the picture gets more complicated when you consider the frequency of historical price shifts: In our studies, we found that if consumers were shown at least three changes in the same direction, they were likely to assume the price would continue to move in the same direction. While if they were only shown one or two changes in the same direction, they expected the price to change in the opposite direction.
    So what does this mean for sellers? It may be tempting to slowly lower the price over time. However, our data shows that this can lead consumers to assume that the price will continue to fall, making them hesitant to buy. But if they just see a single price drop, they're more likely to expect a reversal in the near future, pushing them to buy the product now.
    Our findings can also help buyers make more informed decisions about whether and when they choose to make a purchase. As with any irrational bias (非理性的偏见),awareness of the natural tendency to expect trends to continue and single large changes to reverse can help consumers question this assumption before acting on it. Instead of letting this arbitrary (武断的)expectation guide buying decisions, consumers may benefit by doing a bit more research around the underlying factors driving price shifts. Buyers may also benefit from learning more about a product's longer-term price history, fluctuations (波动),and typical industry-wide price ranges, to avoid being disproportionately influenced by near-term price changes. It's also always a good idea to think about both how urgent your need for a given product is, and your own risk tolerance for a potential price increase, as this can affect whether it's worth it for you to wait and see if the price falls.
    Of course, there are countless factors that influence both consumers' decisions around whether and when to buy and sellers' decisions around how to price their products. But it's important for both sides to recognize the key role that expectations play in influencing these decisions.
    63. Which of the following is true about the experiment?
    A. It proves that people’s interest in the product drives the purchasing behavior.
    B. E-commerce platforms turn to it to connect with customers and boost sales.
    C. It's designed to figure out the purchasing decision process based on pricing.
    D. Business school students make up the whole control group for comparison.
    64. Which of the following price trends might tempt consumers to buy on May 8th?

    65. Consumers are advised to
    A. decide on the assumptions that long-term price trend will continue
    B. research longer-term price history, price ranges and hidden factors
    C. put off the purchase for better deals because of the unsustainable market
    D. cooperate with sellers while putting aside the personal risk and urgency
    66. What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A. How do price changes influence buying decisions?
    B. Why should products' historical prices be shown?
    C. When is the best time for consumers to purchase?
    D. What do businesses need to price their products?

    Section C
    Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
    A. Africa's digital workers are re-mapping the old geographies of labor.
    B. The internet creates new kinds of work, without any patterns of inequality.
    C. A former employee has taken both companies to court, accusing them of forced labor.
    D. Typical tasks include data entry, online marketing, or even writing essays for lazy students.
    E. Baraka Mafole, a student in Tanzania, organizes training events for navigating online platforms.
    F. Power cuts and competition for part-time jobs from cheaper workers in Asia and beyond create other challenges.

    Young Africans are logging in and clocking on
    His home is Bungoma, a small town in western Kenya, but his workplace is the world. Kevin, who asks that his real name be masked to protect his credibility, has written about offices in China without ever going there. He has reviewed home-security systems he has never seen.
    ___67 ___Freelances (自由职业者)on online platforms can reach clients around the world,
    mastering skills from blogging to web design. Optimists hope that online work can set Africa on the path of service-led growth dominated by countries such as India and the Philippines. Pessimists worry such work will breed injustices.
    Some are attracted to the work by the flexibility and pay; others because they cannot find a traditional job. There are advocates for freelancing. ____68 ___“Now everyone is speaking about digital jobs, ” he says. In Kenya the government's Ajira program runs support centers that aim to link a million Kenyans to online platforms and make the country a “digital center”.
    Freelances, like the wider outsourcing (外包)industry,"are fighting against a reputation of Africa as somewhere where you would not expect digital work to take place, "says Mohammad Amir Anwar of the University of Edinburgh,
    who co-wrote a book about Africa's digital workforce. Some African freelances use virtual private networks and fake names to pretend they are somewhere else. ___69 ___.
    The available data suggest that it will take time for Africa to become a continent of digital freelances. In 2019, Mr.
    Anwar and colleagues estimated that there were 120, 000 African workers on Upwork, the continent's most popular platform--fewer than in the Philippines. Most did not seem to be making any money.
    Outsourcing practices have also sparked moral questions. At Astra (a live-streaming company) content-moderation center in Kenya run by Sama (an outsourcing firm), workers told journalists that they were mistreated and misled about the nature of their work. ___70 ___Finally, Sama discontinued its services for Astra this year. Technological change bounces in unpredictable directions. Could AI tools, previously trained by Kenyan workers, one day make these freelances such as Kevin unnecessary?

