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    这是一份2022-2023学年浙江省七彩阳光联盟高二下学期4月期中英语试题含解析,共29页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高二年级英语学科 试题
    1. 本卷共10页满分150分,考试时间120分钟;
    2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字;
    3. 所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效;
    4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where did the man first learn to play table tennis?
    A. In Sweden. B. In China. C. In Germany.
    2. How does the woman feel now?
    A. Excited. B. Disappointed. C. Concerned.
    3. What time does the man usually arrive home?
    A. At 7:00 p.m. B. At 6:00 p.m. C. At 5:00 p.m.
    4. Who was badly injured in the accident?
    A. The woman’s sister. B. The kids. C. The car driver.
    5. Which class are the speakers probably having?
    A. A science class. B. A history class. C. An art class.
    6. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. Business partners. B. Computer repairs. C. A new computer system.
    7. What is the man surprised about.
    A. The company’s decision. B. The lost business. C. The slow system.
    8. Why does the man come to the restaurant?
    A. It is close to his work.
    B. His friend works there.
    C. It serves the kind of food he likes.
    9. What will change next month in the restaurant?
    A. There will be a new menu.
    B. There will be a new food supplier.
    C. There will be a discount for regular customers.
    10. What will the man probably do next?
    A. Start looking at the menu. B. Order his meal. C. Pay the bill.
    11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.
    B. Boss and employee.
    C. House owner and house buyer.
    12. How much do the speakers plan to spend on housing?
    A. $500. B. $1,000. C. $2,000.
    13. What does the woman need?
    A. Good views. B. Big bedrooms. C. A study.
    14. What does the man do every day?
    A. Check the water quality.
    B. Wash the fish bowl.
    C. Feed the fish.
    15. How many fish does the man own?
    A. 3. B. 10. C. 20.
    16. What is probably causing the fish’s strange behavior?
    A. That there are too many fish in the bowl.
    B. That there isn’t enough light.
    C. That the weather is too hot.
    17. What will the man do next?
    A. Call his animal doctor.
    B. Visit the woman’s shop.
    C. Order a special fan for his fishbowl.
    18. What will probably happen in the future according to the speaker?
    A. All health problems can be cured.
    B. Everyone will enjoy free health care.
    C. Personalized medicine will be possible.
    19. Who is Otto Schwarz?
    A. A scientist. B. An actor. C. A businessman.
    20. What will be provided after Otto Schwarz’s talk?
    A. A short film. B. Food and drinks. C. Some medicine.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Celebrate Farming with LEAF Open Farm Sunday 2023
    How many people have passed your farm, seen your pigs and wondered what happens behind the farm gate? There is a genuine interest across society to learn about where food comes from, what the work farmers do and how the countryside is managed.
    Whether you host an event for 20 people or 200, the day is really rewarding, a great way to involve your local community and is hugely positive PR for British farming. A simple self-guided farm walk is all you need to offer, and LEAF has lots of free resources and top tips available to help with your planning, including:
    ● bow to manage your visitor numbers with the ticketing system
    ● planning and messaging for a farm walk
    ● creative activity ideas
    ● risk assessment templates (样板)
    ● creating a hand-washing station (needed if you have livestock)
    Cooperate with a local farmer, run your own event, or offer to help someone who is taking part this year and play your part in promoting British farming.
    Following registration, you will receive a handbook with guidance on how to organize a safe and engaging event. There is also a team of LEAF Open Farm Sunday ambassadors who are at the end of an email or phone to answer your questions.
    To find out more, visit: farmsunday.org.
