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    With 1,500 square miles to explore, from its romantic attractions to its wild landscapes and the easy rural lifestyle, there are no decent public facilities but certainly no shortage of beautiful places to stay with the Lake District. See below our hand-picked selection.
    Lined with charming cobbled(铺鹅卵石的) streets, Ulverston is a pretty historic market town located just South of the Lake District. It is a delightful escape from the crowd-filled attractions in the Southern Lakes, yet is just a stone’s throw away from them.
    Grasmere is forever linked to the world-renowned Lakeland poets, most notably William Wordsworth. Each year, many make the travel to Dove Cottage in Grasmere, where some of Wordsworth’s most famous works were written. From towering peaks to tasty treats,a holiday in Grasmere would also not be complete without a taste of the famous Grasmere Gingerbread that’s been made here since the mid-19th century.
    Home to many traditional stone buildings and charming scenery, Cartmel is a primitive village in South Cumbria. Appreciating the colorful glass windows and sculptures makes it a memorable visit. Cartmel’s sticky pudding,a traditional English dessert from this Lake District village, is a must-try. Cartmel’s restaurants and pubs provide a wide range of food and drink to recharge the batteries after an exhausting hike.
    Known as the gateway to the Lakes, Kendal is a busy town hosting a selection of restaurants and shops, which makes it an excellent touring base. You can also enjoy the surrounding views of landscapes and lakes from the hilltop. Both Windermere and the Cumbrian coast are easy to reach, making it a fine location for lovers of both coast and countryside.
    1. What attract the travelers to the Lake District?
    A. Luxurious facilities.
    B. Mysterious adventures.
    C. Leisurely countryside sights.
    D. Convenient transportation systems.
    2. Which destination best suits lovers of literature?
    A. Ulverston. B. Grasmere. C. Cartmel. D. Kendal.
    3. What can tourists do at Cartmel?
    A. Charge the battery for free.
    B. Taste a unique local snack.
    C. Bicycle in the old village.
    D. Admire modern architectures.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“With 1,500 square miles to explore, from its romantic attractions to its wild landscapes and the easy rural lifestyle, there are no decent public facilities but certainly no shortage of beautiful places to stay with the Lake District.”(这里有1500平方英里可供探索,从浪漫的景点到狂野的风景,再到轻松的乡村生活方式,这里没有像样的公共设施,但肯定不缺乏美丽的地方。)可知,悠闲的乡村风光是吸引游客到湖区来的。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据Grasmere中“Each year, many make the travel to Dove Cottage in Grasmere, where some of Wordsworth’s most famous works were written.”(每年,许多人都会前往Grasmere的鸽子小屋,华兹华斯最著名的一些作品就是在那里创作的。)可知,Grasmere这个目的地最适合文学爱好者。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据Cartmel中“Cartmel’s sticky pudding, a traditional English dessert from this Lake District village, is a must-try.”(Cartmel的黏布丁是这个湖区村庄的传统英式甜点,一定要尝一尝。)可知,游客在Cartmel可以品尝独特的当地小吃。ACD项与原文实意不符。故选B项。
    Jude and Leo Hawes have come a long way since they entered the world, born at just 29weeks. Airlifted from their home in Launceston to hospital in Hobart, the twins, now happy and healthy two-year-olds, were delivered into the ICU to be cared for and monitored. A gift from the Tasmanian branch of Octopus for a Preemie (早产儿) for them was a light in the dark.
    “These stories really do remind us why we all spend so much time and our own money making these octopuses (章鱼),” Bianca, the co-founder of the project, tells Woman’s Day. “It means the world to me that I can do something in whatever small way to make the journey for the babies and parents just that little bit easier. I believe if we can help others, no matter how small a way it is, then we should.”
    The eight-legged creatures are specially created to calm and comfort early newborns.“In instances where the babies can’t be held for weeks, or even months, the familiarity of the parents’ scent (气味) on the octopuses can help with the bonding process because babies already know it as a safe scent when parents can finally hold them,”Bianca says.
    The volunteer project began after a nurse reached out to Bianca to create a prototype of octopus she could take into hospital for a trial.
    “It took me a good four to five months to teach myself how to write a pattern and get it approved,”explains Bianca, who creates the handmade helpful octopuses for no cost to families in need.
