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    这是一份2023北京石景山区高三上学期期末考试英语试卷含答案,共14页。试卷主要包含了5分,共15分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。









    As a biologist and photographer, I always take my camera everywhere to take pictures of wild animals. One day, I was standing on a boat when a very large female leopard seal(海豹) swam by. I put on my diving equipment and grabbed my ____1____. I was frightened because she was so big. My mouth was dry, and I couldn’t even ____2____. But I knew it was time to ____3____ this mysterious creature.

    I jumped into the freezing water. Immediately, the seal swam towards me. Then she put my entire camera and much of my head into her mouth. Thinking this must be a sign of ____4____, I decided to stay very calm. Although the seal was showing me her teeth, I tried not to ____5____ any fear. She did it a few more times, and then swam away. To my ____6____, she came back with a live penguin. And she even showed me how to eat it. Then she pushed the penguin into my camerashe thought the camera was my mouth!

    Being a biologist, I understood that she was trying to ____7____ me. But I thought that she was really trying to communicate with me. At this point, she didn’t seem very ____8____. She stayed by me and took care of me for four days.

    I got many amazing pictures during those four days. And, more importantly, I’ve learned that animals do not always behave the way we ____9____. I believe the _____10_____ experience I had with this powerful and intelligent animal will stay with me forever.

    1. A. knife B. bag C. camera D. gun

    2. A. escape B. make C. move D. fight

    3. A. approach B. adopt C. imagine D. rescue

    4. A. respect B. sympathy C. reward D. threat

    5. A. confirm B. expose C. overcome D. reduce

    6. A. satisfaction B. regret C. surprise D. sorrow

    7. A. feed B. comfort C. attack D. assess

    8. A. reliable B. dangerous C. sensitive D. ambitious

    9. A. admire B. promise C. demand D. expect

    10. A. confusing B. similar C. incredible D. bitter

    第二节  语法填空(10小题;每小题1.5分,共15)



    When I was 14, my father and I took a bike trip to explore the Sideling Hill Tunnel(隧道). After we ____11____(enter) the dark tunnel, I shone my flashlight around and saw walls covered in graffiti(涂鸦). ____12____ I was frightened, with my father’s constant encouragement, I managed to ride out into that bright afternoon at last. This trip always reminds me of my father, ____13____ gives me the courage to keep riding through life’s dark tunnels.



    Bandung, one of Indonesia’s major cities, is only 150 kilometers from Jakarta, the capital, but the drive is at an average of three hours even with a freeway ____14____(connect) the two cities. Fortunately, a high-speed railway ____15____ (fund) by China is due to open in 2023, and the hours-long travel ____16____ (cut) to 40 minutes. It is part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and for Indonesia, the beginning of a brand new network of transportation across the country.



    When Kurt Benirschke started collecting skin ____17____(sample) from rare and endangered animals in 1972, he didn’t have a clear plan on ____18____ could be done with them. He then set up a collection bank called the Frozen Zoo. Benirschke passed away in 2018, ____19____ his efforts are very much alive. Today, the Frozen Zoo is the world’s ____20____(large) animal cryobank, with genetic materials from over 10,500 animals. In 2020, a baby horse known as “Kurt” was born, cloned using cells from the Frozen Zoo.


    第一节  (14小题;每小题2分,共28)



    Tailor your experience, and master the English language in our exciting and comprehensive language programmes. Choose your preferred city, and you’ll study with and befriend other international students.

    Our English Learning Programmes

    ·Learn English in Universities

    Courses have been developed in partnership with famous universities in Australia to improve your English language skills. You will get to experience campus life abroad.

    ·Small Group English Programme

    These intensive English classes are hosted in different language schools along the east coast. Talk to our programme advisers to choose the best location.

    ·One-on-One Tutoring

    Our programme organizes tailored learning experiences based on your English learning goals. You will live in local families and have chances to practise your oral English.

    ·High School Study Abroad

    There are few things in life which can make you feel more grown-up like living and learning in another country. Pack this with many fun cultural activities. And you will also have opportunities to experience science subjects taught in English, such as lessons about rocks and minerals, plants and animals, and engineering practices.

    Four steps to get into our English learning programmes

    Step One: Review the programme information and complete our online application form to get the ball rolling.

    Step Two: You will have a 15-min interview with your programme adviser to discuss your interests, needs, destination and duration. Within three days after the interview, the adviser will be in touch by email to let you know if your application has been successful. If so, we’ll send you a formal offer.

    Step Three: To confirm your place in our programme, you’ll need to reply to our letter of offer and make payment online according to the instruction. Once this has been done, we’ll send you the documents containing all the information you’ll need regarding your study trip.

