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    这是一份2023年新疆乌鲁木齐地区高三第一次质量监测英语试题,共11页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,15,只允许修改10处,多者不计分, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。





    1     .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

    2     .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如 需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上°录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。


    听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。

    例:How much is the shirt?

    A. £19.15. B. £9.18.   C. £9.15.


    1.   What does the woman want the man to do?

    A. Turn off the TV. B. Leave the TV on.  C. Watch TV with her.

    1.    How does the woman feel about Mark's choice?

    A. Surprised. B. Worried.   C. Pleased.

    1.    Where does the conversation probably take place?

    A. In a library. B. In a bookstore.  C. In a classroom.

    1.    How much will the man pay?

    A. £7.5. B. £11.              C. £13.

    1.    When will the speakers' mother probably get home?

    A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30.         C. At 7:00.


    听下面五段对话或独白c每段对话或独白后有几个小题.从题中所给的ABC三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题.每小题5秒钟;听 完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


    1.    Who is the man probably?

    A. A manager. B. A teacher.   C. An engineer.

    1.    Why is Bob mentioned in the conversation?

    A. He can fix a printer. B. He has an exam to take.  C. He needs to buy paper.


    1.    Why will the woman meet the man tomorrow?

    A. To do her homework. B. To watch a movie.   C. To go out for lunch.

    1.    What will the man do tomorrow morning?

    A. Buy a computer. B. Practice football.  C. Borrow some books.


    1.   What does the man think of Tango in Tap Shoes?

    A. Interesting. B. Scary. C. Boring.

    1.   What type of film is Clouds over Mount Figi?

    A. A documentary. B. A comedy.  C. An action film.

    1.   Which film have the speakers watched?

    A. The Boss Baby. B. No Time to Die. C. The Croods: A New Age.


    1.   What are the speakers planning?

    A. A fair. B. A match.  C. A trip.

    1.   Why do the speakers decide to cancel the meeting?
    1.    The traffic is heavy.
    2.    The weather may be bad.
    3.    They have got new plans.
    1.   Where is the meeting scheduled to take place?

    A. In a hotel. B. At the man's house.  C. At university.

    1.   How many members will the speakers call in total?

    A. 18. B. 20.   B. 22.


    1.   What is the main purpose of the talk?
    1.    To encourage donations for a new park.
    2.    To introduce people to a park.
    3.    To train new volunteers.
    1.   What do the animals in the park have in common?
    1.    They live in large groups.
    2.    They may soon disappear.
    3.    They are native to the area.
    1.   Where are the animals kept?

    A. In cages. B. In a building.

    1.    What does the speaker say about seeing the animals?
    1.    Only some of them may be seen.
    2.   Visitors can get close to them.
    3.    People need to pay extra money to see them.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



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    1. Which eBook should you choose if you want to practice after learning?

    A. Practice English Conversations. B. Travel English.

    C. Business English. D. Phrasal Verbs.

    1. The eBook idioms features.

    A. 30 typical situations B. the combination of education and bin

    C. the largest number of English idioms D. video files 23. The eBooks arc intended for those.

    A. who will study abroad B. who are fond of reading books

    C. who are expert in teaching English D. who may use English in their work


    My grandfather used to be the smartest person in the world. I am sure he was. There was nothing he could not explain or narrate to me. When 1 lost my sight being only six years old, he was the one who supported my connection with the whole world. He was doing it with his tales.

    My grandfather was the one who did not allow me to give up. Grandfather supported my memory and boosted my imagination every day. He was narrating fairy stories about everything around us. He made me describe the things that I used to see previously in detail and then told something about them I could not believe.

    I remember he gave me his knife. I was careful with it, as it was sharp - my grandfather carved figures and household items with it. I was holding it and trying to restore its look in my memory, and grandfather was telling a story of the knife. He told me that having this knife, he was never wounded in a battle, and he could carve any figure in detail with it. He promised that one day I would get it, and I would be able to carve anything. I touched the blade 刀刃with my fingers, and I imagined how great 1 would be in carving. 1 wanted to make the magic creatures that were mentioned by my grandfather and present them to him.

