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    满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Discover world-class culture on a walking tour of four of the German capital’s best museums.
    Begin on the banks of the River Spree at the brilliant DDR Museum, which provides a unique look into everyday life in former East Germany. Visitors are encouraged to get hands-on with the exhibits, many of which have come from private households. Niitors eanJgo for a drive in a model Trabant—the cars were nicknamed ‘Trabis ‘—or explore a detailed reconstrction of a flat in an East Berlin tower block.
    Head over Karl-Liebkheeht Bridge to Museum Island and the new Humboldt Forum. Built on the footprintof the 18th-century Royal Palace, badly damaged in the Second World War, the building combines the palace’s reconstructed baroque(巴洛克) architecture with contemporary style. As well as an exhibition showing the site’s history, the Humboldt Forum houses the Berlin State Museums’collections of global art.
    Walk past the Altes Museum to the Pergamon Museum, which displays ancient Roman,Greek and Middle Easterm art and archacology. The three-winged complex houses a wealth of treasurcs and splendid reconstructions of architectural monuments, including the vivid blue, sixth-century Ishtar Gate of Babylon and the 170 BC Pergamon Altar (note that the hall housing the latter is closed for reconstruction until 2025).
    Walk along Berlin’s central avenue,Unter den Linden, all the way to the Brandenburg Gate. From there , head southwest across leafy Tiergarten park and you’ll emerge at the modernist Berlin Kulturforum. Here you’ll find the Gemailde Galerie—the Gallery of Old Masters—one of the world’s most important collections of European paintings. Take time to admire masterpieces by the likes of Caravaggio , Rembrandt and Raphael.
    1. What can visitors do in DDR Museum ?
    A. Experience royal life.
    B. Drive a real Trabant car.
    C. Explore rebuilding of a tower.
    D. Operate the exhibits with hands.
    2. Which museum houses worldwide artworks?
    A. DDR Mnseum
    B. Humboldt Forum.
    C. Pergamon Mnseum.
    D. Gemailde Galerie.
    3. What do the four museums have in common?
    A. They were reconstructed.
    B. They display modern art.
    C. They are located in Berlin.
    D. They provide driving tours.
    【答案】1. D 2. B 3. C
    细节理解题。根据DDR MUSEUM中“Visitors are encouraged to get hands-on with the exhibits, many of which have come from private households. (鼓励参观者亲身体验展品,其中许多展品来自私人家庭。)”可知,游客可以亲身体验展品。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据HUMBOLDT FORUM中“As well as an exhibition showing the site’s history, the Humboldt Forum houses the Berlin State Museums’ collections of global art. (除了展示该遗址历史的展览外,Humboldt Forum还收藏了柏林国家博物馆的全球艺术收藏品。)”可知,Humboldt Forum有全球的艺术收藏品。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Discover world-class culture on a walking tour of four of the German capital’s best museums. (在步行游览德国首都最好的四个博物馆中探索世界一流的文化。)”可知,四个博物馆都在德国首都,即柏林。故选C项。
    The day before we met, Juliette Binoche was in the French Alps. Today , she’s sitting in her room in Berlin’s Hotel Marriott.“We arrived last night at 12,”she says, casually brushing off her tight schedule. It ‘s been this way for four decades now , ever since she became a real hit at the Cannes FilmFestival as a 21-year-old , starring in 1985’s Rendez-vous. The film was well received and“La Binochas the French call her , was born.
    Almost immediately, people were deeply attracted by this charming young lady. “After Rendez-vous,when I started , somebody asked me about doing an autobiography of my life… when I was 21 !”she reveals , quite shocked at this absurd(荒唐的)idea.”Some people actually thought about it.”
    Instead , Binoche concentrated on a constant rise through the ranks of world cinema. Rather than addicted to the fame and wealth brought by Hollywood,Binoche simply continued working with celebrated filmmakers from-around the globe ,developing a reputation as a risk-taker.“For me, the risk is to repeat myself or get into a comfort zone that is not opening my horizons(视野),”she says.
    Now 58, there isn’t much this extraordinary artist hasn ‘t done. On stage, she starred with Akram Khan at London ‘s National Theatre in dance piece In-i.”When you’re not a dancer , then you see that you need courage , you need trust and you need magic that is inside you that is going to take place,”she says. She also sang in the show It ‘s Almost Nothing and would love to film a musical. Which one? “I would never answer that,”she smiles.“ A film is a connection of different people.”In other words,about creative magic.
