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    Yu've stayed at htels made f brick r wd.But salt?Tayka Htel de Sal,Tahua,Blivia is made mstly f salt,including sme beds-thugh yu'll sleep with regular mattresses and blankets.The htel,abut $130 a night,sits n the brder f Salar de Uyuni.It's a prehistric dried-up lake and the wrld's biggest salt flat.Builders use the salt frm the ver 4,000-square-mile flat t make the bricks and glue them tgether with a paste f wet salt.The wet salt will harden when it dries.When rain starts t disslve the htel,it's n prblem:the wners just mix up mre salt paste t strengthen the bricks.
    • During rainy summer mnths,Blivia's Salar de Uyuni salt flat lks like a giant mirrr.
    • The bus statin in La Paz was designed by Gustav Eiffel.He als designed the Eiffel Twer and the Statue f Liberty.
    • Every August in Blivia,dgs are hnred during the Feast f St.Rch.
    • Enjy a salte-a baked pastry filled with spicy meat-frm a street vender in Cchabamba.
    • Take a bat t Isla del Sl,an island in Lake Titicaca.Mtrized vehicles aren't allwed there.
    • Walk up t the Gate f the Sun,a huge stne drway built by the ancient Tiwanaku culture.
    • Dance with thusands f masked and cstumed perfrmers at the Carnival de Orur.
    1. What kind f feature des Tayka Htel de Sal have?
    A. It is built largely ut f salt.
    B. It is at a very high altitude.
    C. It is firm in rainy days.
    D. It is attractive in price and quality.
    2. What can we learn abut Blivia?
    A. Blivia is abundant in natural resurces.
    B. The peple in Blivia prbably respect dgs.
    C. Mtr vehicles are prhibited everywhere.
    D. Blivian buildings were designed by Gustav Eiffel .
    3. What can visitrs d in Blivia?
    A. They can study Tiwanaku culture.
    B. They can ck lcal cuisines in persn.
    C. They can travel t Isla del Sl by bat.
    D. They can sing with natives at the Carnival.
    Sachin za always seemed t catch whatever cld and flu germs were flying arund.Despite being nly in his mid-thirties,he felt ut f shape and ut f srts.He realized that if he didn't make sme changes,his immune functin wuld cntinue wrsening with age. "I have a family backgrund f diabetes,high chlesterl,and heart disease," adds Oza. "I had t take actin."
    But Oza's lifestyle std in the way.He clcked lng days wrking in finance in Lndn,with little pprtunity t be active r fcus n his well-being.His cmmute frm his hme in Orpingtn,Kent,t the ffice was stressful and time-cnsuming,and he was spending far t many hurs stuck behind his desk.
    Oza's increasingly sedentary(久坐不动的)lifestyle had repercussins.In additin t catching bugs easily,he lacked energy,his bdy ached,and he felt lethargic. " My immune system was really weak," recalls Oza. " I knew that I shuldn't be feeling this way befre even hitting 40."
    S he began a 15-year jurney t examine his health fully.He cnducted sme changes t his diet,intrducing mre raw fruits and vegetables and cutting dwn n junk fd.He started ging fr runs and began regular training,resistance training,and stretching.He als became interested in mindfulness,practising deep-breathing and meditatin.
    Nw 49,Oza feels like a new man. "I catch clds far less frequently than befre," he says.His aches and pains have eased,his stress levels are lwer,and he sleeps sundly. "I n lnger wake up in the early hurs,which has made a huge difference in hw I feel."
    There are many factrs affecting the immune system that we can't cntrl-ageing weakens ur immune functin,fr example,and we have individual genetic differences that affect hw we deal with diseases.
    4. What was the barrier fr Oza t make changes befre?
    A. His immune system.B. His family backgrund.
    C. His unfavurable lifestyle.D. His weak health situatin.
    5. What des the underlined wrd "lethargic" mean?
    A. Puzzled.B. Sleepy.C. Uncnfident.D. Energetic.
    6. Hw has Oza regained health?
    A. By taking a 15-year jurney.
    B. By giving up his jb in Lndn.
    C. By eating raw fruits and vegetables.
    D. By changing diets and keeping training.
    7. What d yu think f Oza accrding t his experience?
    A. Busy.B. Determined.C. Intelligent.D. Dull.
    Nise pllutin is ne f the serius yet least recgnized health threats f ur time.Nise increase risks f heart disease,cgnitive damage and develpmental delays.Nw,scientists are revealing that nn-humans,t,suffer frm nise pllutin and that they are far mre sensitive than humans.Als,marine animals see and sense the wrld thrugh sund,which travels farther underwater than light.But scientists are nw revealing that a vast range f marine creatures are extremely sensitive t sund.The range f negative effects caused by marine nise pllutin is astnishing:delayed develpment,slw grwth etc.
