Recent years have witnessed the increasing popularity of such apps as WeChat and TikTok. ____1____ Also TikTok is already a household name globally, maybe one of the Chinese brands to be truly recognized universally.
WeChat is particularly relied upon as a secure part of the structure of our technologically advancing societies. ____2____
Moreover, a court in Haidian allows litigants(诉讼当事人)to communicate with their lawyers through WeChat video connections.
Many features of WeChat alongside its well-thought-out design have meant that the app has dominated its competitors domestically.
The ability to move through web pages without tags and save articles alongside other offline content within the app simplified the online experience. ____3____This is a fantastic application designed to combine the comprehensive nature of the web experience with the simplistic convenience of mobile apps.
____4____ An example is that users, when opening an app such as WeChat, will simply at first see the content that had been previously browsing, allowing them to pick up where they left off, much like reading a book.
The intuitive(直观的)design is what makes WeChat not just an app in communicating with friends and family. ____5____You can also order a taxi through it. All of these extra features come down to the one single universal strength of detail in design and multiple app service integration.
A.Residents in Guangzhou can use the app to store their ID cards.
B.Many may bring up the fact that you can pay for goods and services.
C.WeChat alone, as of 2020, boasts more than 1 billion users worldwide.
D.The app itself has no doubt also been an influence on many Western apps.
E.In a web browser, a user saves a list of favorite sites for future use while browsing.
F.Users didn’t have to switch constantly from app to app depending on the type of multimedia they consumed.
G.The continuity(连续性)in the online and offline browsing experience makes WeChat successful in keeping our attention.
“Just think positively!”
“It could be worse.”
“You should look at the bright side!”
We’ve all heard (and maybe used) these phrases without much thought. But they could be contributing to a culture of toxic (有毒的) positivity. For those new to this term, it might sound like an oxymoron (矛盾修辞法). How can positivity be toxic? Isn’t it supposed to be helpful, or “positive”, as the name suggests?___6___
“Toxic positivity is when somebody avoids all negative thoughts or feelings, pretending everything is going well when it is not,” explains Melissa Dowd, a therapist at PlushCare, a virtual health platform. Whitney Goodman, another licensed psychotherapist, describes toxic positivity as the “endless pressure to be happy and positive, no matter what the circumstances are.”___7___It’s also something we can cause other people to experience.
Toxic positivity causes us to suppress our emotions, which can make them worse. ___8___“Although it can be helpful to look on the bright side when facing challenges,” Dowd says, “not coping with negative feelings in a healthy way in the moment can lead to those feelings resurfacing later in different areas of your life or as a form of anxiety.” ___9___ “If I feel like you’re going to set me aside, I’m going to stop sharing how I’m feeling,” Goodman adds.
___10___If you’re using toxic positivity against yourself, Goodman suggests remembering it’s OK if you’re upset about something. It’s valid if something annoys you. “Allow ourselves and other people to share when they’re going through a difficult time,” she says. Dowd adds that it’s essential that “we all learn to cope with and process our emotions in a healthy way as opposed to avoiding how we feel” as life’s stressors continue to rise. For example, instead of simply saying “Just think positively,” we’d better say “Sometimes bad things happen. How can I help?”
A.Are there ways to avoid toxic positivity?
B.Toxic positivity also interrupts connection.
C.It can harm people who are going through difficult times.
D.Expressing toxic positivity to others may look like offering them a simple solution.
E.They become more intense and can also cause long-lasting health concerns in the future.
F.Experts say constant forced positivity can lead to the opposite, and have a negative effect.
G.This is what we may bring on to ourselves by not allowing negative thoughts and feelings.
Connection is a basic human need, but being constantly connected to our technology can make us feel more imprisoned than nourished. If you’re feeling frazzled, a digital detox (脱瘾治疗) may help calm your mind and soothe your spirit. It is believed that consciously choosing to unplug can improve relationships and enhance a person’s overall well-being.
Plan in advance. While a 72-hour detox is best, a simple 24 hours of unplugging can still be helpful. People are more understanding about delayed responses to emails around the holidays. ___11___ Pick a couple days when you’ll be occupied with friends, family or other activities.
Spread the word. Get yourself psyched up and tell everyone. ___12___ Letting all of your colleagues, friends and loved ones know that you won’t be responding to texts or email for a couple of days makes room for you to focus on the people you’re seeing in person.
Add something fun into your life. When you remove your dependence upon digital devices, you may find you have a bit more free time on your hands. If you want to take this to another level, add in something you’re excited about like exercising, going for a walk, or starting a meditation practice. ___13___
Remove temptations. Compulsively (禁不住地) checking emails and iPhones has become second nature for most of us. Clean your bedroom and remove any technology from this part of your home. Make sure your computer or anything else that’s glowing is out of your bedroom and your remote controls are far away. If you’re going on a diet you don’t want a chocolate cake sitting in your kitchen. ___14___
___15___ Returning from your detox may be overwhelming. Use the perspective that you gained in your off time to prioritize thoughtfully all of the things that have backed up. “Before you jump back in, prioritize. You are no longer a slave to your devices - you have the power.”
A.It’s the same thing with this.
B.Get more energy in your off time.
C.Do it on or around Christmas Day.
D.This makes it the perfect time to get offline.
E.You can also use this time to stop a harmful habit.
F.Strategically re-enter the world of digital connection.
G.Post it on social media, make an email alert, change your voicemail.
Museums can be overwhelming. With thousands of pieces there, how do you know which to focus on? And once you see a piece you like, how do you interact with it? Here is some advice on how to have a meaningful connection when you look at art.
Get up close and personal.____16____ Therefore, take your time to observe qualities about a work that may not come through on a computer screen. That includes its look and the feel of its surface, the marks made by the brush and the path your eyes take when viewing the work.
Stand back. Next, take a few steps back, stand in the center — and observe what’s happening in the big picture. What’s going on in the piece? ____17____ What are they doing? How are they related?
Look at it from an angle. Then try looking at an artwork from its sides, because you might catch something you might not have seen straight on. If it’s something like The Ambassadors by Holbein at The National Gallery in London, if you stand to the side, you’ll see something that from front on looks very different. ____18____ That’s called anamorphic art.
Move your body. If you’re looking at a painting, you can take a finger to the air and trace the outline of the figure or the movement of the brushstrokes. ____19____ This can help you see and feel what it might be like to make this artwork from the artist’s perspective.
Consider the subject of the art. That can have a profound effect on how you feel about the work-and perhaps you can learn something from it. Take the example of Andrew Wyeth’s famous painting, Christina’s World, which depicts (描绘) a girl with a muscle disease crawling across a field to get to her home in the distance. The painting personifies (体现) determination.____20____
A.So just keep an open mind.
B.What have they gone through?
C.When you stand to the side, it changes.
D.How are the figures in the piece arranged?
E.We have the luxury of seeing the real thing at a museum.
F.When looking at sculptures, try the poses with your body.
G.It can in a way relieve your stress to know we have this inner strength.
People have been playing rock, paper, scissors for about 2,000 years. It’s played everywhere. Many people think the game is all luck: their probability of winning seems about the same as their chances of losing. ____21____ There are patterns in how people make decisions. Although knowing the psychology of this game isn’t a sure ticket to winning a match, it can help.
The game is mainly about predicting and reading your opponents. ____22____ Research has shown that there is a slight preference for people to begin by playing rock. There are different theories about why — it could be because it is mentioned first in the name of the game, or it could be because rock is similar to a fist which seems powerful. Thus, if we know that, it gives us an edge — just play paper.
____23____ Research shows that people who lose a hand tend to change. So there is a reasonable chance that our opponents will change to scissors or paper. That gives us our second edge — just play scissors and we should either win or draw. But this isn’t an exact science. What if it doesn’t go to plan and your opponents win? ____24____.
If we lose the previous hand then our opponents might reasonably expect us to switch to something else. ____25____. Hopefully, they’ll switch, expecting us to switch, and it should improve our chances. Maybe sometimes the less predictable you are, the better chance you have of winning.
A.But the outcome of the game is not random.
B.So what if you could predict their first hand?
C.Perhaps they know a bit of game strategy too.
D.If our opponents lose, they’ll probably switch.
E.“Practice, practice, practice” is the key to success.
F.This gives us our final edge — surprise them by not switching.
G.Look for patterns in either your opponent’s moves or behavior.
Bruce is a manager who had a team of around 40 people. Most of them were bright, enthusiastic, and hardworking young fellows. This helps to promote their independence. ___26___ But as a team, they are not so good, which is crucial for the organization.
___27___He invited everyone to a hall for a game consisting of 3 rounds. For the first round, he told everyone to blow a balloon kept on the table and then write their name on it without bursting it, and each of them did it. Then they took a break outside for the second round. Soon after he called them back in, with more balloons scattered around without names on them. He declared that they had 15 minutes to find the balloon with their name written on it. ___28___
For the next round, Bruce told them if any team member found a balloon with a name on it, he or she had to give it to the owner of the name. All started searching, and within a couple of minutes everyone had their own balloon with their name on it. Bruce went to the dais and said, “You see, in the second round, no one was able to find their balloons as they were working on individual targets. But in the final round. within a couple of minutes, everyone had the balloon with them. ___29___”
Most of the time, people hide information, avoid collaboration, and distance themselves from their team members.___30___And it also, in the long run, affects the individual. So, everyone in the team should share and work effectively for greater ambition for the team.
A.Consequently, no one got their balloons.
B.However, he found he was not successful.
C.That’s the power of teamwork and sharing.
D.So he considered taking his group on a trip.
E.Individually, everyone on the team is outstanding.
F.This sort of mindset forms obstacles for team growth.
G.He decided to address the issue by launching a team activity.
Sometimes you just want to get away. Your older brother and his friends are constantly amped in front of the TV, your baby sister won’t stay out of your room, and you want some time for yourself.
But when you get it-maybe at a friend’s house for an all-weekend DVD marathon or on spring break at Disney World-you’re surprised to find yourself missing the chaos at home a bit.
What’s that all about?____31____
When you’re homesick, you might feel nostalgic (怀念的) for familiar things like your family, friends, pets, house, or neighborhood. Homesickness isn’t only for kids.____32____ Teens might get homesick when they leave home for the first extended period of time, like during a vacation with a friend’s family.
Familiar surroundings, people, and routines provide people with a sense of security and comfort.____33____ Those homesick feelings are completely normal.
