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    这是一份四川省射洪中学2022-2023学年高一英语上学期1月月考试卷(Word版附答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (满分150分,考试时间 120分钟)
    1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。
    3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
    4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁:考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。
    1. Which ne will the man see?
    A. The blue ne. B. The white ne. C. The pink ne.
    2. What will the wman prbably d?
    A. Make phne calls. B. Meet Jhn. C. Take a day ff.
    3. What des the man suggest ding?
    A. Clsing the dr. B. Seeing the map. C. Getting ff nw.
    4. What cntributes t the wman’s high scre accrding t herself?
    A. Ding lts f hmewrk. B. Reading a lt. C. Attending every lecture.
    5. When will the speakers meet?
    A. At 9:30. B. At 10:00. C. At 10:30.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. When did Tm make the prmise?
    A. Yesterday. B. This mrning. C. The day befre yesterday.
    7. Wh is using the bike at the mment?
    A. Tm. B. Mary. C. The wman.
    8. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At a htel. B. At a restaurant. C. At a cffee bar.
    9. Hw much des the rm cst a night?
    A. $150. B. $100. C. $50.
    听第8段材料,回答第 10至 12題。
    10. Hw des the man knw abut the music cncert?
    A. On TV. B. Frm the newspaper.C. Frm a friend.
    11.When is the Chinese Music Cncert?
    A. On the 15th. B. On the 28th. C. On the 30th.
    12. Hw much will the man pay fr the tickets?
    A. 30 yuan. B. 50 yuan. C. 60 yuan.
    听第9 段材料,回答第13至16题。
    13. What is the wman abut t d?
    A. G t a game. B. G fr an interview. C. G t wrk.
    14. Why des the man cme t the wman?
    A. T get sme news. B. T ask her ut. C. T brrw mney.
    15. What des the man desire t d?
    A. Talk with his father. B. Get a jb. C. G hme.
    16. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In Ls Angeles. B. In Michigan. C. In Chicag.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第17至20题。
    17. Where can the listeners buy Beginning English?
    A. Frm the speaker. B. In the main ffice. C. In the bkshp.
    18. What is the length f the break in the mrning?
    A. 30 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C. 15 minutes.
    19. What class is n Tuesdays?
    A. Math. B. English. C. Typing.
    20. Hw lng will the typing class last within a day?
    A. Three hurs. B. Tw and a half hurs. C. Tw hurs.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Activities fr Families with Children
    If yu get a vacatin t spend with yur children but have n idea what t d, yu and yur children can have great fun in the fllwing amazing activities arund Cusc, Peru. There are plenty f things that children will enjy during the trip.
    Hrse riding
    Many children lng fr an pprtunity t ride a hrse and get clse t animals. The Happy Ranch hrse farm rganizes hrse rides thrugh the cuntryside passing wheat fields, small twns, wden huts and pen air markets. Children will be expsed(使接触) t the beauty f nature. Price fr a hrse ride is $ 12 per persn.
    Cking class
    If yu enjy lcal fd, taking a cking class with yur children wuld be fun. Several restaurants there ffer cking classes, which start with a visit t a lcal market t buy fresh ingredients(原料). Wearing a ck’s hat, children can help washing and cutting. Price fr a 3-hur class is $ 13 per persn.
    Ht-air balln ride
    A ht-air balln ride will give yu great views f the city. The balln ges up abut 200 meters if weather cnditins are OK, less if it is windy. The balln will stay at that altitude(海拔) fr abut 10 minutes. Prices are $20 fr an adult, half price fr children.
    A fun activity fr kids is taking a ceramics class at the Fine Arts Center. With the help f an experienced ptter, kids can make their wn creatin. As the wheel turns, children can shape the lump(块) f clay int varius shapes. The basic clay class csts $15 per persn and takes 1.5 hurs.
    21.What can we knw abut cking classes?