    Aquatic(水生的)plants are highly sensitive t sund.Take marine seagrass fr example,just like frests n land,seagrass is a carbn sink,cntributing t stabilizing ur glbal climate.In the past few decades,seagrass meadws the size f the Amazn have vanished.Climate change,pllutin,bat anchrs and the building f seawalls and harbrs are all likely factrs.As researchers at the Technical University f Catalnia have recently discvered,we can nw add nise pllutin t this list f threats.When the scientists expsed a sample f Mediterranean seagrass t pwerful blast-level sund,the seagrass was severely damaged.
    Their sensitive hearing is an advantage in the dark depths f the cean,but it makes aquatic rganisms very vulnerable.Lud underwater sunds can damage r destry their hearing ability.These effects ccur at much lwer intensities(强度)f sund than are knwn t be damaging t animals n land.
    These findings stress the vast threat that marine nise pllutin pses t ur ceans.As ffshre peratins - frm seabed mining t il and gas and renewable energy cnstructin - are increasing,little thught has been given t nise pllutin.While expsure limitatin levels haven't yet been determined,it is clear that this emerging science will lead t new restrictins n the permitting and peratins f marine industrial and shipping activities.
    8. What's the main idea f paragraph 1?
    A. Nise pllutin is the mst serius pllutin.
    B. Nise pllutin hardly influences marine creatures .
    C. Nise pllutin is regarded as the cause f diseases.
    D. Nise pllutin harms humans and marine creatures.
    9. What is the functin f marine seagrass?
    A. It has high sensitivity t light.
    B. It can keep glbal climate stable.
    C. It can adjust aquatic rganisms.
    D. It has weak hearing ability.
    10. Why is aquatic plants' hearing ability easily damaged?
    A. Because it's sensitive t the intensities f underwater sunds.
    B. Because humans have develped ceans quickly.
    C. Because there is lack f light in the deep cean.
    D. Because aquatic plants grw rather slwly.
    11. What can be inferred frm the text?
    A. Marine nise pllutin will prbably be imprved.
    B. The restrictins n marine nise has been perated.
    C. Ocean transprtatin and fishery will be frbidden.
    D. The cean will be sharply threatened by nise pllutin.
    Over the years I have been fascinated t read abut studies int the pwer f tuch.One famus study examined vide ftage f hw peple respnded t thse near them wh had been the victim f a crime.Observing their reactin and cmparing their behavirs in nn-human primates,researchers fund that there are striking similarities between the ways that humans and primates such as chimpanzees cmfrt ne anther and demnstrate cmpassin and care.
    But t me,it als speaks abut the imprtance f clseness and intimacy.Anther study fund that hlding hands t cmfrt a lved ne can actually reduce their pain.It fund that when peple wh are clse t ne anther hld hands,their bdies synchrnize (同步) their heart rate and breathing rate.Perhaps we shuldn't be surprised,as we have knwn fr many years abut the imprtance f tuch.It symblizes safety and lve which is ne f the mst imprtant aspects fr develpment as a child.Is it any wnder that,when we are upset,distressed and vulnerable as adults,we seek ut the same thing?
    The value f tuch was demnstrated by a series f disturbing experiments n mnkeys back in the 1950s by Harry Harlw,an American psychlgist.His wrk shwed the incrediable drive fr warmth and intimacy that we have.In his experiments,he tk yung mnkeys and placed them in different enclsures.When given a chice between a surrgate (替代) " mther " t cling t made f wire mesh that had a ready supply f milk r a warm,sft mther that didn't prvide any fd,they chse,t everyne's astnishment,the cmfrt ver fd.This flew in the face f what was expected.Yet this appeared t shw that it was nt fd,but being cmfrted and intimate,that was the mst imprtant.The experiments shwed fr the first time hw vital the feeling f being lved is t us.
