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    这是一份陕西省西安市西安市大联考2022-2023学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题,共8页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回,B    22等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1. What clur was the wman's shirt?
    A. Pink. B. White. C. Light yellw.
    2. What des the man want?
    A. A ne-dllar bill. B. Sme cins. C. A parking place.
    3. What is the man?
    A. A businessman. B. A teacher. C. A student.
    4. What des the man mean?
    A. He has seen the mvie.
    B. He is interested in the mvie.
    C. He desn't want t see the mvie.
    5 What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. When t g n a hike.
    B. Whether t g t the mvie.
    C. What t d in the afternn.
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What des the man think f the bk?
    A. Surprising, B. Creative C. Encuraging.
    7. What is the purpse f the prject?
    A. T call n peple t live a healthy life.
    B. T give peple chance t write a bk.
    C. T encurage teamwrk amng students.
    8. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At a train statin. B. At an airprt. C. At a bus statin.
    9. Hw much shuld the wman pay fr her ticket?
    A. £ 45 B. £ 35 C. £ 27
    10. What did he wman' lst handbag lk like?
    A. It was made f clth. B. It was brwn. C. It was new
    11. What was inside the handbag?
    A. Sme mney. B The address bk C. The purse
    12. What ds the man suggest the wman de?
    A. G t the htel again.
    B. Lk fr the handbag herself.
    C Ask the htel abut her handbag.
    13. Why des the wman want t buy smething fr her husband?
    A. It's Christmas. B. It's his birthday. C. It's an aplgy
    14. What present did the wman give t her husband last Christmas?
    A. A cat. B. A sweater. C. A tie
    15. What des the man say abut the wallets?
    A. They have just arrived frm Italy
    B. They are ppular with famus peple.
    C. They are especially designed fr men.
    16. What des the wman finally decide t give t her husband?
    A. A wallet. B. A shirt. C. Trusers
    17. What is the speech mainly abut?
    A. Hw ne pen-air theatre was built
    B. What it's like t wrk in an pen-air theatre.
    C. Hw the pen-air theaters develped in Britain.
    18. What will the actrs d when an animal suddenly appears n the stage?
    A. snre it. B. Cancel the play. C. Include it in their play
    19. What will the audience usually react t bad weather?
    A. They'll accept it and cntinue t sit.
    B. They'll want t return their tickets.
    C. They'll think it is fun.
    20. What des Jhn barrack say abut utdr theaters?
    A. They are just like clubs.
    B. They have advantaged ver nrmal theaters.
    C. They create distance between actrs and audience.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2分,满分 30 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    What wuld yu think if smene suggested kncking dwn St Paul’s Cathedral t widen the rad? Or pulling dwn Big Ben t make way fr a car park? It wuld be ridiculus, right? But when it cmes t devastatin f the natural wrld, we aren’t s easily shcked. But we shuld be…r we’ll be in a lt f truble.
    Nature is shrinking by the day. Ancient frests are destryed. Wetlands are becming dry. Wdland is disappearing, and all in the name f prgress. This is bad in itself, but it’s devastating fr bidiversity.
    Bidiversity refers t the variety f plants, animals and ther living things that are all intercnnected. The eclgical services prvided by bidiversity are vital t everyday life. The air we breathe is a prduct f phtsynthesis by green plants. Insects, wrms and bacteria break dwn waste and make sils rich. And tiny rganisms clean the water in rivers and sea. In fact, all life n the earth exists thanks t the benefits f bidiversity. Mre than 90 percent f the calries cnsumed by peple wrldwide are prduced frm 80 plant species. And 30 percent f medicines are develped frm plants and animals. Maintaining a wide diversity f species in each ecsystem is necessary t preserve all living things.
    The lss f bidiversity culd be devastating. “It is wrng t think that bidiversity can be reduced indefinitely withut threatening humans,” said Harvard University bilgist Edward O. Wilsn, knwn as the “father f bidiversity”. He warned, “We are abut t reach a critical pint beynd which bidiversity lss will becme irreversible.”
