My turn finally came. As I urged Cowboy forward, he stumbled, and almost fell, much to the delight of the other riders. I jammed my hat down on my head, stroked Cowboy's big red neck and entered the arena. At the signal, we dashed toward the first barrel, quickly whipped around it and with perfect precision rounded the second and thundered on to the third. We tore around the final curve and shot for the finish line.
No cheers filled the air when I finished my show. The end of our run was met with surprised silence. With the sound of my heart pounding in my ears, I heard the announcer call our time. Cowboy and I had beaten Becky and her proud fancy horse! I gained much more than a blue ribbon that day. At thirteen, I realized that I'd always come out a winner if I wanted something badly enough to work for it. I can be the master of my own destiny.
Once they arrived at her house, Walk called out, “Mom, help! Someone is injured.” On hearing this, Walk’s mother came quickly with the first-aid box. She made the little girl sit on the sofa and started cleaning the wound. She cleaned her knee, applied medicine to the wound, and wrapped it with bandages, which made the girl relaxed. She then asked the girl where she lived. The girl replied that she had just moved here. All the houses looked so similar that she mixed them up. Walk was surprised and felt a bit of joy thinking about her wish.
The little girl looked at Walk and asked, “What is your name?” Walk froze and was scared to tell her name. However, Walk’s mother replied, “Her name is Walk and I am glad she could help you.” On hearing this, the little girl began to laugh. Walk felt sad and was near to tears. Just then, the girl stopped laughing and sincerely apologized, “I am sorry, but it is so funny as my name happens to be Run.” Walk was surprised and almost broke into laughter herself. Her wish for the river had come true, and now she had a very good friend named Run.
Then I looked down at his hands to see that he was holding a travel bag. “Is it yours? I've found it at the airport and tried to catch up with you." the man said. I opened the bag and it contained my passport, return tickets, as well as cash and letters for the university. I had left it behind on the trolley at the airport and this man had been trying to return it to me. At this moment, I realized that we had wronged him completely.
With a sigh of relief, I took my bag and thanked this stranger. The stranger's friendly smile put me at ease. I imagined the horrible scenario had he not returned it. When we arrived, the driver wished me luck with my university studies and drove away. These acts of kindness instantly cheered me up and thanks to this honest stranger, the initial self-doubt I had about my decision to study so far away from home was replaced with hope and excitement.
然后我低头看了看他的手,发现他手里拿着一个旅行包。“它是你的吗?我在机场找到它,想追上你。”男人说。我打开包,里面装着我的护照、回程机票,还有去大学的现金和信件。我把它丢在了 机场的手推车和这个人一直想把它还给我。这一刻,我意识到我们完全冤枉了他。
While Dakota loved me and her new home, she still missed her kid. She would utter mournful howls whenever I took her out for walks in the woods. It seemed as if she was calling for her puppy to come back. The exact scene made me heart-broken, and I took action all at once, determined to reunite mother and pup. I called the TV station, asking for conditions about the little dog, only to be told that Indiana was receiving medical treatment for falling on the ground when jumping over the fence.
I decided to bring three-legged Indiana to my home. Instantly they got reunited, Dakota couldn't stop licking her puppy's face. Happy and excited, the two dogs were wagging their tails wildly. The heart-warming scene moved anyone on the spot. Dakota has since stopped her sorrowful howls while Indiana has never tried to jump over the fence. These once-separated dogs played together, chasing each other around the room and slept together with their noses resting on each other. If there is to be any devotion, it will come through any species.
The following day, the principal organized a gathering with all students at the school. said, “Jackson shaved his head to back his grandpa who has been diagnosed with cancer. But someone laughed at him.” He then asked the students to raise their hand if they’d ever known someone with cancer. Almost everyone in the room raised their hands. Hadley continued, “It is wrong for us to judge somebody else's reaction to that, and we can do better. In standing up for Jackson and showing my support for his grandpa, I’ve offered to let Jackson shave my head today.”
Hadley then sat in a chair in front of all the students while Jackson shaved his head. The students seemed moved. The principal ended his speech by saying: “Support each other, love each other. We’re a family, that's why we're here. We're family—that's what we do; we support each other, good times and bad. I want to see more good times than bad, but I’m here either way.” It was these touching words that all the students in the room would never forget.
One day, my grandma called me as I walked by her room. I didn’t want to go. But she called me several times, so I had to go in. The moment I entered the room, I smelled a strong smell of medicine mixed with other smells. My bony grandmother lay in bed, her cheekbones high, her cheeks sunken, and her face and hands wrinkled. Seeing this, I couldn’t help stopping my steps. I was about to run out of the room and leave the scene behind forever when she began to tell a story. I burst into tears when I heard “There was a boy named Billy...”. I went over and sat by the bed, holding my grandmother’s bony hand and listening to her story. Although her voice was weak, it was enough to remind me of those happy days in the past. I smiled at my grandmother and listened to her quietly.
Walking close, Chrissy noticed a small hole in the fence where the little girl might have climbed out. In front of a house, Chrissy could see a policeman talking to a woman who looked upset. “Is this your girl?” Chrissy called out. Then the woman and the policeman came running towards the fence. Minutes later, the girl was in the arms of her mom. Just then, Chrissy’s mom and her brother Russell came looking for her. The policeman told them that Chrissy had probably saved the girl’s life.
