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    这是一份2022-2023学年吉林省延边州高三下学期二模英语试题Word版含听力,文件包含吉林省延边州2022-2023学年高三下学期二模英语试题docx、吉林省延边州2022-2023学年高三下学期二模英语答案pdf、吉林省延边州2022-2023学年高三下学期二模英语试题pdf等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共26页, 欢迎下载使用。





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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




    1. What is the woman’s daughter?

    A. She is an engineer. B. She is a musician. C. She is a university student.

    1. What does the woman suggest the man do?

    A. Get a brochure. B. See online videos. C. Watch a TV program.

    1. What does the woman want to eat?

    A. A carrot. B. Some tomatoes. C. Some cake.

    1. How long is the flight from Paris to London?

    A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Five hours.

    1. Where are the speakers probably?

    A. At an office. B. At a shop. C. At a factory.




    1. What is the main idea of the conversation?

    A. How to save money.

    B. How to educate people about the environment.

    C. How to make the school more environmentally friendly.

    7. What does the man think about an electric bus?

    A. It is expensive.

    B. It is an excellent idea.

    C. It could easily be introduced.


    8. What is the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Friends. B. Neighbors. C. Relatives.

    9. What does the woman want to do?

    A. Borrow something from the man.

    B. Lend a brush to the man.

    C. Help the man paint his kitchen.

    10. What color paint is the woman using?

    A. Blue. B. Green. C. Yellow.


    11. How old is the car?

    A. Five years. B. Ten years. C. Twenty years.

    12. Why is the woman selling the car?

    A. It is in poor condition. B. It is running badly. C. It is unnecessary.

    13. What concerns the man about the car?

    A. The age. B. The appearance. C. The miles it has done.


    14. Where are the speakers?

    A. In Scotland. B. In America. C. In Canada.

    15. What does the man think of the country he is visiting?

    A. It is warm. B. It is sunny. C. It is cold.

    16. What is the man looking for?

    A. His luggage. B. His hotel. C. His car.

    17. What will the man probably do next?

    A. Take a taxi. B. Walk to the hotel. C. Tour around the town.


    18. What color is the house?

    A. Green. B. Brown. C. Red.

    19. Which street was the house moved to?

    A. 635 Franklin Street. B. 635 Fulton Street. C. 807 Franklin Street.

    20. Why was the house moved?

    A. To improve it. B. To rebuild it. C. To save it.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)




    Chinatown, lying in Downtown L.A. near the city’s cultural center, is one of L.A.’s most popular tourist destinations. What are you waiting for? Go to explore this amazing place right now!


    In Chinatown, a mix of new and old restaurants meets everyone’s needs. Early birds should stop by Philippe The Original, a local restaurant that’s beloved for French Dip sandwiches, but also serves a good classic American breakfast. Night owls will want to head to Full House Seafood on Hill Street, which is open late into the night.


    Food is far from the only reason to visit Chinatown. People interested in history will want to start their trip at the Chinese American Museum (CAM), lying just outside of Chinatown at El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument. The museum is housed in the Garnier Building, the oldest surviving Chinese building in a major area of California.


    A big statue of Bruce Lee has become a must-photograph site in Chinatown’s Central Plaza. The late martial arts (武术) star once had a studio in Chinatown at 628 W. College St.

    Nearby is Dragon Chasing Pearl, which was originally painted on the wall in 1941 by Tyrus Wong. The artist, who passed away in December 2016 at age 106, was famous for his work in films, particularly as the lead artist on Disney’s Bambi.


    Chinatown hosts many party-style events throughout the year, like the music and food truck Chinatown Summer Nights, the yearly Moon Festival and the biggest one, Chinese New Year!

    It’s really a good place to experience L.A.’s cultural diversity.

    1. Of the following places, which one may be popular for its breakfast?

    A. Garnier Building.      B. Philippe The Original.

    C. Full House Seafood.      D. Golden Lake Eatery.

    1. Who might be attracted to the CAM most?

    A. A chef.        B. A doctor.

    C. A dancer.        D. A historian.

    1. What can you do in Chinatown?

    A. Visit Bruce Lee in person.

    B. Taste different food for free.

    C. Celebrate the Spring Festival.

    D. Protect the oldest Chinese building.    


    Jordan Mittler has been spending weekends teaching seniors in New York how to use technology for years, but he never expected he would be streaming a class online.

