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    这是一份2023届重庆市璧山来凤中学校高三上学期10月第二次月考英语试卷含答案,共14页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. What will the speakers d this weekend?
    A. See a mvie. B. Visit a z. C. G hrse-riding.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A stre. B. Their drmitry. C. The weather.
    3. Hw des the wman feel abut Prfessr Green’s class?
    A. Bred. B. Interested. C. Crazy.
    4. Where are the speakers?
    A. At the bus stp. B. At hme. C. At the cinema.
    5. Why didn’t the man finish his prject?
    A. He burned his hand. B. He was busy cking. C. He cared fr his rmmate.
    6. Where will the man g first?
    A. T a restaurant. B. T a htel. C. T a bank.
    7. What is the man cncerned abut?
    A. The price f lunch. B. The exchange fee. C. The psitin f a htel.
    8. What des the man’s father d?
    A. A lawyer. B. A scientist. C. A teacher.
    9. What des the man think f his mther?
    A. She is cnsiderate. B. She is quiet. C. She is serius.
    10 Why des the man make the call?
    A. T cmplain abut a prduct. B. T cancel an rder. C. T ask abut a shipment.
    11. When did the man place the rder?
    A. On September 18th. B. On September 19th. C. On September 20th.
    12. What will the man d next?
    A. Make a call t BLC. B. G t the custms ffice. C. Ask the wman fr help.
    13. Why des the man call the wman?
    A. T make an advertisement.
    B. T buy secnd-hand bkcases.
    C T find wrkers t decrate his study.
    14. What are the bkcases made f?
    A. Stne. B. Metal. C. Wd.
    15. What clr wuld the man paint the first bkcase?
    A. White. B. Yellw. C. Brwn.
    16. Hw much shuld the man pay in ttal?
    A. $30. B. $45. C. $60.
    17. What will the visitrs d next?
    A. Have dinner. B. Rest in the htel. C. G t Kwln.
    18. Where can visitrs see shws?
    A. In Hng Kng Culture Center. B. In Hng Kng Space Museum. C. In Salisbury Gardens.
    19. Why d peple g t Knutsfrd Terrace?
    A. T enjy nightlife. B. T buy suvenirs. C. T have indr dining.
    20. Where des the speaker strngly recmmend visitrs t g?
    A. T the Culture Center. B. T the Kwln Park. C. T the Bird Market.
    TV Shws Fr Teens
    A study fund that althugh new types f media are available t yungsters tday, televisin cntinues t be imprtant. Teens cntinue their habit f watching TV during adlescence and even start t rely n it fr their knwledge expansin. Here is a list f TV shws fr yur teens' viewing pleasure:
    Ancient Aliens
    As yur teens are ld enugh t understand Unidentified Flying Objects and aliens, yu can encurage them t watch Ancient Aliens. This American televisin series will bring yur teens the fascinating tpics f extraterrestrial(外星球的)presence and the scientific prf behind the claims.
    Channel: Histry
    The American dcumentary series were aired frm 2010 t 2014, whse aim was t discver human beings with a superhuman level f extrardinary physical r mental abilities. The shw, which attempts t uncver the scientific secret behind their “gifts”, will help yur teens learn abut the scientific reasns f superhuman abilities.
    Channel: Sci-Fi
    Prviding an abundance f scientific infrmatin in an easy and cmprehensible way is Megascience's style. All yur teens' mst puzzling scientific questins are answered in this shw clearly and in detail, telling everything related t science.
    Channel: Discvery Science
    Science f Stupid
    This shw, bradcast in varius versins in different cuntries, mixes science alng with fun. While addressing varius scientific principles, it prvides a scientific explanatin fr basic questins, such as what happens when yu use the wrng type f balln, thrugh funny vides.
    Channel: Natinal Gegraphic
    1. On which channel can teens watch a shw abut UFOs?
    A. Histry.B. Sci-Fi.C. Discvery Science.D. Natinal Gegraphic.
    2. What is Science f Stupid special abut?
    A. Its ppularity.B. Its style.C. Its meaning.D. Its audience.
    3. What d the fur shws have in cmmn?
    A. They talk abut science.B. They have many versins.
    C. They are brand-new shws.D. They are aired arund the wrld.
    I grew up in Algeria and as a female, I’ve had t pay an extra price thrughut my scientific jurney as a result. I knew studying abrad wuld be key t my success, s I was extremely excited when I wn a schlarship t attend a British university fr graduate schl. But there was ne cnditin: I needed t take an English test. I was fluent in Arabic and French, the languages spken in Algeria, but I didn’t have a slid grasp f English. I learned it hard but didn’t scre high enugh t secure entrance. I had t stay in Algeria t cmplete a master’s degree instead. But I kept learning English n my wn. Tw years later, I earned a Ph. D. schlarship t study in Switzerland.