    “I started making them as fast as I could, but I wasn’t able to make the amount they needed.” Soon Bianca met the group’s other co-founder Andrea Carey and the pair started creating the creatures in together in their spare time.
    “I have always enjoyed being creative and my imagination runs wild with colour combinations,” says Bianca, her Facebook page Octopus for a Preemie Tasmania accumulating more than 2000 followers.“It makes my day!”
    4. What is the purpose of the project?
    A. To promote octopuses to preemies.
    B. To comfort the preemies’ parents.
    C. To reach out to nurses for preemies.
    D. To bring a sense of security for preemies.
    5 Which of the following can replace the underlined word “prototype” In paragraph 4?
    A. Certificate. B. Model. C. Patent. D. Trademark.
    6. What can we learn about the project from the last two paragraphs?
    A. It is well received.
    B It is highly profitable.
    C. It needs to be improved.
    D. It takes ages to see the results.
    7. What does Bianca’s story imply?
    A. Good is rewarded with good.
    B. Two heads are better than one.
    C. Small deeds make a difference.
    D. Actions speak louder than words.
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C
    推理判断题。根据第三段““In instances where the babies can’t be held for weeks, or even months, the familiarity of the parents’ scent(气味) on the octopuses can help with the bonding process because babies already know it as a safe scent when parents can finally hold them,” Bianca says.( Bianca说:“在宝宝几周甚至几个月都不能被抱着的情况下,章鱼对父母的气味的熟悉可以帮助建立联系,因为当父母终于可以抱着他们时,婴儿已经知道这是一种安全的气味。”)”可推断,这个项目的目的是为了让婴儿有安全感。故选D。
    词义猜测题。根据划线单词上一段“The eight-legged creatures are specially created to calm and comfort early newborns.(这种八条腿的生物是专门用来安抚和安慰早期新生儿的。)”可知,这是一种章鱼样子的模型,为新生儿而设计的;而下一段““It took me a good four to five months to teach myself how to write a pattern and get it approved,” explains Bianca, who creates the handmade helpful octopuses for no cost to families in need.(“我花了四到五个月的时间自学如何编写图案并获得批准,” Bianca解释说,她手工制作了这种有益的章鱼,为有需要的家庭提供且不收取任何费用。)”可知,Bianca花了四五个月学习编写图案,所以她是为了制作一个章鱼样子的模型。选项A“Certificate (证书)”;B“Model (模型)”;C“Patent (专利)”;D“Trademark. (商标)”。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段““I started making them as fast as I could, but I wasn’t able to make the amount they needed.” Soon Bianca met the group’s other co-founder Andrea Carey and the pair started creating the creatures in together in their spare time.(“我开始以最快的速度制作它们,但我无法达到它们所需的数量。”不久,Bianca遇到了该组织的另一位联合创始人Andrea Carey,两人开始在业余时间一起创作这些生物。)”可知,章鱼模型的需求量很大。再根据最后一段““I have always enjoyed being creative and my imagination runs wild with colour combinations,” says Bianca, her Facebook page Octopus for a Preemie Tasmania accumulating more than 2000 followers. “It makes my day!”(Bianca说:“我一直很喜欢创新,我对颜色组合的想象力很丰富。”她的Facebook页面“章鱼”为塔斯马尼亚早产儿设计,粉丝已经超过2000人。“这让我很开心!”)”可知,章鱼模型的粉丝很多。由此,可以推断出章鱼模型很受人们的欢迎。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段““These stories really do remind us why we all spend so much time and our own money making these octopuses(章鱼),” Bianca, the co-founder of the project, tells Woman’s Day. “It means the world to me that I can do something in whatever small way to make the journey for the babies and parents just that little bit easier. I believe if we can help others, no matter how small a way it is, then we should.”(“这些故事真的提醒我们为什么我们都花了这么多时间和自己的钱来制作这些章鱼,”该项目的联合创始人Bianca在接受《妇女之日》采访时表示。“这对我来说意味着整个世界,我可以做一些小事,让婴儿和父母的旅程更容易一点。我相信,如果我们能帮助别人,不管这个帮助有多小,那我们就应该帮助别人。”)”可知,Bianca的故事告诉我们小事也能对这个世界有所改变。故选C。
    Look up over the white sand beaches of Mauritius and you may see a huge sail. It’s much like the kind used by kite surfers but the size of a three-bedroom apartment. The sail isn’t a tourist attraction—it’s creating electricity for this island off the east coast of Africa.
