第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1-5 BCBBA 6-10 CBACA 11-15 CAABC 16-20 BACBA
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
21-23 CAB 24-27 DDBC 28-31 DCAC 32-35 BAAD 36-40 FGCBD
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
41-45ACADC 46-50DBDCA 51-55CBADB 56-60DABCB
61. of 62. shorten 63. which 64. are defined 65. typically
66. chemical 67. education 68. to be 69. their 70. buying
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)
Yesterday, I had drove my car to see a doctor. At the hospital parking lot, I tried to back
the car into the space, and failed. I just got my driving licenses and was not skilled at
but license
operating it. As more cars lining up behind me and some drivers even yelled at me, I
got nervously and worse at handling it. When I was about to quit and left, a man walked
nervous leave
up to me. She offered to back my car. Then he suggested equip the car with a camera so
He equipping
that it would be easy to park it. I was relieved that he lent me /\hand and I was grateful for
which he had done for me.
第二节 书面表达参考范文
A Green Spring Festival
Have you ever heard about a Green Spring Festival? Everybody knows that the Spring Festival is an occasion of joy. However, do you know that the environment faces great challenges when it comes?
Walking along the riverside on New Year’s Eve, we will find garbage caused by fireworks everywhere, and this is just a small part of the pollution caused by people’s celebration. Undoubtedly, a Green Spring Festival has become a necessity. We can take action in different ways. As responsible citizens, we should take home the cardboard boxes used for containing fireworks and recycle them if possible. Besides, trying to avoid too many leftovers from reunion dinners will prevent food waste, which can also help minimize our carbon footprints. Taking public transport to visit relatives can be considered as well, which helps reduce greenhouse gases.
Let’s go green in the coming Spring Festival! Let’s be environmentally friendly when celebrating our reunions and passing on our traditions!
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
21. C 【解析】细节理解题。根据Ask Me Anything的影片介绍的第一句This movie is not based on love but on unexpected happenings and mystery.可知答案是C。
22. A【解析】推理判断题。根据White Bird in a Blizzard的影片介绍的第二句Shailene Woodley stars alongside her on-screen father, Christopher Meloni, to bring a mystery unlike any other.可知Shailene Woodley和她的银幕父亲Christopher Meloni一起主演,带来了一个与众不同的神秘故事。从而推断出Shailene Woodley是一名演员,可知答案是A。
23. B【解析】细节理解题。从Before We Go和Comet这两部影片的介绍可知都涉及了fall in love的内容,从中可知它们都是恋爱为主题的影片。答案是B。