    He made me walk a lot, we were researching the hills and fields, and he taught me how to define the flowers and trees. Being blind, I could find any local plant by smelling and touching. Grandfather promised that one day we would hike together and find real highland edelweiss.

    He died a month before I had my operation. When the bandage was taken off my eyes, I saw the faces of parents, sun, flowers and trees, and a knife left by my grandfather. Later, when my sight became stable and it became possible to read, my father gave me a book of tales written and illustrated by my grandfather. There were all the creatures he was talking about. He painted them for me, and I was spending the months looking at them and trying to recall their images in my own memory.

    1. How did the author's grandfather support him?

    A. With the power of narration. B. By treating the author's disease.

    C. With description of scientific stories. D. By asking the author to memorize stories.

    1.   What can be learned about the knife?
    1.   The author's grandfather got it in a battle.
    2.   It was a sharp knife carved with many figures.
    3.   It served as a reminder of the time with grandfather.
    4.   It acted as a warning against taking any risks.
    1.   Why did grandfather take the author outdoors?

    A. Tb plant tress and flowers. B. To make the author get close to nature.

    C. To carry out research. D. To improve the author's eyesight.

    1.   What can be a suitable title for the text?

    A. Carving the World B. Miracles in My Life

    C. Blind Memories D. Restoring the Past


    Humans evolved (进化)from apes. This is what we learned in biology class. But what came before apes? Chinese scientists have discovered fossils that could enrich the evolutionary story of how humans evolved from fish.

    According to four articles published in the journal Nature in late September, Chinese researchers found fish fossils that provide the “missing link“ about the origin of the jaw 下颌a key trait (特征that 99.8 percent of vertebrate species (脊椎动物)have.

    Zhu Min, a lead researcher of the studies from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told China Daily that the findings drew a large amount of interest in the science world due to the importance of jaws in animal evolution. However, the rise of the jaw had been a mystery due to a lack of sufficient fossil evidence to support that jawed vertebrates lived 450 million years ago.

    The latest findings made by Zhu's team presented a set of five surprisingly well-preserved fish fossils that included three whole-bodied fish, helping scientists paint a more accurate evolutionary picture of the origin of the jaw. The fish fossils were discovered at two sites in Chongqing and Guizhou, whose strata 地层date back to the Silurian Period 志留纪that began around 440 million years ago.

    These fossils show that jawed fish were already thriving in the world's ancient oceans at that time. Later on, more diverse and larger jawed fish evolved and began to spread around the world, paving the way for some fish to eventually go on land and evolve into other animals - including humans.

    “These fossils provide an opportunity to peek into the dawn of fish' and help scientists track many human body structures back to these ancient fish, thus filling some key gaps in the evolutionary history of how fish evolved into humans/' Zhu said.

    1.   Why does the author mention human evolution from apes in paragraph 1?

    A. To make a prediction. B. To present a fact.

    C. To clarify a concept. D. To introduce a topic.

    1.   What is stressed in paragraph 4?

    A. The number of fish fossils. B. The characteristics of fish fossils.

    C. The significance of fish fossils. D. The research sites of fish fossils.

    1.   The underlined word “thriving“ in paragraph 5 probably means.

    A. growing well B. decreasing slowly

    C. disappearing suddenly D. changing quickly

    1.   How did Zhu think of the findings?
    1. They helped fish conservation.
    2. They led to research into the future of fish.
    3. They made it clear when the Silurian Period began.
    4. They provided more evidence for human evolution.


    In many homes, dogs are beloved family pets. Dogs are now playing a role in educational environments, too. Since 2014, the New York City Department of Education has certified (认证) a Comfort Dog program. The program trains comfort dogs and their human handlers (训练师for use in schools.

    The Comfort Dog program began as a way to help students feel more involved in their classes and to reduce feelings of anxiety, fear, and isolation. At East Side Middle School (ESMS) in Manhattan, Bailey the comfort dog is now working with her human handler, Laurie Posner, the school psychologist.

