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    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题(原卷版)
    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题(原卷版)01
    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题(原卷版)02
    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题(原卷版)03
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    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题(原卷版)

    这是一份初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题(原卷版),共10页。

    从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1.Miss Wang is very kind. We all like_________.
    A. herB. himC. yuD. them
    2.Mre and mre peple can wrk _________hme with the develpment f technlgy.
    A. inB. nC. atD. f
    3.—_________did yu g last Sunday, Kate?
    —I went t the park with my friends.
    A. WhenB. WhereC. WhatD. Hw
    4.—Must I hand in my bk reprt this afternn?
    —N, yu _________. Yu can hand it in next Mnday.
    A. needn’tB. wuldn’tC. mustn’tD. shuldn’t
    5.Ted was very tired, _________ he went n running.
    A. butB. sC. rD. fr
    6.Lucy wants t imprve her English this term, s she wrks _________than befre.
    A. hardB. harderC. hardestD. the hardest
    7.—Jim, what’s yur mum ding?
    —She _________in the kitchen.
    A. cksB. ckedC. has ckedD. is cking
    8.I _________here fr three years.
    A. studyB. am studyingC. have studiedD. will study
    9.— Sam, what did yu d last weekend?
    — I _________ basketball with my friends.
    A. playB. playedC. will playD. am playing
    10.It ften _________ in summer in my hmetwn.
    A. rainsB. rainedC. will rainD. has rained
    11.Chinese _________by mre and mre peple in the wrld in the future.
    A. speaksB. spkeC. was spkenD. will be spken
    12.—What a nice picture! Can yu tell me _________?
    —Sure, in Lndn.
    A. where yu tk itB. where did yu take it
    C. where yu will take itD. where will yu take it
    阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
    It was very cld, Amaya was warm in her huse, thinking abut an article she’d read at schl. The article was abut kids wh ___13___ ut their cmmunities, and she thught it wuld be really cl t help her wn twn, Harvard.
    The nly___14___ was that she wasn’t sure hw t help. In the article, the kids had grwn fd fr peple wh needed fd, but it was winter. She culdn’t start a garden. Amaya was deep in thught when her mm said it was time t g shpping.
    As they drve alng the rad, Amaya saw a family wearing nly light jackets. The cld wind blew ___15___ utside. Hw cld they must be! That gave her an idea! She culd ___16___ winter cats, hats and glves fr peple wh needed them.
    She shared her idea with her mm, wh thught it was great. But hw wuld they ___17___ the idea t get plenty f winter clthing? Amaya decided t talk t her teacher, because then she culd share her idea with her classmates at least.
    Ms. Mnre agreed when Amaya talked abut her idea. They decided t call the ____18____ Hats in Harvard. Then they wrte a letter explaining the prject. They als met with the headmaster during lunch time. He was excited abut the idea, and said he wuld make sure cpies (复印件) f the letter went hme with all the students.
    They cllected enugh winter clthing in nly ne week. Then they left the clthes arund tw parks, s families wh needed clthes culd get them there. Three days later, Amaya and her mm went shpping again. She saw the same family that had given her the___19___ fr Hats in Harvard. This time, thugh, the family wre sme new cats, hats and glves. Amaya felt ___20___ in her heart, and was very glad she culd help thers.
    13. A. checkedB. helpedC. reachedD. cleaned
    14. A. prblemB. reasnC. answerD. thught
    15. A. hardlyB. strnglyC. suddenlyD. naturally
    16. A. makeB. buyC. cllectD. design
    17. A. bringB. passC. expressD. spread
    18. A. wrkB. prjectC. actinD. task
    19. A. ideaB. adviceC. helpD. hpe
    20. A. luckyB. sadC. warmD. surprised
    阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
    21. Yu can call ________ fr a free judgement n yur hme cmputer.
    A. 09651 324472B. 09651 325693C. 324472 09651D. 325693 09651
    22. What’s the missing cat like?
    A. Small and yellw.B. Big and white.C. Small and brwn.D. Big and black.
    23. Hw much can a babysitter get mst fr the whle weekday evenings?
    A. £4.5B. £9.0C. £22.5D. £.27.0
    Mther Tngue(语言)
    My name is Jiniku but everyne calls me Jey, including my parents. My father is American but my mther is nt. My mther grew up in a cuntry whse name I cannt prnunce crrectly. She was educated in French and Latin, Spanish and German.