    4. What do we know about Juliette Binoche in Paragraph 1 ?
    A. She stayed busy after gaining fame.
    B. She acted as a film star in Rendez-vous.
    C. She went sightseeing in European countries.
    D. She was named“La Binoche”by the German.
    5. What did Juliette Binoche do after Rendez-vous?
    A. She wrote an autobiography.
    B. She worked in her comfort zone.
    C. She kept climbing the career ladder.
    D. She sought more fame and fortune.
    6. What does the author mainly intend to tell us in the text?
    A. Youth time passes in an instant.
    B. Fame and wealth make no sense.
    C. Suffering is the best teacher of life.
    D. Life needs challenge and innovation.
    7. Where is the text most probably taken from?
    A. A magazine.
    B. A novel.
    C. diary.
    D. A guidebook.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. D 7. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“““We arrived last night at 12,”she says, casually brushing off her tight schedule. It ‘s been this way for four decades now , ever since she became a real hit at the Cannes FilmFestival as a 21-year-old , starring in 1985’s Rendez-vous.(“我们昨晚12点到的,”她说,漫不经心地抛开了紧张的日程安排。自从她21岁时在戛纳电影节上一炮而红,主演1985年的《Rendez vous》以来,四十年来一直是这样。)”可知,朱丽叶·比诺什成名之后,她依然很忙。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Instead , Binoche concentrated on a constant rise through the ranks of world cinema. Rather than addicted to the fame and wealth brought by Hollywood,Binoche simply continued working with celebrated filmmakers from-around the globe ,developing a reputation as a risk-taker.(相反,比诺什专注于在世界电影界不断上升。比诺什并没有沉迷于好莱坞带来的名利,而是继续与世界各地的著名电影人合作,建立了冒险家的声誉)”可知,朱丽叶·比诺什在拍摄完《Rendez vous》之后,专注于在事业上不断攀升。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中““For me, the risk is to repeat myself or get into a comfort zone that is not opening my horizons,”she says.(她说:“对我来说,风险是重复自己,或者进入一个无法打开我视野的舒适区。”)”以及最后一段中“Now 58, there isn’t much this extraordinary artist hasn ‘t done. On stage, she starred with Akram Khan at London ‘s National Theatre in dance piece In-i. “When you’re not a dancer , then you see that you need courage , you need trust and you need magic that is inside you that is going to take place,”she says. She also sang in the show It ‘s Almost Nothing and would love to film a musical. Which one? “I would never answer that,”she smiles. “ A film is a connection of different people.” In other words,about creative magic.(现年58岁的她,没有什么是没有做过的。在舞台上,她与Akram Khan在伦敦国家剧院主演舞蹈作品In-i。“当你不是一个舞者时,你会发现你需要勇气,你需要信任,你需要你内心的魔法。”她说。她还在节目《It ' s Almost Nothing》中演唱,并愿意拍摄音乐剧。哪一个?“我永远不会回答这个问题,”她微笑着说。“电影是不同人之间的联系。”换句话说,关于创造性魔法)”可知,本文作者通过讲述朱丽叶·比诺年少成名后,依旧选择挑战新事物和创新,来告诉读者生活需要挑战和创新。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“The day before we met, Juliette Binoche was in the French Alps. Today , she’s sitting in her room in Berlin’s Hotel Marriott.(我们见面的前一天,朱丽叶·比诺什在法国阿尔卑斯山。今天,她坐在柏林万豪酒店(Hotel Marriott)的房间里)”以及结合全文可知,本文是作者对进行了一次采访,了解了朱丽叶·比诺的人生经历和态度,可推知本文应该是来自一本杂志中。故选A项。
    Picture this:you’re switching channels and you come across an advertisement for a popular cigarette brand with doctors promoting its health benefits. Unbelievable? Think again. A century ago, attitudes around smoking were strikingly different, and, shocking though it may now be, it was common to see health professionals give their approval to cigarette makers.
    In a jaw-dropping state of affairs , doctors weren’t the only ones to promote smoking —in fact , during the first run of the cartoon show The Flintstones in 1960, its official sponsor was Winston cigarettes, and in one advertising session, the characters Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble are seen smoking a pack together, with the latter remarking:“It tastes good, like a cigarette should.”
    There was pushback in the media against the overstatements of wealthy tobacco giants (巨头) however,and it was the American issue of Reader’s Digest which regularly sounded the smoke alarm.The first story on the topic was published in its pages in 1924.“Does Tobacco Injure the Human Body?”, focused on a groundbreaking study that concluded smoking was “one of the very significant reasons fewer men than women attain old age. ”Another story published in 1952 called “Cancer by the Carton” was credited with contributing to the largest drop in cigarette smoking since the Great Depression.
    Smoking has lost its cool factor in recent decades, and the number of smokers across the country continues to steadily decline. In 1922 over 65,000 tons of tobacco were sold in the UK , reaching a peak of 125,960 tons sold in 1961. Due to growing public awareness of smoking’ s harmful health effects, by 2014 that figure had dropped to 43,793 tons.
    In the past decade, the rate of smokers has dropped considerably. And it’s young people in particular who are turning away from smoking: 25.7 percent of 18-24 year olds smoked regularly in 2011 while in 2018 16.8 per cent did. Hear that? It’ s the collective sound of lungs breathing again.
