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    这是一份湖南省长沙市第一中学2022-2023学年高三英语下学期月考(七)试卷(Word版附答案),共20页。试卷主要包含了 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。





    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。

    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。

    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。


    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)


    例:How much is the shirt?

    A. £19. 15.      B. £9. 18.     C. £9. 15.


    1. Whose phone is in the sun?

    A. The womans.    B. The mans.    C. The womans mothers.

    2. What does the woman probably want to do?

    A. Read a magazine.   

    B. Put off writing the article.

    C. Finish the article before her exams.

    3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    A. A game.      B. A player.     C. A commercial.

    4. What does the man suggest the woman do?

    A. Close the window.   B. Buy a new sweater.  C. Put on more clothes.

    5. What month is it now?

    A. August.      B. September.    C. October.

    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)



    6. Where does the conversation take place?

    A. At a studio.     B. At a concert hall.   C. At a radio station.

    7. What is the man going to do?

    A. Sing his song.    B. Write a new song.   C. Listen to some songs.


    8. Where does the woman want to go?

    A. To the park office.   B. To the zoo.    C. To the forest.

    9. Why does the man agree to go with the woman in the end?

    A. He's done with his game.

    B. He's concerned about her safety.

    C. He doesn't want to eat dinner alone.

    10. When does the man want to return?

    A. Before dark.     B. After dinner.    C. In the morning.


    11. Why did1 the brothers grow apart?

    A. They had different hobbies.

    B. They stopped living in the same house.

    C. They no longer spent much time together.

    12. How does the man feel now?

    A. Regretful.     B. Hurt.      C. Angry.

    13. What does the woman suggest the man do about the problem?

    A. Leave his brother alone.  

    B. Try talking to his brother.

    C. Invite his brother to hang out.


    14. What is Fresh Air?

    A. A magazine.    B. A handwork product.    C. A radio program.

    15. What is Terry?

    A. A writer.    B. A host.       C. A photographer.

    16. What does Mr. MacGregor do for the artists?

    A. He builds many websites for them.

    B. He advises them to make silver jewelry.

    C. He helps them sell artworks through the NOVICA program.

    17. What is one of the purposes of Mr. MacGregor's work?

    A. To keep the cultural traditions.

    B. To get a high price.

    C. To live a better life with his family.


    18. What is Mr. Reynolds like?

    A. Easygoing.     B. Fun.       C. Strict.

    19. When will the students study reading comprehension?

    A. During the first term.   B. During the second term.  C. During the third term.

    20. How many novels will the students read in the last three months?

    A. Two.      B. Three.      C. Four.

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)



    Kull:Exile of Atlantis Paperback Comments: 603 ★★★★★

    by Robert E. HowardAuthor, Patrice Louinet Editor, Afterword

    In a career spanning a mere twelve years, Robert E. Howard singlehandedly invented the type called sword and sorcery 巫术. From his fertile imagination sprang some of fiction's most enduring heroes. Yet while Conan is undoubtedly Howard's greatest creation, it was in his earlier series of fiction featuring Kull, a fearless warrior with the intellect of a philosopher, that Howard began to develop the distinctive themes, and the rich blend of history and mythology that would distinguish his later tales.

    MENDELEYEV'S DREAM Hardback Comments: 9, 023★★★★★

    by Paul StrathernAuthor

    Paul Strathern's terrific book Mendeleyev's Dream traces that journey all the way back to ancient Greece, when people first started questioning why the world is the way it is. It's hard to imagine a time before science. Strathern reminds us that people were more focused on questions of religion than on questions of science.

    Mendeleyev's Dream is the best book I've ever read on the periodic table 元素周期表. It helps you understand how it all got pieced together and why it's so helpful. It's also a fascinating book at how a new science develops.

    Into the Water    Audiobook      Comments:9, 600★★★★★

    by Paula Hawkins Author, Laura Aikman Narrator, Daniel WeymanNarrator

    Paula Hawkins, the author of the number-one New York Times best seller The Girl on the Train, returns with Into the Water, her addictive new fiction of psychological thriller, delivering a deeply satisfying listen.