    12. What can be learned frm paragraph 1?
    A. Humans have different behavirs frm chimpanzees befre vilence.
    B. Cmparing behavir f humans and primates is necessary.
    C. Cmfrting the victims f vilence is imprtant.
    D. Humans and primates resemble in sme way.
    13. Which example shws the imprtance f clseness and intimacy?
    A. Giving an upset child candies can cmfrt him.
    B. Observing a victim's reactin releases his pain.
    C. Tuching a patient's hands can make him less distressed.
    D. Hlding the same heart rate illustrates the clse relatinship.
    14. Why did the peple feel surprised at the experiment results ?
    A. Because they fund the mnkeys were nt hungry at all.
    B. Because the mnkeys culd cmfrt the surrgate mther.
    C. Because the sft mther didn't prvide any fd fr the mnkeys.
    D. Because they always assumed that fd was mst likely t be chsen.
    15. What can be the mst suitable title fr the passage?
    A. The Pwer f Tuch.B. Hw t Cmfrt a Lved One.
    C. Hlding Hands Reduces Pain.D. Lve and Safety is Essential.
    Develping friendship with ther peple is essential in ur lives due t ur wn very nature.(1) Therefre,we need t lve and t be lved t becme fully human beings,as lve is the highest frm we can relate with thers and ne f the mst distinct features f ur species.Here are 4 key pints t develp and sustain a true friendship.
    Take respnsibility f yur wn emtins.
    (2) Smetimes we can't realize that we are presenting the bad pwer t him /her.Being aware f that,we wuld be better if we take respnsibility and embrace the emtins that cme up in ur inner wrld instead f stpping the relatinship r blaming the ther fr what we are feeling.
    The primary gal f friendship is t lve,because this is ur mst inherent need.But lve has n ther bject than lve.Therefre,the value f ur friendship with thers is nt because f the usefulness f the relatinship.Our lve fr a persn shuld nt depend n their capacity t imprve the cnditins f ur life.On the cntrary,feeling the jy f having a true friendship is what we need.
    Seek the gd f the ther persn.
    When we lve anther persn,we seek the gd f the ther because we rejice in their wn happiness.Therefre,ur seeking fr the ther persn's gd is ttally disinterested.(4) Acts f lve are made fr its wn sake.
    Embrace the differences.
    Friendship desn't mean having the same interests,pinins and mindset as the ther persn.Friendship is therefre a practice f uncnditinal lve,an pprtunity t grw tgether twards fulfillment,and a jurney t unfld the mst precius capacities f a human being. (5)
    A.Human beings are relatinal beings.
    B.Why nt cherish it with yur wn heart?
    C.Lk at the ther as an end nt as a means.
    D.Recgnize the necessity f the clse relatinship.
    E.We usually blame the ther persn fr what we feel.
    F.The mde f friendship differs frm persn t persn.
    G.We serve the ther withut expecting anything in return.
    16. A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17. A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18. A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19. A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20. A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    One well-belw-freezing mrning,I walked thrugh the grunds f Ontari Place.Trees were frsted sculptures,and large chunks f ice (1) in the lake.I stpped t take a pht,and that's when I saw them:a grup f peple (2) up and dwn in the water.
    I didn't quite believe my eyes.The ice warrirs emerged frm the lake,their skin (3) .They were laughing and hugging each ther.Watching them,I felt a surge f (4) .I called ut: "Yu guys are awesme!" One wman smiled back and said, "Cme and jin us!Yu can (5) nline." When I gt hme,I did that and received a(n) (6) email telling me what t bring.
    The night befre my first dip,I was excited and nervus.I checked the (7) :it was -14 C,r -20 C with Trnt's well-knwn wind chill.But there wasn't a cancellatin message. (8) ,the dip was n.The next mrning,a yung man first led us thrugh (9) and breathing exercises.Then,alng with the thers,I ran in my bathing (10) and water shes.Tgether we bunced up and dwn,and then dashed int the (11) .We dipped dwn until just ur heads and hands were (12) water,and yelled int the sky.
    Knwing it was my first time,peple (13) me a lt.When we swam back ut f the water,my skin was bright red.It felt (14) .After we'd all (15) ,we met back n the beach,and danced and sang by a small fire t warm up.I culd (16) remember the last time I'd felt s delighted.
