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    2022-2023学年福建省福州市三校高三上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 听力
    2022-2023学年福建省福州市三校高三上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 听力01
    2022-2023学年福建省福州市三校高三上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 听力02
    2022-2023学年福建省福州市三校高三上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 听力03
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    2022-2023学年福建省福州市三校高三上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 听力

    这是一份2022-2023学年福建省福州市三校高三上学期期中联考英语试题(解析版) 听力,共27页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,B.10等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (满分:150分;考试时间:120 分钟)
    班级 姓名 座号
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What is the woman going to do?
    A.Help the man. B.Take a bus. C.Get a camera.
    2.What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A.Teacher and student. B.Nurse and patient. C.Boss and employee.
    3.What time is it now?
    A.10: 12. B.10: 20. C.10: 32.
    4.What are the speakers most probably talking about?
    A.A book. B.An actor. C.A film.
    5.Where does the conversation take place?
    A.In the classroom. B.In the dormitory. C.In the library.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6.Where will the woman go?
    A.To the school. B.To her office. C.To the airport.
    7.What does the woman ask the man to do?
    A.Take care of a baby. B.Meet her boss. C.Look for some toys.
    8.Why does Diana say sorry to Peter?
    A.She needs to put off her test.
    B.She wants to visit another city.
    C.She has to give up her travel plan.
    9.What does Diana want Peter to do?
    A.Help her with her study. B.Take a book to her friend. C.Teach a geography lesson.
    10.How does Joanna feel?
    A.Tired. B.Happy. C.Anxious.
    11.Why does Joanna want to make breakfast?
    A.To practise cooking.
    B.To pay back her mum.
    C.To look after her sick mum.
    12.What can we know about Joanna?
    A.She has got married.
    B.She can get up early every day.
    C.She loves her father more than her mother.
    13.What is the man?
    A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A host.
    14.What is the conversation mainly about?
    A.How to save money.
    B.How to spend money.
    C.How to be a good housewife.
    15.Where does the woman like shopping?
    A.In supermarkets.
    B.In outdoor markets.
    C.In department stores.
    16.What does the woman highly recommend?
    A.Fixing things by ourselves.
    B.Hiring someone to repair things.
    C.Asking friends to help with the repairs.
    17.Which school is the university most famous for?
    A.Social Science. B.Law. C.Medicine.
    18.Who will say something more about the courses?
    A.The visitors. B.The receptionists. C.The lecturers.
    19.What is required for degree courses?
    A.A long essay. B.One group discussion. C.Informal lectures.
    20.Who is the speech most probably intended for?
    A.Teachers at high school.
    B.Students at high school.
    C.Teachers at university.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Given that October is Mental Health Month, how can we manage our mental health and boost our mood as our second year with the COVID-19 pandemic draws to a close? According to Dr Andrew Thompson, a registered doctor at Instant scripts, even some small, 15-minute acts can play a huge role in improving your mental well-being at a time like this.
    1. Reach out to a support network
    This network can be made up of friends, family, mental health professionals – anyone you trust who can help support you during this time. Taking 15 minutes out of your day for a quick phone call to a friend can really boost your mood and help reduce those feelings of isolation for a while.
    Try setting up a picnic with friends to enjoy some social time with the added bonus of getting outside.
    2. Set up a daily schedule/routine
    It’s easy to get glued to your work computer during the day, and stay up all hours of the night streaming movies and TV during lockdown. But all of that leads to you getting less sleep and that can contribute to poor mental health. Instead of accidentally overscheduling, take 15 minutes to establish a clear routine each day that allows for plenty of downtime and rest. That means switching off your laptop whenever you finish work, and prioritizing your sleep every night.
    Try setting up a Google Calendar to make keeping track of your day easier.
    3. Take advantage of telehealth services
    One of the big benefits of the pandemic is that many support services are now accessible remotely, meaning you can get help without having to leave home.
    Spending just 15 minutes talking through your mental health concerns with a professional can do you a world of good and get you started on the path to better mental well-being.
    Try reaching out to services such as BeyondBlue, which offer counseling and support.
    4. Get active for 15 minutes
    It can be so easy to give up on exercise when you’re struggling mentally, but studies have shown that moving your body really can improve your mood. Setting aside 15 minutes every day for exercise that you actually enjoy – whether it’s a walk, yoga, or a YouTube workout video – can give you a little hit of positive endorphins.
    Try investing in a smartwatch like a FitBit Inspire 2 to keep you motivated, track your activity and remind you to keep moving.
    21. What does Dr. Thompson advise doing to get rid of the feeling of isolation during lockdown?
    A. Stay in contact with your friends.
    B. Watch movies and TV.
    C. Exercise 15 minutes each day.
    D. Keep track of your day to stay motivated.
    22. What is the purpose of creating a daily schedule?
    A. To avoid overscheduling.
    B. To become more productive.
    C. To make time to entertain yourself.
    D. To improve your sleep quality and well-being.
    23. Which of the following would be the best title for the article?
    A. Ways to celebrate Mental Health Month.
    B. Simple ways to seek support.
    C. Four 15-minute acts to lift your mood.
    D. Staying positive during the lockdown.
    I was sitting at my desk when another grad student in my lab approached me. “Can you help?” he asked. His experiment wasn’t working and he desperately needed help. I was then a fifth year PhD student, and I took pride in being the senior member of the lab, whom everyone looked up to. But that also meant I was the one everyone turned to for help – which ate away hours, days, and sometimes weeks that I could have spent on my own research.
    There were many reasons I had a hard time saying no to such pleas (恳求). I was new to the United States for graduate school. I found it difficult to make new friends and discover activities I enjoyed. So I spent a huge chunk of my time in the lab, with my lab-mates serving as my primary source of social connection. I feared that if I brushed them off, I’d lose their favor.
    But the extra responsibilities came at a cost. I had to work extra hours to catch up with my own work, and I often made sacrifices to my personal life.
    It wasn’t until my wife gave birth to our first child that I realized how thin I had stretched myself – and how misguided my priorities were. While she lay in a hospital bed in the early stages of labor, I sat nearby hunched (伏首前倾的) over my laptop finishing up a work report. Hours later, after hearing my daughter’s first cry and watching her tiny fingers grab tightly onto mine, it dawned on me: I should have been fully present during my daughter’s birth. I was clearly spending too much time working if my job had intruded (侵入) into one of life’s most precious moments.
    From then on, I decided to spend more time with my family by paring down my work tasks and carefully considering each request for help. I still enjoyed collaborating with others, but I prioritized mutually beneficial tasks or those my manager asked me to take on, rather than accepting everything that came my way.
    I noticed many benefits: no longer working overtime, more family time, and improved work performance. I was also pleased to discover that “Sorry, I’d love to help but I have a deadline coming up” is an acceptable response to a request for assistance.
