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    这是一份2022-2023学年河北省邢台市高一上学期期末考试英语试题含解析,共27页。试卷主要包含了 15, C等内容,欢迎下载使用。




    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名考生号、考场号。座位号填写在答题卡上。

    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。

    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

    第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30)




    例:How much is the shirt?

    A. £19. 15.    B. £9.18.    C. £9.15.


    1. Which color will the speakers paint the wall?

    A. Green.    B. Pink.    C. Blue.

    2. What has happened to Bob?

    A He has fallen ill.

    B. He has been late for work.

    C. He has gone for a business trip.

    3. How much will John pay for the tour?

    A. Nothing.    B. $10.    C. $20.

    4. Where are the speakers?

    A. On a plane.    B. Ina taxi.    C. In a school.

    5. What are the speakers talking about?

    A. Which pool they like.

    B. Where they like to swim.

    c. What in nature they both like.

    第二节( 15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5)



    6. Who is in this photo?

    A. Helen.    B. Tina.    C. Mike.

    7. Where do the man’s grandparents come from?

    A. London.    B. Ankara.    C. Manchester.


    8. Who is probably the man?

    A. A parent.    B. A teacher.    C. A student.

    9. What will the woman do next?

    A. Offer more information.    B. Attend a lecture.    C. Ask a question.


    10. Where is the man?

    A. In the street.    B. In a post office.    C. In the Madison Building.

    11. What is good news for the woman?

    A. The meeting is put off.

    B. She is near her destination.

    C. The man finds the address online for her.

    12. What should the woman do first?

    A. Go down the Bleacher Street.

    B. Turn right at the Gerard Street.

    C. Cross the road to the post office.


    13. Why does the man come to see the woman?

    A. To have a meal.

    B. To express thanks.

    C. To tell her about an event.

    14. How does the man feel about his job?

    A. Satisfied.    B. Tired.    C. Regretful.

    15. What do we know about the man?

    A. He is a cook.

    B. He is interested in cooking.

    C. He helps with the festival for the first time.

    16. What does the woman ask about the festival?

    A. The end time.    B. The position.    C. Food types.


    17. What will the listeners do at the Santa Clara Convention Center?

    A. Watch games.    B. Play football.    C. Have a meeting.

    18. How is the group travelling?

    A. By car.    B. By bus.    C. On foot.

    19. What will make the listeners excited?

    A. Players.    B. Lunch.    C. Games.

    20. What is the purpose of the talk?

    A. To attract more guides.

    B. To introduce a stadium.

    C. To explain travel arrangements.

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50)

    第一节 (15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5)



    A New Viewing Platform at Camley Street Natural Park

    There’s a new viewing platform added to Camley Street Natural Park. The platform is designed to bring architecture (建筑) and nature close together. It is a peaceful place to relax and helps people discover nature, especially wildlife. You’ll have a look at kinds of birds if you’re lucky.

    The foundation

    The platform is founded with the help of the New Architects: Finland UK Exchange Program, which brings together new architectural talents from Finland and the UK to explore cities’ ever-changing relationship with water.

    The Design

    The platform is designed by a team of young Finnish architects. The inspiration comes from the rocky islands off the Nordic coastline. For Finns, these islands are places to relax the mind and get away from busy city life. The platform offers Londoners a chance to experience this escape.

    To find out more about the inspiration for the design, please visit www.viewpointlondon.fi/.

    The Extra Use

    The platform is also an important new learning base for Camley Street Natural Park. It will be used as an outdoor classroom and a place to host workshops for school children. It will give children views of the canal and other wildlife and a chance of getting close to nature.

    Local schools can contact here to learn more.

