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    第一部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Fuel up on a cold brew
    Cafe Avellaneda is a pocket-sized cafe offering specialty brews made from freshly roasted beans grown in the Mexican states of Chiapas, Oaxaca and Veracruz. The rustia caff is known for its cold brews, cookies and cakes.
    www. cafeavellaneda. negocio. site
    Go to Museo Nacional de Culturas Populates
    This museum is tucked-away in an Art Deco building in a tree lined street. It’s known for its interactive exhibits that showcase the rich cultures that are woven into the fabric of the city.
    www. museoculturaspopulares. gob. mx
    See the street art
    Carve off from the centre of Coyoacan to see some of the quirkiest examples of street art in Mexico. The streets 4hat branch out from the Jardin Centenario are your best bet for spotting new works by the Axolotl Collective.
    www. axolotlcollective. com. mx
    Visit the Experimental Ceramics Workshop
    This hard-to-find ceramics workshop is worth tracking down for its stunning collection of plates, saucers, cups and decorative objects. The shop sells artfully flawed pieces, too.
    www. ceramicadiazdecossio. com, mx
    1. What are the brews in Cafe Avellaneda made from?
    A. Nuts. B. Beans. C. Cookies. D. Cakes.
    2. What is the museum known for?
    A. Arts. B. Cultures. C. Trees. D. Exhibits.
    3. Which website can you visit to know about ceramics?
    A. www. ceramicadiazdecossio. com. mx
    B. www. museoculturaspopulares. gob. mx
    C. www. axolotlcollective, com. mx
    D. www. cafeavellaneda. negocio. site
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
    【导语】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了 COYOACAN组织的一次徒步旅行活动的相关情况。
    细节理解题。根据文章Fuel up on a cold brew部分的“Cafe Avellaneda is a pocket-sized cafe offering specialty brews made from freshly roasted beans grown in the Mexican states of Chiapas, Oaxaca and Veracruz.(Avellaneda 咖啡馆是一家袖珍咖啡馆,提供用墨西哥恰帕斯州、瓦哈卡州和韦拉克鲁斯州种植的新鲜烘焙咖啡豆酿造的特色啤酒。)”可知Cafe Avellaneda的啤酒是用咖啡豆制作的。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章Go to Museo Nacional de Culturas Populates部分的“This museum is tucked-away in an Art Deco building in a tree lined street. It’s known for its interactive exhibits that showcase the rich cultures that are woven into the fabric of the city.(这座博物馆隐藏在一条绿树成荫的街道上的一座装饰艺术建筑里。它以其互动展览而闻名,这些展览展示了编织在城市结构中的丰富文化。)”可知这座博物馆以其展览而出名。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据文章Visit the Experimental Ceramics Workshop部分的“This hard-to-find ceramics workshop is worth tracking down for its stunning collection of plates, saucers, cups and decorative objects. The shop sells artfully flawed pieces, too.www. ceramicadiazdecossio. com, mx(这家很难找到的陶瓷作坊值得一逛,因为它收藏了令人惊叹的盘子、茶托、杯子和装饰品。这家商店也出售有艺术缺陷的作品。)”可知要想了解关于陶瓷的知识需要访问www. ceramicadiazdecossio. com. mx。故选A项。
    Cheng Feng is a teacher in a rural primary school. Yet, to many of her students, the 33-year-old is more than that. Cheng’s care for her rural students has extended beyond the classroom and makes her a mother figure to them all.
    During the just past summer vacation, Cheng didn’t take time off but paid home visits to rural students of the Liling Primary School, which is nestled in the mountains more than 120 kilometers from the central area of Poyang County, East China’s Jiangxi Province.
    Most students have been left behind by their parents, who have to go to work far away from home, and they are looked after by their grandparents.
    “Seeing these special families and special children, I realized the importance of Fural education, and it is one of the major reasons why I have stuck around all these years, ” says Cheng, who also grew up in Poyang.
    After learning that one of her students, Tan Yeting, and her brother were just scraping by on the low income of their grandparents’ handmade broom business, Cheng would pay regular visits to Tan’s home.
    She would walk the two children through their homework assignment, enjoy beautiful rural scenery with them and cut their hair. These interactions have helped both children grow in confidence and shake of their timid nature at school.
    She also helped to improve the teaching facilities and infrastructure in the school, and went out of her way to persuade them to come to school.
    Thanks to her efforts, approximately 200 children in the neighborhood have been able to enjoy better education.
