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    这是一份2023武汉部分重点中学高二上学期期末考试英语含答案(含听力),文件包含武汉市部分重点中学2022-2023学年度上学期期末联考高二英语试卷docx、武汉市部分重点中学2022-2023学年度上学期期末联考高二英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。


    高二 英语试卷

    命题学校:湖北省武昌实验中学  命题教师:高三英语组  审题教师:徐晓英

    考试时间:202319日下午1400—1600 试卷满分:150

    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30)


    第一节 (5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5)


    1. Why is the man’s phone broken?

     A. The battery died.  B. It has water damage.  C. He dropped it on the ground.

    2. What will the speakers probably do next?

     A. Turn on a fan.  B. Leave the office.  C. Set off the alarm.

    3. How many people will be at dinner?

     A. Two.  B. Three.  C. Four.

    4. What kept the woman awake last night?

     A. The storm.  B. The temperature.  C. The repairs of the power.

    5. What are the speakers doing?

     A. Eating vegetables.  B. Picking flowers.  C. Shopping for fruit.


    第二节 (15小题,每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5)



    6. Why does the woman call?

     A. To book a table.  B. To reschedule an interview.  C. To apply for a part-time job.

    7. What will the woman do at 2: 30 this afternoon?

     A. Attend a class.  B. Meet the manager.  C. Work in a restaurant.



    8. What do we know about the girl?

     A. She is always bored.  B. She misses her family.  C. She is busy this weekend.

    9. When did the girl see her family last time?

     A. On a holiday.  B. On her birthday.  C. At a relative’s wedding.



    10. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

     A. Child education.  B. Noise disturbance.  C. Pet management.

    11. What do we know about the speakers’ new neighbors?

     A. They have three kids.  B. They have a big apartment.  C. They often keep their dogs in.

    12. How will the speakers probably deal with the problem?

     A. Speak with their neighbors.  B. Talk with the other residents.  C. Send a message to their neighbors.



    13. Where are the speakers?

     A. In a museum.  B. In a library.  C. In a studio.

    14. When did Ronald meet Ansel?

     A. While fishing on a boat.

     B. While walking through the woods.

     C. While relaxing on the top of a mountain.

    15. What made Ronald want to learn from Ansel?

     A. That he knew the best spots.

     B. That he had a passion for art.

     C. That he had a wealth of information.

    16. Who is Ronald?

     A. A designer.  B. A photographer.  C. A historian.



    17. How did the Doggerland people make a living?

     A. By hunting.  B. By farming.  C. By trading.

    18. Who often find the evidence of Doggerland?

     A. Scientists.  B. Fishermen.  C. Historians.

    19. Which modern issue do researchers warn us about?

     A. Climate change.  B. Immigration.  C. Pollution.

    20. What is the main subject of the talk?

     A. The UK’s ancient flood stories.

     B. The danger of flooding in the UK.

     C. Ancient flooded land off the UK coast.


    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50)

    第一节 (15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5)



     THE WEEK, full of the world’s best news and facts, offering science, animals, puzzles, people, apps, photos, books, sports and eating insects, helps young people make sense of the world.

    Iran Protests Continue To Escalate

     People in Iran held more large protests against the government on October 30 after being warned not to by authorities. Students who took down partition walls meant to separate men and women in cafeterias were arrested. Protests began in September after the death of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested for showing her hair in public.

    Lalitpur, Nepal Hindu Tihar Festival

     People in Nepal marked the second day of the Tihar festival, which is dedicated to worshipping dogs and highlighting their loyalty to humans. The five-day festival is associated with the Hindu God Yama and each day is dedicated to a different animal. At the Sneha Care shelter, which is home to about 170 dogs, people spent the day giving dogs treats and placing orange garlands (花环) around their necks.

    Singapore Green Tower Opens

     A new 919-foot-tall skyscraper containing 80, 000 plants has opened in Singapore. The office building is also a “green oasis” for people to visit and explore. On the top floor there is a 4, 500-square foot roof top farm, which produces herbs, flowers, fruit, and vegetables for three restaurants in the building. It is estimated that the farm, which visitors can also walk through, grows between 154 and 220 pounds of produce each month.