    Launched in December 2021 by SkySails Power, the massive wing is the world’s first fully autonomous commercial “airborne wind energy”system. For the past two months, it has been delivering a little under its goal of 100 kilowatts—typically enough to power up to 50 homes.
    To harvest wind energy from the heights where wind blows fastest the key may be to fly a kite. These systems come in a container and can be dropped off wherever there’s a road or dock (码头). They can also be tied to a fixed ship in deep waters. Their height is adaptable, so they can be moved up or down to wherever the wind blows the hardest, which often changes with the seasons.
    SkySails actually started back in 2001 with a different purpose: building soft kite wings to pull massive ships along at sea. In 2015 SkySails shifted focus to producing electricity with SkySails Power.
    SkySails’system relies on a roughly 150 square metre wing to ride on the wind. There are no turbines(涡轮机) up in the air, and the line isn’t an electric wire. Instead, the energy is generated on the ground, from the pull on the line.“The brake on the winch(绞车) is generating the electricity,” says Fagiano, the chief officer. Software flies the kite autonomously in a figure-of-eight pattern to get the strongest pull possible to produce energy. The system then changes the wing’s flight pattern so it can be pulled in with minimal resistance, expending a little energy to wind it back. This pattern repeats, creating far more energy than it consumes.
    The sails have less impact on the skyline than traditional turbines and are quieter too, says Fagiano. And they make economic sense for anyone currently paying more than $0.30 per kilowatt hour from traditional generators.
    8. What is the most effective way for the system to get energy?
    A. It is placed as high as possible.
    B. It is tied to a ship in the deep sea.
    C. It is adjusted to the hardest winds.
    D. It is fixed on the white sand beaches.
    9. What is SkySails’original intention to develop the system?
    A. To beat traditional turbines.
    B. To power the homes in need.
    C. To pull the huge ships at sea.
    D. To compete with other companies.
    10. What does paragraph 5 focus on?
    A. Why turbines are abandoned.
    B. How the SkySails’ system works.
    C. How software controls the wing.
    D. Why the wing changes its flight pattern.
    11. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
    A. SkySails:Pioneer in wind power
    B. SkySails:Competitor to traditional power
    C. The kites seeking the world’s surest winds
    D. The kites generating the cheapest electricity
    【答案】8. C 9. C 10. B 11. C
    细节理解题。根据第三段“ Their height is adaptable, so they can be moved up or down to wherever the wind blows the hardest, which often changes with the seasons. (它们的高度是可适应的,所以它们可以向上或向下移动到风吹得最猛烈的地方,这种风经常随着季节而变化。)”可知,系统获取能量的最有效方式是它能被调节到最强的风。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“SkySails actually started back in 2001 with a different purpose: building soft kite wings to pull massive ships along at sea. (SkySails实际上始于2001年,当时有不同的目的:制造柔软的风筝翅膀,在海上牵引大型船只。)”可知,Skyysails开发该系统的初衷是在海上牵引大型船只。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第五段“SkySails’system relies on a roughly 150 square metre wing to ride on the wind. There are no turbines(涡轮机) up in the air, and the line isn’t an electric wire. Instead, the energy is generated on the ground, from the pull on the line.“The brake on the winch(绞车) is generating the electricity,” says Fagiano, the chief officer. Software flies the kite autonomously in a figure-of-eight pattern to get the strongest pull possible to produce energy. The system then changes the wing’s flight pattern so it can be pulled in with minimal resistance, expending a little energy to wind it back. This pattern repeats, creating far more energy than it consumes. (Skyysails的系统依靠一个大约150平方米的机翼来驾驭风力。空中没有涡轮机,电线也不是电线。相反,能量是由地面上的拉力产生的。“绞车上的刹车正在发电,”首席执行官法吉亚诺说。软件会自动地以8字形模式放飞风筝,以获得尽可能强的拉力来产生能量。然后,该系统会改变机翼的飞行模式,使其以最小的阻力被拉进,并消耗少量能量将其拉回。这种模式不断重复,产生的能量远远超过消耗的能量。)”可知,本段主要介绍skyysails系统是如何工作的。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Look up over the white sand beaches of Mauritius and you may see a huge sail. It’s much like the kind used by kite surfers but the size of a three-bedroom apartment. The sail isn’t a tourist attraction—it’s creating electricity for this island off the east coast of Africa. (从毛里求斯的白色沙滩仰望天空,你会看到一个巨型风帆。它很像风筝冲浪者使用的那种,但有三间卧室的公寓那么大。帆并不是一个旅游景点,而是为非洲东海岸的这个岛屿发电。)”及全文可知,文章主要介绍风力发电技术又有了新的可能性:利用“风筝”发电。所以“The kites seeking the world’s surest winds(为寻找稳定风能而生的风筝)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选C。
    The Atlantic salmon (鲑鱼) of Scotland are hardy and determined animals. Each spring and summer, they return from the North Atlantic Ocean to lay eggs in Scotland’s shallow rivers,leaping up waterfalls and over barriers, pushing themselves upstream in enormous efforts. Some fail, and others succeed, but today they face yet another challenge.