    There are times when yu can try t get ut f cmfrt zne.It wn't (17) everything in ur lives,r the wrld at large – but fr (18) reasn,it helps.Nt nly was I strnger and mre (19) than I had thught,but als discvered a strng interest and a wrld I hadn't knwn existed.As anther winter sets in,I'm mre than (20) t embrace the cld again.
    21. A. landedB. flatedC. drppedD. faded
    22. A. jumpingB. walkingC. hidingD. jgging
    23. A. burningB. steamingC. rllingD. aching
    24. A. excitementB. calmnessC. cnfusinD. srrw
    25. A. drp utB. pick upC. sign upD. stand ut
    26. A. applicatinB. realizatinC. ccupatinD. cnfirmatin
    27. A. riskB. expenseC. situatinD. frecast
    28. A. ApparentlyB. TemprarilyC. SuitablyD. Occasinally
    29. A. racesB. cmmentsC. intrductinsD. ptins
    30. A. suitB. typeC. brandD. number
    31. A. riverB. lakeC. ceanD. stream
    32. A. arundB. awayC. abveD. alng
    33. A. prtectedB. bservedC. impressedD. encuraged
    34. A. demandingB. disappintingC. amazingD. amusing
    35. A. buncedB. adjustedC. predictedD. changed
    36. A. hardlyB. usuallyC. particularlyD. merely
    37. A. manageB. fixC. replyD. satisfy
    38. A. anyB. smeC. therD. anther
    39. A. clevererB. busierC. healthierD. hungrier
    40. A. ableB. luckyC. freeD. ready
    41. Eurpean Space Agency astrnaut Samantha Cristfretti is back n Earth after spending mnths in rbit n the Internatinal Space Statin.The Italian gets(1) (ntice) in China after she quted classic Chinese petry (2) scial media with a view f (3) Chinese capital frm space.
    Travelling arund the Earth at abut 28,000 kilmeters per hur,420 kilmeters ff the grund in the Internatinal Space Statin (ISS) certainly(4) (give) us a unique perspective n ur planet.
    That view inspired Cristfretti(5) (dive) int the Chinese classics as the ISS flew ver parts f China.She quted 4th-century pet Wang Xizhi's Preface t pems Cmpsed at the Orchid Pavilin.The text (6) (accmpany) by phts f China taken frm the space statin.
    Cristfretti speaks six languages including Chinese and has (7) (previus) taken part in jint training between the ESA and the China Manned Space Agency.It is hped (8) ESA astrnauts will cperate with Chinese cunterparts.With Cristfretti having laid grundwrk fr that,ESA Directr General Jsef Aschbacher was full f praise fr the (9) (talent) astrnaut and psitive abut the cperatin f space (10) (explre).
    42. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Amng all the instructive prverb,the ne I like best is " Where there is a will,there is a way.",wh tells us that we shuld stick t ur dreams.Fr me,the saying has specially meaning.When I was in the middle schl,I was such pr in my studies that I nearly gave up.Thugh my headteacher always encuraged me every time I lst my heart.He uses t say, " A little mre effrt and yu will make it ".
    Thanks t my dearest teacher,all my effrts paid back and finally I became a tp student.Nthing is impssible t willing heart.As lng as yu keep try,yu'll succeed.