    A single mother turns up dead in the river that runs through town, where earlier, a vulnerable teenage girl met the same fate. They are not the first women lost to these dark waters, but their deaths disturb the river and its history, digging up secrets long submerged.

    21. What can we learn according to the above three books?

    A. Robert E. Howard made a hit for his earliest creation Conan.

    B. Kull is a start point of Robert E. Howard's distinctive style.

    C. Mendeleyev's Dream describes how to apply the periodic table.

    D. Paul Strathern revealed human's excessive attention on science.

    22. Which of the following must be available via a sound device?

    A. Into the Water.

    B. Kull: Exile of Atlantis.

    C. Mendeleyev's Dream.

    D. The Girl on the Train.

    23. Which column on the website would you recommend the three books to?

    A. Thriller Today.

    B. Editor's Choice.

    C. Best Sellers of the Week.

    D. Nonfiction in Amazon Reading.


    Andrew runs a car repair workshop in a village in London, where swallows have made their nests on the crossbeams beneath its roof. All day long, they fly in and out, bringing back insects for their hungry chicks, seemingly unconscious of the constant noise and the comings and goings of customers. However, this spring the swallows didn't arrive back at his workshop until 10 April-the latest they have returned in nearly 40 years. Actually, the average return date has been 8 April, but this year I didn't see one over my garden in Scottish Highlands until the 25th. Numbers are down, too. While the tide appears to have turned up from last weekend onwards, other familiar species, like house martin(毛脚燕),needle-tailed swift, etc have been very few and far between.

    There are two reasons for their late arrival. Unlike many other migrating 迁徙)birds,  which fatten themselves up before they depart, these species feed as they travel, replenishing 补充)lost energy by catching flying insects. For that reason they are especially vulnerable to bad weather. And the weather in southern Europe this spring has been very unpredictable.

    The second reason is that, here in Britain these years, although the weather has been mainly dry, there have been persistent easterly and northeasterly winds, which may have also slowed down the birds' progress as they headed north.

    How might this end up affecting these global travellers over the long term? Migrating birds usually live for only one or two years, so they need to get down to raising a family as soon as they return. Swallows, which usually start nesting in early April, may only be able to raise a single hatch this year, rather than two as they do in most years.

    I have seen swallows all over the world and discovered just how important they are as a sign of spring: not just in Britain but all the way across the northern hemisphere. Yet I am concerned that rapid changes in the world's climate pose a real threat to their chances of breeding successfully and their long-term future, even a week or two delays.

    Fortunately, warm weather and clear skies have finally come to southern Europe, and the migration floodgates have opened. Earlier last week, down on the Somerset coast, I saw a steady passage of swallows, together with a few house martins, all heading steadily northwards. With warm sunshine and enough rain to produce quantities of insects, the swallows might be able to compensate for their lost time.

    24. What can be inferred from the first three paragraphs?

    A. Swallows' migration is always as regular as clockwork.

    B. Swallows are attracted by the steady stream of visitors.

    C. Swallows love making their nests around human places.

    D. Swallows' lateness for the spring becomes a universal trend.

    25. What does the author probably agree with?

    A. Unsettled weather affects swallows' feeding pattern.

    B. Abundant food supply makes up for swallows' lost time.

    C. Persistent winds step up swallows' progress towards south.

    D. There is an upward tendency in varieties of migrating birds.

    26. If climate problems continue to worsen, what might swallows suffer in the future?

    A. A threat to their immune system.

    B. A decrease in their life span.

    C. A decline in their population.

    D. A slim chance of nesting for chicks.

    27. What's the author's writing purpose?

    A. To raise great concerns about climate change.

    B. To introduce migration habits of different birds.

    C. To propose ideas for addressing global warming.

    D. To call for people to save the endangered species.


    Anthill Plastics Group, in Clearwater, Florida, recently welcomed a new team member. On his first day routine he performed the repetitive tasks required of him with flexibility, cooperating comfortably alongside employees. Sawyer is one of the fleet of robots now laboring in the world's factories. Some earlier industrial robots have been created to displace people. Instead, Sawyer is a collaborative robot, also known as a co-bot".