    He has taught texting, emailing and video chatting to dozens of seniors for years, beginning when his grandparents first got smartphones. Teaching them how to use apps and send messages inspired the teen to offer his services to more older people. In February 2019, he created a formal curriculum and started hosting free, hour-long sessions for seniors every Sunday.

    Immediately, he was flooded with interested participants. His course, spread out over 10 weeks, was an instant success. One of his favorite lessons was helping his students surprise a family member with a video call.

    But when the coronavirus hit New York City, Jordan had to end his classes. He wasn’t sure if he could move the lessons online—it was much easier to help students understand their devices in person —but he knew the importance of keeping older folks connected online. Most of the attendees were retired or lived alone and needed to find ways to connect with family members remotely. “It gives them somewhere to be and something to do,” he said.

    So he spent a week ensuring each student could use Zoom, an online video chat platform. For most of the seniors, that meant calling them individually with step-by-step instructions. Since then, online classes have been going smoothly. He has reworked his curriculum to include tasks relevant to life in isolation, like staying in touch with family, checking the news, and playing online games.

    His project, Mittler Senior Technology, has taught Jordan the value of making intergenerational

    relationships. He frequently invites his teenage friends to participate in his classes, hoping more young people will take time to help older relatives or neighbors.

    1. What made Jordan decide to help the old?

    A. Buying smartphones for his grandparents. 

    B. Streaming a class about smartphones.       

    C. Guiding his grandparents to use smartphones. 

    D. Learning more skills about surfing the Internet.

    1. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

    A. How Jordan began his online classes.

    B. Why it was necessary to help the old.

    C. What Jordan thought of the coronavirus.

    D. Why it was hard to teach the old online.

    1. What can we know about Jordan’s online teaching?

    A. It got support from apps.     B. Jordan had confidence in it at first.

    C. Its curriculum never changed.    D. Jordan well prepared for it.

    1. What can we infer about Jordan Mittler?

    A. He is considerate and patient.    B. He is humorous and positive.

    C. He is curious and brave.     D. He is honest and determined.


    Amy Fang has recently been asked a lot about how her handbag matches her vest (马甲). A few months ago, they belonged to the same grey jacket that she bought five years ago. “I’ve been telling people around me that if you have clothes that carry emotional value and you dont want to get rid of them, you can have them upcycled (升级改造),” says Fang.

    Fashion’s waste problem places a huge burden on the environment, awareness of which partly drives upcycle actions. The fashion industry contributes 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Upcycling, or making unwanted materials into new products, is an important solution that goes hand in hand with recycling and reuse.

    In China’s big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, the trend is beginning to make an impact. Retopia, a sustainable lifestyle platform backed by student designer incubator Labelhood Youtopia, hosted a pop-up in a shopping centre in Shanghai to sell secondhand or upcycled clothes—70% of over 1,000 items were sold, according to the platform.

    Haiyan Zhong, co-founder of Another Aura, which helped Fang find a new life for her old jacket, explains how her startup fits into the wider sustainability fashion context in China. “One part of it is to use natural, organic or biodegradable materials in making the clothes,” she says. “The other part is how to deal with the clothes and the materials they’re made from in their afterlife.”

    Customers like Fang can help to influence the next generation. She is happy to see how her upcycle mindset rubs off on her 16-year-old daughter. “My daughter was very impressed with the final products from Another Aura. I hope she can be conscious of her purchases as well and adopt the same habit in the future.”

    1. What does Amy Fang think about her vest?

    A. It is of little use.

    B. It has cost too much. 

    C. It contains a certain feeling.

    D. It should be donated to others.     

    1. What can we learn from the text?

    A. The fashion industry is environmentally friendly.

    B. Another Aura attaches importance to materials of clothes.

    C. Retopia is the first to sell upcycled clothes.

    D. Recycling is not a solution to the waste problem.

    1. What does the phrase rubs off in the last paragraph probably mean?

    A. Shocks.        B. Affects.

    C. Amuses.        D. Threatens.

    1. Which can be a suitable title for the text?

    A. Chinas Upcycling Trend     B. Fangs Beneficial Actions

    C. Starting Sustainable Studios    D. Influence of the Fashion Industry


    In the African bush in southern Kenya, Lucy King watched an elephant rest under a big tree, seemingly bothered by an overhead beehive (蜂巢). It was 2007, and King had just published a behavioral study confirming a belief, widely held by local communities for thousands of years, that elephants are frightened by bees.

