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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




    :How much is the shirt?

    A. £19.15.    B. £9.18.     C. £9.15.


    1. Where will the woman volunteer?

    A. In a school.

    B. In a garden.

    C. In a conversation center.

    2. How does the woman feel?

    A. Disappointed.

    B. Stressed.

    C. Confused.

    3. What does the hair of the man's cousin look like?

    A. Curly and blond.

    B. Short and dark.

    C. Long and straight.

    4. What did the woman choose to do at the summer camp?

    A. Paint.

    B. Go diving.

    C. Learn dancing.

    5. What are the speakers talking about?

    A. How to write notices.

    B. When to remove notices.

    C. Where to display notices.



    听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where are the speakers probably?

    A. In a hotel.

    B. In a square.

    C. In a market.

    7. What will the woman probably do next?

    A. Get the bag.

    B. Find the keys.

    C. Move the car.


    8. What does the woman dislike most in the cinema?

    A. The noisy audience.

    B. The long waiting time.

    C. The uncomfortable seat.

    9. What are the speakers talking about?

    A. New films.

    B. Popular cinemas.

    C. Film-watching habits.


    10. When is the deadline for the short story competition?

    A. In January.

    B. In April.

    C. In August.

    11. How should the woman send the story?

    A. In person.

    B. By email.

    C. By post.

    12. How many short stories will get prizes?

    A. Two.

    B. Three.

    C. Five.


    13. What has happened to Sherry?

    A. She can't make a poster.

    B. She can't find her pet dog.

    C. She can't find her father.

    14. Where was Charlie when the man last saw it?

    A. At the park.

    B. On the street.

    C. In the girl's yard.

    15. What is the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Colleagues.

    B. Neighbors.

    C. Roommates.

    16. What color is Charlie's spot?

    A. Golden.

    B. White.

    C. Brown.


    17. What color boxes are for unrecyclable waste?

    A. Red.

    B. Black.

    C. Green.

    18. What items should be left out for special collections?

    A. Sofas.

    B. Grass.

    C. Paper.

    19. How often is waste collected?

    A. Once a week.

    B. Twice a week.

    C. Every other week.

    20. When will waste be collected during the New Year holiday?

    A. On Thursday.

    B. On Friday.

    C. On Saturday.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




    Highly-immersive(沉浸式的 ) tailored science tours in the UK

    2-7 July 2023

    Explore the science of London along the River Thames

    Explore London's notable sites of scientific interest and a few hidden attractions on an urban walking tour along the River Thames. Start at Kew Bridge and walk to the Thames Barrier during the day with exclusive talks in the evening from the New Scientist editors. You will never be far from the river as you experience a wide range of topics.

    1-6 September 2023

    The science history of Scotland: The enlightenment and beyond

    Discover Edinburgh and Glasgow's most famous scientific thinkers, and learn about their ideas. Enjoy expert talks and explore key sites from the Scottish Enlightenment, a period of incredible scientific and intellectual creativity in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Take part in walking seminars and enjoy several museum trips, as well as visits to two fantastic industrial sights, the Falkirk Wheel and the Whitelee Windlarm.

    4-9 September 2023

    Human origins: Pre-Historic Southwest England

    Immerse yourself in the early human periods of the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages. Explore the pre-historic origins and evidence across Wiltshire and Dorset. Visit several National Trust, English Heritage and UNESCO listed sites including Stonehenge, Old Sarum, Avebury Circle and Maiden Castle and hear talks from the directors of the Wiltshire and Salisbury museums about their archaeology collections.

    7-10 September 2023

    The science of rewilding: Coombeshead, Devon, England

    Rewilding is becoming a global phenomenon, and all about the native species that are being reintroduced to the British countryside. During this tour, there will be a small-group walking safari of the 400-acre rewilding site, a chance to see the animals in their breeding(繁殖) center plus several opportunities to go beaver watching.

    21. What will you do along the River Thames?

    A. Talk with scientists.

    B. Learn pre-historic origins.

    C. Visit scientific sites.

    D. Explore the city on a bus ride.

    22. What is the right time for enjoying industrial wonders?

    A. 2-7 July.

    B. 1-6 September.

    C. 4-9 September.

    D. 7-10 September.

    23. What is the feature of The science of rewilding?

    A. It attracts global attention.

    B. It introduces foreign species.

    C. It enables visitors to get close to wildlife.

    D. It offers a chance to watch beaver breeding.


    Growing up, l always heard people say work hard pays. I never really understood these words until I reached the age where my parents stopped giving me my monthly allowance and asked me to look for a job.