____34____ Others may feel physical symptoms, like stomachache or headache, or even become truly depressed. Most of the time, once the new surroundings and people become more familiar, feelings of homesickness go away. If you have additional stress in your life - like a divorce or a death in the family - homesickness can be more intense.
Almost everyone has felt homesick at some time.____35____ It means you have family and friends worth missing and a place you want to return to when your adventure away from home is over.
A.Practically everyone feels homesick from time to time, even adults.
B.In a new place, you may find yourself missing the comforts of home and loved ones.
C.Believe it or not, you’re feeling homesick.
D.Remember that there’s a good side to homesickness, too.
E.Luckily, homesickness is usually mild and doesn’t last long.
F.Some people may only feel a little loneliness, sadness, or anxiety.
G.And you can do some things to make sure it doesn’t spoil your fun.
Friction (摩擦力)is a very familiar force in everyday life. It always acts to slow things down. Sometimes we may mistake friction for traction (拉力). Friction is the force felt between two surfaces. while traction is the action that results. ___36___ . But traction can be increased when things like that change.
The material a surface is made from affects how much friction it creates. We can see how it works by thinking of everyday objects. If we rub (磨)our fingers along a piece of sandpaper, we can feel how rough it is. ___37___ . It’s much smoother than the sandpaper, but it still feels a bit rough. Finally, imagine tracing our fingertips across metal. such as the steel used to make a car door. It feels amazingly smooth.
___38___ . Light pressure will result in only a small amount of friction. But two surfaces pressing together strongly will generate much friction. For instance. even two sheets of sand-paper rubbing together lightly will have only a little friction. Press them down hard. though, and they will have a much harder time moving.
We can also see a huge effect of friction in earthquakes. ___39___ ,small sliding causes minor quakes. Once their friction gets too strong. a major quake will happen. Friction can also lead to dramatic fun, such as ice skating. Balancing all of our weight on skates creates a much higher pressure than if we are wearing regular shoes. That pressure actually melts a thin layer of ice. ___40___
A.Friction is really a result of pressure
B.As Earth’s plates try to slide past one another
C.Now imagine turning our hand across a piece of wood
D.In fact, we are not sliding across the ice but liquid water
E.The force of friction doesn’t change if you increase the surface area
F.Even though we can feel the forces of friction every day as we walk and play
G.The other factor that affects friction is how hard the two surfaces are pressing together
You’re out on a hike, snacking on an apple, a banana, or some nuts. When you’re finished, all that’s left is a core, a peel, or a shell. “It’s natural,” you tell yourself, throwing it into the woods.
After all, food waste is biodegradable (可生物降解的). It’s not like you’re littering by throwing away a plastic bottle. ____41____
Food waste doesn’t break down as fast as you think
Most people know food waste is biodegradable. But fewer people are aware that orange and banana peels can take up to two years to break down in the wild, meaning they’re going to be staying in nature for a lot longer than you might think. And even if they eventually biodegrade, they can lead to a lot of serious problems.
“ Animals have a super advanced sense of smell compared to us,” says biologist Jeff Marion. All human food can attract animals. This can then cause “attraction behavior”, which refers to human actions that cause animals to overcome their natural wariness(警惕)of people. ____43____
Attraction can mean aggression
When animals are routinely attracted to humans and their food, they often become habituated to human presence. “Once an animal reaches that point, it’s essentially game over,” Marion says. That’s the origin of the phrase: A fed bear is a dead bear. ____44____ Even if a person is injured by a bear, the human usually recovers. The animal, however, is often relocated or killed to prevent further potentially deadly encounters.
____45____ You should properly store and deal with food waste. Don’t attempt to burn or bury it, as food waste is more difficult to burn than you think. Besides, if you see other food waste in nature, pick it up, even if it’s not yours. Because while negative individual impacts can have a harmful effect outdoors, positive individual impacts do just the opposite!
A.Food waste can appeal to animals.
B.Human actions result from attraction behavior.
C.Keeping your food to yourself is the best solution.
D.However, food left outdoors can have unexpected impacts.
E.Here are the measures we should take to prevent food waste.
F.This sort of attraction behavior can quickly become dangerous.
G.Because when it comes to human-animal encounters; animals are often the losers.
Expressive writing is a cornerstone of wellness and writing connections. If you are not familiar with it,you may be asking:“Just what is expressive writing, and how is that related to my wellness?”
Expressive writing is personal and emotional writing without regard to form or other writing conventions.____46____It is one common tool used by psychologists in therapy and hundreds of studies found that it could be healing in many circumstances such as for cancer patients or those with disabilities.
Expressive writing therapy works because it allows you to make meaning out of a painful experience,experts say. Recognizing that something is bothering you is an important first step. ____47____And creating a narrative gives you a sense of control.
What if you don’t consider yourself“a writer”? Don’t worry about spelling or grammar,and don’t share your writing with anyone. But do dig deep into your thoughts and feelings.____48____.
Yanatha Desouvre, who teaches entrepreneurship at a college in Miami,took up expressive writing about 15 years ago,after the breakup of what he says was an unhealthy relationship. He wrote to understand why it made him feel vulnerable(脆弱的)and sometimes physically ill. He thinks of his expressive writing as a captain’s log.____49____“My expressive writing gave me the courage to face my fears,”Desouvre says.“And I believe it has helped me discover the hope I need to heal.”
____50____Expressive writing isn’t a magical cure-all. It shouldn’t be used as a replacement for other treatments. And people coping with a severe depression may not find it useful to do on their own, without therapy.
A.But there are a few warnings.
B.Your goal is to be honest with yourself.
C.It is a recording of what happened and what he’s learned.
D.It simply expresses what is on your mind and in your heart.
E.Spending minutes writing down your feelings improves your health.
F.The topic can be anything as long as the writing expresses personal thoughts.
G.Translating that experience into language forces you to organize your thoughts.
Having a good sense of humor makes you more enjoyable to be around. ____51____ . Here’s how you can develop your sense of humor.
●Surround Yourself with Humor
You learn more effectively when you fully expose yourself to a subject. Similarly, you can improve your sense of humor by surrounding yourself with humor. Watch standup comedians. Listen to programs that amuse you.Read humorous books.____52____ .
●Learn What Amuses You
____53____ . We amuse our friends by praising a change they made. However, when it comes to being funny, don’t change your sense of humor to amuse other people. Instead, start with what amuses you.Then, if you think the other person will also be amused with it, share it with them.
●Think About Timing and Audience
You don’t have to be funny all the time, so don’t expect that of yourself. When you catch yourself trying to be funny, slow down. Simply speak slower so you’re not as likely to stop and repeat yourself. Try speaking at 60-70 % of your usual rate. ____54____ .
You don’t need to seize every single opportunity to be funny. If you’re in the middle of a bad joke, just end it. “You know what, now that I’m telling it, it’s not as funny as it sounded in my head,”can be a bit of an awkward end and hurt your pride a little bit, but it saves everyone time and patience. In the long run, they’ll respect your taste.
A.Be Creative, Not Silly
B.Pause in between sentences
C.There’s a lot of fun out there
D.You might also do better at work
E.Know When to Pull the Plug on Yourself
F.You can also try your hand in the real world
G.A lot of times, we say things purely to please others
Information can come from many different sources and perspectives. But when you’re only hearing the same perspectives and opinions over and over again, you may be in something called an echo chamber(回声室效应).
Echo chambers can happen anywhere information is exchanged, whether it’s online or in real life. The Internet has a unique type of echo chamber called a filter bubble(过滤泡沫). ____56____ Websites will then primarily show you content that’s similar to what you’ve already expressed interest in, which prevent you from finding new ideas online.
____57____ If you’re ever wondering if a social group or website may be an echo chamber, stop and think about a few questions. Do they tend to only give one perspective on an issue? Is that viewpoint mainly supported by rumor or incomplete evidence? ____58____ If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have found an echo chamber.
There’s no perfect way to avoid echo chambers, but here are a few tips that can help you stay on the right track. ____59____ Adding in a few media sources with different opinions will allow you to at least understand what people are saying outside of your echo chamber. Next, the most important aspect is reading each thing you see with a critical eye. ____60____ Lastly, attempt to search out reliable new sources that are known for trying their best to filter out false narratives.
A.Echo chambers can also be tricky to recognize.
B.It is created by keeping track of what you click on.
C.What comes first is to step out of your comfort zone.
D.Are facts ignored whenever they go against that viewpoint?
E.Make sure that each thing you accept as truth is truly fact.
F.The first step is to expand your media consumption sources.
G.Do you pay attention to the reliable information around you?
According to Jaime Roberts, good consulting is often about loosening the body, opening the mind and, more often than not, keeping the mouth shut.
Your body language matters
Jaime Roberts has been one of my go to experts for advice for decades. When I once asked her why she was so good at consulting, she was quick to mention her body language. “____61____,” she said, “Otherwise, they might not open up to me as much as I would want them to.”
You don’t have to fix the problem
That’s another thing Jaime Roberts has learned on the job, “People who ask ‘What should I do?’ often want to process a problem themselves. ____62____,” she said. “Part of the trick is remembering that listening is the best thing you have to do, in most cases.”
You don’t need to give advice right now
Texts and FaceTime might be immediate, but your advice doesn’t have to be. ____63____. “Forcing yourself to give advice when you can’t will do more harm than good,” she said.
You’re bound to hear about problems you haven’t experienced firsthand. That’s why Jaime Roberts says you should let them know that you’re just human beings with limited experience. ____65____.
A.Don’t say their choices are wrong
B.You cannot give advice as giving someone an order
C.I try to appear relaxed and avoid looks of shock or judgment
D.You don’t need to have the same problem to be a good consultant
E.But you should let them know you will do your best to understand them
F.You’re a good consultant if you can help them fix the problem on their own
G.You can politely explain to them that you will talk to them when you’re ready
At least 3 million people, or around 6% of the adult population in England aged over 16, say they feel isolated “often or always,” according to Government figures, with those aged between 16 to 24 especially vulnerable(易受影响的). When it comes to our emotional wellbeing, feeling lonely is a risk factor for several mental disorders including schizophrenia and major depression, and also makes us more fearful and anxious.
____66____ What is perhaps less obvious is one answer to the problem: the healing power of poetry to make us feel more connected to others. ____67____ We’re not alone in our despair or delight. When we have a poem by our side, whether tucked into a bag or on a bedside table, it feels like we’re being accompanied by a friend: an authorial arm is wrapped around our shoulders.