    It’s hard to say “no” to those you work with. But I’ve learned that sometimes that’s the best course of action to avoid an excessive workload and lead a freer and happier life.
    24. Why did the author find it difficult to refuse the requests of his lab-mates?
    A. He was the senior member of the lab. B. He wanted to earn their respect.
    C. He was afraid to be left out by them. D. He had once received help from them.
    25. What did the author realize after his daughter’s birth?
    A. He was guilty for his absence when she was born.
    B. His wife had sacrificed a lot for the family.
    C. He should have balanced work and life better.
    D. He should work harder due to the increased responsibilities.
    26. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase “paring down” in paragraph 5?
    A. Putting aside. B. Cutting down.
    C. Getting familiar with. D. Keeping track of.
    27. What is the text mainly about?
    A. Enjoying family life. B. Giving priority to family.
    C. Giving and taking. D. Learning to say “no”.
    Have you ever thrown a camel? Camels are large and heavy animals, so it would be hard to do so. But in the French-speaking Democratic Republic of the Congo, “to throw a camel” is a way of saying “to make a spelling mistake”. In the past, a phrase like that was not accepted by the French government as an official French term. But recently, the French Ministry of Culture worked on a new kind of dictionary that accepts the idea that many people in other countries and regions speak the language. The language has changed over time and is different in places like Ivory Coast in West Africa or Quebec in Canada, compared to how it is in Paris.
    The new online French dictionary includes new French words from around the world. It was released (发布) on March 18 — just in time for International Francophonie Day on March 20. After its release, it is updated (更新) on a regular basis. It now contains about 600,000 terms. The French Culture Minister says the dictionary is not just for France’s 67 million citizens, but for the 300 million French speakers worldwide.
    Supporters say the new dictionary is more democratic (大众化的) than earlier French dictionaries that only showed the way highly educated French people spoke. Official dictionaries produced by the French Academy in Paris were first published hundreds of years ago and are regularly updated. The online dictionary, however, has a new part you cannot find in a book. If you live in Senegal, for example, you can search the dictionary, and it will give you the meaning of a word based on its use in that country.
    “The French no longer have a monopoly (独占) on French,” a French magazine that supports the dictionary wrote recently. “And that is good news”.
    28. What do we know about the phrase “to throw a camel”?
    A. It tells us camels are too large to be thrown.
    B. It can be found in an ancient French dictionary.
    C. It is a phrase still not accepted by the French government.
    D. It can be used when you see someone makes a spelling mistake.
    29. How is the online French dictionary different from other dictionaries?
    A. It needs updating regularly.
    B. It is mainly for non-French speakers.
    C. It takes in worldwide French usages.
    D. It includes few official French terms.
    30. What do the supporters think of the dictionary?
    A. It helps spread standard French.
    B. It’ll attract more people to learn French.
    C. It’ll benefit French’s development.
    D. It brings 300 million French speakers.
    31. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Culture. B. Opinion. C. Technology. D. Lifestyle.
    Jason, a straight-A student from the University of Pennsylvania, uses the term “pseudo-working” to describe how many of us study. The pseudo-worker looks and feels like someone who is working hard-he or she spends a long time in the 1ibrary and is not afraid to push on late into the night-but, because of a lack of focus and concentration, he or she's doesn't actually accomplish much.
    This phenomenon can be seen on must college campuses. For example, at Dartmouth there was a section of the main library that was open twenty-four hours a day, and the students I used to see there late at night crowded in groups, drinking coffee, were definitely pseudo-working. The roommate who flips through her chemistry notes on the couch while watching TV is pseudo-working.
    By placing themselves in distracting environments and insisting on working long hours, these students are damaging their brain's ability to think clearly and efficiently accomplish the task at hand. In the end they get half the results with twice the effort.
    The bigger problem here is that most students don't even realize that they’re pseudo-working. To them pseudo-working is work-it’s how they've always done it, and it's how all of their friends do it. It never crosses their mind that there might be a better way. Straight-A students, on the other hand, know all about pseudo-working. They fear it. It not only wastes time, but it's also mentally tiring.
    In fact, the most important skill in becoming a straight-A student is the ability to get work done quickly and with a minimum of wasted effort. Some cognitive science research concludes that about fifty minutes is the optimal learning period to maximize the material integrated per time unit. So how do these students achieve this goal? To understand their secret to success, consider the following simple formula (公式): work accomplished = time spent × intensity of focus.
    Pseudo-working features a very low intensity of focus. Therefore, to accomplish something by pseudo-working, you need to spend a lot of time. The straight-A approach on the other hand, increases intensity in order to use less time.
    32.Which of the following phenomenon is pseudo-working?
    A.Tom is busy taking notes while attending a lecture.
    B.Mike is sitting at a study lounge in preparation for a final exam quietly.
    C.Jack spends a long time in the library on his essay while listening to music.
    D.Alice and Sara are sitting on the couch reading their favorite books.
    33.Compared with straight-A students, the major problem of most students is that .
    A.they want to spend more time on study B.they are eager to follow their friends' way
    C.they have got used to their study approach D.they are unaware of their pseudo-working
    34.What does the underlined word “optimal” mean in paragraph 5?
    A.Possible B.Best C.Least D.Accurate
    35.What does the author want to stress by mentioning the formula?
    A.The length of time on study counts.
    B.Concentration plays a key role in study.
    C.Getting work done quickly means everything.
    D.Effective study approach is very important.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Empathy (同理心), the ability to understand and co-experience the feelings and thoughts of other people, is probably one of the most important skills a person can have. 36. ____________
    ● Humans are social animals.
    There are very few activities that humans take part in that don’t involve others. 37. ____________ It allows you to perceive others’ motives, treat them the way they want to be treated, understand how others perceive you, and so on.
    ● It lets you better understand non-verbal components of communication.
    38. ____________ People who are not empathetic have a hard time reading between the lines of conversations. They cannot understand that what the other person means to communicate is different from what they actually say.
    ● 39. ____________
    When you unconsciously perceive what the other party wants and needs and can understand exactly why they want it, reaching a “win-win” solution gets easier. You don’t have to blindly search for a way out.
    ● It broadens your horizons.
    Seeing the world from other people’s perspectives lets you perceive it to a fuller extent. When you are able to look at life from other people’s point of view, you are able to live a more fulfilled life.
    40. ____________ Thus, achieving higher levels of empathy often means achieving greater fulfilment as human beings.