    But what can we d? The present prblem is that the cncept f bidiversity is s vague. Peple might care abut giant pandas, but it is much harder t excite them abut the fate f tiny sea creatures which are being biled t death in the cling systems f pwer statins alng castlines. The Guardian newspaper is trying t help. It has launched the Bidiversity 100 campaign t try t cnvince gvernments arund the wrld t take actin t deal with the widespread cncerns abut bidiversity. This includes persuading the UK gvernment t create a series f marine reserves t reserve the decrease in the sea-life caused by industrial fishing, stpping fishing sharks by the Japanese fishermen and banning the killing f dinges in Australia, amng many ther things.
    There is a lt t d. And we’d better act quickly if we dn’t want t end up with a planet that can’t sustain life!
    21. The underlined sentence “Nature is shrinking by the day.” means that ________.
    A. nature is badly plluted by humans
    B. species are becming fewer and fewer day by day
    C. rainfrests are being cut dwn every day
    D. nature is full f mysteries
    22. Edward O. Wilsn thinks that ________.
    A. it desn’t matter t reduce bidiversity
    B. peple have dne enugh t preserve bidiversity
    C. the situatin f bidiversity is very serius
    D. bidiversity lss has becme irreversible
    23. When it cmes t bidiversity, the present prblem is that ________.
    A. peple might nt clearly knw what is bidiversity and what shuld be prtected
    B. peple are nt aware that giant pandas are endangered
    C. peple dn’t realize that bidiversity is vital t everyday life
    D. peple hunt sea creatures fr fd
    Despite being used by 1.34 billin peple each year, traveling n the Tube in Lndn can actually be quite lnely. An unwritten rule encuraging silence, mixed with classic British reserve, means that even thugh yu’re packed int an enclsed space with hundreds f ther peple, the mrning cmmute(上下班的路程) can leave yu feeling smewhat discnnected.
    An American living in Lndn, hwever, is trying t change this. “ Yu get n the Tube here and it’s cmpletely silent and it feels a bit strange,” says Jnathan Dunne, 42, wh has started a wrldwide dialgue after giving ut badges(证章;徽章) with the wrds “Tube chat?” last mnth, encuraging cmmuters in Lndn t get talking t ne anther.
    “I handed ut 500 badges during rush hurs in a city f 8 millin, expecting mst f them t be thrwn away, but after abut 24 hurs it cmpletely snwballed,” he says.
    Dunne and his “Tube chat” campaign have been cvered by media acrss the wrld since then, seeing TV interviews in Sweden, Brail and the UK, as well as a lt f website, newspaper and magazine appearances. Althugh Dunne says he’s received mstly psitive feedback, nt everyne agrees with his pinin. Lndner Brian Wilsn started a campaign f his wn, handing ut 500 badges with the wrds “Dn’t even think abut it” n them. “I can’t stand the idea f having t talk t strangers n the Tube n my way t wrk,” he tld the BBC. Michael Rbinsn, 24, a student frm Lndn, agrees. “Being n the Tube is the nly place and quietness sme peple get n their jurneys t and frm wrk. Persnally, I dn’t want t be trubled by peple cming up and chatting t yu,” he says.
    While Lndn des nt appear t be scial, nt everywhere lacks a sense f cmmunity. In Melburne, Australia, cmmuters have set up a private Facebk grup used t warn ne anther when ticket inspectrs(售票员) bard the city’s trams(有轨电车). Mst Western cities’ tram stps have n barriers, which makes it pssible fr sme travelers t ride them withut buying tickets. Thugh the grup cmes with a disclaimer(免费申明), its purpse is actually t warn fare paying members that tickets inspectrs are n s that they can ready their smiles and mst imprtantly, their tickets.