I remember one woman starting to cry as she read Derek Walcott’s poem Love After Love during a workshop held at my local hospital in West London. ____68____ Everyone in the room knew just what she meant. She had, in Walcott’s phrase, struggled to “love again the stranger who was yourself”. The poet’s invitation to “Sit. Feast on your life” was what she needed, in language which spoke to her, to imagine loving herself in a way she had always found hard. ____69____
I am not alone in believing in that poems can aid our mental health. A 2021 study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that a group of 44 hospitalized children who were encouraged to read and write poetry saw reductions in fear, sadness, anger, worry and fatigue, Poetry was a welcome distraction from stress and an opportunity for self-reflection, the researchers concluded. ____70____
A.Fighting through tears, she eventually said that she felt understood.
B.I hope there will be more clinical studies on poetry’s therapeutic power.
C.Indeed, loneliness is now widely recognized as a major public health problem.
D.Poetry lets us connect with other people who have experienced similar feelings.
E.Unfortunately, an increasing number of people have no idea of emotional well-being.
F.Poetry had worked its magic, unlocking a feeling of inner connection to all of us there.
G.I am hopeful that more studies and evidence will emerge, given my own experience of how poems can help us feel less isolated.
Developing an optimistic outlook can be good for both your physical and mental health. Here are some ways to make thinking positive thoughts easy.
●Spend time with positive people
If you surround yourself with constant complainers, their negativity is likely to rub off on you. Spend time with positive friends and family members to increase the likelihood that their positive thinking habits will become yours too.___71___
●Recognize and replace negative thoughts
You won’t be successful at positive thinking, if you’re still stuck in frequent negative thoughts.___72___If you find yourself thinking something such as, “I always mess everything up”, replace it with something more realistic such as, “Sometimes I make mistakes but I learn from them.”
●Consider the consequences of negativity
Spend some time thinking about the consequences of negative thinking.___73___ For example, a person who thinks, “I probably won’t get this job interview,” may put less effort into the interview. As a result, he may decrease his chances of getting the job.
●Create a daily gratitude list
If you start keeping a daily gratitude list, you’ll start noticing exactly how much you have to be thankful for.___74___ And you focus on the positive in your life instead of thinking about all the bad things that have happened in the day.
●Look for silver lining
When something bad happens, look for the silver lining. ___75___ While it may be difficult to find good in a tough situation, it is always there if you look hard enough. Focusing on the positive helps you to stay hopeful and optimistic even when things are tough.
A.Often, it can become a self-fulfilling prediction
B.This will help you look for the good in other people.
C.Learn how to surround yourself with positive people.
D.Your past mistakes are not there for you to hold on to.
E.This means looking for the positive side of a negative event.
F.Learn to recognize and replace thoughts that are overly negative.
G.Generate ideas on limiting the time you spend with negative people
Work from Anywhere Movement
For a lot of us, working from wherever we wanted was a bit of a dream. It would mean we’d be able to visit family and not take holiday days. But suddenly that “dream” of not working in the office became a reality for many. Working from home over the last years has proven that it isn’t always necessary for teams to physically be together and there is more flexibility. ____76____
An obvious benefit for many employers is reduced costs. With a widespread workforce, there’s no need to have an office big enough for everyone. They also save on travel costs, as meetings that once “needed” to be done face-to-face can now be done online. ____77____ With the work from anywhere movement, employers can hire global talents. They’re not restricted to people living nearby.
____78____ In an ever changing and developing working world, offering benefits like this could be what makes a company stand out from another for a specific candidate.
For many employees, working from anywhere supports mental health. ____79____ Imagine ending a particularly stressful meeting. Rather than going back to your office desk, you step out your door and have a coffee in the sun or walk along a beach. In Addition, working from anywhere allows you to have a better work-life balance. It lets you travel to see family, watch your daughter’s soccer game, and go to the little bakery—all while being paid. ____80____
A.But it’s not only about money.
B.However, every coin has two sides.
C.It decreases stress and other concerns.
D.Your time is spent on the things that matter.
E.There are a lot of benefits for companies and workers.
F.Offering remote job positions makes a company more competitive.
G.Offices are increasingly where you go to put the company into company.
Our habits shape our daily existence and our future. Making small happy changes to your habits can be life-changing. Here are some happy habits to try.
People who enjoy learning are more likely to report being satisfied with their lives. Being open to trying new things engages your mind and encourages you to take positive risks.____82____.Something like changing up the route of your morning walk or ordering takeout from a different restaurant on a Friday night can help shake things up and keep life fresh.
Experiment with a new hobby
Having at least one hobby you enjoy doing is linked with feeling happier. It doesn’t matter so much what you choose -- be it painting, gardening or ballroom dancing -- as long as you find a new hobby that feels enjoyable. Hobbies often have the added bonus of building and strengthening relationships with others._____83_____.
Unplug from social media
Social media can be a good tool for building relationships if you’re using it to actively interact with others. Overuse of them, on the other hand, has been shown to increase feelings of depression and anxiety. ____84____. Read a book, play board games with your family or take a cat nap -- all things also associated with a happier mood.
Give back to others
____85____. It helps you feel happier and less depressed, reduces blood pressure and improves heart health, teaches you new skills, helps you live longer, protects your brain from cognitive decline and gives you a sense of purpose -- just to name a few benefits.
A.It is better to start small
B.Break out of your comfort zone
C.Making time to volunteer is worth it
D.It is a natural way to lead to happiness
E.Being happy isn’t something you achieve and then hold onto
F.Take time every day to turn off all your electronics
G.Actually, doing something you enjoy is the No. 1 guaranteed way to be happier
Establishing healthy boundaries with yourself will help you stay within your range of control and prioritize what matters most. Here are some tips.
Be honest with yourself
Behind every fancy purchase is a desire for status and recognition. You secretly want to be noticed for wearing a new watch or carrying a designer purse.___86___So before taking action towards any endeavor, such as making an expensive purchase or pursuing a job promotion, ask yourself, “Who am I doing this for?”
___87___However,if you are pursuing something with the hopes of attracting attention, then you need to say no to yourself.
Honor your limits
You can’t be everything for everyone. Trying to please everyone makes you vulnerable.___88___It is important that you are wise with your resources.
The importance of honoring your limits is highlighted by the Greek mythological story. The story is a reminder that pushing yourself too hard for too long ultimately comes at a cost.
Stop comparing yourself to others
People will engage in behaviors that trigger you. It might be tempting to enter an undeclared competition with the Joneses. This approach does not work because there is always someone out there who has more of what you desire.
Stop comparing yourself to others.___89___Focus on living a meaningful life that is consistent with your values and goals.
Be fair to yourself
You are likely your worst critic. You secretly say things to yourself that you would never have the heart to tell others.
Remember to have realistic expectations of yourself.___90___If the goal is unrealistic, then you have to say no and adjust your expectations.
A.You criticize yourself for shortcomings.
B.The truth is you have limited energy and time.
C.The reality is that you are not being recognized.
D.What someone is doing with their life has nothing to do with you.
E.If a pursuit will truly improve the quality of your life, then go for it.
F.The same can be said about other pursuits such as accumulating wealth and status.
G.When you set goals, consider whether you have set the standard at a reasonable level.
Before we even realize it’s happening, slowly but surely, we start losing confidence in who we are, what we do, and pretty much everything we ever thought we knew. You’re not alone.____91____ Below are simple steps that it offers to help you restore confidence quickly.
Figure Out the Root Cause. Knowing why you’re losing confidence is key to reversing that downward spiral. Not only will it get your confidence back but also it will strengthen it in the process. So, take the time to become aware of your environment, your thoughts, your behaviors, and your relationships.____92____
Strike a Pose. Simply put you stand straight, take up some space, put one hand on each hip, chin tilted upward, breathe in, and be present. Hold this pose for a few minutes. ____93____Our attitudes often follow our behaviors, her research suggests, meaning that assuming the body language of a powerful person can make anyone who does it feel more confident.
____94____Losing confidence means you’ve given your power away. And one of the fastest ways to take back your power is to utter a tiny two-letter word: NO, Practice saying “no” at least once a day. It can be to your own judgy voices of doubt, or it can be to the external factors you’ve identified that have caused you to lose confidence. It, along with these other suggestions: are very powerful steps in restoring your confidence.
Losing confidence in ourselves happens.____95____I bet if you ask the people closest to you in your life, they’ll shrug and nod, letting you know that they’ve experienced self-doubt and a loss of confidence, too. It’s part of being human and part of living this thing that we call life.
A.Just Say “No”.
B.You will benefit from it in the long term.
C.They may help you find out your mistakes.
D.It’s happened to me on more than one occasion.
E.It’s one of the power poses suggested by social psychologist Amy Cuddy.
F.In that case, you can identify the negative influences that need to be addressed.
G.According to the online therapy platform Better Health, everyone lacks confidence occasionally.
How I Improved My Life in 2022
By the turn of 2022, I thought I was living mindfully and rather sustainably. I had been composting(做堆肥) fruit and vegetable leftovers, and repairing my own clothes. But as life was easing back into normal, certain aspects made me feel uncomfortable, like the amount of plastic being thrown away. ____96____. These feelings made me realize there was still room for improvement and I was up for it throughout the year.
Take up walking. The biggest change this year for me has been to take up walking wholeheartedly. Having spent so much time indoors, I wanted to have a gentle form of exercise where I could enjoy the outdoors. I started walking. Walking connected me to the beautiful creatures that live among us.____97____.
Tackle plastic waste. It was only after I started composting that I realized how much organic waste even a small household could generate. ____98____ Luckily, our city offers a door-to-door dry waste recycling service, 5Rcycle, that visits every two weeks and collects it.
____99____ Refills are a great solution to single-use plastics and to reduce my waste footprint. Earlier this year I switched to ordering household goods from a company that supplies refills for organic kitchen cleaners, toilet cleaners, and even washing machine powder.
Establish a morning routine. Waking up early comes with its own set of benefits, namely a morning routine. I do some morning reading before I brush, followed by my walk. Then, I cycle for 20 minutes before I shower.____100____.Meanwhile, they keep my evenings free so that I can meet friends, read, or connect with family, and slowly prepare my body to rest as night approaches.
A.Use less plastics.
B.Switch to refills.
C.It helped me to reflect upon life.
D.Household waste is easy to deal with.
E.These activities prepare me for the day.
F.I needed to find a solution for the waste.
G.I was also feeling unfit and unmotivated.
