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    这是一份2022-2023学年福建省三明市高三上学期期末质量检测英语试题含解析,共33页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,将答题卡交回,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:How much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What would the man probably prefer to drink?
    A. Water.
    B. Coke.
    C. Coffee.
    【原文】W: Welcome, James. Let me get you a drink — can I get you some coffee or water?
    M: I just quit drinking coffee. Do you have anything sweet, though?
    W: Of course. I was going to make myself some coffee, but I’ll grab Cokes for both of us, instead.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    How does the woman learn best?
    A. Through pictures.
    B. Through writing.
    C. Through listening.
    【原文】M: I’m struggling with my study these days. I usually look at images and I can remember them, but I’m not taking anything in.
    W: I absorb information best by listening to it, so I record myself reading my notes and then listen to it at night.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Brother and sister.
    B. Husband and wife.
    C. Co-workers.
    【原文】W: Thanks for driving me to my house, Steve. How’s Diane doing?
    M: She’s just staying home with the kids until they go to pre-school. Have you talked to Mom?
    W: Yeah, I heard she’s become a bit ill. I’m going to check up on her later.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    How does the man probably feel about the restaurant?
    A. The food is of bad quality.
    B. It doesn’t have good service.
    C. Its location is too far from his house.
    【原文】M: This is the last time I’m coming to this restaurant.
    W: It is said that their steaks are some of the best in town. What happened?
    M: They’re excellent but always over-cooked. And I can’t get any waiter’s attention around here, either.
    W: It’s alright. Let’s enjoy it, anyway.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. When the man will move house.
    B. What kind of flat Cathy wants.
    C. Why the man moved house.
    【原文】W: Haven’t you moved out? I thought you moved last month.
    M: Cathy and I intended to move, but she wasn’t satisfied with any of the flats she looked at. But she just found a new apartment on the Internet the other day and we want to move this weekend.

    6. Where did the man stay during his trip?
    A. At his grandparents ‘ house.
    B. In a hotel.
    C. At his friend’s house.
    7. What was probably the woman’s favorite place in Beijing?
    A. A natural lake.
    B. A mountain area.
    C. An urban center.
    【答案】6. C 7. B
    【原文】M: Hey, Lily. How was your summer vacation?
    W: Fantastic. I just came back to the US. Where have you been?
    M: You left the country? I just went up to Lake Tahoe, as usual.
    W: Awesome — what did you do there? I forgot to tell you I went to visit my grandparents in Beijing. It was so cool.
    M: I just visited a friend’s lake house. That’s amazing — what’s Beijing like?
    W: It’s super modern and traditional at the same time. But you know me — I’m more into natural places and landscapes.
    M: You escaped the urban scenes, then?
    W: Yeah, we saw an amazing mountain region in the northwest of Beijing, called Yanqing.

    8. Why does the woman want to buy the jacket?
    A. To give it as a gift.
    B. To replace an old jacket.
    C. To wear at an event for her work.
    9. What is probably the current location of the speakers?
    A. A market.
    B. A shopping mall.
    C. A department store.
    10. How much will the woman probably pay?
    A. S10.
    B. $90.
    C. $100.
    【答案】8. C 9. A 10. B
    【原文】W: I know this jacket is really popular, but surely $100 is too much.
    M: It’s of the absolute highest quality, miss. I guarantee that it’ll keep you warm all winter.
    W: Actually, it’s just for a photo shoot(拍摄). I only need it for one day and then won’t need it anymore.
    M: You’re a photographer? You must make a lot of money. Of course, you can afford it.
    W: No, actually I’m an amateur model, and I’m on a tight budget. Besides, I don’t even think this is a real Moncler jacket.
    M: It isn’t authentic, but it is of identical quality. At a mall, it will cost you ten times this price, and in this market, you won’t find it for less than $100.
    W: If you can offer me a $10 discount, I’ll buy it now.
    M: Deal.

    11. Why did the woman’s computer probably break?
    A. It got wet.
    B. It was too old.
    C. It suffered high heat
    12. What is the woman’s main concern?
    A. Recovering her files.
    B. Fixing her computer quickly.
    C Getting a new computer cheaply.
    13. What will the man do for the woman?
    A. Fix her computer.
    B. Recycle her computer.
    C. Recommend a different computer repair shop.
    【答案】11. C 12. A 13. B
    【原文】W: I’ve had this laptop for five years. There are so many valuable things saved on it.
    M: Did you back them up? It’s a good idea to back up your photos and videos.
    W: I never thought I needed to. How did the computer break down?
    M: It’s hard to say. Was it dropped or exposed to water?
    W: Actually, I left it outside on my balcony by accident.
    M: I see. It must have been rained on.
    W: It wasn’t that. But it was in direct sunlight for hours.
    M: In this summer heat?It must have fried the internal components and processors.
    W: I didn’t know that was possible. Can I save the photos, at least?
    M: I’m afraid not. We can replace it with a new laptop model, though.
    W: I also need the memory saved on this laptop for work. Is it really damaged beyond repair?