    Des Dunne hpe that sme f this cmmunity spirit will be mirrred in the UK fllwing his campaign? “Peple believed that I just walk up and talk t strangers, which I dn’t, but it’s been a great way t meet peple yu wuld never have nrmally spken t,” he says. “On Mnday, the curatr(馆长) f the Lndn Transprt Museum had me ver fr tea.” S if yu ever end up using public transprt in the West, why nt say hell t the persn next t yu? Just make sure t check fr a badge first.
    24. What is the purpse f the first paragraph?
    A. T blame the lneliness n Lndn Tube.
    B. T shw the selfishness f Lndners.
    C. T express the upset f the Tube riders.
    D. T intrduce the backgrund f the campaign.
    25.Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut Dunne’s campaign?
    A. It encurages peple t avid chatting n the Tube.
    B. It desn’t win everyne’s supprt in Lndn.
    C. It’s knwn nly t a small number f Lndners.
    D. It gives ut badges with “Dn’t even think abut it.”
    26. What can be inferred frm the underlined sentences?
    A. They prefer drinking tea t chatting n the Tube.
    B. Dunne didn’t expected t meet the curatr n the Tube.
    C. Dunne never walks up and talks t strangers n the Tube.
    D. It is pssible t make friends with a stranger n the Tube.
    27. What is the authr’s attitude twards Dunne’s campaign?
    A. Dubtful B. Wrried C. Supprtive D. Amazed
    Nt nly des the use f plastic water bttles hurt yur wallet, but it als causes pllutin, wastes energy, and surprisingly wastes water. Only 23% f the plastic in America ends up in recycling bins, meaning ver $ 1 billin wrth f plastic is treated as rubbish a year. Recently, Skipping Rcks Lab has invented a kind f water bttle called Oh.
    It’s a kind f cnvenient, clear water bttle that can either be drunk r eaten. T drink it, yu can either get rid f the membrane(膜)r tear a hle in the membrane with yur teeth t pur the water int yur muth. T eat it, yu simply put the whle bttle in yur muth. It’s cmpletely tasteless s yu needn’t wrry abut any taste.
    It aims fr large utdr events where tns f plastic bttles are used and frequently left behind as litter. T much plastic is sure t d harm t the envirnment, which culd accunt fr the purpse f such a new inventin.
    The team has been wrking fr the past tw years t develp the technlgy and materials that are needed t prduce Oh. The price fr an nly bubble(泡状物)r a unit f bubbles hasn’t been decided yet, but it csts abut tw cents t create a unit, which is cheaper than plastic bttles. The team has als been selling Oh water bttles in Lndn fr the past six mnths.
    Oh is catching many peple’s attentin and has raised ver $1 millin in nly three days. It’s mstly being sld at events at the mment t interest the buyers while the prductin machine is getting up and running. It’s quickly making a rise, s keep an eye ut fr these bttles f the future.
    28. Hw is mst plastic in America dealt with?
    A. It is thrwn away as litter.B. It is reused as new energy.
    C. It is buried under the grund.D. It is applied t new technlgy.
    29. What can we knw abut the Oh?
    A. It plans t be sld at a very lw price. B. It has sme advantages ver plastic bttles.
    C. It has taken the place f plastic bttles in Lndn. D. Prper materials f making Oh are hard t find.
    30. What’s the authr’s attitude twards Oh’s future?
    A. Dubtful.B. Uninterested.C. Psitive.D. Wrried.
    31. Wh might be target readers?
    A. Scientists.B. Experts.C. Envirnmentalists.D. The public.
    As prices drp and their functinality expands,yu can expect t see humanid(类人的)rbts in mre places,including schls,airprts,and hspitals.Will they influence human behavir?
    In a study published recently,scientists fund that mean rbts can help peple cncentrate.The experiment,published in Science Rbtics,was based n smething called the Strp Task, which is widely used in psychlgy and described as the"gld standard"f attentinal tests.It challenges participants t name the clrs f wrds and ignre their meanings while calculating reactin time.