    1. What do we know about the platform?

    A. It is quiet and calm.

    B. It is changeable and dangerous.

    C. It separates architecture from nature.

    D. It can be used for feeding wild animals.

    2. What is the platform used to do?

    A. Explore countryside.

    B. View all kinds of sports games.

    C. Experience nature and relax oneself.

    D. Act as a classroom for adults and children.

    3. Where is the text probably found?

    A. On a website. B. In a textbook.

    C. In a course plan. D. On a technology platform.

    【答案】1 A    2. C    3. A




    细节理解题。根据第一段中“It is a peaceful place to relax and helps people discover nature, especially wildlife. (这是一个宁静的地方,可以放松,帮助人们发现自然,尤其是野生动物。)”可知,这个平台宁静而放松。故选A项。


    细节理解题。根据第一段中“It is a peaceful place to relax and helps people discover nature, especially wildlife. (这是一个宁静的地方,可以放松,帮助人们发现自然,尤其是野生动物。)”以及倒数第二段中“It will give children views of the canal and other wildlife and a chance of getting close to nature. (它可以让孩子们看到运河和其他野生动物,并有机会接近大自然。)”可知,这个平台用来体验自然,放松身心。故选C项。


    推理判断题。根据标题“A New Viewing Platform at Camley Street Natural Park (卡姆利街自然公园新观景平台)”、The Design标题下第二段“To find out more about the inspiration for the design, please visit www.viewpointlondon.fi/. (想要了解更多设计灵感,请访问www.viewpointlondon.fi/)”以及文章最后一句“Local schools can contact here to learn more. (当地学校可以联系这里了解更多。)”可知,本文是网站上介绍自然公园新观景平台的广告。故选A项。


    When Alice became a primary school teacher in Detroit, Michigan, she wanted her students to fall in love with reading. But early on, she realized that some kids had few chances to get books.

    She said that she had figured out which books each child in the class liked to read at the end of the first day of school. To Alice, the solution was simple: Give kids books. In 2018, she gave away about one thousand second-hand children’s books over three days. Most people were satisfied with the charity event.

    But she wanted to do more. So she set a new goal for herself: Give away one million books. She got to work at once, first by persuading friends to donate books or money to buy books. Before long, as the news of Alice’s project spread, strangers started to send her piles of books. As quickly as receiving the books, Alice gave them to local schools free of charge, and supplied many books to little free libraries around the city. She also hosted a book club for the local prisoners.

    In the four years, Alice has been doing all this. She has given away more than seventy thousand books, but her goal is far more than that. She is not slowing down. She decides to work harder to achieve her goal. It is too important for kids with few choices. “Reading can take you anywhere,” she says. “You can travel in time and space. If you can read, you can learn almost anything.”

    4. What problem did some of Alice’s students face according to paragraph 1?

    A. They could not read at all. B. They disliked going to school.

    C. They lacked interest in reading. D. They had limited access to books.

    5. What did Alice do in 2018?

    A. She called on adults to read.

    B. She held a book charity event.

    C. She bought some books in a project.

    D. She solved the problem of the kids’ schooling.

    6. What is Alice like?

    A. Proud and cold. B. Selfish and awkward.

    C. Outgoing and humorous. D. Selfless and hard-working.

    7. What can be the best title for the text?

    A. A Book Giver B. A Book Seller

    C. The Best Teacher D. The Recent Choice

    【答案】4. D    5. B    6. D    7. A




    细节理解题。根据第一段“But early on, she realized that some kids had no chance to get books. (但在早期,她意识到有些孩子没有机会得到书。)”可知,爱丽丝的学生们获得书籍的途径有限。故选D


    细节理解题。根据第二段“In 2018, she gave away about one thousand second-hand children’s books over three days. Most people were satisfied with the charity event. (2018年,她在三天内赠送了约1000本二手儿童书。大多数人对慈善活动感到满意。)”可知,2018年,爱丽丝举办了一场捐书的慈善活动。故选B


    推理判断题。根据第三段“But she wanted to do more. So she set a new goal for herself: Give away one million books. She got to work at once, first by persuading friends to donate books or money to buy books. Before long, as the news of Alice’s project spread, strangers started to send her piles of books. As quickly as receiving the books, Alice gave them to local schools free of charge, and supplied many books to little free libraries around the city. She also hosted a book club for the local prisoners. (但她想做更多。所以她为自己设定了一个新目标:赠送一百万本书。她立刻开始工作,首先说服朋友捐书或捐钱买书。不久,随着爱丽丝项目的消息传开,陌生人开始给她寄来成堆的书。收到这些书后,爱丽丝立即将它们免费送给当地学校,并向城市周围的小型免费图书馆提供了许多书。她还为当地囚犯举办了一个读书会。)”可知,爱丽丝很无私并且很努力。故选D


