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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    1.What des the man need t d first?
    A.Fix the shelf.
    B.Paint the car.
    C.Lk fr his keys.
    2.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A.At the bkstre.
    B.At the pst ffice.
    C.At the htel.
    3.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Teacher and student.
    4.Hw des the wman feel?
    5.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.A famus TV prgram.
    B.The preparatin fr a speech rm.
    C.The intrductin t the guest speaker.
    6.Where are the speakers?
    A.On a bus.
    B.In the hspital.
    C. In a supermarket.
    7.Hw lng will it take the wman t get t the shpping center?
    A.Abut 35 minutes.
    B.Abut 20 minutes.
    C.Abut 15 minutes.
    8.What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He is t busy t ski any mre.
    B.He used t sell the ship tickets.
    C.He used t be a ski instructr.
    9.What des the wman want t d?
    A.Rent skis.
    B.Buy skis.
    C.Give up skiing.
    10.What kind f weekend des the man want?
    A.A busy city break.
    B.A relaxing time at the beach.
    C.A peaceful weekend in the cuntryside.
    11.Which htel des the man prefer t stay at?
    A.A ht spring htel.
    B. A family htel n a farm.
    C.A wden htel in the wds.
    12.What's the name f the htel the man will chse?
    A.Beach Htel.
    B.Sunshine Spring.
    C.Farmhuse Gateways.
    13.Why des Glria lk unhappy?
    A.She desn't have a car.
    B.She culdn't get a ticket hme.
    C.She has been studying t much.
    14.What d the numbers n the bxes represent?
    A.Types f cars.
    B.Districts f France.
    C.Amunts f mney.
    15.What clr card des Glria need?
    16.Where is the ride bard?
    A.In the travel agent's ffice.
    B.In the cinema f the cllege.
    C.In the Student Unin building.
    17.Wh is the speaker?
    A.A lcal fficer.
    B.A chief librarian.
    C.A histry teacher.
    18. What des the library want t add later this year?
    A.Nn-fictin materials.
    B.A cllectin f children's bks.
    C.A sectin n lcal turist attractins.
    19.What is in the large rm t the right f the library area?
    B.The art cllectin.
    C.The multimedia cllectin.
    20.What will the speaker d next?
    A.Answer sme questins.
    B.Put up the pictures.
    C.Shw his art cllectin.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    The Rcks Guided Walking Tur
    Search the histry f Sydney n a leisurely 90-minute walking tur in The Rcks district with an expert guide. Enjy the delights f present-day visuals as yu explre The Rcksand as yu discver shady curtyards and hidden areas that even the lcals d nt knw abut.
    What t Expect
    Meet yur guide at the starting pint in The Rcks district. Frm there, visit histric sites and hear stries abut the city frm a guide. The walking tur, which cvers 1.2 miles at a leisurely pace, fcuses n the neighbrhd lcated under the Sydney Harbur Bridge. Yu can wander arund the area's cbbled stne streets, alleyways and curtyards. The tur includes stps at Campbells Cve, the Garrisn Church, which is knwn as the Church f Hly Trinity, etc. Plus, yu can see the shreline f Sydney Cve as well as views f Sydney Opera Huse.
    Imprtant Infrmatin
    ·Cnfirmatin will be received at the time f bking.
    ·Children must be accmpanied by an adult.
    ·Small grups (n mre than 20 peple).
    ·It perates in all weather cnditins, please dress t the predicted weather cnditins apprpriate fr an utdr activity.
    ·Cmfrtable walking shes, hat and a bttle f water are suggested.
    ·The tur is wheelchair accessible. Hwever, be prepared fr uneven surfaces at the visited sites which may be difficult fr thse with walking disabilities.
    Departure Pint:35 Harringtn St, The Rcks NSW 2000,Australia.
    Duratin:90 minutes.
    Return Detail: Return t riginal departure pint.
    21.What can the visitrs enjy during the tur?
    A.Different villages.
    C.The muntain landscape.
    B.Remte curtyards.
    D.The view f the sea.
    22.What shuld the visitrs prepare fr the tur?
    A.Suitable clthing.
    C.Enugh fd.
    B.Many bks.
    D.Sme wheelchairs.
    23.Where des the tur start?
    A.In Sydney Opera Huse.
    C.At 35 -Harringtn St.
    B.At Campbells Cve.
    D.In the Garrisn Church.