    A. Therefore, the ability to better understand others and read their feelings is an advantage.
    B. It helps you introduce your ideas to others.
    C. Empathy basically is what makes us human.
    D. Humans always live and work with each other.
    E. Communication is so much more than what words express.
    F. So why exactly is empathy so important for us?
    G. It makes you better at handling conflicts.

    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 完形填空
    Passion, like life, is about the journey, not the destination. Kimberly and I have been planning a trip to Europe for a year. This was a/an 41 of ours. We took our friends Frantoise and Stein Eriksen with us.
    The most exciting part of the journey started with a train ride that had some curveballs (不顺利). When we were trying to get on a 42 from Zurich to Croatia, we had gotten the departure time wrong and had to 43 around the station to make it in time. We had a tough time finding a taxi to make it to the ship. We finally found a taxi and arrived an hour late. 44 , they waited for us.
    Once we got onto the ship we 45 it was not like a large hotel with great service. It was tight quarters. The bathroom was very 46 . The shower was a spout (喷头) connected to the bathroom sink. You turned it on and sprayed (喷洒) yourself, along with the rest of the room.
    The week-long ship ride was full of 47 . There were people from different nationalities speaking different languages. We stopped on islands of all sizes. We bicycled 30-40 kilometers. Then there were high winds – so high that the buses couldn’t run because they might blow over. So we took an expensive taxi, and headed back to make our flight home.
    While we loved the more predictable parts of the trip, our real passion was in the 48 – the missed rides, the 49 ship, the mixture of cultures, and even the 50 .
    Sometimes people are so 51 that it scares them to do something different. 52 when they do get out of their comfort zone, the different experiences they once thought were 53 are what stand out. Mixing things up, trying new things, seeing something through another person’s eyes, being 54 to adventures – this is how you create 55 .
    41. A. goal B. business C. secret D. chance
    42. A. taxi B. ship C. train D. plane
    43. A. walk B. hang C. look D. rush
    44. A. Clearly B. Luckily C. Eventually D. Hopefully
    45. A. admitted B. heard C. realized D. understood
    46. A. clean B. modern C. small D. well-quipped
    47. A. risks B. adventures C. conflicts D. fun
    48. A. peaceful B. unsettled C. dangerous D. unexpected
    49. A. empty B. large C. overcrowded D. expensive
    50. A. rain B. delay C. accident D. winds
    51. A. confident B. comfortable C. uneasy D. busy
    52. A. Even B. Because C. Yet D. Moreover
    53. A. interesting B. scary C. boring D. enjoyable
    54. A. open B. alert C. blind D. close
    55. A. hope B. passion C. opportunities D. changes
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    China’s youth are developing into a generation capable of shouldering the ___56__(responsible) of national rejuvenation (复兴), said a recent white paper.
    The white paper,__57__ (title) “Youth of China in the New Era”, was published by the State Council Information Office on April 21. The document records the achievements and__58__ (reflect) on the spirit of the country’s youth.
    _59_ the country developing rapidly, more than 25 million young people, __60__ future prospects are supported by a solid foundation (基础), have escaped poverty. Young people in China now have more equal access to education, more diverse career options and more development opportunities. They grow and prosper in a __61___ (good) legal environment, with more favorable policies and more __62__ (rely) social security, said the white paper.
    “In the new era, China’s youth have shown their grit (勇气) at critical moments,” noted the white paper. Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke, young people __63_ (risk) their lives to combat (对抗) _64_ deadly disease. As China opens its door _65_ (wide) to the outside world, the country’s young people are gaining a greater understanding of international exchanges and cooperation.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    注意:1.词数 100 左右。信的格式已经给出,不计入总词数;
    Dear Mr. Brown,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Last winter, Linda went through a very messy divorce and was very depressed. So she quit her job and left Los Angeles, where she encountered her ex-husband in college. She flew to Boston on the east coast of the US. Later, she settled in a new neighborhood in East Boston. However, shortly afterwards, the company where she worked went bankrupt (破产). Suffering a series of bitter blows, she fell ill, a severe case of flu. She had to stay at home for the whole week, feeling extremely bad and hopeless.
    Early one morning, Linda lay in bed, feeling painful all over. Then all of a sudden, there was an upsetting knock on her front door. Struggling out of the bed, she dragged herself to the window. There, outside, she saw a young lady carefully holding some leaflets(传单)and a TV set model. She knew of a large TV set establishment nearby and assumed a message was about to be gently delivered. “This is the last thing I need today.” She muttered to herself and hesitantly opened the door.
    Coughing bitterly, Linda stuck her head out. “Excuse me, madam…” the young lady said with a smile. “I’m sorry but I am not the slightest bit interested in any TV whatever.” Linda interrupted her impatiently. “As a matter of fact, I am feeling terribly awful.” “Is there anything I can do for you, madam?” the young lady asked with concern. “No thanks, just leave me alone.” Linda then shut the door in her face. The young lady politely turned and left in silence.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    Paragraph 1:
    A few hours later, another knock._________________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    Linda was surprised by this loving action. __________________________________________
    英 语 答 案
    A说明文 人与自我 心理健康
    B记叙文 人与社会 人际交往
    C 科普说明文 语言与文化
    D 议论文 学习方式
    说明文 人与社会 同理心
    夹叙夹议 人与自我 人生感悟
    新闻报道 人与社会 中国青年
    应用文 推荐信 人与自我 性格品质
    记叙文 人物故事 人与社会 善意与感恩

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What is the woman going to do?
    A.Help the man. B.Take a bus. C.Get a camera.
    【原文】M: Excuse me, do you have time to help take a picture for us?
    W: Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve got to catch a bus.
    2.What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A.Teacher and student. B.Nurse and patient. C.Boss and employee.
    【原文】W: Could you please explain the homework for Monday again, Mr Smith?
    M: Certainly. Read the next chapter and prepare to discuss what you have read.
    3.What time is it now?
    A.10: 12. B.10: 20. C.10: 32.
    【原文】W: Excuse me. Which platform does the next train to London leave from?
    M: It leaves from Platform 2 at 10: 32.
    W: So there’s still twelve minutes left.