    21. Why did students pull down partition walls?

     A. To warn the authorities.

     B. To mourn the death of Mahsa Amini.

     C. To fight against inequality of genders.

     D. To separate men and women in cafeterias.

    22. How is the Tihar festival celebrated?

     A. It is celebrated all around the world.

     B. People have five days off to do the celebration.

     C. Different animals are treated at the Sneha Care shelter.

     D. Dogs are entertained for their loyalty on its second day.

    23. What does the 919-foot-tall skyscraper in Singapore function as?

     A. A vertical farm.   B. A shopping center.

     C. An office building.   D. An indoor recreation center.



     Maya Lin, designer and sculptor, has created some of the most iconic works and spaces with the belief that art can address important issues. Her latest projects are no different, from museums to sculptures for Presidential centers.

     Lin, 62, grew up in Ohio, the daughter of college professors who were Chinese immigrants. As a 21-year-old student at Yale University, she gained national prominence when her entry won a design competition for the new Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. Her winning design-two black granite (花岗岩) walls engraved with the names of US service members who died in the Vietnam War (1954-1975) or remain missing-is considered one of the most influential in modern architecture.

     Lin went on to design the 1989 Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama, and dozens of other projects globally, all with social and environmental justice in mind. She told The Wall Street Journal she uses facts in her art. She said, “I am going to present you with what the story is, but I am not going to draw the conclusion for you.” Currently underway is Lin’s plan for the new Museum of Chinese in America in New York City. Lin said she wants it to be a celebration of Chinese American stories and contributions to the country.

     Lin is also designing a sculpture to honor former President Barack Obama’s mother, who died in 1995, at the Obama Presidential Center in Illinois. When Obama awarded Lin the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016, he called her work “physical acts of poetry, each reminding us that the most important element in art or architecture is human emotion.”

    24. What is Maya Lin’ principle to make her creation?

     A. Art is to lead to reputation.

     B. Art is a physical act of poetry.

     C. Art is to create something distinguished.

     D. Art can be a medium to approach affairs.

    25. What is conveyed in her work for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?

     A. US soldiers’ sacrifice in the Vietnam War.

     B. The influence of the Vietnam War on America.

     C. The bloody and cruel scenes of the Vietnam War.

     D. Vietnamese soldiers’ fearless fight in the Vietnam War.

    26. Where will the sculpture of Barack Obama’s mother be housed?

     A. Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.

     B. Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama.

     C. Museum of Chinese in America in New York City.

     D. Obama Presidential Center in Illinois.

    27. Which of the following best suits the topic of the passage?

     A. Designing with talents

     B. Stirring up emotions in art

     C. Becoming a great Chinese immigrant

     D. Creating the most influential architecture



     Making and retaining deep, meaningful friendships as an adult is hard, especially for men. Less than half of men report being satisfied with their friendships, and only about 1 in 5 said they had received emotional support from a friend in the last week, compared with 4 in 10 women, according to a 2021 survey from the Survey Center on American Life.

     Why is it so hard? When Dr. Frank Sileo, a psychologist based in Ridgewood, New Jersey, first began conducting research on male friendships in 1995, many participants assumed his survey was about homosexuality. Such stereotypes are inaccurate, but revealed some of what maybe holding some men back from deep friendships, Sileo said.

     Besides, boys receive messages that growing up and “manning up” mean hiding their soft side-a mindset that neuroscience, social science and developmental psychology all show is harmful to them. The drive to toughen up and never show vulnerability (脆弱) that restricts men from friendships can lead them to loneliness, violence and anger. “We consider relationships as feminine.” Sileo said. “If that’s a feminine (女性特有的) thing, it becomes a weakness or inability if men admit to needing friendships. “

     Thus, men seeking closeness might turn to those they see as better at building relationships and feel comfortable exploring their vulnerability with: the women in their lives and their romantic partners, according to Sileo’s research. It may seem like a good solution, but putting everything on a romantic partner can strain a relationship, whether it is going to a female partner exclusively for emotional support or depending on her to cultivate friendships and get-together for holidays and weekends. It is crucial to have multiple people to go to for support for different perspectives. “Men need to know it’s not just a woman thing.” she said. “They need to know that men can do it, too. “

     We live in a culture that clashes with our nature. If we raise children to go against their nature, we shouldn’t be surprised if some of those children grow up to struggle. Research has shown expression of negative emotions improved men’s emotional well-being, increased feelings of being understood and resulted in less reported loneliness. So just as many men make a great effort to eat right, exercise, succeed in their careers and raise children, men should prioritize developing friendships as well.