    M: I’m afraid so, but there are useful parts we can recycle for money. If so, we can give you a discount on a new computer.
    W: OK, I guess I’ll do that.

    14. What’s the girl’s nationality?
    A. English.
    B. American.
    C. French.
    15. What do the girl’s parents want her to study?
    A. Acting.
    B. Business.
    C. Medicine.
    16. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Schoolmates.
    B. Professor and student.
    C. Dorm keeper and student.
    【答案】14. C 15. B 16. A
    【原文】W: Excuse me. Can you help me? I am looking for the Lost and Found Office. Could you please tell me where it is?
    M: Sure. Can you see the lab building, the four-story grey one over there? Do you see the office behind it? It is beside a small store. I guess you are new here, right?
    W: Yeah. I came to New York as an exchange student three days ago. Unluckily, I lost my ID card at school. Actually, I’m French, but I grew up in England. You’re an American, I suppose.
    M: Yes. By the way, my name is John Smith.
    W: I am Alice Green. Pleased to meet you. So, what’s your major?
    M: I’m studying medicine now. What’s yours?
    W: I’m not sure yet. I’m kind of interested in acting, but my parents think I should do business.
    M: I see. So do you live in the dorm?
    W: No. I rent a one-bedroom apartment about five blocks from here. Well, I have to go. Thanks for your help. Maybe we’ll run into each other again sometime.
    M: Maybe. It’s a pretty small college. See you later.

    17. How many countries in Africa speak Portuguese?
    A. Two.
    B. Three.
    C. Five.
    18. What fact about Portugal is the speaker probably most proud of?
    A. It has its own national type of music.
    B. It has the oldest bookstore in the world.
    C. It is the oldest country in Europe.
    19. What is the speaker ‘s favorite area of Portugal to visit?
    A. The beaches.
    B. The major cities.
    C. The northern forest area.
    20. When will the speaker probably return home?
    A. After finishing university.
    B. After a few years of work.
    C. After his retirement.
    【答案】17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B
    【原文】Hi, my dear fellow workers.I’ve lived in China for two years, but most of you know that I’m from Portugal. Today is a holiday known as Carnival, which is an incredible celebration in my country. This holiday is most famous for its all-night parties, festive dances, and parades in Brazil, and this is partly because Portugal and Brazil share cultural similarities. In the past, Portugal occupied the land of Brazil and sent over millions of people. Today, Portuguese is the national language of Brazil, but that’s not the only country that shares our language. Five countries in Africa natively speak Portuguese, as well. Being one of the oldest countries in Europe, our cities feel like you’re walking into a time machine. You can see beautiful ancient architecture in our capital, Lisbon, and you can even find the oldest bookstore in the world. You can also hear a traditional Portuguese music genre called Fado. I think it is one of the most amazing things about my country and its performance is really worth watching. North of the cities, you will find yourself in rolling hills and forest. This is, what I’d consider, the best travel destination in all of Europe. I love my life here in Shenzhen, but I do miss my home sometimes. It’ll be around five years before I move home, but let’s celebrate Carnival in Shenzhen today. I can’t wait to cook you some Portuguese food and teach you about my culture.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Friendship isn’t always easy—but it is always important. These children’s books about friendship focus on the strength we get from our friends, the laughs we share along the way, and the importance of building lifelong bonds.
    Owen and Mzee: An inspiring true story about a hippo named Owen,and his best friend—a tortoise named Mzee.They met after a terrible flood, in which Ow en became trapped. An entire Kenyan village worked to rescue him, and when he was finally freed, they were impressed by the friendship that grew between Owen the hippo and Mzee the tortoise.
    How to Be a Friend: For some, friendship comes naturally, while others need some guidance to learn the best ways to find friends and keep them. This picture book provides practical advice on determining who can be a friend, and how to show someone that you’d like to be friends with them.The colorful, cartoon-style drawings humorously deal with these difficult situations.
    The Lion and the Little Red Bird: The book centers on a language barrier between a lion and his would-be friend the bird.Because they are unable to communicate, the bird becomes frustrated as it tries to figure out why the lion’s tail is a different color every day. Eventually the bird discovers the secret—the lion uses his luxurious tail as a brush to paint in his cave.
    Friends: Percy the PigJohnny Mouse and Charlie Rooster are the main characters in this tale about friendship.The three inseparable friends enjoy a fun-filled day together, and when night falls,they learn an important lesson about the necessity for friends to be apart at times. This tale is simply charming, and includes many hidden lessons on teamwork, being thoughtful, and accepting that other people are different from us.