    8. What can be inferred from Paragraph 1?
    A. Doctors consider smoking harmful to health.
    B. People’s attitudes to smoking remain the same.
    C. Advertisements for tobacco are everywhere on TV.
    D. Cigarette producers disagreed with health proessionals.
    9. What did the stories in Reader’ s Digest reveal?
    A. Smoking made profits for tobacco giants.
    B. Smoking contributed to the Great Depression.
    C. Smoking led to a shorter life of men than women.
    D. Smoking caused damage to people’s mental health.
    10. What is the author’ s atitude to the reduction of smoking?
    A. Objective. B. Doubful.
    C. Negative. D. Favorable.
    11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
    A. The harnful effects of smoking
    B. The ups and downs of tbacco industry
    C. The change of attitudes towards tobacco
    D. The increasing awareness of quitting smoking
    【答案】8. A 9. C 10. D 11. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“Picture this:you’re switching channels and you come across an advertisement for a popular cigarette brand with doctors promoting its health benefits. Unbelievable?(想象一下:你正在切换频道,看到一个流行香烟品牌的广告,医生在宣传它的健康益处。难以置信?)”可知,医生宣传香烟的健康益处,是让人难以置信的,可推断医生认为吸烟有害健康。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“There was pushback in the media against the overstatements of wealthy tobacco giants however,and it was the American issue of Reader’s Digest which regularly sounded the smoke alarm. The first story on the topic was published in its pages in 1924. “Does Tobacco Injure the Human Body? ”,focused on a groundbreaking study that concluded smoking was “one of the very significant reasons fewer men than women attain old age. ”(然而,媒体反对富有的烟草巨头的夸大言论,美国的《读者文摘》定期拉响烟雾警报。关于这一主题的第一篇文章发表于1924年。“烟草对人体有害吗?”,重点介绍了一项开创性的研究,该研究得出的结论是,吸烟是“男性比女性更少进入老年的重要原因之一”)”可知,《读者文摘》的故事揭示了吸烟导致男性的寿命比女性短。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“In the past decade, the rate of smokers has dropped considerably. And it’s young people in particular who are turning away from smoking: 25.7 percent of 18-24 year olds smoked regularly in 2011 while in 2018 16.8 per cent did. Hear that? It’ s the collective sound of lungs breathing again.(在过去的十年里,吸烟者的比例已经大幅下降。尤其是年轻人正在远离吸烟:2011年,18-24岁的年轻人中有25.7%经常吸烟,而2018年这一比例为16.8%。听到了吗?这是肺部再次呼吸的集体声音)”可推知,作者对吸烟者的比例大幅下降是感到欣喜的,所以他对减少吸烟的态度是支持的。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中“A century ago, attitudes around smoking were strikingly different, and, shocking though it may now be , it was common to see health professionals give their approval to cigarette makers.(一个世纪前,人们对吸烟的态度是截然不同的,而且,尽管现在可能令人震惊,但经常能看到健康专业人士对香烟制造商表示认可)”,可知,一个世纪前,人们是认可吸烟的,在根据最后一段“In the past decade, the rate of smokers has dropped considerably. And it’s young people in particular who are turning away from smoking: 25.7 percent of 18-24 year olds smoked regularly in 2011 while in 2018 16.8 per cent did. Hear that? It’ s the collective sound of lungs breathing again.(在过去的十年里,吸烟者的比例已经大幅下降。尤其是年轻人正在远离吸烟:2011年,18-24岁的年轻人中有25.7%经常吸烟,而2018年这一比例为16.8%。听到了吗?这是肺部再次呼吸的集体声音)”可知,吸烟者的比例已经大幅下降,所以本文主要讲述的是人们对吸烟态度的改变,故C项“The change of attitudes towards tobacco(对烟草态度的改变)”是本文最好的标题。故选C项。
    Wheat and corn are used to make bread, pizza and other delicious foods, but in a few years they could also power your car. Renewable biofuels could soon replace the harmful fossil fuels that we’re used to using. It’s now well established that fossil fuels are incredibly harmful to our health and the environment and they’re not renewable, either. When so many people rely on petrol and diesel (柴油) to power vehicles, it makes sense to develop a renewable alternative that’s easy to use.
    That’s where biofuel comes in. The most common biofuel produced globally is ethanol (乙醇), and it’s used frequently in Brazil and the US, while biodiesel is more popular in Europe. However, first-generation biofuels like ethanol have got issues that need fixing before they can go mainstream. It curently takes more ethanol than gasoline to produce the same amount of energy, for instance. Production is expensive, and several parts of the process sometimes use fossil fuels, which means that some biofuels aren’t actually carbon-free.