1.C 2.A 3.F 4.G 5.B
1.根据前文“Recent years have witnessed the increasing popularity of such apps as WeChat and TikTok. (近年来,微信和TikTok等应用越来越受欢迎)”及后文“Also TikTok is already a household name globally(此外,抖音在全球已经家喻户晓)”可知,微信和抖音近年来非常受欢迎,后文介绍了抖音的受欢迎程度,故空处应介绍微信的受欢迎程度。C项“WeChat alone, as of 2020, boasts more than 1 billion users worldwide.(截至2020年,仅微信一家就在全球拥有超过10亿的用户)”符合语境。故选C项。
2. 前文“WeChat is particularly relied upon as a secure part of the structure of our technologically advancing societies.(微信作为我们这个技术进步的社会结构的一个安全部分,尤其值得信赖)”讲到人们信任微信在技术推进社会结构进步方面的安全作用,A项“Residents in Guangzhou can use the app to store their ID cards.(广州居民可以使用这款应用存储身份证)”与后文“Moreover, a court in Haidian allows litigants (诉讼当事人)to communicate with their lawyers through WeChat video connections.(此外,海淀一家法院允许诉讼当事人通过微信视频连接与律师沟通)”都是为显示微信推进社会进步而举的例子。故选A项。
3.根据前文“The ability to move through web pages without tags and save articles alongside other offline content within the app simplified the online experience.(在没有标签的情况下浏览网页,并将文章与其他离线内容一起保存在应用程序中,这些功能简化了在线体验)”可知,使用微信时可以在不同的网页中切换,并将文章与其他离线内容保存在应用程序中,这简化了在线体验。F项“Users didn’t have to switch constantly from app to app depending on the type of multimedia they consumed.(用户不必根据他们使用的多媒体类型不断地在应用程序之间切换)”承接上文,符合语境。故选F项。
4.根据后文“An example is that users, when opening an app such as WeChat, will simply at first see the content that had been previously browsing, allowing them to pick up where they left off, much like reading a book.(例如,当用户打开微信等应用程序时,首先会看到之前浏览过的内容,让他们从离开的地方继续浏览,就像阅读一本书一样)”可知,当用户打开微信时,首先会看到之前浏览过的内容,他们可以继续浏览下去,这说明了微信浏览体验的连续性。G项“The continuity(连续性)in the online and offline browsing experience makes WeChat successful in keeping our attention.(线上和线下浏览体验的连续性使微信成功地保持了我们的注意力)”承接下文,符合语境。故选G项。
5.根据前文“The intuitive(直观的)design is what makes WeChat not just an app in communicating with friends and family.(直观的设计使微信不仅仅是一个与朋友和家人交流的应用程序)”及后文“You can also order a taxi through it.(你也可以通过它叫出租车)”可知,微信不仅仅是一个与朋友和家人交流的应用程序,后文提到微信的另一个用途,故空处应介绍微信的其他用途。B项“Many may bring up the fact that you can pay for goods and services.(许多人可能会提到这样一个事实:你可以为商品和服务付费)”符合语境。故选B项。
6.F 7.G 8.E 9.B 10.A
6.根据上文“How can positivity be toxic? Isn’t it supposed to be helpful, or “positive”, as the name suggests?(积极怎么会是有毒的呢?它不应该是有益的,或者像它的名字所暗示的那样是“积极的”吗?)”可知,选项承接上文说明专家对此的观点。故F选项“Experts say constant forced positivity can lead to the opposite, and have a negative effect.(专家表示,持续的强迫积极可能会导致相反的结果,并产生负面影响。)”切题。故选F。
7.根据上文“Whitney Goodman, another licensed psychotherapist, describes toxic positivity as the “endless pressure to be happy and positive, no matter what the circumstances are.”(另一位有执照的心理治疗师Whitney Goodman 将有毒的积极描述为“无论环境如何,都要保持快乐和积极的无尽压力。”)”可知,选项承接上文进一步总结所带来的后果。故G选项“This is what we may bring on to ourselves by not allowing negative thoughts and feelings.(这就是我们不允许消极的想法和感觉给自己带来的后果。)”切题。故选G。
8.根据上文“Toxic positivity causes us to suppress our emotions, which can make them worse.(有毒的积极情绪会使我们压抑情绪,从而使情绪变得更糟。)”可知,选项承接上文说明有毒的积极情绪的不良影响。故E选项“They become more intense and can also cause long-lasting health concerns in the future.(它们变得更加强烈,也可能在未来造成长期的健康问题。)”切题。故选E。
9.根据下文““If I feel like you’re going to set me aside, I’m going to stop sharing how I’m feeling,” Goodman adds.(Goodman补充说:“如果我觉得你要把我放在一边,我就不会再分享我的感受了。”)”可知,有毒的积极情绪会破坏人际关系,故B选项“Toxic positivity also interrupts connection.(有毒的积极态度也会中断人际关系。)”切题。故选B。
10.根据下文“If you’re using toxic positivity against yourself, Goodman suggests remembering it’s OK if you’re upset about something. It’s valid if something annoys you. “Allow ourselves and other people to share when they’re going through a difficult time,” she says. Dowd adds that it’s essential that “we all learn to cope with and process our emotions in a healthy way as opposed to avoiding how we feel” as life’s stressors continue to rise.(Goodman建议,如果你正在用有害的积极态度来对付自己,记住,如果你对某事感到不安,那也没关系。如果有什么事惹恼了你,这是合理的。她说:“让我们自己和其他人在经历困难的时候分享。”Dowd补充说,随着生活压力的不断增加,“我们都学会以一种健康的方式处理我们的情绪,而不是逃避我们的感受”,这是至关重要的。)”可知,下文是对上文有没有办法避免有毒的积极性的问题的回答。故A选项“Are there ways to avoid toxic positivity?(有没有办法避免有毒的积极情绪?)”切题。故选A。
11.D 12.G 13.E 14.A 15.F
11.根据上文“People are more understanding about delayed responses to emails around the holidays. (在节假日期间,人们更能理解邮件回复延迟的现象。)”可知,节假日期间是最佳的离线时间。D项中的“the perfect time ”和上文的“around holidays”对应。D项:This makes it the perfect time to get offline.(这是离线的最佳时机。)符合语境。故选D。
12.根据本段主题句“Spread the word.(传播信息。)”和下文“Letting all of your colleagues, friends and loved ones know that you won’t be responding to texts or email for a couple of days makes room for you to focus on the people you’re seeing in person.(让你所有的同事、朋友和爱人知道你这几天不会回复短信或电子邮件,这样你就有时间去关注你要见的人。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是通过社交媒体告诉周围的人自己不会回复短信或者电子邮件。G项中的“email”与下文对应。G项:Post it on social media, make an email alert, change your voicemail.(在社交媒体上发布,发邮件提醒,改变语音信箱。)符合语境。故选G。
13.根据上文“When you remove your dependence upon digital devices, you may find you have a bit more free time on your hands. If you want to take this to another level, add in something you’re excited about like exercising, going for a walk, or starting a meditation practice.(当你摆脱了对数字设备的依赖,你可能会发现你有更多的空闲时间。如果你想把它提升到另一个层次,加入一些你感兴趣的事情,比如锻炼,散步,或者开始冥想练习。)”可知,此处讲了摆脱对数字设备依赖后,利用空闲时间可以做的事情,空处承接上文,应该也是在围绕你可以做的事。E项中“this time”指的是上文的“a bit more free time”。E项:You can also use this time to stop a harmful habit.(你也可以利用这段时间来戒掉一个坏习惯。)符合语境。故选E。
14.根据上文“Make sure your computer or anything else that’s glowing is out of your bedroom and your remote controls are far away. If you’re going on a diet you don’t want a chocolate cake sitting in your kitchen. (保你的电脑或其他任何发光的东西都不在你的卧室里,并且你的遥控器离你很远。如果你正在节食,你不会想要一个巧克力蛋糕放在你的厨房里。)”可知,这里将这两件事进行类比,都是在解释移除诱惑这件事情。A项:It’s the same thing with this.(和这个是一样的。)符合语境。故选A。
15.空处为段落主题句。根据下文“Use the perspective that you gained in your off time to prioritize thoughtfully all of the things that have backed up. “Before you jump back in, prioritize. You are no longer a slave to your devices - you have the power.”(利用你在业余时间获得的观点,仔细考虑所有已经备份的事情的优先级。“在你重新投入工作之前,要分清主次。你不再是设备的奴隶——你拥有了力量。”)”可知,本段主要讲述重新进入数字连接的世界要使用一些方法。F项:Strategically re-enter the world of digital connection.(战略性地重新进入数字连接的世界。)符合语境。故选F。
16.E 17.D 18.C 19.F 20.G
16.由上文“Get up close and personal. (近距离接触,亲密无间)”和下文“Therefore, take your time to observe qualities about a work that may not come through on a computer screen. That includes its look and the feel of its surface, the marks made by the brush and the path your eyes take when viewing the work. (因此,花点时间观察电脑屏幕上可能看不到的作品的质量。这包括它的外观和表面的感觉,画笔留下的痕迹,以及你观看作品时眼睛所走的路径)”可知,只有在博物馆里才能近距离接触、仔细观察艺术作品,承接上下文,E选项“我们有幸在博物馆里看到真实的东西。”切题。故选E项。
17.由上文“Stand back. Next, take a few steps back, stand in the center — and observe what’s happening in the big picture. What’s going on in the piece? (退后。接下来,后退几步,站在中心,观察大局中发生了什么。这幅作品是怎么回事?)”和下文“What are they doing? How are they related? (他们在做什么?它们是如何关联的?)”可知,后退是为了更好地思考艺术作品的意义,可以通过相关问题来建立艺术联系,下文中的“they”指代D选项中的“the figures in the piece”,承接上下文,D选项“这幅作品中的人物是如何排列的?”切题,且与前后句式一致。故选D项。