24.D【解析】 细节理解题。根据第二段中的…I realized that an elderly driver had hit the gas instead of the brake,hitting my wife.可知,一位上了年纪的司机错把油门当刹车而导致了车祸。可知答案是D。
25.D【解析】 细节理解题。根据第三段中的She had to have work done on her knee by herself from all the glass that had gotten impaled into it...可知,作者的妻子自己先处理了下伤口。可知答案是D。
26.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的During an ultrasound and X-ray to make sure that my wife’ s back was okay, we discovered that not only did she lack one of her kidneys, but she also had a birth defect 可知,作者的妻子是在遭遇车祸后到医院检查时才发现少了一个肾脏的。可知答案是B。
27.C【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者讲述发生在自己家庭中的故事,和末段的最后一句And I could not ask for a better woman to love and live with.主要意图是要表达对妻子的感激之情。可知答案是C。
28.D 【解析】推理判断题。第一段通过Jenny Loucas丢失行李的故事,引入航空公司遗失旅客行李的话题。
29.C 【解析】 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句The situation has been blamed on staff shortages...可知,旅客行李遗失的原因主要是航空公司和机场的人手短缺。
30.A 【解析】 推理判断题。根据第六段第二句... travel industry expert Eric Leopold says they don’t solve the core issue — stopping the accumulation that prevent bags from catching the same flights as their owners可知,Eric Leopold认为行李跟踪器没有解决行李堆积的核心问题,故选A.unfavourable不支持的,反对的。
32.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句Half of them received additional instructions that if they could not remember the car number during the interview, they may be asked to write down their opinions after the interview可知,一半的实验参与者知道额外的任务---记车牌号码的重要性,一半参与者不知道,故选B。
33.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据划线的句子可知,to come across as convincing as possible“采访者的回答尽可能有说服力”这一行为被being entered into a prize draw “参加奖品抽奖”所激励,故选A.motivated被激励的。
34.A 【解析】 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句...particularly when lie tellers were given the secondary task and told that it was important,可知当实验参与者知道额外任务很重要时,测谎实验才有效,故选A全科试题免费下载公众号《高中僧课堂》。
35.D 【解析】主旨大意题。通过阅读全文尤其是第一段第一句实验的发现可知,在采访过程中被迫同时完成多项任务的说谎者更容易被发现,可知选D。
- F【解析】F项“不要等到你太生气了才抗议 ”,既承接前一句“但你会知道什么时候你的过度责任感太过了”, 又连接后一句,形成转折, Don’t ...“不要...”;Instead, ...“而是...”。
39.B【解析】根据句式Don’t think of it as...和 Instead, think of it as...,以及前后的含义,可知考察转折逻辑,选B。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
41. A【解析】作者与丈夫从华盛顿出发到加州参加颁奖宴会,结合选项罗列的各种出行方式考虑,最合理的应是乘飞机前往,故选A。其它选项词义:B,骑自行车;C,走路;D,游泳。
42. C【解析】参加颁奖宴会是很令人兴奋的事,而作者自己却处于混乱之中,故选C。其它选项词义:A,失望;B,骄傲;D,成功。
43. A【解析】当时,作者正在经历事业危机——此前,在第一个孩子出生时,她认为抚养孩子是很重要的,她想做好这件事,于是辞去工作,但人们却因此评论她。根据句意,选A。其它选项词义:B,教训,课;C,很受欢迎的人(或事物);D,机会。
44. D【解析】句意参考43题解释。raise kids意为:抚养孩子。故选D。其它选项词义:A,喂;B,安慰;C,保护。
45. C【解析】人们评论作者,说她就此停止了工作。根据句意,选C。其它选项词义:A,恨;B;取消;D,推迟。
46. D【解析】根据文章语境可知,作者自从孩子出生以来,就一直很努力,比以往都要努力,但是却没有得到任何一份工资,也没有得到亲朋好友的认可(recognition),故选D。其它选项词义:A,奖;B,庆祝;C,评价。
47. B【解析】在宴会上,主持人拿起麦克风,介绍作者的丈夫,并列举他所有的成就。根据句意,选B。其它选项词义:A,解释;C,表扬;D,分析。