    Abut 400 punds f fd is wasted per day frm 5 pm t 8 pm in Duglass Dining Hall. “We scrape(刮掉)the fd frm the cnveyr belt int the buckets by hand. Wrking fr Dining Team Green, I dn't expect t basically becme a garbage girl,” Rll said. “We d the wrk because we care much abut it. We all have a respnsibility t take care f the envirnment.”
    T have mre apprachable cmpsting(把······制成堆肥)machines n campus,Rll nw has a new sustainable prject investing in Lmi, an autmated cmpst machine. “I learned abut Lmi thrugh an ad,” Rll said. “Funny enugh, I just saw it and thught it perfect. It really interested me hw the mechanism wrked.”
    Lmi is a new technlgy that can break dwn fd waste int natural cmpst. Accrding t Rll, it breaks dwn waste in the way:grinding(碾碎)the fd int plant fertilizer. Unlike mst cmpsting machines, Omi can cmpst animal prducts, such as small bnes. Anther huge benefit is that it desn't have smell and can cnvert waste t cmpst in a shrter time.
    Rll plans n using the cmpst in the Gilbert cmmunity garden s that Dining Team Green can give back t the cmmunity. “It's very exciting t see ur fd waste that wuld therwise have gne in the trash and pllute the envirnment g t ur cmmunity,” she said.
    Rll is excited t intrduce a new frm f cmpsting t the residents. She hpes that this machine will inspire ther cmpsting machines in all residential buildings. “I want Lmi nt nly t be a way t reduce fd waste n the flr, but an educatinal tl t make peple cmpst in a real way and nt just talk abut it in a theretical sense,” Rll said.
    24.Which f the fllwing can best describe Lmi?
    D.Envirnmentally friendly.
    25.What des paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A.The reasns fr designing Lmi.
    B.The impact f wasting fd.
    C.The slutin t fd waste.
    D.The advantages f Lmi.
    26.What may be Rll's expectatin?
    A.Mre peple will get invlved in cmpsting initiatives.
    B.Dining Team Green will becme an educatinal tl.
    C.Mre develped cmpsting machines will be invented.
    D.Dining Team Green will build cmmunity gardens.
    27.What can we knw abut Rll?
    A.She lives in the Gilbert cmmunity.
    B.She is a member f Dining Team Green.
    C.She knws a lt abut residential buildings.
    D.She plans t design mre cmpsting machines.
    Definitins f adult learning vary, but it is usually defined as all frms f learning under-taken by adults after having left initial educatin and training, hwever far this prcess may have gne.
    Educatin and training are imprtant factrs fr achieving the strategy bjectives f rai-sing ecnmic grwth, cmpetitiveness and scial inclusin. Hwever, with sme exceptins, the prcess f implementing educatin and training remains weak. Mst educatin and training systems are still largely fcused n the educatin and training f yung peple and limited prgress has been made in changing systems t mirrr the need fr learning thrughut the lifespan.
    An additinal 4 millin adults wuld need t participate in lifelng learning. Recent re-search cnfirms the imprtance f investing in adult learning. The research n adults indicates that thse wh engage in learning are healthier, with a cnsequent reductin in healthcare csts.
    The big ecnmic challenge in Eurpe is t raise its grwth and emplyment perfrmance while preserving scial chesin (凝聚力).The rapid prgress in ther regins f the wrld shws the imprtance f creative, advanced and quality educatin and training as key factrs f ecnmic cmpetitiveness. General levels f cmpetence must increase, bth t meet the needs f the labur market and t allw citizens t functin well in tday's sciety.
    Eurpe is facing big demgraphic(人口的)changes that will have a majr impact n sciety and n the ecnmy and cnsequently n educatin and training prvisin and needs. Over the next 30 years, the number f yunger Eurpeans will fall by 15%. One in three Eurpeans will be ver 60 years ld, and abut ne in ten will be ver 80.
    Given the challenges identified abve, raising the verall level f skills f the adult ppulatin by ffering mre and better learning pprtunities thrughut adult life is imprtant fr bth efficiency and equity reasns. Nt nly des lifelng learning help make adults mre efficient wrkers and mre active citizens, it als cntributes t their persnal well-being.
    28.Which can replace the underlined wrd “implementing” in paragraph 2?
    A.carrying ut
    B.taking in
    C.knwing abut
    D.lking ver
    29.What can we learn frm the research?
    A.Adults have reduced healthcare csts.
    B.Learning is gd fr adults' health.
    C.Few adults need t receive learning.
    D.Mre research will fcus n learning.
    30.What prblem des Eurpe face accrding t the text?
    A.Eurpeans are nt healthy.
    B.Many ld Eurpeans have died.
    C.The Eurpean ppulatin is aging.