    4. What mainly makes Cheng stay in the rural school for many years?
    A. Attaching importance to rural education.
    B. Enjoying beautiful rural scenery.
    C. Loving Tan Yeting another brother.
    D. Persuading children to come to school.
    5. Which of the following best explains “ scraping by on ” underlined in paragraph 5?
    A. Holding on. B. Living on. C. Spending on. D. Taking on.
    6. What does Cheng aim at?
    A. Staying in the countryside. B. Enjoying better education.
    C. Promoting rural education. D. Paying visits to rural students.
    7. What is the text mainly about?
    A. A mother figure. B. Fighting for better education.
    C. Helping students. D. A devoted rural educator.
    【答案】4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Seeing these special families and special children, I realized the importance of Fural education, and it is one of the major reasons why I have stuck around all these years, ” says Cheng, who also grew up in Poyang.(“看到这些特殊的家庭和特殊的孩子,我意识到农村教育的重要性,这也是我这些年坚持在这里的主要原因之一,”同样在鄱阳长大的程说。)”可知程风在农村学校待了许多年的原因是因为她重视农村教育。故选A项。
    词句猜测题。根据文章第五段“After learning that one of her students, Tan Yeting, and her brother were just scraping by on the low income of their grandparents5 handmade broom business, Cheng would pay regular visits to Tan’s home.(在得知她的一个学生谭叶婷和她的弟弟靠他们祖父母做的手工扫帚生意的微薄收入scraping by on后,程会定期去谭叶婷家拜访。)”可知此处指谭叶婷一家的经济来源只有祖父母手工做的扫帚,即靠手工扫帚生意的微薄收入生活,所以可推知此处划线词“scraping by on”的意思应与B项Living on(以……为生)意思相近。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段““Seeing these special families and special children, I realized the importance of Fural education, and it is one of the major reasons why I have stuck around all these years, ” says Cheng, who also grew up in Poyang.(“看到这些特殊的家庭和特殊的孩子,我意识到农村教育的重要性,这也是我这些年坚持在这里的主要原因之一,”同样在鄱阳长大的程说。)”以及文章最后一段“Thanks to her efforts, approximately 200 children in the neighborhood have been able to enjoy better education.(由于她的努力,附近大约200名孩子已经能够享受更好的教育。)”可知程风的目的是为了促进农村教育。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Cheng Feng is a teacher in a rural primary school. Yet, to many of her students, the 33-year-old is more than that. Cheng’s care for her rural students has extended beyond the classroom and makes her a mother figure to them all.(程风是一所农村小学的老师。然而,对她的许多学生来说,33岁的她不仅仅是这样。程风对农村学生的关心已经超越了课堂,让她成为了孩子们的母亲。)”以及文章其他段落的内容可知文章主要讲的是乡村教师程风投身于乡村教育的感人故事,所以D项A devoted rural educator(一位有献身精神的农村教育工作者)最能够概括文章的主要内容。故选D项。
    Some animals enjoy playing just like humans do although researchers used to think that applied mostly to birds and mammals. An animal plays when it does something that doesn’t seem to be constructive to its survival so it’s not about food or shelter, for instance. The behavior is also often done again and again.
    However, scientists have now conducted experiments that seems to prove bees play too. As far as the experts know, bees are the only insect to do so.
    Researchers from Queen Mary University in London earned out an experiment in which bumble bees were taught to roll little balls with the aim of being rewarded with food. They then discovered the insects kept rolling balls even when they weren’t rewarded. They then did another experiment: a path was built from the beehive to a section containing food. Balls were placed on each side of the path leading to the food. The balls on one side were glued down and couldn’t move and the balls on the other side were free and capable of moving. The bees could stay on the path to get to their food, but they always went to the side of the moveable balls and rolled them along. One bee even rolled the balls 44 times in one day.
    Researchers say the experiments may well show insects are more evolved than we think.