    “After a year and a half of virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many kids have felt disconnected from their classmates. At ESMS, Bailey will be involved in social-emotional lessons throughout the school year. Also, Bailey is supposed to work on specific goals,“ Posner said. Students who have had difficulty going from a virtual learning model back to an in-person setting can also join a small group with Bailey. "In addition to helping small groups, Bailey will have an open-door policy - anyone on campus who is having a hard day will be welcome to come and see Bailey anytime. M Posner added. You need somewhere to relax and just pet a dog, or talk to a dog. someone who is not going to judge you. That's what she is for.

    Bailey went through intensive (加强 training in order to become a comfort dog. Each dog must know basic instructions and pass a test conducted by human handlers to be suitable for a classroom setting. The dogs' interactions with children, how they walk in hallways, respond to the ringing of school bells, and take treats from working staff are all tested.

    Researchers are finding that having comfort dogs in school leads to a more positive school climate.

    So far, Bailey is a hit at ESMS.

    1.    What can be inferred about Bailey?

    A. She feels disconnected in groups. B. She provides full-time service.

    C. She is good at judging students. D. She is involved in social media classes.

    1.    The underlined word “they” in paragraph 4 refers to.

    A. working staff B. human handlers C. children D. dogs

    1.    What can we say about the Comfort Dog program?

    A. It targets family dogs. B. It upsets dog owners.

    C. It is helpful for school atmosphere. D. It trains dogs to be stronger.

    1.    What can we expect of comfort dogs in the future?
    1.    They may win popularity in schools.
    2.    They will take the place of family dogs.
    3.    They could raise concerns about keeping pets.
    4.    They might have a negative effect on teaching.


    根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。

    An autobiography (自传)is a personal account of a person's life. Some people write their autobiography while they are still young and update it as they get older. 36 .

    You could write your autobiography up until now, as you are at an important time in your life and it would be interesting for you and your family to read in later years, to see how you described your life as a teenager. How should you write your autobiography?

    • Decide what you want to write

    37 . there is a difference between a memoir 回忆录and an autobiography and you must decide on which one you want to write before you begin.

           Who are you writing for?

    Figuring out who you are writing your memoir or autobiography for is something you should decide on very quickly. 38 . or do you just want something to share with your grandchildren and help to catalogue the family history? Depending on which you decide, your audience may be looking for different things.

          Be harsh

    “Everyone thinks they've led the most interesting life/* says Rebecca Swift, director of The Literary Consultancy, but the market is extremely difficult to break into." People are mainly interested in celebrity names, so if you're thinking about writing an autobiography, you need to ask yourself “Why my life? 39 ?” Unless you're a celebrity or a household name, you will have to think very hard about what in your life is worth writing about if you want to publish your work for a wider audience.


    Inviting as it may be to polish a few particularly embarrassing moments in your life, you must remember to stick to the truth. Your autobiography or memoir is fact, not fiction after all.

    1. Honesty is key
    2.   Polish your writing
    3. What's so interesting about me
    4. Are you writing for mainstream publication
    5. Why should you write an autobiography or personal memoir
    6. Though they have their similarities and are often used interchangeably
    7.   Others find the time and the interest to write their autobiography after they have retired

    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)


    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。

    On July 10, 1980, I was aboard an old destroyer (驱逐舰),sailing from Singapore to the Philippines. The day was grey with threatening clouds. There was a typhoon 41 our way. All of us were looking forward to arriving in the Philippines as quickly as possible.

    Suddenly, the lookout 42 an object floating. He announced that it was a boat with many people on it in a 43 area with reefs 礁石).The captain announced that we were heading towards the boat to offer 44 . Everyone prepared for the possible rescue. I made my way to the back end of the ship. The ship 45 . But along the way, I heard most of the crew were 46 about assisting the people. And I even heard an engineer 47 said, **We ought to leave them out there to die!”

    We got close to the boat and sent out the whaleboat with a small crew to 48 it out further. The crew reported back it was an old wooden boat 49 with about 50 men, women and children, who were very weak. Our ship became even more 50 after that news. Some gathered any dry clothes they could 51 . and I prepared the area for rest and all the medical items.