    1. Who may go to LEAF Open Farm Sunday 2023?
    A. Elders. B. Kids. C. Farmers. D. Visitors.
    2. What does L.EAF offer?
    A. A self-guided farm walk.
    B. Tips for planning farm activities.
    C. Paid resources.
    D. Hand washing stations.
    3. How can visitors get the handbook?
    A. Cooperate with a local farmer.
    B. Promote British farming.
    C. Offer guidance on how to organize events.
    D. Register for LEAF.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
    推理判断题。根据首段中的“How many people have passed your farm, seen your pigs and wondered what happens behind the farm gate?(有多少人经过你的农场,看过你的猪,想知道农场大门后面发生了什么?)”可知,该文讲述的“your farm”指的是农民的农场,并结合第二段中的“Whether you host an event for 20 people or 200, the day is really rewarding, a great way to involve your local community and is hugely positive PR for British farming.(无论你是举办20人还是200人的活动,这一天都是非常值得的,这是一个让当地社区参与进来的好方法,对英国农业来说是一个非常积极的公关)”可知,农民组织活动会让更多的当地社区参与进来,这对英国的农业发展有积极的意义。由此推知,农民想参加该活动。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“A simple self-guided farm walk is all you need to offer, and LEAF has lots of free resources and top tips available to help with your planning(一个简单的自助农场步行是你所需要提供的,LEAF有很多免费的资源和顶级提示,可以帮助你制定计划)”可知,LEAF会提供一些规划农场活动的建议。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Following registration, you will receive a handbook with guidance on how to organize a safe and engaging event.(注册后,您将收到一本手册,指导如何组织一个安全和吸引人的活动)”可知,要想拿到手册,需要登记注册。故选D项。
    To be honest. I’ve been missing the online shopping experience in China since I moved to the US four years ago. So when I noticed Shein becoming mainstream in the US over the past few years, I though, Great! I finally have a Taohao replacement! So I went on my first Shein journey in August 2022.
    But somewhere along the way, I started questioning why I enjoy this particular kind of shopping, and also what it means for an e-commerce platform to offer endless deals.
    To be fair, there are Shein purchases that I’ve really enjoyed, like a $2 nylon watchband that feels better than my original Apple Watch band. I also think people should be able to choose quantity and price over quality, because the idea of demanding that people only buy premium products feels unrealistic.
    But as it turns out, I’ve finally started to see through the illusion (错觉) of Shein-like platforms. To get these occasional incredible deals, you are encouraged to shop much more than is necessary or even reasonable. This illusion has worked for a long time and for a lot of people, including me! But it’s become harder and harder to ignore the environmental consequences of my purchases, and the ways in which platforms trick people into buying more and more.
    And I don’t think I’m the only one experiencing that awakening. Broadly speaking, I think society is slowly but surely shifting toward recognizing the climate impact of mass-produced cheap goods. While these conversations have yet to happen as widely and furiously in China, companies like Taobao and Shein will inevitably have to answer the question of whether their business model is sustainable for everyone—or only for themselves. So where are they beading from here? There’s certainly a lot of soul-searching for the industry to do.
    And I’m doing some soul-searching of my own.
    4. Why does the author mention a “$2 nylon watchband”?
    A. To compare it with her original band.
    B. To persuade readers to buy it.
    C. To show her satisfaction with Shein.
    D. To show its cheapness.
    5. What does the underlined word “premium” mean in the third paragraph?
    A. High-quantity. B. Expensive.
    C. High-quality. D. Original.
    6. What do the customers tend to do with the illusion of Shein-like platforms?
    A. They get incredible products on sale.
    B. They often buy much more than what they need.
    C. They ignore the environmental impacts.
    D. They are tricked into buying more and more reasonable products.
    7. What is a consequence of endless deals in e-commerce platforms?
    A. Environmental harm. B. Price reduction.
    C. Energy shortage. D. Worldwide starvation.
    【答案】4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A
    推理判断题。根据第三段的“To be fair, there are Shein purchases that I’ve really enjoyed, like a $2 nylon watchband that feels better than my original Apple Watch band. (说句公道话,我确实很喜欢Shein的一些产品,比如一条2美元的尼龙表带,感觉比我原来的Apple Watch表带要好)”并结合上文提到作者喜欢网购体验,在回国4年后终于可以在Shein进行网购推知,提到“2美元一条的尼龙表带”是为了表达作者对于在Shein网购的满足感。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据第三段的“I also think people should be able to choose quantity and price over quality(我还认为人们应该能够选择数量和价格而不是质量)”可知,作者认为除了质量,人们还应该能在数量和价格上进行选择。由此推知,作者认为要求人们只购买高品质的商品是不现实的。因此premium意为“高品质的”。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段的“But as it turns out, I’ve finally started to see through the illusion (错觉) of Shein-like platforms. To get these occasional incredible deals, you are encouraged to shop much more than is necessary or even reasonable. (但事实证明,我终于开始看穿了shein式平台的假象。为了得到这些偶尔令人难以置信的交易,你被鼓励购买远远超过必要甚至合理的东西)”推知,当消费者在诸如Shein这样的平台购物时容易买多于自己实际需要的商品。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段的“But it’s become harder and harder to ignore the environmental consequences of my purchases, and the ways in which platforms trick people into buying more and more.(但我越来越难以忽视我的购物对环境造成的影响,以及平台诱使人们买得越来越多的方式)”和最后一段的“Broadly speaking, I think society is slowly but surely shifting toward recognizing the climate impact of mass-produced cheap goods. (总的来说,我认为社会正在缓慢但肯定地转向认识到大规模生产的廉价商品对气候的影响)”可知,电子商务平台无休止的交易会给环境和气候带来影响。故选A。
    The memory of elephants is the stuff of lore (传说), and now it seems they can recall the smell of a relative even after a decade apart.