    主旨大意题。根据第二段“To Alice, the solution was simple: Give kids books. (对爱丽丝来说,解决办法很简单:给孩子们书。)”可知,这篇文章主要讲述为了让孩子们获得读书的机会,爱丽丝为此做出了很多的努力。故选A


    African countries have retrieved some historic heritage, which directly reflects(反映)the important development of human society, from European countries. Recently, Germany signed a deal for the return of hundreds of valuable artworks from the Kingdom of Dahomey in the 19th century, in what is today Benin.

    But many artifacts(手工艺品)are still unluckily missing and some are on their way back. One such object is an eight-legged seat from the old kingdom in Uganda. The important arti- fact now sits at a museum thousands of kilometers away in Britain. The wooden seat is housed at the University of Oxford. It is one of at least 279 objects there taken from the Bunyoro- Kitara Kingdom.

    Apollo John Rwamparo is a deputy prime minister of Uganda. He really values the country’s cultural heritage. He requested the British to return the artifacts. Uganda officials are preparing to meet with the University of Cambridge in Britain about the return of such historical artifacts. The school has an unknown number of artifacts from Africa. Through many efforts, an artifact was recently to its home.

    The British Museum holds a large collection of artifacts from Africa. Rose Mwanja said Uganda’s commission had been trying hard on it and believed it could have some good effects. She is Uganda’s commissioner for museums. She added she could start with those that are more willing to cooperate.

    Many of the artifacts from Africa cannot even be found. That led to an organization star- ted by late Congolese art collector Sindika Dokolo. The organization offers to buy African art from collections in foreign countries. By 2020, when Dokolo died, his group had successfully recovered 15 items. However, for African governments, the recovery of artifacts remains a struggle and will take much time.

    8. What does the underlined word “retrieved” in paragraph 1 mean?

    A. Reduced. B. Taken back. C. Given up. D. Recommended.

    9. Where is the artifact of the eight-legged seat at present?

    A. In Benin. B. In Uganda. C. In Germany. D. In Britain.

    10. What is Uganda officials’ attitude to their country’s cultural heritage?

    A. Curious. B. Concerned. C. Uncaring. D. Confused.

    11. Which word best describes the recovery of artifacts?

    A. Frightening. B. Doubtful. C. Effortless. D. Challenging.

    【答案】8. B    9. D    10. B    11. D




    词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“Recently, Germany signed a deal for the return of hundreds of valuable artworks from the Kingdom of Dahomey in the 19th century, in what is today Benin.(最近,德国签署了一项协议,从19世纪的达荷美王国(今天的贝宁)归还数百件有价值的艺术品。)”可知,非洲与德国签署协议要德国归还一些文物,结合划线单词所在的句子说的是“非洲已经从一些欧洲国家拿回一些文物”,而德国属于欧洲国家,由此可猜测,划线单词的意思是“拿回”。故选B项。


    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“One such object is an eight-legged seat from the old kingdom in Uganda. The important arti- fact now sits at a museum thousands of kilometers away in Britain.(其中一个物体是乌干达旧王国的八条腿的座位。这件重要的文物现在存放在英国数千公里外的一家博物馆中。)”可知,这把八条腿的座椅现在在英国的一个博物馆里。故选D项。


    推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Apollo John Rwamparo is a deputy prime minister of Uganda. He really values the country’s cultural heritage. He requested the British to return the artifacts. Uganda officials are preparing to meet with the University of Cambridge in Britain about the return of such historical artifacts.( Apollo John Rwamparo是乌干达副总理。他非常重视这个国家的文化遗产。他要求英国人归还文物。乌干达官员正准备与英国剑桥大学会面,讨论归还这些历史文物的问题。)”可知,乌干达的副总理很重视这个国家的文化遗产,乌干达的官员也将与英国剑桥大学会面,要求归还历史文物,由此可推断,乌干达的官员很关心他们国家的文物。故选B项。


    推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Many of the artifacts from Africa cannot even be found.(许多来自非洲的文物甚至找不到。)”以及“However, for African governments, the recovery of artifacts remains a struggle and will take much time.(然而,对于非洲各国政府来说,文物的恢复仍然是一场斗争,需要很长时间。)”可知,有些文物已经丢失,文物的恢复仍然面临着很大的挑战。故选D项。


    One million species face extinction, more than ever before in human history, according to a UN report released in May. And humans should be responsible.