    During the mid-1980s, there were between eight and ten million salmon swimming around Scotland’s Atlantic coast; that number has now dropped sharply. There’s evidence of reducing the availability of the salmon’s prey (猎物) as climate change warms and acidifies oceans. New research suggests climate change is also bearing down on rivers, which is bad news for salmon.Adapted to life in cold water, salmon experience slow growth and population changes at high temperatures. Heat influences their health and reduces their resistance to disease.
    “Now salmon are struggling to deal with the rising temperatures. There are recent records of 27°C in the upper reaches of the Dee catchment,” says Peter Cairns, director of an environmental charity. In 2018, Scotland recorded the lowest pole catch for salmon since records began. Evidence suggests that the degraded quality of river worsens the impact of our changing climate. “Atlantic salmon evolved using river systems in Scotland that were once way more forested and therefore shaded.” Yet Scotland is today one of the least wooded countries in Europe, with just 3 percent of its native woodland undamaged. Scientists have found that just 35percent of rivers in Scotland have enough tree cover for salmon survival.
    A movement to get trees back on riverbanks is gathering pace. “Broad-leaf trees close tothe bank can reduce the light that enters the water,” explains fisheries scientist Anthony Hawkins.A new initiative called Riverwoods — led by the Scottish Wildlife Trust and supported by Scottish Water and several other govemment and regulatory bodies — aims to create a network of woodlands along Scotland’s riverbanks, and has already received a number of large funds.“Money is not the pressing business. River health is complex, but tree planting is one of the most basic things we can get started with right away,”says Cairns.