    When Franziska Hörner at the University of Wuppertal in Germany and her colleagues heard about planned reunions between two mother-daughter pairs at zoos in Germany, the took advantage of the chance to test the elephants’ memories. One pair had been separated for two years, while the other had spent 12 years apart.
    Hörner collected faecal (排泄物的) samples from these African elephants and others at German zoos, hauling the stinking 10-to-15-kilogram samples around in her tiny car.
    Her team presented these samples one at a time to the four elephants in advance of their reunions with family members. When they encountered faeces from unrelated elephants, cither those in the same zoo or unfamiliar animals, they sniffed and walked away.
    But when presented with a sample from the mother or daughter they were due to be reunited with, the female elephants repeatedly sniffed the samples and showed a variety of reactions, from making sounds to flapping their ears.
    Such reactions may be linked to positive emotions, the researchers say. “That was amazing and really intense,” says Hörner. “We were sure they do remember, and they know exactly what they are smelling there.”
    The sample size was small, but it would be cruel to do similar tests on elephants that weren’t being reunited, says Hörner.
    “I am not surprised that elephants have memories, especially in social contexts, that last a long time,” says Joshua Plotnik at Hunter College in New York, who wasn’t involved with the work. Elephants live in groups that split up and come back together over long periods of time.
    But Plotnik says the experiment may not be a true test of memory. There may be scent cues (线索,提示) common to all relatives that can trigger recognition not linked to memory, he says, and presenting the elephants with other smells would help make sense of their responses.
    8. Why did Hörner collect faecal samples from elephants at German zoos?
    A. To figure out mother and daughter elephants.
    B. To haul samples in the tiny car.
    C. To help elephants reunite with their family.
    D. To test elephants’ memories.
    9. How did the elephants react when presented with samples from family members?
    A. They sniffed and walked away.
    B. They responded actively.
    C. They recognized their family members.
    D. They showed no reactions.
    10. What’s the shortcoming of this experiment according to Hörner?
    A. There is no experimental preparation.
    B. Samples are of different age level.
    C. The experiment is immoral.
    D. There are only four samples.
    11. What does Plotnik suggest?
    A. Drawing a conclusion according to the findings.
    B. Making use of the findings.
    C. Conducting further research.
    D. Clarifying the purpose of the study.
    【答案】8. D 9. B 10. D 11. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段“When Franziska Hörner at the University of Wuppertal in Germany and her colleagues heard about planned reunions between two mother-daughter pairs at zoos in Germany, the took advantage of the chance to test the elephants’ memories. One pair had been separated for two years, while the other had spent 12 years apart.(当德国伍珀塔尔大学Hörner的Franziska和她的同事听说德国动物园计划让两对母女重聚时,她们利用这个机会测试了大象的记忆。一对已经分开两年,而另一对已经分开12年)”可知,Hörner从德国动物园的大象身上收集粪便样本是为了来测试大象的记忆。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第五段中“when presented with a sample from the mother or daughter they were due to be reunited with, the female elephants repeatedly sniffed the samples and showed a variety of reactions, from making sounds to flapping their ears.(当看到即将与之团聚的母亲或女儿的样本时,母象反复嗅闻这些样本,并表现出各种各样的反应,从发出声音到拍打耳朵)”和第六段中“Such reactions may be linked to positive emotions, the researchers say.(研究人员说,这种反应可能与积极情绪有关)”可知,当向大象展示来自家庭成员的样本时,它们会有积极回应。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“Her team presented these samples one at a time to the four elephants in advance of their reunions with family members.(她的团队在四只大象与家人团聚之前,一次一个地把这些样本交给它们)”和第七段“The sample size was small, but it would be cruel to do similar tests on elephants that weren’t being reunited,(样本量很小,但对没有团聚的大象做类似的测试是很残忍的)”可推知,Hörner认为这个实验的缺点是“只有四个样本”。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“But Plotnik says the experiment may not be a true test of memory. There may be scent cues (线索,提示) common to all relatives that can trigger recognition not linked to memory, he says, and presenting the elephants with other smells would help make sense of their responses.(但普洛特尼克说,这个实验可能不是对记忆的真正测试。他说,可能所有亲缘象都有共同的气味线索,可以触发与记忆无关的识别,而向大象展示其他气味将有助于理解它们的反应)”可推知,普洛特尼克建议“进行进一步的研究。”故选C。
    Recently, the artificial intelligence app ChatGPT has been making headlines in the higher education media and beyond. Some have taken an alarmist approach, such as a recent Atlantic piece titled “The College Essay Is Dead.” Others have been more optimistic, examining the limitations of the app as well as offering suggestions for how it can inform student learning and writing. Below is an FAQ about ChatGPT.