    Direct interaction between robots and humans at work is changing the face of manufacturing. Such interaction also means that roboticists need to design effective teammates as well as efficient workers. Co-bots operate in a field where human thoughts, human modes of communication and human safety are paramount 首要的. Rethink Roboticsa firm in Boston, had this in mind when it developed Sawyer, a one-armed co-bot, and his two-armed colleague, Baxter, with cameras and touch sensors. And their most noticeable feature is a screen that displays cartoonlike human facial elements. Such faces are not meant to please workers though they do. They are, rather, intended to promote communication between humans and machines.

    Then there is a basic precaution 防范. If the robot detects force topping a safe levelit stops moving instantly, to ensure there is no risk of injury to anyone. Too much of this stop-start can, however, lower efficiency. Researchers of Rethink Robotics have found, by tracking in detail human movements such as the relationship between shoulders and elbows, or the swing of the body, that they can predict where a robot should avoid being next, if it is to avoid human contact.

    Rethink Robotics are also looking at safety-in their case by creating robots with softer top layers. Softer materials not only provide greater flexibility for the co-bots when grasping, but also lessen the risk of injury when incidental contact is made between humans and robots. How long, if ever, it will be before such robots truly match the marketing slogan of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, a fictional firm in Douglas Adams's creation, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, remains to be seen. But even if not actually fun to be with, your plastic pal will become increasingly effective.

    28. Why was Sawyer invented according to paragraph 1?

    A. To work with human workers.

    B. To deal with the repetitive tasks.

    C. To enable workers to work flexibly.

    D. To replace the longtime employees.

    29. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?

    A. Baxter is an updated co-bot.

    B. Robots have cartoonlike human faces.

    C. Co-bots are designed for efficient workers.

    D. Human-centered needs are co-bots' priority.

    30. Which of the following will result in decreasing co-bots' efficiency?

    A. Tracking human movements.

    B. Predicting a lower risk nearby.

    C. Constantly stop to avoid potential risks.

    D. Frequently physical contact with humans.

    31. What is the author's attitude towards co-bots?

    A. Tolerant.

    B. Ambiguous.

    C. Appreciative.

    D. Disapproving.


    One morning a journalist woke up to an email from his editor, asking for yet another article. ChatGPT and other generative-AI services seem to be taking the world by storm, it read. Could you write an article explaining what they are and why they are not just hype (炒 作)?As he was feeling lazy he asked ChatGPT to answer that question adding that it should be written in Shakespearean language. This is what came back:

    Aye, tis true thattis a wondrous thing, these Generative Artificial Intelligences 生成性 人工智能),or GTPs as they be known.

    'Tis a marvel of modern science, and a type of AI technology that can generate natural language in response to input.

    'Tis a form of deep learning, in which a computer system is trained on tremendous amounts of text data. And then can generate its own text based on what it hath learned.

    'Tis a powerful tool that can be used for a multitude of applications, from creating content to aiding in customer service.

    Obviously, ChatGPT is, quite simply, the best artificial intelligence chatbot ever released to the general public.

    For most of the past decade, AI chatbots have been horrible if only it would cherry-pick the response, which is second to none, from the bot, and throw out the rest.

    But ChatGPT feels different. Smarter. Weirder. More flexible. It can write jokes, working computer code and college-level essays. It can also guess at medical diagnoses, create text-based Harry Potter games and explain scientific concepts at multiple levels of difficulty.

    ChatGPT isn't perfect, by any means. The way it generates responses-in extremely oversimplified terms, by making probabilistic 基于概率的)guesses about which bits of text belong together in a sequence, based on a statistical model trained on billions of examples of text pulled from all over the Internet-makes it most likely to giving wrong answers, even on seemingly simple math problems. There are also plenty of things ChatGPT won't do, as a matter of principle. The chatbot is programmed to refuse improper requests-a category that appears to include no-nos like instructions for illegal activities.

    Thus, 'tis clear that GPTs are more than mere hype.

    'Tis an exciting time for AI, and 'tis certain that GPTs will be at the forefront of this revolution.

