释义 | 平替词汇 | 高级词汇 |
哭诉 | cry | wail |
报复性的 | in revenge | vindictive |
茂密的 | exuberant | luxuriant |
责备 | reproach | reprove |
假装 | pretend | feign |
集市 | market | bazaar |
间歇的 | intermittent | fitful |
漂泊的 | adrift | adrift |
难以克服的 | insurmountable | insuperable |
愚蠢的人 | fooler | imbecile |
热烈的 | ardent | fervent |
多余的 | extra | superfluous |
整体 | integrity | integer |
周期的 | periodic | recurrent |
赤裸的 | naked | nude |
本国的 | domestic | vernacular |
劝阻 | discourage | dissuade |
憎恶 | abhorrence | animosity |
流产 | abolish | abort |
漫不经心的 | ignorant | inadvertent |
泄露 | leak | seep |
深奥的 | abstract | esoteric |
报纸 | newspaper | gazette |
上手铐 | handcuff | manacle |
简短 | brief | brevity |
消灭 | eliminate | exterminate |
注定 | be bound to | ordain |
象征 | symbol | emblem |
可怕的 | scared | ghastly |
无法改变的 | unchangeable | irrevocable |
小心谨慎的 | discreet | scrupulous |
大厦 | building | edifice |
喧闹 | noise | bustle |
蚀刻 | erode | etch |
帝王的 | imperial | regal |
高视阔步 | stride | strut |
恢复 | refresh | reinstate |
公平的 | fair | impartial |
巨大 | huge | enormity(n.) |
虚饰的 | feint | ostentatious |
严厉的 | stern | stringent |
残害 | do harm to | mutilate |
美味的 | delicious | palatable |
变化无常的 | varying | capricious |
漫步 | wander | ramble |
串通 | gang up | collude |
救援 | save | succor |
激情 | passion | fervor |
一大群 | a crowd of | horde |
任意的 | random | indiscriminate |
尖端 | tip | apex |
猛冲 | dash | hurtle |
慌乱 | hurry | dither |
模仿 | simulate | impersonate |
各种各样的 | diverse | heterogeneous |
打滚 | roll | wallow(沉迷) |
味道 | smell | savor |
照亮 | kindle | irradiate |
令人讨厌的 | hideous | irksome |
消灭 | eliminate | obliterate |
短暂的 | temporary | ephemeral |
对未来极其重要的 | significant | seminal |
激烈的 | fierce | rabid |
糟糕透的 | terrible | abject |
折磨 | torture | crucify |
拥抱 | hug | cuddle |
弯曲的 | bent | crooked |
花费 | cost | outlay |
稀奇古怪的 | odd | outlandish |
你 | you | thou(主语)thee(宾语) |
为...命名 | name after | christen |
作品 | work | opus(多指艺术作品) |
煽动 | stir up | instigate |
拼图游戏 | jigsaw puzzle | jigsaw puzzle |
强奸 | rape | ravish |
流浪民 | asylum | nomad |
无缺点的 | flawless | impeccable |
超过 | surpass | outnumber(侧重数量) |
瓦砾 | debris | rubble |
勾结 | collude | collusion |
贤明的 | wise | sage |
缰绳 | rein | bridle |
灵巧的 | ingenuity | dexterity |
没收 | confiscate | impound |
债 | debt | arrears |
闷闷不乐的 | depressed | glum |
起重机 | crane | derrick |
明确的 | salient | unequivocal |
嬉闹 | frolic | romp |
愤怒 | rage | wrath |
平息 | calm | defuse |
不动的 | inert | immobile |
正直 | integrity | rectitude |
混乱 | confuse | clutter |
提议者 | advocate | proponent |
渗入 | permeate | infiltrate |
喜庆的 | festival | festive |
雄伟的 | magnificent | sublime |
诽谤 | defame | slander |
头晕的 | dizzy | giddy |
烦躁 | irritate | fidget |