    Some environmental campaigners also say that it would be more useful to grow crops for food rather than biofuel, and that growing crops for biofuel can cause problems with soil loss and deforestation. Using land for fuel rather than food can lead to an increase in food prices, too, and can affect natural habitats.
    Crop and fat-based biofunels may not be perfect but those aren’t the only biofuels available. Some organisations are creating biofuels with algae (海藻) instead. This process uses water and land that often isn’t suitable for many other situations, so it doesn’t take up space that’s useful for food production, and it often has better yields (产量) than other types of biofuel components.
    There’s plenty of development beyond algae, too. Some companies even use seaweed. Scientists are also working on plans that will be able to abstract biofuels from household waste, wood chips and other junk — a move that could massively increase the material that’s viable for biofuel production. These second-generation biofuels could make biofuel far cheaper and more accessible, and help cut emissions down.
    12. Why are biofuels supposed to replace fossil fuels?
    A. Fossil fuels are difcult to produce.
    B. Fossil fuels are harmful to vehicles.
    C. Biofuels are economical and attainable.
    D. Biofuels are eco-friendly and sustainable.
    13. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
    A. The potential of gasoline.
    B. The advantages of biofuels.
    C. The popularity of ethanol in Europe.
    D. The problems with first-generation biofuels.
    14. Why is algae used to create biofuels by some organisations?
    A. It can reduce soil loss.
    B It is often more productive.
    C. It occupies no land to grow.
    D. It helps to lower food prices.
    15. What does the underlined word “viable” in the last paragraph probably mean?
    A. Stable. B. Durable.
    C. Workable. D. Flexible
    【答案】12. D 13. D 14. B 15. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“Renewable biofuels could soon replace the harmful fossil fuels that we’re used to using. It’ s now well established that fossil fuels are incredibly harmful to our health and the environment and they’re not renewable, either. When so many people rely on petrol and diesel (柴油) to power vehicles, it makes sense to develop a renewable alternative that’s easy to use.(可再生生物燃料可能很快就会取代我们习惯使用的有害的化石燃料。众所周知,化石燃料对我们的健康和环境有害,而且它们也是不可再生的。当这么多人依赖汽油和柴油来驱动汽车时,开发一种易于使用的可再生替代品是有意义的)”可推知,化石燃料对我们的健康和环境有害,而且它们也是不可再生的,而生物燃料是环保和可持续的,所以要用生物燃料取代化石燃料。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段中“However, first-generation biofuels like ethanol have got issues that need fixing before they can go mainstream. It curently takes more ethanol than gasoline to produce the same amount of energy, for instance. Production is expensive, and several parts of the process sometimes use fossil fuels, which means that some biofuels aren’t actually carbon-free.(然而,像乙醇这样的第一代生物燃料在成为主流之前还存在一些问题需要解决。例如,目前需要比汽油更多的乙醇才能产生同样的能量。生产成本很高,而且这个过程的几个部分有时会使用化石燃料,这意味着一些生物燃料实际上并不是零碳的)”可知,第二段主要讲述了第一代生物燃料的问题。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“ Some organisations are creating biofuels with algae (海藻) instead. This process uses water and land that often isn’t suitable for many other situations, so it doesn’t take up space that’s useful for food production, and it often has better yields (产量) than other types of biofuel components.(一些组织正在用藻类制造生物燃料。这一过程使用的水和土地通常不适合许多其他情况,因此它不会占用对粮食生产有用的空间,而且它通常比其他类型的生物燃料成分具有更好的产量)”可推知,用藻类制造生物燃料不会占用对粮食生产有用的空间,而且具有更好的产量,所以是效率更高。故选B项。
    词句猜测题。根据最后一段中划线单词前文“Scientists are also working on plans that will be able to abstract biofuels from household waste , wood chips and other junk-a move that could massively increase the material(科学家们还在研究从家庭垃圾、木屑和其他垃圾中提取生物燃料的计划这一举措可能会大量增加材料)”可推知,此处应该是增加可用于生物燃料生产的材料,所以viable应该是“可行的”之意,和C项“Workable”意思相近。故选C项。
    Be yourself
    “Be yourself.” Perhaps you’ve heard people say this to you before , but you’ re not really sure what it means.____16____But being yourself really means being true to yourself. To be yourself, though, you have to learn about yourself.
    Get to know your inner self.
    Write down things that are important to you, such as being honest, playing fair or being a good friend. It’ s not about whether you prefer peanut butter to marmalade on your toast, it’ s about what makes you feel happy and comfortable with yourself. It’s about knowing what makes you feel awkward or sad. ____17____
    Don’t always do things to please others.
    If you do what others want all the time, it’s easy to forget about yourself and what you want.____18____Don’ t always go along with the crowd, but stop and take a breath first. Ask yourself if this is right for you.
    Learn what your limits are
    ____19____It’s about understanding what is OK with you and what isn’ t. Without boundaries, it’ s easy for people to walk all over you and take advantage of you. If you set boundaries, you will recognise when people are trying to cross them.