    8. Which of the following best describes the animals’ behavior?
    A. Recovered. B. Repeated. C. Responded. D. Recommended.
    9. What was the result of the first experiment?
    A. The bees kept playing without reward.
    B. The bees taught each other to roll balls.
    C. The bees rolled little balls to get food.
    D. The bees rewarded each other.
    10. What was the purpose of the experiments?
    A. To show the balls were movable.
    B. To show the bees enjoy food.
    C. To show the bees enjoy playing.
    D. To show the balls were important.
    11. What can we learn about from the passage?
    A. Insects’ evolution is out of control.
    B. Insects’ behaviors are beyond imagination.
    C. Insects’ behaviors are out of control.
    D. Insects’ evolution is beyond imagination.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. C 11. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“An animal plays when it does something that doesn’t seem to be constructive to its survival so it’s not about food or shelter, for instance. The behavior is also often done again and again.(当动物做一些似乎对其生存没有建设性的事情时,它们就是在玩耍。例如,与食物和住所无关的事情时。这种行为也经常反复发生)”可知,动物的这种行为是反复发生的,是重复的,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Researchers from Queen Mary University in London earned out an experiment in which bumble bees were taught to roll little balls with the aim of being rewarded with food. They then discovered the insects kept rolling balls even when they weren’t rewarded.(伦敦Queen Mary大学的研究人员完成了一项实验,在实验中,大黄蜂被教导滚动小球,以获得食物奖励。然后他们发现,即使没有得到奖励,这些昆虫也不停地滚动球)”可知,在第一个实验中,大黄蜂即使没有奖励,也会不停地滚动球,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“However, scientists have now conducted experiments that seems to prove bees play too. As far as the experts know, bees are the only insect to do so.(然而,科学家们进行了实验,似乎证明蜜蜂也会玩。据专家所知,蜜蜂是唯一这样做的昆虫)”可知,这些实验的目的是为了证明蜜蜂也会玩耍,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Researchers say the experiments may well show insects are more evolved than we think.(研究者说,实验表明,昆虫比我们想象中更进化)”可知,昆虫的进化超出了我们的想象,故选D。
    Sometimes, we are influenced by the post-book & series blues.
    We all have those pains of stress around the last few episodes (集) of our current favorite TV show, about the junction where there will be no “Next Episode” button to click. For many hours, days, and weeks, we invest ourselves in the plot, characters, and the world of the show, only to realize that it - after all - exists inside a screen. Therefore, it is meaningless to have those pains, which is similar to reading storybooks.
    You get a story, escapism, possibly even life-changing revelations. In return they get your undivided attention. But what happens when you finally re-emerge from that transaction? The longer it goes on for, the harder the end seems to be.
    It’s a sense of loss that you feel at the end of a book and you’re unhappy. It’s like saying goodbye to so many friends you’ve made because you’ve got to know this person over the course of the book and now there’s no more connection, -and this is why sequels (续集)do so well - it’s that continuity.
    One key to emotional connection is the all-important protagonist (主角). It’s why some people deliberately don’t finish certain books, because either they may not want to know what happens to a favorite character, or the end of a special read is worth prolonging forever.
    Fiction and non-fiction stories have always been there to help catch our fall during troubled times. It’s pure, healthy escapism.
    Perhaps the best way to get over the post-book or post-series blues is to be grateful for what you’ve learned, and enjoy where your creative thinking has taken you.