    A. Visitrs prepare ingredients by themselves.
    B. It takes a family f three $13 t take ne.
    C. They are usually ffered by cking schls.
    D. Children will take part in the whle cking prcess.
    22. Hw much will it take a cuple with a kid t ride a ht-air balln?
    A. $20. B. $40. C. $50. D. $60.
    23. In which sectin f a magazine may the text appear?
    A. Educatin.B. Travel. C. Science.D. Health.
    One summer during high schl, my mm vlunteered me t help Grandpa research ur family tree. It’s terrible t imagine hurs spent dusting bxes and listening t bring stries abut peple I didn’t knw. “Yu’ll be surprised,” my mm prmised. “Family histry can be very interesting.”
    In truth, Grandpa didn’t want t limit(限定) my wrk t just research, hping t als keep ur family memries. He’d discvered a cmputer prgram that helped digitally scan(扫描) ld pictures and letters t maintain their cntents befre they crumble frm age. Grandpa wanted me t help him cnnect the scanner and set up the cmputer prgram. He culd type dcuments and send emails, but had never used a scanner.
    Sn after, I became interested my relatives’ lives. I asked Grandpa t tell the stry behind every picture and letter we scanned. The stries, which turned ut nt t be bring at all, helped me nt nly understand but als relate t my relatives. I became s eager fr mre infrmatin that Grandpa needed additinal prps(道具) t keep me satisfied. He shwed me a chest filled with randm stuff, all cvered in dust.
    Lking thrugh their belngings, I felt I was pening a windw t the wrld f my relatives, a wrld lng since gne. Grandpa shwed me letters he had sent t Grandma frm the frnt line f Wrld War II and I culd almst smell the gunpwder. I turned the pages f my great-grandmther’s recipe bk and culd picture her cking in her kitchen. All f the peple wh had been nly names t me nw had faces t match.
    Later, Grandpa admitted, “I prbably culd have dne this prject myself. I just wanted smene t share it with.” I can’t thank him enugh fr sharing the experience and making me appreciate the family members wh have made me wh I am.
    24. Which can best describe the authr’s first impressin f the research?
    A. Delightful.B. Bring. C. Surprising.D. Interesting.
    25. What des the underlined wrd “crumble” in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Cme t life.B. Tear apart. C. Fall t pieces.D. Break thrugh.
    26. Why did Grandpa give the authr a chest?
    A. T shw him ld letters. B. T keep him away frm bredm.
    C. T give him smething t srt ut. D. T satisfy his eagerness t knw mre.
    27. What can we learn abut Grandpa frm the passage?
    A. He pssibly served as a sldier in the past.
    B. He knew nthing abut the cmputer.
    C. He buried the letters under gunpwder
    D. He lved sharing what he had with thers
    If there were an app n yur phne that culd imprve yur memry, wuld yu try it? Wh wuldn’t want a better memry? After all, ur memry can be easily damaged by diseases, injuries, bad mental health cnditins and, mst particularly fr all f us, aging.
    Nwadays, there are a large number f apps that prvide memry training. Can they help yu remember t take medicine, d better n a schl exam, remember the name f the persn whm yu met yesterday? Sme scientists questin whether this is pssible. Undubtedly, many f the brain training cmpanies tday exaggerate(夸大) the benefits f using their apps.
    Scientists have prvided prf that brain training des nt benefit everyne in the same way. It is suggested that little cnsideratin has been given t wh wuld benefit mst frm thse brain training apps. Will they nly be thse wh have sme frms f memry impairment(缺陷),r thse eager fr self-imprvement even thugh they are already functining very well?
    T vercme these limitatins, ur team has started a new study aiming t find 30,000 vlunteers t help us decide which frm f training may be the best fr individuals. Our gal is t avid a ne-size-fits-all apprach. Instead f fcusing n the simple questin f whether brain training wrks, we are cnsidering cvering the whle ppulatin in a new challenge t test fr whm brain training wrks, and under which cnditins.
    28. What can affect ur memry in particular?
    A. Getting ill.B. Being injured. C. Being upset.D. Getting ld.
    29. What is the scientists’ attitude t memry training apps?
    A. Supprtive.B. Dubtful. C. Objective.D. Optimistic.
    30. Why did the authr’s team cnduct the study?
    A. T test whether brain training wrks.
    B. T develp a training that suits all the peple.
    C. T cmpete with ther memry training rganizatins.
    D. T find the best frm f training fr different peple.
    31. Where is the article prbably frm?
    A. A fashin magazine.B. A tur guide.
    C. A science website.D. A persnal blg.
    The famus Spanish painter Pabl Picass nce said, “Every child is an artist. The prblem he has is hw t remain an artist nce he grws up.”
