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    (考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分)
    How Do Different Animals Sleep?
    Big Sleepers
    Predators, such as lions and wolves, tend to sleep more than their prey. They also spend more time dreaming, although scientists don’t know why.
    Light Sleepers
    Giraffes don’t get very much sleep — only a few hours a day. For giraffes, sleeping is awkward and leaves them weak to their enemies. So giraffes mostly take short naps while standing up. But they do need to lie down for half an hour or so of deep, dreaming sleep. It can take a whole minute for a giraffe to get back up on its long legs again.
    A Comfortable Bed
    Most animals like to find a safe, comfortable place to sleep. Gorillas make themselves sleeping nests of branches and leaves on the ground or in a tree. Every gorilla makes a fresh new nest every night, even if they haven5t moved far from the one they used the night before.
    Dolphins are air-breathing mammals that swim in the sea. But how do they sleep? If they stop swimming to take a nap, won’t they sink and drown? Scientists studying seals and dolphins have discovered a surprising answer — these animals can sleep with one half of their brain while the other half stays awake! While the right half of the dolphin’s brain is asleep, the left half stays awake. This lets the dolphin keep its nose above the water so it can breathe. After about 20 minutes, the sides switch, allowing the other half of the dolphin’s brain to sleep.
    Do Bugs Sleep?
    Bugs don’t sleep in the same way we do. But they do have periods of rest every day. Dragonflies often have a favorite spot that they return to time after time to rest.
    1. What can we know about giraffes’ sleeping habit?
    A. They are big sleepers. B. They don’t need deep sleep at all.
    C. They usually stand up while sleeping. D. They tend to sleep more than their prey.
    2. Which of the following animals chooses to be half-asleep?
    A. Wolves. B. Dolphins. C. Gorillas. D. Giraffes.
    3. How do dragonflies sleep?
    A. They sleep while flying. B. They sleep on the surface of the water.
    C They sleep in the same way humans do. D. They return to the same place to take a rest.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“So giraffes mostly take short naps while standing up.(所以长颈鹿大多是站着小睡的)”可知,长颈鹿睡觉时通常站着。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Scientists studying seals and dolphins have discovered a surprising answer — these animals can sleep with one half of their brain while the other half stays awake!(研究海豹和海豚的科学家们发现了一个令人惊讶的答案——这些动物睡觉时可以用一半的大脑睡觉,而另一半保持清醒!)”可知,海豚选择半睡半醒。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Dragonflies often have a favorite spot that they return to time after time to rest.(蜻蜓经常有一个最喜欢的地方,它们会一次又一次地回到那里休息)”可知,蜻蜓回到同一个地方休息。故选D。
    Hans is a young German born after 1995, who is a big fan of Chinese culture. He has been learning traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) since 2016. Now he is studying for his master’s degree at Henan University of Chinese Medicine.
    As he thought some diseases can’t be treated thoroughly with Western medicine, he decided to research into TCM. Hans came to Central China’s Henan Province in 2015, where a rich TCM culture can be enjoyed because Henan Province is the hometown of Zhang Zhongjing, the medical master of ancient China. After one year of learning the Chinese language, he started to learn Chinese medicine. Hans thought TCM is one of the best-preserved aspects of Chinese culture. He hopes to solve problems and understand Chinese culture deeply by learning TCM.
    Without a language barrier, Hans read some of the ancient Chinese medical classics, such as Huangdi Neijing and Yi Jing. He believes different aspects of traditional Chinese culture interact with each other.
    Studying TCM also changed Hans’ mind and lifestyle. He used to be addicted to electronic devices and stay up late every night, trapped in this fast-paced but unhealthy daily routine. But now, according to the Yin-Yang theory in TCM, he lives a balanced and peaceful life, practicing good habits such as drinking tea and meditating, as well as reading ancient books.
    Hans also uses what he has learned to help his family. Previously, acupuncture tools and Chinese medicine were necessities when he went back to his home in Germany. With acupuncture and Chinese-style massages, various physical disorders of his family have been well-treated. Now, he always provides his family members with some advice about staying fit after he checks their skin or tongues online. Over time, his family gradually began to understand his passion for TCM.