    Learn to love all your little odd habits and the things that are unique to you. This may be something about your appearance, or it could be the way you speak or the type of music you like. You don’t have to be the same as everyone else to be loved or liked.
    A. Behave differently.
    B. Appreciate yourself.
    C. This is called setting boundaries.
    D. Who else would you be, after all?
    E. It’s the things that matter to you, deep down.
    F. If you find yourself doing this, ask yourself why.
    G. You should, instead, put yourself into others’ shoes.
    【答案】16. D 17. E 18. F 19. C 20. B
    根据前文““Be yourself.” Perhaps you’ve heard people say this to you before, but you’ re not really sure what it means. (“做你自己。”也许你以前听过人们对你说过这句话,但你并不真正确定它是什么意思。)”及下文“But being yourself really means being true to yourself. To be yourself, though, you have to learn about yourself. (但做你自己真的意味着做真实的自己。然而,要做你自己,你必须了解你自己。)”可知,空处内容与下文有转折,人们经常说做你自己,但是你并不知道其真正的含义,除了自己还能是谁,然后做自己就要了解自己,与D项“Who else would you be, after all?(毕竟,你还能是谁?)”上下文一致,故选D项。
    根据小标题“Get to know your inner self. (了解你的内在自我。)”可知,本段主要内容为了解内在的自我,前文“It’s about knowing what makes you feel awkward or sad. (这是关于知道什么让你感到尴尬或悲伤。)”与E项“It’s the things that matter to you, deep down. (内心深处对你来说才是最重要的。)”上下文一致,故选E项。
    根据小标题“Don’t always do things to please others. (不要总是为了取悦别人而做事。)”可知本段段主要讲述不要为了取悦别人而做事。前文“If you do what others want all the time, it’s easy to forget about yourself and what you want. (如果你一直做别人想做的事,很容易忘记自己和你想要什么。)”提到如果取悦别人,你会忘记自己以及忘记自己想要什么,下文“Don’ t always go along with the crowd, but stop and take a breath first. Ask yourself if this is right for you. (不要总是随波逐流,而是先停下来喘口气。问问自己这是否适合您。)”提到不要总是随波逐流,由此可知,空处应该是假设你随波逐流,去取悦别人的做法,与F项“If you find yourself doing this, ask yourself why. (如果你发现自己这样做了,问问自己为什么。)”与上下文一致,故选F项。
    根据小标题“Learn what your limits are. (了解您的极限是什么。)”及下文“Without boundaries, it’ s easy for people to walk all over you and take advantage of you. (没有界限,人们很容易在你身上走来走去,利用你。)”可知,需要设置边界,要明确什么事情对你没问题,什么事情是不行的,与C项“This is called setting boundaries. (这称为设置边界。)”上下文一致,“This”代指本段小标题中的“limits”,故选C项。
    根据“Learn to love all your little odd habits and the things that are unique to you. This may be something about your appearance, or it could be the way you speak or the type of music you like. You don’t have to be the same as everyone else to be loved or liked. (学会爱你所有奇怪的小习惯和你独有的东西。这可能是关于你的外表,也可能是你说话的方式或你喜欢的音乐类型。你不必和其他人一样才能被爱或喜欢。)”可知,要学会爱自己,爱自己与别人不同的东西,就是要欣赏自己。与B项“Appreciate yourself. (欣赏自己)”适合作本段小标题,故选B项。
    第三部分 英语知识运用( 共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I love the feeling of exchanging goods with my parents. When we visit them, we often end up ____21____ home more things than we brought with us. After packing up at the end of our most ____22____ visit, and after the last hugs and sounding of the car horn (喇叭), I took a ____23____ look at the back seat of our car. At the top of the pile, folded neatly and ____24____, were, a 50-year-old baby blanket, several doilies (小桌巾) passed down from generations of women in my family, and two small quilts.
    These creative quilts, looking ____25____ but quite lovingly worn, became a ____26____ of my great-grandmothers who were always working hard. I think of the pieces of cloth ____27____ over the floors of their living rooms. I think of their ____28____ hands and the regular pattern of sounds from their sewing machines. I think of their laughter, their smiles and the ____29____ found in the corners of their eyes.
    I wish I could go back in time, and watch them make these quilts, and I value the quilts my great-grandmothers _____30_____. I love knowing that the women who made the way for my own path through life have offered me _____31_____ expressions of themselves. When I _____32_____ the worn cloth of each creation, I will always remember the women whose hands brought them into _____33_____. I will be ever _____34_____ to the strong women in my family who have lived before me and with me, who have left behind _____35_____ examples to follow and lovely quilts to pass on.