18.由上文“Look at it from an angle. Then try looking at an artwork from its sides, because you might catch something you might not have seen straight on. If it’s something like The Ambassadors by Holbein at The National Gallery in London, if you stand to the side, you’ll see something that from front on looks very different. (从一个角度看。然后试着从侧面看一件艺术品,因为你可能会看到一些你可能没有直接看到的东西。如果它像伦敦国家美术馆的霍尔拜因大使,如果你站在侧面,你会看到一些从正面看非常不同的东西)”和下文“That’s called anamorphic art. (这就是变形艺术)”可知,不同角度看变形艺术,你会看到不同的东西,该空承接上下文讲不同角度视角下的变形艺术是什么样的,C选项“当你站在一边时,它会改变。”切题。故选C项。
19.承接上文“Move your body. If you’re looking at a painting, you can take a finger to the air and trace the outline of the figure or the movement of the brushstrokes. (移动你的身体。如果你在看一幅画,你可以把一根手指举到空中,追踪人物的轮廓或笔触的移动)”再次举例说明通过移动你的身体来与艺术建立有意义的联系,F选项“看雕塑时,试着用你的身体摆姿势。”切题。故选F项。
20.由小标题“Consider the subject of the art. (想想艺术的主题)”和上文“Take the example of Andrew Wyeth’s famous painting, Christina’s World, which depicts (描绘) a girl with a muscle disease crawling across a field to get to her home in the distance. The painting personifies (体现) determination. (以安德鲁·怀思的著名画作《克里斯蒂娜的世界》为例,这幅画描绘了一个患有肌肉疾病的女孩爬过田野去远方的家。这幅画体现了决心)”可知,本段作者建议通过思考艺术的主题来与艺术建立有意义的联系,以著名画作《克里斯蒂娜的世界》的艺术的主题(决心)为例,该空应讲明这种有意义联系的积极作用,承接上下文,G选项“知道我们有这种内在的力量,可以在某种程度上缓解你的压力。”切题。故选G项。
21.A 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.F
21.上文“Many people think the game is all luck: their probability of winning seems about the same as their chances of losing.(许多人认为游戏全靠运气:他们赢的概率和输的概率似乎是一样的)”提出,这个游戏全靠运气,下文“There are patterns in how people make decisions. Although knowing the psychology of this game isn’t a sure ticket to winning a match, it can help.(人们做决定是有模式的。虽然了解这场比赛的心理并不是赢得比赛的保证,但它会有所帮助)”却讲这个游戏并不全是运气,人们做决定有一定的模式,掌握其心理学模式也会有帮助,上下文之前有转折关系。A项“But the outcome of the game is not random.(但是游戏的结果并不是随机的)”承上启下,否定上文的说法,引出下文的方法。故选A项。
22.下文“Research has shown that there is a slight preference for people to begin by playing rock. There are different theories about why-it could be because it is mentioned first in the name of the game, or it could be because rock is similar to a fist which seems powerful.(研究表明,人们更倾向于从“石头”开始。关于这个原因有不同的理论——可能是因为它在游戏名称中首先被提到,或者可能是因为“石头”与拳头相似,看起来很有力)”提出在游戏中人们喜欢先出“石头”并分析了其原因,是对B项“So what if you could predict their first hand?(那么,如果你能直接预测他们第一手要出什么呢?)”这一问题的回复,上下文语意连贯。故选B项。
23.下文“Research shows that people who lose a hand tend to change. So there is a reasonable chance that our opponents will change to scissors or paper. That gives us our second edge — just play scissors and we should either win or draw.(研究表明,输了一手的人往往会改变。所以我们的对手很有可能会换成剪刀或布。这给了我们第二个优势,只要出剪刀,我们要么获胜,要么平局)”详细分析了对手输了第一手后会做出的调整并给出了应对的策略,承接了D项“If our opponents lose, they’ll probably switch.(如果我们的对手输了,他们可能会改变)”假设对手输了的情况,上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
24.上文“What if it doesn’t go to plan and your opponents win?(如果事情没有按计划进行,你的对手赢了怎么办?)”假设对手没有按我们预计出招的情况,C项“Perhaps they know a bit of game strategy too.(也许他们也知道一些游戏策略)”解释了原因,因为他们可能也知道这种策略,上下文语意连贯。故选C项。
25.上文“If we lose the previous hand then our opponents might reasonably expect us to switch to something else.(如果我们输掉了之前的一手,那么我们的对手有理由会期待我们改变出招)”承接上一段中对手可能也知道这种策略的情况,假设他们会预判我们在输掉第一手后会做出改变,F项“This gives us our final edge — surprise them by not switching.(这给了我们最后的优势——不变,出其不意)”针对对手的预判,给出策略:不变,上下文语意连贯。且句中“our final edge”与第二段中“an edge”、第三段中“our second edge”相照应。故选F项。
26.E 27.G 28.A 29.C 30.F
26.根据上文“Bruce is a manager who had a team of around 40 people. Most of them were bright, enthusiastic, and hardworking young fellows. This helps to promote their independence.(布鲁斯是一名经理,他有一个大约40人的团队。他们大多数都是聪明、热情、勤奋的年轻人。这有助于促进他们的独立性)”以及后文“But as a team, they are not so good, which is crucial for the organization.(但作为一个团队,他们不是很好,这对组织至关重要)”可知,后文提到作为团队不是很好,but表示转折,说明作为个人很出色,故E选项“就个人而言,团队中的每个人都很出色”符合语境,故选E。
27.根据后文“He invited everyone to a hall for a game consisting of 3 rounds. For the first round, he told everyone to blow a balloon kept on the table and then write their name on it without bursting it, and each of them did it. Then they took a break outside for the second round. Soon after he called them back in, with more balloons scattered around without names on them. He declared that they had 15 minutes to find the balloon with their name written on it. (他邀请大家到大厅里玩三回合的游戏。在第一轮比赛中,他让每个人吹一个放在桌上的气球,然后在上面写下自己的名字,但不要把它吹破,每个人都做到了。然后他们在外面休息,进行第二轮比赛。没过多久,他就把他们叫了回来,还带着更多没有名字的气球四处散落。他宣布他们有15分钟的时间找到写着他们名字的气球)”可知,后文主要说明了Bruce通过做游戏来解决团队表现不好的问题。故G选项“他决定发起一个团队活动来解决这个问题”符合语境,故选G。
28.根据上文“Soon after he called them back in, with more balloons scattered around without names on them. He declared that they had 15 minutes to find the balloon with their name written on it.(没过多久,他就把他们叫了回来,还带着更多没有名字的气球四处散落。他宣布他们有15分钟的时间找到写着他们名字的气球)”可知,上文提到带来了更多的没有名字的气球,且本句与上文构成因果关系,指出没人找到自己的气球。故A选项“因此,没有人得到他们的气球”符合语境,故选A。
29.根据上文“Bruce went to the dais and said, “You see, in the second round, no one was able to find their balloons as they were working on individual targets. But in the final round. within a couple of minutes, everyone had the balloon with them.(布鲁斯走到讲台前说:“你看,在第二轮比赛中,没有人能找到他们的气球,因为他们都在各自的目标上工作。但在最后一轮。几分钟后,每个人都带着气球)”可知,本段中Bruce主要在总结游戏的结果,上文提到最后一轮每个人都有气球,这论证了团队合作和分享的力量。故C选项“这就是团队合作和分享的力量”符合语境,故选C。
30.根据上文“Most of the time, people hide information, avoid collaboration, and distance themselves from their team members. (大多数时候,人们会隐藏信息,避免合作,并与团队成员保持距离)”可知,本句承接上文说明人们隐藏信息,避免合作,并与团队成员保持距离这种心态的影响:阻碍了团队的成长。故F选项“这种心态阻碍了团队的成长”符合语境,故选F。
31.C 32.A 33.B 34.F 35.D
31.根据前一句“What’s that all about?(这是怎么回事?)”可知,空处是对前面提问的回答。结合下一段“When you’re homesick, you might feel nostalgic(怀念的)for familiar things like your family, friends, pets, house, or neighborhood. (当你想家的时候,你可能会怀念你熟悉的东西,比如你的家人、朋友、宠物、房子或邻居)”可知,此处强调的是思乡的具体表现。由此推知,空处指出离开家又想家的情况是“思乡”。C选项“Believe it or not, you’re feeling homesick.(信不信由你,你想家了)”切题,引起下文,故选C。
32.根据空前“ Homesickness isn’t only for kids.(思乡不仅仅是孩子们的事)”可知,此处强调的是思乡不仅仅是在孩子身上发生。由此推知,也会发生在成人身上。A选项“Practically everyone feels homesick from time to time, even adults.(几乎每个人都会时不时地想家,即使是成年人)”切题。故选A。
33.根据空前“Familiar surroundings, people, and routines provide people with a sense of security and comfort.(熟悉的环境、人们和惯例能提供给人们一种安全感和慰藉)”以及空后“Those homesick feelings are completely normal.( 那些思乡的情感是完全正常的)”可知,设空处应该强调的是在新的场所思乡的原因。B选项“In a new place, you may find yourself missing the comforts of home and loved ones.(在一个新的地方你可能会觉得你自己失去了家的舒服感和爱的人)”承上启下。故选B。
34.根据空后“Others may feel physical symptoms, like stomachache or headache, or even become truly depressed.(其他人可能会有身体上的特征,如胃疼,头疼)”可知,此处强调的是思乡的一些症状。F选项“Some people may only feel a little loneliness, sadness, or anxiety.(有些人可能仅仅感觉孤独,悲伤,焦虑)”切题,some呼应后文的others,some...others...“一些……另一些”。故选F。
35.根据前文“Almost everyone has felt homesick at some time.(几乎每个人都有想家的时候)”以及空后的“It means you have family and friends worth missing and a place you want to return to when your adventure away from home is over.(它意味着你有值得思念的家人和朋友,当你离开家的冒险结束后,你想回到一个地方)”可知,设空处强调的是思乡的好处。D选项“Remember that there’s a good side to homesickness, too.(记住思乡也有好的一面)”引起下文。故选D。
36.E 37.C 38.G 39.B 40.D
36.根据后文的“ But traction can be increased when things like that change.(但当这种情况发生变化时,牵引力就会增加。)”可知,后文与前文构成转折关系,即摩擦力不会随着表面积的增加而改变,而前文应该讲述的是即摩擦力不会随着表面积的增加而改变。E选项“The force of friction doesn’t change if you increase the surface area(摩擦力不会随着表面积的增加而改变。)”符合语境。故选E。
37.根据后文“It’s much smoother than the sandpaper, but it still feels a bit rough. (它比砂纸光滑得多,但摸起来还是有点粗糙。)”可知,此处表述的是手指在一块木质纸上转动的结果,要比砂纸上光滑的多。C选项“Now imagine turning our hand across a piece of wood(现在想象我们的手在一块木质纸上转动。)”中的turning our hand across a piece of wood与后文的it相呼应。故选C。