    Midway thrugh my Ph. D. a prfessr remarked, “ Yu are quite prductive, but why dn’t yu publish in the regular jurnals in ur field? ” Shcked, I respnded, “ What d yu mean by regular jurnals? ” He gave a few examples f all jurnals dminated by researchers frm the Glbal Nrth. I had been publishing my papers in specialized, lw-impact jurnals. That was cunted as a great achievement in my hme cuntry, where even prfessrs struggle t get published. Nw, I realized that the scientific accmplishments abrad I was prud f were regarded as belw average at best. The prfessr’s cmment heartened me t adjust my research t address issues f brader interest. By the time I graduated, I had started publishing in s-called “ regular ” jurnals, which helped me land a pstdctral degree in Canada. I tld all this t the members f my lab, adding that they were privileged t grw up speaking English and have access t tremendus expertise and funding. Facing glbal inequities, I’ve started t try using a preprint server t integrate an English language prfing (校对) system int its platfrm, which wuld cnnect authrs wh need language help. We can take steps t make the glbal scientific cmmunity mre inclusive. And I want t be part f that push fr change.
    4. Why was the authr unable t g t a British university?
    A. She didn’t learn English.B. She failed the English test.
    C. She lacked a master’s degree.D. She gt the lwest entrance scre.
    5. What des the authr think f the cmment f the prfessr in Switzerland?
    A. Inspiring.B. Heartless.
    C. Regular.D. Cnfusing.
    6. What’s the aim f the preprint server?
    A. T establish an English language prfing system.
    B. T set up a platfrm where English authrs write.
    C. T make the glbal cmmunity mre inclusive.
    D. T aid thse wh need help with language.
    7. Which wrds can best describe the authr?
    A. Hnest and athletic.B. Humble and cnsiderate.
    C. Strng-willed and psitive.D. Energetic and sympathetic.
    Bstn wants t be smarter. The city has taken advantage f technlgies t becme mre respnsive t its residents' needs. But technlgy alne is nt sufficient t make tday's cities liveable. Bstn has discvered that it als needs t reach the ld-fashined lw-tech cmmunity and integrate that technlgy with city life.
    Kris Carter rlled ut Bstn's smart city prgram in 2014. It started with an App that residents culd dwnlad t reprt lcatins where sidewalks needed repair. The city srted ut thse reprts and ranked them in a database, which repair crews used t priritize their wrk.
    The system wrked beautifully, except fr ne prblem: mst f the alerts(警报) came frm wealthier neighbrhds, where the cncentratin f smartphne - equipped residents was highest. "The cmplaints frm the App didn't always crrelate with the greatest cmmunity need fr repairs, " explains Carter.
    Carter's grup has mved away frm the mdel cmmn t many smart city initiatives f letting tech-savvy(精通技术的)residents drive the prcess. Instead, they run meetings t find ut what prblems peple in different neighbrhds care abut slving. When it came t sidewalks, Bstn intrduced a secnd methd f cllecting repair tips, hiring peple t get ut and walk the city's 1,700 miles f sidewalks t take ntes n their cnditin.
    Whether using lw-tech r high-tech appraches, says Carter, t stay smart, a city needs t cntinually reassess its ptins t spt pprtunities t imprve residents' lives. Take the sidewalk repair prgram, walking n the streets was prved a useful, if inefficient way t priritize repair needs. But last year the grup fund that walkers' mbile phnes culd be tracked as they mved alng the streets, and that data culd be analyzed t identify sidewalk rutes which are mst ften used by neighbrhds.
    “Cmbined with ur ther sidewalk infrmatin, that gave us an even better way t predict where faster repairs wuld d the mst gd," says Carter,"We're really always lking fr whatever mix f appraches best slves the prblem."
    8. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The citizens' life.B. The city's reputatin.
