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    Enter the Kids News Junior Journalist competition

    The search is on for the next generation of news breakers with the Kids News Junior Journalist competition.

    The free competition is open to children in Years 3-9, with four categories for both primary and secondary students:

    ●News story - print

    ●News story - video

    ●Sports story - print

    ●Sports story - video

    The grand prize winner will score a guest appearance on Channel 10’s Studio 10 program, hosted by Narelda Jacobs.

    Jacobs, a television journalist for more than 20 years, said it was important for kids to take an interest in news. “Events and issues being re ported on impact children either now or into the future,” she said.

    As well as the Studio 10 grand prize, there are four $750 gift cards for primary students and four $1000 gift cards for secondary students to compete for.

    Kids can submit written and video entries to the Junior Journalist competition from February 6 to April 6.


    ●Write a story or create a video story about something that has happened or is about to happen in your school or local community. Y our story should be factual. Check out the Junior Journalist videos for tips.

    ●Download the consent(同意书) form below and get your parent or guardian to fill it in.

    ●Download the entry form below and get your teacher to fill it in.

    ●Email your written or video story, along with the completed consent and entry forms, to juniorjournalist@news.com.au before 5pm on April 6. Video entries should be submitted as a MP4 file.

    1Who can attend the competition?

    AA 3-year-old boy. BA student of junior high.

    CA fan of Studio 10. DA 20-yearold journalist.

    2What will the grand prize winner get?

    AA job offer from the TV station. BSome prizes as well as $ 750.

    CThe chance to be on TV. DFour $ 1000 gift cards.

    3What is the requirement for an entry?

    AIt should be based on facts. BIt has to be related to a parent.

    CIt must be a story about school life. DIt can be either paper or audio. .


    When his daughter Morgan was growing up, Gordon Hartman was heartbroken after watching her on the playground. Other children refused to play with her, mostly because her disabilities meant she couldn’t access the places where they were playing. The family tried other places but were never satisfied.

    “What we found was there was no place that was an easily-accessible, fully inclusive park,” Gordon said. So he went home and sold his construction business, bought a large piece of land, and went to work building an entire amusement park for disabled children.

    All kids need playtime, and Morgan was no different. The park—named Morgan’s Wonderland—finally offered Morgan that opportunity. What the Hartmans discovered is that kids without disabilities enjoy the park just as much, and they interact a lot more with everyone when all are included. In fact, three quarters of the park’s visitors are not disabled. And that makes it all the more fun.

    Watching the kids play together without barriers makes you realize that we are all the same, and having fun is for everybody. But it doesn’t end there. One-third of the staff also has special needs. Seeing the way they interact also puts a smile on your face. They take their jobs seriously, and they make sure everybody is having fun. .

    “It feels fantastic because we get to see people who are not given the opportunity to experience the types of rides we have, get on a carousel, get on a train easily, and go fishing,” says Gordon. The park has been visited by people with special needs from over 67 countries. “When we opened this, we didn’t know if it was going to work,” says Gordon. “All we wanted to do was bring people together and play.”

    Just look at the smiles at Morgan’s Wonderland, and you’ll see how much good it does.

    4Why was Gordon extremely sad?

    AHis daughter was disabled. BHe had to sell his business.

    CHis daughter was never satisfied. DNo playground was accessible to Morgan.

    5What do we know about Morgan’s Wonderland?

    AEvery child comes to play with Morgan. BIt hires the disabled to attract tourists.

    CIt allows every child to have fun here. D3/4 of its area is for normal children. .

    6How did Gordon feel about his amusement park at first?

    AConfident. BUncertain. CAshamed. DOptimistic.

    7What can be the best title for this text?

    AEvery Kid Deserves to Have Fun BWe Should Respect Each Other

    CA Playground Is Enough for All DA Father Has Saved His Daughter


    Kids have always loved skimming stones across water. And everyone knows the thinner and flatter the stone the better, right?

