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    高考英语模拟题汇编专题08 完形填空(二)(2份打包,解析版+原卷版)

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    专题08 完形填空(二)
    The other day, I was shopping at a local store and came upon a lady kneeling(跪下)down for a product on the bottom shelf. When she saw me, she quickly 21 up as if to get out of my way. She was very sorry and explained that she was a 22 at a nearly store. She was on her lunch break and was only trying to get a few items before her 23 was over.
    I 24 her: "I am in no rush. Go ahead and do what you need to do." While she was 25 a particular brand, she said that customers at the store were sometimes 26 to her, so she really appreciated my kindness. I told her that I had noticed cashier(收银员)were often 27 badly by some people and that those people needed to be more 28 . It is stressful for cashiers when people are staring at them while waiting for 29 to get done. I explained that I was a retired 30 and understood the way she felt. Sometimes, patients, their family members or doctors would be very rude to 31 .
    She, asked, "So how would you 32 to the people who were rude to you?" My 33 was simple. She, "I would just smile. Then I would tell them that I was doing my best and to be 34 . I would not let it bother me and 35 my nursing work. They were probably just having a 36 day. " "Thank you," she said and gave me a truly big 37 .
    It felt so good that I may have helped her 38 the pressure for even a few seconds. In a brief 39 , I showed her that there are good and kind people in the world. I would like to think that I helped her to strengthen 40 in humanity(人性).
    21.A.sat B.got C.showed D.looked
    22.A.cashier B.saleswoman C.guard D.cleaner
    23.A.break B.work C.sale D.plan
    24.A.scolded B.threatened C.urged D.comforted
    25.A.writing down B.turning down C.praying for D.looking for
    26.A.strange B.rude C.kind D.polite
    27.A.beaten B.trained C.paid D.treated
    28.A.considerate B.responsible C.diligent D.intelligent
    29.A.something B.nothing C.somebody D.nobody
    30.A.chemist B.surgeon C.nurse D.doctor
    31.A.you B.us C.me D.her
    32.A.promise B.respond C.turn D.point
    33.A.advice B.wish C.reply D.Topic
    34.A.passive B.aggressive C.generous D.patient
    35.A.continue B.arrange C.abandon D.pause
    36.A.busy B.short C.bad D.dangerous
    37.A.welcome B.smile C.lesson D.surprise
    38.A.realize B.consider C.measure D.reduce
    39.A.interview B.lecture C.exchange D.activity
    40.A.research B.faith C.knowledge D.theory