    We 52 got alongside the boat, and the first thing I noticed was the strange sound of babies crying. Then came the sound of the men and women excitedly talking with pain in their voices. All their faces 53 great tiredness. We helped get them 54 . The weakest received 55 while the rest got a place to rest.

    During those hours after the 56 .1 noticed a big change in the 57 of the crew. The same 58 even helped in caring a baby girl. Outside, the weather was growing worse, but inside, everything felt 59 and pleasant. Our new friends were very happy as if they were on a luxury ship 60 an old destroyer.

    41. A. blocking

    B. passing

    C. heading

    D. sweeping

    42. A. spotted

    B. recognized

    C. got

    D. confirmed

    43. A. vast

    B. narrow

    C. remote

    D. dangerous

    44. A. comfort

    B. guidance

    C. convenience

    D. assistance

    45. A. turned around

    B. came alive

    C. broke down

    D. pulled out

    46. A. complaining

    B. concerning

    C. quarreling

    D. setting

    47. A. mercifully

    B. angrily

    C. casually

    D. nervously

    48. A. check

    B. carry

    C. knock

    D. help

    49. A. equipped

    B. surrounded

    C. crowded

    D. occupied

    50. A. secured

    B. refreshed

    C. disturbed

    D. prepared

    51. A. spare

    B. sew

    C. change

    D. wear

    52. A. accidentally

    B. secretly

    C. naturally

    D. finally

    53. A. covered

    B. reflected

    C. predicted

    D. produced

    54. A. recovered

    B. motivated

    C. settled

    D. appreciated

    55. A. support

    B. permission

    C. treatment

    D. favor

    56. A. typhoon



    D. adventure

    57. A. patience

    B. attitude

    C. speech

    D. attention

    58. A. engineer

    B. captain

    C. crew

    D. lookout

    59. A. tiring

    B. cold

    C. warm

    D. clear

    60. A. apart from

    B. in spite of

    C. by means of

    D. instead of




    Over the past few years, scientists 61 (develop) a new artificial intelligence technology that can detect whether someone is lying through analyzing the muscles in his face.

    Patches ( )placed on a person's face detect muscle activity and then machine learning technology is used. The machine is able 62 (calculate) whether or not the person has been telling lies. 63 (invent) by Yael Hanein at Tel Aviv University in Israel, the machine showed success rate of 73 percent, implying it can catch liars with ease.

    How would our facial expressions give 64 our lies? According to researchers from the University of British Columbia, Canada, some of the muscles in our faces change “behavior” when we are lying. Liars 65 (usual) raise their eyebrows. They also blink a lot and hold 66 (they) eyes closed longer.

    67 (close) the eyes is a way to buy time for the liar so that they can better perfect their story.

    Liars often blush (脸红).Blood flows into the cheeks as they become nervous about the 68 (true) possibly being revealed.

    Liars also have fake smiles. 69 real smile often causes the eyes to light up or become smaller. This is because more muscles are used 70 we are happy. A fake smile is often accompanied by “dead" eyes instead.


    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

    假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(  ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

    删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ 划掉。




    To better work for the good of the community, our class organized a voluntary activity on last Saturday. We carried out a thorough clean-up of the city square.

    We set out earlier in the morning. As soon as we got there, we divided into two groups. One group picked up all the rubbishes on the ground, such as waste paper, cigarette ends and plastic bags throwing everywhere. The others group removed all illegal advertisements from the poles and trees, which were a tough job.

    We felt tired and happy when the activity was over. How a meaningful day we had! It's true to say that we make the living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.


    上周你校与新疆博物馆联合举办了 “流动博物馆进校园Mobile Museum into Campus) ”主题活动。请你为学校英语报写一篇活动报道,内容包括:

    1     .活动目的;

    2       .活动内容(听讲座、观表演和沉浸式体验);

    3      .活动反响。


    4       .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    参考词汇:沉浸式体验immersive experience



    2024届新疆乌鲁木齐市高三第一次质量监测 英语: 这是一份2024届新疆乌鲁木齐市高三第一次质量监测 英语,共9页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    新疆乌鲁木齐地区2024届高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试卷及答案: 这是一份新疆乌鲁木齐地区2024届高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试卷及答案,共12页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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