    12. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
    A. Junctions in TV shows. B. Pains from TV shows.
    C. Characters of TV shows. D. Episodes of TV shows.
    13. What do people gain in return after getting a story?
    A. Escapism. B. Revelation. C. Attention. D. Happiness.
    14. Why do people get a sense of loss after reading a book?
    A. They are addicted to the characters. B. They say good-bye to their friends.
    C. They know the person in the book. D. They are fond of reading.
    15. What is the best title for the passage?
    A. Imagination after an episode. B. Escapism.
    C. Post book & series blues. D. Emotion.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. A 15. C
    主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“We all have those pains of stress around the last few episodes (集)of our current favorite TV show, about the junction where there will be no “Next Episode” button to click.(在我们最喜欢的电视剧的最后几集里,我们都有着这样压力的痛苦,担心没有“下一集”按钮的点击。)”可知,本段主要讲述了我们在看电视剧时的痛苦,担心没有下一集的痛苦,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“You get a story, escapism, possibly even life-changing revelations. In return they get your undivided attention.(你得到了一个故事,逃避现实,甚至可能改变生活的启示。作为回报,他们会得到你的全神贯注。)”可知,最为回报,在得到故事后,人们会全神贯注地阅读故事,因此他们得到的就是注意力,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“It’s a sense of loss that you feel at the end of a book and you’re unhappy. It’s like saying goodbye to so many friends you’ve made, because you’ve got to know this person over the course of the book and now there’s no more connection,(这是一种失落感,当你在一本书的结尾感到不开心的时候。就像跟你交了很多年的朋友说再见,因为你在读书的过程中认识了这个人,现在又不会再有多少联系了。)”可知,读完一本书之后会有失落感,是因为要和书里的人物说再见了,舍不得书中的人物,对书里的人物着迷,故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Sometimes, we are influenced by the post-book & series blues.(有时,我们会受到新书和连续剧忧郁的影响。)”可知,本篇文章主要讲述了为什么会产生对新书和连续剧后的忧郁,以及摆脱这种忧郁的最好办法,故C项“新书和连续剧忧郁”符合文章标题,故选C。
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选岀能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Simple Steps to Help You Cope With Anxiety
    Anxiety involves feelings of worry, fear, and depress. Anxiety is typically experienced on cognitive, emotional, and physical levels. When feeling anxious a person may have negative or disturbing thoughts. ____16____
    Stop and breathe
    When anxiety appears, practice this simple breathing technique: Begin by getting into a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and breathe slowly through your nose. Follow this inhalation(吸入)with a deep exhalation. ____17____, in and out of your nose. Allow your breath to be a guide to the present.
    Figure out what’s bothering you
    In order to get to the root of your anxiety、you need to figure out what’s bothering you. Writing in a journal can be a great way to get in touch with your sources of anxiety. If anxious feelings seem to be keeping you up at night try keeping a journal or notepad next to your bed. ____18____.
    Replace your fears by changing your attitude about them. For example, stop fearing to lose your job and instead focus on how grateful you are to have a job. Come to work determined to do your best. Instead of fearing your loved one’s safety, spend time with them, or express your appreciation of them.
    Focus on something less anxiety- provoking
    At times, it may be most helpful to simply redirect yourself to focus on something other than your anxiety. Do some chores or organizing around the house. ____20____ such as drawing, painting, or writing. Go for a walk or engage in some other form of physical exercise.
    A. Read some jokes
    B. Take part in a creative activity
    C. Focus on what you can change
    D. Continue to breathe deeply and fully
    E. Write down all of the things that are bothering you
    F. Therefore, there are some useful steps you can. take to be happy
    G. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to manage your anxiety
    【答案】16. G 17. D 18. E 19. C 20. B