    King, a zoologist at the nonprofit organization Save the Elephants (STE), asked her research assistant to throw a stone at the hive. “And then suddenly, the bees just erupted,” King says, “the elephants just fled.” That moment led King to a novel design for using live beehives as “fences” to protect farm crops from hungry elephants.

    An elephant can eat a farm’s entire harvest in one day, seriously threatening a family’s income and food security. To protect their livelihoods, some farmers have taken to shooting elephants. In an attempt to find a nonlethal (不致命的) solution, nearly 10,000 bee fences like those in King’s initial design are now built into sites in 20 African and Asian countries, she estimates. STE team members focus on providing bee-fence kits to farmers in areas of serious human-elephant conflicts.

    In a 2017 field study, King documented that bee fences installed at 10 farms near a national park in Kenya deterred (威慑) elephants 80 percent of the time. Meanwhile, bee fences have provided some farmers with new income. As part of the STE program, they are taught beekeeping and provided with protective gear such as suits, smokers, rubber boots and gloves.

    Farms with bee fences and healthy hives have also inspired another type of enterprise. Mavis Nduchwa started a honey-collecting business in Botswana—a country that has a farm-based economy and is also home to the world’s largest elephant population. The company offers beekeeping training to women at farms with bee fences and helps them sell the resulting honey through her business. The benefits go beyond extra income, she says. “We have seen a decline in the number of gender-based violence cases as women are more empowered and have jobs,” says Nduchwa, who employs more than 1,500 female farmers. “It might sound crazy, but a jar of honey saves elephants and feeds more families.”

    1. Why did King design bee fences?      

    A. To obtain live beehives.     B. To test the function of STE. 

    C. To protect crops.       D. To provide jobs for women. 

    1. How does Kings design work?

    A. It trains farmers to watch over crops.   B. It makes bees provide more honey.

    C. It frightens elephants away.      D. It uses kits to reduce conflict.

    1. The author develops the last paragraph mainly by __________.

    A. cause and effect       B. example

    C. process        D. comparison and contrast

    1. Which word best describe the authors attitude to bee fences?

    A. Skeptical.        B. Tolerant.    

    C. Worried.        D. Positive.                                      

    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分12.5分)


    As winter arrives, people often complain that it feels like the longest season, and for many, it’s the fact that they feel trapped indoors and down that contributes to it.    36    Here are a few tips you can use.

    Increase your social activities

       37    You can invite friends to your house, meet up with them at a favourite restaurant or do an activity together. All in all, increase your social activities is a great way.

    Ride roller skating indoors

    Winter is also a great excuse to check out the many exciting indoors sports. There are typical and traditional sports.    38    If you want to step outside your comfort zone, you can give roller skating a try. Roller skating acts as a fantastic lower body exercise, since you can burn a fair number of calories in just a half-hour skate.


    While it may be cold outdoors, fresh air is important to your mental and physical health. When the sun is shining, you can go outdoors to take advantage and get vitamin D, as it’s not always so easy to come by in winter. Even if you just go for a 15-minute walk, it still helps.

    Get enough sleep

       40    Making sure you get at least seven hours of sleep each night means you’ll wake up feeling refreshed, energized and ready to take on the day.

    All these tips will help you get through the long and cold winter, improving your physical and mental health.

    A. Go hiking everyday.

    B. Ensure your outdoor time.

    C. How to improve your mood?

    D. How can you get enough sleep?

    E. However, they may not attract you.

    F. Make efforts to be with others to avoid feeling down.

    G. The amount of sleep has a huge impact on your health.


    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


    I haven’t received any formal training in swimming but was born and brought up in this area, so swimming comes naturally to me. We all play here in the   41   waters because we know it’s safe. But there are areas in this lake that are very deep and dangerous.

    It was around sometime last year that a young girl was laughing and playing in the water. I saw her and remembered my   42  . I smiled and continued doing my work until I heard her   43  . I looked back at the waters, but I couldn’t see hershe had gone into the deep and had started to   44  . There were about 100 onlookers (旁观者) but no one moved an inch. I didn’t understand why no one was   45   to do anything about it!