    C. The city's management.D. The benefits f technlgy.
    9. What prblem did Kris Carter's team meet when carrying ut their prgram?
    A. They faced many technical bstacles.
    B. They culdn't serve all residents well.
    C. They were nt supprted by residents.
    D. They were annyed by being shrt-staffed.
    10. Which f the fllwing might Kris Carter mst agree with?
    A. Maximizing the benefits f technlgy.
    B. Mixing appraches fr slving prblems.
    C. Giving full play t the pwer f residents.
    D. Letting tech cmpanies be a leading rle.
    11. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. A Smart City: Mre Than Just Tech
    B. A City with Intelligent Facilities
    C. Jint-effrt in City Cnstructin
    D. The Mdernizatin f a City
    Anne Lacatn and Jean-Phippe Vassal, this year’s Pritzker Prize winners, were as surprised as anyne else when the mst famus award in architecture was made public yesterday.
    “Of curse it’s very pleasant, and we are very pleased,”Lacatn said at a cnference with her partner, bth smiling bradly frm their black eyeglasses.
    Putting aside their eyeglasses, Lacatn and Vassal culd nt be mre different frm an earlier generatin f Pritzker winners, knwn fr their easily recgnizable styles and grand wrk. Instead, the tw apply their simple guideline t their wrk n ld urban buildings fr lw-incme families: Never destry, never remve r replace, always add, transfrm, and reuse!
    When Lacatn and Vassal were asked t redesign a particularly large and ver-crwded public husing blck in Brdeaux in 2017, the residents (居民) tld them they culd nt affrd t mve, even temprarily, but they wanted bigger units. Their slutin was t replace the flding wden frnt dr with sliding glass dr t each unit and painted the ugly walls with smething bright. Suddenly, everyne had rmy utdr space, sme f which culd be used during the winter as “winter gardens.”
    “S, peple can nt nly get sun and light and spend time with family, but it’s als pen t neighbrs,” Clumbia University architecture prfessr Mabel Wilsn.“I wuld lve t live in ne f the apartments t they’ve redesigned.”
    Their apprach f cheap and creative re-adaptin culd be a mdel fr urban planning in the US, Wilsn adds, where destructin has been seen as a slutin t ld public husing in such cities as Chicag and St. Luis.
    There’s a lt f vilence in architecture and urbanism. We try t be precise. We try t wrk with kindness,” Lacatn nce explained.“Buildings are beautiful when peple feel well in them, when the light inside is beautiful and the air is pleasant, when the exchange with the utside seems easy and gentle, and when uses and sensatins are unexpected,”
    Lacatn and Vassal started their firm in Paris in 1987. Tgether, they wrked primarily in France.
    12. Why are Lacatn’s and Vassal’s eyeglasses mentined in paragraph 3?
    A. T draw readers attentin t their unusual clr.
    B. T shw that Pritzker Prize winners need eyeglasses.
    C. T tell us hw surprised and happy they are fr the prize
    D. T stress their nly pssible similarity with ther Pritzker winners.
    13. What did Lacatn and Vassal d in the Brdeaux public husing prject?
    A. They built winter gardens in the utdr space.
    B. They destryed the walls t prvide mre space.
    C. They just changed the drs and repainted the walls.
    D. They prvided bigger temprary rms fr the residents.
    14. What have Lacatn and Vassal mst prbably dne t win the Pritzker Prize?
    A. They have built many public huses with unique styles.
    B. They have designed varius famus buildings in the wrld.
    C. They have prvided free services fr pr families in the US.
    D. They have tried t transfrm ld urban buildings with kindness.
    15. In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Architecture.B. Envirnment.C. Lifestyle.D. Plitics.
    If yu’ve fallen ff the exercise wagn (健身车) it can be hard t get back int it even if yu knw abut its advantages. ____16____
    Step 1: Be gentle with yurself.
    Yu are prbably wrried that yu’re nt as fast as yu used t be. ____17____ If yu’re busy judging yur perfrmance and what’s nt happening, yu can’t fcus n what it is. Just be brave t start ver frm where yu are nw.
    Step 2: ____18____
    Be smart abut the frequency and duratin (持续时间) f yur exercise, especially during yur first few weeks back t exercise. Spreading them thrughut the week rather than being a weekend warrir (勇士) and gradually increasing yur activity levels will help yu avid injury.
