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    Yung Chefs’ Club
    Wh’s it fr?
    Kids wh...
    ·Are aged 5 and up
    ·Are interested in fd and cking
    ·Like getting mail
    ·Like trying recipes tested by ther kids
    ·Enjy wrking independently r with family
    What d club members get?
    ·Every mnth, kids receive a themed bx filled with kid-tested recipes, hands-n activities and experiments, and ther creative items.
    ·Explre ur digital library f kid-apprved recipes, activities, experiments, quizzes, and mre! Plus, find each mnth’s shpping list s yu can have all the ingredients(食材)n hand when yur bx arrives.
    ·Yung chefs share “Make It Yur Way” cking challenges. America’s Test Kitchen experts are always available t answer questins.
    Hw we are different:
    ·Fr the first time ever, America’s Test Kitchen, a brand trusted fr mre than 25 years, has ffered its fd and science expertise t kids.
    ·Each and every ne f ur recipes, activities, and experiments is tested at hme (r in ur kitchen) by members f a grup f mre than 5,000 kids acrss the cuntry.
    ·Explre ur digital library f family-friendly recipes, hands-n activities, vides, and ther educatinal resurces.
    ·We break dwn the fundamentals f science and cking in family-friendly recipes. Each bx cntains prjects that range frm 15 minutes t a few hurs, with recipes that can be cked again and again.
    ·We encurage kids’ natural creativity thrugh mnthly “Make It Yur Way!” recipe challenges. Fees:
    ·Mnthly: $24.99 per mnth
    ·Six mnths: $21.99 per mnth(Best value-save$18 )
    1.Hw can kids benefit frm jining the club?
    A.They can receive free ingredients fr each recipe.
    B.They can ften ask experts questins n cking.
    C.They can avid taking cking quizzes at schl.
    D.They can get cking bks frm its physical library.
    2.What is a feature f the club’s each recipe?
    A.It is tested by many kids.B.It is created by member kids.
    C.It is shwn in a 15-minute vide.D.It is especially easy fr members.
    3.Hw much shuld yu pay at least fr 6-mnth membership?
    Thailand’s “lneliest tree”, a tree grwing n a rcky island nly a few meters in diameter, is being seriusly threatened by turists desperate t get a selfie (自拍) with it.
    The small patch f land lcated just ff the cuntry’s eastern cast in Trat Prvince has been called “Kh Khai Hua Rh” because it lks similar t the island featured in drawings f funny scenes invlving a man and a wman trapped n an island in the ppular Khai Hua Rh cmic. The uninhabited island is quite a sight t behld, as it is hme t a lnely tree that struggle t live despite being surrunded by salt water. Unfrtunately, the tree’s ppularity might just be the death f it.
    On Tuesday, the Kh Mak Tambn Administrative Organizatin led a team f Thai reprters t Kh Khai Hua Rh in rder t bserve the cuntry’s lneliest tree. They knew that phts f the lnely tree shared n scial media had been attracting an increasing number f turists t the island, but they had n idea hw much damage that culd prduce.
    Accrding t The Natin, several small branches f the tree were fund brken ff, the tree’s expsed rts appeared t have been stepped heavily n t the pint where the uter cver has peeled ff (剥落), and the trunk appears t be tilting (倾斜) mre than it did a few years back.
    Kh Khai Hua Rh island is s tiny that it can nly accmmdate up t five peple at a time, but lcal authrities admit that selfie-addicted turists smetimes crwd there in much greater numbers, with sme even climbing the pr tree.
    The Kh Mak Tambn Administrative Organizatin plans t kickstart an educatinal campaign t hpefully teach peple t cnserve icnic landmarks like Thailand’s lneliest tree. It als plans t take mre drastic actins, like restricting the number f turists allwed t visit the island and making the island nly accessible in certain seasns.
    4.The name f the island is related t .
    A.a lnely treeB.a ppular cmic
    C.a cntrversial selfieD.a threatened turist
    5.Hw is the lneliest tree accrding t The Natin?
    A.It is under prtectin.B.It prves inaccessible
    C.It has becme less ppular.D.It is in a really bad state.
    6.What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A.Ways t establish landmarks.
    B.Measures t advertise the island.
    C.Respnses t the damage frm turists.
    D.Actins t attract mre turists.
    7.Frm which is this text mst prbably taken?
    A.A gegraphy textbk.B.A news reprt.
    C.A health magazine.D.A travel guide.
    Refill shps have been arund fr a decade. The first stres were small but appealed t many peple wh wanted t ditch plastic packaging and be mre envirnmentally friendly. These zer-waste grcery stres allwed peple t bring in their wn refillable cntainers t buy fd stred in large bins.
    While these small shps are cmmn in Eurpe and the US, they have recently gne frm being trendy t being very mainstream. That’s because the UK supermarket giant ASDA rlled ut its wn chain f sustainable refill shps, accrding t The Grcer.