    He plans to run a traditional Chinese clinic in China or Germany after graduation, which could serve as a bridge between the two countries and publicize TCM and its culture.
    4. What attracted Hans to Henan Province to study TCM?
    A. Its rich TCM culture. B. Its unique language.
    C. Its beautiful scenery. D. Its famous university.
    5. What makes it possible for Hans to read ancient Chinese medical classics?
    A. His family’s support. B. His financial situation.
    C. His language learning. D. His previous experience.
    6. How has studying TCM affected Hans?
    A. He has made a big fortune. B. He has known many medical experts.
    C. He has set up a clinic in Germany. D. He has developed a healthy lifestyle.
    7. Which of the following best describes Hans?
    A. Ambitious. B. Brave. C. Humorous. D. Good-mannered.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. D 7. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Hans came to Central China’s Henan Province in 2015, where a rich TCM culture can be enjoyed because Henan Province is the hometown of Zhang Zhongjing, the medical master of ancient China.(汉斯于2015年来到中国中部的河南省,在那里可以欣赏到丰富的中医文化,因为河南省是中国古代医学大师张仲景的家乡)”可知,河南丰富的中医文化吸引Hans来到河南学习中医。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Without a language barrier, Hans read some of the ancient Chinese medical classics, such as Huangdi Neijing and Yi Jing.(没有语言障碍,Hans阅读了一些中国古代医学经典,如《黄帝内经》和《易经》)”可知,语言学习使Hans能够阅读中国古代医学经典。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Studying TCM also changed Hans’ mind and lifestyle. He used to be addicted to electronic devices and stay up late every night, trapped in this fast-paced but unhealthy daily routine. But now, according to the Yin-Yang theory in TCM, he lives a balanced and peaceful life, practicing good habits such as drinking tea and meditating, as well as reading ancient books.(学习中医也改变了Hans的思想和生活方式。他曾经沉迷于电子设备,每天都熬夜,被困在这种快节奏但不健康的日常生活中。但现在,根据中医的阴阳学说,他过着平衡和平的生活,养成了饮茶、冥想以及阅读古籍等好习惯)”可知,学习中医对Hans的影响是让他养成了健康的生活方式。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“He plans to run a traditional Chinese clinic in China or Germany after graduation, which could serve as a bridge between the two countries and publicize TCM and its culture.(他计划毕业后在中国或德国经营一家中医诊所,作为两国之间的桥梁,宣传中医及其文化)”可推知,Hans很有抱负。故选A。
    Despite years of drought and water-saving policies, Californians continue to put a lot of clean, drinkable water into yards to keep the greenery alive. Now, however, Southern California officials have carried out very strict limits on outdoor water use in response to a water shortage emergency. So you may need to find other ways to keep your plants from drying in the summer sun.
    How about watering them with grey water instead of clean water? Grey water is the water from showers, bathtubs, washing machines — anything that’s not filled with human waste, food or poisonous chemicals. With the right measures, grey water can be fine for most plant life.
    If you’re a typical Southern Californian, you’re throwing a lot of grey water into the sewer system. Every load of clothes you wash leads to roughly 15 to 40 gallons of it, depending on your washer’s design and efficiency. Over the course of a year, thousands of gallons of soapy water ran away. That’s enough to keep a number of trees and other plants happy. And if you’re really ambitious, you can build a system that carries all of your horned grey water to the roots of your grassland, thus making your non-native grass in your yard watered regularly.
    Some critics, the Los Angeles Sanitation and Environment Bureau, see grey water recycling as environmentally risky, damaging public wastewater recycling efforts and uneconomic. However, other local agencies across the state, including the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, actively endorse grey water projects as a way to reduce water use. Supporters admit that the projects carry some risk and require great efforts, but insist that they can save clean water and help your plants.