    Not necessarily, according to English scientists who have found a fatter, curvier(弯曲的) rock is key to getting good bounce. Bristol University mathematician Ryan Palmer found that while thin, flat stones still provided the best chance of a maximum number of skips, fatter, curvier stones offered something “that’s completely different, but just as spectacular: huge jumps out of the water.

    The scientists had initially been looking into the more serious subject of ice on aircraft, analyzing how ice crystals(晶体) bounced off a layer of liquid formed on a plane’s wings. It turned out this had the “same sort of interactions that you get with you or 1 standing at the comer of a lake trying to skim a stone across it”, said Professor Palmer, the study ‘s lead author.

    He said the study found a heavier rock gave a super response that produced an almighty jump. When a stone hit the water, horizontal speed turned into upward speed, so it made sense that a heavy rock would put more force into that action. The curviness was also key, because it allowed a heavier stone to jump up off the water.

    For those looking to try their arms at big skips, Prof Palmer said the technique remained the same: your throw should be as parallel(平行的) as possible to the top of the water, before you lean back and let the rock fly. While Prof Palmer said he was no expert stone skimmer, he always had a throw when the opportunity arose. “Especially if it looks more like a potato, I’ll have a go,” he said. But he said a potato-shaped stone was probably a little too heavy and round to get the maximum bounce.

    8What kind of stones do people usually choose when skimming them across water?

    AFatter and curvier. BThinner and flatter. CFlatter and heavier. DRounder and curvier.

    9What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “almighty” in Paragraph 4?

    APlayful. BSkillful. CColorful. DPowerful.

    10What do we know about skimming stones from Paragraph 5?

    AIt is played only by kids. BIt needs a certain technique.

    CIt offers all kinds of opportunities. DIt is played the best using potatoes.

    11What is mainly talked about in this text?

    AThe key to selecting best skimming stones.

    BThe fun skimming stones brings to children.

    CA simple game suitable for kids and grownups.

    DA study on the water layer on a plane’s wings.


    Scientists have learned more about the inner workings of the Earth by studying the way waves from earthquakes travel through the planet’s center. The results suggest that the Earth’s inner core may be starting to spin more slowly than the Earth.

    The Earth’s core has two parts: the outer core and the inner core. Both of these are made mainly of the metals iron and nickel. The outer core is liquid. But the inner core is a solid ball held in this liquid almost like the yolk(蛋黄) in an egg.

    Scientists suspected for a long time that the inner core might be spinning slightly differently from the way the Earth spins.

    In the 1990s, two scientists, Paul Richards and Xiaodong Song, studied the inner core by looking at the waves from earthquakes that travel through the center of the Earth. They focused on groups and pairs of waves from earthquakes that naturally repeat. If the inner core was spinning exactly with the Earth, each wave of the pair should have taken the same time to pass through the Earth. Instead, some moved faster than others. This was because they were hitting different parts of the inner core as it spun. Their studies revealed that the inner core was spinning in the same direction as the Earth, but slightly faster.

    Now Dr. Song and Yi Yang—another scientist who studies the Earth—say they’ve used the same method to learn that the Earth’s inner core may be starting to spin slower than the Earth. The researchers studied earthquake wave pairs from Alaska, going all the way back to 1964. They noticed that the inner core’s spin also seemed to change speed in the early 1970s. The scientists say that the inner core may have a pattern of speeding up and slowing down every 70 years or so.

    Not everyone agrees. Many scientists who study the Earth say more information needed to figure out what is really going on.

    12Why is an egg mentioned in the second paragraph?

    ATo explain how the Earth’s core moves.

    BTo show the importance of the inner core.

    CTo illustrate the composition of the outer core.

    DTo help picture the structure of the Earth’s core

    13What did the scientists discover about the inner core in the 1990s?

    AIt sent out earthquake waves. BIt changed speed repeatedly.

    CIt moved exactly with the Earth. DIt moved a little faster than the Earth. .

    14What does the author say about the study result?

    AIt is accurate and reliable. BIt excites the scientists.

    CIt needs further confirmation. DIt has caused a heated discussion. .

    15What is the text?