    *Notes: `Tisold use=it is

    Hath old use=has

    32. What is the story about the journalist intended to?

    A. To arouse readers' interest in the editor.

    B. To show the brilliance of the journalist.

    C. To introduce an efficient tool for chats.

    D. To indicate the significance of Shakespeare.

    33. What does the underlined expression cherry-pickin paragraph 7 probably mean?

    A. Adopt the very best answer.

    B. Sample the moderate answer.

    C. Abandon the horrible answer.

    D. Select the second to last answer.

    34. Why might ChatGPT not be reliable according to paragraphs 9-10?

    A. Probabilistic guesses are oversimplified.

    B. Trained examples are considerable.

    C. Big no-nos are always refused.

    D. Garbage in, garbage out.

    35. What would be the best title of this article?

    A. The boundaries of AI

    B. The Brilliant and Weird AI

    C. The Strengths of AI Technology

    D. Productive poet: Shakespeare or AI-speare ?

    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)


    Last year, I fell into a deep depression. It was caused by a car accident. I was in physical recovery from the accident and suddenly all of my old hurts started coming up. I found myself crying on the floor of my apartment. 36 I didn't want to feel this way anymore.

    Let's pause for a moment. I don't want you to bleed with me or to pity me. But I also don't want to cover my reality. And the truth is, beneath the shiny photos you see on the Internet, I'm still a work in progress. 37 Like all of us, I'm doing the best I can and making the best choices I can. Back to the evening when I found myself lying on the floor.

    What happened next? I started writing.

    There was a TV show I absolutely loved. I started writing fan fiction. It provided a beautiful place of escape from the thoughts swimming in my head. 38 I started to feel like myself again.

    After completing four-part fan fiction totaling around 12, 000 words, I had an idea. I should write a novel to give a hand to those like me.

    I continued writing, having no idea where it would lead. I didn't know I would publish it but, after much resistance on my part I finally made the decision to publish the book under my own name. No pen name. No hiding on the deep bowels of the Internet.

    And so here we are. 39 Sure, readers will enjoy the twists and turns. And I can see myself in the character. 40 I wrote it to help people. To give them a place to belong to. A place to talk about this fictional world. The very same thing that saved me last year.

    If the story provides this to just one person, I've done my job.

    A. I'm not perfect.

    B. I didn't see a way out.

    C. The depression started to lift.

    D. But that's not my real motivation.

    E. The day before the release of the book.

    F. Sometimes I even feel I am the character.

    G. I've become a successful writer of many books.

    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



    A Moment of Joy

    Twenty years ago, I drove a cab for a living. I 41 people whose lives amazed me or made me laugh, but none touched me more than a woman I picked up late one August night.

    I was 42 a call from a small building in a quiet part of town. When I arrived at 2:30 a. m. , the building was almost dark except for a single light in a ground floor window. Under these circumstances many drivers would just honk 鸣笛)once or twice wait a minute then drive away. But I had seen too many poor people who depended on taxis as their only 43 of transportation. I went to the door thinking this passenger might be someone who needed my assistance, I 44 to myself. So I walked to the door and knocked.

    Just a minute, answered an elderly voice. Then, the door opened. A small woman in her 80s stood before me. By her side was a small nylon 45.

    Would you carry my bag out to the car? she said.

    I took the suitcase to the cab, then 46 to assist the woman. She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the cab.

    When we got in the cab, she gave me an address, then asked, Could you drive through downtown?

    It's not the 47 way, I answered quickly. OhI dont mind,” she said. Im in no hurry. Im on my way to a hospice 临终关怀医 院).

    I looked in the rear view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. I don't have any family left, she continued. The doctor says I'm too old to live alone.

    I quietly reached over and 48 the meter. For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator 49 . We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived. . .

    Finally we arrived at a low building. Two nurses came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They must have been 50 her. I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair.

    How much do I 51 you? she asked, reaching into her purse.

    Nothing. I said.

    You gave an old woman a little moment of 52, she said. Thank you.

    Then soon, the door shut. It was the sound of the 53 of a life. I didn't pick up any more passengers that night. I drove 54 , lost in thought. What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away? On a quick review, I don't think that I have done 55 more important in my life.