    8. What can be inferred from paragraph 1?
    A. California is very rich in clean and drinkable water.
    B. There is a lack of water-saving policies in California.
    C. Outdoor water use in California will be strictly controlled.
    D. Different ways to save water have been adopted in California.
    9. What’s the purpose of paragraph 3?
    A. To summarize the benefits of using grey water.
    B. To provide reasons why grey water should be used.
    C. To make a prediction about the future of grey water.
    D. To introduce some new ways to save drinkable water.
    10. What’s the attitude towards the use of grey water according to the last paragraph?
    A. Negative. B. Indifferent. C. Positive. D. Objective.
    11. What does the underlined word “endorse” mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Oppose. B. Promote. C. Abandon. D. Recover.
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Now, however, Southern California officials have carried out very strict limits on outdoor water use in response to a water shortage emergency.(然而,现在南加州的官员已经对户外用水进行了非常严格的限制,以应对缺水紧急情况)”可推知,加州将严格控制户外用水。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“If you’re a typical Southern Californian, you’re throwing a lot of grey water into the sewer system. Every load of clothes you wash leads to roughly 15 to 40 gallons of it, depending on your washer’s design and efficiency. Over the course of a year, thousands of gallons of soapy water ran away. That’s enough to keep a number of trees and other plants happy. And if you’re really ambitious, you can build a system that carries all of your horned grey water to the roots of your grassland, thus making your non-native grass in your yard watered regularly.(如果你是典型的南加州人,你会把大量的灰水扔进下水道系统。你洗的每一件衣服大约需要15到40加仑,这取决于你洗衣机的设计和效率。在一年中,成千上万加仑的肥皂水流失了。这足以让一些树木和其他植物高兴。如果你真的雄心勃勃,你可以建立一个系统,将所有角状的灰水输送到你的草原根部,从而使你院子里的非原生草定期浇水)”可推知,第3段的目的是提供使用灰水的理由。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Some critics, the Los Angeles Sanitation and Environment Bureau, see grey water recycling as environmentally risky, damaging public wastewater recycling efforts and uneconomic. However, other local agencies across the state, including the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, actively endorse grey water projects as a way to reduce water use. Supporters admit that the projects carry some risk and require great efforts, but insist that they can save clean water and help your plants.(洛杉矶卫生和环境局的一些批评者认为,灰水的循环利用对环境来说是有风险的,它会破坏公共废水的循环利用,而且不经济。然而,全州的其他地方机构,包括洛杉矶水利和电力部门,都积极支持灰色水项目,作为减少用水的一种方式。支持者承认这些项目有一定的风险,需要付出巨大的努力,但坚持认为它们可以节约清洁用水,帮助你的植物)”可推知,人们对使用灰水的态度是客观的。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据画线词上文“However, other local agencies across the state, including the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, actively”以及后文“grey water projects as a way to reduce water use”可知,however表示转折,说明全州的其他地方机构,包括洛杉矶水利和电力部门,都积极支持、提倡灰色水项目,作为减少用水的一种方式。故画线词意思是“支持,提倡”。故选B。
    Babies can identify people who are closely related based on whether they exchange saliva, which may help them to understand the social world around them.
    Young children and their caregivers often share saliva, for example, if they kiss on the lips or eat with the same spoon. As a result, children may learn that saliva-sharing is a sign of close relationships.
    To test this idea, Ashley Thomas at Harvard University and her workmates showed babies videos of puppets and actors in different situations.
    In one experiment, 20 babies aged between 8. 5 and 10 months old and 26 babies aged 16. 5 to 18.5 months watched a puppet eating from the same orange slice as a female actor — implying saliva-sharing — and playing ball with another. When the puppet later began to cry, the babies tended to look first and for longer at the saliva-sharing actor, as if they assumed she was more likely to provide comfort.
    The experiment was repeated with 118 US babies aged 14.5 to 19 months from diverse racial, economic and geographical backgrounds and produced the same results.
    In another experiment, babies watched an actor put her finger in her mouth and then in the mouth of a puppet. They also watched her touch her forehead and then touch the forehead of another puppet. When the actor later looked annoyed and said “oh no”, the babies looked first and for longer at the saliva-sharing puppet, as if expecting it to be the main comforter.