    Q: How can I design assignments to discourage use of ChatGPT?
    A: One important strategy for preventing use of ChatGPT or other similar technologies is to create assignments that require students to show stages of their work (outlines, rough drafts, etc.).
    Ask students to refer to course materials and discussions, which would be impossible for ChatGPT to access and would also promote valuable integration skills.
    Ask students to engage in and submit a reflection about what they have learned from completing the assignment. Sample tips include: a) Discuss the most challenging and most rewarding aspects of your project. b) What was the most surprising thing you learned in the course of this project? c) If you had the chance to do it again, what one thing would you have done differently on this project?
    Teach citation skills and research skills, including expression of original thought.
    It is worth considering why you assign writing in your classes and discussing that clearly with students. For most professors, writing represents a form of thinking. But for some students, writing is simply a product, a collection of words repeated back to the teacher. According to John Warner, a blogger and author of two books on writing, “If you can create an atmosphere where students are invested in learning, they are not going to copy, and they are not going to dodge the work. But the work has to be worth doing on some level, beyond getting the grade.”
    Q: How can I use ChatGPT in the writing process?
    A: These types of apps are not going away and will no doubt rise sharply in the future, so encouraging students to use them productively could be seen as an important contribution to information competence.
    12. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
    A. College essay is dead because of ChatGPT.
    B. ChatGPT offers suggestions only for students.
    C. There is no limitations to this app.
    D. ChatGPT is a hot issue in certain fields.
    13. Which of the following assignment may NOT discourage use of ChatGPT?
    A. Write an essay by referring to course materials.
    B. Write an essay about group discussion.
    C. Hand in homework with specific steps.
    D. Attach your paper with citations.
    14. What does John Warner say about teaching?
    A. Making sure students are actively engaged.
    B. Creating a happy atmosphere for students.
    C. Teaching students how to think wisely.
    D. Making learning an investment for students.
    15. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
    A. ChatGPT: A Smart Artificial Intelligence App
    B. ChatGPT: A Useful Tool for Student Learning and Writing
    C. ChatGPT: Assignments Created for Students
    D. ChatGPT: A Double-edged Sword for Teaching and Learning
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. A 15. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Recently, the artificial intelligence app ChatGPT has been making headlines in the higher education media and beyond. (最近,人工智能应用ChatGPT登上了高等教育媒体和其他媒体的头条。)”可知,ChatGPT成为各大高等教育媒体的头条,也就是说对于ChatGPT是一个热议的话题。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“One important strategy for preventing use of ChatGPT or other similar technologies is to create assignments that require students to show stages of their work (outlines, rough drafts, etc.). (防止使用ChatGPT或其他类似技术的一个重要策略是创建作业,要求学生展示他们工作的各个阶段(提纲、草稿等)。)”可知,要求学生写出整个作业的步骤,会阻止学生使用ChatGPT,故C项错误;第四段中的“Ask students to refer to course materials and discussions, which would be impossible for ChatGPT to access and would also promote valuable integration skills. (要求学生参考课程材料和讨论,这对于ChatGPT来说是不可能的,也会促进有价值的整合技能。)”可知,布置带有参考课程材料讨论的作业,对ChatGPT来说是不可能的,故A项错误;根据第六段“Teach citation skills and research skills, including expression of original thought. (教授引用技巧和研究技巧,包括表达原创思想。)”可知,在文章中附上引用的内容可以阻止学生使用ChatGPT做作业,所以D项错误;B选项“Write an essay about group discussion. (写一篇关于小组讨论的文章。)”只是要求学生写一篇没有任何限制的小组讨论的作业,这是文章中没有提到的,所以此项任务可能不会阻止学生使用ChatGPT。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的“According to John Warner, a blogger and author of two books on writing, “If you can create an atmosphere where students are invested in learning, they are not going to copy, and they are not going to dodge the work. But the work has to be worth doing on some level, beyond getting the grade.”(写过两本写作书的博主约翰·华纳(John Warner)说:“如果你能创造一种氛围,让学生投入到学习中来,他们就不会抄袭,也不会逃避工作。但在某种程度上,这些工作必须值得去做,而不仅仅是为了获得分数。”)”