    The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) based the assessment (评估) on some 15,000 sources considering the causes and results of environmental changes over the past 50 years.

    The findings are clear and alarming. The researchers have found that about 25 percent of the world’s plants and animals are at risk of extinction. These include sea and land animals. Even the domesticated (驯养的) animals are at risk: Over 9 percent of the domesticated animal species used for food and agriculture might have been lost.

    There are some big problems. This rapid decrease of the natural world endangers global food safety and quality of life. For example, about 4 billion people rely on natural medicines, produced by the disappearing species, for their health care. And losses of species that pollinate (授粉) plants threaten up to $ 577 billion in crops each year.

    The researchers identified five drivers responsible for the unpleasant news. They think at the top of the list is the change of land and sea use. The change in ecosystems towards agriculture, aquaculture and other human developments has led to changes in the natural living space of species. It is followed by the direct overuse of creatures (harvesting crops, cutting down the trees, hunting and fishing) and climate change, including rising sea levels and increasing extreme-weather events, wildfires, floods and droughts. The final causes of species extinction are pollution, especially plastics, and the spread of non-native species that can displace or kill native plants and animals.

    The researchers say it is time for humans to make a change. They think maybe a new global way to save food and refuse waste in our everyday life could turn the tables. Whether that is possible is an open question.

    12. What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?

    A. To introduce the topic of the text.

    B. To introduce the schedule of the report.

    C. To introduce humans’ sense of responsibility.

    D. To introduce the history of human development.

    13. What does paragraph 3 mainly show?

    A. The reliability of the findings.

    B. The species of animals worldwide.

    C. The seriousness of species’ reduction.

    D. The risky experiences of the researchers.

    14. What is the biggest threat to species’ survival according to the researchers?

    A. Climate change.

    B. Natural disasters.

    C. Changes of their living space.

    D. The direct overuse of creatures.

    15. What are the researchers in favor of?

    A. Ignoring the food problem.

    B. Spreading non-native species.

    C. Limiting native plants and animals.

    D. Changing some habits in our daily life.

    【答案】12. A    13. C    14. C    15. D




    推理判断题。根据第一段“One million species face extinction, more than ever before in human history, according to a UN report released in May. And humans should be responsible. (根据联合国5月份发布的一份报告,一百万种物种面临灭绝,比人类历史上任何时候都要多。人类应该对此负责。)”可知,这一段的目的是要告诉人们一百万种物种面临灭绝,并提出人类应该对此负责。这是文章主要讨论的话题,所以这一段是引出这一话题。故选A


    主旨大意题。根据第三段“The findings are clear and alarming. The researchers have found that about 25 percent of the world’s plants and animals are at risk of extinction. These include sea and land animals. Even the domesticated (驯养的) animals are at risk: Over 9 percent of the domesticated animal species used for food and agriculture might have been lost. (调查结果清楚而令人担忧。研究人员发现,世界上大约25%的植物和动物面临灭绝的危险。其中包括海洋和陆地动物。即使是家养的动物也面临风险:超过9%的用于食物和农业的家养动物物种可能已经灭绝。)”可知,这一段主要讲述动物面临灭绝的严重性。故选C


    细节理解题。根据第五段“They think at the top of the list is the change of land and sea use. (他们认为最重要的是土地和海洋用途的变化。)”可知,专家认为,对物种的生存最大的威胁是它们的栖息地受到了影响。故选C


    推理判断题。根据最后一段“The researchers say it is time for humans to make a change. They think maybe a new global way to save food and refuse waste in our everyday life could turn the tables. (研究人员表示,现在是人类做出改变的时候了。他们认为,也许一种在日常生活中节约食物和拒绝浪费的新的全球方式可以扭转局面。)”可知,研究人员号召人们从日常生活中做出改变就可以避免物种的灭绝。故选D

    第二节 (5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5)


    There are lots of different diets in our life. Many fat people may wonder what a balanced and healthy diet for weight loss looks like. ____16____

    Eat a low-calorie diet. Having a healthy diet for weight loss doesn’t have to be a discouraging experience. ____17____ If you want to lose weight, replace your favorite meals with other things. If you like Italian pasta, for example, try using noodles instead! You will likely cut the calories of that meal in half while still full.