    12. Why do Atlantic salmon make great journeys back to the rivers?
    A. They search for foods.
    B. They reproduce themselves.
    C. The rivers are relatively cool.
    D. The seas are increasingly warm.
    13. How do the rising temperatures in rivers affect salmon?
    A. They grow more quickly.
    B. They are more heat-resistant.
    C. They are less active in water.
    D. They are more likely to get diseases.
    14. What is a challenge for salmon when they return to Scotland’s rivers?
    A. There is a shortage of food.
    B. There is much fish catching.
    C. The ecology environment has changed.
    D. The river systems are unsuitable for the forest growth.
    15. What does Cairns really intend to tell us in the last paragraph?
    A. It is urgent to plant riverbank trees.
    B. It is too hard to restore the river health.
    C. There is enough money for the project.
    D. There are too many vital things to deal with.
    【答案】12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Each spring and summer, they return from the North Atlantic Ocean to lay eggs in Scotland’s shallow rivers,leaping up waterfalls and over barriers, pushing themselves upstream in enormous efforts.(每年春天和夏天,它们都会从北大西洋返回,在苏格兰的浅水河流中产卵,跳过瀑布,越过障碍,以巨大的努力将自己推向上游)”可知,大西洋鲑鱼要长途跋涉回到河里是为了繁殖后代。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Heat influences their health and reduces their resistance to disease.(热影响它们的健康,降低它们对疾病的抵抗力)”可知,河流温度上升使鲑鱼更容易得病。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“Evidence suggests that the degraded quality of river worsens the impact of our changing climate. “Atlantic salmon evolved using river systems in Scotland that were once way more forested and therefore shaded.” Yet Scotland is today one of the least wooded countries in Europe, with just 3 percent of its native woodland undamaged. Scientists have found that just 35percent of rivers in Scotland have enough tree cover for salmon survival.(有证据表明,河流水质的恶化加剧了气候变化的影响。“大西洋鲑鱼在苏格兰的河流系统中进化,那里曾经有更多的森林,因此有阴影。”然而,如今苏格兰是欧洲森林覆盖率最低的国家之一,只有3%的原生林地未被破坏。科学家们发现,苏格兰只有35%的河流有足够的树木覆盖,供鲑鱼生存)”可推知,当鲑鱼返回苏格兰河流时,生态环境的变化对它们来说是一个挑战。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段““Money is not the pressing business. River health is complex, but tree planting is one of the most basic things we can get started with right away,”says Cairns.(“钱不是紧迫的问题。河流的健康状况很复杂,但植树是我们可以马上开始做的最基本的事情之一,”凯恩斯说)”可推知,凯恩斯真正想告诉我们当务之急是种植河岸树木。故选A项。
    We’ve all been there―you’ve sent a message and it’s marked“read”, but you haven’t heard anything back. What’s the deal? In 2011, the word “rbomb”was added to the Urban Dictionary, meaning:not responding to or ignoring a message after reading it, often deliberately.“ Rbomb ” is common, so learn to be wise.___16___Here are a few tips.
    Expect the best. Remind yourself that the person is probably just busy. Ask yourself if you actually know their schedule. There could be some time commitments you aren’t aware of.___17___They want to give you a longer response but can’t right now. They put their phone away to focus on work or school. They accidentally forgot to reply. Maybe they thought about what they wanted to say but didn’t actually text it.
    Resist the temptation(诱惑) to double- text.___18___If you send a lot of follow- up texts,it’ll be hard for them to keep up and they might get stressed. Leave them with just one text to catch up on—the other person will probably appreciate your patience.
    ___19___See if there are any confusing texts that you need to clarify. It’s okay if you review your message again and notice that it might have been a little unclear—it happens!You might feel relieved because you found something that was easy to misread.
    Put your phone away.___20___Don’t let it upset or confuse you. If you get your mind off any notifications, you’ll be able to brainstorm new ways to spend your time.
    A. Read over your previous messages.
    B. Fix your attention closely on text responses.
    C. Keep it out of sight and get some peace of mind.
    D. They finished writing the text but failed to send it.
    E. Give them a little space so they have a chance to reply.
    F. The following are a few other reasons for a delayed response.
    G. You can keep social media from bothering your three-dimensional life.
    【答案】16. G 17. F 18. E 19. A 20. C
    根据后文“Here are a few tips.(这里有一些建议)”以及前文““Rbomb ” is common, so learn to be wise.(“Rbomb”很常见,所以要学会明智)”可知,空处应该是承上启下说明可以应用这些建议避免被影响,所以G项“You can keep social media from bothering your three-dimensional life.(你可以避免社交软件影响到你的三次元生活)”符合文意。故选G项。
    根据后文“They want to give you a longer response but can’t right now. They put their phone away to focus on work or school. They accidentally forgot to reply. Maybe they thought about what they wanted to say but didn’t actually text it.(他们想给你一个更长的回复,但现在不行。他们把手机放在一边,专注于工作或学习。他们不小心忘了回复。也许他们想了想要说什么,但并没有真的发出去)”可知,此处是在讲一些人们延迟回复的可能,所以空处句子应该是引出这个话题,F项“The following are a few other reasons for a delayed response.(以下是延迟回复的其他一些原因)”符合文意。故选F项。
    根据前文“Resist the temptation to double- text.(不要信息轰炸对方)”以及后文“If you send a lot of follow- up texts,it’ll be hard for them to keep up and they might get stressed.Leave them with just one text to catch up on—the other person will probably appreciate your patience.(如果你发了很多后续短信,他们很难跟上,他们可能会感到压力。只给他们留一条信息,让他们跟上进度——对方可能会感激你的耐心)”可知,本段讲述不要一直给对方发信息,要给对方一些时间,让他们跟上你的信息,所以E项“Give them a little space so they have a chance to reply.(给他们一点空间,让他们有机会回答)”符合文意。故选E项。
    分析设空可知,空处位于段首,是本段中心句,根据后文“See if there are any confusing texts that you need to clarify. It’s okay if you review your message again and notice that it might have been a little unclear—it happens! You might feel relieved because you found something that was easy to misread.(看看是否有什么令人困惑的文本需要澄清。如果你再次查看你的信息,并注意到它可能有点不清楚,这是没有关系的——这种情况发生了!你可能会感到宽慰,因为你发现了一些容易被误读的东西)”可知,本段在说可以仔细检查下你发的信息,看是否有什么令人困惑的文本,或许只因某句话表述不清,对方压根就没理解到你想说什么!所以A项“Read over your previous messages.(阅读你之前的信息)”符合文意。故选A项。
    根据前文“Put your phone away.(把手机收起来)”以及后文“Don’t let it upset or confuse you. If you get your mind off any notifications, you’ll be able to brainstorm new ways to spend your time.(不要让它困扰或迷惑你。如果你不去想任何通知,你就能头脑风暴出新的打发时间的方法)”可知,本段主题是把手机放到一边,眼不见,心不烦。与其纠结为什么会被“已读不回”,不如放下手机,做些更有意义的事。所以C项“Keep it out of sight and get some peace of mind.(把它放在你看不到的地方,让你的内心平静下来)”起到承上启下的作用,符合文意。故选C项。
    I pulled over and one of the boys standing by the road asked for some water.