    21. Why is Owen and Mzee so inspiring?
    A. It contains many actual photos.
    B. Many animals survived the flood.
    C. It gives us valuable lessons on friendship.
    D. Two animals of different species formed friendship.
    22. What’s special about How to Be a Friend?
    A. It ‘s based on a true story.
    B. It provides guidance on making friends.
    C. It talks about friendships.
    D. It includes hidden lessons.
    23. Which book can teach children about teamwork?
    A. Owen and Mzee.
    B. How to Be a Friend.
    C. The Lion and the Little Red Bird.
    D. Friends.
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. D
    【详解】1.细节理解题。根据文中第二段“An inspiring true story about a hippo named Owen,and his best friend—a tortoise named Mzee.(这是一个鼓舞人心真实故事,讲述了一只叫Owen的河马和他最好的朋友——一只叫Mzee的乌龟。 )”可知,《Owen and Mzee》这本书讲述了一只名叫Owen的河马和他最好的朋友—一只名叫Mzee的乌龟的故事,可知这本书之所以鼓舞人心是因为两种不同种类的动物建立了友谊,故选D项。

    2.细节理解题。根据文中第三段“This picture book provides practical advice on determining who can be a friend, and how to show someone that you’d like to be friends with them.(这本图画书提供了一些实用的建议,以决定谁可以成为一个朋友,以及如何向某人展示你想成为他们的朋友。)”可知,这本绘本提供了确定谁可以成为朋友,以及如何向某人表明你愿意与他们成为朋友的实用建议,因此可知它的特别之处是提供了关于交朋友的指导。故选B项。
    3.细节理解题。根据文中最后一段“This tale is simply charming, and includes many hidden lessons on teamwork, being thoughtful, and accepting that other people are different from us.(这个故事很迷人,其中包含了许多关于团队合作、深思熟虑和接受他人与我们不同的隐藏教训。)”可知,《Friends》这本书中的故事包含了许多关于团队合作、深思熟虑和接受他人与我们不同的隐藏教训。故选D项。
    As mountains go, 1,642-foot Squaw Peak isn’t quite impressive. But its inviting views of western Massachusetts have misled hikers to become relaxed among its steep, slippery cliffs (悬 崖),resulting in countless injuries and even deaths.
    Henry Grant aged 18, a freshman at Ithaca College, respected Squaw Peak’s record. Because of this, he stayed a good ten feet from the edge. He watched 15 or so other hikers enjoying the view; one hiker, around 60 and dressed in pink, was looking over the edge of the cliff with her husband.
    After having a rest, Grant turned to continue on their way. Suddenly, a man yelled anxiously, “Paula! Paula!” Grant turned around. The woman in pink had fallen off the side of the mountain.
    Several hikers immediately started looking for her. Grant decided to lend a hand, so he travelled off the trail alone. After 15 minutes of climbing over stones and pushing through the bushes, Grant spotted a figure about 25 feet above him. She was trapped in a kneeling position on a small rocky extension. The woman had fallen about 75 feet. Amazingly, she was alive.
    Grant called 911. He waited where he was for a while, but she kept trying to move, and every time she moved, she slipped a little more. Afraid that she might fall off the extension to her death. Grant crawled on all fours until he reached Paula.
    Securing himself against a tree, Grant gently put her hand in his and tried to keep her mind off the pain by asking her some questions: “Where are you from? What do you do for a living? Do you have kids?”
    About 45 minutes later, first rescuers arrived. Eventually, Paula and her husband were flown by helicopter to a hospital.
    Paula, who has fully recovered, said, “At 18, Henry has already been involved in building the rest of my life.”
    24. What record does Squaw Peak have?
    A. Its height looks very forbidding. B. It attracts the most tourists.
    C. It has the view of western America. D. Many hikers dropped or died there.
    25. What made Grant worried about Paula?
    A. Her serious injuries. B. Her constant movement.
    C. Her loss of various senses. D. Her response to nothing.
    26. Why did Grant ask Paula some questions?
    A. To reduce her feeling of pain. B. To remove her sense of fear.
    C. To keep her awake all the time. D. To get her detailed information.
    27. What does Paula want to express in the last paragraph?
    A. Satisfaction. B. Gratitude.
    C. Curiosity. D. Surprise.
    【答案】24. D 25. B 26. A 27. B
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了即将成为大一新生的格兰特在攀登Squaw Peak时勇敢救助掉下悬崖的陌生人宝拉的故事。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“But its inviting views of western Massachusetts have misled hikers to become relaxed among its steep, slippery cliffs ,resulting in countless injuries and even deaths.”(但马萨诸塞州西部诱人的景色误导了徒步旅行者,让他们在陡峭滑滑的悬崖中放松下来,导致无数人受伤甚至死亡。)可知,在Squaw Peak,有许多徒步旅行者在那里摔倒或死亡。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第五段中“He waited where he was for a while, but she kept trying to move, and every time she moved, she slipped a little more. Afraid that she might fall off the extension to her death. Grant crawled on all fours until he reached Paula.”(他在原地等了一会儿,但她一直在试图移动,每移动一次,她就滑多一点。怕她会摔下来导致死亡。格兰特四肢着地爬着,一直爬到宝拉身边。)可知,格兰特担心宝拉是因为她不断的移动。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中“Securing himself against a tree, Grant gently put her hand in his and tried to keep her mind off the pain by asking her some questions”(格兰特把自己靠在一棵树上,轻轻地把她的手放在自己的手上,问她一些问题,试图让她忘记疼痛。)可知,格兰特问宝拉一些问题是为了减轻她的痛苦。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Paula, who has fully recovered, said, “At 18, Henry has already been involved in building the rest of my life.””(已经完全康复的保拉说:“18岁时,亨利已经参与了我余生的建设。”)故可推知,宝拉在最后一段想表达她的感激之情。故选B项。
    As a classic love movie of the twentieth century, Titanic makes one scene a long-lasting cinematic shot: Jack let go of his hand and sank in the icy seawater, leaving the chance of living to his lover Rose, who finally survived on a wooden door debris (残骸).