    Together, these results suggest that young children pick up saliva-sharing cues and use them to identify ‘‘thick” relationships — those that involve strong attachments and moral duties of care, such as between close family members, says Thomas.
    It is important for young children to know who they have thick relationships with because they are dependent on others for survival and must figure out who is most likely to respond to their needs and anxieties, says Thomas.
    12. What does a baby think of saliva-sharing according to passage?
    A. A good chance to go outside. B. A strong desire to be hugged.
    C. A signal of being dependable. D. An interesting game for babies.
    13. What can we learn from the two saliva-sharing experiments in the text?
    A. Babies only share saliva with the ones they really believe in.
    B. Babies show no interest in the saliva-sharing experiments at all.
    C. Babies only want to be comforted by their own family members.
    D. Babies are more likely to turn to saliva-sharing subjects for help.
    14. Why is it significant for babies to identify close relationships?
    A. To turn to the right person when in trouble.
    B. To develop a healthy relationship with others.
    C. To know whom they should share daily food with.
    D. To develop a positive attitude to the outside world.
    15. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
    A. How Do Babies Exchange Saliva with Others?
    B. What Effect Does Saliva-sharing Have on Babies?
    C. What Will Babies do When They Sense Troubles?
    D. How Do Babies Develop Relationships with Others?
    【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段“As a result, children may learn that saliva-sharing is a sign of close relationships.(因此,孩子们可能会了解到分享唾液是亲密关系的标志)”可知,婴儿认为分享唾液是可靠的信号。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Together, these results suggest that young children pick up saliva-sharing cues and use them to identify ‘‘thick” relationships — those that involve strong attachments and moral duties of care, such as between close family members, says Thomas. (托马斯说,总之,这些结果表明,幼小的孩子学会了分享唾液的线索,并利用它们来识别“亲密”关系——那些涉及强烈依恋和照顾的道德责任的关系,如亲密的家庭成员之间)”可知,两个唾液分享实验告诉我们:婴儿更有可能向分享唾液的对象寻求帮助。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“It is important for young children to know who they have thick relationships with because they are dependent on others for survival and must figure out who is most likely to respond to their needs and anxieties, says Thomas.(托马斯说,年幼的孩子知道他们与谁有密切的关系是很重要的,因为他们需要依靠别人生存,必须弄清楚谁最有可能回应他们的需求和焦虑)”可知,婴儿识别亲密关系很重要是因为他们需要在遇到麻烦时向对的人求助。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Babies can identify people who are closely related based on whether they exchange saliva, which may help them to understand the social world around them.(婴儿可以根据是否交换唾液来确定谁是近亲,这可能有助于他们了解周围的社交世界)”结合文章介绍了研究的两项实验以及实验结果表明,幼小的孩子学会了分享唾液的线索,并利用它们来识别“亲密”关系——那些涉及强烈依恋和照顾的道德责任的关系,如亲密的家庭成员之间。可知,B选项“分享唾液对婴儿有什么影响?”最符合文标题。故选B。
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2_ 5分,满分l2.5分)
    根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
    We often wake up in the middle of the night with our mouths feeling dry even if we have drunk some water before going to bed. Feeling thirsty in the middle of the night has something to do with a lack of water. ____16____
    First of all, take a good look at how many glasses of water you’ve really drunk during the day.____17____ We bet that the eight glasses must include sugared sodas, coffee and tea as well. These drinks actually don’t give the body enough water. Besides this, the caffeine in coffee causes you to go to the toilet more often. ____18____ So, there’s a bigger chance of you waking up thirsty in the middle of the night.
    It’s not just what you drink during the day that influences your thirst at night. ____19____ For example, have you eaten a very salty meal? Then your body will still be busy burning this food during the night , which can cause heartburn in some cases. Heartburn is a sign that you’ve caught the flu or, in the worst case, a sign of diabetes (糖尿病).