    28. Why does the author mention some numbers in the first paragraph?

     A. To inform a fact.   B. To introduce the topic.

     C. To support an opinion.   D. To make a comparison.

    29. What do we know about Dr. Frank Sileo’s research in 1995?

     A. It studies men’s health.

     B. It studies men’s friendships.

     C. It studies male homosexuality.

     D. It studies reasons why men lack deep friendships.

    30. Which one may be the consequence if a man lacks friendship?

     A. A man may get used to it.  B. A man may turn to a woman.

     C. A man may become feminine.  D. A man may focus more on his career.

    31. Which column does this passage most probably belong to?

     A. Science  B. Culture  C. Health  D. Entertainment



     While DNA from animal bones or teeth can cast light on an individual species, environmental DNA enabled scientists to build a picture of a whole ecosystem.

     A core of ice age sediment (沉积物) from northern Greenland has yielded the world’s oldest sequences of DNA. The 2 million-year-old DNA samples revealed the now largely lifeless polar region was once home to rich plant and animal life - including elephant-like mammals known as mastodons (乳齿象), reindeer, hares, lemmings, geese, birch trees and poplars, according to new research published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.

     The finding is the work of scientists in Denmark who were able to detect and restore environmental DNA - genetic material drop into the environment by all living organisms - in tiny amounts of sediment taken from the Copenhagen Formation, in the mouth of a strait in the Arctic Ocean in Greenland’s northernmost point, during a 2006 expedition.

     They then compared the DNA pieces with libraries of DNA collected from both extinct and living animals, plants and microorganisms. The genetic material revealed dozens of other plants and creatures that had not been previously detected at the site based on what’s known from fossils and pollen records.

     “The first thing that blew our mind when we’re looking at this data is obviously this mastodon and the presence of it that far north, which is quite far north of what we knew as its natural range,” said study co-author Mikkel Pedersen.

     The mix of temperate (温带) and Arctic trees and animals suggested a previously unknown type of ecosystem that has no modern equivalent - one that could act as a genetic road map for how different species might adapt to a warmer climate, the researchers found.

     Love Dalen, a professor at the Centre for Palaeogenetics at Stockholm University, said the finding “pushed the envelope” for the field of ancient DNA. “Also, the findings that several temperate species (such as relatives of spruce and mastodon) lived at such high latitudes are exceptionally interesting,” he added.

     Further study of environmental DNA from this time period could help scientists understand how various organisms might adapt to climate change. “It’s a climate that we expect to face on Earth due to global warming and it gives us some idea of how nature will respond to increasing temperatures,” he explained.

    32. What can we know about environmental DNA from the passage?

     A. It makes it easier to understand individual species.

     B. It is a collection of DNA from all kinds of living things.

     C. It includes DNA of mammals living 2 million years ago.

     D. It was first discovered in sediment from northern Greenland.

    33. How did the scientists identify the result of their research?

     A. By looking at the data of mastodon.

     B. By detecting DNA samples at the site.

     C. By analyzing fossils and pollen records.

     D. By comparing the newly-found DNA with existing ones.

    34. What do the underlined words mean in the 7th paragraph?

     A. broke the limit   B. laid a foundation

     C. raised a new question   D. attracted wide attention

    35. Which is the best title for the passage?

     A. Northern Greenland faces species extinction

     B. Oldest DNA reveals a solution to global warming

     C. Northern Greenland faces increasing temperatures

     D. Oldest DNA reveals a 2 million-year-old ecosystem


    第二节 (5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5)


    Wasted-time worry

     The idea that time is our most precious resource can bring with it a sense of time-pressure. We are always told “Time is money and time is running out”, so we must manage it well. We take time-management courses, download the latest productivity app and divide our day into blocks, so our time is never wasted.

           36      It tells us we should be doing more with our time or doing something else. We can spend an afternoon regretting for the time we wasted that morning, spoiling hours that would otherwise have been available to us. Sometimes it’s not just the hours we worry about wasting,      37      --the countless minutes spent on tiny chores, answering emails, replying to texts, waiting for other people. Often, when we worry about wasting time, we are comparing ourselves to how productive we assume other people are. It makes us feel that everyone is using their time well except ourselves.

     We need to shift away from trying to maximize our time and reduce our worry about wasting it. We don’t have to view every moment we don’t spend the way we expected to as a waste. There may be value in those moments too.      38      In a society that emphasizes the productive use of time, we can easily forget that time we enjoyed wasting is not wasted time.