    43. 假定你是学生李华,你的英国朋友Tm在汉语水平考试(简称HSK)中成绩不理想,写信求助。请根据以下要点回信:
    Dear Tm,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据TAYKA HOTEL DE SAL中Tayka Htel de Sal,Tahua,Blivia is made mstly f salt,including sme beds-thugh yu'll sleep with regular mattresses and blankets.(玻利维亚塔瓦的泰卡萨尔酒店主要是用盐建造的,包括一些床——尽管你会睡在普通的床垫和毯子上。)可知,泰卡萨尔酒店的特色是它主要是用盐建造的。故选A项。
    (2)细节理解题。根据COOL THINGS ABOUT BOLIVIA中Every August in Blivia,dgs are hnred during the Feast f St.Rch.(在玻利维亚,每年八月的圣罗赫节(Feast f St.Rch)都会以狗为荣耀。)可知,关于玻利维亚,我们能了解到他们可能很尊重狗。故选B项。
    (3)细节理解题。根据THINGS TO DO IN BOLIVIA中Take a bat t Isla del Sl,an island in Lake Titicaca.(乘船前往的的喀喀湖中的太阳岛。)可知,游客在玻利维亚可以乘船前往太阳岛。故选C项。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段But Oza's lifestyle std in the way. (但是Oza的生活方式成为了阻碍)。可知,Oza久坐的生活方式阻碍着他作出改变。故选C。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据前文Oza's increasingly sedentary (久坐不动的) lifestyle had repercussins.In additin t catching bugs easily,he lacked energy,his bdy ache (越来越久坐的生活方式产生了不良影响。除了容易生病,他还缺乏精力,身体疼痛)。可知,此处是描述Oza久坐不动的生活方式对身体造成的负面影响,由此推知lethargic意为"昏昏欲睡"。A.Puzzled困惑的;B.Sleepy昏昏欲睡的;C.Uncnfident不舒服的;D.Energetic精力旺盛的。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段中He cnducted sme changes t his diet,intrducing mre raw fruits and vegetables and cutting dwn n junk fd.He started ging fr runs and began regular training,resistance training,and stretching.(他对自己的饮食进行了一些改变,引入了更多的生水果和蔬菜,减少了垃圾食品的摄入量。他开始跑步,并开始定期训练,阻力训练和拉伸。)可知,Oza通过改变饮食和坚持训练重获健康。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据全文内容,结合第四段S he began a 15-year jurney t examine his health fully. (于是,他开始了长达15年的旅程,全面检查自己的健康状况)可知,Oza在三十多岁时由于不良生活方式身体很虚弱,他决心作出改变,开始改变饮食和坚持运动,通过长达15年的坚持重获健康,所以他是一个有决心的人。故选B。
    【解析】(1)段落大意题。根据第一段Nise pllutin is ne f the serius yet least recgnized health threats f ur time.Nise increase risks f heart disease,cgnitive damage and develpmental delays.Nw,scientists are revealing that nn-humans,t,suffer frm nise pllutin and that they are far mre sensitive than humans.Als,marine animals see and sense the wrld thrugh sund,which travels farther underwater than light.But scientists are nw revealing that a vast range f marine creatures are extremely sensitive t sund.The range f negative effects caused by marine nise pllutin is astnishing:delayed develpment,slw grwth etc.(噪音污染是我们这个时代最严重的健康威胁之一,但却很少有人认识到。噪音会增加心脏病、认知损伤和发育迟缓的风险。现在,科学家们发现,非人类也受到噪音污染的影响,而且它们比人类要敏感得多。此外,海洋动物通过声音看到和感知世界,声音在水下比光传播得更远。但科学家们现在发现,大量海洋生物对声音极其敏感。海洋噪音污染造成的负面影响范围是惊人的:发育迟缓,生长缓慢等)可知,第一段主要讲的是噪音污染危害人类和海洋生物。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段Take marine seagrass fr example,just like frests n land,seagrass is a carbn sink,cntributing t stabilizing ur glbal climate.(以海洋海草为例,就像陆地上的森林一样,海草是碳汇,有助于稳定我们的全球气候)可知,海草的功能是可以保持全球气候稳定。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段Their sensitive hearing is an advantage in the dark depths f the cean,but it makes aquatic rganisms very vulnerable.Lud underwater sunds can damage r destry their hearing ability.These effects ccur at much lwer intensities f sund than are knwn t be damaging t animals n land.(它们灵敏的听觉在黑暗的海洋深处是一种优势,但这使水生生物非常脆弱。