    4.What are the speakers most probably talking about?
    A.A book. B.An actor. C.A film.
    【原文】M: I thought that was boring. It was too long. And the acting was not very good.
    W: It had a lot of big stars in it.
    M: Yes. But the story itself was terrible.
    5.Where does the conversation take place?
    A.In the classroom. B.In the dormitory. C.In the library.
    【原文】W: Have you seen my book?
    M: I remember you had it in your hand when you left the classroom.
    W: But then we had lunch in the canteen and went to the library. We’ve been back in the dormitory for hours.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6.Where will the woman go?
    A.To the school. B.To her office. C.To the airport.
    7.What does the woman ask the man to do?
    A.Take care of a baby. B.Meet her boss. C.Look for some toys.
    【答案】6.C    7.A
    【原文】M: Hi! Come in. What’s up?
    W: Can you do me a favour? I just got a call from the office, and I have to meet my boss at the airport right away. Is it all right if I leave Jack with you?
    M: Sure. No problem. Is he asleep?
    W: Yeah, he just fell asleep ten minutes ago. If he wakes up, here’s his bottle and some toys.
    M: Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of him.
    W: Thanks so much for helping out.
    8.Why does Diana say sorry to Peter?
    A.She needs to put off her test.
    B.She wants to visit another city.
    C.She has to give up her travel plan.
    9.What does Diana want Peter to do?
    A.Help her with her study. B.Take a book to her friend. C.Teach a geography lesson.
    【答案】8.C    9.B
    【原文】W: Hey, Peter, I’m sorry!
    M: Hi, Diana, what’s wrong?
    W: We were going to Hong Kong this weekend but I’m afraid I can’t go.
    M: How come?
    W: I have a really big geography test and I have to study for it.
    M: We can go next week instead.
    W: No, I don’t want to ruin your weekend. You go ahead and please take the book I bought for my friend Sally. Tell her I have to study all weekend because I can’t afford to fail the test.
    M: OK, then I’ll go with them. But it’s a pity that you can’t come.
    10.How does Joanna feel?
    A.Tired. B.Happy. C.Anxious.
    11.Why does Joanna want to make breakfast?
    A.To practise cooking.
    B.To pay back her mum.
    C.To look after her sick mum.
    12.What can we know about Joanna?
    A.She has got married.
    B.She can get up early every day.
    C.She loves her father more than her mother.
    【答案】10.A    11.B    12.A
    【原文】M: You look tired now, Joanna.
    W: I know. I got up at 4 am to make breakfast for my mother.
    M: You are a great daughter.
    W: Not really. It is my mother who is wonderful. She gave me life and brought me up very well.
    M: So you try to repay her on Mother’s Day.
    W: Right. But she has given me so much that it will take hundreds of years to repay her.
    M: Maybe we should have Mother’s Day every day instead of just once a year.
    W: It’s a good idea, Jeff. But I can’t get up so early to make breakfast for her every day.
    M: We should tell our moms how much we love them more often.
    W: I agree! I will tell my husband your great idea.
    13.What is the man?
    A.A teacher.
    B.A doctor.
    C.A host.
    14.What is the conversation mainly about?
    A.How to save money.
    B.How to spend money.
    C.How to be a good housewife.
    15.Where does the woman like shopping?
    A.In supermarkets.
    B.In outdoor markets.
    C.In department stores.
    16.What does the woman highly recommend?
    A.Fixing things by ourselves.
    B.Hiring someone to repair things.
    C.Asking friends to help with the repairs.
    【答案】13.C    14.A    15.B    16.A
    【原文】M: Good evening, everybody. Today we are going to talk about saving money. Many of us have to save money, but different people save money in different ways. Now we are going to talk to Kathy to see what she does. Hi, Kathy, do you try to save money?
    W: Sure. I’m a housewife, so I have to save money as much as possible.
    M: And how do you save? Can you tell us something about it?
    W: Well, I try not to shop in department stores or supermarkets except when things are on sale. I never pay full price. I really like shopping in outdoor markets, and I can usually find some real bargains there.
    M: Great! That’s a good idea.
    W: And also my husband and I don’t own a car. If we need one for a weekend, we just rent one. We can’t really afford to buy a used one.
    M: I see.
    W: And the best way to save money is not to pay people to fix things for you.
    M: Sorry, I can’t understand that. What do you mean, Kathy?
    W: Well, my husband often tries to repair things around the house. We can save a lot of money that way.
    M: Well, thank you very much, Kathy.
    17.Which school is the university most famous for?
    A.Social Science.
    18.Who will say something more about the courses?
    A.The visitors.
    B.The receptionists.
    C.The lecturers.
    19.What is required for degree courses?
    A.A long essay.
    B.One group discussion.
    C.Informal lectures.
    20.Who is the speech most probably intended for?
    A.Teachers at high school.
    B.Students at high school.
    C.Teachers at university.
    【答案】17.C    18.C    19.A    20.B
    W: Welcome to visit the university. It covers an area of six hundred acres. There are four schools, including Science and Technology, Social Science, Law and Medicine. And our university is best known for the last school. Now you can pick up a brochure and decide which tour you want to go on, according to your subject of interest.
    Your tour will begin with a talk by one of the lecturers, who will tell you more about the courses. All our courses consist of a mixture of formal lectures and at least two group discussions of two or three students per term. You can choose group discussions according to your own schedule. All degree courses require students to write a long essay of at least six thousand words on a particular subject in their last year.
    Besides open days for you, we have separate open days for graduates who want to go on to take a course after their graduation. Your application to our university is always welcome.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Given that October is Mental Health Month, how can we manage our mental health and boost our mood as our second year with the COVID-19 pandemic draws to a close? According to Dr Andrew Thompson, a registered doctor at Instantscripts, even some small, 15-minute acts can play a huge role in improving your mental well-being at a time like this.
    1. Reach out to a support network
    This network can be made up of friends, family, mental health professionals – anyone you trust who can help support you during this time. Taking 15 minutes out of your day for a quick phone call to a friend can really boost your mood and help reduce those feelings of isolation for a while.
    Try setting up a picnic with friends to enjoy some social time with the added bonus of getting outside.
    2. Set up a daily schedule/routine
    It’s easy to get glued to your work computer during the day, and stay up all hours of the night streaming movies and TV during lockdown. But all of that leads to you getting less sleep and that can contribute to poor mental health. Instead of accidentally overscheduling, take 15 minutes to establish a clear routine each day that allows for plenty of downtime and rest. That means switching off your laptop whenever you finish work, and prioritizing your sleep every night.
    Try setting up a Google Calendar to make keeping track of your day easier.
    3. Take advantage of telehealth services
    One of the big benefits of the pandemic is that many support services are now accessible remotely, meaning you can get help without having to leave home.
    Spending just 15 minutes talking through your mental health concerns with a professional can do you a world of good and get you started on the path to better mental well-being.