    The researchers put a mdern twist n the task,thugh-this time,there was a rbt in the rm.The gal was t see if the presence f a rbt wuld affect cgnitin(认知),and the researchers fund it did,but nly when the rbt was mean.
    Hw d yu make a rbt mean?In this case,a meter-tall ty rbt called a Meccanid G15KS was made t respnd t seven questins.The gd rbts tld jkes,spke abut friendship,and described test subjects as nice.The bad rbts replied t questins with passive aggressive cmebacks,such as"I enjy ding analysis prgrams but yu wuld nt understand"and statements like"I d nt value friendship."Then the participants rated the rbts."The mre participants thught the rbt made them uncmfrtable,the greater the imprvement f their Strp perfrmance was,"the researchers wrte."Nt surprisingly,the bad rbt was rated as less warm,friendly and pleasant than the gd rbt."
    The study authrs argue that rbts are crssing the line in sme situatins frm machines t scial agents.That will change hw humans interact with(与。,,相互作用)and behave arund them.
    “Similar t a human's presence,the presence f a rbt might nt be neutral(无倾向性的)1n
    situatins like schl r in the ffice when yu are wrking."Niclas Spatla,ne f the study authrs said in an email,"S befre yur bss decides t intrduce a rbt in yur ffice,1t culd be a gd idea t evaluate hw yu feel abut it and hw it can psitively r negatively impact yur wrk,hw cmfrtable yu may feel with it r if yu feel it t be a threat."
    Just 58 students frm University Clermnt Auvergne in France participated in the experiment but the researchers fund an increase in the speed f crrect answers amng thse in the presence f a mean rbt when cmpared t thse wh were with a nice rbt r alne.
    In the future,rbts will almst certainly becme mre and mre cmmn in nursing hmes,htel check-in desks,behind the wheel,and elsewhere.“If we want t imprve the use f rbts in ur daily life,there seems t be a need t first understand hw Human Rbt Interactin can impact human psychlgy,”Spatla said.
    31.What was the finding f the new study?
    A.The use f rbts is rising. B.Humanid rbts can be mean.
    C.Unkind rbts can sharpen ur fcus. D.Rbts are becming mre functinal.,.
    32.Accrding t the passage,hw did the participants judge the rbts?
    A.By their wrds. B.By their actins. C.By their appearance. D.By the Strp Task.
    33.Which f the fllwing might Niclas Spatla agree with?
    A.Be careful abut using rbts. B.Leave the rbt if it presents a threat.
    C.Rbts will have a gd impact n ffices. D.Rbts may replace humans in the wrkplace.
    34.What was the drawback f the study?
    A.The participants were t yung. B.The study methd wasn't scientific.
    C.There was a slight difference in speed. D.The number f the participants was t small.
    35.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A.Scientists have already develped humanid rbts.
    B.Humanid rbts have already fund its way int ur daily life.
    C. Humanid rbts will certainly cme int ur daily life sner r later.
    D.There is n difficulty we'll meet with befre humanid rbts are widely used.
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2分,满分 10 分)
    When it cmes t helping students learn and mature, there are several ways t increase their well-being. Althugh yur children may be succeeding in the classrm, there are a few things that yu still can d.
    Encuraging physical activity is the first thing yu can d. Mre and mre children d nt participate in sprts after schl. It’s imprtant fr yu t encurage mbility with sprts that are played after class. Yu shuld find sprting equipment, basketball curts and play areas where kids can increase their well-being. ____36____
    Secndly, yu can prvide prper nutritin fr yur children. It’s imprtant fr yur children t receive prper nutritin bth inside and utside f the hme. ____37____ Yu’d better make it a pint t prvide enugh nutritin fr their prper develpment and grwth.