38.根据后文的“Light pressure will result in only a small amount of friction. (轻微的压力只会产生少量的摩擦。)”可知,本段讲述的是影响摩擦力的另一个因素即两个表面挤压的强度。G选项“The other factor that affects friction is how hard the two surfaces are pressing together(另一个影响摩擦力的因素是两个表面相互挤压的强度。)”概括本段信息。故选G。
39.根据前文“We can also see a huge effect of friction in earthquakes. (我们还可以看到摩擦对地震的巨大影响。)”可知,此处强调摩擦对地震产生的巨大影响。B选项“As Earth’s plates try to slide past one another(因为地球的板块试图相互滑动。)”指出地球的版块互相滑动而产生地震,符合语境。故选B。
40.根据前文“Balancing all of our weight on skates creates a much higher pressure than if we are wearing regular shoes. That pressure actually melts a thin layer of ice. (在溜冰鞋上平衡我们所有的体重会比我们穿普通的鞋子产生更大的压力。这种压力实际上融化了一层薄薄的冰。)”可知,我们穿普通鞋子产生更大的压力,这种压力融化了一层薄薄的冰,由此导致我们滑过的不是冰,而是液态水。D选项“In fact, we are not sliding across the ice but liquid water(事实上,我们滑过的不是冰,而是液态水。)”符合语境。故选D。
41.D 42.A 43.F 44.G 45.C
41.根据前文“After all, food waste is biodegradable (可生物降解的). It’s not like you’re littering by throwing away a plastic bottle.(毕竟,食物垃圾是可生物降解的。这不像你扔掉一个塑料瓶那样扔垃圾。)”及下文可知,食物垃圾并非我们想得那么简单。所以选择项D“However, food left outdoors can have unexpected impacts.(然而,留在户外的食物可能会产生意想不到的影响。)”符合上下文语境。故选D。
42.这里为本段小标题。根据下文“All human food can attract animals. (所有人类的食物都能吸引动物。)”及本段内容可知,人类所留下的食物垃圾会吸引动物。所以选择项A“Food waste can appeal to animals. (食物垃圾会吸引动物。)”符合上下文语境。故选A。
43.根据前句“This can then cause “attraction behavior”, which refers to human actions that cause animals to overcome their natural wariness(警惕)of people. (这就会导致“吸引行为”,这是指人类的行为,使动物克服对人类的天然警惕。)”可知,这种吸引行为产生的不良后果。所以选择项F“This sort of attraction behavior can quickly become dangerous. (这种吸引行为很快就会变得危险。)”符合上下文语境。故选F。
44.根据前句“That’s the origin of the phrase: A fed bear is a dead bear.(这就是这个短语的起源:喂饱了的熊就是死熊。)”和后文“Even if a person is injured by a bear, the human usually recovers. The animal, however, is often relocated or killed to prevent further potentially deadly encounters. (即使一个人被熊打伤了,通常也会恢复过来。然而,这种动物经常被重新安置或杀死,以防止进一步潜在的致命遭遇。)”可知,人与动物相遇,往往动物会遭殃。所以选择项G“Because when it comes to human-animal encounters; animals are often the losers. (因为当人与动物相遇时,动物往往是输家。)”符合上下文语境。故选G。
45.根据后文“You should properly store and deal with food waste. Don’t attempt to burn or bury it, as food waste is more difficult to burn than you think. Besides, if you see other food waste in nature, pick it up, even if it’s not yours. (你应该妥善储存和处理食物垃圾。不要试图燃烧或掩埋它,因为食物垃圾比你想象的更难燃烧。此外,如果你在大自然中看到其他食物垃圾,即使不是你的,也要把它捡起来。)”可知,处理食物垃圾最好的方法是留给自己。所以选择项C“Keeping your food to yourself is the best solution. (把食物留给自己是最好的解决办法。)”符合上下文语境。故选C。
46.D 47.G 48.B 49.C 50.A
46.根据上文“Expressive writing is personal and emotional writing without regard to form or other writing conventions.(表达性写作是一种不考虑形式或其他写作惯例的个人和情感写作)”可知此处说的是表达性写作的内容,与D项“It simply expresses what is on your mind and in your heart.( 它只是简单地表达了你的想法和内心)”表达的含义一致,故选D项。
47.根据上文“Recognizing that something is bothering you is an important first step (认识到有什么事情困扰着你是重要的第一步)”以及下文“creating a narrative gives you a sense of control.(创造一种叙事会给你一种控制感)”可知,此处说的是要认识到自己不愉快的经历,并将它转化为语言,与G项“Translating that experience into language forces you to organize your thoughts(将这种经历转化为语言会迫使你整理自己的想法)”表达的含义一致,故选G项。
48.根据上文“Don’t worry about spelling or grammar, and don’t share your writing with anyone. But do dig deep into your thoughts and feelings(不要担心拼写或语法问题,也不要与任何人分享你的写作。但一定要深入挖掘你的想法和感受)”可知此处上下文说的是要忠实于自己的真正感受,与B项“Your goal is to be honest with yourself.( 你的目标要对自己诚实)”表达的含义一致,故选B项。
49.根据上文“He wrote to understand why it made him feel vulnerable(脆弱的)and sometimes physically ill. He thinks of his expressive writing as a captain’s log.( 他写信是为了理解为什么这会让他感到脆弱,有时甚至身体不适。他认为自己富有表现力的写作就像船长的日志)”可知,此处上下文说的是他对发生的事情和自己的感受的记录,与C项“It is a recording of what happened and what he’s learned(这是对所发生的事情和他所学到的东西的记录)”表达的含义一致,故选C项。
50.根据下文“Expressive writing isn’t a magical cure-all. It shouldn’t be used as a replacement for other treatments(表达型写作并不是万能的灵丹妙药。它不应该被用作其他治疗的替代品)”可知此处上下文说的是表达型写作的局限,与A项“But there are a few warnings(但也有一些警告)”表达的含义一致,故选A项。
51.D 52.C 53.G 54.B 55.E
51.根据下文“Having a good sense of humor makes you more enjoyable to be around. (拥有良好的幽默感会让你在身边更愉快)”可知,上文介绍有幽默感的好处。根据下文“Here’s how you can develop your sense of humor. (以下是如何培养你的幽默感)”可知,下文引出如何培养幽默感。故空格处应承接上文,继续补充幽默感的好处。D项“You might also do better at work(你也可能在工作中做得更好)”符合语境。故选D项。
52.根据上文“Watch standup comedians. Listen to programs that amuse you. Read humorous books. (观看单口相声演员。听有趣的节目,读幽默的书)”可知,上文这些做法都可以帮助培养幽默感。C项“There’s a lot of fun out there(那里有很多乐趣)”说明这些做法可以获得乐趣,符合语境。故选C项。
53.根据下文“We amuse our friends by praising a change they made. However, when it comes to being funny, don’t change your sense of humor to amuse other people. (我们通过赞扬朋友所做的改变来取悦他们。然而,当谈到有趣时,不要为了取悦他人而改变你的幽默感)”可知,下文讲到我们通过赞扬朋友所做的改变来取悦他们。但However后又说我们不要为了取悦他人而改变自己幽默感。由此推知,空格处应围绕“取悦他人”。G项“A lot of times, we say things purely to please others(很多时候,我们说话纯粹是为了取悦他人)”符合语境。故选G项。
54.根据本段小标题“Think About Timing and Audience (思考时机和受众)”可知,本段主要围绕时机和受众给出建议。B项“Pause in between sentences(在句子之间停顿)”符合本段主旨。故选B项。
55.空格处是本段小标题。从前面几个小标题的句式结构可知,此处应填入祈使句。根据下文“You don’t need to seize every single opportunity to be funny. If you’re in the middle of a bad joke, just end it. (你不需要抓住每一个机会来搞笑。如果你正在讲一个糟糕的笑话,就把它结束吧)”可知,本段主要建议人们要学会适可而止。E项“Know When to Pull the Plug on Yourself(知道什么时候该拔掉自己的插头)”最能概括本段主旨。故选E项。
56.B 57.A 58.D 59.F 60.E
56.根据空前“Echo chambers can happen anywhere information is exchanged, whether it’s online or in real life. The Internet has a unique type of echo chamber called a filter bubble(过滤泡沫).(回声室可以发生在任何信息交换的地方,无论是在网上还是在现实生活中。互联网有一种独特的回声室,称为过滤泡。)”可知,上文主要介绍了之所以会出现回声室效应,是因为过滤泡。选项B“It is created by keeping track of what you click on.(它是通过跟踪你点击的内容而创建的。)”解释了过滤泡是如何过滤你看到的内容的,同时和下文“Websites will then primarily show you content that’s similar to what you’ve already expressed interest in, which prevent you from finding new ideas online.(然后,网站将主要向你展示与你已经表示感兴趣的内容相似的内容,这阻止了你在网上找到新的想法。)”内容上保持一致。故选B。
57.空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文“If you’re ever wondering if a social group or website may be an echo chamber, stop and think about a few questions. Do they tend to only give one perspective on an issue? Is that viewpoint mainly supported by rumor or incomplete evidence?(如果你想知道一个社交团体或网站是不是一个回声室,停下来思考几个问题。他们是否倾向于对一个问题只给出一种观点?这个观点主要是谣言还是不完整的证据?)”和“If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have found an echo chamber. (如果你对以上任何一个问题的回答是肯定的,你可能已经找到了回声室。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是如何分辨出回声室。选项A“Echo chambers can also be tricky to recognize.(回声室也很难识别。)”与下文内容一致,故选A。
58.根据上文“If you’re ever wondering if a social group or website may be an echo chamber, stop and think about a few questions. Do they tend to only give one perspective on an issue? Is that viewpoint mainly supported by rumor or incomplete evidence?( 如果你想知道一个社交团体或网站是不是一个回声室,停下来思考几个问题。他们是否倾向于对一个问题只给出一种观点?这个观点主要是谣言还是不完整的证据?)”以及空后“If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have found an echo chamber.(如果你对以上任何一个问题的回答是肯定的,你可能已经找到了回声室。)”可知,空处为一个问题,且是为了验证这个社交团体或网站是不是回声室。选项D“Are facts ignored whenever they go against that viewpoint?(每当事实与那个观点相反时,事实就被忽视了吗?)”既是一个问题,同时与上文内容一致。故选D。