    A good solution for nightly thirst is to drink enough water during the day and to avoid salty foods as much as you can. Also, prepare yourself by placing a big glass of water by your side before going to bed. ____20____
    A That results in your losing more water
    B. The smartest way is to go to see a doctor
    C. Food you eat can also be very influential
    D. You don’t take a lot of coffee in the daytime
    E. You’ve really drunk eight glasses during the day
    F. This will help you fall asleep again more quickly after drinking
    G. Yet there are many different reasons why you’re feeling so thirsty
    【答案】16. G 17. E 18. A 19. C 20. F
    根据上文“We often wake up in the middle of the night with our mouths feeling dry even if we have drunk some water before going to bed. Feeling thirsty in the middle of the night has something to do with a lack of water.(我们经常在半夜醒来,即使睡前喝了一些水,也会感到口干舌燥。半夜感到口渴与缺水有关)”结合后文说明了口渴的其他原因推知,空处陈述除了缺少还有其他原因导致晚上口渴。故G选项“然而,你感到如此口渴的原因有很多”符合语境,故选G。
    根据上文“First of all, take a good look at how many glasses of water you’ve really drunk during the day.(首先,好好看看你一天到底喝了多少杯水)”以及后文“We bet that the eight glasses must include sugared sodas, coffee and tea as well. These drinks actually don’t give the body enough water. Besides this, the caffeine in coffee causes you to go to the toilet more often.(我们敢打赌,这八杯水里肯定有加糖的苏打水、咖啡和茶。这些饮料实际上不能给身体提供足够的水分。除此之外,咖啡中的咖啡因会让你更频繁地上厕所)”可知,上文提到一天到底喝了多少杯水,后文提到了八杯水,故E选项“你一天真的喝了八杯”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“We bet that the eight glasses must include sugared sodas, coffee and tea as well. These drinks actually don’t give the body enough water. Besides this, the caffeine in coffee causes you to go to the toilet more often.(我们敢打赌,这八杯水里肯定有加糖的苏打水、咖啡和茶。这些饮料实际上不能给身体提供足够的水分。除此之外,咖啡中的咖啡因会让你更频繁地上厕所)”以及后文“So, there’s a bigger chance of you waking up thirsty in the middle of the night.(所以,你半夜醒来口渴的可能性更大)”可知,上文提到咖啡中的咖啡因会让你更频繁地上厕所。由此推知,空处陈述咖啡会让你口渴的原因——会导致你失去更多的水分,故A选项“这会导致你失去更多的水分”符合语境,故选A。
    根据上文“It’s not just what you drink during the day that influences your thirst at night.(影响你晚上口渴的不仅仅是你白天喝的东西)”以及后文“For example, have you eaten a very salty meal? Then your body will still be busy burning this food during the night , which can cause heartburn in some cases. Heartburn is a sign that you’ve caught the flu or, in the worst case, a sign of diabetes (糖尿病).(例如,你吃过很咸的饭吗?然后你的身体会在晚上忙着燃烧这些食物,这在某些情况下会导致胃灼热。胃灼热是你感染流感的征兆,最糟糕的情况下,是糖尿病的征兆)”可知,除了喝的东西,我们吃的东西也会让我们可口。由此推知,空处主要说明饮食对口渴的影响,故C选项“你吃的食物也可以很有影响力”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“A good solution for nightly thirst is to drink enough water during the day and to avoid salty foods as much as you can. Also, prepare yourself by placing a big glass of water by your side before going to bed.(解决夜间口渴的一个好办法是在白天喝足够多的水,尽可能避免吃咸的食物。另外,睡觉前准备好在身边放一大杯水)”可知,上文提到睡觉前准备好在身边放一大杯水,本句为本段最后一句,应说明这么做的作用:帮助你在喝水后更快地再次入睡。故F选项“这将帮助你在喝水后更快地再次入睡”符合语境,故选F。
    A boy was sent to the wisest man, who lived on a beautiful castle high on the mountain, to learn the secret of happiness.