可知,该学生创造一个学生能参与进来的学习氛围会让学生不会逃避工作,而且这项工作值得去做而不是为了获得成就,由此可知,John Warner认为教学应该是让学生真正的参与进来。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“Some have taken an alarmist approach, such as a recent Atlantic piece titled “The College Essay Is Dead.” Others have been more optimistic, examining the limitations of the app as well as offering suggestions for how it can inform student learning and writing. (有些人采取了危言耸听的方法,比如最近大西洋月刊的一篇题为“大学论文已死”的文章。其他人则更加乐观,检查了该应用程序的局限性,并就如何为学生的学习和写作提供了建议。)”以及最后一段中的“These types of apps are not going away and will no doubt rise sharply in the future, so encouraging students to use them productively could be seen as an important contribution to information competence. (这些类型的应用程序不会消失,并且无疑将在未来急剧上升,因此鼓励学生有效地使用它们可以被视为对信息能力的重要贡献。)”可知,本文主要讲述的是ChatGPT的出现引起了人们的热议,对此人工智能辅助下的应用各持己见,但是这些类型的应用不会消失,反而会急剧增长,所以应鼓励学生有效的使用这些应用程序,这样他们才能被视为对信息能力的贡献,所以“ChatGPT:教与学的双刃剑”可以概括全文的内容,与本文主题一致。故选D项。
    Every parent wants their children to develop well. ____16____. However, for a child, play is the main way of interacting with the world, mastering new knowledge and skills. The game performs several functions.
    ____17____. Through the game, the child learns new skills and develops speech, thinking and logic, memory, attention and other mental functions. This applies not only to special educational games, but outdoor games which promote physical development and strengthen the health of the child. Also, any games develop creativity and imagination.
    Way of communication. A game for a child is also a way to convey to an adult their experiences: joys, anxieties, fears, hopes, expectations. Often, through the game, the child tells parents something important about himself and learns something important about his parents. The game is a way to be closer, to feel the support, care and love of parents. ____18____.
    Development of social skill and familiarity with social roles. ____19____. Through the game, children learn about the concepts of “good” and “bad”. In games, children learn different social roles: they learn to be parents, friends, teachers, doctors, kings and presidents. Many games develop independence and responsibility, teach the child to overcome difficulties, take care of others, give gifts and share.
    Pleasure and joy. The game brings pleasure, joy and a lot of other positive emotions to the child and the significance of this cannot be underestimated (after all, even for adults, positive emotions are very important: they support us, help us develop and look at life positively). ____20____. It is the key to the full development of the individual.
    A. Knowledge of the world.
    B. Education and development.
    C. Therefore, it is very important that parents find time to play together with their child.
    D. Joint games best teach adults to understand their children and find a common language with them.
    E. Also, through the game, the child learns to be proud of his success, which supports his self-esteem.
    F. In games, children learn to follow the rules, control their behavior, develop communication skills with peers and adults.
    G. Sometimes it seems that a child’s game is empty entertainment and it would be better to replace it with something more useful.
    【答案】16. C 17. B 18. D 19. F 20. E
    上文“Every parent wants their children to develop well. (每个父母都希望自己的孩子发展得好)”说明父母为什么要和孩子们一起玩耍,与空格处是因果关系,因此C项“因此,父母抽出时间和孩子一起玩是非常重要的”符合语境,故选C。
    下文“This applies not only to special educational games, but outdoor games which promote physical development and strengthen the health of the child. (这不仅适用于特殊的教育游戏,也适用于促进身体发育和增强儿童健康的户外游戏。)”说明的是游戏所起到点教育和发展的作用,因此B项“教育与发展”符合本段段意,故选B。
    上文“ The game is a way to be closer, to feel the support, care and love of parents. (游戏是一种更亲密的方式,可以感受到父母的支持、关心和爱)”说明的是游戏有助于父母理解孩子,因此D项“联合游戏最能教会成年人理解他们的孩子,并与他们找到共同的语言”符合语境,故选D。
    本段主旨句“Development of social skill and familiarity with social roles. (社交技能的发展和对社会角色的熟悉)”说明的是游戏培养孩子们的社交能力,因此F项“在游戏中,孩子们学会遵守规则,控制自己的行为,发展与同龄人和成年人的沟通技巧”符合语境,故选F。
    上文“The game brings pleasure, joy and a lot of other positive emotions to the child and the significance of this cannot be underestimated (游戏给孩子带来了快乐、喜悦和许多其他积极的情绪,这一点的重要性不容低估)”说明游戏能带来的积极情绪,与因此E项“此外,通过游戏,孩子学会为自己的成功感到骄傲,这有助于他的自尊”是积极情绪的体现,故选E。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Over half a century has passed since Xu Qiusheng, 81, graduated from medical school and started to work as a village doctor in Yangfang village, Fengsheng city, in East China’s Jiangxi province.