    Master blood sugar balance. If you really want to become a fat-burning machine, you must control your blood sugar. ____18____ To become energetic, make sure that you add some protein and proper amounts of fats to each meal. They will keep you feeling good until lunch.

    ____19____ Starvation (饥饿) diets don’t work. They will leave you hungrier at the end of the day and only slow down your progress. Choose to eat healthy meals! That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to follow the six small meals, but it does mean that you should be careful not to eat so little throughout the day and then eat too much at night.

    Track your progress. Psychology plays a huge role in reaching your goals. If you really want to get to where you want to be, it means keeping yourself encouraged. ____20____ This will keep you from getting discouraged and show you how much body fat you are losing.

    Making a decision to live a healthier lifestyle is a key part of most people’s life. Take action right now, and you won’t regret it!

    A. Keep you hungry.

    B. You should eat small meals often.

    C. Enjoy all kinds of food without limit.

    D. If you want to lose weight, these tips may help you.

    E. No one likes walking around on an empty stomach all day.

    F. The best way is to track your body fat percentage once a week.

    G. To keep it simple, you should avoid food containing much sugar.

    【答案】16. D    17. E    18. G    19. B    20. F




    根据上文“There are lots of different diets in our life. Many fat people may wonder what a balanced and healthy diet for weight loss looks like. (我们的生活中有很多不同的饮食。许多胖子可能会想知道,均衡健康的减肥饮食是什么样子的。)”可知,接下来要介绍均衡健康的减肥饮食是什么样子的。选项D“如果你想减肥,这些建议可能会对你有所帮助。”和上文意思一致。故选D


    根据上文“Having a healthy diet for weight loss doesn’t have to be a discouraging experience. (拥有健康的减肥饮食并不一定是一种令人沮丧的经历。)”可知,这里要解释令人沮丧的经历是什么。选项E“没有人喜欢整天空腹行走。”和上文意思一致。故选E


    根据上文“If you really want to become a fat-burning machine, you must control your blood sugar. (如果你真的想成为一个脂肪燃烧机器,你必须控制你的血糖。)”可知,接下来要解释如何控制血糖。选项G“简单来说,你应该避免吃含糖太多的食物。”和上文意思一致。故选G


    根据下文“Starvation (饥饿) diets don’t work. They will leave you hungrier at the end of the day and only slow down your progress. Choose to eat healthy meals! That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to follow the six small meals, but it does mean that you should be careful not to eat so little throughout the day and then eat too much at night. (饥饿节食不起作用。他们会让你在一天结束时更加饥饿,只会减缓你的进度。选择吃健康的食物!这并不一定意味着你必须遵循六顿小餐,但这意味着你应该小心不要一整天吃得太少,然后晚上吃得太多。)”可知,这一段是建议人们要少吃多餐。选项B“你应该经常吃小食。”和下文意思一致。故选B


    根据上文“Track your progress. (跟踪你的进度。)”可知,这一段建议人们要跟踪你的进度。选项F“最好的方法是每周追踪一次你的体脂百分比。”和上文意思一致。故选F

    第三部分  语言运用(共两节,满分30)



    It was the middle of the winter 30 years ago. I struggled to live as a young father with two little children ____21____ on me. My college education, however, ____22____ helped me find a good job. I worked in a sawmill (锯木厂), cutting, packaging and sending wood. The job was ____23____, but the pay was low. Cutting wood for eight hours a day extremely ____24____ my fingers, which were bleeding at their tips in the cold, dry winter air.

    One day, I drove my old car in the ____25____ to the sawmill. The work was harder than normal. The machines kept ____26____. We had to repair them once in a while. We were worn out and out of ____27____. All the heaters didn’t work, but we spent hours in the cold air packaging the hard wood to be ____28____ across the country in the trucks.