    These refill stres ffer the usual bins and have many husehld brands withut the excessive(过度的)packaging including Kellgg, Yrkshire Tea, and Nestlé. Even Unilever and P&G shamps and saps are represented.
    “We hpe the varieties ffered acrss ur range f 100 branded and wn-label lse(裸包装的)prducts can bring tgether several simple ways fr custmers t reduce, reuse r recycle at hme,” ASDA directr f cmmercial sustainability Susan Thmas tld The Grcer.
    Cutting back n single-use plastics is a big win fr the planet while many peple make an effrt t recycle. But accrding t Greenpeace, while the gvernment f the UK claims that 50 percent f husehld plastics is being recycled, ver half f that is being sent t ther cuntries. There is n way t knw hw much is actually being recycled. The best way t ensure that plastic desn’t end up incinerated(焚烧), in landfills, r in the ceans, is nt t use it in the first place. That’s where refill shps can help.
    Many f these shps stck prducts frm brands that are als being enthusiastic abut selling sustainably surced and lcal prducts, which helps reduce yur carbn ftprint. Only buying the amunt f fd that yu actually need will als help cut dwn n fd waste and the envirnmental cst f fd prductin.
    8.What des the underlined wrd “ditch” in paragraph 1 prbably mean?
    9.Hw des ASDA make refill shps becme mainstream?
    A.By selling cheaper refillable cntainers.
    B.By prhibiting plastic packaging widely.
    C.By funding these first small refill shps.
    D.By building its wn chain frefill shps.
    10.What’s the functin f paragraph 5?
    A.Warning grcers f plastic prblems.
    B.Shwing the necessity f refill shps.
    C.Telling the harm f single-use plastics.
    D.Giving the examples f ging zer-waste.
    11.What are we advised t d t help prtect the envirnment?
    A.Purchase mre prducts frm brands.
    B.Send plastic prducts t ther cuntries.
    C.Ensure wasted fd ends up in landfills.
    D.Avid buying mre fd than we need.
    It’s nt hard t be petic abut the brad and deep benefits f spending time in natural spaces,frm amazing natinal parks t the simple lveliness f a walk arund a city park r tree-lined neighbrhd street, and sme time wrking in the dirt f yur wn garden.
    A new study frm researchers at Clemsn University has fund anther benefit t simply putting yur bdy in a natural space: it can lwer the amunt f mney yu spend n health care.
    “The mechanisms linking nature and health are very diverse,” said Matthew H. E. M. Brwning, the principal investigatr n the study, "but the benefit is believed t be in part because being in green space can decrease stress, prmte healthy behavirs and enable yu t breathe fresh air.”
    Brwning and his team used satellite data t investigate hw much green space was within 250,500 and 1,000 meters(820,1,640,and 3,280 feet) f five millin nrthern Califrnia residents wh were insured by Kaiser Permanente. They then determined the csts the insurance cmpany paid ut t thse same members ver a tw-year perid. They tk int accunt age,gender,race and a number f neighbrhd characteristics including ppulatin density and educatin levels.
    Even with all these factrs included int their analysis, the researchers fund that thse wh lived near the mst green space had an average f $374 less per year in health care expenses cmpared t thse wh lived farther frm natural spaces.
    The researchers hpe their findings will supprt public plicies that priritize(优先考虑) natural elements in residential areas. Fr yu, maybe this learning will inspire yu t plant a tree r a ptted flwer tday-r create a beautiful garden t enjy, with a view f sme health-giving, green gdness.
    12.What des the authr intend t d in paragraph 1?
    A.Lead in the tpic f the text.B.Summarize a recent study result.
    C.Prvide sme advice fr readers.D.Raise readers’ interest in exercise.
    13.What des Matthew try t explain in paragraph 3?
    A.Why spending time in nature benefits health.
    B.Nature and health can affect each ther deeply.
    C.Hw residential green space imprves air quality.
    D.The benefit f walking in a natural space is bvius.
    14.What d the researchers expect f their findings?
    A.They can encurage further relevant research.
    B.They can delight current insurance cmpanies.
    C.They can bst the establishment f green space.
    D.They can remind us t purchase mre insurance.
    15.What can be the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A.Getting Clse t Nature Keeps Us Happy
    B.It’s Unnecessary t Invest Much in Health
    C.It’s Nt Hard t Keep Fit fr City Residents
    D.Being in Nature Reduces Health Care Cst
    Hw t Teach Yur Child t Be a Gd Friend
    Yur child wh struggles with making friends and maintaining friendships may exhibit sme behaviral issues. Physical aggressin and name-calling ften arise. A quiet character and scial anxiety can als lead t difficulty making friends____16____
    Instill self-esteem(灌输自尊思想). The first step in teaching yur child t be a gd friend is t teach them t take pride in themselves.____17____Additinally, a child with a strng sense f self will build healthier friendships dwn the rad.