    Step 3: Make things cnvenient.
    ____19____ When it cmes t finding the time, keep yur training shrt and effective. In this way, yu dn’t need t think f it as a time-cnsuming activity. All yu need is 15 t 30 minutes f running t keep up yur wrkut.
    Step 4: Try getting it dne first.
    Everyne has a different sweat style, whether yu prefer dawn exercise r are mre f a night wl. By getting the exercise dne first, yu have less chance t make excuses t leave ut the wrkut later in the day. ____20____ That feels gd.
    A. Set a realistic plan.
    B. Dn’t wrry abut that.
    C. Exercise anytime, anywhere.
    D. Try yur best t reach yur previus level.
    E. There are mre peple trying t keep healthy.
    F. Once the exercise is ver, yu’ll think yu’ve already achieved smething.
    G. Here, sme experts ffer fur simple steps yu can use t get back int it.
    Driving n the muntain rad where I live can be bth a delight and an adventure. Yet, yu shuld als watch fr deer and squirrels ___21___ the rad as well as fallen trees and rcks that may break lse frm and ___22___dwn the side f the hill.
    I ___23___ upn ne big rck just the ther day. I saw a car just ahead f me narrwly turn arund it. But the stne was ___24___ there, which might cause traffic accidents. I turned rund and then ___25___ ver t a wide spt. I knew a rck f this ___26___ wuld break parts f a lw riding car like mine if the driver didn’t see it ___27___. S I walked ver and mved the huge stne. It must have weighed 50 punds, but with all my strength, I remved it. I felt relieved and walked back t my car.
    The happening reminded me t f an ld ___28___ I had read nce: In a faraway land, a king had placed a huge rck n the way t his palace. Many nbles walked by and surrunded it, cmplaining that the king didn’t keep the rad up better. Finally, a ___29___ farmer pulling a cart (马车) f vegetables arrived. He ____30____ and pushed the rck ff the rad. Then he saw under it was a bag f gld cins that the king had left fr the ne wh ____31____the path fr thse wh came after. Later, he was nt as badly ff as befre.
    Nw while there wasn’t any ____32____ under the rck I mved, my heart did feel mre ____33____as I was driving back hme. Maybe the real ____34____ is the jy we spread, and the ____35____ we share.
    21. A. destryingB. beatifyingC. crssingD. transfrming
    22. A. setB. fallC. tearD. burn
    23. A. cameB. steppedC. beatD. lked
    24. A. seldmB. everC. alreadyD. still
    25. A. watchedB. pulledC. knckedD. handed
    26. A. sizeB. quantityC. lengthD. smthness
    27. A. in turnB. in timeC. at leastD. at break
    28. A. stryB. hleC. nbleD. saying
    29. A. greedyB. prC. frankD. lazy
    30. A. wanderedB. hesitatedC. stppedD. cntinued
    31. A. reachedB. fllwedC. designedD. cleared
    32. A. treasureB. jyC. barriersD. vegetables
    33. A. anxiusB. utgingC. awkwardD. glden
    34. A. trialB. surceC. rewardD. tl
    35. A. visinB. kindnessC. hnestyD. wealth
    The internatinal gaming cmmunity has welcmed the inclusin f esprts as____36____ fficial medal sprt at the 2022 Asian Games in Hangzhu, capital f Zhejiang prvince, where many tp club players will be seeking success fr their cuntries. Tian Ye, wh plays fr EDward Gaming,____37____ EDG, said, “If ____38____ (select), I hpe t cmpete at the Asian Games nce again.” The 23-year-ld was n the team ____39____ wn the League f Legends 2021 Wrld Champinship this mnth. Esprts was included in the Asian Games fr the first time as a demnstratin sprt at the 2018 editin in Indnesia, with China ____40____ (win) tw gld medals and a silver. News that esprts had been included as a medal sprt fr the Asian Games in Hangzhu ____41____(annunce) this mnth at the ____42____ (fur) China Internatinal Imprt Exp in Shanghai. Tian said: “It shws that esprts has gained wider ____43____ (recgnize). Such turnaments are becming ____44____ (increasing) prfessinal, and the gaming industry is nw taking place n a much ____45____ (big) scale than befre. ”
    46. 假定你是李华,你的朋友王明因为担心疫情会影响正常的学习,太过着急以至于生病了。请你给他写一封信安慰他。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    参考词汇:疫情pandemic;线下教学classrm teaching;线上教学nline teaching
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 开头、结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。
    Dear Wang Ming,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    I wasn’t the mst ppular kid in my freshman year. I wasn’t int fashin, preferred reading t sprts, had difficulty talking t bys. Therefre, the first year f high schl hadn’t been kind t me.I had n clse friends. I mstly kept t myself with my head buried in a bk.