    This is bth encuraging and discuraging. The fact that we were all brn t be artists is certainly exciting, and yet the reality has prven that many f us have failed t remain ne.
    Frtunately, sme peple have seen the prblem and want t slve it.
    Western educatrs have suggested that we intrduce the cncept f “STEAM” instead f “STEM”—traditinal “cre majrs” including science, technlgy, engineering, and math—since the “A”, which stands fr “art”, is just as imprtant.
    And n April 11, China’s Ministry f Educatin issued a guideline. Clleges and universities are required t prvide mre art-related curses and students need t earn a certain number f art credits in rder t graduate.
    These effrts came after many scientific studies had fund that art educatin helps students develp self-cnfidence and teamwrk skills, as well as habits f mind such as prblem slving and critical thinking, accrding t The Washingtn Pst.
    It’s true that nne f these skills is aimed fr specific jbs. But as frmer US ballet dancer Damian Wetzel tld The Atlantic, the purpse f art is “t give kids the tls t becme adults wh are creative, adaptable, and expressive—capable f having their eyes and ears and senses alive”. And we can nw see hw we lst track f ur brn “artist self” n ur way t grwing up: We failed t keep ur abilities t see, hear and feel, and became blind, deaf and insensitive adults.
    Hpefully, art educatin can help turn things arund.
    32.What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. T intrduce the tpic. B. T summarize the whle passage.
    C. T intrduce a famus artist. D. T encurage us t be artists.
    33. Why shuld the cncept f “STEAM” be intrduced accrding t western educatrs?
    A. Art is as imprtant as traditinal “cre majrs”.
    B. All f us shuld learn art in cllege.
    C. Traditinal “cre majrs” are ut f date.
    D. Western educatin is mre helpful.
    34.What can we predict frm the guideline issued by China’s Ministry f Educatin?
    A. Mre art-related curses will appear in all schls.
    B. Cllege students will have t gain enugh art credits t graduate.
    C. Mre students will majr in art at clleges and universities.
    D. Art will becme much mre imprtant than science.
    35.What is the best title f the passage?
    A. Every child is an artist B. Learning frm the artists
    C. Bringing art t life D. Life is art
    Family time is ne f the mst imprtant times in a children’s life. My family and I spend a lt f time tgether, including having dinner tgether every night. 36 Even when my father is away n business, my mther, my sister and I talk and have fun tgether. As a teenager, spending time with my parents is nt the mst fun thing I d but I feel it is necessary. I learn frm them every time we talk, whether it is abut my dad’s jb r my mther’s day.
    37 Data shw that nly 50% f families sit dwn fr dinner tgether every night. That’s a shame because researchers claim that kids wh have these regular family dinners tend t have a sense f belnging and safety. 38 And they are als mre likely t have better grades and a larger vcabulary.
    There have been many recent studies shwing kids are “wilder” than they used t be. 39 I think less attentin frm parents might be ne f them. If parents spend mre time with their children, they will keep their kids away frm televisin, vide games and “wild” ideas.
    I have nticed in ld TV shws and my parents’ stries that nt lng ag sitting at the family dinner table was nt a chice, but a must. 40 It is prbably because parents and children are under mre pressure frm wrk and study. Althugh we all lead busy lives and are always running arund trying t finish hmewrk r play sprts, we shuld all spend 20 minutes each day eating dinner with ur family.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    “Nne f us get ut f life alive, s be brave and be thankful fr all the pprtunities yu have.” Thse 41 wrds were said by 18-year-ld Jake Bailey, a cancer patient.
    Bailey was in the leading psitin f the students’ unin. The yung man had planned t 42 at his high schl’s end-f-year ceremny(典礼) n schedule. 43 , just the week befre, he received shcking 44 . After several weeks f nt feeling well, tests shwed that he had a fast-grwing frm f cancer. Dctrs said, withut treatment, he wuld nly have weeks t live, s they didn’t 45 him t take part in the event. But Bailey put n his schl unifrm alng with his 46 face and left his hspital bed t give the inspiring speech t his 47 . Withut dubt, his appearance 48 everyne at the ceremny. Sitting in the wheelchair, he began t 49 his ideas. He expressed that a strng-willed persn wuld nt easily 50 , n matter hw hard life was.