    More than 100 years since the disastrous event and more than two decades after the earliest release of the movie Titanic, there have been many “door theories”. Audiences debate heatedly over whether or not Jack and Rose could have both fit onto the wooden debris and survived. So, was there room for Jack?
    In a TV program, hosts Jamie and Adam even did an experiment using an exact replica (复制品) of the wooden piece from the movie, and the two proved that if they had tied Rose’s life jacket to the bottom of the door to strengthen its buoyancy ( 浮 力 ), they would have managed to stay afloat.
    However, their conclusion was debunked when director Cameron said that the freezing water and Jack’s high temperature would have made the life jacket solution impossible. He also said that the debate is beyond the point the movie was trying to make, which is focused on the tragic love story of Jack and Rose, not physics.
    The largest debris recovered from the real Titanic is now displayed in the Maritime Museum. The museum’s website states that a replica was once built for the movie based on the museum’s Titanic collection which was known as the “door” used in the death scene. Unfortunately, the size of the debris coupled with the weight of Rose on top could work, but not if Jack’s additional weight was added to it.
    In a word, science has proven that Jack didn’t die for nothing and did indeed sacrifice himself to save the love of his life.
    28. What’s the purpose of paragraph 1?
    A. To lead into the topic. B. To introduce a movie. C. To raise a question. D. To highlight characters.
    29. What is the conclusion of Jamie and Adam based on?
    A. The development of the plot. B. A physics experiment. C. The theme of the movie. D. A heated debate.
    30. What does the underlined word “debunked” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Confirmed. B. Opposed. C. Approved. D. Concerned.
    31. We can infer that the movie’s ending is .
    A. unrealistic B. confusing C. reasonable D. surprising
    【答案】28. A 29. B 30. B 31. C
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“As a classic love movie of the twentieth century, Titanic makes one scene a long-lasting cinematic shot: Jack let go of his hand and sank in the icy seawater, leaving the chance of living to his lover Rose, who finally survived on a wooden door debris (残骸).(《泰坦尼克号》是一部20世纪的经典爱情电影,其中的一个场景是一个持久的电影镜头:杰克松开手,沉入冰冷的海水中,给他的爱人罗斯留下了生存的机会,罗斯最终在木门残骸上幸存下来。)”及下文对此场景的讨论可推断,本段的目的是引出话题。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“In a TV program, hosts Jamie and Adam even did an experiment using an exact replica (复制品) of the wooden piece from the movie, and the two proved that if they had tied Rose’s life jacket to the bottom of the door to strengthen its buoyancy ( 浮 力 ), they would have managed to stay afloat. (在一个电视节目,主持人杰米和亚当甚至做了一个实验用的一个木制的复制品的电影,和两个证明,如果他们把罗斯的救生衣绑在门的底部以加强它的浮力,他们会设法保持漂浮。)”可知,杰米和亚当的结论是基于他们所做的物理实验。故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据划线词后半句“when director Cameron said that the freezing water and Jack’s high temperature would have made the life jacket solution impossible. (因为卡梅隆导演说冰冻的水和杰克的高温不可能让救生衣解决问题。)”可知,杰米和亚当的结论被推翻了。所以debunked为“ 揭穿真相,暴露,推翻”之意。oppose“反对”是近义词,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“Unfortunately, the size of the debris coupled with the weight of Rose on top could work, but not if Jack’s additional weight was added to it. (不幸的是,碎片的大小加上罗斯在上面的重量可能会起作用,但如果加上杰克的额外重量就不行了。)”可推断,这部电影的结局合理的。故选C。
    For any astronaut hoping to survive on the surface of the moon, growing crops will be essential. Now, scientists have taken “one small step” towards growing plants on the lunar surface, after showing it’s possible to grow thale cress, a small flowering plant, in lunar soil.
    The findings raise hopes that plants could be grown on the moon during future space missions, and even enable mankind to set up a lunar settlement. “For future, longer space missions, we may use the moon as a launching platform,” explained Professor Rob Ferl. “It makes sense that we would want to use the soil that’s already there to grow plants.” Until now, scientists have not grown plants in the soil. “So, what happens when you grow plants in lunar soil? What would plants do in a lunar greenhouse? Could we have lunar farmers?” Professor Ferl questioned.
    To answer these questions, researchers from Florida set out to plant thale cress seeds in lunar soil, add water, nutrients, and light, and see what happened. The researchers chose to use thale cress because its genetic code has already been fully mapped.