    Dubbed “guardians of health”, village doctors like Xu have played an important role in ____21____ hundreds of millions of farmers in rural areas. They always keep a ____22____ schedule—offering outpatient services during the day and ____23____ emergency cases now and then in the evening, staying on ____24____ around the clock for patients.
    Xu says that treatment and medicine are usually free of charge for villagers facing ____25____ difficulties. ____26____ he lives a plain life himself, he never asks for the medical expenses owed by villagers. Xu also ____27____ regular contact with high-risk people in the village to keep track of their health conditions.
    Ahead of this year’s Spring Festival. Xu, together with his daughter, who ____28____ to the village and followed in his footsteps of becoming a village doctor, ____29____ door to door visiting the elderly. Xu’s daughter helped them ______30______ their blood pressure and blood oxygen.
    The ______31______ of more than 1,400 villagers in Yangfang has become the ______32______ for rural doctors like Xu and his daughter. The clinic receives, at most, 30 patients a day, and doctors will deliver medicines to villagers’ doors. Early this year, the village smoothly ______33______ its peak COVID-19 infection rate.
    “I ______34______ my patients as my family members, and I hope the next generations of doctors in rural areas can continue to be the ______35______ of villagers,” Xu says.
    21. A. curing B. healing C. caring D. treating
    22. A. busy B. strict C. common D. regular
    23. A. helping with B. dealing with C. finding out D. figuring out
    24. A. help B. line C. call D. target
    25. A. commercial B. social C. practical D. financial
    26. A. Although B. When C. Since D. Because
    27. A. maintains B. makes C. prefers D. continues
    28. A. headed B. belonged C. returned D. attended
    29. A. drove B. ran C. went D. knocked
    30. A. count B. estimate C. assess D. measure
    31. A. health B. safety C. happiness D. lives
    32. A. burden B. ability C. profession D. responsibility
    33. A. reached B. passed C. missed D. hit
    34. A. compare B. think C. see D. imagine
    35. A. friends B. guardians C. helpers D. families
    【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. B
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:像徐这样在基层医疗机构工作村医被称为“健康卫士”,在治疗数亿农村农民方面发挥了重要作用。A. curing治愈;B. healing(使)康复;C. caring关心;D. treating治疗。根据上文中的“started to work as a village doctor in Yangfang village, Fengsheng city, in East China’s Jiangxi province”可知,医生应该是在“治疗”村民疾病方面发挥重要作用。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们的日程总是很忙——白天提供门诊服务,晚上偶尔处理急诊,24小时为病人待命。A. busy忙碌的;B. strict严格的;C. common常见的;D. regular定期的。根据下文中的“offering outpatient services during the day and ____3____ emergency cases now and then in the evening, staying on ____4____ around the clock for patients.”可知,他们的日程“很忙”。故选A项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他们的日程总是很忙——白天提供门诊服务,晚上偶尔处理急诊,24小时为病人待命。A. helping with帮忙;B. dealing with处理;C. finding out查明;D. figuring out弄清楚。根据下文中的“emergency cases now and then in the evening”可知,此处指的是在晚上“处理”紧急状况。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们日程总是很忙——白天提供门诊服务,晚上偶尔处理急诊,24小时为病人待命。A. help帮忙;B. line线;C. call呼叫;D. target目标。根据下文中的“around the clock for patients.”可知,此处指的是24小时“待命”,stay on call“随时待命”。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:徐说,对于面临经济困难的村民来说,治疗和药物通常是免费的。A. commercial商业的;B. social社会的;C. practical实用的;D. financial金融的,经济的。根据上文中的“free of charge”可知,此处指的是“经济”状况不好的,免费治疗。故选D项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:尽管他自己过着俭朴的生活,但他从不向村民索要医药费。A. Although尽管;B. When当;C. Since自从;D. Because因为。根据“he lives a plain life himself,”与“ he never asks for the medical expenses owed by villagers.”的内容可知,此处表示的是让步关系。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:徐还与村里的高危人群保持定期联系,以了解他们的健康状况。A. maintains保持;B. makes使,让;C. prefers更喜欢;D. continues继续。根据下文中的“regular contact with high-risk people in the village to keep track of their health conditions.”可知,此处指的是“保持”与高危病人的联系以了解其病情。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年春节前,徐和回到村里跟随他的脚步成为一名乡村医生的女儿,挨家挨户地看望老人。