巨大的水下声音会损害或破坏它们的听力。这些影响发生在比已知的对陆地动物的损害低得多的声音强度下)可知,水生植物的听力容易受损是因为它对水下声音的强度很敏感。故选A。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段While expsure limitatin levels haven't yet been determined,it is clear that this emerging science will lead t new restrictins n the permitting and peratins f marine industrial and shipping activities.(虽然接触限制水平尚未确定,但很明显,这一新兴科学将导致对海洋工业和航运活动的许可和操作提出新的限制)可知,海洋噪音污染可能会得到改善。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段researchers fund that there are striking similarities between the ways that humans and pimates such as chimpanzees cmfrt ne anther and demnstrate cmpassin and care(研究人员发现,人类和灵长类动物如黑猩猩相互安慰、表现出同情和关怀的方式有惊人的相似之处)可知,人类和灵长类动物在某些方面很相似。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段But t me,it als speaks abut the imprtance f clseness and intimacy.Anther study fund that hlding hands t cmfrt a lved ne can actually reduce their pain.(但对我来说,这也说明了亲密和亲昵的重要性。另一项研究发现,牵手安慰所爱的人实际上可以减轻他们的痛苦)可知,牵起病人的手可以减轻他的痛苦,这表明亲密和亲昵的重要性。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段they chse,t everyne's astnishment,the cmfrt ver fd.This flew in the face f what was expected.(令所有人惊讶的是,他们选择了舒适而不是食物。这完全违背了人们的期望)可知,人们总是认为食物是最有可能被选择的,所以当猴子没有选择食物时人们感到很惊讶。故选D。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据全文内容,结合第一段Over the years I have been fascinated t read abut studies int the pwer f tuch.(多年来,我一直着迷于阅读有关触摸的力量的研究)可知,文章通过一系列研究表明了触摸的力量。所以"A.The Pwer f Tuch.触摸的力量"为最佳标题。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据上文Develping friendship with ther peple is essential in ur lives due t ur wn very nature.(由于我们的天性,与他人发展友谊在我们的生活中是必不可少的。)可知,人与人之间要发展友谊,A项"人类是有关系的生物。"A项是对上文的原因解释,下文Therefre,we need t lve and t be lved t becme fully human beings,as lve is the highest frm we can relate with thers and ne f the mst distinct features f ur species. (因此,我们需要爱和被爱才能成为完整的人,因为爱是我们与他人联系的最高形式,也是我们这个物种最鲜明的特征之一。)A项与下文为因果关系,上下文衔接连贯顺畅。故选A项。
    (2)推理判断题。本段主旨句为Take respnsibility f yur wn emtins. (对自己的情绪负责。)E项"我们通常会因为自己的感受而责怪别人。"E项与主旨句的语意一致,emtin与what we feel为同义复现词,故选E项。
    (3)联系下文题。根据下文The primary gal f friendship is t lve,because this is ur mst inherent need.But lve has n ther bject than lve.Therefre,the value f ur friendship with thers is nt because f the usefulness f the relatinship.Our lve fr a persn shuld nt depend n their capacity t imprve the cnditins f ur life. (友谊的首要目标是爱,因为这是我们最内在的需要。但是爱除了爱没有别的目的。因此,我们与他人友谊的价值并不在于这种关系的有用性。我们对一个人的爱不应该取决于他是否有能力改善我们的生活条件。)可知,友谊的目的是爱,爱对方,而不是因为对方有能力改善我们的生活条件才爱对方,C项"把对方视为目的,而不是手段。"与本段的语意一致,适合作主旨句。故选C项。
    (4)推理判断题。根据本段主旨句Seek the gd f the ther persn.(为他人着想。)以及上文When we lve anther persn,we seek the gd f the ther because we rejice in their wn happiness.Therefre,ur seeking fr the ther persn's gd is ttally disinterested. (当我们爱另一个人时,我们也会寻求对方的好,因为我们为他们自己的幸福而高兴。因此,为他人着想是完全无私的。)可知,本段提及爱对方,就要无私地为对方着想,G项"我们为对方服务,不求任何回报。"句中的withut expecting anything in return与上文ttally disinterested相呼应,衔接连贯顺畅,故选G项。