    21. A. leaving B. buying C. going D. taking
    22. A. frequent B. formal C. recent D. distant
    23. A. strange B. quick C. cautious D. fresh
    24. A. randomly B. smartly C. loosely D. normally
    25. A. delicate B. expensive C. thick D. plain
    26. A. reminder B. symbol C. reward D. prize
    27. A. flying B. falling C. spread D. broken
    28. A. bare B. clean C. gloved D. wrinkled
    29. A. confusion B. sorrow C. curiosity D. wisdom
    30. A. turned in B. left behind C. took out D. threw away
    31. A. touchable B. predictable C. original D. verbal
    32. A. sell B. hide C. approach D. wash
    33. A. research B. existence C. reputation D. expectation
    34. A. patient B. generous C. grateful D. sympathetic
    35. A. familiar B. obvious C. generous D. shining
    【答案】21. D 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. A 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们拜访他们时,我们最终带回家的东西往往比我们带来的要多。A. leaving离开;B. buying购买;C. going离开;D. taking拿走,取走。根据上文“I love the feeling of exchanging goods with my parents. ”可知,作者喜欢和父母交换物品,因此,此处是指拿走的东西,“taking”与空后的“brought”相对应。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在我们最近一次的拜访时,我收拾好行李,在最后一次拥抱和汽车喇叭响起之后,我快速看了一眼我们车的后座。A. frequent频繁的,经常性的;B. formal正式的,规范的;C. recent最近的,最新的;D. distant遥远的。根据上文语境可知,作者经常和父母交换物品,根据句中“and after the last hugs and sounding of the car horn (喇叭), I took a ____3____ look at the back seat of our car.”以及下文“At the top of the pile, folded neatly and ____4____, were, a 50-year-old baby blanket, several doilies (小桌巾) passed down from generations of women in my family, and two small quilts.”可知作者描述的是最近一次拜访父母要离开时的场景。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在我们最近一次访问结束时,我收拾好行李,在最后一次拥抱和汽车喇叭响起之后,我快速看了一眼我们车的后座。A. strange奇怪的;B. quick迅速的;C. cautious小心的,谨慎的;D. fresh新颖的,新鲜的。根据“and after the last hugs and sounding of the car horn (喇叭)”以及下文“At the top of the pile, folded neatly and __4__, were, a 50-year-old baby blanket, several doilies (小桌巾) passed down from generations of women in my family, and two small quilts”可知作者在即将开车离去时,快速看了一眼车后座上的东西。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:在这堆叠得整整齐齐的东西的最上边放着一条有50年历史的婴儿毯、几件从我家几代女性那里传下来的小桌布和两条小被子。A. randomly随机地,任意地;B. smartly整洁而漂亮地;C. loosely宽松地;D. normally通常,正常地。根据空前的“folded neatly”以及连词and可知设空处表达的意思与neatly(整洁地)相近,smartly“整洁而漂亮地”符合语境。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些有创意的被子看起来很精致,但是用旧了,它们让我想起了一直辛勤劳动的曾祖母们。A. delicate精美的,需要技巧的;B. expensive昂贵的;C. thick厚重的;D. plain朴素的,单色的。根据空后的“but”可知,设空处所填的词与“worn”形成转折,delicate“精致的,精美的”符合语境。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些有创意的被子看起来很精致,但是用旧了,它们让我想起了一直辛勤劳动的曾祖母们。A. reminder提醒物,引起回忆的事物;B. symbol象征,标志;C. reward奖励,回报;D. prize奖品。根据下文“I think of the pieces of cloth ___7___ over the floors of their living rooms.”可知这些物品让作者想起了曾祖母们以及当初她们辛勤劳动的场景。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想起了他们起居室地板上散落的布片。A. flying飞行;B. falling降落,跌倒;C. spread摊开,使散开;D. broken打碎;弄坏。根据下文“I think of their ___8___ hands and the regular pattern of sounds from their sewing machines.”以及“I will always remember the women whose hands brought them into ___13___.”可知,她们在缝纫被子,因此,此处是指地上散布着的一些布。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想起了她们布满皱纹的手和她们缝纫机发出的有规律的声音。A. bare赤裸的,光秃秃的;B. clean干净的;C. gloved戴着手套的;D. wrinkled有皱纹的。结合上文“became a ___6___ of my great-grandmothers who were always working hard”可知,作者回忆的是曾祖母们缝纫的情景,多年辛勤劳动的曾祖母们的手是有皱纹的。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想起她们的笑声,她们的微笑,以及她们眼角的智慧。A. confusion困惑,混淆;B. sorrow悲伤,悲痛;C. curiosity好奇心,求知欲;D. wisdom智慧。根据下文“I love knowing that the women who made the way for my own path through life have offered me ___11___ expressions of themselves. When I ___12___ the worn cloth of each creation, I will always remember the women whose hands brought them into ___13___.”