    New Year is a season of good news for merrymakers and entrepreneurial(企业家的) characters. My childhood friend was one of the latter. Mike and I were two sides of the same coin. I was an introvert and a bookworm, while Mike was outgoing and a merrymaker. His added advantage over me was that he came from a family of entrepreneurs. Therefore, while I saw the festive season as another time to enjoy, he saw it as a perfect time to make money. Ironically, I needed this side of him, given my present predicament(困境).

    Mike was not of the "work hard pays” school of thought but the "work smart” school. When l told him about my predicament, he saw a business partner. He confided (吐露) in me about his business idea—making and selling festive decorations. Having noticed my disbelieving look, he told me he had researched and realized that only one shop sold festive decorations with exorbitant(过高的) price, which meant that there was room for competition. However, I reminded him starting a business, let alone competing with an established enterprise, required capital. He told me, "Not really. All we had to do was make some decorations ourselves." Upon that, we made some special designs and hit the ground running.

    News about our selling decorations spread like wildfire. Mike's decision to publish brochures advertising our products was a genius marketing trick. Within three days, we had sold about 50 sets of decorations, and as they say, the rest is history.

    My parents' decision to stop my monthly allowance served to teach me the value of work. However, it was my entrepreneurial adventure with Mike that taught me that working smart is better than working hard.

    24. What was the author's present predicament?

    A. Weak reading skills.

    B. Lack of financial support.

    C. Poor communication ability.

    D. Awful relationship with parents.

    25. What do the underlined words "hit the ground running" in paragraph 3 mean?

    A. Set off immediately.

    B. Collected money eagerly.

    C. Imagined the future merrily.

    D. Started the business successfully.

    26. What is Mike's marketing strategy?

    A. Advertising their products widely.

    B. Doing research in advance.

    C. Designing delicate decorations.

    D. Making decorations on their own.

    27. What can we learn from the author's story?

    A. Smart work outweighs hard work.

    B. Wisdom comes from hard work.

    C. Working hard pays off.

    D. Working smart starts with working hard.


    More than one-third of the world's food is wasted or thrown away. This adds up to an unbelievable 1.3 billion tons of waste a year, most of which rots in landfills, emitting(排放) methane and contributing to climate change.

    But one of the most promising and simple solutions lies in the problem itself: this wasted food -if composted (堆肥)-could slow climate change and improve soil quality. When food waste break down in composting facilities or even in backyard compost piles, they don't produce methane, and they result in carbon-rich soil. Higher quality soil also continues to absorb more carbon from the atmosphere, helping to fertilize plants and contributing further to fighting against climate change. Increasing the amount of carbon in the world's soil by just 0.4 percent a year would stop the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Returning one ton of organic matter to each hectare of soil would increase production of cereal crops each year by millions of tons.

    While it is true that people can compost in their yards, community gardens, schools or even on their kitchen counters, larger-scale efforts, including infrastructure(基础设施) and reward system for consumers,would take it to the next level. Imagine that consumers could just leave food leftovers in a bin for pickup, or drop them off at a local store, earning a few cents a bucket, just like what has been offered for recycling bottles or newspapers. Moreover, in the case of composting, the reward system would be sustainable because the end-product of compost can be sold to farmers.

    There have been important steps recently toward keeping food waste out of landfills. But food still makes up the largest part of city landfills. Until those changes through increased composting, we are wasting a lot more than food. We are wasting the opportunity to slow climate change and ensure adequate future food supply for the world.

    28. What is the consequence of food waste?

    A. Food shortage.

    B. Climate change.

    C. Less farming land.

    D. Worse soil quality.

    29. What can we learn about the carbon-rich soil?

    A. It emits large amounts of carbon.

    B. It stimulates the production of carbon-dioxide.

    C. It increases by 0.4 percent every year.

    D. It benefits both plants and the environment.

    30. Which of the following docs the author agree with?

    A. Taking steps to ban landfills is urgent.

    B. Composting on a large scale is helpful.

    C. The end-product of compost is affordable.

    D. It is just a matter of time before food waste stops.

    31. What is the best title for the text?

    A. Where Landfills Go

    B. Why Farmers Compost Food Waste

    C. What Modern Farming Brings Us

    D. How Wasted Food Could Save the Planet


    Before every show, Beyoncé listens to the same playlist, performs stretches, and meditates(冥想) for precisely one hour. This is part of her pre-performance ritual (仪式) .

    Rituals help to structure our lives. People perform group rituals that mark significant social events and stages such as singing at birthday parties and celebrating at weddings. Individuals also have personalized rituals that help to organize their days, such as getting that morning cup of joe, performing a bedtime routine, or stretching before going on stage.