    (5)联系上文题。根据上文Friendship is therefre a practice f uncnditinal lve,an pprtunity t grw tgether twards fulfillment,and a jurney t unfld the mst precius capacities f a human being.(因此,友谊是一种无条件的爱的实践,是一个共同成长以实现自我的机会,是一个展现人类最宝贵能力的旅程。)可知友谊的意义,B项"为什么不用心去珍惜呢?"其中的it指代Friendship,B项顺接上文,语意连贯。故选B项。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.landed着陆;B.flated漂浮;C.drpped落下;D.faded褪色。根据"large chunks f ice"及常识可知,冰应是漂浮在湖面上。故选B。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.jumping跳跃;B.walking走路;C.hiding躲藏;D.jgging慢跑。结合语境及下文"Tgether we bunced up and dwn(我们一起跳上跳下)"可知,冬泳的人在水里跳上跳下,此处和bunced同义。故选A。
    (3)考查动词及语境理解。A.burning燃烧;B.steaming散发蒸汽;C.rlling翻滚;D.aching疼。根据"The ice warrirs emerged frm the lake"和常识可知,冬泳的人从水里出来后身上会冒着热气,故选B。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.excitement兴奋,激动;B.calmness冷静;C.cnfusin困惑;D.srrw悲伤。根据下文"I called ut: 'Yu guys are awesme!'(我大声说:'你们太棒了!')"可知,作者感到很兴奋。故选A。
    (5)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.drp ut退学;B.pick up捡起;C.sign up报名;D.stand ut突出。根据上一句"Cme and jin us!(来加入我们吧)"可知,她邀请作者加入,让作者去网上报名。故选C。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.applicatin申请;B.realizatin实现;C.ccupatin职业;D.cnfirmatin确认。根据"I did that"可知,作者在网上报了名,然后收到一封确认邮件,告诉作者带什么东西。故选D。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.risk风险;B.expense费用;C.situatin形势;D.frecast预报。根据"it was -14 C,r -20 C with Trnt's well-knwn wind chill"可知,作者是查看天气预报。故选D。
    (8)考查副词及语境理解。A.Apparently显然,明显地;B.Temprarily临时地;C.Suitably合适地;D.Occasinally偶尔。根据上一句"But there wasn't a cancellatin message.(但是没有取消信息)"及下文作者开始参加冬泳练习可知,报名确认后无法取消,很明显,作者要开始学习冬泳了。故选A。
    (9)考查名词及语境理解。A.races比赛;B.cmments评论;C.intrductins介绍;D.ptins选择。根据语境及空后"breathing exercises"可知,应是先向大家介绍,然后再做练习。故选C。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.suit套装;B.type类型;C.brand品牌;D.number数字。根据下一句"Tgether we bunced up and dwn"可知,作者穿上泳衣和鞋子去游泳。故选A。
    (11)考查名词及语境理解。A.river河流;B.lake湖;C.cean海洋;D.stream小溪。上文"and large chunks f ice ____(1)____ in the lake"提到人们是在一个湖里游泳。故选B。
    (12)考查介词及语境理解。A.arund在……周围;B.away距离……有多远;C.abve在……上面;D.alng沿着。根据"and yelled int the sky"可知,作者是在头露在水面之上时大喊。故选C。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.prtected保护;B.bserved观察;C.impressed使留下深刻印象;D.encuraged鼓励。根据"Knwing it was my first time"可知,人们应是鼓励新手。故选D。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.demanding要求高的,费力的;B.disappinting令人失望的;C.amazing令人大为惊奇的;D.amusing逗笑的。根据语境及上一句"When we swam back ut f the water,my skin was bright red.(当我们游出水面时,我的皮肤变得鲜红)"可知,作者上岸后感觉,这很惊奇。故选C。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.bunced弹起;B.adjusted调整;C.predicted预测;D.changed更换。根据"we met back n the beach,and danced and sang by a small fire t warm up"可知,冬泳结束,大家应是去换衣服后回到海滩上。故选D。
    (17)考查动词及语境理解。A.manage设法完成;B.fix解决;C.reply回答;D.satisfy满足。结合语境及"it helps"可知,试着走出舒适区不能解决一切,但是它会有帮助,fix在此处作"解决"之意。故选B。
    (18)考查代词及语境理解。A.any任何;B.sme某些;C.ther另外;D.anther另一个。固定短语fr sme reasn由于某种原因,不知为什么。故选B。
    (20)考查形容词及语境理解。A.able有能力的;B.lucky幸运的;C.free自由的;D.ready准备好的。根据"As anther winter sets in"可知,作者准备好再次冬泳了。故选D。
    【小题5】t dive
    【小题6】was accmpanied
    【解析】(1)考查过去分词。句意:从太空俯瞰中国首都后,这位意大利人在社交媒体上引用中国古典诗词,这让她在中国引起了关注。此处为get dne结构,主语Italian和ntice是被动关系,故用过去分词。故填nticed。
    (2)考查介词。句意:从太空俯瞰中国首都后,这位意大利人在社交媒体上引用中国古典诗词,这让她在中国引起了关注。根据句意以及空后的scial media名词可知,此处为介词n的填入,构成n scial media"在社交媒体上",满足句意要求。故填n。