    Teach scial skills.____18____Rle-play with yur child t teach them hw t have plite cnversatins with thers. Practise taking turns, sharing, respecting ther peple’s bundaries, and shwing care fr their feelings. Yur child als needs t knw hw t aplgize, argue with a friend respectfully and listen t thers.
    ____19____Frm Frg and Tad t Winnie the Ph and Christpher Rbin, children’s literature is filled with strng friendships. Use bks as an pprtunity t talk abut what makes thse friendships wrk, and what qualities the characters displayed t develp their friendships.
    Find teachable mments. As a parent, yu may run int situatins where yur child desn’t act like the best friend they culd be. Yur child may have mments f cnflict, drama and fights with their friends. Try t turn these mments int teachable mments.____20____Eventually, they’ll get the hang f it. With yur guidance and a little practice, yur child will turn int a caring, kind and trustwrthy friend.
    A.Read bks abut friendship t yur child.
    B.Encurage yur child t share their favrite bks.
    C.Frtunately, it’s nt difficult fr yu t be a gd friend.
    D.Apprpriate scial behavir isn’t what a persn is brn with.
    E.Ask them hw a gd friend wuld have acted in the situatins.
    F.Hwever,there are many ways t help yur child develp friendship skills.
    G.When a child has a strng sense f self, they wn’t jin in mean behavirs t fit in.
    Kayden and his little sister Kaycee were having a great time playing utside as their family gathered nearby fr a get-tgether. While Kayden was safely riding his bike n the sidewalk, Kaycee ended up____21____int the rad. By the time Kayden nticed, a car was____22____his 2-year-ld sister.
    N ne else had realized where Kaycee was. Instead f panicking r waiting t get____23____, this brave brther ____24____ran int the rad and pushed his sister ut f the way.
    “By the time everybdy else saw Kaycee in the rad, Kayden was right ran right int the rad t____25____her,” their mm Kayla said. “But in the____26____, he gt hit by the car.”
    Althugh Kayden had t be ____27____ t the hspital, he nly needed t get a few stitches (缝线). Best f all,he’s already made a full____28____!
    Since the accident tk place, Kayden has been getting all the heric attentin he____29____“He’s gt the heart f a her,” said Steven Millhuse, a public infrmatin fficer. “As a 6-year-ld yung man, Kayden was_____30_____t recgnize what was happening and t_____31_____the way he did. He’s definitely great.”
    As fr the_____32_____, Kayla and the rest f their family aren’t hlding any hatred. Kayla said, “It wasn’t her_____33_____. She was trying t stp when she saw Kaycee. We shuld have kept a clse eye n ur_____34_____.We’re just_____35_____that bth Kaycee and Kayden are still here.”
    32.A.lcal firefighterB.bike riderC.plice fficerD.car driver
    Tea is an imprtant part f Chinese traditins. As Chinese sciety develped and prgressed, tea prductin has played a rle in____36____(prmte) ecnmic develpment while tea cnsumptin has remained a practice f daily life. Tea has an____37____(extreme) clse relatinship t Chinese culture, and its study cvers a wide range f fields____38____has very rich cntent.
    The histry f Chinese tea is____39____lng and gradual stry f refinement(完善). Generatins f grwers and prducers have perfected the Chinese way f manufacturing tea, and its many unique reginal variatins.
    The riginal idea is credited t the legendary Emperr Shennng, wh is said t have lived 5,000 years ag. He required that all drinking water____40____(bil) as a hygienic precautin (卫生预防).One summer day, while visiting a distant part f his cuntry, Emperr Shennng stpped____41____(rest). In accrdance with his ruling, the servants began t bil water____42____Emperr Shennng t drink. Sme dried leaves frm a nearby bush____43____(fall) int the biling water, and a brwn substance mixed with the water. As a____44____(science),the emperr was interested in the new liquid, drank sme, and fund_____45_____very refreshing. And s,accrding t legend, tea was created in 2737 BC.
    46.假定你是李华。你的新西兰朋友David将要参加他的学校举办的中国诗歌朗诵比赛(the Chinese Petry Recitatin Cmpetitin),特发邮件向你咨询一些备赛方面的建议。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
    “Never give up! Never give up!” chanted(吟唱)my tw yung children, Max and Charley, as they marched bareft behind their grandmther Mimi. My mm Mimi was leading Max and Charley n anther adventure,straight ff the beach where they’d spent the day building sand castles and playing in the waves. This time, they were seeking an ice-cream truck.
    Over the years, Mimi had becme ur family’s twer f psitivity. It wasn’t a title she earned withut effrt, hwever. Having been a single mther at nly frty years ld and left t raise me and my ten-year-ld brther alne, she faced cuntless challenges. She had been the ne wh had t make the decisin t remve ur dad frm life supprt furteen days after he was in a car accident.