    For comparison, the researchers also planted seeds in a range of soils, including those that simulate Martian soils. To their delight, the researchers found that nearly all of the seeds grew. However, they did observe differences between the plants grown in the lunar soil and those grown in the control soils. Some of the plants grown in the lunar soils were smaller, while others grew more slowly or were more varied in size.
    Growing plants in lunar soils may also change the moon itself, according to Dr. Stephen Elardo. “The moon is a very, very dry place”, he said. How will minerals in the lunar soil respond to having a plant grown in them, with the added water and nutrients? Will adding water make the minerals friendlier to plants? The researchers hope to answer these questions in follow-up studies.
    32. What’s the second paragraph mainly about?
    A. The significance of the findings.
    B. The plants grown in the lunar soil.
    C. The missions of future space exploration.
    D. The hope for setting up a lunar settlement.
    33. Why did researchers use thale cress in the experiment?
    A. Its genes are suitable for lunar soil.
    B. It has a long evolutionary history.
    C. It has been tested with lunar soil before.
    D. People have a good knowledge of its genes.
    34. What did researchers find about the plants grown in lunar soi1?
    A. They absorbed few nutrients.
    B. They didn’t grow well enough.
    C. They grew slowly in the dark.
    D. They needed more water to grow bigger.
    35. What is the best title for the text?
    A. Scientists Grow Plants in Lunar Soil
    B. Scientists Conduct a Study on Lunar Soil
    C. Scientists Prepare for Farming on the Moon
    D. Scientists Hope to Collect More Lunar Soil
    【答案】32. A 33. D 34. B 35. A
    主旨大意题。根据第二自然段“The findings raise hopes that plants could be grown on the moon during future space missions, and even enable mankind to set up a lunar settlement. (这一发现使人们希望,在未来的太空任务中,植物可以在月球上生长,甚至使人类能够在月球上建立定居点。)”可知,本段主要介绍这项研究结果的意义。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第三自然段“The researchers chose to use thale cress because its genetic code has already been fully mapped. (研究人员选择使用水芹,因为它的基因密码已经被完全绘制出来。)”可知,研究人员之所以选择水芹,是因为人们对它的基因很了解。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四自然段“Some of the plants grown in the lunar soils were smaller, while others grew more slowly or were more varied in size. (在月球土壤中生长的一些植物较小,而另一些植物生长得更慢或大小变化更大。)”可知,研究人员对月球土壤中生长的植物发现了它们长得不够好。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一自然段“Now, scientists have taken “one small step” towards growing plants on the lunar surface, after showing it’s possible to grow thale cress, a small flowering plant, in lunar soil. (现在,科学家们已经朝着在月球表面种植植物迈出了“一小步”,因为他们证明了在月球土壤中种植小水芹的可能性。)”可知,纵观全文,本文主要讲述了科学家在月球土壤中种植水芹的研究过程。所以短文的标题为“科学家在月球土壤中种植植物”。故选A项。
    So often we find ourselves on autopilot—waking up in the same home, putting on the same clothes and taking the same transportation to the same-old job.____36____And while it’s perfectly natural for humans to stick to routine, there’s much to be discovered beyond the limits of our comfort zones.
    There is no exception to a man aged 53.____37____He knew it was going to be hard to find another job. He also knew it was now or never to pursue his lifelong dream of owning his own restaurant. But he was too old to compete with the young and too weak to do any labor work.
    ____38____He didn’t want to spend his rest life sitting around and feeling pity for himself. Also, Mrs. Mockenhaupt actively encouraged him to move on, considering it a perfect chance for two of them to start their own business with plenty of time and without the disturbance of children.
    ____39____Brian found just what he wanted eight blocks from home—an existing cafe that was underperforming and whose owner was highly motivated to get out of his lease (租期).____40____But the problem was that he had never financially planned for this day. He had to borrow money from friends and relatives. After that, he changed the name to Black Dog Coffee, and made it alive again. Eighteen years later, they’re still there and doing better than ever. Brian says he’s extremely grateful for the decision to make a change.