    根据空前“Anxiety involves feelings of worry, fear, and depress. Anxiety is typically experienced on cognitive, emotional, and physical levels. When feeling anxious a person may have negative or disturbing thoughts.(焦虑包括担心、恐惧和沮丧的感觉。焦虑通常表现在认知、情绪和身体层面。当感到焦虑时,一个人可能会有消极或令人不安的想法。)”可知此处在讲焦虑的表现以及影响,空处承上启下,根据后文的四条建议可知空处应该说讲的是有一些建议可以帮着我们应对焦虑,G项Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to manage your anxiety(幸运的是,你可以采取一些简单的措施来应对你的焦虑)指出有一些建议可以帮助我们来应对焦虑,承接上文,又引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选G项。
    根据本段主题句“Stop and breathe(停下来,深呼吸)”以及空前“When anxiety appears, practice this simple breathing technique: Begin by getting into a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and breathe slowly through your nose. Follow this inhalation(吸入)with a deep exhalation.(当焦虑出现时,练习这个简单的呼吸技巧:从一个舒适的坐姿开始。闭上眼睛,用鼻子慢慢呼吸。然后深呼吸。)”可知此处讲的是当焦虑出现时应该怎样呼吸,根据空后“in and out of your nose. Allow your breath to be a guide to the present.(从鼻子里呼出来。让你的呼吸成为当下的向导。)”可知空后是在讲这个简单的呼吸是如何进行的,空处承上启下,依据空后的逗号,所以空处讲的应该也是应该怎样呼吸,D项Continue to breathe deeply and fully(继续深呼吸)承接上文继续续讲呼吸的技巧,符合上下文语境。故选D项。
    根据本段主题句“Figure out what’s bothering you(弄清楚是什么在困扰你)”以及空前“If anxious feelings seem to be keeping you up at night, try keeping a journal or notepad next to your bed.(如果焦虑的感觉让你晚上无法入睡,试着在床边放一本日记或记事本。)”可知如果感到焦虑,我们应该通过记日记的方式搞清楚原因,空处位于段末,应对前文内容进行总结,所以空处应该讲的是要将困扰自己的事情统统写下来,E项“Write down all of the things that are bothering you(写下所有困扰你的事情)”点明要写下所有困扰自己的事情,对上文进行总结,符合上下文语境。故选E项。
    空处为本段主题句。根据空后“Replace your fears by changing your attitude about them. For example, stop fearing to lose your job and instead focus on how grateful you are to have a job. Come to work determined to do your best. Instead of fearing your loved one’s safety, spend time with them, or express your appreciation of them.(通过改变你对恐惧的态度来取代恐惧。例如,不要再担心失去工作,而是专注于你对拥有一份工作的感激之情。来工作的时候一定要做到最好。与其担心你所爱的人的安全,不如花时间和他们在一起,或者表达你对他们的感激之情。)”可知本段主要讲的是要改变对恐惧的态度,即:要专注于自己所有的东西而不是担心失去某些东西,C项Focus on what you can change(专注于你能改变的)给我们指出了对于自己担心的事情应该怎么做,概括本段内容,符合上下文语境。故选C项。
    根据本段主题句“Focus on something less anxiety- provoking(专注于一些不那么令人焦虑的事情)”以及空前“Do some chores or organizing around the house.(做一些家务或整理房子。)”可知此处讲的是要从事一些不那么令人焦虑的活动来应对焦虑,根据空后“such as drawing, painting, or writing. Go for a walk or engage in some other form of physical exercise.(如绘画、绘画或写作。出去散散步或者进行一些其他形式的体育锻炼。)”可知此处列举了一些有创意的活动,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是要参加一些积极的有创意的活动,B项Take part in a creative activity(参加一项有创意的活动)承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选B项。
    第二部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)
    第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小1. 5分, 满分30分)
    阅读下面短文。从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    As an only child, Nicole Renae often felt lonely. But that all ____21____ when she turned ten. For her birthday, Renae’s grandmother surprised her with a lovely gray puppy named Chloe.
    From the very start, the two close friends were ____22____.Every ounce of love Renae gave, the little dog ____23____ tenfold. “She was such a ____24____ dog, which liked to delight me by licking my face.” Renae says.
    But when Renae was 14 her father got a new job that came with a ____25____ : He would be working from home, and the house needed to be free of any heavy sound. “Chloe was very ____26____, ”Renae says. “I didn’t have any ____27____ in the matter though I didn’t want to ____28____ my dog. ”
    With no easier option, the family ____29____ Chloe to an animal _____30_____.
    In time, Renae had a child of her own. Remembering the joy that having a dog had brought her as a/an _____31_____ , Renae wanted her daughter to _____32_____ the same. One day she saw a post on Facebook about a senior dog that needed a new _____33_____. The dog in the photograph looked a lot like Chloe—she was even named Chloe. _____34_____ it was decided: She would _____35_____ this older dog.
    When she met Chloe, Renae was struck with a /an _____36_____ feeling. “She ran up to me and started _____37_____ my face. I just knew in my heart that it was her close friend Chloe”
    Renae remembered Chloe had been micro chipped as a puppy and she had kept its ID number. She found her new Chloe also had a _____38_____.
    “Fortunately, the numbers were a _____39_____ .”Renae says. After years of thinking she’d never see her dog again, Renae is _____40_____ to have her back home.