48. D【解析】列举了作者丈夫所有的成就后,主持人用手势示意,并介绍作者——这是一位家庭主妇,也是两个孩子的妈妈。homemaker意为:(常指不外出工作的)家庭妇女,家庭主妇,故选D。其它选项词义:A,breadwinner,挣钱养家的人;B,companion,伴侣;C,superwoman,(能同时兼顾生活各方面的)超级女人。
49. C【解析】这是作者第一次听到有人用这些字眼来定义她。根据句意,选C。其它选项词义:A,使沮丧;B,批评;D,误会。
50. A 【解析】宴会场地有许多科学家,大多数是男性,但也有少数女性。a handful of意为:少数人(或物)。根据句意,选A。其它选项词义:B,部分地,不完全地;C,完全地;D,仅仅。
51. C【解析】作者记得,当时自己感到惭愧,她认为她们(那些在场的少数女性科学家)肯定认为她是无能的(clueless),或者把她视为背叛事业(cause)的叛徒。根据后半句可知选C。其它选项词义:A,遗憾;B,目的;D,归属。
52. B【解析】演讲结束后,宴会结束后,作者独自坐在一张大桌子旁,凝视着她的甜品碟子,感到很局促不安,所以无法和周围的人交际(mix)。根据句意,选B。其它选项词义:A,底部;C,窗户;D,大门。
53. A【解析】句意参考53题解析。根据句意,选A。其它选项词义:B,呼叫;C,跳舞;D,跑。
54. D【解析】一位年长的女性科学家向作者走来(walked up to me)。根据句意,选D。其它选项词义:A,look up to sb,敬仰;B,give way to sb, 屈服,让…先行;C,come back to后常接sth,意为:回到(主题、想法等)上来。
55. B【解析】一位年长的女性科学家向作者走来(walked up to me),直视着作者(looked me straight in the eye),说:“我只是想让你知道,我很同情你;我想让你知道,你正在做的事很重要(valuable)。”根据句意,选B。其它选项词义:A,further,在更大程度上;C,准确地,忠诚地;D,持续地。
56. D【解析】句意参考55题解析。根据句意,选D。其它选项词义:A,科学的;B,没有意义的;C,合理的。
57. A【解析】作者还没来得及感谢她,她就走开了。根据句意,有人理解、同情作者,并特地走过来告诉她,作者很感激,故选A。其它选项词义:B,仰慕;C,尊敬;D,尊敬。
58. B【解析】这位女性科学家所给予作者的,正好(exactly)是当时作者最需要的。根据句意,选B。其它选项词义:A,仅仅;C,基本上;D,一般地。
59. C【解析】如今,作者已重返职场。每当她在工作日(workday)里看到一位女性或男性推着一辆婴儿车(由此可推断推车的是一位全职母亲或全职父亲),她经常会停下来,告诉对方:“你正在做的事,很重要。”根据句意,选C。其它选项词义:A,假日;B,周末;D,晚餐。
60. B【解析】句意参考59题解析。根据句意,选B。其它选项词义:A,宣称;C,添加;D,宣布。
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
61. 填of 【解析】此题考察介词用法。the/a risk of … 意为:…的风险。该句句意为:超加工食品会提升肥胖、心脏问题、糖尿病和癌症的风险。
62. 填shorten【解析】此题考词性转换。shorten意为:缩短。句意为:它们甚至有可能缩短我们的寿命。
63. 填which【解析】此题考察定语从句。all of which为定语从句的主语,指的是前面提到的糖分、盐分和脂肪。句意为:超加工食品存在的关键问题在于其糖分、盐分、脂肪含量都很高,它们会加重全身的炎症。
64. 填are defined【解析】此题考察主谓一致、动词语态。主语Ultraprocessed foods为复数,故谓语用复数形式。句意为:超加工食品被定义为烹饪原料的工业化配方。人们为食品下定义,此句的主语为食品,故此处用被动语态。
65. 填typically【解析】此题考察词性转换。句意为:该研究表明,它们通常含有调味剂等化学物质。此处应填一个副词用以修饰动词include。
66. 填chemical【解析】此题考察词性转换。句意见65题详解。此处应填一个形容词用以修饰名词substance。
67. 填education【解析】此题考察词性转换。句意为:在这项研究中,吃超加工食品吃的多的人可能接受过更高水平的教育,且不那么可能是目前喝酒的人。
68. 填to be【解析】此题考察非谓语。句意见67题详解。be likely to do……意为:可能做……。
69. 填their【解析】此题考察代词。句意为:人们需要明白,他们应该从头开始准备自己的食物。此处应填一个形容词性物主代词修饰food。
70. 填buying【解析】此题考察非谓语。句意为:停止购买被超加工过的物品。stop doing sth意为:停止做某事。
第四部分写作 (共两节,满分35分)
第一处:第一句删除had 【解析】考查动词时态。从yesterday可知,事情是发生在过去时间,要用过去时 。
第二处:and 改成but 【解析】考查连词。从语境可知我倒车进车位,但是没有成功,是转折关系。
第四处:lining改成 lined。【解析】考查动词时态。事情是发生在过去时间,要用过去时 。
第六处:left 改成 leave。【解析】考查非谓语动词。I was about to接quit和leave两个并列动作。
第七处:She改成 He。【解析】考查人称代词。上文a man walked up to me,可以得知是那位男士过来帮我倒车。
第八处:equip改成 equipping。【解析】考查非谓语动词。suggest doing为固定用法。
第九处:lent me /\hand 加 a。 【解析】考查冠词。lend me a hand 固定表达法“帮某人一个忙”。
第十处:which 改成 what。 【解析】考查连词。此处为宾语从句,what要充当be grateful for的介词宾语,还要充当从句中he had done的宾语。
Text 1
W: Excuse me, would you mind if I use your phone?