    A. Then came the opportunity.
    B. The thought filled him with anxiety.
    C. That was exactly what Brian needed.
    D. Even our New Year’s decisions to change hardly make it.
    E. With the support of his family, he took a job in the local cafe.
    F. Several weeks after consideration, he decided to have a change.
    G. Brian Mockenhaupt got laid off from a senior management position.
    【答案】36. D 37. G 38. F 39. A 40. C
    【分析】这是一篇记叙文。虽然对人类来说,循规蹈矩是再自然不过的事情,但在我们的舒适区之外,还有很多东西有待发现。文章主要记叙了53岁被迫下岗的Brian Mockenhaupt选择做出改变,在家人的支持下,开始经营一家咖啡馆的故事。
    根据上文So often we find ourselves on autopilot—waking up in the same home, putting on the same clothes and taking the same transportation to the same-old job.可知所以,我们经常发现自己处于自动驾驶状态——在同一个家里醒来,穿上同样的衣服,乘坐同样的交通工具去做同样的工作。由此可知,本句承接上文说明,人们总是在重复相同的事情,所以做出改变的决定往往变得很难实现。故D选项“即使我们在新年做出改变的决定也很难实现”符合语境,故选D。
    根据后文He knew it was going to be hard to find another job.可知他知道再找一份工作会很困难。由此可知,本句应当是在说明某一个人下岗失去了工作的事情,结合下一段中Also, Mrs. Mockenhaupt actively encouraged him to move on, considering it a perfect chance for two of them to start their own business with plenty of time and without the disturbance of children.( Mockenhaupt太太也积极鼓励他向前看,认为这是他们俩人开创自己事业的绝佳机会,有足够的时间,没有孩子的打扰)可知这个人就是Brian Mockenhaupt。故G选项“Brian Mockenhaupt从一个高级管理职位上下岗了”符合语境,故选G。
    根据后文He didn’t want to spend his rest life sitting around and feeling pity for himself. Also, Mrs. Mockenhaupt actively encouraged him to move on, considering it a perfect chance for two of them to start their own business with plenty of time and without the disturbance of children.可知他不想让自己的下半生无所事事地可怜自己。Mockenhaupt太太也积极鼓励他继续生活,认为这是他们俩人开创自己事业的绝佳机会,有足够的时间,没有孩子的打扰。由此可知,Brian Mockenhaupt决定做出一些改变,因为他不想让自己的下半生无所事事地可怜自己。故F选项“经过几个星期的考虑,他决定改变一下”符合语境,故选F。
    根据后文Brian found just what he wanted eight blocks from home—an existing cafe that was underperforming and whose owner was highly motivated to get out of his lease (租期).可知Brian在离他家8个街区的地方找到了他想要的东西——一家现有的咖啡馆,该咖啡馆的业绩不佳,其老板想要解除租约。由此可知,上一段提到Brian想要改变一下,后文提到有一家咖啡馆想要解除租约,说明Brian改变的机会来了。故A选项“机会来了”符合语境,故选A。
    根据上文Brian found just what he wanted eight blocks from home—an existing cafe that was underperforming and whose owner was highly motivated to get out of his lease (租期).(Brian在离他家8个街区的地方找到了他想要的东西——一家现有的咖啡馆,该咖啡馆的业绩不佳,其老板想要解除租约)以及后文But the problem was that he had never financially planned for this day. He had to borrow money from friends and relatives.(但问题是,他从来没有为这一天做过财务计划。他不得不向亲戚朋友借钱)由此可知,离家不远就有咖啡馆可以接手,这正是渴望改变的Brian所需要的的。后文他向亲戚朋友借钱也说明他想要租下咖啡馆。故C选项“这正是Brian所需要的”符合语境,故选C。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    At the end of a week, Mike and I were going to invite friends for dinner. Already running late myself I started feeling____41____as I drove to pick up Haydn and Michael. For the next hour I ____42____the boys from one place to the next. The more I needed them to____43____, the more distracted they became. My____44____was wearing thin.
    Just as we finished our last errand(差事), the boys reminded me to stop at the____45____store to buy crickets (蟋蜂). Yes, I had promised them. Fifteen minutes later, we were back in the car with some new____46____: one hundred crickets.
    I pulled the car into the driveway with only 45 minutes left: before my____47____arrived. I started barking orders at the boys, but all they___48___was placing the crickets into their little cage.____49____, the next time I looked up, the crickets were jumping all over my kitchen. I screamed and climbed onto a chair to_____50_____them.
    As I watched the boys running after the crickets with laughter, I realized I had only two_____51_____. I could continue feeling angry, or just let it go and_____52_____ the funny moment. I chose joy. I jumped off the chair and _____53_____them. We were all in such a fabulous mood.
    Things go wrong from time to time. we can’t_____54_____that, but we can decide how we’re going to_____55_____things.