可知这些曾祖母们充满了智慧。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我希望我能回到过去,看着他们制作这些被子,我很珍惜我的曾祖母留下的被子。A. turned in提交;B. left behind留下;C. took out拿出,带某人出去;D. threw away扔掉, 失去。根据上文“a 50-year-old baby blanket, several doilies (小桌巾) passed down from generations of women in my family, and two small quilts”可知这些被子是曾祖母们留下的。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很高兴知道,那些为我的人生道路铺平道路的女性,为我提供了她们可触摸的表达方式。A. touchable可以触摸的;B. predictable可预测的;C. original起初的,原作的;D. verbal口头的。根据下文“When I ___12___ the worn cloth of each creation, I will always remember the women whose hands brought them into ___13___.”可知,触摸到这些被子就能够让作者感受到曾祖母们的智慧,这些被子就是那些长辈们留下的可触摸到的表达方式。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我靠近每件作品的破旧布料时,我将永远记得那些用双手创造它们的女人们。A. sell出售;B. hide把……藏起来;C. approach靠近,处理;D. wash清洗。根据上文“became a ____6____ of my great-grandmothers who were always working hard”以及“I wish I could go back in time, and watch them make these quilts, and I value the quilts my great-grandmother ____10____. I love knowing that the women who made the way for my own path through life have offered me ____11____ expressions of themselves.”可知,靠近这些曾祖母们留下的被子,作者就会想起制作被子的曾祖母们。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我靠近每件作品的破旧布料时,我将永远记得那些用双手创造它们的女人们。A. research研究;B. existence存在;C. reputation名誉,名声;D. expectation期待,预期。此句指作者想起了那些制作这些被子的曾祖母们,是她们创造了这些作品,使它们得以存在。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我将永远感激家庭中那些生活在我以前以及和我一起生活过的坚强女性,她们留下了光辉的榜样让我学习,留下可爱的被子让我传承。A. patient有耐心的;B. generous慷慨的;C. grateful感激的;D. sympathetic有同情心的。根据上文“I value the quilts my great-grandmother ___10___. I love knowing that the women who made the way for my own path through life have offered me ___11___ expressions of themselves.”以及空后的“who have left behind ___15___ examples to follow and lovely quilts to pass on”可知作者对这些长辈们充满感激。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我将永远感激家庭中那些生活在我以前以及和我一起生活过的坚强女性,她们留下了光辉的榜样让我学习,留下来可爱的被子让我传承。A. familiar熟悉的;B. obvious明显的;C. generous慷慨的;D. shining发光的,杰出的。根据上文“became a ____6____ of my great-grandmothers who were always working hard”以及空后的“examples to follow”可知,长辈们给作者树立了很好的榜样,短语shining example意为“杰出典范,光辉榜样”。故选D。
    第二节 语法填空(共10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Every year, universities____36____ ( rank ) by different organizains.On Sept. 2, Times Higher education brought out the World University Rankings 2022 , in____37____ Chinese mainland universities wrote a newpage in the rankings history.This year,a record 10 Chinese mainland universities ranked in the world’s top 200 universities.Tsinghua University and Peking University tied for 16th place, ____38____ ( mark) the first time that two Chinese mainland universities have made____39____ into the top 20.
    The Chinese mainland has the____40____ (four) highest number of universities in the ramkings , behind the United States with 183 , Japan with 118 and the UK with 101.
    The COVID-19 pandemic(大流行)has had an infuence____41____the rankings. Universities that did research on understanding and managing the pandemic saw____42____ clear rise on the rankings table. 11 Chinese mainland universities , including Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan and Capital Medical University in Beijing, all move up at least two ranking____43____ ( band).
    “There is a clear change happening across higher education around the world, and perhaps most____44____ ( rapid) in the Chinese mainland.”said Phil Baty, chief knowledge officer at Times Higher Education.“It is interesting_____45_____ ( see ) whether the Chinese mainland can challenge the US and UK’s long-running advantage in the global top 10,”he added.