“You have a very responsible daughter there,” the policeman said to Chrissy’s mom. Hearing that, her mom smiled proudly. The next day, the headline in the newspaper read: Responsible Nine-Year-Old Girl Saves A Baby—with an article about Chrissy. After reading it, her parents said, “We’re proud of you, Chrissy. You really are a responsible young lady.” Feeling inspired, Chrissy now is never late for school. She almost always remembers to hang up her clothes, and is careful when she pushes Russell on the swing. And nobody ever calls her “irresponsible” anymore.
“你那里有一个非常负责任的女儿,”警察对克丽丝的妈妈说。妈妈听了,得意地笑了笑。第二天,报纸的标题是:负责任的九岁女孩救了一个婴儿——还有一篇关于克丽丝的文章。读完之后,她的父母说:“我们为你感到骄傲,克莉丝。你真是个负责任的小姐姐。”受到启发,Chrissy 现在上学从不迟到。她几乎总是记得把衣服挂起来,在秋千上推拉塞尔时也很小心。再也没有人称她“不负责任”了。
So I walked over to her daughter. “Mind some advice?” I asked. She rolled her eyes and said, “of course not.” I smiled to show her I wasn’t criticizing. “Cherish her and cherish every single moment you can stay with her,” I said. And then I answered her curious expression by saying, “When she's gone, it's these little moments that will come back to you. Moments like this. I know.” Having finished saying this, I noticed the elderly woman moving with her deliberation back to her daughter.
Together they made their way toward the store's exit. Then the daughter glanced over her elderly mother. And slowly, almost unwillingly, she placed her arm with apparently unaccustomed affection around her mothers’ shoulders and gently guided her back into the crowd. Tears filled my eyes when I watched them disappearing in the crowd.
于是我走到她女儿身边。“介意一些建议吗?” 我问。她翻了个白眼,“当然不会。” 我微笑着向她表明我没有批评。“珍惜她,珍惜和她在一起的每一刻,”我说。然后我回答她好奇的表情说:“当她离开时,这些小时刻会回到你身边。像这样的时刻。我知道。” 说完这句话,我注意到老妇人若有所思地回到了女儿身边。
本文以时间顺序展开,讲述了一个温暖的故事。作者一家都是慈善组织Kids Need More的志愿者,他们正在购置新年礼物,届时通过节日巴士造访需要帮助的家庭,给她们送去相应的礼物。组织负责人要在受助家庭列表中增加一户——一位母亲和她的儿子,作者了解到她们很需要一双9码的儿童雪地靴,一波三折之后终于圆了她们的心愿。
At our final stop, expecting defeat, we entered the shoe department. All we saw were empty shelves where the snow boots should be. As my husband searched in one area, I searched another. I looked down an aisle and saw a Spider-Man box. I ran down the aisle. As I got closer, I could not believe my eyes. On top of the Spider-Man box were black-and-red snow boots. I carefully lifted the tag and saw the size— a child’s size 9! We bought the boots. I was relieved we would be bringing snow boots to Leanne and her son.
Two days later, we arrived at the young mom’s home. As the bus pulled up to her home? her son ran through the cold, wet snow without boots for the last time. We handed him the boots and visited for a while. When it was time to leave for our next stop, Leanne waved us off with tears in her eyes. As we walked down the driveway, I heard her son delightfully ask if he could go out to play in the snow in his new boots. Although I didn’t hear, I guessed he would have been permitted and had a great time.
在我们的最后一站,期待着失败,我们进入了鞋部。我们所看到的只是应该放雪地靴的空架子。当我丈夫搜索一个区域时,我搜索了另一个区域。我顺着过道往下看,看到了一个蜘蛛侠盒子。我跑下过道。当我走近时,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。蜘蛛侠盒子的顶部是黑色和红色的雪地靴。我小心翼翼地拿起标签,看到了尺码——儿童尺码 9!我们买了靴子。我松了一口气,我们会给 Leanne 和她的儿子带来雪地靴。
两天后,我们到达了年轻妈妈的家。当公共汽车停在她家的时候?她的儿子最后一次没穿靴子穿过寒冷潮湿的雪地。我们把靴子递给他,参观了一会儿。到了出发前往下一站的时间时,Leanne 含着泪向我们挥手。当我们沿着车道走时,我听到她儿子高兴地问他是否可以穿着他的新靴子出去玩雪。虽然我没有听到,但我猜他会被允许并且玩得很开心。
In his diary, the man mentioned he wished to sink to the ocean with his wife but for their daughter he had to live. Without him, their baby daughter would become an orphan. After drowning himself in sorrow for a short time, he uplifted himself and learned how to raise baby. Whenever faced with hardships, he would inspire himself with his wife’ words—“Take care of our child.” Seeing the little girl grow into a sunny, pretty girl with double love from both parents, the man knew he made it to keep his promise.
The story was finished and the class was silent. Nobody talked or laughed as usual. Instead, it seemed that every student was lost in deep thought, tasting the moving life story. The teacher was sure that the students were reflecting on their replies and that they had understood the moral of the story. Of the Good and Evil in this world, there are hidden secrets behind them. So we should not really focus on the surface and judge anyone without understanding them first. Put yourself in others’ shoes and then you can really understand their behavior.