    41. A. sick B. absurd C. guilty D. upset
    42. A. invited B. followed C. dragged D. approached
    43. A. hurry B. prepare C. revise D. bargain
    44. A. influence B. patience C. popularity D. confidence
    45. A. convenience B. drug C. pet D. clothes
    46. A. passengers B. consumers C. diners D. families
    47. A. neighbors B. family C. colleagues D. guests
    48. A. relied on B. focused on C. lived on D. acted on
    49. A. In particular B. By the way C. Even worse D. All in all
    50. A. search B. escape C. frighten D. attract
    51. A. choices B. beliefs C. goals D. parties
    52. A. forgive B. enjoy C. celebrate D. memorize
    53. A. praised B. defended C. joined D. impressed
    54. A. describe B. support C. maintain D. stop
    55. A. forget B. treat C. prove D. select
    【答案】41. D 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. B 51. A 52. B 53. C 54. D 55. B
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我自己已经晚了,所以,当我开车去接Haydn 和Michael 时,我开始感到心烦。A. sick生病的;B. absurd可笑的;C. guilty有罪的;D. upset心烦的。根据上文“Already running late myself,”可知,作者接孩子放学去的晚了,所以会急,心里有点烦躁。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的一个小时里,我拽着他们俩从一个地方到另一个地方。A. invited邀请;B. followed跟随;C. dragged拉,拽;D. approached接近。根据上文“Already running late myself,”可知,作者的时间很紧张了,所以都是拽着孩子们走,可以体现出作者很急的心情。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我越需要他们快点,他们越分心。A. hurry快点;B. prepare准备;C. revise修订;D. bargain讨价还价。根据上文“For the next hour I _____the boys from one place to the next. ”可知,作者时间很紧张,所以需要孩子们快点跟上她的步调。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的耐心快磨没了。A. influence影响;B. patience耐心;C. popularity欢迎;D. confidence信心。根据下文“was wearing thin.”可知,作者赶着做事情,孩子们却不急,这让作者的耐心慢慢没有了,预示着接下来有可能要爆发烦躁的情绪。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:正当我们做完最后一件事的时候,孩子们提醒我在宠物店停一下,去买蟋蟀。A. convenience方便;B. drug毒品;C. pet宠物;D. clothes衣服。根据下文“to buy crickets.”可知,他们要去宠物店买蟋蟀。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:15分钟后,我们回到车上,带着一些新乘客:一个透明袋子里的100只活蟋蟀。A. passengers乘客;B. consumers消费者;C. diners晚餐;D. families家庭。根据下文“one hundred crickets.”可知,这些活蟋蟀和我们一起坐在车里,所以它们也是乘客。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把车停在车道上,这时离我的客人到来只有45分钟了。A. neighbors邻居;B. family家庭;C. colleagues同事;D. guests客人。根据“At the end of a week, Mike and I were going to invite friends for dinner.”可知,因为邀请朋友吃饭,所以是作者的客人。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我开始朝孩子们喊命令,但是他们只集中精力在把蟋蟀放进他们的小笼子里。A. relied on依赖;B. focused on集中在;C. lived on靠……生存;D. acted on表现。根据上文“but”可知,作者大喊着让孩子们干这干那,但是孩子们只顾着安置蟋蟀,所以精力全集中在蟋蟀上。故选B。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:更糟糕的是,下一刻我抬头一看,蟋蟀正在满厨房跳。A. In particular尤其;B. By the way顺便说一下;C. Even worse更糟糕的是;D. All in all总之。根据下文“the next time I looked up, the crickets were jumping all over my kitchen.”可知,蟋蟀正在满厨房跳,使得家里更乱了,所以更糟糕了。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我尖叫起来并且爬到椅子上逃离它们。A. search寻找;B. escape逃跑;C. frighten恐吓;D. attract吸引。根据上文“screamed and climbed onto a chair”可知,正在看的蟋蟀满厨房跳很害怕,所以爬到椅子上逃离它们。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我看着孩子们笑着追着蟋蟀跑的时候,我意识到我只有2个选择。A. choices选择;B. beliefs信念;C. goals目标;D. parties晚会。根据下文“I could continue feeling angry, or just let it go and __12__ the funny moment.”可知,作者是有2个选择,要么继续生气,要么随它去并享受这个欢乐的时刻。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我可以继续生气,也可以随它去并享受这个欢乐的时刻。A. forgive原谅;B. enjoy享受;C. celebrate庆祝;D. memorize记忆。根据下文“I chose joy. I jumped off the chair and __13__ them.”可知,作者跳下椅子加入到孩子们中去享受快乐时刻。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我跳下椅子并加入他们。A. praised表扬;B. defended防御;C. joined加入;D. impressed给……印象。根据上文“I chose joy. I jumped off the chair”可知,作者和孩子们一起抓住了蟋蟀,所以是加入了孩子们。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们不能阻止,但是我们可以决定我们如何对待事情。A. describe描绘;B. support支持;C. maintain维持;D. stop阻止。根据“Things go wrong from time to time.”可知,我们不能阻止事情出差错。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们不能阻止,但是我们可以决定我们如何对待事情。A. forget忘记;B. treat对待;C. prove证明;D. select选择。根据上文“I chose joy.”可知,在面对烦恼的事情时,作者用快乐来对待,收获的也是快乐。我们可以决定我们如何对待事情。故选B。
    The Jiangsu countryside is home to a lot of small beautiful water towns, many of which ___56___(locate) along the Grand Canal.
    One of these towns is Tongli, which is easily___57___(access) to tourists from the nearby city of Suzhou.___58___(build) in the Song Dynasty,the town offers pleasant views and landscapes of traditional China,characterized by picturesque canals crossed by arch bridges and whitewashed houses that overlook the water.
    Walking along the narrow alleys(巷), you can admire___59___ interesting number of well-preserved traditional houses, temples and gardens. The atmosphere is ___60___ (exceptional) peaceful compared to most popular sites that are ruined by mass tourism and commercialization.Yes, Tongli is home to a great many souvenir shops and local products, but what amazed me was ___61___ well the town is preserved despite being open to tourism: a good balance___62___ commercial activities and local life.So in spite of its ___63___ (popular), Tongli maintains a quiet feeling. making it an ideal destination for visitors who seek peace and leisure.