    On entering the hall of the castle, the boy saw the wise man talking with everyone there, and the boy had to ____21____ for two hours before it was his turn to get his attention. Later, the wise man listened ____22____ and then suggested that the boy look around the palace and return in two hours to get the ____23____ . Meanwhile, the wise man handed the boy a teaspoon that held two drops of ____24____. As you wander around, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to ____25____”
    The boy began climbing and walking down many of the stairways of the palace, keeping his eyes ____26____ on the spoon. After two hours, he returned to the ____27____ where the wise man was. “Did you see the Persian tapestries (壁毯) that are hanging in my dining hall? Did you see the garden that took the master gardener ten years to create? ” ____28____ the wise man. The boy was ____29____. He had observed nothing. His only _____30_____ had been not to spill the oil. “Then go back and observe the wonders of my world, ’’ smiled the wise man.
    _____31_____, the boy picked up the spoon and returned to his exploration of the palace. He saw all of the works of art on the ceilings and the _____32_____, the gardens, and the mountains all around him. Upon returning to the wise man, he told _____33_____ everything he had seen. “But where are the drops of oil?” asked the wise man. Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was _____34_____. The wise man said, “The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world and never to _____35_____ the drops of oil on the spoon. ‘‘
    21. A. hold B. listen C. watch D. wait
    22. A. carelessly B. attentively C. sorrowfully D. clearly
    23. A. exploration B. acceptance C. explanation D. recognition
    24. A. water B. oil C. salt D. tea
    25. A. spill B. destroy C. fall D. disappear
    26. A. tied B. added C. fixed D. dragged
    27. A. hall B. bedroom C. castle D. office
    28. A. ordered B. replied C. forgave D. asked
    29. A. amazed B. ashamed C. delighted D. satisfied
    30. A. expression B. patience C. concern D. question
    31. A. Relieved B. Bored C. Angry D. Hopeless
    32. A. floors B. tables C. doors D. walls
    33. A. in return B. in detail C. in general D. in public
    34. A. gone B. filled C. melted D. obtained
    35. A. remember B. keep C. forget D. hold
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在进入城堡的大厅时,男孩看到智者正在和那里的每个人谈话,男孩不得不等了两个小时才轮到自己引起他的注意。A. hold举着;B. listen听;C. watch观看;D. wait等待。根据后文“for two hours before it was his turn to get his attention”可知,男孩等了两个小时才引起智者的注意。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后,智者仔细地听了他的解释,然后建议这个男孩去看看宫殿,两小时后回来听解释。A. carelessly马虎地;B. attentively专心地;C. sorrowfully悲伤地;D. clearly清楚地。根据后文“and then suggested that the boy look around the palace and return in two hours”可知,智者先是仔细地听了男孩的请求,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:后来,智者仔细地听了他的解释,然后建议这个男孩去看看宫殿,两小时后回来听解释。A. exploration探索;B. acceptance接受;C. explanation解释;D. recognition认识。根据第一段中“to learn the secret of happiness.”这里指幸福秘诀的解释。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,智者递给男孩一个茶匙,里面盛着两滴油。A. water水;B. oil油;C. salt盐;D. tea茶叶。根据后文“allowing the oil to”可知茶匙里是油。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你四处走动时,带着这个勺子,不要让油洒出来。A. spill洒出;B. destroy破坏;C. fall落下;D. disappear消失。根据上文“carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to”可知,智者让男孩带着勺子,不要让油洒出来。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:男孩开始爬上走下宫殿的许多楼梯,眼睛一直盯着勺子。A. tied系;B. added增加;C. fixed固定;D. dragged拖拉。根据上文“keeping his eyes”指眼睛一直盯着勺子,应用动词fix。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:两个小时后,他回到智者所在的大厅。A. hall大厅;B. bedroom卧室;C. castle城堡;D. office办公室。呼应上文中“On entering the hall of the castle”指男孩回到智者所在的大厅。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你看到挂在我餐厅里的波斯挂毯了吗?你看到园丁大师花了十年时间建造的花园了吗?”智者问。A. ordered命令;B. replied回答;C. forgave原谅;D. asked询问。根据上文“Did you see the Persian tapestries that are hanging in my dining hall? Did you see the garden that took the master gardener ten years to create?”可知,智者提出了两个问题。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:小男孩有点羞愧。A. amazed惊讶的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. delighted高兴的;D. satisfied满足的。