    Try reaching out to services such as BeyondBlue (1300 22 4436), which offer 24/7 counseling and support.
    4. Get active for 15 minutes
    It can be so easy to give up on exercise when you’re struggling mentally, but studies have shown that moving your body really can improve your mood. Setting aside 15 minutes every day for exercise that you actually enjoy – whether it’s a walk, yoga, or a YouTube workout video – can give you a little hit of positive endorphins.
    Try investing in a smartwatch like a FitBit Inspire 2 to keep you motivated, track your activity and remind you to keep moving.

    21. What does Dr Thompson advise doing to get rid of the feeling of isolation during lockdown?
    A. Stay in contact with your friends.
    B. Watch movies and TV.
    C. Exercise 15 minutes each day.
    D. Keep track of your day to stay motivated.
    22. What is the purpose of creating a daily schedule?
    A. To avoid overscheduling.
    B. To become more productive.
    C. To make time to entertain yourself.
    D. To improve your sleep quality and well-being.
    23. Which of the following would be the best title for the article?
    A. Ways to celebrate Mental Health Month.
    B. Simple ways to seek support.
    C. Four 15 minute acts to lift your mood.
    D. Staying positive during the lockdown.

    21. A。由Dr Thompson提出的第一条建议“Taking 15 minutes out of your day for a quick phone call to a friend can really boost your mood and help reduce those feelings of isolation for a while.”可知,和朋友打电话能够减轻孤独感,故选A。

    22. D。定位到Set up a daily schedule/routine。由“But all of that leads to you getting less sleep and that can contribute to poor mental health.”可知,时间规划不合理,熬夜工作会导致睡眠不足,精神状态欠佳,故答案选D。

    23. C。由第一段最后一句话可知,一个15分钟举动能够使精神愉悦,而全文提出了四条建议,故答案选C。


    I was sitting at my desk when another grad student in my lab approached me. “Can you help?” he asked. His experiment wasn’t working and he desperately needed help. I was then a fifth year PhD student, and I took pride in being the senior member of the lab, whom everyone looked up to. But that also meant I was the one everyone turned to for help – which ate away hours, days, and sometimes weeks that I could have spent on my own research.

    There were many reasons I had a hard time saying no to such pleas (恳求). I was new to the United States for graduate school. I found it difficult to make new friends and discover activities I enjoyed. So I spent a huge chunk of my time in the lab, with my lab-mates serving as my primary source of social connection. I feared that if I brushed them off, I’d lose their favor.
    But the extra responsibilities came at a cost. I had to work extra hours to catch up with my own work, and I often made sacrifices to my personal life.
    It wasn’t until my wife gave birth to our first child that I realized how thin I had stretched myself – and how misguided my priorities were. While she lay in a hospital bed in the early stages of labor, I sat nearby hunched (伏首前倾的) over my laptop finishing up a work report. Hours later, after hearing my daughter’s first cry and watching her tiny fingers grab tightly onto mine, it dawned on me: I should have been fully present during my daughter’s birth. I was clearly spending too much time working if my job had intruded (侵入) into one of life’s most precious moments.
    From then on, I decided to spend more time with my family by paring down my work tasks and carefully considering each request for help. I still enjoyed collaborating with others, but I prioritized mutually beneficial tasks or those my manager asked me to take on, rather than accepting everything that came my way.
    I noticed many benefits: no longer working overtime, more family time, and improved work performance. I was also pleased to discover that “Sorry, I’d love to help but I have a deadline coming up” is an acceptable response to a request for assistance.
    It’s hard to say “no” to those you work with. But I’ve learned that sometimes that’s the best course of action to avoid an excessive workload and lead a freer and happier life.

    24. Why did the author find it difficult to refuse the requests of his lab-mates?
    A. He was the senior member of the lab.
    B. He wanted to earn their respect.
    C. He was afraid to be left out by them.
    D. He had once received help from them.
    25. What did the author realize after his daughter’s birth?
    A. He was guilty for his absence when she was born.
    B. His wife had sacrificed a lot for the family.
    C. He should have balanced work and life better.
    D. He should work harder due to the increased responsibilities.
    26. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase “paring down” in paragraph 5?
    A. Putting aside.
    B. Cutting down.
    C. Getting familiar with.
    D. Keeping track of.
    27. What is the text mainly about?
    A. Enjoying family life.
    B. Giving priority to family.
    C. Giving and taking.