    At the speech, Bailey encuraged his schlmates t 51 their time. “The future is truly in ur hands. 52 abut having impractical lng-term dreams. Let’s be devted(致力于) t shrt-term gals,” he cntinued. “We dn’t knw where we might end up, r when we will end up, s wrk with pride n what is 53 us.”
    When the senir 54 his speech with the schl’s mtt, “Altira Pet”, which means “I fight fr higher things”, the entire hall burst int cheers. 55 , Bailey’s message was heard lud and clear. Bailey then clsed his eyes and muthed the wrds “Thank yu”.
    41.A. upsetB. extraC. inspiringD. amazing
    42.A. speakB. chatC. singD. debate
    43.A. SB. InsteadC. BesidesD. Hwever
    44.A. faultB. attackC. newsD. pain
    45.A. persuadeB. allwC. warnD. rganize
    46.A. determinedB. frightenedC. satisfiedD. surprised
    47.A. friendsB. familiesC. schlmatesD. rmmates
    48.A. amusedB. shckedC. affectedD. frightened
    49.A. explain B. frmC. shareD. change
    50.A. turn upB. give inC. break upD. cut dwn
    51.A. gainB. spareC. spendD. value
    52.A. FrgetB. TalkC. CareD. Dream
    53.A. in place fB. in frnt fC.in charge fD. in search f
    54.A. replacedB. endedC. beganD. decrated
    55.A. FinallyB. ActuallyC. ObviuslyD. Entirely
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Friendship is actually like a bttle f wine. The lnger it is kept, the 56 (sweet) it will be. It is als like a cup f tea. When we are thirsty, it will be ur best 57 (chse), but when we have enugh time t enjy urselves, it is als the mst fragrant(芳香的) drink.
    58 , in this fast-develping mdern sciety, the reality is nt that. Mre and mre peple frget t enjy the beauty f life and the beauty f friendship; they wrk hard in rder t gain a higher psitin in sciety and t earn mre mney fr their wrk. Of curse, we dn’t deny(否认) that 59 is imprtant t find a better place in ur lives, but we wish mre and mre peple culd pay a little mre attentin 60 themselves and their friends. All f us have t spare sme time fr persnal lives. We have t find the chance t express ur emtin and lve. When 61 (stay) with ur friends, we can release urselves 62 (cmplete). We can d whatever we want, we can laugh tgether, talk tgether, and even cry tgether. I shuld say that being tgether with ur best friends 63 (be) the mst wnderful mment f ur lives.
    As we knw, we wuld feel lnely if we didn’t even have a friend, but it desn’t mean we culd depend n ur friends all the time. There is 64 famus mtt saying that “A friend is like a quilt with cttn wadding, but the very thing 65 keeps yu warm is yur wn temperature.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你的美国交换生朋友Jack写信告诉你他最近在学习方面遇到的问题并向你寻求建议。你了解到 Jack 的一位老师总是布置很多测试题,让他没有足够的时间学习其他科目; 他平时有很多社交活动要参加,有时完不成作业。请你就他的问题,给他回信,向他提供一些建议。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。
    Dear Jack,

    I hpe that my advice is helpful t yu. Please write t me again if yu need any mre help.
    Li Hua
    A new student was transferred (转学) t Jacksn’s class yesterday. Jacksn sat at his schl desk and lked ver at the new kid, whse name was Billy. He just mved here frm Flrida. It was his secnd day in class and, s far, Jacksn had nt talked t him. Tday, Jacksn was ging t try t make a new friend at recess (课间休息).
    When the bell rang fr recess, Jacksn hurried ut f his seat and fllwed Billy utside.
    “Hi Billy,” Jacksn said as they walked utside. “D yu want t play basketball?”
    “N. I'm nt very gd at basketball.”
    “D yu want t play kickball?” Jacksn asked.
    “N. I’m nt gd at that either,” Billy said. Billy walked away frm Jacksn and sat n a big flat rck in the grassy part f the schlyard.