    21. A. changed B. happened C. remained D. went
    22. A. grateful B. inseparable C. generous D. emotional
    23. A. required B. gained C. spared D. returned
    24. A. tiresome B. silly C. sweet D. capable
    25. A. request B. suggestion C. promise D. fact
    26. A. quiet B. noisy C. weak D. calm
    27. A. means B. job C. house D. choice
    28. A. get down to B. get ahead of C. get rid of D. get used to
    29. A. abandoned B. welcomed C. accepted D. preserved
    30. A. market B. zoo C. hospital D. shelter
    31. A. helper B. kid C. giver D. fan
    32. A. witness B. explore C. experience D. acquire
    33. A. look B. coat C. picture D. home
    34. A. In that case B. In an instant C. By the way D. By all means
    35. A. adopt B. accompany C. check D. cure
    36. A. strange B. uncomfortable C. familiar D. simple
    37. A. licking B. rubbing C. touching D. scraping
    38. A. friend B. microchip C. photograph D. puppy
    39. A. match B. miracle C. surprise D. success
    40. A. scared B. determined C. overjoyed D. amazed
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. A 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. A 40. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但当她十岁时,一切都改变了。A. changed改变;B. happened发生;C. remained留下;剩余;D. went过去;去。根据前文“As an only child, Nicole Renae often felt lonely.”以及空后“when she turned ten. For her birthday, Renae’s grandmother surprised her with a lovely gray puppy named Chloe.”及“From the very start, the two close friends were ____2____ .”可知在十岁那年Nicole Renae得到了一条小狗,从此不再孤单,即一切发生了改变。故选A项。
    考查形容词义辨析。句意:从一开始,这两个亲密的朋友就形影不离。A. grateful感激的;B. inseparable密不可分的;C. generous慷慨的;大方的;D. emotional情感的;激动人心的。根据后文“Every ounce of love Renae gave, the little dog ____3____ tenfold.” 可知小狗和女孩的关系很密切。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Renae每付出一盎司的爱,小狗就会回报十倍。A. required要求;B. gained获得;得到;C. spared匀出;抽出;D. returned返回;归还。根据前文“From the very start, the two close friends were ____2____ .”以及后文“She was such a ____4____ dog, which liked to delight me by licking my face.”可知Renae和小狗的关系密不可分,所以可以推断出小狗对于Renae的爱是积极回应的。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“她是一只很可爱的狗,喜欢舔我的脸来取悦我。”A. tiresome烦人的;B. silly愚蠢的;C. sweet甜的;芳香的;D. capable有能力的。根据前文“Every ounce of love Renae gave, the little dog ____3____ tenfold.”以及空后“which liked to delight me by licking my face.” Renae says.”可知小狗喜欢舔Renae的脸来取悦她,所以可以推知Renae觉得小狗很可爱。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但当Renae 14岁时,她的父亲得到了一份新工作,他提出了一个要求:他将在家里工作,而且家里需要没有任何大的声音。A. request要求;请求;B. suggestion建议;C. promise诺言;D. fact事实。根据空后“He would be working from home, and the house needed to be free of any heavy sound.”可知因为要在家里工作,所以父亲提出了一个要求。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“Chloe很吵,”Renae说。A. quiet安静的;B. noisy吵闹的;C. weak虚弱的;D. calm镇静的。根据前文“He would be working from home, and the house needed to be free of any heavy sound.”以及后文““I didn’t have any ____7____ n the matter though I didn’t want to ____8____ my dog. ””以及“With no easier option, the family ____9____ Chloe to an animal ____10____ .”可知因为父亲需要一个安静的工作环境,所以Chloe被送到了动物收容所,由此可以推知Chloe是很吵闹的。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“在这件事上,我没有任何选择,尽管我不想与我的小狗分开。”A. means方法;方式;B. job工作;C. house 房子;D. choice选择。根据空后“in the matter though I didn’t want to ____8____ my dog. ” 以及“With no easier option, the family ____9____ Chloe to an animal ____10____ .”可知在送小狗走的事情上女孩是没有选择的。故选D项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:“在这件事上,我没有任何选择,尽管我不想与我的小狗分开。”A. get down to着手处理;B. get ahead of胜过;超过;C. get rid of除去;摆脱;D. get used to习惯。根据后文“With no easier option, the family ____9____ Chloe to an animal ____10____ .”可知小狗最终被送走了,所以是女孩不想与小狗分开。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于没有更好的选择,这家人把Chloe送到了动物收容所。A. abandoned抛弃;遗弃;B. welcomed欢迎;C. accepted接受;D. preserved保藏。根据空后“Chloe to an animal ____10____ .”可知小狗被送进了动物收容所。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于没有更好的选择,这家人把Chloe送到了动物收容所。A. market市场;B. zoo动物园;C. hospital医院;D. shelter住处;庇护处;收容所。根据前文““I didn’t have any ____7____ in the matter though I didn’t want to ____8____ my dog. ””以及“With no easier option, the family ____9____ Chloe to an animal”可知由于不得不将小狗送走而又没有更好地地方,所以依据常识只能将小狗送往动物收容所。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:想起小时候小狗给她带来的快乐,Renae希望她的女儿也能有同样的体验。