    D. Learning to say “no”.

    24. C。由第二段最后一句话“I feared that if I brushed them off, I’d lose their favor.”可知,“我”担心如果自己不理睬别人,他们就不会喜欢“我”,故答案选C。

    25. C。由第四段最后两句话可知,“我”意识到自己本应全程迎接女儿的到来,而不是让工作占用人生中最珍贵的时刻,故答案选C。

    26. B。由上文可知,“我”花了太多时间在工作上,因此“我”决定减少工作,花更多时间陪伴家人,故答案选B。pare down 减少,削减;cut off 削减;切掉;中断;put aside 搁置,把……放在一边;keep track of 记录;追踪。

    27. D。由全文大意可知,“我”一开始无法拒绝别人的请求,花了很多时间工作,到后来女儿出生,“我”有意识地去平衡工作与生活,懂得拒绝别人,故答案选D。
    Have you ever thrown a camel? Camels are large and heavy animals, so it would be hard to do so. But in the French-speaking Democratic Republic of the Congo, “to throw a camel” is a way of saying “to make a spelling mistake”. In the past, a phrase like that was not accepted by the French government as an official French term. But recently, the French Ministry of Culture worked on a new kind of dictionary that accepts the idea that many people in other countries and regions speak the language. The language has changed over time and is different in places like Ivory Coast in West Africa or Quebec in Canada, compared to how it is in Paris.
    The new online French dictionary includes new French words from around the world. It was released (发布) on March 18 — just in time for International Francophonie Day on March 20. After its release, it is updated (更新) on a regular basis. It now contains about 600,000 terms. The French Culture Minister says the dictionary is not just for France’s 67 million citizens, but for the 300 million French speakers worldwide.
    Supporters say the new dictionary is more democratic (大众化的) than earlier French dictionaries that only showed the way highly educated French people spoke. Official dictionaries produced by the French Academy in Paris were first published hundreds of years ago and are regularly updated. The online dictionary, however, has a new part you cannot find in a book. If you live in Senegal, for example, you can search the dictionary, and it will give you the meaning of a word based on its use in that country.
    “The French no longer have a monopoly (独占) on French,” a French magazine that supports the dictionary wrote recently. “And that is good news”.
    28. What do we know about the phrase “to throw a camel”?
    A. It tells us camels are too large to be thrown.
    B. It can be found in an ancient French dictionary.
    C. It is a phrase still not accepted by the French government.
    D. It can be used when you see someone makes a spelling mistake.
    29. How is the online French dictionary different from other dictionaries?
    A. It needs updating regularly. B. It is mainly for non-French speakers.
    C. It takes in worldwide French usages. D. It includes few official French terms.
    30. What do the supporters think of the dictionary?
    A. It helps spread standard French. B. It’ll attract more people to learn French.
    C. It’ll benefit French’s development. D. It brings 300 million French speakers.
    31. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Culture. B. Opinion. C. Technology. D. Lifestyle.

    28. D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“‘to throw a camel’ is a way of saying ‘to make a spelling mistake’”可知,该词组是表达“犯了拼写错误”的一种方式。故选D。
    29. C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“In the past, a phrase like that was not accepted by the French government as an official French term.”和第二段中的“The new online French dictionary includes new French words from around the world.”可知,该在线法语词典的特殊之处在于它收录了世界各地的法语用法。故选C。
    30. C 推理判断题。根据第三段提到的支持者的看法,再结合最后一段中的“The French no longer have a monopoly on French”和“That is good news.”可知,在支持者们看来,这一词典更加大众化,法语不再是法国人的“专享物”了。由此可以推断出,它更有利于法语的发展。故选C。综合全文来看,本文的重点不在于在线法语词典对法语学习者的吸引力,而在于该词典在法语用法收录方面的进步——收录了世界各地的法语用法,故可排除B项。
    31. A 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,法国之前出版的词典中只收录法国当地的法语表达,但其新发行的在线法语词典打破了这一惯例,将世界各地的法语用法收录其中,这体现了法国语言文化上的变化。由此可知,本文可能出自报纸的文化版块。故选A。
    Jason, a straight-A student from the University of Pennsylvania, uses the term “pseudo-working” to describe how many of us study. The pseudo-worker looks and feels like someone who is working hard - he or she spends a long time in the 1ibrary and is not afraid to push on late into the night - but, because of a lack of focus and concentration, he or she's doesn't actually accomplish much.
    This phenomenon can be seen on must college campuses . For example , at Dartmouth there was a
    section of the main library that was open twenty-four hours a day, and the students I used to see there late at night crowded in groups, drinking coffee, were definitely pseudo-working. The roommate who flips through her chemistry notes on the couch while watching TV is pseudo-working.
    By placing themselves in distracting environments and insisting on working long hours, these students are damaging their brain's ability to think clearly and efficiently accomplish the task at hand. In the end they get half the results with twice the effort.
    The bigger problem here is that most students don't even realize that they’re pseudo-working. To them pseudo-working is work - it’s how they've always done it, and it's how all of their friends do it. It never crosses their mind that there might be a better way. Straight-A students, on the other hand, know all about pseudo-working. They fear it. It not only wastes time, but it's also mentally tiring.
    In fact, the most important skill in becoming a straight-A student is the ability to get work done quickly and with a minimum of wasted effort. Some cognitive science research concludes that about fifty minutes is the optimal learning period to maximize the material integrated per time unit. So how do these students achieve this goal? To understand their secret to success, consider the following simple formula (公式): work accomplished = time spent × intensity of focus.
    Pseudo-working features a very low intensity of focus. Therefore, to accomplish something by pseudo-working, you need to spend a lot of time. The straight-A approach on the other hand, increases intensity in order to use less time.
    33.Which of the following phenomenon is pseudo-working?
    A.Tom is busy taking notes while attending a lecture.
    B.Mike is sitting at a study lounge in preparation for a final exam quietly.
    C.Jack spends a long time in the library on his essay while listening to music.
    D.Alice and Sara are sitting on the couch reading their favorite books.
    34.Compared with straight-A students, the major problem of most students is that .
    A.they want to spend more time on study
    B.they are eager to follow their friends' way
    C.they have got used to their study approach
    D.they are unaware of their pseudo-working
    35.What does the underlined word “optimal” mean in paragraph 5?
    A.Possible B.Best C.Least D.Accurate
    36.What does the author want to stress by mentioning the formula?
    A.The length of time on study counts.
    B.Concentration plays a key role in study.
    C.Getting work done quickly means everything.
    D.Effective study approach is very important.
    Passage 9: 33-36 C D B B