    AA science report. BA sci-fi story. CA diary entry. DA brochure.




    Benefits of Forest Bathing

    Forest bathing means spending time in nature to promote physical and mental health. In recent years, forest bathing has gained popularity around the world. This practice encourages people to connect with nature by taking slow walks, engaging in activities such as yoga or meditation, and embracing the present moment.____16____.

    Aid in reducing stress

    Forest bathing can help reduce stress. Connecting with nature decreases cortisol(皮质醇) levels, the hormone responsible for feelings of stress.____17____! Even before you physically enter the forest, just imagining staying there can positively affect your cortisol levels.

    A natural mood enhancer

    If you want to elevate your mood, take a trip to the forest. A forest bathing trip can ease your mood significantly.____18____. Forests are also associated with calming effects on the mind and body.


    It’s no secret that nature plays a vital role in human life, and the two are strongly connected. In natural environments, plants and trees release some special oils, which can protect plants from germs. They also have many human health benefits. In addition to enhancing mood, these oils are also a natural immunity booster.

    Inspire focus and concentration

    ____20____. It can provide an ideal atmosphere for creative thinking and problem-solving. It allows you to focus on creative solutions without interruption. Increased energy levels during the day are also achieved with regular visits to nature because natural beauty surroundings help reduce stress levels, leaving you feeling energized and ready for the day ahead.

    AImprove your intelligence

    BHelp boost your immune system

    CIt can help reduce your anxiety, depression, and tiredness

    DForest bathing provides an opportunity to escape disturbance

    EHere are some ways you can benefit from going into the forest

    FSo the more time you spend in nature, the more relaxed you will be

    GHere are the benefits of forest bathing that you can start gaining today




    Eric is one of the top salesmen in his company. Having to reach a____21____target every month, he often has to work over time. As a father, he always tries his best to____22____only quality time with his family. So despite a busy____23____ he has fulfilling relationships and a happy family.____24____, with all the demands in life, he couldn’t find time to stay____25____and he started to gain a lot of weight. He started to feel____26____easily, and couldn’t quite catch his breath playing with his 5-year-old son.

    Eric wanted to be healthy again so that he could manage his life better and most____27____, be able to enjoy his____28____with his boy more. After taking a life assessment, he____29____how little effort he had spent on aspects other than_____30_____, especially on health.

    Eric rearranged his time and made time for_____31_____. It wasn’t easy at first, as he was still sometimes “too busy” to exercise. But with time, he was able to make exercising every morning his_____32_____. He would go to sleep early so he could_____33_____early to do some workouts before going to work. What was even surprising was that his habits slowly_____34_____his family to build a healthy routine too. Now Eric and his_____35_____always do exercise together during their family time.

    21Acost Bsaving Cproduction Dsales

    22Aspare Bspend Csqueeze Dgain

    23Aschedule Bcareer Cperiod Dcompany

    24ATherefore BBesides CHowever DOtherwise

    25Acalm Bhealthy Ccool Dindependent

    26Aenergetic Bworried Ctired Dconfident

    27Aimportantly Bstrangely Crecently Dpossibly

    28Ahope Bstory Cexperience Dtime

    29Adecided Bprevented Csupposed Drealized

    30Amoney Bfame Cwork Drelationship

    31Adreaming Bexercising Csleeping Dtraveling

    32Ahabit Bsuccess Cgoal Dsecret

    33Acheck out Bwake up Cstay up Dleave out

    34Apermitted Breminded Cinfluenced Denabled

    35Aworkmates Bteam Cneighbors Dfamily





    The 12th lunar month in Chinese is called la yue, so the____36____(eight) day of this lunar month is la yue chu ba, or laba. The day is also known____37____the Laba Rice Porridge Festival. Three major customs on Laba Festival are ancestor worship, eating Laba rice porridge____38____making Laba garlic.

    At the end of the year, working people get____39____(much) free time than usual to prepare for the sacrifice to the ancestors. The reason____40____the 12th lunar month is called la yue has a lot to do with the custom of sacrifice.