    My mther wrte all day, but never shwed anyne what she wrte. She had ntebks she wuld write in, and a typewriter t straighten ut(整理) the final cpy.
    When she had typed(打字) pages, she put them in a bx. This bx was deep under the bed that she and my father shared.
    There were nly tw wrds that she ever said in the real vice, with her real accent(口音), real tngue. I heard her say them nly three times in her life. She taught them t me ne night as I lay n her legs, sweating(出汗) with fever.
    “Jiniku,” she said in a lw vice. “Jiniku.” I fcused(集中) n her vice thrugh my fever, realizing that smething had changed. She was speaking frm a part f her that she had nt pened fr a lng time. She tk my hand, and placed my palm(掌心) ver her heart. “Juriszu.” She stared ut the windw. There was a lng silence. I culd feel her heartbeat, which was calmer and slwer than my wn. “My name,” she said at last, speaking nce mre in English, “means ‘dark cean(海洋)’.” “And yu, Jiniku, my baby, yurs means ‘life’.” She lked ut the windw again. “‘Ji’ is the wrd fr a happy birth. One where everyne lives and there is little pain. ‘Ni’ is a tree that had its rts(根) spread far and whse branches(树枝) shelter(庇护) all. ‘Ku’ is spirit. Yu have this all-encmpassing(包罗万象的) life.” She placed her hand n my heart. “The first and last letters f ur names are the same,” she said. “Dn’t frget that, Jiniku.”
    24. Hw many languages was Jey’s mther educated in?
    A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.
    25. Where did Jey’s mther put the typed pages?
    A. In a bx.B. On the desk.C. Near the bed.D. Beside the table.
    26. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. Jey’s mther had a deep lve fr her.
    B. Jey’s mther was gd at giving names.
    C. Jey and her mther had tw different names.
    D. Jey’s mther fllwed the rules f giving names in her cuntry.
    The 21st century discveries abut the human brain and its functining have shwed the surprising fact that human abilities are nt fixed at birth. In ther wrds, what yu are able t d with yur life is nt fixed when yu are brn. It is nt all in the genes( 基 因 ). It is nt just nature: nurture(教育, 培育) plays an imprtant part in the mulding(塑造) f what a persn is, and what he/she can be.
    Brain plasticity(可塑性) r neurplasticity(神经可塑性) refers t the amazing ability f the human brain t mdify(修改) its structure and functins accrding t the changes within the bdy and/r in the uter envirnment.
    In his bk “The Brain that Changes Itself” psychiatrist and psychanalyst Nrman Didge, M.D., ffers an intrductin t the great scientists strngly supprting neurplasticity and the peple whse lives they’ve changed. The bk describes real life stries f strke( 中 风 ) patients learning t speak again, and the amazing stry f a wman brn with half a brain that restructured itself t wrk as a whle. It is a bk that changes the way we think abut ur brain, its nature, and its ptential(潜能).
    The genes we receive frm ur parents are finite(有限的), n dubt abut that. Hwever, ur brain’s ability t develp is infinite. New brain cells are being brn all the time, and t keep them alive and grwing, we have t stimulate(刺激) them.
    Here lies the prmise f neurplasticity in the mulding f children int adults wh are capable f realizing their ptential. Fr genius is nthing but a human being wh has realized his/her inbrn ptential! What Mzart, Einstein and da Vinci had was inbrn ptential plus(和,外加) the right envirnment.
    All geniuses started life in exactly the same way. They had parents wh supprted the develpment f their individual gifts and talents. They had the right envirnment and stimuli(刺激, 刺激物) that led t the best develpment f themselves.