    Step Four: Once your flights have been booked, let us know your arrival details so that we can organize airport pick-up. We’ll be excited to welcome you to our programme in person!

    21. If Henry wants to try a biology class taught in English, he may join in ________.

    A. Learn English in Universities B. Small Group English Programme

    C. One-on-One Tutoring D. High School Study Abroad

    22. What should applicants do after receiving a formal offer?

    A. Reply to the letter and pay the cost for the study trip.

    B. Get in touch with the organizer to confirm the destination.

    C. Review programme information to prepare for an interview.

    D. Provide the programme adviser with personal needs and goals.

    23. Who are the intended readers of this passage?

    A. People planning to improve their English .

    B. People willing to apply for English teaching jobs.

    C. People aiming to help learners go abroad.

    D. People loving to share English learning experiences.


    In my eyes, my mother is capable of doing anything, especially chores such as ironing and cooking. However, teaching her how to use the Internet is as frustrating as untangling(解开) wires.

    Once, my mother came to me to ask for help on how to find a recipe for all-beef Lasagna. I gave her very simple verbal(口头的) instructionsgo to the home page of a particular search engine and type in “recipe for all-beef Lasagna.” Fifteen minutes later, she came to me, telling me that she was unable to find the Internet icon(图标). I went over to the computer and pointed out the icon to her.

    Another fifteen minutes went by when I felt a tap on my shoulder. This time, my mother said that she was unable to search for the particular recipe. Gritting() my teeth, I walked to her room again. I saw that she had typed “all beef La saga” instead. With frustrated strokes, I keyed in the correct spelling.

    Yet another fifteen minutes went by again when my mother gingerly tapped my shoulder. I stormed next door without bothering to hide my frustration. The main page of the website had not shifted one bit. I then realised that she did not know how to scroll down the page. What had initially seemed like an easy task was turning out to be an intense one.

    To avoid being disturbed again, I decided to find the recipe for her. Without a word, I rapidly downloaded a few recipes, printed them out and passed them to my mother. However, seeing her embarrassment, I began to regret my impatience during the whole process.

    At that moment, memories flashed through my mind. When I was young, my mother endured my endless questions, enlightening me with much patience. Now that I am older, the roles slowly reverse. As my mother may increasingly need my help, shouldn’t I rethink how to respond to her needs?

    24. The author’s mother couldn’t find the recipe online mainly because she was ________.

    A. unfamiliar with computers and the Internet

    B. given unclear instructions by the author

    C. too dependent on her family members

    D. impatient at searching for the recipe

    25. Why did the author print the recipes for his mother at last?

    A. Because he was pleased to help his mother out.

    B Because he didn’t want his mother to be embarrassed.

    C. Because he was fed up with his mother’s interruption.

    D. Because he thought his mother favored the printed version.

    26. What message does the author want to convey?

    A It is wise to teach others by examples.

    B. Forgiving others is equal to blessing oneself.

    C. Patience and perseverance will be finally rewarded.

    D. Putting yourself in others’ shoes is the key to understanding.


    The technology for speech-recognition systems has advanced greatly since its appearance in the 1950s. Many voice systems can understand the language when spoken at a normal conversational rate. But even the advanced human-machine interfaces(人机交互) used today are unable to trick the listeners into thinking a computer is a human. Why is this? Simply put, it’s because human beings rely on more than words to convey ideas or interpret messages, such as tones, facial expressions, body movements, and objects in the world around them.

    One significant recent achievement in the field of talking computers is virtual personal assistants (VPAs) on mobile phones. If you tell a mobile phone VPA that you want to schedule a lunch with a friend, it can set the appointment in your phone in seconds. The VPA can also hold a basic “conversation” and has earned fame for its elementary sense of humour. Still, the humour is preprogrammed and can be triggered only when human users speak certain key words.

    While the potential for “real” communication between a human and a machine may seem exciting, this possibility concerns some people. Some experts worry about people’s attachment to these machines and fear that the art of successful human-to-human conversation will be undeveloped in younger generations. They worry that people won’t be able to display the right emotion or tone in conversations because they haven’t been practising those skills. Others fear that machines will take over functions that were traditionally performed by humans, such as customer service. Another concern often associated with the development of new technology is the invasion of privacy(侵犯隐私)When people use certain speech-recognition applications, they leave behind an audio track of their speech. When you ask a VPA for directions, your speech is sent and saved to a remote server for processing. This digital trail may lead to data mining, or the collection of large quantities of personal data.

    For now, however, the continuing evolution of speech-recognition software is worth expecting. Leading companies in the field hope to make human communication with machines as seamless as possible, just like communicating with another human.