    Ashley was very different frm me. She was utspken and fashinable. She was quite ppular. These were qualities I knew nthing abut. We had always been in the same classes thrughut schl, but had never talked much.
    During summer schl, we were bth taking classes. The teacher paired us up n an assignment. We met at the library t wrk n the prject and really gt well. Of curse, Ashley did mst f the talking. When classes ended we cntinued t hang ut.
    I lked up t Ashley; she was all f the things I thught I wanted t be. I began listening t the music she listened t, wearing the clthes she wre. I quit reading and started watching the TV prgrams Ashley watched. I even tailred my sphmre (大二) year schedule t her interests. I decided t take art class even thugh I had really wanted t take theatre.
    When we started schl again, Ashley intrduced me t her grup f friends, the“cl girls.” She was the leader f their grup. Finally I ft in. I fllwed them arund, laughing when they tld jkes, agreeing when they had pinins. I didn’t say much. I wuldn’t want them t think that I was being rude by disagreeing. This cntinued fr several mnths.
    One day, I verheard Ashley and her friends were talking abut me.
    “She’s such a lser,“ ne girl said t the grup.“Ashley, she just fllws yu arund trying t be yu. She cpies yu;she desn’t have a persnality f her wn.”
    Then Ashley replied“I knw, I wish she wuld leave us alne. We were in summer schl tgether and nw she thinks we’re best friends r smething."
    Paragraph 1:
    I std rted t the spt, feeling mrtified (受辱的) and heartbrken.
    Paragraph 2:
    Hearing my mm ‘s advice, l decided I was ging t stp crying and discver wh I was.
    听力答案:1-5 ACBAC 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 AABCA 16-20 BCBAC
    1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. A
    12. D 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. G 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. F 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. B
    36. an 37. r
    38. selected
    39. that##which
    40. winning
    41. was annunced
    42. furth 43. recgnitin
    44. increasingly
    45. bigger
    46. One pssible versin:
    Dear Wang Ming,
    I’m srry t hear that yu have fallen ill since yu are cncerned that the pandemic may affect yur study.
    As far as I’m aware, there is n need t wrry t much if classrm teaching is really suspended due t the pandemic. On the ne hand, in that case, yur schl will prvide nline curses, whereby yu can study at hme nline. On the ther hand, as yu are n the same bat with yur classmates, it serves as a test f self-discipline, which helps yu learn t study alne with the absence f peers’ pressure and teachers’ supervisin. Yu may as well take this chance t utperfrm thers.
    Hpe yu lighten up and get well sn.
    Li Hua
    47. I std rted t the spt, feeling mrtified and heartbrken. My hands were shaking, my face felt ht, and my eyes began t wet with uncntrllable tears. Hw had this happened? I thught we were friends. I didn’t knw Ashley thught f me in that way. I culdn’t stay there and listen any mre. I ran hme and tld my mther what had happened. She just held me while I sbbed fr hurs. After I calmed dwn, she patted my head and said gently, “Just be yurself and peple will like yu fr wh yu are”
    Hearing my mm’s advice, l decided I was ging t stp crying and discver wh I was. Ashley and I didn’t speak any mre after that. Over the next mnth, I went thrugh a lt f changes. I rediscvered reading, and develped my wn pinins. I never again just fllwed the crwd. I drpped art class and jined theatre. I began making new friends wh liked me fr wh I was. The friends I made in theatre are still my great friends t this day. When I lk back, I cnsider it a gift. What they said abut me was true. If I hadn’t been given the chance t realize it, I might have been t cncerned with “fitting in” t experience sme f the best times f my life.

    重庆市璧山来凤中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份重庆市璧山来凤中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),共22页。

    重庆市璧山来凤中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份重庆市璧山来凤中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),共19页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    重庆市璧山来凤中学2022-2023学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份重庆市璧山来凤中学2022-2023学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(含答案),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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