    My heart___21___when I heard this. In Wilcannia, where I now worked as a primary school teacher with a six- month contract, there was a drought. Quickly___22___my car,I gave a bottle to the children before saying goodbye. Moments like this reminded me just how___23___I’d come from my old life as a teacher hundreds of kilometers away in Sydney.
    In my first lesson with Year Six I made a___24___for our class: Mistakes are expected,respected and corrected. We posted this on the wall in my classroom as a___25___to students.I hoped it would give students___26___to keep moving forward. We___27___so well that by the end of month- one,I___28___my contract to a full year in the rural or remote place!
    A real___29___was helping with the town’s annual kids’ fashion parade(游行). But COVID pandemic___30___a move to online learning. So I___31___students to film videos of themselves singing From Little Things Big Things Grow. The children’s performance won wild applause. And ___32___I was awarded Music Teacher of the Year. This sort of___33___was such an honour!
    Now, three years later,I’m___34___in Wilcannia. People always ask me how long I plan to stay here, and then comes my___35___reply: “Another year.”
    21. A. sank B. beat C. melted D. raced
    22. A. checking B. searching C. mending D. parking
    23. A. fast B. soon C. long D. far
    24. A. decision B. motto C. change D. plan
    25. A. reminder B. symbol C. gift D. picture
    26. A. experience B. capacity C. confidence D. signal
    27. A. bonded B. behaved C. reacted D. operated
    28. A. restricted B. maintained C. drafted D. extended
    29. A. chance B. highlight C. love D. routine
    30. A. added B. led C. kept D. saw
    31. A. expected B. employed C. guided D. troubled
    32. A. gradually B. subsequently C. frequently D. temporarily
    33. A. recognition B. impression C. expression D. appointment
    34. A. already B. again C. still D. also
    35. A. timely B. typical C. correct D. heartfelt
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:听到这些,我的心沉了下来。A. sank下沉;B. beat跳动;C. melted融化;D. raced比赛。根据上文“I pulled over and one of the boys standing by the road asked for some water.(我把车停在路边,一个男孩站在路边要水喝)”以及“there was a drought. ”可知,作者听到男孩要水喝,内心沉重。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我迅速搜了一下我车,在告别之前给了孩子们一瓶水。A. checking检查;B. searching搜索;C. mending修理;D. parking停车。根据后文“my car, I gave a bottle to the children”可知,作者在车里寻找到一瓶水给男孩。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这样的时刻提醒我,我从数百公里外悉尼的教师生活中走了出来。A. fast快速的;B. soon快;C. long长的;D. far远的。根据后文“I’d come from my old life as a teacher hundreds of kilometers away in Sydney”可知,作者已经远离了过去的生活。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在六年级的第一节课上,我给我们班立了一个座右铭:错误是被期待的、被尊重的、被改正的。A. decision决定;B. motto座右铭;C. change改变;D. plan计划。根据后文“Mistakes are expected,respected and corrected.We posted this on the wall”可知这是一句班级座右铭。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们把这个贴在教室的墙上提醒学生们。A. reminder提醒物;B. symbol符号;C. gift礼物;D. picture图片。根据上文“We posted this on the wall”可知,贴在墙上作为提醒物。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我希望这能给学生们继续前进的信心。A. experience经历;B. capacity能力;C. confidence自信;D. signal信号。根据后文“to keep moving forward”指这句话带给学生信心。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们关系很好,到第一个月底,我就把我在农村或偏远地区的合同延长了整整一年!A. bonded关系亲密;B. behaved行为;C. reacted反应;D. operated操作。后文提到作者延长了合同,说明和学生关系很好。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们关系很好,到第一个月底,我就把我在农村或偏远地区的合同延长了整整一年!A. restricted限制;B. maintained维持;C. drafted设计;D. extended延长。根据后文“my contract to a full year in the rural or remote place”指合同延长。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个真正的亮点是帮助镇上的年度儿童时尚游行。A. chance机会;B. highlight精彩部分;C. love爱;D. routine常规。