    Yu can think abut yur child’s gifts as the merging(融合的) clurs f a rainbw. The
    pssibilities are endless. All children are brn with three natural abilities that prvide them with the ptential t think like a genius: the abilities t think, t learn and t develp their wn individual way f thinking and learning.
    Can yur child be a genius? Yes, he/she can be, if yu give him/her the right envirnment, the right stimuli and the right guidance.
    27. What des the human brain mdify when the uter envirnment changes?
    A. The wrld.B. The stimuli.
    C. Its clur.D. Its structure and functins.
    28. Which statement is true accrding t the passage?
    A. Human abilities are fixed when they were brn.
    B. A strke patient can never learn t speak again.
    C. Nurture can muld f what a persn is because ur brain has its nature and ptential.
    D. The genes we receive frm ur parents cmpletely decide what we can d r can’t d.
    29. What’s the main idea f Paragraph 7?
    A. Discvering the time yur child can be a genius.
    B. Discvering the gifts and talents f yur child.
    C. Discvering the reasn yur child wants t be a genius.
    D. Discvering the clur f the natural abilities f yur child.
    30. Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Is yur child a genius?B. Can yur child be a genius?
    C. D yu want t be a genius?D. Is it imprtant t be a genius?
    Future astrnauts culd travel with emtinal supprt rbts
    T help astrnauts f the future survive(幸免于) the mental(精神的) challenges that cme with staying in space fr quite a lng time, space travelers’ tasks culd sn be accmpanied(陪伴) by AI-pwered, empathetic(有同理心的,同感的) rbtic helpers.
    Nt nly des space travel present astrnauts with lts f physical stresses, spending mnths r years in such a physically demanding(要求高的) place with limited space and the same peple can als raise many mental tests as well. Accrding t MIT Technlgy Review, scientists are wrking t alleviate astrnauts frm sme f the latter challenges by creating “an AI assistant that’s able t feel human emtin and respnd(做出反应) with empathy.”
    While such a technlgy wuld prve itself useful by being able t predict the needs f the crew members in space and “intervene(干预) if their mental health is in danger,” it has the ptential t be life-saving when humans chse t explre beynd Earth’s gravitatinal field(引力场) and twards deep space.
    Thugh astrnauts currently n the Internatinal Space Statin have an intelligent rbt t interact with called CIMON, it is shrt f prper emtinal intelligence accrding t NASA CTO Tm Sderstrm. As a result, a team at the rganizatin’s Jet Prpulsin Labratry is wrking n a mre cmplex(复杂的) emtinal supprt cmpanin that can cntrl a spacecraft’s functining in additin t tracking the crew members’ behaviurs.
    Right nw in the lab, an AI-equipped rbt called Henry the Helper can be fund walking arund the grunds assisting visitrs wh appear cnfused r lst based n their facial expressin. Tw mre emtinally intelligent rbts are expected t be intrduced later this year, ne f which is said t be able t take part in cnversatins mre cmplex than giving navigatin(导航) assistance.
    The team’s final gal is t make a cmpanin named Fina the Future a reality, an emtinally intelligent crss-platfrm system. Fina, if all ges accrding t the JPL’s plans, will help keep astrnauts f the future stay mentally fit as they start their jurneys t deep space.
    31. What des the underlined wrd alleviate in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. 面临B. 应对C. 缓解D. 刺激
    32. Accrding t the passage, which is the biggest challenge astrnauts meet in space?
    A Mental health.B. Physical health.C. Fd safety.D. Envirnment.
    33. Which f the fllwing is NOT true abut the future AI helpers?
    A. They will be able t knw human emtin by feeling.
    B. They will be able t cntrl the crew members’ behaviurs.
    C. They will be able t guess what the crew members want.
    D They will be able t jin in the cnversatins with the crew members.
    Canada is the secnd-largest cuntry in the wrld, with almst 10 millin square kilmetres f landmass. Due t(由于) its size, it is divided int fur different regins(地区).