    D.Yung Eurpeans are ut f wrk.
    31. What des the authr want t express in the last paragraph?
    A.Lifelng learning is essential.
    B.Raising adult ppulatin is significant.
    C.We shuld help mre efficient wrkers.
    D.Wrk cntributes t persnal well-being.
    An inability t stand n ne leg fr 10 secnds in later life is linked t nearly duble the risk f death frm any cause within the next decade, accrding t a new study. The simple balance test may be useful t be included in rutine physical exams fr peple in middle and ld age, the research, which was published in British Jurnal f Sprts Medicine, suggested.
    While aging leads t a decline in physical fitness, muscle strength and flexibility, balance tends t be reasnably well-preserved until a persn's 50s, when it starts t decline relatively rapidly, the research nted. Previus research has linked the inability t stand n ne leg t a greater risk f falls and t cgnitive decline.
    The study invlved 1,702 peple aged 51 t 75 living in Brazil, wh were asked t balance unsupprted n ne leg during an initial check. Researchers tld the participants t place the frnt f the free ft behind the standing leg, keep their arms by their sides and eyes. Fixed straight ahead. Up t three attempts n either ft were permitted.
    The study participants had an average age f 61 and tw-thirds f them were men. Arund 1 in 5 failed t balance n ne leg fr 10 secnds at the initial checkup. Researchers mnitred the participants after the initial checkup fr a perid f seven years, during which
    7% f the peple died. The prprtin(比例) f deaths amng thse wh failed the test (17.5%) was significantly higher than deaths amng thse wh were able t balance fr 10 secnds(4.5%).
    The research was bservatinal and didn't reveal cause and effect. The study didn't lk at any pssible bilgical mechanisms that might explain the link between pr balance and lngevity.
    The study nted that, verall, thse wh failed the test were in prer health, with greater prprtin f suffering frm besity, heart disease and high bld pressure. Diabetes was als mre cmmn amng thse wh failed t cmplete the test.
    32.What did the participants take during the research?
    A.Visin examinatins.
    C.Flexibility tests.
    B.Medical examinatins.
    D.Balance tests.
    33.Hw did the researchers get the findings?
    A.By calculating the participant numbers.
    B.By cmparing the participants' lifetime.
    C.By identifying the participants' diseases.
    D.By mnitring the participants' pressure.
    34.What was the research's shrtcming?
    A.It had few participants.
    B.It didn't last very lng.
    C.It lacked in-depth study.
    D.It was the first research n balance.
    35.What may be the best title fr the text?
    A. Balance determines a persn's lifetime
    B.The balance test shuld be prmted t peple
    C.The ability t stand n ne leg can reflect health levels
    D.Being able t stand fr 10 secnds means being healthy
    Sustainability fr kids can start with a seed. We put tgether sme ways t invlve the whle family in prtecting the envirnment.
    G n a hike. Parental invlvement in early childhd educatin lks different in varius settings frm preschl t hme and t the grcery stre.36 Ging n a hike tgether can be an ideal thing t investigate a lcal ecsystem, lk fr signs f the changing seasn, and gain an verall appreciatin f the wrld utdrs. Plus, by bringing an extra garbage bag and glves t pick up trash alng the way, parents can shw kids sme educatinal activities.
    G green fr hlidays. Make hlidays fun while als supprting a green envirnment fr kids. Use LED lights fr decrative lighting.37 Decrease yur carbn ftprint and purchase hliday gifts frm lcal shps.
    38 Parents dn't need an acre f land t teach their children that fd desn't grw at the grcery stre. All they need is sunlight, water and dirt. A windwsill is the perfect spt t grw herbs. A back deck can grw beautiful tmates. Plant peach seeds in a small cntainer. 39
    Recycle tgether. Recycling activities fr kids can be fun and supprt family invlvement in educatin at the same time. 40_ Then wrk with them t make smething new ut f the recycled items, such as making bxes ut f recycled cardbard and strage tins ut f re-cycled cans.
    A.Plant a “garden”.
    B.Dn't buy fd frm the grcery.
    C.Prtecting the envirnment fr kids is imprtant.
    D.Parents shuld tell children what they can recycle.
    E.And the children can watch a little peach tree grw.
    F.Recycle Christmas trees instead f thrwing them away.
    G.T a child, every setting and every mment can be a teachable ne.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    As a dctr at Duke University Hspital, I met Beth five years ag. Her husband had just driven her t the hspital t have a brain tumr(肿瘤)41 . Beth’s surgery went 42,but after several dzen days, preparing t g hme, she started t cmplain f a 43. It turned ut brain swelling(肿胀),which was 44 t treat and required her t spend several mre days in the_45 . Frtunately, she recvered well. The day she left, she was46.