59.根据空前“There’s no perfect way to avoid echo chambers, but here are a few tips that can help you stay on the right track.(没有完美的方法来避免回声室,但这里有一些建议可以帮助你保持在正确的轨道上。)”可知,空处为帮助你保持在正确的轨道上的建议。选项F“The first step is to expand your media consumption sources.(第一步是扩大你的媒体消费来源。)”为第一个建议,内容上和下文“Adding in a few media sources with different opinions will allow you to at least understand what people are saying outside of your echo chamber.(加入一些不同观点的媒体来源,至少可以让你理解你的回音室之外的人在说什么。)”保持一致。故选F。
60.根据空前“Next, the most important aspect is reading each thing you see with a critical eye.(接下来,最重要的方面是用批判的眼光看待你所看到的每一件事。)”可知,这是作者给出的第二条建议,也就是要有批评性眼光。选项E“Make sure that each thing you accept as truth is truly fact.(确保你所接受的每件事都是真实的事实。)”是上文内容的延续,解释了何谓批判性看待看到的每一件事。故选E。
61.C 62.F 63.G 64.D 65.E
61.根据本节的小标题“Your body language matters(肢体语言很重要)”及空后“Otherwise, they might not open up to me as much as I would want them to.( 否则,他们可能不会像我希望的那样对我敞开心扉。)”,可知,肢体语言很重要。承接小标题和顺承下文,C项I try to appear relaxed and avoid looks of shock or judgment(我尽量放松身体、不露声色,以免让对方感到我在评头品足)切题。故选C。
62.根据空前提示“People who ask ‘What should I do?’ often want to process a problem themselves.(问“我该怎么办?”的人往往想自己处理问题。)”可知,这些人想自己解决问题,F项中的on their own“靠他们自己”与其吻合。承接上文,F项You’re a good consultant if you can help them fix the problem on their own(如果你能帮助他们自己解决问题,你就是一个好顾问)切题。故选F。
63.根据空后提示“Forcing yourself to give advice when you can’t will do more harm than good,(当你不能提出建议时,强迫自己提出建议弊大于利。)”可知,既然强迫自己提建议弊大于利,那就暂时不提建议,向对方说清楚。顺承下文,G项You can politely explain to them that you will talk to them when you’re ready(你可以向对方礼貌地解释等你考虑成熟了再给建议)切题。故选G。
64.根据空后提示“You’re bound to hear about problems you haven’t experienced firsthand.(你一定会听到你没有亲身经历过的问题。)”及下文细节可知,有些问题不一定亲身经历过。顺承下文,D项You don’t need to have the same problem to be a good consultant (亲历相似的问题不是成为合格咨询者的前提条件)切题。故选D。
65.根据空前提示“That’s why Jaime Roberts says you should let them know that you’re just human beings with limited experience.(这就是为什么杰米·罗伯茨说你应该让他们知道你只是一个经验有限的人。)”可知,你要让对方知道你经验有限,同时你也会尽最大努力去理解他们,E项中的But将上下文紧密连接在一起。承接上文,E项But you should let them know you will do your best to understand them(但是,你要让对方知道你会尽力去理解他们)切题。故选E。
66.C 67.D 68.A 69.F 70.B
66.根据空后“What is perhaps less obvious is one answer to the problem: the healing power of poetry to make us feel more connected to others.(也许不太明显的是这个问题的一个答案:诗歌的治愈力量使我们感觉与他人更紧密相连。)”可知,空处提出了一个问题。选项C“Indeed, loneliness is now widely recognized as a major public health problem.(事实上,孤独现在被广泛认为是一个主要的公共卫生问题。)”提出,孤独是当今社会的一个主要问题,与下文内容一致。故选C。
67.根据空后“We’re not alone in our despair or delight. When we have a poem by our side, whether tucked into a bag or on a bedside table, it feels like we’re being accompanied by a friend: an authorial arm is wrapped around our shoulders.( 我们不是唯一感到绝望或高兴的人。当我们身边有一首诗时,无论是塞在包里还是放在床头柜上,我们都感觉像有朋友在陪伴:一只作家的手臂搂着我们的肩膀。)”可知,我们并不是唯一会绝望或高兴的人,而当我们有诗歌时,就会觉得有朋友相伴。选项D“Poetry lets us connect with other people who have experienced similar feelings.(诗歌让我们和其他有相似感受的人联系在一起。)”与下文内容一致,指的是诗歌让我们感觉有人相伴。故选D。
68.根据空前“I remember one woman starting to cry as she read Derek Walcott’s poem Love After Love during a workshop held at my local hospital in West London. (我记得在西伦敦我们当地医院举行的一次研讨会上,一位女士在读德里克·沃尔科特的诗《爱后的爱》时哭了起来。)”以及空后“Everyone in the room knew just what she meant.(房间里的每个人都知道她的意思。)”可知,空前空后都在讲述这位女性在读诗歌,选项A“Fighting through tears, she eventually said that she felt understood.(她强忍着眼泪说,她觉得自己被理解了。)”与上下文内容一致,都在讲述这位女性读诗歌的故事。故选A。
69.根据空前“She had, in Walcott’s phrase, struggled to “love again the stranger who was yourself”. The poet’s invitation to “Sit. Feast on your life” was what she needed, in language which spoke to her, to imagine loving herself in a way she had always found hard.(用沃尔科特的话说,她挣扎着“再次爱上那个陌生人,那个真正的自己”。诗人邀请她“坐下”。享受你的生活”是她所需要的,用她自己的语言来想象用一种她一直觉得很难的方式来爱自己。)”可知,上文主要讲述了那位女性之所以哭泣,是因为读诗歌让她和自己的内在有了联系,让她爱上了内心的真正的自己。选项F“Poetry had worked its magic, unlocking a feeling of inner connection to all of us there.(诗歌发挥了它的魔力,打开了一种与我们所有人内在联系的感觉。)”与上文内容一致,讲述的是诗歌可以让我们与自己的内在取得联系。故选F。
70.根据空后前“A 2021 study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that a group of 44 hospitalized children who were encouraged to read and write poetry saw reductions in fear, sadness, anger, worry and fatigue, Poetry was a welcome distraction from stress and an opportunity for self-reflection, the researchers concluded. (美国儿科学会2021年发表的一项研究发现,一组44名住院儿童被鼓励阅读和写诗,他们的恐惧、悲伤、愤怒、担忧和疲劳都有所减轻。研究人员得出结论,诗歌是一种受欢迎的从压力中转移注意力的方式,也是一个自我反思的机会。)”可知,已经有关于诗歌有助于心理健康的研究。选项B“I hope there will be more clinical studies on poetry’s therapeutic power.(我希望有更多关于诗歌治疗功效的临床研究。)”与上文内容一致。故选B。
71.C 72.F 73.A 74.B 75.E
71.根据第二段小标题“Spend time with positive people(花时间和积极向上的人在一起)”及上一句“Spend time with positive friends and family members to increase the likelihood that their positive thinking habits will become yours too.(积极的朋友和家人在一起共度时间,那样他们积极思考的习惯也会可能成为你的思考习惯)”可知,人们通常都会受周围人情绪的影响,因此要保持乐观的心态应学会与积极向上的人相处。由此可知C项“Learn how to surround yourself with positive people.(学习如何与积极向上的人交往)”符合语境。故选C项。
72.根据第三段小标题“●Recognize and replace negative thoughts( 承认和取代消极思想)”以及空后“If you find yourself thinking something such as, ‘I always mess everything up,’ replace it with something more realistic such as, ‘Sometimes I make mistakes but I learn from them.’(如果你发现自己在想‘我总是把每件事都搞砸’,那就用一些更现实的想法来代替,比如‘有时我犯错误,但我会从中吸取教训’)”举例可知,作者建议要学会辨别哪些是消极的想法,然后用积极的想法来代替。由此可知,F项“Learn to recognize and replace thoughts that are overly negative.(学会识别和替换那些过于消极的想法)”符合语境。故选F项。
73.根据上文“Spend some time thinking about the consequences of negative thinking.( 花点时间思考消极思维的后果)”和下文“For example, a person who thinks, “I probably won’t get this job interview,” may put less effort into the interview. As a result, he may decrease his chances of getting the job. (例如,一个人认为,‘我可能不会得到这次面试’,可能会在面试中投入较少的精力和努力。因此,他得到这份工作的机会可能会减少) ”可知,作者举例说明消极思维导致的负面后果,由此可知,A项“Often, it can become a self-fulfilling prediction(通常,它会成为一种自我实现的预测)”符合语境,it指上一句作者的建议,花些时间去想一下负面思维的后果。故选A项。
74.根据上文“If you start keeping a daily gratitude list, you’ll start noticing exactly how much you have to be thankful for.(如果你开始每天写一份感恩清单,你就会开始注意到你有多少事情需要感恩)”可知,作者建议思考一下自己应该感恩的东西。由此可知,B项“This will help you look for the good in other people.(这将帮助你发现别人的优点)”契合上文及本段小标题,做一个懂得感恩的人以及拥有积极的心态去关注生活中好的一面,都属于正能量,且懂得感恩也可以使我们发现别人身上的优点。故选B项。
75.根据上文“When something bad happens, look for the silver lining.(当不好的事情发生时,寻找一线希望)”可知,作者建议当不好的事情出现时,我们应该学会换角度考虑问题,积极去寻找好的一面。由此可知,E项“This means looking for the positive side of a negative event.(这意味着寻找消极事件积极的一面)”契合上文语境,对上一句做出解释。故选E项。
76.E 77.A 78.F 79.C 80.D
76.上文“Working from home over the last years has proven that it isn’t always necessary for teams to physically be together and there is more flexibility. (过去几年在家工作已经证明,团队并不总是需要在一起,更具有灵活性)”说明的是居家工作的好处,因此E项“这对公司和员工都有很多好处”符合语境,故选E。
77.根据本段首句“An obvious benefit for many employers is reduced costs. (对许多雇主来说, 一个明显的好处是降低成本)”说明的是好处不仅仅在钱方面,对于公司招揽人才也是有利的,本段主旨是降低开销,因此A项“但这不仅仅是钱的问题。”符合语境,故选A。
78.下文“In an ever changing and developing working world, offering benefits like this could be what makes a company stand out from another for a specific candidate. (在一个不断变化和发展的工作世界里,提供这样的福利可能会让一家公司在特定的候选人中脱颖而出。)”中的“offering benefits like this”, this与F选项“offering remote job positions(提供远程工作岗位)”匹配,因此F项“提供远程工作岗位使公司更具竞争力。”符合语境,故选F。