    When the work day finally ended I felt really ____29____. I took off my gloves and checked my _____30_____. They were bleeding again, and I felt more _____31_____ than ever. The snow was still falling. I got into my car, started the _____32_____ and drove back home. Looking at the aching fingers, I tried to hold back my tears because I knew it was no use _____33_____. I believed that everything would get better with effort.

    Then I tried to put a _____34_____ on my face as I opened my door. My children ran up to me, calling out, “Daddy!” My wife had prepared a rich meal. My heart was suddenly filled with happiness and warmth. I realized that it was _____35_____ to work for my family.

    21. A. looking B. taking C. depending D. acting

    22. A. finally B. hardly C. unfortunately D. effectively

    23. A. tough B. digital C. relaxing D. harmonious

    24. A. prevented B. rescued C. limited D. damaged

    25. A. snow B. sun C. flood D. hurricane

    26. A. speeding up B. coming along C. catching on D. breaking down

    27. A. control B. breath C. work D. place

    28. A. bought B. cut C. delivered D. cleaned

    29. A. honoured B. tired C. shocked D. frightened

    30. A. fingers B. legs C. faces D. eyes

    31. A. comfort B. beauty C. loss D. pain

    32. A. engine B. door C. lecture D. investigation

    33. A. applying B. crying C. exiting D. volunteering

    34. A. pity B. sign C. smile D. mask

    35. A. useless B. false C. easy D. worthwhile

    【答案】21. C    22. B    23. A    24. D    25. A    26. D    27. B    28. C    29. B    30. A    31. D    32. A    33. B    34. C    35. D




    考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个年轻的父亲,我艰难地生活着,身边有两个孩子。A. looking看到;B. taking带走;C. depending依赖;D. acting表现。根据上文“I struggled to live as a young father”可知,作者是一名父亲,所以两个孩子要依靠他。故选C


    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我的大学教育很难帮助我找到一份好工作。A. finally最后;B. hardly几乎不;C. unfortunately不幸地;D. effectively高效地。根据上文“however”可知,作者的大学教育没有帮助他找到一份好工作。故选B


    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:工作很艰难,但工资很低。A. tough艰难的;B. digital数码的;C. relaxing放松的;D. harmonious和谐的。根据下文“but the pay was low”可知,上下文是转折关系,应该是工资低又难做。故选A


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天砍八个小时木头严重损坏了我的手指,在寒冷干燥的冬季空气中,手指尖端流血。A. prevented避免;B. rescued挽救;C. limited限制;D. damaged毁坏。根据下文“which were bleeding at their tips in the cold”可知,作者的手指因为繁重的工作而受损了。故选D


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一天,我在大雪天开着我的旧车去锯木厂。A. snow雪;B. sun太阳;C. flood洪水;D. hurricane飓风。根据上文“winter”可知,这是指冬天的天气,应该是下雪天。故选A


    考查动词短语辨析。句意:机器总是坏。A. speeding up加速;B. coming along即将到来;C. catching on抓住;D. breaking down坏掉。根据下文“We had to repair them once in a while.”可知,机器总是坏,所以才需要修。故选D


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们累坏了,并且上气不接下气。A. control控制;B. breath呼吸;C. work工作;D. place地方。根据上文“We were worn out”可知,他们累坏了,所以会上气不接下气。故选B


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:所有的加热器都不工作,但我们花了几个小时在冷空气中包装硬木材,然后用卡车运送到全国各地。A. bought买;B. cut切;C. delivered邮寄;D. cleaned打扫。根据下文“across the country in the trucks”可知,木材被包装之后,应该是用卡车运送到全国各地。故选C


    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当工作日终于结束时,我觉得真的很累。A. honoured感到荣幸的;B. tired累的;C. shocked震惊的;D. frightened害怕的。根据上文“We were worn out”可知,作者在一天的工作之后感到很累。故选B


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我脱掉手套,检查手指。A. fingers手指;B. legs腿;C. faces脸;D. eyes眼睛。根据上文“Cutting wood for eight hours a day extremely ____4____ my fingers, which were bleeding at their tips in the cold, dry winter air.”和下文“They were bleeding again,”可知,这里指作者的手指。故选A