    Jacksn std there and wndered what t d next. He asked Billy t d tw things but bth times Billy said n. Maybe he didn’t like Jacksn. Maybe he didn’t want t make friends. Jacksn thught abut playing basketball with sme ther kids. He lked ver at Billy sitting n the rck all by himself. “It must be hard t mve t a new schl,” Jacksn thught. S he decided t give it ne mre try.
    Jacksn remembered the cars in his pcket. “D yu like cars?” Jacksn asked Billy as he walked up t him. “Sure!” Billy said with a smile. Jacksn finally knew what the kid was interested in. He reached int his pcket and tk ut tw cars. “My brther gave me these. He has tns f cars and always gives me his ld nes.” He handed ne f the cars t Billy. It was a Mustang, Jacksn’s favrite car, and he always tk it with him.
    注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    Paragraph 1:
    "Awesme ! I lve Mustangs! " said Billy as he rlled the car ver the rck.

    Paragraph 2:
    "It's s kind f yu t invite me t yur huse," Billy added.

    听力理解: 1- 5 CABCC 6-10 ABACB 11-15 BCACB 11-20 ABCAC
    阅读理解:21-23 ACB 24-27 BCDA 28-31 DBDC 32-35 AABC
    七 选 五:36-40 EBFDA
    完型填空:41-45 CADCB 46-50 ACBCB 51-55 DABBC
    语法填空:56. sweeter 57. chice 58. Hwever 59. it 60. t
    61. staying 62. cmpletely 63. is 64. a 65. that
    Dear Jack,
    Hw are yu? I’m srry t hear yur prblem. I’m glad that yu are willing t share yur wrries abut yur studies with me. Dn’t wrry! I think I can ffer yu sme advice.
    First, if I were yu, I wuld talk t the teacher abut the tests and I think yur teacher will understand. Als, yu shuld put aside enugh time t d yur hmewrk and delete sme scial activities frm yur calendar. After all, in this perid, studies cme first. Besides, I think yu can study with yur friends after schl and will wrk faster then.
    I hpe that my advice is helpful t yu. Please write t me again if yu need any mre help.
    Li Hua
    Paragraph 1:
    “Awesme! I lve Mustangs!” said Billy as he rlled the car ver the rck. “Me t!” Jacksn said with a little excitement. “It’s my favrite kind f car!” Jacksn sat n the grund and rlled his car acrss the rck, making a car nise as he did. Billy thanked Jacksn fr sharing his car with him. Jacksn tld Billy that his dad had a real Mustang and invited him t cme ver t his huse n the weekend and see it. “That wuld be awesme!” replied Billy. “I’d lve t g!”
    Paragraph 2:
    “It’s s kind f yu t invite me t yur huse,” Billy added. “I’m having a hard time making friends. I knw it takes time t adapt t a new schl.” “Well, yu made ne tday. Dn’t wrry. Yu’ll feel at ease here sn,” Jacksn said as he pushed the car ver the edge f the rck and dwn int the grass. Jacksn was happy that he culd take the pprtunity t get t knw his new friend. He culd already tell that they were ging t be best friends.A. Nwadays, it seems harder fr peple t find time t be tgether.
    B. I did sme research n the “family table” idea.
    C. Children just watch TV and play cmputer games.
    D. There are certainly many reasns fr this.
    E. We dn’t watch televisin. Instead, we sit dwn at the table t eat and discuss ur days.
    F. What’s mre, they learn better behavirs during the time with their parents.
    G. It is imprtant fr parents t teach children hw t behave

    四川省射洪中学2022-2023学年高二英语下学期5月月考试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省射洪中学2022-2023学年高二英语下学期5月月考试题(Word版附解析),共27页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,考生务必将自己的姓名,作答时,将答案写在答题卡上,考试结束后.只将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    四川省射洪中学2022-2023学年高一英语下学期5月月考试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省射洪中学2022-2023学年高一英语下学期5月月考试题(Word版附解析),共22页。

    四川省射洪中学2022-2023学年高一下学期5月月考试题英语(Word版附答案): 这是一份四川省射洪中学2022-2023学年高一下学期5月月考试题英语(Word版附答案),共12页。






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