M: Sorry, but it has broken down. Why not ask Linda? I saw her talking on the phone
just now.
W: OK.
Text 2
W: I want to go boating tomorrow. Do you think the weather will turn fine tomorrow?
M: I’ve just checked the weather report. It says the rain will finally stop tonight.
W: Great.
Text 3
W: What about coming to my place and watching a movie this afternoon?
M: I’d like to, but I can’t. I’ve promised my grandma I’ll go to her place.
W: OK.
Text 4
M: Will our mom come back tomorrow?
W: I am afraid not.
M: I really wish she’d come back tomorrow. I am so tired of eating noodles.
W: Sorry, but that’s all that I can cook.
Text 5
W: Do you like collecting stamps, Jim?
M: No. Though my friends ask me to do that, I show no interest.
W: So what do you like doing?
M: I spend a lot of time reading and writing.
Text 6
W: Mark, how long are you going to stay in Britain?
M: For another three months. Then I’ll have to go back to Italy.
W: I went to Italy with my husband and my son just five months ago.
M: Really? What do you think of the country?
W: It’s really beautiful. In fact, I’m going to Italy again in just two months.
M: Really? What are you going there for this time?
W: To attend a conference.
M: Good.
Text 7
W: Good morning, what can I do for you, sir?
M: I want to see your manager.
W: Do you have an appointment?
M: Never mind about appointments. Where is the manager?
W: Well, we have several managers here and they’re responsible for different things. If you could tell me why you want to see the manager, sir, I’ll try to help you.
M: I want to see the one responsible for selling cellphones.
W: Do you want to buy some?
M: No, never ever. I’ve already bought some from your company and they don’t work well.
W: I’m sorry to hear that, I’ll call Mr. James, our sales manager. I’m sure he can help you.
Text 8
W: Charles, what about going boating tomorrow?
M: I’d love to, but I can’t. I’ll go to school tomorrow.
W: Tomorrow is Saturday. Why will you go to school?
M: Our school is hosting an all-day recycling event tomorrow. I really want to go to it.
W: When will it begin?
M: At 9:30 in the morning. At first, a researcher will give us a lecture on the benefits of
recycling. He’ll also tell us some easy ways to recycle household products.
W: What will you do after the lecture?
M: After it, we’ll take part in some competitions and games related to recycling.
W: That sounds fun. But won’t you do some recycling at all during the event?
M: Of course we will. After the competitions and games, we’ll have lunch at school.
In the afternoon, we’ll go to collect used things in public places. What about joining us tomorrow, Sara?
W: Can I?
M: Yes, We’re told to bring our family and friends with us.
W: I really look forward to it.
Text 9
M: Jenny, who is the boy playing over there? I've never seen him before.
W: That’s my sister’s son Mike. He’s visiting me with his family now. Now there are
four children in my family, my son, my daughter, Mike and his younger sister.
M: It reminds me of a show called The Brady Bunch.
W: What is it about?
M: It’s about a big family. The union of Mike Brady and his three boys with Carol Martin and her three girls makes a really big family, I love watching this show because it shows that while life in a big family isn’t always easy, it’s always full of love.
W: I haven’t heard about this show before. Who are the leading stars in it?
M: Robert Reed, Florence Henderson, and Ann B. Davis. It’s really a great show for a family to watch together. I’m sure your kids and your niece and nephew will love it.
W: I’ll let them watch it tonight.
M: It won’t be on tonight. Let them watch it tomorrow. It begins at 8:00 pm on the Disney Channel.
W: OK.
Text 10
W: When I started learning English eight years ago, I told myself that I would speak English as often as possible. Why? Because I knew this is the best way to learn English! Luckily, I had an English-speaking environment. I was taking an English course in an English language school then. I often practiced my spoken English with my teacher and the other English earners around me. Also, I got into the habit of thinking in English. My English teacher told us not to translate from our own language into English. Though thinking in English slowed me down when I was trying to express myself at first, as time went by, I got used to it and could think in English and I spoke much faster than before. When I was learning English, I also liked recording myself to find out the weak points I needed to improve. Finally, I loved singing in English. It benefited my pronunciation and vocabulary. If you’re learning English, try my approaches.
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