    I couldn’t see her and I didn’t have a   46   where she was, but I just jumped in, hoping to find her. I saw her drowning in the deep and I swam towards her. The water there was heavy and fighting the

      47   wasn’t easy, but I swam with all my might to save the girl and myself. At some point, I even felt like I wouldn’t   48   it because it was just too much. But I pushed myself harder and used all my strength until I finally   49   her.

    I   50   her and pulled her out of the deep. When I reached the shore and put her near the steps, everyone praised my   51   but my only focus was to see whether she   52  .

    1. A. pure

    B. different

    C. shallow

    D. natural

    1. A. childhood

    B. knowledge

    C. dream

    D. adventure

    1. A. sing

    B. laugh

    C. whisper

    D. cry

    1. A. drown

    B. struggle

    C. freeze

    D. swim

    1. A. worried

    B. ready

    C. curious

    D. polite

    1. A. choice

    B. problem

    C. clue

    D. word

    1. A. conflict

    B. force

    C. danger

    D. wind

    1. A. take

    B. make

    C. get

    D. chance

    1. A. saw

    B. informed

    C. reached

    D. understood

    1. A. caught hold of

    B. stared at

    C. kept track of

    D. listened to

    1. A. inspiration

    B. experience

    C. honesty

    D. bravery

    1. A. left

    B. regretted

    C. survived

    D. agreed

    1. A. normally

    B. hurriedly

    C. hardly

    D. greatly

    1. A. worker

    B. example

    C. swimmer

    D. signal

    1. A. decision

    B. plan

    C. suggestion

    D. difference

    Luckily, she started breathing   53  after a few minutes.

    I became a good   54   after that, but the biggest lesson I learned from this is to never be an onlooker and to get up and make a   55   in one’s hour of need.



    Yazhou potterya type of exquisite pottery with a history of more than 600 yearsis now shining a new light across China.

    As an ancient Chinese artifact, Yazhou pottery dates back     56     the reign of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty. During this period, the art form     57     (bring) to Yazhou town in today’s Pingtang county, Guizhou province from Jiangxi province. This is    58    Yazhou pottery was named and found its origin.

    After     59     (spread) to Guizhou, Yazhou pottery was combined with aspects from the local Miao and Buyi ethnic cultures. In this way, it gained its own distinctive style in shape and color.

    The shapes of Yazhou pottery are inspired directly by objects in daily life,     60     adds to their folk style. In addition, the glaze of Yazhou pottery is also special. The pottery uses glass powder to make products Jade-like in     61     (appear).

    Yazhou pottery saw a crisis in     62     1980s, as many pottery factories were closed because the daily uses of pottery were largely replaced by those     63     (make) from metal and plastic.

        64    (fortune), things changed after 2008, when Yazhou pottery was listed as a national-level intangible cultural heritage and got support from governments of different levels. Its inheritors are also creating new ways     65     (develop) it, like transforming the potteries into tourist souvenirs.

    The heritage of Yazhou pottery is never something that stands still, but a process driven forward by innovation.




    第四部分 写作(共节,满分40分)


    假定你是李华,你的留学生朋友Larry邀请你去参观一个海洋生物(marine life)摄影展。请你用英语给他回一封邮件,询问这个摄影展的有关情况。内容包括:

    1. 摄影展举办的时间、地点;
    2. 参加摄影展的费用及所需的准备。


    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。



    As a teenager, I couldnt stand seeing a photo of my nose in profile(从侧面). I hated how big it was and, if people praised me for my looks, I always felt it was in spite of the most noticeable feature on my face.

    I was about to accept that I would never fully see my nose as beautiful when I met Nicholas Baldion, an artist, in a London pub, and asked him to paint my portrait(肖像). I regretted this the second I arrived for my sitting. I had forgotten that Baldion would have to spend hours staring at my biggest insecurity, and then painstakingly translating it onto canvas(油画).

    The first sitting was hard. I could not shake the feeling of wanting to turn my head to face the front. I hated the fact that Baldion was openly and carefully examining the one feature I had spent years trying to hide. Yet, as the two-and-a-half-hour sitting went on, I calmed down and began to accept my feelings. I had put myself in this situation, so now I just needed to sit in it. By the second sitting, I was almost excited—not just by the thought of having an afternoon when I had an excuse to do absolutely nothing, but because it had finally sunk in that I was having my portrait done.


        1. 续写词数应为150左右; 

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。



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