A. helper助手;帮手;B. kid小孩;C. giver给予者;D. fan粉丝;扇子。根据前文“As an only child, Nicole Renae often felt lonely. But that all ____1____ when she turned ten. For her birthday, Renae’s grandmother surprised her with a lovely gray puppy named Chloe.”可知小狗在Renae小时候曾经带给她无限的快乐。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:想起小时候小狗给她带来的快乐,Renae希望她的女儿也能有同样的体验。A. witness目睹;见证;B. explore探索;探险;C. experience经历;体验;D. acquire 获得;得到。根据空前“Remembering the joy that having a dog had brought her as a/an ____11____ , Renae wanted her daughter to”以及空后“the same”可知Renae想要女儿也能够体验和小狗在一起的快乐。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:有一天,她Facebook上看到一条帖子,说一只老年狗需要一个新家。A. look表情;寻找;B. coat外套;C. picture图画;D. home家。根据后文“____14____ it was decided: She would ____15____ this older dog.”以及文章最后“After years of thinking she’d never see her dog again, Renae is ____20____ to have her back home.”可知最终Renae决定领养这只老狗,所以可推知此处指一条老狗需要一个新家。故选D项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:她马上就决定了:她要收养这只老狗。A. In that case在那种情况下;既然那样;B. In an instant片刻;一瞬间;C. By the way顺便说说;D. By all means一定;尽一切办法。根据前文“One day she saw a post on Facebook about a senior dog that needed a new ____13____ . The dog in the photograph looked a lot like Chloe—she was even named Chloe.”以及空后“it was decided: She would ____15____ this older dog.”可知看到这条老狗的照片的那一刻Renae就决定收养它。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她马上就决定了:她要收养这只老狗。A. adopt收养;采纳;B. accompany陪同;陪伴;C. check检查;核对;D. cure治愈。根据前文“Remembering the joy that having a dog had brought her as a/an ____11____ , Renae wanted her daughter to ____12____ the same. One day she saw a post on Facebook about a senior dog that needed a new ____13____ .”可知Renae想要让女儿和自己一样去体验小狗所带来的快乐,所以当看到老狗照片的那一刹那就决定收养它。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Renae见到Chloe时,有一种熟悉的感觉。A. strange奇怪的;B. uncomfortable不舒服的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. simple简单的。根据后文““She ran up to me and started ____17____ my face. I just knew in my heart that it was her close friend Chloe””可知这条老狗见到Renae时就像以前她的那条小狗一样去舔她的脸,这让Renae感到很熟悉。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她跑向我,开始舔我的脸。我心里知道它是我的好朋友Chloe。A. licking舔;B. rubbing摩擦;C. touching触摸;D. scraping擦;刮。根据前文““She was such a ____4____ dog, which liked to delight me by licking my face.” Renae says.”可知Renae的老朋友Chloe喜欢舔她的脸,而这条老狗见到Renae之后也开始舔她的脸,所以这让Renae觉得这就是她儿时的朋友Chloe。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她发现她的新Chloe也有一个微芯片。A. friend朋友;B. microchip微型芯片;C. photograph照片;D. puppy小狗。根据前文“Renae remembered Chloe had been micro chipped as a puppy and she had kept its ID number.”以及空前“She found her new Chloe also had a”中的 “also”可知Renae发现老狗Chloe有一个微型芯片。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“幸运的是,数字是匹配的。”Renae说。A. match匹配;比赛;B. miracle奇迹;C. surprise吃惊;意外;D. success成功。根据前文“Renae remembered Chloe had been micro chipped as a puppy and she had kept its ID number.”以及空后“After years of thinking she’d never see her dog again, Renae is ____20____ to have her back home.”可知老狗Chloe与Renae儿时朋友Chloe微型芯片上的数字是一样的。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:多年来,她一直以为再也见不到自己的爱犬了,现在终于能让爱犬回家了,她非常高兴。A. scared惊恐的;害怕的;B. determined 意志坚定的;有决心的;C. overjoyed狂喜的;D. amazed惊奇的。根据空前“After years of thinking she’d never see her dog again,”以及全文内容可以推出多年以后终于又见到了儿时的朋友而且能够再一次在一起,Renae一定非常开心。故选C项。
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词, 的正确形式。
    The Laba Festival stands for the beginning of conventional celebrations of the Chinese New Year. ____41____ (celebrate) on the eighth day of the last lunar month. La in Chinese means the 12th lunar month and Ba means the eighth day of the month.
    There are ____42____ (differ) tales about the origin of this festival and we can not tell which one is true. However, we agree this festival started as a sacrificial offering to ancestors. It was also a day ____43____ the ancient Chinese prayed that there would be a ____44____ (good) harvest than ever.
    Laba porridge is a kind of ____45____ (tradition) food for the festival and it ____46____ (make) of eight ingredients, including sweet rice, red beans, peas, sorghum, etc. ____47____ this special day, people are eager ____48____ (eat) the porridge believing it will bring peace and good health in the coming year.