    Research shows that rituals can help us enjoy experiences. Researchers from the University of Minnesota and Harvard found that enacting a ritual enhanced how much people enjoyed eating chocolate. Before having participants eat a chocolate bar, the researchers asked participants to perform a ritual by breaking the chocolate bar in half without removing the wrapper, then unwrapping only half of the bar and eating it, and finally unwrapping the other half and eating it. Compared to people who simply relaxed before eating the chocolate, those who had performed the ritual reported that the chocolate was more flavorful. Rituals appear to heighten how involved we are in our experiences.

    Rituals can also help reduce anxiety and improve performance. In a 2020 study, researchers asked participants to engage in a task of singing a popular song in front of an experimenter, aiming to cause anxiety. Before singing, some participants just sat quietly while they waited, but others were asked to perform a ritual. The results showed that compared to participants who had sat quietly before singing, those who performed the ritual reported being less anxious and sang the song more accurately using the correct volume, key, and note duration. If you think Beyoncé performs well at her concerts, maybe her ritual has something to do with it.

    We can include rituals into countless aspects of our lives. We can light a candle at the end of the workday to improve how much we enjoy our leisure time. We can regularly visit locations that are special to us to de-stress and feel more in control. We can meditate before important tasks to reduce our anxiety and improve our performance. The choice is ours.

    32. Which of the following is an example of group rituals?

    A. Applauding at the end of a concert.

    B. Putting a family photo in the purse.

    C. Buying a bunch of flowers for oneself.

    D. Taking a deep breath before a performance.

    33. According to the text, what made the chocolate more flavorful?

    A. Removing the wrapper.

    B. Breaking it into halves.

    C. Relaxing before eating.

    D. Ritualizing the eating process.

    34. What can we infer about rituals from the study in 2020?

    A. They help case people's tension.

    B. They make people find inner peace.

    C. They give inspiration for new songs.

    D. They are essential for singing songs.

    35. What does the author advise us to do?

    A. Have more leisure time.

    B. Decrease travel frequency.

    C. Bring rituals into our lives.

    D. Balance work and pleasure.



    Misfortune is a part of life. Dealing with challenges and overcoming difficulties are something we all encounter, from childhood until old age. People who remain calm in the face of misfortune have what psychologists call resilience. Resilient people experience the same amount of stress as others. 36______. Resilient people make lemonade when life gives them lemons. They always find alternate solutions to a problem.

    Resilience is like a muscle. Even if you consider yourself resilient, you may need to develop and strengthen it. To build resilience, experts suggest the following list:

    Nurture(培育) relationships

    Set up and maintain a support network before you need it. 37______, a supportive friend with good listening skills can make a big difference. And if you want your friends and family to support your resilience, remember to support theirs too.


    When somebody needs you, you just cope with stress that much better. Your sense of purpose doesn't have to come from school or work. It can also come from hobbies or volunteer projects, like cleaning up litter in a neighborhood park.

    Don't try to remove misfortune completely

    Resilience usually refers to how we handle serious misfortune, but our reactions to big problems may be informed partly by the many smaller setbacks we face in daily life. 39______.

    40______. Think about the things that help you deal with stress, which can also help you become more resilient. Healthy habits such as getting good sleep, doing breathing exercises, ... these all help us achieve greater mental balance, allowing us to successfully ride out the storms we encounter on the great sea of life.

    A. This list is endless

    B. Find meaning in stress

    C. Find a sense of purpose

    D. When misfortune strikes

    E. When conflicts between friends exist

    F. The only difference is that they are not overcome by it

    G. Everyday stress may gradually improve our adaptive systems

    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

    第一节(共 20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


    The triathlon(铁人三项) is being held. Natalie dives into the pool. Cold water 41______ her, and it's hard to catch her breath. 42______ her arms through the water, Natalie begins her first of eight laps. She wants to 43______ the triathlon.

    Natalie 44______ with cold as she gets out of the pool. Along with three hundred other children and adults, she 45______ into the one-mile run, followed by a four-and-a-half-mile bike ride. The temperature is 46______ on the late-October morning. But seeing her father 's warm 47______ makes Natalie forget about the cold.

    Natalie feels 48______ to have her father here today. Three years ago, doctors discovered that he had skin cancer. His 49______ made him feel tired and sick, but he 50______ he was going to get better. Natalie says, "Courage is something that all people have inside, and they use it to make the world a 51______ and happy place. My dad showed great 52______ when he got cancer."

    Natalie asked a lot of questions about her father's illness. Her mom says, "We had a family discussion and gave her all the facts. We talked about what cancer is and how money is raised for 53______ and research."