    As to the tradition of eating Laba rice porridge, there are several legends about the origin. Some say the porridge,____41____(make) of red beans, can drive away evil from children. Others say the porridge is in memory of a poor couple.

    The custom of eating porridge____42____(be) well-known since ancient times. The most authentic porridge was made in northern China,____43____(especial) Beiping, today’s Beijing. The main____44____(material) of the Laba rice porridge are rice and sticky rice. People also put sugar, red dates, red beans, peanuts and other various things into the porridge_____45_____(enrich) its flavor.




    46.假定你是李华,你的家乡即将举办梨花节(Pear Flower Festival)。 请你给留学生朋友Jack写一封邮件,邀请他来参加。内容包括:






    Dear Jack,



    Li Hua




    For the most part, Hank, a two-year-old cat, is a homebody- and for good reason. But on November 6th, Bushong, his owner, spotted Hank resting on a branch near the top of a neighbor’s tree.

    Bushong believed Hank got frightened by some dogs. The more scared he got, the higher he climbed. “Cats have an amazing ability to climb up trees, but they aren’t that good at climbing down,” said Dan D’Eramo, director of field services for the Humane Rescue Alliance (HRA).

    Bushong then asked the HRA to help, but it was no easy task. HRA called the fire department, but it refused to help because of safety concerns. Then Bushong called a construction company to ask about renting scaffolding(脚手架) but was told she would have to book the equipment 48 days in advance. Next she reached out to a local tree company, Casey Trees. But the crew said it wasn’t safe for a person to go up into the tree. Bushong became very sad.

    Then neighbors came to help. Ed Baptiste, whose tree Hank had climbed, let Bushong sit in his backyard and called to Hank. Another neighbor donated a can of fish, hoping it might attract the cat to come down. Nearby dog owners took their pets on walks instead of letting them out in their yards to avoid further frightening Hank. Another neighbor suggested Bushong call a local business, which had a tall ladder. Unfortunately, their 42-foot ladder proved too short.

    By day five, nothing had worked. That’s w hen another neighbor suggested creating a pulley(滑轮) system by throwing a sandbag attached to the rope to a branch higher than Hank. It will form a pulley system as the sandbag hangs down by gravity. Then raise a basket with some of the owners’ personal items. The cat may be attracted by the familiar scents and climb into the basket.




    Bushong decided to have a try.


    Carefully, they lowered Hank down.



    1B    2C    3A


    4D    5C    6B    7A


    8B    9D    10B    11A


    12D    13D    14C    15A


    16G    17F    18C    19B    20D



    21D    22B    23A    24C    25B    26C    27A    28D    29D    30C    31B    32A    33B    34C    35D



    36eighth    37as    38and    39more    40why    41made    42has been    43especially    44materials    45to enrich



    Dear Jack,

    I am writing to invite you to attend the Pear Flower Festival of my hometown.

    The festival will be held from April5 to 20 at the central square of the Qianmu Pear Garden. During the festival, you will have an opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking sea of pear flowers. You can also enjoy live performances by many famous bands. What’s more, you can taste varieties of delicious local snacks. I’m sure that you will have a great time here.

    I’m looking forward to your coming.


    Li Hua


    Bushong decided to have a try. She filled a small basket with some of Hank’s favourite things. She called it Hank’s party pack. With the help of volunteers from Casey Trees, they used a special equipment and shot a sandbag attached to a rope high into the tree. They got lucky on the first try. The rope caught a branch directly above Hank. Pulling on the other end of the rope, they positioned Hank’s party pack just beneath him. To their great delight, he jumped in.

    Carefully, they lowered Hank down. Once Hank reached the ground, Bushong took Hank into her arms, hugging him hard. Afterward, they went inside and ate, and Hank rested in his favourite chair. Hank’s adventure taught Bushong a lesson about neighbors helping neighbors. “I can’t believe so many people went out of their way to help me with this cat,” she said. “It made me feel good that I live in a neighborhood where people would do whatever they could to get him down. It gave me hope.”



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