根据后文“He had observed nothing.(他什么也没看见)”可知,小男孩有点羞愧,他什么都没看见。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他唯一关心的是不要把油洒出来。A. expression表达;B. patience耐心;C. concern关心的事;D. question问题。根据后文“had been not to spill the oil”可知,男孩唯一关心的是不要让油洒了。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:男孩松了一口气,拿起勺子,继续探索宫殿。A. Relieved宽慰的、松了口气的;B. Bored厌倦的;C. Angry生气的;D. Hopeless绝望的。上文“Then go back and observe the wonders of my world”提到智者让男孩再去观察,男孩松了一口气。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他看到了他周围的天花板、墙壁、花园和山上所有的艺术品。A. floors地板;B. tables桌子;C. doors门;D. walls墙壁。根据上文“Persian tapestries that are hanging in my dining hall(挂在我的餐厅里的波斯挂毯)”可知,这里指看墙壁上的艺术品。故选D。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:回到智者面前,他详细地讲述了他所看到的一切。A. in return作为报答;B. in detail详细地;C. in general通常;D. in public公开地。根据后文“everything he had seen”指详细讲述看到的一切。故选B。
    考查动词/形容词词义辨析。句意:小男孩低头看了看手里拿着的勺子,发现油已经没有了。A. gone不见的;B. filled装满;C. melted融化;D. obtained获得。根据上文“But where are the drops of oil?(但是油滴在哪里呢?)”可知,勺子里的油不见了。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:智者说:“幸福的秘诀是看遍世界上所有的奇迹,而永远没忘记勺子上的油滴。”A. remember记得;B. keep保持;C. forget忘记;D. hold举着。根据后文“the drops of oil on the spoon”指没有忘记勺子上的油滴。故选C。
    ____36____(Know) as the birthplace of kites, Weifang in Shandong province has a long history of kite-making.
    According to local artisans (工匠), Weifang kite-making can date back to 2, 000 years ago. At first, kites were used by the military for communicating and ____37____ (measure) distances.
    Using bamboo and featuring ____38____ (tradition) Chinese paintings, Weifang kite-making was included in the national-level intangible (非物质的) cultural heritage lists in 2006. An International Kite Festival ____39____ (hold) in Weifang every year since 1984.
    Yang Hongwei, aged 56, is an inheritor (传承者) of the Weifang kite-making technique. Yang, ____40____ was born into a kite-making family, often saw kites with bright colors and different shapes in her grandfathers workshop.
    Yang began learning the technique from her grandfather ____41____ the age of 16 and after 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992.
    On Yang’s kites, people can see not only common patterns like ____42____ (butterfly) and swallows, but some prints telling Chinese myths, legends and history.
    In her spare time, she also travels to different countries including ____43____ ( German), Australia and the US ____44____ (tell) people about Chinese stories seen on kites and kite-making methods.
    “I’m an inheritor (继承者) of the culture. It is also _____45_____ important job of mine to spread the heritage around the world and onto the next generation,” she said.
    【答案】36. Known
    37. measuring
    38. traditional
    39. has been held
    40. who 41. at
    42. butterflies
    43. Germany
    44. to tell
    45. an
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了山东省潍坊市作为风筝的发源地,风筝制作历史悠久。介绍了潍坊的风筝制作历史,以及传承人Yang Hongwei为把潍坊风筝带向世界所做的事情。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:山东省潍坊市作为风筝的发源地,风筝制作历史悠久。短语be known as表示“作为”,省略be动词,过去分词作状语,句首单词首字母要大写。故填Known。
    考查形容词。句意:潍坊风筝制作以竹子为材料,以中国传统绘画为特色,于2006年被列入国家级非物质文化遗产名录。修饰后文名词短语Chinese paintings应用形容词,作定语。故填traditional。
    考查时态语态。句意:自1984年以来,潍坊每年都会举办国际风筝节。主语与谓语构成被动关系,结合后文since 1984可知应用现在完成时的被动语态,主语为An International Kite Festival,助动词用has。故填has been held。
    考查介词。句意:杨从16岁开始向她的祖父学习这项技术,10年后,她在1992年开办了自己的商店。短语at the age of表示“在……岁时”。故填at。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在业余时间,她还前往德国、澳大利亚和美国等不同国家,向人们讲述在风筝上看到的中国故事和风筝制作方法。tell在句中作目的状语,应用不定式。故填to tell。
    46. 假如你是李华,你们学校在十一国庆假期期间举办了主题为“阅读使人生丰富多彩”的读书活动,请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
    1. 活动主题;
    2. 活动内容;
    3. 活动反响。
    【答案】 Good morning, everyone! Today I want to introduce a reading activity which was held in my class on National Day. Its theme is Reading Makes Life Colorful. All my classmates took interesting books to school, and shared mutually. We had such a quiet and thoughtful read that we forgot the bell. After reading, some students talked about their thoughts. As far as I’m concerned, reading books is helpful to enrich my minds and broaden my vision. I hope the activity can encourage more students to involve themselves in reading.