     Then how much should we be working? Researchers say on most days, three to four hours of high-quality, focused mental work is about our maximum.      39      

     We often encounter empty time, throwing us into boredom, panic or anxiety, or add to our wasted-time worry.      40      For example, we can become more comfortable with empty moments rather than rushing to make the best of every second. We can allow us to pause and think. We can see our commuting time as a chance to let our mind wander rather than checking social media.

     A. Working beyond that can be a waste

     B. Working to maximum is the secret to success

     C. but the scraps of time that get lost in between

     D. We can simply appreciate the part they played in our life

     E. However, we need some hours in the day to waste as we wish

     F. We can simply set aside more moments for the work of the day

     G. Yet in our crazy attempts to account for every hour, we fall into wasted-time worry


    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30)

    第一节 (15小题;每小题1分,满分15)


     Lionel Messi was born on June 24, 1987, in Argentina. He was nicknamed “Leo”. He was the third child in a middle-class family who loved football.    41   _, young Leo developed a passion for football himself.

     At four years old, Leo joined the Grandoli local club, where he was    42    by his father. Leo practiced day in and day out,    43    outings with his friends before a game. His father continued Leo’s    44    even though he battled with money and struggled to make the best of his child. Football made Leo happy and    45    him. He began to dream of becoming a professional footballer.

     His grandmother used to    46    accompany Leo to training sessions as a child. When he was 10, his grandmother passed away. The family was shocked and her    47    affected Messi beyond description. He didn’t    48    a football for weeks, but his father encouraged him to carry on. He returned, aiming to make his grandmother    49    . After every goal, he would point two fingers towards the sky, dedicating the    50    to his grandmother.

     But as he grew older, his height remained the same. He was    51    with an inability to grow. This meant he    52    being a dwarf unless he received special treatment, which would cost$ 1, 500 per month.

     Despite all of these    53   , Messi remained positive and hopeful. Hard effort paid off. F. C Barcelona hired Messi and signed a (n)    54    with him on a napkin.

     As the seasons went on, the talented football player kept improving and breaking his own records. Now he has    55    his goal of bringing home a world cup and made history.

     You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.

    - Lionel Messi

    41.  A. Surprisingly  B. Personally  C. Eventually  D. Naturally

    42.  A. pushed  B. coached  C. raised  D. scolded

    43.  A. skipping  B. considering  C. blocking  D. arranging

    44.  A. intervention  B. expectation  C. instruction  D. motivation

    45.  A. benefited  B. motivated  C. comforted  D. affected

    46.  A. routinely  B. entirely  C. sincerely  D. properly

    47.  A. company  B. attention  C. presence  D. absence

    48.  A. pick  B. touch  C. grab  D. tackle

    49.  A. amazed  B. unique  C. proud  D. sacred

    50.  A. victory  B. outcome  C. credit  D. wonder

    51.  A. infected  B. diagnosed  C. surrounded  D. associated

    52.  A. ended up  B. turned out  C. kept up  D. stood out

    53.  A. changes  B. crises  C. obstacles  D. losses

    54.  A. file  B. signature  C. initiative  D. contract

    55.  A. pursued  B. challenged  C. achieved  D. scored


    第二节 (10小题每小题1. 5分,满分15)


     Can you get reinfected with the coronavirus? Yes, it’s definitely possible to get COVID-19more than once.

     “Even before the virus started to turn into different variants, there were already many __________ (56) (document) cases of people getting reinfected,” Dr OttoYang, a professor in infectious diseases, told TODAY. As more variants emerge, reinfections only become more likely because those variants can __________ (57) (potential) escape the immune protection we already have.

     Dr Bernard Camins notes that __________ (58) experts may define as a “mild” infection can still feel subjectively awful-and of course cause __________ (59) (disrupt) in your daily life. “In most cases, the symptoms are less severe, meaning your likelihood of death or severe disease is __________ (60) (low),” he said. But if your symptoms cause you to miss work for a longer period of time or it takes you a few weeks __________ (61) (recover), “that’s still pretty significant” even if it doesn’t send you to hospital.

     And there is still a small chance that you may experience severe symptoms or that you will spread the virus to someone with a weakened immune system or other hidden condition that puts them __________ (62) a higher risk. Among 7, 300 patients hospitalized with symptoms like those of COVID-19, those who were unvaccinated (未接种疫苗) but previously __________ (63) (have) the illness were five times more likely to test positive for the infection than those who were vaccinated.