    ____38____ Many parents fail t stp children frm using smart phnes and cmputers. There are sme institutins that even encurage t much screen time as a way t teach children r keep them entertained. Yu shuld help the children remain excited withut sitting in frnt f a screen thrughut the day.
    Last but nt the least, mnitring bullying (欺凌)is als an essential part. Bullying cntinues t remain a cmmn prblem in sme schls, making it imprtant that the envirnment that yur children grw in hlds a high standard. ____39____
    It’s imprtant t examine the schl life as a whle t determine what factrs are missing. ____40____. Yu may determine hw well they adjust t the wrld arund them and succeed in life.
    A. Yu shuld prvide kids with fresh fd.
    B. Besides, yu’d better limit their screen time.
    C. It will encurage children t fcus n their study.
    D. In additin, try yur best t give them mre freedm.
    E. This will reduce the risk f health cnditins that include besity.
    F. Yu can advise teachers t keep a practice f lking fr bullying.
    G. Parents play a significant rle in children’s grwth and well-being.
    第三部分 英语知识应用
    第一节 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分30分)
    Within a minute’s walk f my huse there was a wild stretch f unspiled wdland, where there were blackberry plants, squirrels and their yung. I ___41___ walked in this park with Rex --- a friendly, harmless little dg; and ___42 _ we rarely met anyne in the park, I tk Rex alng withut a leash(狗绳).
    One day we met a munted pliceman in the park, a pliceman eager t shw his __43___.
    “What d yu mean by letting that dg run ___44__ in the park withut a leash and a muzzle(口套)?” he shuted at me angrily. “Dn’t yu knw it’s against the law?”
    “Yes, I knw it is,” I replied sftly, “but I didn’t think he wuld d any _45___ ut here.
    “Yu didn’t think! Yu didn’t think! The law desn’t knw abut what yu think. That dg ___46__ kill a squirrel r bite a child. Nw, I’m ging t __47__ this time; but if I catch this dg ut here again withut a leash, yu’ll have t tell it t the ___48___.”
    I humbly ___49___ t bey.
    And I did bey --- fr a few times. But Rex didn’t like the muzzle, and neither did I; s we decided t take a ___50___. Everything was lvely fr a while, and then we gt int __51__. Rex and I raced ver the hill ne afternn and there, suddenly --- t my __52____ --- I saw the majesty f the law, riding n a hrse. Rex was ut in a frnt, heading straight fr the fficer.
    I was in fr it. I knew it. S I didn’t __53___ until the pliceman started talking, I beat him t it. I said: “ Officer, yu’ve caught me __54__. I’m guilty. I have n alibis, n excuses. Yu __55___ me last week that if I brught the dg ut here again withut a muzzle yu wuld fine me.”
    “Well, nw,” the pliceman respnded in a sft tne, “I knw it’s a __56__ t let a little dg like that have a run ut here when nbdy is arund.”
    “Sure it is,” I replied, “_____57___ it is against the law.”
    “Well, a little dg like that isn’t ging t harm anybdy,” the pliceman prtested.
    “N, but he may kill ___58___,” I said.
    “Well nw, I think yu are taking this a bit t seriusly,” he tld me.
    “I’ll tell yu what yu d. Yu just let him run ver the hill there where I can’t see him --- and we’ll frget all abut it.”
    That pliceman, being human, wanted a feeling f __59___; s when I began t cndemn myself, the nly way he culd nurish his self-esteem was t take the kind and generus attitude shwing ___60___.
    A.seldm B. smetimes C. frequently D. never
    A.when B. since C. if D. while43.