    A few weeks later, she 47 t the hspital with a cake she had baked fr everyne wh had 48 her while she was in hspital. But the next night, her brain swelling suddenly gt wrse. This time, she culd n lnger respnd 49 . We tk her in fr emergency surgery.
    Given hw 50 the brain swelling was, I decided she needed t stay in hspital fr clse 51 during her treatment. As she was making prgress, her husband was always at her_52_. One day, when getting her t_53 was a challenge, he remembered hw much she liked chili(辣椒),s that the meal quickly became a(n)54
    Hwever, it was nt lng befre the unexpected happened. A fld 55 away the rad he had t take t get t the hspital. That made it_56 fr him t g t the hspital fr a visit. S he called me. I prmised him that I wuld_57 Beth every day and call him t let him knw her 58.T my delight, the 59 gave him great satisfactin. He expressed his 60 t me. But I thught it was smething I needed t d and I was happy t give him sme help.
    The Great Wall
    As a symbl f ancient Chinese civilizatin, the Great Wall is ne f the wrld's ldest and mst magnificent(壮丽的)man-made scenes,61 has a lng histry. Given its ut-standing architectural achievement and remarkable histrical influence, the Great Wall 62 (list) as a UNESCO Wrld Cultural Heritage site in 1987, the first f 63 (it) kind in China.
    The Great Wall was 64 (riginal) built ver 2,000 years ag during the West Zhu Dynasty, and served 65_a functinal military defence. It had been playing a crucial rle in wars in ancient Chinese histry. Therefre, it was cntinually t be extended in the next 2,000 years, till the end f Ming Dynasty. As a result, the Great Wall was expanded t many places in China and frmed a beautiful shape.
    Because its 66(lng) is 21,196.18 km, it is widely named “Wanli Changcheng ”. There are Nrthern Great Wall and Suthern Great Wall, accrding t the lcatins.
    The Great Wall is a place steeped in histry and has much_67 (ffer) yu. Fr thse wh are fascinated(入迷的)by it and_68(greed) fr the knwledge f it,yu will find massive infrmatin abut it, the histrical develpment, the backgrund stries and its facts and figures. Whether yu are a histry-lving traveler 69 a lver f natural landscape, yu will never get tired f the Great Wall, ne f the seven_70 (wnder) in the wrld.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Chinese peple place a high value in respnsibility. It is ur duty t taking care f ur parents. We knw that they have dne a lt t take care f them. S we shuld give back sme f the lve and care they had given t us. As Chinese citizen, we have a respnsibility t prtect ur cuntry. Thus, we shuld study hardly fr ur mtherland. Finally, we must re-member that we shuld built a clean and beautiful wrld. It is imprtant what we need t prtect envirnment. By ding s, and we will make the wrld better.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    假定你是李华,你校将举办一场关于英语文学的讲座。请你用英语给外教Mr Green写一封邮件,内容包括:
    41. A. remved
    B. prevented
    C. explained
    D. recrded
    42. A. prly
    R frequently
    C. smthly
    D. directly
    43. A. thught
    B. reputatin
    C. headache
    D. disaster
    44. A. riginal
    B. difficult
    C. negative
    D. interesting
    45. A. shelter
    B. cmpany
    C. ffice
    D. hspital
    46. A. successful
    B. faithful
    C. dubtful
    D cheerful
    47. A. bjected
    B. returned
    C. appealed
    D. cntributed
    48. A. eared fr
    B. called n
    C. brught up
    D. cme acrss
    49. A. legally
    B. slwly
    C. nrmally
    D. sincerely
    50. A. serius
    B. bring
    C. cmmn
    D. crazy
    51. A. cnsultatin
    B. examinatin
    C. discussin
    D. prtectin
    52. A. side
    B. hme
    C. fault
    D. heart
    53. A. smile
    B. sleep
    C. walk
    D. eat
    54. A. shw
    B. game
    C. struggle
    D. enjyment
    55. A tk
    B. passed
    C. washed
    D. gave
    56. A precius
    B. reliable
    C. impssible
    D. strange
    57. A. ask
    B. infrm
    C. teach
    D. visit
    58. A cnsequence
    B. cnditin
    C. character
    D. cmpetence
    59. A prblem
    B. cnversatin
    C. surrundings
    D. imprvement
    60. A. appreciatin
    B. attitudes
    C. expectatins
    D. influence

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