    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Empathy (同理心), the ability to understand and co-experience the feelings and thoughts of other people, is probably one of the most important skills a person can have. 36. ____________
    ● Humans are social animals.
    There are very few activities that humans take part in that don’t involve others. 37. ____________ It allows you to perceive others’ motives, treat them the way they want to be treated, understand how others perceive you, and so on.
    ● It lets you better understand non-verbal components of communication.
    38. ____________ People who are not empathetic have a hard time reading between the lines of conversations. They cannot understand that what the other person means to communicate is different from what they actually say.
    ● 39. ____________
    When you unconsciously perceive what the other party wants and needs and can understand exactly why they want it, reaching a “win-win” solution gets easier. You don’t have to blindly search for a way out.
    ● It broadens your horizons.
    Seeing the world from other people’s perspectives lets you perceive it to a fuller extent. When you are able to look at life from other people’s point of view, you are able to live a more fulfilled life.
    40. ____________ Thus, achieving higher levels of empathy often means achieving greater fulfilment as human beings.
    A.Therefore, the ability to better understand others and read their feelings is an advantage.
    B. It helps you introduce your ideas to others.
    C. Empathy basically is what makes us human.
    D. Humans always live and work with each other.
    E. Communication is so much more than what words express.
    F. So why exactly is empathy so important for us?
    G. It makes you better at handling conflicts.
    36. F。此句为段尾句,起承上启下的作用,前文指出同理心可能是一个人最重要的技能之一,根据后文的小标题可知,后文主要阐述同理心的重要作用,F项“那么为什么同理心对我们如此重要呢?”在语意上起到过渡作用,符合题意,故正确答案为F。
    37. A。前句指出人类参与的活动很少有不涉及他人的,后句指出“it”在与他人交往过程中起到的重要作用,可知设空处应提及“it”的具体内容及其重要性,结合选项,只有A项符合语境,故正确答案为A。
    38. E。根据段落标题“它能让你更好地理解交流中的非语言成分”及后句“没有同理心的人很难读懂对话的字里行间”,E项“交流远不止字面所表达的意思”符合语境,故正确答案为E。
    39. G。此句为段落标题,概括总结段落大意,根据“... reaching a ‘win-win’ solution gets easier. You don’t have to blindly search for a way out.”可知,该段意在强调同理心可使双方更容易地获得双赢的解决方案而不用盲目地寻找解决办法,结合选项,G项“它可以让你更好地解决冲突”符合题意,故正确答案为G。
    40. C。根据后句“因此,获得更高层次的同理心往往意味着作为人类获得更大的成就感。”可知,设空句阐述原因,结合选项,C项“同理心基本上是使我们成为人的原因。”符合题意,故正确答案为C。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 完形填空
    Passion, like life, is about the journey, not the destination. Kimberly and I have been planning a trip to Europe for a year. This was a/an 41 of ours. We took our friends Frantoise and Stein Eriksen with us.
    The most exciting part of the journey started with a train ride that had some curveballs (不顺利). When we were trying to get on a 42 from Zurich to Croatia, we had gotten the departure time wrong and had to 43 around the station to make it in time. We had a tough time finding a taxi to make it to the ship. We finally found a taxi and arrived an hour late. 44 , they waited for us.
    Once we got onto the ship we 45 it was not like a large hotel with great service. It was tight quarters. The bathroom was very 46 . The shower was a spout (喷头) connected to the bathroom sink. You turned it on and sprayed (喷洒) yourself, along with the rest of the room.
    The week-long ship ride was full of 47 . There were people from different nationalities speaking different languages. We stopped on islands of all sizes. We bicycled 30-40 kilometers. Then there were high winds – so high that the buses couldn’t run because they might blow over. So we took an expensive taxi, and headed back to make our flight home.
    While we loved the more predictable parts of the trip, our real passion was in the 48 – the missed rides, the 49 ship, the mixture of cultures, and even the 50 .
    Sometimes people are so 51 that it scares them to do something different. 52 when they do get out of their comfort zone, the different experiences they once thought were 53 are what stand out. Mixing things up, trying new things, seeing something through another person’s eyes, being 54 to adventures – this is how you create 55 .

    41. A. goal B. business C. secret D. chance
    42. A. taxi B. ship C. train D. plane
    43. A. walk B. hang C. look D. rush
    44. A. Clearly B. Luckily C. Eventually D. Hopefully
    45. A. admitted B. heard C. realized D. understood
    46. A. clean B. modern C. small D. well-quipped
    47. A. risks B. adventures C. conflicts D. fun
    48. A. peaceful B. unsettled C. dangerous D. unexpected
    49. A. empty B. large C. overcrowded D. expensive
    50. A. rain B. delay C. accident D. winds
    51. A. confident B. comfortable C. uneasy D. busy
    52. A. Even B. Because C. Yet D. Moreover
    53. A. interesting B. scary C. boring D. enjoyable
    54. A. open B. alert C. blind D. close
    55. A. hope B. passion C. opportunities D. changes

    第一节 41-45 ACDBC 46-50 CBDCD 51-55BCBAB

    41. A。根据上文“Kimberly and I have been planning a trip to Europe for a year.”作者已经为此次旅行计划了一年,可知这次旅行是“我们的目标(goal)”,故本题选A。

    42. C。结合下文,“… we had gotten the departure time wrong and had to 44 around the station to make it in time.”作者及时赶到火车站,说明当时在赶火车(train),故本题选C。

    43.D。根据上文“… we had gotten the departure time wrong …”,作者搞错出发时间,所以必须快跑(rush),本题选D。