    My mm culd have lived under a black clud. Instead, she challenged herself t find jy every day. She was always up fr a new challenge, whether that was hiking acrss the high muntaintp in Austria t get a better view f the breathtaking beauty r signing up fr tap-dancing classes at fifty. Leading by example, Mm taught us just hw much ne culd accmplish with a psitive attitude.
    She has taken the same apprach in her relatinship with her grandchildren. Befre starting her adventure with Max and Charley n that ht July afternn, Mimi heard the familiar clang(叮当声)f the ice-cream man's bell frm her beach chair. She turned and saw him briefly,sptting his shining green shirt and catching the gleam(闪光)f his waving bell befre he turned and disappeared. Happily, the ice-cream man’s visit was a daily ccurrence n the beach, althugh the time between the sund f his bell and the departure f his truck wasn’t lng. One must be quick t catch him.
    Max and Charley were disappinted when they didn’t catch him in time that day. Mimi smiled and said, “Never give up!” She explained that the truck might be gne, but they culd hurry ff t find it at its next stp.
    They walked blck after blck.
    Anther tw blcks later, they finally fund the ice-cream truck!
    1.B 2.A 3.C
    1.细节理解题。根据“What d club members get?”部分的第三段“Yung chefs share “Make It Yur Way” cking challenges. America’s Test Kitchen experts are always available t answer questins.(年轻厨师分享“用你的方式”烹饪挑战。美国测试厨房的专家随时可以回答问题。)”可知,加入俱乐部的孩子可以向专家提问烹饪方面的问题。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据“Hw we are different”部分的第二段“Each and every ne f ur recipes, activities, and experiments is tested at hme (r in ur kitchen) by members f a grup f mre than 5,000 kids acrss the cuntry.(我们的每一个食谱、活动和实验都是在家里(或在我们的厨房)由全国5000多名孩子组成的团队进行测试的。)”可知,俱乐部的每个食谱都是很多孩子检测过的。故选A。
    3.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Six mnths: $21.99 per mnth(Best value-save$18 )(六个月:每月$21.99(最优值,省$18))”可知,订阅6个月的会员费用为:$21.99*6=$131.94。故选C。
    4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B
    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了泰国东海岸的Kh Khai Hua Rh岛上有一棵孤独的树,它受到了游客的欢迎。最近,一组泰国记者去观察这棵树,却发现它已经被涌入的游客严重损坏。作为回应,Kh Mak Tambn行政组织计划开展一场教育活动,并采取更严厉的措施,比如限制游客人数和只在特定季节开放来保护这一景观。
    4.细节理解题。根据第二段中“The small patch f land lcated just ff the cuntry’s eastern cast in Trat Prvince has been called “Kh Khai Hua Rh” because it lks similar t the island featured in drawings f funny scenes invlving a man and a wman trapped n an island in the ppular Khai Hua Rh cmic.(这片位于泰国东部海岸的小块土地被称为“Kh Khai Hua Rh”,因为它看起来很像广受欢迎的漫画《Khai Hua Rh》中一个男人和一个女人被困在岛上的有趣场景)”可知,这个岛的名字与广受欢迎的漫画《Khai Hua Rh》有关。故选B项。
    5.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Accrding t The Natin, several small branches f the tree were fund brken ff, the tree’s expsed rts appeared t have been stepped heavily n t the pint where the uter cver has peeled ff (剥落), and the trunk appears t be tilting (倾斜) mre than it did a few years back.(据《国家》杂志报道,这棵树的几根小树枝被折断了,暴露在外的树根似乎被人重重地踩到了,以至于外层的覆盖物都剥落了,树干似乎比几年前倾斜得更厉害)”可知,据《国家》杂志报道,这棵树处于一个非常糟糕的状态。故选D项。
    6.主旨大意题。根据最后一段中“The Kh Mak Tambn Administrative Organizatin plans t kickstart an educatinal campaign t hpefully teach peple t cnserve icnic landmarks like Thailand’s lneliest tree. It als plans t take mre drastic actins, like restricting the number f turists allwed t visit the island and making the island nly accessible in certain seasns.(Kh Mak Tambn行政组织计划启动一项教育活动,希望教会人们保护标志性建筑,比如泰国最孤独的树。它还计划采取更严厉的措施,比如限制游客人数,以及只在特定季节开放)”可推知,最后一段主要讲的是Kh Mak Tambn行政组织对于景点遭到游客破坏的应对措施。故选C项。