根据后文“was helping with the town’s annual kids’ fashion parade”可知,年度儿童时尚游行是一个精彩部分。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但新冠肺炎大流行让人们转向在线学习。A. added增加;B. led导致;C. kept保持;D. saw看见。根据后文“a move to online learning”指新冠肺炎大流行让人们转向在线学习。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我引导学生们拍摄他们自己唱《从小事到大事》的视频。A. expected期待;B. employed雇佣;C. guided指导;D. troubled麻烦。根据上文“ But COVID pandemic_____a move to online learning.”后文“students to film videos”指引导学生拍摄视频。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:后来,我被评为年度音乐教师。A. gradually逐渐地;B. subsequently后来;C. frequently频繁地;D. temporarily暂时地。根据上文“The children’s performance won wild applause.(孩子们的表演赢得了热烈的掌声)”可知,后来,作者被评为年度音乐教师。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种认可是如此的荣幸!A. recognition认可;B. impression印象;C. expression表达;D. appointment任命。结合上文“I was awarded Music Teacher of the Year. ”可知作者获了奖,即得到了认可。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:三年后,我还在威尔坎尼亚。A. already已经;B. again再次;C. still仍然;D. also也。根据后文“People always ask me how long I plan to stay here”可知,作者呆了三年,还在这里。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人们总是问我打算在这里呆多久,然后我由衷地回答:“再一年。”A. timely及时的;B. typical典型的;C. correct正确的;D. heartfelt由衷的。根据上文“People always ask me how long I plan to stay here”以及下文“Another year.”可知,作者对这个问题由衷回答的是“再一年”。故选D。
    National Geographic explorer Paul Salopek has just hiked across Erlang Mountain in Southwest China’s Sichuan province. This is just a start of his ___36___(ambition) plan of trekking (跋涉) in China.
    As a trekker with global footprints, Salopek is committed to experiencing different cultures all over the world and ___37___(record) the lives of people he encounters on his journey. China, a large country with diverse natural and human landscapes, ___38___(be) an important stop on Salopek’s global trek.
    Starting in September 2021, Salopek set off from Yunnan province and ___39___(plan) to walk through many regions.“My route is not always to famous tourist landmarks,”says the explorer, who likes to visit grassroots areas ___40___(find) real life.“It could be someone’s dinner table, ___41___the sight of an old ethnic Bai weaving at home.” Because every step of the way is new to him, Salopek tries to keep an open mind about ___42___ he can seek memorable things.
    Salopek is also witnessing China’s achievements in the fields of ecology, wildlife conservation.“I hiked across other places___43___(empty) of their wildlife by human beings. The Gaoligong Mountains represents a chance for comfort,” Salopek says while hiking across the mountains.
    Salopek is still currently___44___the road, walking across China, ___45___journey in China is being recorded by a film crew for a 10-episode documentary series entitled The Forever Walk: China.
    【答案】36. ambitious
    37. recording 38. is
    39. planned
    40. to find 41. or
    42. where 43. emptied 44. on
    45. whose

    考查时态。句意:2021年9月,萨罗佩克从云南省出发,计划徒步穿越多个地区。分析句子结构,根据空前的and可知,空处和空前的set的并列,一起做并列谓语,根据时间状语in September 2021可知,用一般过去时。故填planned。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这位探险家说,他喜欢去基层地区寻找真实的生活。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词likes,所以find应用非谓语形式,根据句意可知,此处是表目的,作目的状语,应该用不定式形式。故填to find。
    考查介词。句意:萨罗佩克目前仍在路上,行走在中国,他在中国的旅程被一个电影摄制组记录下来,拍摄了一部10集的纪录片,名为《永远的行走:中国》。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配:on the road意为“在路上”符合题意。故填on。
    46. 假定你是校英语报Colourful Campus新栏目“Read Classics Learn English”的编辑李华,请给外教Caroline写封电子邮件向她约稿。内容包括:
    Dear Caroline,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Caroline,
    I am the editor of our English paper Colourful Campus. It’s an honor for me to invite you to contribute to our new column Read Classics Learn English.