A. headed朝某方向前进;B. belonged属于;C. returned回归;D. attended参加。根据下文中的“ followed in his footsteps of becoming a village doctor”可知,他的女儿“回到”村里成为村医。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年春节前,徐和回到村里跟随他的脚步成为一名乡村医生的女儿,挨家挨户地看望老人。A. drove驾驶;B. ran跑;C. went走;D. knocked敲门。根据下文中的“door to door visiting the elderly”可知,挨家挨户走访老人应该是“步行”。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:徐的女儿帮他们测量了血压和血氧。A. count数;B. estimate评估;C. assess估计;D. measure测量。结合常识和下文中的“their blood pressure and blood oxygen.”可知,此处指的是“测量”血压和血氧。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:杨坊1400多名村民的健康已经成为徐和他女儿这样的乡村医生的责任。A. health健康;B. safety安全;C. happiness幸福;D. lives生命。结合语境可知,全文讲述的是农村医生的事迹,所以此处指的是村民的“健康”问题。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:杨坊1400多名村民的健康已经成为徐和他女儿这样的乡村医生的责任。A. burden担子;B. ability能力;C. profession专业;D. responsibility责任。根据下文中的“The clinic receives, at most, 30 patients a day, and doctors will deliver medicines to villagers’ doors.”可知,这些村民的健康问题成了乡村医生的“责任”。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年年初,该村顺利度过了新冠肺炎感染率高峰。A. reached到达;B. passed度过,通过;C. missed错过;D. hit重击。根据空前的smoothly以及下文中的“its peak COVID-19 infection rate”可知,此处指的是顺利“度过”了感染高峰期。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:徐医生说:“我把我的病人视为我的家人,我希望农村地区的下一代医生能够继续成为村民的守护者。”A. compare比较;B. think认为;C. see看到;D. imagine想象。结合语境和下文中的“my patients as my family members”可知,徐秋生与他的女儿把病人“看做”自己的家人,see sb. as...意为“把某人看做”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:徐医生说:“我把我的病人视为我的家人,我希望农村地区的下一代医生能够继续成为村民的守护者。”A. friends朋友;B. guardians守护者;C. helpers帮手;D. families家庭。根据上文中的“Dubbed “guardians of health”, village doctors like Xu have played an important role in ____1____ hundreds of millions of farmers in rural areas.”可知,此处指的是继续做村民的“守护者”。故选B项。
    Have you ever seen the tide of the Qiantang River?
    The Qiantang River, ____36____ (locate) in Zhejiang on the southeastern const of China, stretches over more than 500 kilometers and flows into the East China Sea.
    Every year ____37____ the eighteenth day of the eighth lunar month, people gather along its banks expectantly, eager for the ____38____ (arrive) of the tide. The waters of Hangzhou Bay and the Qiantang River meet on the horizon, ____39____ (form) a thin white line. Hundreds of thousands of tons of water ____40____ (dramatic) tumble (翻滚) back towards the land. The seawall contains the force of 7 tons per square meter. The waves can reach ____41____ maximum of 9 meters, about three stories ____42____ (height) and even taller than four of China’s famous basketball player, Yao Ming.
    The huge tides and waves do little ____43____ (stop) the bold. People ____44____ (jump) into the powerful waves as early as the Southern Song Dynasty of China, more than 800 years ago. The people of the time called them the Tide Players. It looks so much like today’s surfing, without the surf board. Today, the Qiantang River attracts thousands of people _____45_____ are from far and wide for the annual tidal surfing competition.
    【答案】36. located
    37. on 38. arrival
    39. forming
    40. dramatically
    41. a 42. high
    43. to stop
    44. jumped 45. who##that
    考查非谓语动词。句意:钱塘江位于中国东南部的浙江省,全长500多公里,流入东海。分析句子可知,空格处所给动词locate是句子定语部分,修饰名词短语The Qiantang River,二者之间是逻辑上的被动关系,应使用过去分词。故填located。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:杭州湾和钱塘江的水在地平线上交汇,形成一条白色的细线。分析句子可知,空格处所给动词form用作句子伴随状语,和主语The waters是逻辑上的主动关系,应使用现在分词形式。故填forming。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:巨大的潮汐和波浪对勇敢的人几乎没有什么作用。分析句子可知,空格处为句子目的状语,应使用不定式形式。故填to stop。
    考查动词时态。句意:早在800多年前的中国南宋时期,人们就已经跳进了强大的海浪中。分析句子可知,空格处为句子谓语部分,根据时间状语more than 800 years ago应使用一般过去时。故填jumped。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是校学生会主席李华,你校正在举办“用英语讲好中国故事”的活动,请你代表学生会用英语写一封倡议书,倡议大家用英语向世界传播中国文化,内容包括:
    1. 用英语传播中国文化的意义;
    2. 用英语传播中国文化的方法;
    3. 发出倡议。
    1. 写作词数应80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式作答。
    Dear fellow students,
    The Student Union
    【答案】Dear fellow students,
    In a bid to make the world know China and China walk up to the world, I am calling upon all of you to spread Chinese culture in English. The reasons are as follows.