    7.推理判断题。通读全文可知,结合第三段中“On Tuesday, the Kh Mak Tambn Administrative Organizatin led a team f Thai reprters t Kh Khai Hua Rh in rder t bserve the cuntry’s lneliest tree.(周二,Kh Mak Tambn行政组织带领一个泰国记者团队来到Kh Khai Hua Rh,以观察该国最孤独的树)”可推知,本文报道了泰国东海岸的Kh Khai Hua Rh岛上一棵孤独的树受到了游客的追捧,但最近前去观察这棵树的泰国记者却发现它已经被涌入的游客严重损坏的新闻事件。本文是一篇新闻报道。故选B项。
    8.A 9.D 10.B 11.D
    8.词义猜测题。根据划线单词后的“be mre envirnmentally friendly(更加环保的)”以及下一句“These zer-waste grcery stres allwed peple t bring in their wn refillable cntainers t buy fd stred in large bins.(这些零浪费的杂货店允许人们带自己的可重复使用的容器来购买储存在大垃圾箱里的食物。)”可知,零浪费商店的消费者会自己带容器来购物,从而避免使用塑料包装。由此判断,划线单词的意思为“放弃、不使用”。选项A“Abandn (放弃)”;选项B“Imprve (提高)”;选项C“Cnsider (考虑)”;选项D“Recycle (循环利用)”。故选A。
    9.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“While these small shps are cmmn in Eurpe and the US, they have recently gne frm being trendy t being very mainstream. That’s because the UK supermarket giant ASDA rlled ut its wn chain f sustainable refill shps, accrding t The Grcer.(虽然这些小店在欧洲和美国很常见,但它们最近已经从时尚变成了主流。据《杂货商》报道,这是因为英国超市巨头ASDA推出了自己的可持续续杯连锁店。)”可知,英国超市巨头 ASDA 建立了自家的零垃圾连锁商店从而使零垃圾商店成为主流。故选D。
    10.推理判断题。根据文章第五段内容“Cutting back n single-use plastics is a big win fr the planet while many peple make an effrt t recycle. But accrding t Greenpeace, while the gvernment f the UK claims that 50 percent f husehld plastics is being recycled, ver half f that is being sent t ther cuntries. There is n way t knw hw much is actually being recycled. The best way t ensure that plastic desn’t end up incinerated(焚烧), in landfills, r in the ceans, is nt t use it in the first place. That’s where refill shps can help.(在许多人努力回收塑料的同时,减少一次性塑料的使用对地球来说是一个巨大的胜利。但据绿色和平组织称,尽管英国政府声称50%的家用塑料被回收,但其中超过一半被送往其他国家。没有办法知道实际回收了多少。确保塑料最终不会被焚烧、垃圾填埋场或海洋中,最好的方法就是从一开始就不使用它。这就是零垃圾能帮上忙的地方。)”可知,第五段主要讲述的是减少使用一次性塑料用品是非常必要的,因为塑料的后续处理却不为人所知,而避免塑料被不当处理的最好方法就是一开始就不使用塑料制品。所以,第五段的左右是说明零垃圾商店存在的必要性。故选B。
    11.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Only buying the amunt f fd that yu actually need will als help cut dwn n fd waste and the envirnmental cst f fd prductin.(只购买你实际需要的食物量也有助于减少食物浪费和食物生产的环境成本。)”可知,如果我们能够按需购买食物也能有助于保护环境。故选D。
    12.A 13.A 14.C 15.D
    12.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“It’s nt hard t be petic abut the brad and deep benefits f spending time in natural spaces, frm amazing natinal parks t the simple lveliness f a walk arund a city park r tree-lined neighbrhd street, and sme time wrking in the dirt f yur wn garden.(花时间在自然空间中带来的广泛而深刻的好处并不难,从令人惊叹的国家公园到在城市公园或绿树成荫的社区街道上简单的散步,再到在自己花园的泥土上工作的时间。)”可知,第一段主要讲述了待在自然空间有好处;而第二段“A new study frm researchers at Clemsn University has fund anther benefit t simply putting yur bdy in a natural space: it can lwer the amunt f mney yu spend n health care.(克莱姆森大学的研究人员的一项新研究发现,将身体置于自然环境的另一个好处是:它可以降低你在医疗保健上的花费。)”则讲述了置身自然界的其他好处。由此可以判断,作者写第一段是为了引出本文的话题。故选A。
    13.推理判断题。根据文章第三段““The mechanisms linking nature and health are very diverse,” said Matthew H. E. M. Brwning, the principal investigatr n the study, "but the benefit is believed t be in part because being in green space can decrease stress, prmte healthy behavirs and enable yu t breathe fresh air.”(这项研究的首席研究员Matthew H. E. M. Brwning说:“将自然和健康联系起来的机制是多种多样的,但人们相信,在绿色空间中受益的部分原因是,它可以减轻压力,促进健康行为,让你呼吸新鲜空气。”)”可知,Matthew H. E. M. Brwning所说的话是解释了身处自然环境中有益于健康的原因是因为身处自然环境可以有助于解压、促进健康行为并让你呼吸新鲜空气。故选A。
    14.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“The researchers hpe their findings will supprt public plicies that priritize(优先考虑) natural elements in residential areas. Fr yu, maybe this learning will inspire yu t plant a tree r a ptted flwer tday-r create a beautiful garden t enjy, with a view f sme health-giving, green gdness.(研究人员希望他们的发现能够支持优先考虑居住区自然元素的公共政策。对你来说,也许这一学习将激励你今天种植一棵树或一盆花,或者创造一个美丽的花园来享受,以一些有益健康的观点。)”可知,研究人员希望他们的发现能够推动创建更多的绿色空间。故选C。