    互相:mutually→one another
    在我看来:As far as I’m concerned→For my point of view
    参与:involve oneself in→participate in
    原句:As far as I’m concerned, reading books is helpful to enrich my minds and broaden my vision.
    拓展句:As far as I’m concerned, reading books is helpful, because it can enrich my minds and broaden my vision.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Today I want to introduce a reading activity which was held in my class on National Day.(运用了which引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型2] We had such a quiet and thoughtful read that we forgot the bell.(运用了such...that引导的结果状语此句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    John could not shut out his wife’s complaint anymore. He was tired of hearing her laughing at him, for example, what a bad husband he was. Mary was never satisfied with anything that he did. If he brought home $ 4,000, she would tell him stories of how much her colleagues’ husbands earned. If he had bought her flowers, she would still complain about how other people received diamonds instead. She was impossible to please.
    He decided to take a walk along the quiet banks of the lake. It was always a good way to calm down himself after an argument with his wife. As he walked towards the bus stop, he thought over his life. Sometimes, he wondered that it must be a mistake for him when he married Mary. Perhaps, they had been happy in the early days, but those days were definitely behind them now.
    As he approached the bus stop, he spotted a white basket on the seat. Curiosity caught him, so he walked closer to take a look. To his surprise, it was a baby all wrapped up in a rough white towel. As he reached out to touch the baby, it suddenly stretched out to try to hold his fingers. John was amused. As he laughed with happiness at the beautiful face of the baby, waves of being gentle washed over him. What a beautiful baby! He wondered who could have the heart to abandon (抛弃) such a joy.
    Suddenly, John picked up the basket and ran quickly to the police post just some distance away. He reported finding the baby and, when it was discovered that no one had come to report a missing baby, he was asked to keep the baby for the time being. Although doubtful at the beginning, the policeman soon gave in to John’s obvious honesty. Somehow, John knew that Mary would welcome this baby into their childless marriage.
    True enough, she got over her complaint and started to smile at the baby.
    Weeks later the baby was returned to its parents
    One possible version:
    True enough, she got over her complaint and started to smile at the baby. Mary no longer complained or laughed at John, but happily took care of the baby, talking to the baby to make it happy as if it were hers. In the evening when John came home from work, the wife eagerly told John the interesting things happened during the day. John felt relived and at ease with his wife at home. There was so much joy in the house because of the baby.
    Weeks later the baby was returned to its parents. The parents of the baby cried with joy when they saw the baby. The mother held the baby tightly and kept saying words of gratitude to Mary. To their relief, the parents loved the baby so much. Mary and John were moved when they saw the scene of reunion. Mary realized that the meaning of life is to spend time together, be close to each other and love each other.
    ①照顾:take care of/look after
    ②感动:move/touch/affect/bring sb. to tears
    ④意识到:realize/be aware of/sense
    ①欣慰地:to one’s relief/to the relief of sb.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]In the evening when John came home from work, the wife eagerly told John the interesting things happened when taking care of the baby.(运用了when引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2]Mary realized that the meaning of life is to spend time together, be close to each other and love each other.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)


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