79.上文“For many employees, working from anywhere supports mental health. (对许多员工来说,在任何地方工作都有助于心理健康。)”说明的是心理健康的好处,因此C项“这能减少压力和其他顾虑”符合语境,故选C。
80.上文“In Addition, working from anywhere allows you to have a better work-life balance. It lets you travel to see family, watch your daughter’s soccer game, and go to the little bakery—all while being paid. (此外,在任何地方工作都可以让你更好地平衡工作与生活。它可以让你去看望家人,看女儿的足球比赛,去小面包店,所有这些都是在带薪状态下完成的。)”说明远程办公对家庭关系以及家人重要事情的好处,因此D项“你的时间花在重要的事情上” 是对上文例子的总结,符合语境,故选D。
81.B 82.A 83.G 84.F 85.C
81.下文“People who enjoy learning are more likely to report being satisfied with their lives. Being open to trying new things engages your mind and encourages you to take positive risks.”(喜欢学习的人更有可能对自己的生活感到满意。乐于尝试新事物能激发你的思维,并鼓励你承担积极的风险。)并结合下文的举例“Something like changing up the route of your morning walk or ordering takeout from a different restaurant on a Friday night can help shake things up and keep life fresh”(比如改变早上散步的路线,或者在周五晚上从不同的餐馆叫外卖,这些都可以帮助改变现状,让生活保持新鲜。)可知,本段主要说明作者鼓励人们勇于尝试新鲜事物,走出自己的舒适区能产生积极的影响。B项“Break out of your comfort zone.”(打破你的舒适区。)与下文呼应。故选B项。
82.下文“Something like changing up the route of your morning walk or ordering takeout from a different restaurant on a Friday night can help shake things up and keep life fresh.”(比如改变早上散步的路线,或者在周五晚上从不同的餐馆叫外卖,这些都可以帮助改变现状,让生活保持新鲜。)可知,列举了一些能让生活发生积极改变的小事,A项“It is better to start small.”(最好从小事做起。)衔接下文恰当。故选A项。
83.上文“Hobbies often have the added bonus of building and strengthening relationships with others.”(业余爱好通常有建立和加强与他人关系的额外好处。)强调了做自己喜欢的事情的益处,G项“Actually, doing something you enjoy is the No. 1 guaranteed way to be happier”(事实上,做一些你喜欢的事情是让你更快乐的第一保证。)进一步说明做喜欢的事情会让自己更快乐,其中“doing something you enjoy”与上文“Hobbies”构成照应。故选G项。
84.上文“Overuse of them, on the other hand, has been shown to increase feelings of depression and anxiety.”(另一方面,过度使用它们会增加抑郁和焦虑感。)强调了过度使用社交媒体的坏处,结合下文“Read a book, play board games with your family or take a cat nap-- all things also associated with a happier mood.”(读一本书,和家人一起玩棋盘游戏,或者睡个午觉——所有这些都与快乐的心情有关。)给出了其他使自己快乐的方式。F项“Take time every day to turn off all your electronics”(每天花点时间关掉你所有的电子设备。)衔接上下文恰当。故选F项。
85.下文“It helps you feel happier and less depressed, reduces blood pressure and improves heart health, teaches you new skills, helps you live longer, protects your brain from cognitive decline and gives you a sense of purpose -- just to name a few benefits.”(它能让你感觉更快乐,减少抑郁,降低血压,改善心脏健康,教你新技能,帮助你活得更久,保护你的大脑不受认知衰退的影响,给你一种使命感——这只是举几个好处。)描述了做一件事情带来的好处,结合本段小标题“Give back to others”(回馈他人)可知,C项“Making time to volunteer is worth it”(花时间做志愿者是值得的。)衔接下文恰当。故选C项。
86.C 87.E 88.B 89.D 90.G
86.根据上文“You secretly want to be noticed for wearing a new watch or carrying a designer purse.( 你偷偷地想因为戴了一块新手表或带了一个名牌钱包而被人注意)”以及下文“so before taking action towards any endeavor, such as making an expensive purchase or pursuing a job promotion, ask yourself, “Who am I doing this for?”(因此,在采取任何行动之前,比如购买昂贵的东西或寻求晋升,问问自己,“我这样做是为了谁?”)”可知,上下文讲的是你越是想让别人注意,却越是不一定被注意,与C项“The reality is that you are not being recognized(事实情况是是你没有被认可)”表达的含义一致,故选C项。
87.根据下文“However, if you are pursuing something with the hopes of attracting attention, then you need to say no to yourself.( 然而,如果你带着能引起注意的希望正在追求某件事,那么你需要对自己说不)”可知上下文说的是有关“pursuing something(追求某件事)”含义的话题,与E项“If a pursuit will truly improve the quality of your life, then go for it.(如果追求能真正提高你的生活质量,那就去追求吧)”表达的含义一致,故选E项。
88.根据上文“You can’t be everything for everyone. Trying to please everyone makes you vulnerable.”(你不可能成为所有人的一切。试图取悦所有人只会让你变得脆弱。)根据下文“It is important that you are wise with your resources.( 明智地使用资源是很重要的)”可知,人的精力和时间是有限的,与B项“The truth is you have limited energy and time(事实是你的精力和时间有限)”表达的含义一致,故选B项。
89.根据上文“Stop comparing yourself to others(别再拿自己和别人比较了)”根据下文“Focus on living a meaningful life that is consistent with your values and goals.”(专注于过与你的价值观和目标一致的有意义的生活。)可知此处说的与别人比较是不明智的,因为他们所做的一切与你无关,与D项“What someone is doing with their life has nothing to do with you.( 别人在他的生活中所做的一切与你无关)”表达的含义一致,故选D项。
90.根据上文“Remember to have realistic expectations of yourself(记住对自己来说有现实意义的期望)”以及下文“If the goal is unrealistic, then you have to say no and adjust your expectations.(如果目标不现实,那么你要去说不并调整你的期望)”可知此处说的是目标设置要合理,与G项“When you set goals, consider whether you have set the standard at a reasonable level.( 当你设定目标时,要考虑你是否将标准设定在了合理的水平上)” 表达的含义一致,故选G项。
91.G 92.F 93.E 94.A 95.D
91.根据上文“You’re not alone.(你并不孤单)”可知,不是你一个会感觉不自信,空处应是描述也有其他人不自信,G项“根据在线治疗平台Better Health的说法,每个人都会偶尔缺乏自信”符合语境,故选G。
92.上文“So, take the time to become aware of your environment, your thoughts, your behaviors, and your relationships.(所以,花点时间去了解你的环境、你的想法、你的行为和你的人际关系)”建议花时间去了解你的环境、你的想法、你的行为和你的人际关系,空处位于段末应承接上文。F项“在这种情况下,您可以确定需要解决的负面影响”说明上文做法的好处,符合语境。故选F。
93.上文“Hold this pose for a few minutes.(保持这个姿势几分钟)”提到一个姿势,下文“Our attitudes often follow our behaviors, her research suggests, meaning that assuming the body language of a powerful person can make anyone who does it feel more confident.(她的研究表明,我们的态度往往取决于我们的行为,这意味着模仿一个有权势的人的肢体语言会让人感觉更自信)”提到某个人对这个姿势的研究,故空处应是提及一个人物和这个姿势的关系,指出下文her的指代对象,E项“这是社会心理学家艾米·卡迪提出的一种有力量的姿势”符合语境,故选E。
94.空处为本段主旨句。根据本段中“And one of the fastest ways to take back your power is to utter a tiny two-letter word: NO, Practice saying ‘no’ at least once a day.(而重新变得有能力的最快方法之一就是说出一个两个字母的单词:不。每天至少练习说一次‘不’)”可知,本段是说学会说“不”,A项“说‘不’”符合语境,故选A。
95.根据下文“I bet if you ask the people closest to you in your life, they’ll shrug and nod, letting you know that they’ve experienced self-doubt and a loss of confidence, too.(我敢打赌,如果你问你生命中最亲近的人,他们会耸耸肩点头,告诉你他们也经历过自我怀疑和信心的丧失)”中的关键词too可知,空处应是提及某个人失去信心的情况,D项“这种事在我身上发生过不止一次”符合语境。故选D。
96.G 97.C 98.F 99.B 100.E
96.根据空前“But as life was easing back into normal, certain aspects made me feel uncomfortable, like the amount of plastic being thrown away. (但随着生活逐渐恢复正常,某些方面让我感到不舒服,比如塑料被扔掉的数量。)”讲述的是作者对生活恢复正常后的感受,结合空后的“These feelings made me realize there was still room for improvement and I was up for it throughout the year.(这些感觉让我意识到还有改进的余地,我一整年都在努力。)”可知,此空处应该是指的作者的某种感受,G选项“I was also feeling unfit and unmotivated.( 我也感到不合适和没有动力。)”讲述的为作者的感受,also是关键信息,且与空后内容吻合。故选G项
97.根据空前的“Walking connected me to the beautiful creatures that live among us.(步行将我与生活在我们中间的美丽生物联系起来。)”可知,作者散步时把作者与周围美丽的生物联系在一起,结合空格所处的位置,此处是对该段的总结,C选项“It helped me to reflect upon life.(它帮助我反思生活。)”中的it代指的内容为空前的walking,且内容与本段相吻合。故选C项。
98.根据本段小标题“Tackle plastic waste.(解决塑料垃圾问题。)”以及空后的“Luckily, our city offers a door-to-door dry waste recycling service, 5Rcycle, that visits every two weeks and collects it.(幸运的是,我们的城市提供了一个挨家挨户的干垃圾回收服务,5Rcycle,每两周上门收集一次。)”可知,此处讲述的内容与垃圾处理有关系,F选项“I needed to find a solution for the waste.(我需要找到解决垃圾的方法。)”讲述的是作者想找到处理垃圾的办法,与本段主题吻合,且与下文内容衔接恰当。故选F项。
99.分析篇章结构可知,此处应为本段的主题句,应为祈使句,结合空后的“Refills are a great solution to single-use plastics and to reduce my waste footprint.( 补充装材料是一次性塑料的绝佳解决方案,可以减少我的垃圾足迹。)”可知,本段讲述的内容与补充装材料相关,B选项“Switch to refills.(转换到补充装。)”讲述的内容与本段内容一致,句式与其他段落主题一致。故选B项。
100.根据空前的“I do some morning reading before I brush, followed by my walk. Then, I cycle for 20 minutes before I shower.(在我刷牙之前,我会做一些早读,然后散步。然后,我在洗澡前骑20分钟自行车。)”可知,这些是作者早上的一些列的活动,E选项“These activities prepare me for the day.(这些活动为我这一天做好了准备。)”中的these activities指代的内容与空前内容一致。故选E项。
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