    27. According to the passage, what can a VPA do?

    A. Entertain users with original jokes. B. Make people regard it as a human.

    C. Hold preprogrammed conversations. D. Display the right tones in conversations.

    28. Which situation reflects the concerns mentioned in the passage?

    A. One VPA service was priced higher for protecting users’ privacy.

    B. An airline bore high costs for applying VPAs to its online service.

    C. An app failed to offer the right direction when given spoken instructions.

    D Some teenagers became more socially awkward due to the addiction to VPAs.

    29. What is the purpose of the passage?

    A. To inform readers of the double-edged quality of a new technology.

    B. To inspire readers to explore the future of a new technology.

    C. To promote the application of a new technology.

    D. To stress the convenience of a new technology.

    30. What might be the best title of the passage?

    A. The worries over VPAs. B. Talking to technology.

    C. The world of technology. D. Listening to “a real person.”


    A person could be forgiven for believing 20 years ago that the Internet would soon revolutionise academic publishing, because it became possible for publishers to spread scholarly work at the click of a button — much cheaper than the traditional subscription-based (订阅) model. Recognising the opportunity, many scholars and librarians began to advocate a new, open access model, in which articles are made freely available online to anyone. The result would be a true online public library of science.

    However, more than two decades later, the movement has made only slight progress, and the traditional subscription-based model remains entrenched.

    Fortunately, things are changing. A big shoe dropped when the University of California (UC) Libraries, one of the biggest library systems, declined to renew its contract with Elsevier, a leading scientific publisher. Elsevier wanted the Libraries to pay two fees: One for its package of licensed journals and the other for the use of Elsevier’s open access model. UC Libraries wanted the licensed journals fee to cover the open access fee; they also wanted open access to all UC researches published in Elsevier journals. When the two sides couldn’t come to terms, the Libraries walked away.

    Actually, the open access revolution is more likely to be led by research funding agencies, who can use their purse power to promote open access. A team of funders, Coalition S, insisted that any research they fund should be published in a journal that makes all of its articles freely and immediately available to the public, which is called Plan-S.

    Now that some librarians and funders are flexing their muscles, what should academics do? The worst response would be to complain that Plan-S deprives(剥夺) them of academic freedom. Some thoughtful academics might worry that a shift to open access would affect their promotion. After all, subscription journals are more familiar and more prestigious (有威望的) in the current system. However, if enough academics support open access, the system could reach a tipping point beyond which subscriptions no longer signal prestige. Reaching that point would take considerable time and efforts, but it is possible.

    When the journal system began in 1665, it was kind of a form of open access. Journals allowed academics to learn openly from one another. It was only in the 1900s that the journal system became thoroughly commoditized(商品化). Now is the time to bring it back to its roots.

    31. What does the underlined word probably mean?

    A. Uncertain. B. Rooted. C. Limited. D. Popular.

    32. What is the core of failed negotiation between UC Libraries and Elsevier?

    A. The duration of the contract. B. The way of payment.

    C. The charge for open access model. D. The choice of licensed journals.

    33. What can be inferred from the passage?

    A Academics welcome open access model with full heart.

    B. Open access model will soon achieve a dominant position.

    C. Publishers are willing to abandon the subscription model gradually.

    D. Establishing a true online public library of science requires joint efforts.

    34. What is the author’s attitude towards the open access model?

    A. Critical. B. Supportive. C. Disapproving. D. Indifferent.

    第二节  (5小题;每小题2分,共10)


    Why We Listen to Music with Lyrics(歌词) We Don’t Understand

    From French electronic to K-pop and Spanish jazz, it’s common for us to listen to songs we don’t necessarily understand. ____35____. Sometimes, we even sing along to them without knowing the dictionary meaning of lyrics.

    But why? It all starts with what’s called “sound symbolism(语音表意),” which refers to the study of the relationships between utterances(发声) and their meaning. In music, there’s something about the appeal of words as sounds, beyond their meaning in a language. ____36____. This might explain why we are fond of a song even without knowing its lyrics.

    ____37____. One example of such techniques is scale(音阶). Songs in major scales are brighter or happier, while minor scales usually sound slightly darker or bluer. Our brain is wired to respond to a certain sound, and our breathing and even our movement go with the sound we hear. ____38____. Besides, elements of sound and music, like pitch, melody or harmony, also have an affective, emotional, and even physical impact on listeners. Through a complex of these elements, music adds so much meaning and dimension to lyrics. That is to say, the combination of all these creates the meaning far beyond the lyrics’ dictionary meaning.

    ____39____. Lyrics are powerful tools for helping us recognise, express and reflect our emotions. All in all, there’s value in whatever immediate appeal we find in the music we listen to, whether or not we understand the words. Music, after all, is a universal language.