    IV. Summary Writing
    Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Keeping the Kids Eating Healthy
    Fruits and vegetables are super important for kids to be able to grow up healthy and strong. Science recommends that children aged 2 to 18 get at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables each day. But getting kids to eat their fruits and vegetables is often easier said than done. If you need additional reasons to help your kids boost their intake, new research has found that students who eat more fruits and vegetables might have better mental well-being than those who eat less.
    A recent study published in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health looked at 9, 000 students from across the U. K. About 7, 500 were in secondary school, and 1, 500 were in primary school. Students self-reported their diet and were given age-appropriate tests for mental well-being that looked al happiness, relaxation and healthy interpersonal relationships. The study found a strong association between eating more fruits and vegetables and higher mental well-being scores. However, only about 25 percent of the students met the recommendation of at least five servings of produce a day.
    Another interesting finding concerned breakfast, an especially important meal for school-age kids, as it provides the fuel they need to learn and function in general. However, the research found that more than one in five secondary schoolchildren and one in 10 primary schoolchildren didn't eat a standard breakfast at all, and many just had a snack or drink in place of a meal. Those who had a full breakfast had significantly better mental well-being scores than those who skipped the morning meal.
    In short, the findings suggest that eating a healthy diet that includes a full breakfast and at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day leads to the best mental-health outcomes for children. Unfortunately, many students surveyed were missing the mark with either fruits and vegetables, breakfast, or both. V. Translation
    Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
    75.游客在游览中国古典园林时能充分领略“假自然之景,创山水真趣”的意境。(make use of)

    VI. Guided Writing
    Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

    I. Listening Comprehension
    Section A
    Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    1. M: My name is James Parkers. I'm with Shanghai Daily. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
    W: Not at all. Please go ahead.
    Q: What is James Parkers?
    2. W: It's already around 6: 30. My train leaves at 8: 00.
    M: Don't worry. Let's take the subway. I promise we'll be there by 7: 30.
    Q: When does the woman's train leave?
    3. W: Remember us? The ones who tipped you 100 dollars last time we dined here?
    M: Oh, of course. It's hard to find that kind of generosity in this place.
    Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?
    4. W: How about going to the amusement park with us this Saturday?
    M: That sounds great. But my cousin is getting married this weekend and as a family member I should stay behind.
    Q: What will the man probably do?
    5. M: Please allow me to quote Thoreau, an American thinker and writer, who once said “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. ”
    W: Wow, that's inspiring.
    Q: What are the speakers talking about?
    6. W: You know, I am really enjoying the class now. I've taken down almost every word the professor said.
    M4: I feel the same way. At first it is kind of boring. But now it turns into something fascinating.
    Q: What docs the man mean?
    7. W: The term paper is driving me crazy. I really can't afford any interruption right now. Do you mind if l tum the television off?
    M: Sorry. I didn't know that. My eyes also need a rest.
    Q: What does the man imply?
    8. W: It is the first time for me to do the biology experiment. The thought of it worries me. Do you want to work on it together?
    M: It's also the first time for me. Two heads are better than one.
    Q: What does the man mean?
    9. M: What do you think of my apartment? I repainted the walls and all the furniture is new.
    W: Oh, something in this room is making my eyes uncomfortable. It must be the chemicals in the paint.
    Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
    10. W: We should probably think about selecting someone to lead our study group, you know, somebody really organized.
    M: Then you can count on me.
    Q: What does the man mean?
    Section B
    Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
    Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
    More than 400 farmers in a town in Central China are spending their way to wealth, not with farm implements but with the pens and brushes they've used to create countless paintings sold across Europe and Asia.
    Zhan Qiuming was one of those unconventional farmers living in Xiaohe town, a one-hour drive from Liuyang city in Hunan province. The 53-ycar-old man, the most well-known farmer-painter in town, began picking up painting in
    2017, when Xiaohe invited painters and college art students to teach farmers how to paint. It took Zhan more than three years to improve his painting skills, which progressed from drawing lines and colors, to copying landscape paintings and eventually to directly drawing landscapes and fields in his hometown. At present, there have been 460 farmer-painters and six studios. Their paintings have been sold in more than 10 countries, including Singapore and Spain, which has helped 42 registered poor households get out of poverty.
    In addition, recently the town has attracted more than 300, 000 tourists a year by developing farmer paintings and rural tourism.
    (Now listen again. )
    11. Who taught Zhan Qiuming to paint?
    12. What makes Xiaohe town appealing to visitors?
    13. What's the main idea of the passage?
    Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
    Digital wellness is important because it enables employees to be more engaged and productive, as well as lead healthier lives during and outside of work. Adopting digital wellness practices can enable employees to focus on their work and cause less exhaustion and distraction. For example, employees who check their mobile devices three or four times a day are more productive than those who check their smartphones once every 10 minutes.
    Employees who don't pay attention to digital wellness may see negative effects from overuse of technology. This dependency can also increase employees' anxiety and stress levels. If employees suffer from burnout, they're less likely to produce quality work and more likely to see declines in their mental and physical health. Focusing on digital wellbeing enables workers to reduce these risks.
    As a response to a call for apps and technology that respect a person's time, some companies are developing features that are less upsetting or apps to turn off distracting notices. In addition, companies are creating new apps that track digital wellness and keep record of things like amount of screen time spent on different apps. They help the user to lower undesired types of screen time or to be more aware about how technology is used.
    (Now listen again. )
    14. Why is digital wellness important according to the passage?
    15. Which of the following is the consequence of overuse of technology?
    16. What measures are taken by companies to help develop digital wellness?
    Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
    M: Hi there. I'm Mark.
    W: Oh hi. I'm Natalie. It's nice to meet you.
    M: So, Natalie, tell me, why did you decide to join the City Exchange Network?
    W: Oh, well, I was looking for someone to fix my car. Luckily, I found somebody, and now I think I'm going to exchange for piano lessons, too. How about you?
    M: Well, I'm looking for people to exchange with because I belong to another group called the Compact.
    W: The Compact? What's that?
    M: We're a group of people that made a compact-you know, like a promise. . . we promised not to buy anything new for a year.
    W: No kidding! You aren't going to buy anything new for a whole year?
    M: Well. . . actually we can buy new necessities, things you know, that you need for your health and safety. . . you know, like food and medicine.
    W: That sounds hard. So why did you decide to do it?
    M: Well, we decided that we were spending too much money on things, you know. . . clothes, cars, electronics. . . we think most people just have too much stuff. . . stuff that they really don't need. We wanted to stop buying so much and learn to live with less.
    W: I see. . . But you need to buy some things besides food and medicine. . . How do you get the other stuff you need?
    M: Well, we either borrow things from other people, or we buy things used at charity shop. . . or we exchange for the stuff we need.
    W: Wow! I bet you're saving a lot of money!
    M: Kind of. You should join us. You can do it online at your website.
    W: Well. . . thanks, but I don't think I could do it. I like shopping too much-especially for new clothes. But hey, good luck.
    (Now listen again. )
    17. Why did the woman join the City Exchange Network?
    18. What's the aim of the Compact?
    19. How can members of the Compact get what they need?
    20. Why doesn't the woman join the Compact? Keys:

    21. happier
    22. whose
    23. themselves
    24. integrating
    25. If
    26. was submitted
    27. given
    28. could
    29. within
    30. why
    31-40 DJGHF KBCEI
    56-59 BCDA
    60-62 CDA 63-66 CBBA
    67-70 AEFC
    71. Fruits and vegetables are essential to kids' growth, but it is difficult to get them to eat. New research finds higher intake of fruits and vegetables and a full breakfast beneficial to schoolchildren's mental well-being. Despite researchers' advice to eat a healthy diet, many children fail to consume the recommended quantity of fruits or breakfast. (55 words)
    72. April has arrived, and spring is full of joy / is very much in the air, which brings new hope to life.
    73. In addition to strengthening the body, physical exercise is also the best way to refresh oneself.
    74. To the working-class couple's relief, it won't be long before their daughter stretches her wings and takes a/her place in the workplace.
    75. When visiting a Chinese classic garden, visitors are fully able to appreciate its concept of “making use of the natural landscape to create the real fun of mountains and rivers".
    … concept, which is making/to make use of. . .

    For Reference:
    Dear Student Union,
    I'm writing to share my idea for the upcoming "Chinese Culture Week" event at Mingqi High School. I propose that we host a series of activities highlighting traditional Chinese arts and culture.
    Firstly, we could organize a calligraphy workshop where students can learn how to write Chinese characters using brush and ink. This would not only give students a chance to learn a new skill, but also to appreciate the beauty and meaning behind Chinese characters. Secondly, we could hold a screening of an iconic Chinese movie or TV show, such as "Monkey King" or "Dream of the Red Chamber". This would provide students with a glimpse into Chinese history and culture, and foster cross-cultural understanding. Finally, we could invite a guest speaker to talk about traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture or herbal remedies. This would allow students to learn about alternative approaches to healthcare and broaden their perspectives on health and wellness.
    I believe that hosting these activities during "Chinese Culture Week" would be beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it would help promote cultural diversity and understanding among our student body. Secondly, it would provide students with an opportunity to learn about Chinese culture and history, which is important in today's globalized world. Lastly, it would be a fun and engaging way to celebrate our school's commitment to promoting cultural exchange and education.
    Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. 【241 words】
    Li Hua


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