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们又流血了,我感到比以前还疼。A. comfort安慰;B. beauty美丽;C. loss损失;D. pain痛苦。根据上文“They were bleeding again”可知,作者手指又流血了,所以应该是感到疼。故选D


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我上了车,启动引擎,然后开车回家。A. engine引擎;B. door门;C. lecture课程;D. investigation投资。根据上文“I got into my car,”和下文“and drove back home”可知,这里指作者上车,启动引擎并开车回家的一系列动作。故选A


    考查动词词义辨析。句意:看着疼痛的手指,我努力忍住眼泪,因为我知道哭没有用。A. applying申请;B. crying哭;C. exiting出去;D. volunteering志愿。根据上文“I tried to hold back my tears”可知,作者知道哭没有用,所以努力忍住眼泪。故选B


    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,当我打开门时,我试着面带微笑。A. pity怜悯;B. sign符号;C. smile微笑;D. mask口罩。根据下文“on my face”可知,作者试图在进入家门之前面带微笑,不让家人担心他。故选C


    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我意识到为家人工作是值得的。A. useless无用的;B. false错的;C. easy容易的;D. worthwhile值得的。根据上文“My children ran up to me, calling out, “Daddy!” My wife had prepared a rich meal. My heart was suddenly filled with happiness and warmth.”可知,作者回到家体会到了家的温馨和幸福,所以他觉得工作的辛苦是值得的。故选D



    After surveying more than three million visitors over the past five years, China Tourism Academy released a report on Shanghai Disneyland’s “happy tourism” and ____36____ (it) effect on the local economy. ____37____ report showed that between 2018 and 2019, over two thirds of out-of-town visitors said they came to the city because ____38____ Shanghai Disneyland. Between June 2016 and 2019, visitors’ consumption at Shanghai Disneyland rose rapidly, leading to an increase in the city’s profits, and visitors to the park ____39____ (account) for about 4.09% of the city’s tourism incomes.

    ____40____ (base) on Disneyland’s experiences, the tourism academy has found that theme parks are ____41____ (much) than just children’s playground. They are also one-stop destinations for people of all ages. Men and women, with or without children, young or old, come in groups and enjoy ____42____ (visit) here. All of them return with joy.

    There are a variety of new tourist ____43____ (attraction) such as special parades and services in Shanghai Disneyland. They have made it a good place for people ____44____ (celebrate) birthdays, holidays and other important moments in the park, from _____45_____ surrounding restaurants, hotels and many other businesses have benefited a lot.

    【答案】36. its   

    37. The    38. of   

    39. accounted   

    40. Based    41. more   

    42. visiting   

    43. attractions   

    44. to celebrate   

    45. which








    考查固定搭配。句意:见第2题详解。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定搭配because of,意为“因为”。故填of




    考查非谓语动词。句意:根据迪斯尼乐园的经验,旅游学院发现主题公园不仅仅是儿童游乐场。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定短语be based on,意为“以…为基础”,此处省略be,用过去分词作状语,故填Based


    考查固定短语。句意:见第5题详解。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定短语more than+名词,意为“不仅仅”。故填more


    考查固定搭配。句意:男人和女人,无论有没有孩子,无论老少,都成群结队地来到这里,享受在这参观的乐趣。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定搭配enjoy doing,意为“享受做某事、喜欢做某事”。故填visiting




    考查非谓语动词。句意:他们使这里成为人们庆祝生日、节日和公园其他重要时刻的好地方,周围的餐厅、酒店和许多其他企业都从中受益匪浅。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查动词不定式短语作后置定语,修饰名词place。故填to celebrate


    考查定语从句。句意:见第9题详解。分析句子结构和意思可知,from ____10____ surrounding restaurants, hotels and many other businesses have benefited a lot.是定语从句,先行词是整个主句的内容,在从句中作介词of的宾语,指物,用关系代词which引导。故填which

    第四部分  写作(共两节,满分40)


    46. 你校英语网站正在开展以“Online Safety”为题的讨论。请你写一篇短文发表在该网站上,内容包括:

    1. 你对网络安全的认识;

    2. 在网上保持安全的建议。


    1. 写作词数应为80左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Online Safety


    【答案】                                                                                            Online Safety

    Nowadays, online safety has caused extensive concern. Some criminals use network technology to create scams, where many people are cheated. With the popularity of the Internet, I’ve learned much about how to stay safe online.