    The Atlantic Prvinces
    Fishing is the ld industry in this regin. Agricultural crps, such as fruit and ptates, and frests, which prduce paper and lumber(木材), frm part f the industry. Traditinally depending n fishing and farming, they are develping ther natural resurces, such as il and cpper.
    Central Canada
    Ontari and Quebec frm the industrial and manufacturing(制造业的) heart f Canada. They prduce three quarters f Canada’s gds. Mre than half f Canada’s ppulatin lives in the cities in the suthern part f Ontari and Quebec. Mst f the peple living in Quebec speak French.
    The West Cast
    The British Clumbia Cast is Canada’s western cntinental castline(海岸线 ). Eurpeans settled(定居) in British Clumbia in the early 1800s. The railrad built by the gvernment in the late 1800s made mving much easier. Thusands f Chinese came t British Clumbia during this perid t wrk n the railrad. British Clumbia has the mst valuable frest industry in Canada.
    Salmn(鲑鱼) fishing is nt nly a ppular sprt, but als an imprtant part f the industry. Pacific salmn are exprted(出口) all ver the wrld.
    The Nrth
    The Yukn and the Nrthwest Territries(领土) cver a third f Canada. This huge regin has a very small ppulatin. Mst f the peple are natives. There are several native languages, which are equal(平等的) in status(地位) t English and French. During the Gld Rush at the end f the 1800s, thusands f miners(矿工) came t make their frtune(财富). Mining is still an imprtant industry in this regin.
    34. What’s the ld industry in the Atlantic Prvinces?
    35 What language d mst f the peple living in Quebec speak?
    36. Why did thusands f Chinese g t British Clumbia in the late 1800s?
    37. What is still an imprtant industry in the Nrth regin?
    38. What is the passage mainly abut?
    39.中考在即,有的同学信心百倍,摩拳擦掌;而有的同学信心不足,满怀担忧 ……
    假如你是李华,你们学校准备开展“充满信心 战胜自我”的心理疏导活动,旨在帮助大家消除紧张情绪,保持备考阶段心态的平稳。你们班交换生Peter给你发邮件询问相关事情,请用英语回复一封电子邮件,告诉他活动的时间和地点,并分享一下你对此次活动的一些想法。
    根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50 词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
    提示词语:psychlgical guidance(心理疏导), release the pressure(缓解压力), relax, build cnfidence, keep trying
    提示问题:When and where will the activity n psychlgical guidance be held?
    What wuld yu like t share with Peter abut the activity?
    Dear Peter,
    I’m glad t receive yur email. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    I hpe the infrmatin mentined abve will help yu.
    Li Hua
    某英文网站正在开展以“校园防疫 守护健康”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈在校园防疫方面你和同学们每天怎么做,以及这样做给大家带来的好处。
    提示词语:epidemic preventin(防疫),mask, take ne’s temperature, ne meter, healthy, keep ne’s mind n studying
    提示问题:What d yu d fr epidemic preventin at schl?
    What benefits have yu gt frm ding s?
    We d a lt f things fr epidemic preventin at schl.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    钱老师 QQ:537008204 曹老师 QQ:713000635
    Cmputer prblems?
    Experienced IT engineer will pick ut prblems with hme cmputers.
    Phne the Cmputer Dctr’s nw fr free check — 09651 325693
    Small brwn cat missing in the Leeds Hall area. She’s afraid f dgs and teenage bys. If yu see her please phne: 09651 324472
    We really miss her.
    Babysitter wanted
    Babysitter wanted fr a tw-year-ld twins-ccasinal weekday evenings fr up t six hurs. Wuld be suitable fr a student with experience.£4.5 an hur
    Phne Jan n 719873466

    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市燕山区中考二模英语试题(原卷版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市燕山区中考二模英语试题(原卷版),共11页。试卷主要包含了单项填空,完形填空,阅读理解,文段表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市石景山区中考二模英语试题(原卷版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市石景山区中考二模英语试题(原卷版),共13页。

    初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市门头沟区中考一模英语试题(原卷版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 精品解析:2020年北京市门头沟区中考一模英语试题(原卷版),共11页。







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