    Natalie made a 54______ to herself and to her family that she would compete in the triathlon to _55______ money to help cancer patients. She trained 56______ for three months, swimming, running and biking several times a week. She then sent out 150 letters asking for 57______. Her dad matched the money and Natalie 58______ $7,000 to the American Cancer Society.

    Natalie says she was 59______ on the day of the race. "My stomach felt weak, and the water was cold.” But Natalie completed the race and 60_her promise to help fight cancer.


    41. A. hits   B. drowns   C. frightens   D. follows



    42. A. Throwing  B. Twisting   C. Raising   D. Pulling

    43. A. quit   B. start    C. accept    D. complete

    44. A. slides   B. shakes    C. falls    D. jumps

    45. A. heads   B. puts    C. breaks    D. changes

    46. A. normal   B. cool    C. freezing   D. mild

    47. A. hug   B. smile    C. shadow   D. back

    48. A. curious   B. ready    C. embarrassed  D. lucky

    49. A. identities  B. treatments   C. emotions   D. discoveries

    50. A. found    B. predicted   C. believed   D. doubted

    51. A. peaceful   B. free    C. popular   D. brave

    52. A. independence  B. respect   C. courage   D. sympathy

    53. A. aid    B. honor    C. influence   D. trust

    54. A. proposal   B. request   C. promise   D. plan

    55. A. raise   B. borrow    C. return    D. invest

    56. A. quietly   B. hard     C. patiently   D. casually

    57. A. suggestions  B. reference   C. permission   D. donations

    58. A. lent    B. paid    C. gave    D. exposed

    59. A. nervous   B. inspired   C. shocked   D. calm

    60. A. came up with B. lived up to   C. got down to  D. looked forward to



    Dried tangerine peel(陈皮) is exactly what it sounds like — the peel of a tangerine or a mandarin orange that's dried and aged. It 61______(apply) in Chinese cooking and traditional medicine for a long time.

    Dried tangerine peel is made from fresh tangerines or mandarin oranges. People put the fresh tangerine peels in the sun before storing them away to age anywhere from several months 62______ about70 years. 63______ longer the peel is aged, the more it is prized for its depth of flavor.

    With its bitter-sweet flavor, dried tangerine peel is usually added to Chinese dishes. And it's also frequently seen in 64______(vary) tea drinks.

    You can make 65______(you) own dried tangerine peel at home. Make a few small cuts at the base of the tangerines or mandarin oranges and remove the peel. If you like, you can remove the white pith 66______(use) a paring knife. Be careful not to pierce(刺破) the peel. If the peel is pierced, it soil will be released. And then string the peels with rope and hang them by a sunny window 67______ they are completely dried. The amount of time 68______(need) to dry the peels will depend on the humidity and how much sun they get. When the peels are 69______(full) dried, store them in an airtight 70______(contain)to age for at least a few months before using, or even up to several years.

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

    第一节 短文改错(共0小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







    Last week, we conducted an survey on what measures high school students take them to live a green life. Here are the results.

    65% of the students lead a green lifestyle by walking, cycling or take public transportation.40% of them recycle waste with an active manner. The number of the students saving electricity and water account for 35%. However, only 16% of the students chose to buy eco-friendly products. One possible reason is the products are expensive. Also, 8% of the students take other measure, like using reusable drinking cups.

    ln my opinion, living a green life is easy said than done, and one small step at a time can make a big difference.

    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

    “五一”劳动节将至,你校将举办以“Let's Take Part in Labor Activities”为题的英语演讲比赛。请结合你的一次学校劳动或社区劳动经历写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:






    Let's 'Take Part in Labor Activities



    第一部分 听力


    1-5 CBBAC


    6-10 ACACC  11-15 BABCB  16-20 CBACC

    第二部分 阅读理解


    21-23 CBC  24-27 BDAA  28-31 BDBD  32-35 ADAC


    36-40 FDCGA

    第三部分 英语知识运用


    41-45 ADDBA 46-50 CBDBC  51-55 DCACA 56-60 BDCAB


    61. has been applied

    62. to

    63. The

    64. various/varied

    65. your

    66. using

    67. until/till

    68. needed

    69. fully

    70. container

    第四部分 写作


    1. an survey中将an改为a

    2. take them to live中将them去掉

    3. take public transportation中将take改为taking

    4. with an active manner中将with改为in

    5. account for 35%中将account改为accounts

    6. chose to buy中将chose改为choose

    7. is the products中在is后面加that

    8. other measure中将measure改为measures

    9. easy said中将easy改为easier

    10. and one small中and改为but



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