    Chinese culture, which enjoys a long history and covers a wide range of topics, will highlight our identity as Chinese people. In addition, spreading our culture in English will get across to foreigners our spectacular civilization. Hence, we are supposed to take an active part in culture exchange activities and tell the story of China in English, which are beneficial to fostering friendship with countries around the world.
    Let’s take action right now! I’m definitely convinced our efforts will make a difference.
    The Student Union
    为了:In a bid to →In order to
    呼吁:calling upon → appealing to
    广泛的:a wide range of →a wide variety of
    突出,强调:highlight →lay stress on
    原句:In addition, spreading our culture in English will get across to foreigners our spectacular civilization.
    拓展句:In addition, that we spread our culture in English will get across to foreigners our spectacular civilization.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Chinese culture, which enjoys a long history and covers a wide range of topics, will highlight our identity as Chinese people.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】In addition, spreading our culture in English will get across to foreigners our spectacular civilization.(运用了动名词短语充当主语)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Katie was six years old. She was part of a big family. She lived with her mom, dad and three older brothers. Her older brothers all played sports. They rode their bikes around town. Katie wanted to be just like them when she got bigger.
    One summer day, the boys all decided to go swimming at the neighborhood pool. Katie wanted to go, too.
    “But we’re riding our bikes.” said Tom. He was the oldest.
    “You’re too slow because you still have training wheels,” added Mike, the next oldest.
    “Boys, I want you to take Katie swimming with you,” said Dad. “It will be fun.”
    The third brother, David, sighed. “Fine,” he said. “But you’ll have to peddle fast.”
    All four children put on the helmets and got on their bikes. The boys rode fast. Katie did her best to keep up, but her brothers were right. She was slower than they were. Soon she fell behind.
    “Wait for me!” Katie cried. But her brothers were so far ahead that they didn’t hear her. Katie wasn’t going to give up. She pumped her legs up and down hard, and soon she arrived at the pool. Her brothers were waiting at the gate.
    “Let’s got!” said Tom. He paid the entrance fee, and they all went inside to put their beach towels on the chairs they liked best. The boys splashed around in the shallow end of pool with Katie. They feel bad about leaving her behind and wanted to make sure she had fun. But soon the boys noticed that their friends were all in line at the diving board. One by one, the brothers joined the big kids taking turns jumping off the springboard into the deep end of the pool. Some kids tried to make the biggest splash. Others worked on special jumps and dives to show off. Everyone was laughing and having fun.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式作答。
    Katie was not having fun and she wanted to dive, too!
    She stepped out to the edge of the board and looked at the water below, starting to cry.
    【答案】 Katie was not having fun and she wanted to dive, too! She wanted to show her brothers she was big enough to play with them. Katie got in line for the diving board. As she made her way to the front of the line, she started to feel nervous. She had never jumped into the deep end before. What if she forgot how to swim? Soon it was Katie's turn to dive.
    She stepped out to the edge of the board and looked at the water below, starting to cry. Then she felt an arm around her shoulders.“It’s okay, Katie,” said Tom.“I was scared to jump when I was your age, too.Let’s go to get some ice cream.” Katie stepped off the diving board and walked toward the snack bar with her brother. She never knew that Tom got scared before. That made her feel much better. There was plenty of time to learn to dive when she was older.
    ①一起玩耍:play with/accompany him to play/keep him company to play
    ②.走去:walk toward /make one’s way to/approach
    ③.跳入:jump into/dive in/plunge into
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. She wanted to show her brothers she was big enough to play with them.(省略连接词that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2].As she made her way to the front of the line, she started to feel nervous. (由连接词as引导的状语从句)
    听力答案:1-5 BACAA 6-10 CACBB 11-15 AACAB 16-20 CBCAB


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