    41. A. visited B. picked C. touched D. encountered

    42. A. responding to B. waiting for C. asking for D. longing for

    43. A. means B. wish C. chance D. system

    44. A. objected B. promised C. reasoned D. subscribed

    45. A. cab B. suitcase C. shelf D. hallway

    46. A. fetched B. rejected C. offered D. returned

    47. A. quietest B. brightest C. shortest D. nearest

    48. A. broke down B. took on C. turned up D. shut off

    49. A. operator B. interpreter C. architect D. driver

    50. A. assisting B. admiring C. approaching D. expecting

    51. A. change B. own C. owe D. charge

    52. A. fun B. joy C. hope D. peace

    53. A. ending B. closing C. suffering D. turning

    54. A. aimlessly B. carelessly C. tirelessly D. effortlessly

    55. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


    Owing to huge Spring Festival movie ticket sales, the first month of the 2023 took a giant leap to become the highest-grossing January of all time in China, according to the China Film Administration.

    Selling a total of 201 million tickets for10 million screenings in over 10, 000 cinemas, the country saw 56 it overall box-office earnings exceed 10 billion yuan $1. 48 billion by Tuesday. This represented 57 270 percent increase from 2. 7 billion yuan in the same period last year, according to the Beacon, a real-time film data tracker.

    With the rapid 58 expand of the domestic film industry in recent decades, people have started a new custom of going to cinemas during Spring Festival, 59 turn the weeklong holiday into a profitable box-office season, insiders said.

    This year, the festival started 60 early than usual, with all seven days falling in January. In the past, it either stretched from late January to early February 61 was entirely celebrated in February.

    The appealing lineup of seven new movies- 62 couple with China's optimization of COVID-19 control measures, the first such adjustment in three years - further made the January box-office earnings soar, some analysts said.

    Full River Red-director Zhang Yimou's twist-studded story loosely inspired from a loyal general who was framed and executed- 63 top the charts, followed by sci-fi movie The Wandering Earth II and animated film Boonie Bears: Guardian Code in second and third places. Zhang's film generated so much enthusiasm among its audiences 64 many visited the memorial sites of Yue Fei, the Southern Song Dynasty1127-1279 general 65 story inspired the movie.

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


    假如你是李华,你校将邀请湘绣大师Ms Wang为到访的美国访问团做一个关于湖南湘绣艺术(Xiang embroidery art)的讲座。你将作为主持人将Ms Wang介绍给美国朋友,请你写一篇讲座主持开场白,内容包括:


    2.专家介绍(湘绣大师,非物质遗产传人 inheritor of intangible cultural heritage);





    Ladies and gentlemen,




    A Foothold in Life

    A dozen children ran around laughing and playing in my friend's yard, while we parents sat chatting and sipping cool summer drinks. The barbecue had been cleared away when our host announced a surprise. A huge movable rock wall was loaded in, which was about twelve feet wide, made of gray molded plastic with indented footholds that stretched straight up for what looked like at least a hundred feet. The enthusiastic kids swiftly lined up to give it a try, and with the complete fearlessness most children possess, scrambled to the top and rang the bel1 that hung at the highest point. There wasn't really anything to be afraid of since they were belted into place. Three people could climb side by side and talk to each other, so gradually the adults tried it, too.

    Come on; let's go get in line, my husband Neil urged. No, you go ahead without me. I had all sorts of good excuses: I don't have the right shoes; I forgot my sunglasses; I have to help the hostess. I have a unique talent for seeing unthinkable danger in almost every situation, and this scene seemed dangerous to me. I watched everyone else having fun, though, and finally convinced myself to try it.

    With all the nerve I could gather, I started the climb. The belt wrapped around me like a diaper so there was no way to fall. Yes, I thought, this is fun and safe! Concentrating on each foothold, I slowly made my way up. I avoided looking down to prevent any sudden panic, and within a few minutes I made it to the top and proudly rang the bell.

    Woo hoo! my daughters called up to me. Way to go, Col! Neil yelled.

    I enjoyed my success and the enjoyable view of fields and farmland until I realized there was a line below me waiting for a turn. It was time to go down.




    It was one thing to look out at the world in the distance, but it was a whole other thing to look straight down.

    Finally, the two of us reached the ground.










    湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2022-2023学年高三英语下学期月考试卷(八)(Word版附解析): 这是一份湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2022-2023学年高三英语下学期月考试卷(八)(Word版附解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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