    (3)考查冠词。句意:从太空俯瞰中国首都后,这位意大利人在社交媒体上引用中国古典诗词,这让她在中国引起了关注。由空后Chinese capital为专有名词可知,此处为定冠词the的填入。故填the。
    (4)考查时态及主谓一致。句意:在距离地面420公里的国际空间站(ISS)以每小时2.8万公里的速度环绕地球飞行,无疑让我们对我们的星球有了一个独特的视角。分析句子可知,此处为谓语动词的填入,陈述客观事实,用一般现在时,主语Travelling arund the Earth为动名词短语,所以此处谓语动词为三单形式。故填gives。
    (5)考查不定式。句意:当国际空间站飞越中国部分地区时,这一景色激发了克里斯托弗雷蒂对中国经典的钻研。分析句子可知,此处为动词短语inspire sb t d"激励某人做某事",满足句意要求。故填t dive。
    (6)考查时态语态。句意:文中还附有从空间站拍摄的中国照片。分析句子可知,此处为谓语动词的填入,主语The text和动词accmpany为被动关系,结合上下文时态可知,为陈述过去发生的事情,所以为一般过去时的被动语态结构。故填was accmpanied。
    (7)考查副词。句意:克里斯托弗雷蒂会说包括中文在内的六种语言,此前曾参加过欧洲航天局和中国载人航天局的联合训练。由副词修饰动词可知,此处为副词previusly修饰动词taken part in。故填previusly。
    (8)考查主语从句。句意:希望欧空局宇航员能与中国同行合作。分析句子可知,此处为固定句型it is hped that…"希望……",that引导主语从句,在从句中不做成分,且没有意义。故填that。
    (10)考查不可数名词。句意:由于克里斯托弗雷蒂为此打下了基础,欧洲航天局总干事约瑟夫•阿施巴赫对这位才华横溢的宇航员大加赞赏,并对太空探索合作持积极态度。由空前介词f可知,此处为名词explratin"探索",构成名词短语space explratin"太空探索",满足句意要求。故填explratin。
    42.【答案】Amng all the instructive prverb,the ne I like best is " Where there is a will,there is a way.", wh tells us that we shuld stick t ur dreams.Fr me,the saying has specially meaning.When I was in the middle schl,I was such pr in my studies that I nearly gave up. Thugh my headteacher always encuraged me every time I lst my heart.He uses t say, " A little mre effrt and yu will make it ".
    Thanks t my dearest teacher,all my effrts paid back and finally I became a tp student.Nthing is impssible t ∧willing heart.As lng as yu keep try,yu'll succeed.
    2.考查定语从句关系词。句意:在所有有教育意义的谚语中,我最喜欢的是"有志者事竟成",这句话告诉我们应该坚持我们的梦想。分析句子结构可知,此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Where there is a will,there is a way这句谚语,在从句中作主语,故应用关系代词which引导。故wh改为which。
    6.考查固定短语。句意:但是每次我灰心的时候,我的班主任总是鼓励我。lst heart"灰心",为固定短语,my多余。故删除heart前的my。
    7.考查动词时态。句意:他常说:"再努力一点,你就会成功的。根据句意表示"过去常常做某事"应用used t d sth.。故uses改为used。
    8.考查固定搭配。句意:多亏了我最亲爱的老师,我所有的努力都得到了回报,最终我成为了一名尖子生。根据句意可知,此处表示"取得回报"应用动词短语pay ff,pay back意为"偿还",不符合题意。故back改为ff。
    10.考查动名词。句意:只要你继续努力,你就会成功。根据句意表示"继续做某事"应用keep ding sth.,所以此处应用动名词作宾语。故try改为trying。
    43.【答案】Dear Tm,
    I am terribly srry t hear that yu failed t pass HSK.Hpefully,the unexpected failure wn't let yu dwn,fr I have still been amazed by the excellent Chinese yu spke when we first met.(表示安慰)
    As we all knw,language learning is never an easy task but needs cnstant effrts and patience. 【高分句型一】In my pinin,it's a great way t pay clse attentin t the frmal use f Chinese wrds and expressins by reading newspapers and magazines,which really cunts.(提出建议)
    Meanwhile,using sme Chinese-learning mbile apps t study as much as pssible benefits yu well.Mre imprtantly,yu shuld learn frm the mistakes that yu have made befre.If s,I'm sure yu' ll make rapid prgress and pass HSK sn.【高分句型二】(给予鼓励)
    Wish yu gd luck!(祝好运)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:As we all knw,language learning is never an easy task but needs cnstant effrts and patience.
    高分句型二:If s,I'm sure yu' ll make rapid prgress and pass HSK sn.


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