    15.主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“A new study frm researchers at Clemsn University has fund anther benefit t simply putting yur bdy in a natural space: it can lwer the amunt f mney yu spend n health care.(克莱姆森大学的研究人员的一项新研究发现,将身体置于自然环境的另一个好处是:它可以降低你在医疗保健上的花费。)”以及第五段“Even with all these factrs included int their analysis, the researchers fund that thse wh lived near the mst green space had an average f $374 less per year in health care expenses cmpared t thse wh lived farther frm natural spaces.(即使把所有这些因素都纳入分析,研究人员发现,与那些住在远离自然空间的人相比,那些住在绿色空间附近的人每年的医疗费用平均少374美元。)”可知,本文主要介绍了一项新的研究发现结果,也就是人们处于自然环境中可以减少医疗保健的费用。所以“Being in Nature Reduces Health Care Cst(亲近大自然可以降低医疗成本)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选D。
    16.F 17.G 18.D 19.A 20.E
    16.根据空前“Yur child wh struggles with making friends and maintaining friendships may exhibit sme behaviral issues. Physical aggressin and name-calling ften arise. A quiet character and scial anxiety can als lead t difficulty making friends.(在交友和维持友谊方面有困难的孩子可能会表现出一些行为问题。身体攻击和辱骂经常出现。安静的性格和社交焦虑也会导致交朋友困难。)”可知,孩子可能在交友方面存在问题。而从第二段内容开始,文章则介绍了几个交朋友的技巧。选项F“Hwever, there are many ways t help yur child develp friendship skills.(然而,有很多方法可以帮助你的孩子培养友谊技能。)”承上启下,承前说明孩子交朋友可能有困难,同时引出下文的交友技巧。故选F。
    17.根据空前内容“Instill self-esteem(灌输自尊思想). The first step in teaching yur child t be a gd friend is t teach them t take pride in themselves.(灌输自尊思想。教你的孩子成为一个好朋友的第一步是教他们为自己感到骄傲。)”可知,作者建议家长要给孩子灌输自尊思想。选项G“When a child has a strng sense f self, they wn’t jin in mean behavirs t fit in.(当一个孩子有强烈的自我意识时,他们就不会为了适应环境而做出卑鄙的行为。)”与本段内容一致,同时与下文“Additinally, a child with a strng sense f self will build healthier friendships dwn the rad.(此外,一个有强烈自我意识的孩子会在未来的道路上建立更健康的友谊。)”保持一致,都是说明了一个孩子有强烈自我意识会有很多好处。故选G。
    18.根据段首句“Teach scial skills.(教授社交技巧。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是家长应该教给孩子社交技巧。选项D“Apprpriate scial behavir isn’t what a persn is brn with.(恰当的社会行为不是一个人与生俱来的。)”符合本段主要内容,同时与下文“Rle-play with yur child t teach them hw t have plite cnversatins with thers. Practise taking turns, sharing, respecting ther peple’s bundaries, and shwing care fr their feelings. Yur child als needs t knw hw t aplgize, argue with a friend respectfully and listen t thers.(和你的孩子一起角色扮演,教他们如何礼貌地与他人交谈。练习轮流,分享,尊重他人的底线,照顾他们的感受。你的孩子还需要知道如何道歉,如何尊重地与朋友争论,如何倾听他人。)”内容一致。故选D。
    19.空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文“Frm Frg and Tad t Winnie the Ph and Christpher Rbin, children’s literature is filled with strng friendships. Use bks as an pprtunity t talk abut what makes thse friendships wrk, and what qualities the characters displayed t develp their friendships.(从《青蛙和蟾蜍》到《小熊维尼和克里斯托弗·罗宾》,儿童文学中充满了深厚的友谊。以书为契机,谈谈是什么让这些友谊持续下去,以及书中的人物表现出了什么品质来发展他们的友谊。)”可知,本段主要建议家长陪孩子读书。选项A“Read bks abut friendship t yur child.(给孩子读一些关于友谊的书。)”与下文内容一致。故选A。
    20.根据空前内容“Find teachable mments. As a parent, yu may run int situatins where yur child desn’t act like the best friend they culd be. Yur child may have mments f cnflict, drama and fights with their friends. Try t turn these mments int teachable mments. (找到有教育意义的时刻。作为父母,你可能会遇到这样的情况,你的孩子没有表现得像他们应该成为的最好的朋友。你的孩子可能会有与朋友发生冲突、戏剧性事件或打架的时候。试着把这些时刻转化为可教育的时刻。)”以及空后“Eventually, they’ll get the hang f it. With yur guidance and a little practice, yur child will turn int a caring, kind and trustwrthy friend.(最终,他们会得到它的窍门。在你的指导和一点练习下,你的孩子会变成一个关心、善良和值得信赖的朋友。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是要知道孩子如何处理冲突。选项E“Ask them hw a gd friend wuld have acted in the situatins.(问他们如果是好朋友在这些情况下会怎么做)”与上下文内容一致,选项中的“这些情况”指上文提到的那些情况。故选E。