    【答案】36. are ranked
    37. which 38. marking
    39. it 40. fourth
    41. on##upon
    42. a 43. bands
    44. rapidly
    45. to see
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了2022年Times Higher Education发布的世界大学排名,阐述了中国大陆大学在此次排名中的表现。
    考查被动语态。句意:每年,大学都会由不同的组织进行排名。根据句意及空后by可知,空处应为被动语态,结合Every year, universities可知,时态为一般现在时,主语为复数,故填are ranked。
    考查定语从句。句意:9月2日,泰晤士高等教育公布了2022年世界大学排名,中国大陆大学在排名历史上写下了新的一页。根据句意及句子结构可知,空处为非限制性定语从句,先行词为the World University Rankings 2022,结合空前介词in,空处应为关系代词which,故填which。
    考查固定短语。句意:清华大学和北京大学并列第16位,标志着两所中国大陆大学首次进入前20名。make it为固定短语,表示“获得成功”,根据句意及句子结构可知,此处表示成功进入前20名,故填it。
    考查介词。句意:COVID-19大流行对排名产生了影响。根据句意可知,空处的意思为影响,结合空前influence,空处因为介词on/upon,influence on/upon表示“对……的影响”,故填on/upon。
    考查冠词。句意:在理解和管理疫情方面进行研究的大学在排名榜上明显上升。根据句意及句子结构可知,空前为动词saw, 空后clear为形容词,rise为名词,可知空处为冠词,无特指及元音因素的词clear,故填a。
    考查名词复数。句意:包括武汉华中科技大学和北京首都医科大学在内的11所中国大陆大学都至少上升了两个等级。根据句意及空前数词two, 结合括号内的提示词band可知,空处应为名词复数。故填bands。
    考查不定式。句意:“有趣的是,看看中国大陆能否挑战美国和英国在全球前10名中的长期优势,”他补充说。根据句意及句子结构可知,it is +adj + to do sth,表示“做某事是……的”,it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式,故填to see。
    第四部分 写作( 共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,下周日你校将举办一个机器人展览,请你给交换生Chris写封邮件邀请他参观展览。内容包括:
    Dear Chris ,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】One possible version:
    Dear Chris,
    Our school is scheduled to hold a robot exhibition next Sunday I am writing to invite you to attend it.
    I know you are always interested in robot and machine. At the robot exhibition, you will see some intelligent robots created by students from our school. In addition, it is extremely important that you should use this platform to make more friends who have a lot in common with you.
    I am looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    参加:attend→participate in
    另外:In addition→Furthermore
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:At the robot exhibition, you will see some intelligent robots created by students from our school.
    拓展句:At the robot exhibition, you will see some intelligent robots which are created by students from our school.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]I know you are always interested in robot and machine.(省略that的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]In addition, it is extremely important that you should use this platform to make more friends who have a lot in common with you.(who引导的定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    For years, I posted pictures of my grandson, cute animals and delicious dishes, and video clips of people’s funy behaviour and the like on Facebook. Moreover, I played a farm game or two on this popular social media site. I thought Facebook was for fun, but I never expected a post I saw on Facebook could have a significant impact on my life.
    On November 12th, 2010, I was on my way to a conference by plane. Suddenly, I suffered a heart attack. Luckily, there were three doctors on board. In less than a minute, I was given first aid. I survived, but months later, I was still trying to come to terms with what had happened. So I began to record how I survived this incident as well as my ideas about life on Facebook daily, and started to care about Facebook posts that had nothing to do with fun.
    One morning on March, 2011, I looked through my Facebook feed and saw a friend’s post. She wrote, “Let go of anything unrealistic and all activities that do not mirror your brightest intentions for yourself.” The words touched me greatly. That night, I copied them onto a clean piece of paper and taped it to my laptop.
    Actually, I was crazy about farm games then. I, along with many of my friends, played FarmVille. But one little farm game was not enough for me. I thought I needed more farms, more crops, and more livestock. All were in virtual form,of course. I had five different farms in five different games. And I spent hours on my farms every day. While attending to my virtual farms one day I looked out of the window and noticed the empty land in our backyard.
    1.续写的词数应为150 左右;
    Then I looked at the words on the piece of paper taped to my laptop, lost in thought.
    Farming the real land was only the beginning, and I started to do more to enrich my real life.
    【答案】One possible version:
    Then I looked at the words on the piece of paper taped to my laptop, lost in thought. I realized a funny fact. I planted and harvested virtual crops for hours every day while leaving the real land outside the window untouched. This was neither a meaningful life nor an activity that mirrored my highest intentions. How could I base my happiness on unreal goals? Inspired, I decided to stop playing farm games and focus on real life. To begin with, I farmed the land in our backyard actively.
    Farming the real land was only the beginning, and I started to do more to enrich my real life. I walked my dog in the park, spent more time with my family, climbed mountains with my friends and attend various classes. These were activities that allowed me to make better use of my spare time and develop positive attitude. The sentence I had copied from that Facebook post became a mirror I used to examine how I should spend my time and energy, enabling me to live a healthier and richer life.
    ①意识到: realize/be aware of/be conscious of
    ③决定做某事:decide to do sth/be determined to do sth
    ②积极:positive attitude/act positively
    【点睛】【高分句型1】This was neither a meaningful life nor an activity that mirrored my highest intentions.(运用了that引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】These were activities that allowed me to make better use of my spare time and develop positive attitude.(运用了that引导的定语从句)
    听力答案:1-5 BBCAC 6-10 BCABC 11-15 CABBA 16-20 BACBA

    安徽省宣城市2022-2023学年高三英语一模试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份安徽省宣城市2022-2023学年高三英语一模试题(Word版附解析),共27页。试卷主要包含了考试结束时,务必将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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