    Another custom is to soak Laba garlic. The practice is very simple. Put the garlic into ____49____ jar, pour vinegar into it and then seal it. We’ll find it will turn green, ____50____(watch) the color of the garlic carefully. By the time of the Spring Festival, we can taste it when eating dumplings.
    【答案】41. Celebrated
    42. different
    43. when 44. better
    45. traditional
    46. is made
    47. On 48. to eat
    49. a 50. watching
    考查定语从句。句意:这一天也是古代中国人祈祷来年有个比以往更好的收成的日子。此处为定语从句,先行词为a day,先行词在句中作时间状语,应用关系副词when。故填when。
    考查短语和时态。句意:腊八粥是腊八节的传统食品,由八种食材制成,包括甜米、红豆、豌豆、高粱等。短语be made of由……所组成,此处为客观陈述,用一般现在时,主语是单数,故填is made。
    考查不定式。句意:在这个特殊的日子里,人们都渴望喝腊八粥,相信腊八粥能在新的一年里带来安宁和健康。be eager to do sth.意为“渴望做某事”,固定搭配。故填to eat。
    第三部分写作(共两节, 满分35分)
    第一节、短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单诃的增加、删除或修改。
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号/\, 并在其下面写岀该加的词。
    修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    I’m fond of travelling. In my opinion, it’s very interesting explore new places and experience different cultures. I had been to several cities both at home or abroad so far. Of all trip I’ve taken, the best one what I made deep impression on was the trip to London two years ago. I was attracted by its remarkable architectures, especial London Bridge. Besides, I had my English greatly improving by communicating with native English speakers during the week-long trip. I found people there was friendly to me and willing to introduce the history of the city. In a word, not only did I academically benefit a lot of but also I physically and mentally felt relaxing.
    【答案】1.interesting后加上to 2.had→have 3.or→and 4.trip→trips 5.what→that 6.especial→especially 7.improving→improved 8.was→were 9.去掉of 10.relaxing→relaxed
    2.考查时态。句意:目前,我已经去过国内外几个城市。根据本句中so far可知,此处应用现在完成时have been,故将had改为have。
    5.考查定语从句。句意:同上。先行词为形容词最高级修饰的the best one,此处引导定语从句,从句中缺少介词on的宾语,故应用that引导,故将what改为that。
    7.考查过去分词。句意:而且,在这一周的旅行中,通过我和当地人的交流,我的英语提升了很多。此处为“have sth. done使某事被做”结果,故应用过去分词,故将improving改为improved。
    9.考查介词。句意:总之,我在学习上不仅收获很多,身体和心理上也感到很放松。此处修饰动词benefit,故应用副词短语“a lot非常”,故去掉of。
    52. 你校将以“Books Are Friends”为主题, 举办英语征文比赛, 请你写一篇短文投稿。
    1. 阅读的重要性;
    2. 阅读倡议。
    1. 词数100左右:
    2. 短文的题目和首句已为你写好。
    Books Are Friends
    Books are the ladder of the progress of mankind.
    【答案】One Possible Version
    Books Are Friends
    Books are the ladder of the progress of mankind. Therefore, reading books is significant for us human beings. On one hand, reading can broaden our horizon, because books contain various useful knowledge including biography, science, technology culture, economy, etc. On the other hand, reading can cultivate our morality, resulting in good qualities and competences.
    Consequently, we should take action to read books.First, we are supposed to make a reading plan with a book list, for a suitable schedule contributes to making the plan available. Second, we ought to develop a good habit, such as underlining phrases which puzzle you, reciting elegant sentences, making notes and so on. Third, we’d better create a pleasant atmosphere and share books with others so that everyone around you can participate in the campaign of reading books.
    Let’s read books together.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生以“Books Are Friends”为主题,写一篇短文参加学校举办的英语征文比赛。
    参加:participate in→join in
    因此:consequently→as a result
    导致;促成:contribute to→lead to
    原句:Books are the ladder of the progress of mankind.
    拓展句:As we all know, books are the ladder of the progress of mankind.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Therefore, reading books is significant for us human beings.(运用了动名词短语作主语)
    【高分句型2】Third, we’d better create a pleasant atmosphere and share books with others so that everyone around you can participate in the campaign of reading books.(运用了so that引导的目的状语从句)

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