    21.B 22.A 23.A 24.C 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.D 31.A 32.D 33.B 34.D 35.C
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了小男孩Kayden 在看到自己的妹妹Kaycee要被车撞的情况下,勇敢推开妹妹救下她的故事。
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Kayden在人行道上安全地骑自行车时,Kaycee却跑到马路上了。A. sailing航行;B. wandering闲逛,偏离;C. escaping逃避;D. cycling骑自行车。根据下文“By the time Kayden nticed, a car was____2____his 2-year-ld sister.”可知,妹妹Kaycee走进了自行车道。故选B。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kayden注意到的时候,一辆车正向他两岁的妹妹驶来。A. appraching接近;B. passing通过;C. carrying携带;D. preventing防止。根据下文““But in the____6____, he gt hit by the car.””可知,一辆车驶向他两岁的妹妹。故选A。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位勇敢的哥哥没有惊慌失措,也没有等待救援,而是迅速跑到马路上,把妹妹推开。A. help帮助;B. praise表扬;C. cmfrt安慰;D. infrmatin信息。根据下文“this brave brther ____4____ran int the rad and pushed his sister ut f the way.”可知,Kayden并没有等着别人来帮他们,而是自己推开了妹妹。故选A。
    24.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这位勇敢的哥哥没有惊慌失措,也没有等待救援,而是迅速跑到马路上,把妹妹推开。A. slwly缓慢地;B. elegantly优雅地;C. quickly迅速地;D. gradually逐渐地。根据下文“He ran right int the rad t____5____her””可知,Kayden反应非常快,所以迅速跑到马路上。故选C。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他直接跑到马路上救了她。A. entertain娱乐;B. accmpany陪伴;C. save挽救;D. bserve观察、庆祝。根据上文“Instead f panicking r waiting t get____3____, this brave brther ____4____ran int the rad and pushed his sister ut f the way.”可知,Kayden跑到马路上是去救妹妹。故选C。
    26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但在这个过程中,他被车撞了。A. delay推迟;B. gathering聚集;C. hesitatin犹豫;D. prcess过程。根据上文“Instead f panicking r waiting t get____3____, this brave brther ____4____ran int the rad and pushed his sister ut f the way.”可知,在救妹妹的这个过程中,他被车撞了。故选D。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管Kayden不得不住进医院,但他只需要缝几针。A. caught捕捉;B. admitted承认、进入;C. limited限制;D. frced强迫。根据下文“he nly needed t get a few stitches (缝线).”可知,Kayden需要缝几针,所以他是住院了。短语:be admitted t the hspital,意为“住院”。故选B。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最棒的是,他已经完全康复了!A. cmment评论;B. living生活、生计;C. recvery康复;D. display展示。根据上文“best f all”可知,情况很好,因此可以推断Kayden已经康复了。故选C。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从事故发生以来Kayden得到了他应得的所有英雄般的关注。A. admires钦佩;B. needs需要;C. hides躲藏;D. deserves值得、应得。根据上文内容可知,Kayden看到妹妹有危险,推开妹妹救了她,而自己却受伤了。所以,他现在获得的关注是他应得的。故选D。
    30.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:作为一个6岁的孩子,Kayden能够意识到发生了什么,并以他的方式做出反应。他绝对很棒。A. shy害羞;B. curius好奇的;C. eager渴望的;D. able有能力的。根据上文内容可知,当汽车向妹妹驶来,Kayden立刻推开妹妹救了妹妹。所以,他是能够意识到发生了什么事。故选D。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个6岁的孩子,Kayden能够意识到发生了什么,并以他的方式做出反应。他绝对很棒。A. react反应;B. return返回;C. aplgize道歉;D. cmpete完成。根据上文“Instead f panicking r waiting t get____3____, this brave brther ____4____ran int the rad and pushed his sister ut f the way.”可知,Kayden反应迅速,并救下了妹妹。故选A。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:至于汽车司机,Kayla和他们的家人没有任何仇恨。A. lcal firefighter当地消防员;B. bike rider骑车的人;C. plice fficer警察;D. car driver汽车司机。根据下文“the rest f their family aren’t hlding any hatred”以及下文妈妈的话“It wasn’t her____13____. She was trying t stp when she saw Kaycee.”可知,对于汽车司机,Kayla和他们的家人没有任何仇恨。故选D。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Kayla说:“这不是她的错。她看到Kaycee时正想停下来。我们应该密切关注我们的孩子。我们很感激Kaycee和Kayden都还在这里。”A. recipe食谱、秘诀;B. fault过错;C. rutine常规;D. hnr荣耀。根据下文“She was trying t stp when she saw Kaycee. We shuld have kept a clse eye n ur____14____.”可知,这家人认为这一切不是司机的错。故选B。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Kayla说:“这不是她的错。她看到Kaycee时正想停下来。我们应该密切关注我们的孩子。我们很感激Kaycee和Kayden都还在这里。”A. neighbrs邻居;B. adults成年人;C. enemies敌人;D. kids孩子。根据常理结合小女儿走到机动车道推测,父母应该密切关注自己的孩子。故选D。