    Firstly, we should protect our privacy and shouldn’t give out our own personal information like the address and the phone number. Secondly, it’s vital to install some secure antivirus software. Last but not least, we should be polite on the Internet because being rude online may make us become targets for a cyberbully.


    【导语】本文是开放性作文。要求考生写一篇以“Online Safety”为题的讨论稿,内容包括:1.你对网络安全的认识;2.在网上保持安全的建议。


    导致:cause→lead to






    原句:With the popularity of the Internet, I’ve learned much about how to stay safe online.

    拓展句:As the Internet is becoming more and more popularity, I’ve learned much about how to stay safe online.

    【点睛】【高分句型1Some criminals use network technology to create scams, where many people are cheated.(由where引导的非限制性定语从句)

    【高分句型2Last but not least, we should be polite on the Internet because being rude online may make us become targets for a cyberbully.(由because引导的原因状语从句)


    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I worked day and night as a taxi driver, and I always dreamed of owning my own taxi company. One night, I took an order at 11:00 pm. When I arrived at the building, it was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window. In this situation, many drivers would just wait for a while and then left.

    But I had seen too many people who depended on taxis as their means of transportation. I thought this passenger might be someone who needed my help. So I walked into the building and knocked at the door.

    “Just a minute,” answered an elderly voice. I could hear something being pulled across the floor. After a long time, the door opened. A small woman in her 70s stood before me. She was wearing a traditional dress and an old hat, like somebody out of a movie in the 1940s. By her side was a small suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets. I found nobody else. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos.

    I helped take her suitcase out to the taxi, and then returned to help the elderly woman. She seemed a little weak and took my arm. We walked slowly towards the taxi. The elderly woman kept thanking me for my kindness. I told her, “It’s nothing. I just try to treat my passengers the way I want my mother to be treated.” She said I was the best man she had ever seen in the world. And she gave me an address, and then asked, “Could you drive me to the hospital?” I answered quickly, “OK!” She told me that she was ill and needed to stay in hospital for several days, but her sons were in other provinces and couldn’t get home in time. I listened to what she said carefully and kept comforting her.

    When we got to the hospital, I went to the emergency room with her. After half an hour, she was admitted into the hospital room. At midnight, I rushed home and completely forgot the taxi fare.


    1. 续写词数应为150左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    The next day, I got a call from the elderly woman.


    A month later, the elderly woman and her sons came to visit me.


    【答案】One possible version:

    The next day, I got a call from the elderly woman. “Young man, how much do I owe you?” she asked. I said, “Nothing, madam. Just take good care of yourself.” She couldn’t thank me enough. She also told me some people needed to be discharged and asked if I could pick them up. Almost without hesitation, I went to the hospital and sent them home. To my joy, I made some money. After that, I would go to the hospital to see her until she recovered.

    A month later, the elderly woman and her sons came to visit me. I welcomed them with open arms. Actually, I kept in touch with the elderly woman from time to time, and we became good friends. I had a nice talk with her and her family. When her sons learned that I wanted to start a taxi company, they offered to fund it. This was a harmonious and pleasant meeting. Amazingly, my kindness brought me closer to my dream.









    ①接某人:pick somebody up/collect somebody

    ②赚钱:make some money/earn some money

    ③与某人保持联系:keep in touch with somebody/keep in contact with somebody


    ①感谢:thank somebody/showing appreciation to somebody/be grateful to somebody

    ②热情地:with open arms/with enthusiasm/passionately

    【点睛】[高分句型1] She also told me that some people needed to be discharged and asked if I could pick them up.(由连接词that引导的宾语从句作told的宾语和if引导的宾语从句作asked的宾语)

    [高分句型2] When her sons learned that I wanted to start a taxi company, they offered to fund it.(由连接副词when引导的时间状语从句)

    听力答案:15 BABAB    610 BCCAC    1l15 BACAB    1620 CCBAC



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