     To prevent COVID-19 reinfections, you can use __________ (64) same public health strategies that we know can help prevent an initial coronavirus infection. That __________ (65) (include) getting vaccinated, wearing a mask in public, getting tested when appropriate and focusing on ventilation (通风) .


    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40)

    第一节 (满分15)


    1. 出国留学低龄化现象引起关注;

    2. 你的观点。

    注意:1. 词数80左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear Editor,



    Li Hua


    第二节 (满分25)


     We found out that Jenny was hearing impaired, when she was four and a half years old. Several surgeries and speech classes later, when she was seven, we found out that Jenny had Rheumatoid Arthritis (关节炎) . She could not put pressure on the heels of her feet, so she walked on tiptoe, and when the pain became unbearable, I carried her. All through grade school, and on into high school, Jenny suffered, yet never complained. She took her medicine, and I would often wrap her feet in steaming towels and hold her until the pain eased. But as soon as she could withstand (顶住) the pain, Jenny immediately carried on as though she were pain free.

     She wore a smile on her face, a song on her lips, and a love and acceptance of others, that was simply amazing. I don’t remember her ever voicing self-pity. She ran when she could run. She played when she could play. She danced when she could dance. And when she could do none of these things, she took her medicine and she waited until she could.

     Jenny, a beautiful blonde, with warm brown eyes, was never a cheerleader. She never competed in a sport. Jenny continued to have one surgery after another on her ears. Her hearing improved to 60%, and she taught herself to read lips. She carried a pillow to school, all through high school. She was totally mainstreamed, popular and funny, watching every football game, cheering the team on, carrying her pillow everywhere she went, so that she could ease the pain when she sat down.

     Then came her senior year. She would be considered for scholarships. However, school activities, especially sports, could often mean the difference between receiving an award or losing out, so Jenny came to a decision. Although she couldn’t compete as a football player, she could provide supporting services for the high school football team. Jenny began to beg the football coach. She pleaded (恳求). She promised.


    1. 续写词数应为150左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Para 1

     Finally the coach gave in, appointing Jenny as the manager of the team. _____________________________


    Para 2

     At the end of this season, the coach was asked why the team was winning all the games this year. ________



    高二 英语 参考答案

    第一部分:听力理解 (20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30)

     1-5 BBCBC  6-10 CABAB  11-15 CCACB  16-20 AABAC


    第二部分:阅读理解 (20小题;每小题2. 5分,满分50)

     21-23 CDC  24-27 DADB  28-31 CBBC  32-35 BDAD  36-40 GCDAE


    第三部分:语言知识运用 (共两节,满分30)

    完形填空 (15小题;每小题1分,满分15)

     41-45 DBACB  46-50 ADBCA  51-55 BACDC


    第二节 语法填空 (10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15)

     56. documented  57. potentially  58. what  59. disruption (s)  60. lower

     61. to recover  62. at  63. had had  64. the  65. Includes


    第四部分:书面表达 (共两节,满分40)

    第一节:应用文写作 (满分15)

    Dear Editor,

     I’m writing to tell you my opinion on students going abroad for studies when they are very young, which is a growing trend in recent years.

     I hold the opinion that going to study abroad is a good thing, which helps students broaden their horizons, but I don’t think it’s necessary for them to do that too early. For one thing, going to study abroad at an early age may cost most families an arm and a leg; for another, some students may not be mature enough to handle the tremendous pressure of living in an unfamiliar environment with limited language skills, thus resulting in physical and mental health problems.

     As far as I am concerned, studying abroad has its potential benefits but families should think twice if the kids are too young.


    Li Hua

    第二节:读后续写 (满分25)

    Para 1

     Finally the coach gave in, appointing Jenny as the manager of the team. Before every game, Jenny prepared water for her teammates as well as bandaged knees and ankles. In addition, she gave pep talks, cheering the team on. She spared no effort to be continually at their beck and call. Often Jenny could be seen carrying a bucket of water in each hand, nearly dragging them, along with her pillow tucked under her arm. Fortunately, with Jenny’s support, it turned out to be one of the best years for the high school football team.

    Para 2

     At the end of this season, the coach was asked why the team was winning all their games this year. He owed it to Jenny. “Well, when you’ve been knocked down, and you can’t seem to move, you look up and see Jenny, limping across the field, dragging her buckets and carrying her pillow. It makes anything the rest of us may suffer seem pretty insignificant. “ At the Senior






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