恍惚 | absent-minded | trance(n.) |
小问题 | minor problem | hiccup(打嗝) |
坚定的 | unswerving | hardheaded |
皱纹 | wrinkle | crinkle |
糖浆 | syrup | glaze |
轻浮的 | flirty | flighty |
泡沫 | foam | froth |
解冻 | thaw | debacle |
溺爱 | spoil | dote |
密友 | confidant | buddy |
普及 | popularize | pervade |
混合 | mix | intermingle |
神秘的 | mysterious | enigmatic |
拯救 | rescue | extricate |
市民 | citizen | municipality |
大块 | chunk | hunk |
钳子 | clamp | tongs |
爆炸 | bomb | detonate |
发狂的 | frantic | delirious |
放弃 | give up | forgo |
住处 | accommodation | abode |
普通的 | ordinary | mundane |
猛拉 | drag | twitch |
贬值 | degrade | debase |
使慌乱 | panic | faze |
缺乏教养的 | tacky | tacky |
污点 | spot | taint |
艰巨的 | untoward | arduous |
错误的 | mistaken | errant |
全神贯注的 | absorb | rapt |
僵局 | deadlock | impasse |
弄脏 | distain | defile |
领导地位 | leadership | helm |
压制 | oppress | squash |
经纪人 | agency | broker |
不负责任的 | unaccountable | feckless |
篡改 | tamper | falsify |
沼泽 | marsh | mire |
固执的2 | stubborn | adamant |
废话 | nonsense | crap |
宣传 | advertise | disseminate |
连续 | continuity | continuum |
高潮 | climax | upsurge |
软弱的 | weak | flaccid |
屈服 | yield | succumb |
突然刺入 | pierce | lunge |
优势 | advantage | vantage |
撤回 | withdraw | revoke |
妥协 | compromise | budge |
嘲弄 | mock | deride |
收藏 | collect | stow |
需要的 | necessary | requisite |
慷慨 | generosity | bounty |
突然说出 | speak out | blurt |
敲诈 | blackmail | extort |
迥然不同的 | different | disparate |
衣冠楚楚的 | neat | dapper |
牧师 | clergy | chaplain |
颂词 | chant | eulogy |
控制 | control | gripe |
嘈杂 | noise | hubbub |
笨拙的 | clumsy | uncouth |
支架 | holder | scaffold |
贞洁的 | chaste | chaste |
发狂的 | crazy | distraught |
衰弱的 | faded | infirm |
强化 | enhance | corroborate |
侵犯 | offense | encroach |
哀悼 | mourn | lament |
综述 | overview | roundup |
嫉妒 | be jealous of | begrudge |
诱惑 | lure | seduction |
憔悴的 | feeble | gaunt |
格言2 | motto | dictum |
装饰 | decorate | emboss |
昏迷 | coma | stupor(恍惚) |
消散 | eliminated | dissipated |
苛求的 | stern | finicky |
收缩 | shrink | shrinkage |
不可改变的 | unchangeable | ineluctable |
主动表态 | overture | overture |
暗示 | hint | insinuate |
欺诈的 | deceptive | fraudulent |
迁移 | migration | flit |
滔滔不绝 | blatter | gush |
强调 | emphasize | accentuate |
安慰 | comfort | mollify |
层次 | level | stratum(地理学) |
粗鲁的 | rude | irreverent |
强烈反感 | revulsion | revulsion |
幻想 | fancy | reverie |
使烦恼 | baffle | pester |
豪华的 | flamboyant | deluxe |
收容所 | asylum | hospice |
发芽 | spout | germinate |
喧哗的 | noisy | blatant |
狂乱的 | frantic | frenetic |
富裕的 | affluent | opulent |
居民 | citizen | denizen |
波涛汹涌的 | surgy | choppy |
辛苦的 | painstaking | laborious |
密切关系 | affinity | rapport |
散发 | emit | exude |
灌输思想 | inculcate | indoctrinate |
溺爱 | spoil | coddle |