    The column is to arouse the students’ interest in reading classics and improve their English. As our distinguished foreign language teacher, your suggestions on the topic above will benefit us a lot. Moreover, your article shall be within 800 words. And it will be better if I have your article before February 1.
    Your early reply would be appreciated.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给外教Caroline写封电子邮件,为校英语报Colourful Campus新栏目“Read Classics Learn English”向她约稿。
    建议:suggestion →advice
    而且:Moreover →What’s more
    受益:benefit →profit
    答复:reply →response
    原句:I am the editor of our English paper Colourful Campus.
    拓展句:I am Li Hua, who is the editor of our English paper Colourful Campus.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] It’s an honor for me to invite you to contribute to our new column Read Classics Learn English. (运用了it作形式主语,真正主语为不定式的非谓语动词结构)
    [高分句型2] And it will be better if I have your article before February 1. (运用了if引导的条件主语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was an early winter morning. Joan was sleeping soundly when the phone rang in the living room. She rolled over and glanced at the clock on the wall—it was already nine o’clock.Every weekend morning, her mother had to work part-time in the cafe. Although Joan was still sleepy, she knew she had to get up. After all, she didn’t expect her brother Mike, who was sleeping like a log, to hear the phone. She quietly went over to the living room. When she picked up the receiver, on the other end came the warmhearted greetings,“Good morning, my Dear!”Recognizing the voice from her father, Joan was immediately surrounded by a sense of joy and the sleepiness swept away.
    Joan’s father was a seaman, who rarely came back. Working on the sea was really hard.Born in a not-rich family, Joan and Mike felt the stress of life but they were happy to enjoy the family atmosphere. At school, they were straight-A students throughout the academic career and actively involved in school activities. They became the pride of the school and the envy of the students.
    “Good morning, Dad, what’s up?”Joan said in an easy tone.“I have been very nice recently, my baby. Today is your mother’s birthday, and I have ordered her a cake online and it should come to the house in one and half an hour. Do remember to take the cake.”
    Hearing her father’s words, Joan felt a little ashamed. How she could forget Mum’s birthday!She took a glance at the dirty clothes piled on the sofa and the oily floor that hadn’t been mopped(拖地) for a few days—There was two hours before her mother came back. She calculated they had enough time to prepare a surprise for Mum.
    Thinking of this, she felt full of excitement.“Well, Dad, now I’m going to wake Mike up.We will give Mum a surprise !”
    Joan hung up the phone with Dad, and hurriedly went to Mike’s room to share him her Big Cleaning plan. After listening to Joan, Mike readily accepted her idea.
    The Big Cleaning plan began.
    With the cake placed on the table, Mum came in.
    【答案】The Big Cleaning plan began. Joan collected the clothes from sofa and then put them in the water of a basin. After pouring in some washing liquids, she began to wash them by hand. Realizing the clothes were clean enough, Joan gently squeezed water out and hung them to dry. Meanwhile, Mike was busy mopping the floor back and forth with all his strength, really aware of what hard work his Mum had at home! They had just finished the cleaning when the express boy came to the door.
    With the cake placed on the table, Mum came in. “Happy birthday, Mum!”, they greeted in chorus. Confused and surprised, Mum stood frozen. When Mum realized what had happened, a warm current rose in her heart. Staring at the clean floor and the washed clothes, she could hardly contain her excitement and hugged them tightly, “It is the best birthday gift I have ever had!” Mum said emotionally. Just then Joan took out her smartphone and took a happy video named Mum’s Birthday and sent it to Dad.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Meanwhile, Mike was busy mopping the floor back and forth with all his strength, really aware of what hard work his Mum had at home!(本句运用了what引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】When Mum realized what had happened, a warm current rose in her heart.(本句运用了when引导的状语从句和what引导的宾语从句)

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