    I___64___ (take) scores of pictures while I was touring Tongli, which I hope may inspire travelers to add this pretty water town to their trips. My impression of Tongli is so positive that I’ve been meaning ____65____ (go) back with my family for their first visit to China.
    【答案】56. are located
    57. accessible
    58. Built 59. an
    60. exceptionally
    61. how 62. between
    63. popularity
    64. took 65. to go
    考查固定短语和时态。句意:位于苏州和上海之间的江苏农村有很多美丽的水乡小镇,其中很多都坐落在大运河边上,大运河是连接杭州和北京的一条人工运河,目的是为皇城输送物资。空格处在定语从句中作谓语,结合句意表示“位于”短语为be located,根据前半句时态,从句应用一般现在时,且先行词towns为复数名词,谓语动词为复数形式。故填are located。
    考查冠词。句意:沿着狭窄的小巷,你可以欣赏到许多保存完好的传统房屋、寺庙和花园。a number of为固定搭配,意为“许多”,interesting是发音以元音音素开头的单词,应用an。故填an。
    考查表语从句。句意:是的,同里有很多纪念品商店和当地产品,但令我惊讶的是,尽管对旅游业开放,但同里的保存十分完好:商业活动和当地生活之间的良好平衡。由空格前的was可知,空格处引导表语从句,结合句意表示“多么完好,十分完好”应用how well,作状语。故填how。
    考查时态。句意:我在同里旅游的时候拍了很多照片,我希望这些照片能激励游客把这个美丽的水乡添加到他们的旅行中。空格处在句中作谓语,根据时间状语while I was touring Tongli可知,空格处应用一般过去时。故填took。
    查非谓语动词。句意:我对同里的印象非常好,我一直想和第一次来中国的家人再来一次。mean to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“打算做某事”。故填to go。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
    66. 你校正在开展师生阳光体育活动(Sunshine Sports)。请你给校报写一篇英语短文谈谈该活动。
    Sunshine Sports have been winning great popularity among all the teachers and students in the past few weeks, which are done in the two intervals in the morning and in the afternoon.
    As is known to all, both teachers and students are suffering from physical and mental health problems by sitting long before the desks. Sunshine Sports, which include playing volleyball or basketball, Tai Chi and jogging, are bringing sunshine to everyone as the name says.
    We all applaud the activities because they build us up. Also, doing sports together strengthens teamwork and promotes communication.
    间隔:interval →break
    经历,遭遇:suffer from →go through
    喝彩:applaud →cheer for
    促进:promote → boost→ contribute to
    原句:Also, doing sports together strengthens teamwork and promotes communication.
    拓展句:Also, not only does doing sports together strengthen teamwork but also it promotes communication.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Sunshine Sports have been winning great popularity among all the teachers and students in the past few weeks, which are done in the two intervals in the morning and in the afternoon.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】As is known to all, both teachers and students are suffering from physical and mental health problems by sitting long before the desks.(运用了as引导的非限制性定语从句)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Arshad had been out window shopping with his parents. That was all they did these days because they didn’t have enough money to afford all the shiny clothes, shoes and other fancy items the windows displayed. Even from a distance, they looked so promising and inviting that one couldn’t help but go over and look at them.
    Ever since Arshad’s father lost his business, Arshad’s family barely had the money to make ends meet. They even had to move to a rented house, which was smaller and was situated in the shabbier part of the city. Unlike his previous house, where he had a big luxurious room all to himself, here Arshad had to share his room and bed with his naughty younger brother who always had the room in a horrible mess.
    What was worse, the playground in this neighborhood was nothing like the one in his previous neighborhood’s; swings were all broken and the seesaw(跷跷板) only had one seat. There weren’t even any bookshops nearby where he could spend his free time.
    That day, Arshad and his brother were terribly bored when their father decided to take them outfor window shopping. When his father saw the sad look on Arshad’s face, he sat down next to him and said, “Remember, there are children out there who don’t even have the things you do, like warm clothes, a roof over their heads, good education and all the delicious meals that your mother prepares for you, three times a day. You should always be grateful for what you have.”
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右:2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Arshad remembered how he always complained about the swings in his playground.
    Thinking of the happy children in that school, Arshad decided to do something.
    【答案】Arshad remembered how he always complained about the swings in his playground. He felt a rush of guilt. At least he had a playground! Despite all these things, Arshad noticed how happy and satisfied all the children were. How they played and laughed, with not a single frowning face or a complaining voice. On their way back from the school, Arshad’s father said, “This is what I was talking about.”
    Thinking of the happy children in that school, Arshad decided to do something. He prepared a gratitude list, jotting down all the things he was thankful for. Then he pulled out an empty cardboard box and put in all the things that he thought the children in that school might need--coloring books, toys and other such goods. When his mother asked about the box, he told her how he planned to donate these things. “I am sharing happiness,” he told his mother, his face beaming.
    ③准备:prepare/make preparations for
    【点睛】[高分句型1] This is what I was talking about.(运用了what引导的表语从句)
    [高分句型2] He prepared a gratitude list, jotting down all the things he was thankful for.(运用了现在分词作状语)


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