    35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Kayla说:“这不是她的错。她看到Kaycee时正想停下来。我们应该密切关注我们的孩子。我们很感激Kaycee和Kayden都还在这里。”A. sure确信的;B. afraid害怕的;C. thankful感激的;D. dubtful怀疑的。根据空后的“that bth Kaycee and Kayden are still here.”可知,孩子都好好的,所以这是值得感激的事情。故选C。
    36.prmting 37.extremely 38.which 39.a 40.(shuld) be biled 41.t rest 42.fr 43.fell 44.scientist 45.it
    40.考查虚拟语气和语态。句意:他要求所有饮用水都煮沸作为卫生预防。require后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词用shuld+动词原形,shuld可以省略,且bil与主语all drinking water是被动关系,故填(shuld) be biled。
    41.考查非谓语动词。句意:夏天的一天,神农皇帝在访问一个遥远的地方时停下来休息。分析句子可知,此处表示“停下来休息”,stp t d sth.“停下来去做某事”,用不定式作目的状语,故填t rest。
    46.Dear David,
    I was glad t hear that yu will participate in the Chinese Petry Recitatin Cmpetitin at yur schl. It’s a wnderful pprtunity fr yu t shwcase yur talent and share yur passin fr Chinese culture.
    As fr yur preparatin, I suggest that yu first chse a piece f petry that speaks t yu. Pay attentin t yur prnunciatin and intnatin, and try t cnvey the emtins and ideas within the pem. Besides, I recmmend that yu research the backgrund and meaning f the pem, which will enhance yur understanding and interpretatin f the wrk.
    I hpe these tips will be helpful t yu and I wish yu the best f luck in the cmpetitin.
    Best regards
    Li Hua
    高兴的:glad →happy
    参加:participate in →take part in
    比赛:cmpetitin →cntest
    此外:besides →what’s mre
    原句:It’s a wnderful pprtunity fr yu t shwcase yur talent and share yur passin fr Chinese culture.
    拓展句:It’s a wnderful pprtunity where yu can shwcase yur talent and share yur passin fr Chinese culture.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Besides, I recmmend that yu research the backgrund and meaning f the pem, which will enhance yur understanding and interpretatin f the wrk.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】I hpe these tips will be helpful t yu and I wish yu the best f luck in the cmpetitin.(运用了宾语从句)
    47.They walked blck after blck. Nt knwing which directin the truck had taken, they had t make their best guess abut where t search. The kids’ tiny legs were tired, but they went n, cntinuing the chant, “Never give up! Never give up!” After abut twenty minutes f walking, Max’s faith started t get shaken in the burning sun. Mimi bent ver and patted him gently n the shulder. Smiling, she cmfrted the by, “Max, remember: winners never quit, and quitters never win”. “Yeah! Never give up!” Lily agreed. Max lked up, thught fr a while and jumped t his feet. “Yu are right. Let’s hurry!” And s they marched n.
    Just tw blcks later, they fund it. The ice-cream truck was parked just arund the crner, shining brilliantly in the sunlight, as if waiting t reward the three adventurers with a mst generus treat fr their patience and determinatin. “Finally!” Max cried at this sight, thrwing a fist in the air, while Lily screamed with excitement. They laughed, cheered, and chanted in chrus, “Never give up!”
    1.轻拍肩膀:patted sb n the shulder / tapped sb n the shulder
    2.前进:march n / mve n / cntinue t mve
    ①慷慨的、大方的:generus / munificent
    ②兴奋地大叫 :scream with excitement / scream excitedly
    【点睛】【高分句型1】The ice-cream truck was parked just arund the crner, shining brilliantly in the sunlight, as if waiting t reward the three adventurers with a mst generus treat fr their patience and determinatin.(运用了现在分词短语做状语和as if引导的方式状语从句的省略)
    【高分句型2】Max cried at this sight, thrwing a fist in the air, while Lily screamed with excitement.(运用了现在分词短语作状语)

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