    A.authrity B. frce C. magic D. dignity
    A.lse B. freely C. wildly D. quickly
    45. A.wrng B. damage C. gd D. harm
    B. might C. will D. must
    47. A.give yu up B. let yu ff C. give in t yu D. put up with yu
    48. A.wner B. pliceman C. judge D. children
    49. A.listened B. prmised C. agreed D. kept
    50. A.change B. chance C. charge D. cheat
    51. A.trap B. difficulty C. truble D. shape
    52. A.disappintment B. surprise C. jy D. regret
    53. A.wait B. mve C. say D. walk
    54. A.n the scene B. blue-blded C. in spt D. red-handed
    55. A.warned B. tld C. infrmed D. taught
    56. A.appeal B. temptatin C. urge D. crime
    57. A.and B. s C. but D. because
    58. A.blackberry B. birds C. children D. squirrels
    59. A.imprtance B. achievement C. happiness D. respect
    60. A.sympathy B. regret C. mercy D. ptimism
    第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15分)
    As a yung man f bth passin and endurance, Perce Blackhrw had lng been dreaming f decent adventure. S he didn’t give up when Sir Ernest Shackletn turned dwn his request t jin the expeditin. Perce ___61___ (secret) hid himself in a cupbard, nly ___62___ (find) three days after they set ff. He felt frtunate and happy when he ___63___ (assign) as a steward instead f being sent back hme.
    It turned ___64___ t be a tugh jurney. The ship gt ___65___ (stick) in the ice as they apprached Antarctica and they had t abandn the ship. ___66___ the guidance f Sir Ernest, they ___67___ (thrw) away nearly everything except necessities and a banj, ___68___ kept their spirits up during the jurney. Survival was nt easy and things went frm bad t wrse. Finally Sir Ernest left fr Suth Gergia Island in rder t find help. The desperate situatin made yung Perce Blackbrw feel dwn and becme bad-tempered. It was the genuine ___69___ (encurage) and cncern frm Bless Frank Wild that cheered him up. Frank and Ernest’s reslve and perseverance filled him with hpe. Realizing that he shuldn’t becme selfish just because f ___70___ adversity they were faced with, he learned t be ptimistic and determined.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分10分)
    Last weekend we g muntain-climbing. Even the heavy rain in the mrning culd nt prevent us g. Setting ff very early, we went alng an extreme narrw rad, all in high spirits. On each side f the rad was green fields and sme farm huse. We culd hear the sund f the rain and ur ftsteps mixing with ur laughter. At nn we reached the tp f the muntain. That surprised us mst there was the beauty f the scenery. After have a shrt rest there and sharing with the fd we had brught, we started ging dwn. It rained even harder. We were wet t the skin, and we still sang and laughed happily.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    1. 分享你适应新环境的经历;
    1. 词数100左右;
    Dear Ted,
    If yu fllw all these tips, yu will definitely make new friends sn.
    Li Hua
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 ACBCA
    6-10 CCABA 11-15 ABCAB 16-20 CBBCB
    21.B 22.C 23.A
    24.D 25.B 26. D 27.C
    28. A 29. B 30. C
    31.C 32.A 33.A 34.D 35.C
    36. E 37. A 38. B 39. F 40. G
    41.A 42.B 43.C 44.A 45.C 46.D 47.A 48.B 49.D 50.C
    51.C 52.B 53.A 54.B 55.D 56.C 57.D 88.B 59.A 60.D
    完型:41-45CBAAD 46-50BBCBB 51-55CBADA 56-60BCDAC
    61. secretly 62. t be fund 63. was assigned 64. ut 65. stuck
    66. Under 67. threw 68. which 69. encuragement 70. the
    1.g→went 2.g→ging 3.extreme→extremely 4.was→were 5.huse→huses 6.mixing→mixed 7.That→What 8. have→having 9.sharing后去掉with 10.and→but

    2022-2023学年陕西省西安市蓝田县大联考高二下学期4月期中英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年陕西省西安市蓝田县大联考高二下学期4月期中英语试题含答案,共9页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年陕西省西安市西安市大联考高二下学期4月期中英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年陕西省西安市西安市大联考高二下学期4月期中英语试题含答案,共9页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年陕西省西安市大联考高二(下)期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年陕西省西安市大联考高二(下)期末英语试卷(含解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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