    A. The interrelationship of melody and pitch is important.

    B. This is why fast-paced music is so popular for running.

    C. Of course, this isn’t to ignore the importance of lyrics in music.

    D. Things like a musician’s image also help convey meaning through songs.

    E. So, when listening to a foreign song, we enjoy the lyrics as sounds and not words.

    F. It seems that not knowing the language of the lyrics doesn’t stop us from liking a song.

    G. Some musical techniques and elements can also help convey certain moods and messages.




    How to Stop Overthinking

    We all have times when we worry, whether it’s about work, health, family, relationships or a host of other reasons. But is there a point when you may think and worry too much?

    Overthinking is an unhealthy habit that typically causes more stress by focusing on the negative instead of coming up with logical solutions. For example, we may start worrying about a specific situation at work, which leads to worrying about money or losing jobs.

    But why do we tend to overthink? This is often due to cognitive errors, which are basically errors in logical thinking, such as all-or-nothing thinking and overgeneralisation. Although overthinking is hard to break, Natacha Duke, a registered psychotherapist, outlines strategies that can help.

    “Healthy distraction can be useful,” says Duke. Activities like reading and taking a walk can help keep our stress levels down. They can reduce our baseline level of anxiety and make us less likely to overthink.

    Duke adds, “Keeping a daily journal can help us actively manage stress before our feelings expand out of control.” As we practise journaling our emotions and thoughts, it becomes easier to identify when we’re starting to worry. Stopping worrying early will ultimately help us feel better and stay focused on what matters most to us.

    Some people constantly think about questions like “What if I lose my job?” or “What if I get sick?” While having these thoughts is normal, it becomes a problem when we focus only on the worst-case situation. “For every ‘what if’ worry, change this to an ‘if then’ statement where you come up with ideas to deal with the worry or the worst-case situation,” says Duke. “Focus on having a concrete plan in place.”

    So, face the problems, then challenge and reframe them. Finally, we will develop effective ways to cope with overthinking.

    40. What is overthinking?


    41. What causes overthinking?


    42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.

    A man can stop overthinking if he changes “what if” questions to “if then” statements, because it helps him focus on the worst-case situation.


    43. Besides the suggestions mentioned in the passage, what other advice will you give to a person who is always overthinking?



    44. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。为了丰富生活,你所在的班级开展了“家务小能手”主题展示活动。你的英国好友Jim得知情况后,来信询问有关信息。请你回复一封电子邮件,内容包括:



    提示词:家务小能手展示活动Housework Talent Show



    Dear Jim,



    Li Hua










    【答案】1. C    2. C    3. A    4. D    5. B    6. C    7. A    8. B    9. D    10. C

    第二节  语法填空(10小题;每小题1.5分,共15)



    【答案】11. entered   

    12. Although##Though##While   

    13. who



    【答案】14. connecting   

    15 funded    16. will be cut



    【答案】17. samples   

    18. what    19. but   

    20. largest


    第一节  (14小题;每小题2分,共28)




    【答案】21. D    22. A    23. A



    【答案】24. A    25. C    26. D



    【答案】27. C    28. D    29. A    30. B



    【答案】31. D    32. C    33. D    34. B

    第二节  (5小题;每小题2分,共10)



    【答案】35. F    36. E    37. G    38. B    39. C




    【答案】40. Overthinking is an unhealthy habit that typically causes more stress by focusing on the negative instead of coming up with logical solutions.   

    41. This is often due to cognitive errors, which are basically errors in logical thinking, such as all-or-nothing thinking and overgeneralisation.   

    42. A man can stop overthinking if he changes “what if” questions to “if then” statements, because it helps him focus on the worst-case situation. While having these thoughts is normal, it becomes a problem when we focus only on the worst-case situation. Therefore, A man can stop overthinking if he changes “what if” questions to “if then” statements, because it can stop him focus on the worst-case situation.   

    43. Seeking professional help is also an effective way to cope with overthinking.They can give us better advice which will help us feel better and stay focused on what matters most to us.



    【答案】Dear Jim,
        I’m delighted to hear from you recently. Learning that you are interested in the Housework Talent Show activity, I’d like to share my ideas with you.
        To start with, in order to enrich our school life, our class launched such an activity. It appeals to all students to make efforts to help their parents in the housework. Students could either take pictures of their helping hand in the daily life or post their assistance work online. Eventually, all the students’ performances will be displayed on the school’s advertising board, and the winner will be given as well.
        By participating in this activity, it not only helps me realize the hardships of my parents, but also inspires me to study hard.
    Li Hua



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