    44. B。根据文章“We finally found a taxi and arrived an hour late. 46 , they waited for us.”作者已经迟到一小时,而他们还在等待,这是很幸运的事,故本题选B。

    45. C。根据作者下文对于船上情况的描述,可得作者是到船上才意识到(realized)船不大,也没有很好的服务,故本题选C。

    46. C。根据上文“… it was not like a large hotel with great service. It was tight quarters.”可以推知,船上的浴室也很小(small),故本题选C。

    47. B。下文叙述了作者旅途中遇到的交流障碍、大风天气等,可以推知船上的旅途充满冒险(adventures),故本题选B。

    48. D。上文提到“ … we loved the more predictable parts of the trip …”,并用while表示转折,可得这里应填与predictable意义相反的词,即unexpected,本题选D。

    49. C。本句中作者总结旅途中的事件,旅途中的船很小,房间也很小,可以推知船上很拥挤(overcrowded),故本题选C。

    50. D。根据上文的叙述,作者旅途中遭遇大风,故本题选D。

    51. B。根据下文,平时我们都待在舒适区中,可以推知我们觉得很舒服,改变使我们害怕,故本题选B。

    52. C。上文提到,我们在舒适区内,改变使我们害怕;本句提到我们走出舒适区后,那些不同经历又会显得十分重要。两句话表达相反的情况,故应选转折连词yet,本题选C。

    53. B。上文提到,我们在舒适区内,改变会令我们害怕(scary),故本题选B。

    54. A。综合文章主旨,作者鼓励大家应该乐于接受(be open to)冒险,故本题选A。

    55. B。本句在文章末尾,呼应文章首句“Passion, like life, is about the journey, not the destination.”故本题选B。

    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    China’s youth are developing into a generation capable of shouldering the ___56__(responsible) of national rejuvenation (复兴), said a recent white paper.
    The white paper,__57__ (title)“Youth of China in the New Era”, was published by the State Council Information Office on April 21. The document records the achievements and__58__ (reflect) on the spirit of the country’s youth.
    _59_ the country developing rapidly, more than 25 million young people, __60__ future prospects are supported by a solid foundation (基础), have escaped poverty. Young people in China now have more equal access to education, more diverse career options and more development opportunities. They grow and prosper in a __61___ (good) legal environment, with more favorable policies and more __62__ (rely) social security, said the white paper.
    “In the new era, China’s youth have shown their grit (勇气) at critical moments,” noted the white paper. Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, young people __63_ (risk) their lives to combat (对抗) __64_ deadly disease. As China opens its door _65_ (wide) to the outside world, the country’s young people are gaining a greater understanding of international exchanges and cooperation.
    21世纪报780 期
    With improved standards of living and broader worldviews, China’s youth are developing into a generation capable of shouldering the responsibilities of national rejuvenation (复兴), said a recent white paper.
    The white paper, titled Youth of China in the New Era, was published by the State Council Information Office on April 21. The document records the achievements and reflects on the spirit of the country’s youth.
    More than 25 million young people have escaped poverty with the country’s rapid development. Their future prospects are supported by a solid foundation (基础).
    With rapid economic and social development, young people in China now have more equal access to education, more diverse career options and more development opportunities. They grow and prosper in a better legal environment, with more favorable policies and more reliable social security, said the white paper.
    “In the new era, China’s youth have shown no fear of difficulties and hardships in times of crisis, displaying their grit (勇气) at critical moments,” noted the white paper. During the COVID-19 pandemic, young people have been risking their lives to combat the deadly disease.
    Younger generations are also actively participating in social programs, such as providing services in their communities and protecting the environment. At present, there are more than 7,600 social organizations for young people.
    As China opens its door wider to the outside world, the country’s young people are gaining a greater understanding of international exchanges and cooperation, the paper said.
    Over the past four decades, the total number of Chinese people studying abroad exceeded 6.5 million. The number of Chinese overseas returnees grew from 248 in 1978 to more than 580,000 in 2019, the data showed.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    注意:1.词数 100 左右。信的格式已经给出,不计入总词数;
    Dear Mr Brown,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    One possible version:
    Dear Mr. Brown,
    Knowing that Chairman of the English Club will be elected, I would like to recommend my classmate Lin Rong for the position, for which I’m sure he is the right person. The reasons why I recommend him are as follows.
    Initially, as monitor of our class, Lin Rong has good leadership qualities and because of being responsible, honest and selfless, he is respected by everyone. Additionally, he has good communication skills and is always open to different opinions. Last but not least, he is good at both written and spoken English and won first prize in last year’s English speech contest.
    I’ll be glad if you would consider my recommendation.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua

    第二节 读后续写
    Last winter, Linda went through a very messy divorce and was very depressed. So she quit her job and left Los Angeles, where she encountered her ex-husband in college. She flew to Boston on the east coast of the US. Later, she settled in a new neighborhood in East Boston. However, shortly afterwards, the company where she worked went bankrupt (破产). Suffering a series of bitter blows, she fell ill, a severe case of flu. She had to stay at home for the whole week, feeling extremely bad and hopeless.
    Early one morning, Linda lay in bed, feeling painful all over. Then all of a sudden, there was an upsetting knock on her front door. Struggling out of the bed, she dragged herself to the window. There, outside, she saw a young lady carefully holding some leaflets(传单)and a TV set model. She knew of a large TV set establishment nearby and assumed a message was about to be gently delivered. “This is the last thing I need today.” She muttered to herself and hesitantly opened the door.
    Coughing bitterly, Linda stuck her head out. “Excuse me, madam…” the young lady said with a smile. “I’m sorry but I am not the slightest bit interested in any TV whatever.” Linda interrupted her impatiently. “As a matter of fact, I am feeling terribly awful.” “Is there anything I can do for you, madam?” the young lady asked with concern. “No thanks, just leave me alone.” Linda then shut the door in her face. The young lady politely turned and left in silence.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    Paragraph 1:
    A few hours later, another knock.
    Paragraph 2:
    Linda was surprised by this loving action.
    One possible version:
    A few hours later, another knock. Linda glanced out of the window. To her surprise, at the door was the same lady, back again. Really annoyed this time, Linda opened the door. Before Linda could utter any word, the young lady handed her a warm pot, with a concerned look on the face. “I’m so sorry to have disturbed you earlier. I thought you may need this homemade chicken soup. Hope it might make you feel a little better. ”
    Linda was surprised by this lovely action. After being refused so rudely, the lady still showed much kindness to her. A sense of shame creeping upon her heart, she could only force a smile with burning ears. But also, a warm current surged through her brain and body. Linda took the chicken soup gratefully, tears blurring her eyes and a lump in her throat. The lady wrapped Linda in her arms and patted her on the back. “It’s OK, dear. Everything will be fine.” Hearing these words, Linda felt a ray of bright sunshine lighting up her life.


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