    21.考查动词短语辨析。句意:她看见我时马上就站了起来,就好像要给我让路一样。A. sat(up)端坐,熬夜;B. got(up)起床,起立;C. showed(up)露面,出现;D. looked(up)仰视,查阅。前文提到这位女士是跪在地上的,这里又要给作者让路,应该是站起身来。故选B项。
    22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她表示很抱歉并解释说她是附近一家商店的收银员。A. cashier收银员;B. saleswoman售货员;C. guard保安;D. cleaner清洁工。与下文中多次出现的cashier呼应,容易推断这位女士是一名收银员。故选A项。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她正在午餐休息时间,只是想在休息结束前拿一点东西。A. break休息;B. work工作;C. sale销售;D. plan计划。与前句的lunch break对应,这里就指她的午餐休息时间。故选A项。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我安慰她说:“我不急。继续忙你的吧”A. scolded责骂;B. threatened威胁;C. urged强烈要求;D. comforted安慰。从作者说的话来看,并没有指责或嫌弃这位女士,而是在善意地安慰对方。故选D项。
    25.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当她在寻找某个特别的品牌时,她说店里的顾客有时会对她很粗鲁。A. writing down写下来;B. turning down拒绝;C. praying for付款;D. looking for寻找。与前文get a few items对应,这里指她在寻找货架上的东西。故选D项。
    26.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当她在寻找某个特别的品牌时,她说店里的顾客有时会对她很粗鲁。A. strange奇怪的,陌生的;B. rude粗鲁的;C. kind善良的;D. polite有礼貌的。从下文so引导句子的因果关系来看,顾客对这位女士的态度应该和作者的和善态度是形成对比、完全不同的,也就是对她比较粗鲁。故选B项。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我告诉她,我注意到收银员们往往被一些人很不礼貌地对待。A. beaten击败;B. trained训练;C. paid付钱;D. treated对待。这里顺承上文这位女士说的有的顾客对她很粗鲁,也表示收银员被不友善地对待。故选D项。
    28.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:而那些人需要更加理解、体谅别人。A. considerate体贴的;B. responsible负责的;C. diligent勤勉的;D. intelligent聪明的。分析句子可知,这里的those people就指代那些不太礼貌的顾客,自然是希望他们更能体谅别人、宽容一些。故选A项。
    29.考查代词词义辨析。句意:对收银员来说,有人在旁边盯着、催着他们把手头的事情做完是非常有压力的。A. something某物,某事;B. nothing没什么;C. somebody某人;D. nobody没人。结合作者遇到这位收银员时的情境,她当时就是在“get a few items”即忙于一些事情,所以这里用something表示同样的意思。故选A项。
    30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我解释说自己退休前是一名护士,所以完全理解她的感受。A. chemist化学家;B. surgeon外科医生;C. nurse护士;D. doctor医生。根据下文I would not let it bother me and     15     my nursing work.可知,作者以前是护士。故选C项。
    31.考查代词词义辨析。句意:有时病人、家属和医生会对我很粗鲁。A. you你;B. us我们;C. me我;D. her她。作者既然身为护士,也能理解这位女士的感受,显然就是因为也有过类似的遭遇。故选C项。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以你是怎么回应那些对你不善的人的呢?A. promise承诺;B. respond回应;C. turn转变;D. point指出。既然感同身受,这位女士当然想知道作者是如何应对这种情况的。故选B项。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的回应很简单。A. advice建议;B. wish祝愿;C. reply回应;D. Topic话题。与12小题一致,对这位女士的问题作出了回答。故选C项。
    34.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我会告诉他们我在尽我所能做事,尽量保持耐心。A. passive被动的;B. aggressive好斗的;C. generous慷慨的;D. patient耐心的。从作者的“保持微笑”“不受影响”等应对方法来看,作者是非常耐心且平和的。故选D项。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不会受到干扰,还是会继续我的护士工作。A. continue继续;B. arrange安排;C. abandon遗弃;D. pause暂停。既然不会受到他人态度的影响,就可以心态平和地继续完成自己的工作。故选A项。
    36.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们可能只是那一天过得比较糟糕。A. busy忙碌的;B. short短的;C. bad糟糕的;D. dangerous危险的。分析语境可知,这里的They指代的是那些对作者很粗鲁的患者、医生等人,为了不受他们影响,作者会做出这样的解释:只是因为他们过得不舒心所以才对别人不好。故选C项。
    37.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她说完给了我一个大大的微笑。A. welcome欢迎;B. smile微笑;C. lesson课程;D. surprise惊喜。从这句Thank you不难看出作者的话对这位女士是很有帮助的,所以她应当是回以微笑的。故选B项。
    38.考查动词词义辨析。句意:能帮她减少一点压力哪怕就这么一会儿,感觉也特别好。A. realize意识到;B. consider考虑;C. measure测量;D. reduce减少。这位女士听了作者这番推心置腹的话,应该不再会为受到的不公平对待而烦心,也就是减缓了一些压力。故选D项。
    39.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这样简短的交换中,我向她展示了世上还有很多善良的好人。A. interview采访,面试;B. lecture演讲;C. exchange交换;D. activity活动。这里就指作者和这位女士彼此分享了自己在工作中的感受和心得,相当于做了一次交换。故选C项。
    40.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想我帮助她增强了对人性的信念A. research研究;B. faith信仰;C. knowledge知识;D. theory理论。前文作者指出世界上还有很多好人,就是为了让这位女士仍然能相信人性,保持这份信仰。故选B项。
    I was at a store the other day. The young woman ahead of me in 21 couldn’t pay for her items, and I 22 to pay for them. Though she 23 ,when she left, the cashier (收银员) thanked me for my offer. She said, “We all need to 24 each other like that. We don’t do enough of that!” I 25 agreed and walked out of the store feeling so 26 .
    I seem to have many kindness moments in the 27 . I go there a lot to pick up 28 for my dad. The other day I was talking with the woman at the 29 and when she realized who my 30 was, she asked about him and I 31 her in. Then she thanked me for caring for him, which was so 32 . Dad’s had so many health problems that I’ve almost forgotten how he was before. It was nice to be 33 of that. She was so understanding and encouraging, which really gave me the 34 I needed.
    I’ve also been praying lately to be 35 with myself and my dad. Whenever I 36 to do that, our day seems much better. The other day we watched Forest Gump together. We both love that 37 , and it seemed to open him up. He doesn’t 38 much with me but he did that day, and it made me 39 . It really means a lot to me. That was his 40 to me that day.
    21.A.place B.line C.panic D.debt
    22.A.offered B.agreed C.managed D.planned
    23.A.hesitated B.paused C.declined D.cried
    24.A.consult with B.talk about C.compete with D.care about
    25.A.unwillingly B.hardly C.immediately D.totally
    26.A.good B.embarrassed C.upset D.moved
    27.A.street B.supermarket C.store D.hospital
    28.A.shoes B.medicines C.books D.drinks
    29.A.counter B.corner C.desk D.door
    30.A.colleague B.teacher C.friend D.dad
    31.A.filled B.let C.showed D.took
    32.A.normal B.funny C.special D.relaxing
    33.A.warned B.reminded C.informed D.convinced
    34.A.recognition B.suggestion C.strength D.opportunity
    35.A.familiar B.satisfied C.strict D.patient
    36.A.forget B.fail C.remember D.hate
    37.A.environment B.movie C.atmosphere D.situation
    38.A.spend B.quarrel C.talk D.argue
    39.A.curious B.serious C.nervous D.happy
    40.A.sacrifice B.kindness C.help D.encouragement

    21.考查名词。句意:那天我在一家商店。排在我前面的那个年轻女士付不起她的东西,我提出要付钱。A. place地方;B. line队列;C. panic恐慌;D. debt债。结合句意,在商店买到东西应该是排队付款,所以此处in line在队列里符合题意。故选B项。
    22.考查动词。句意同上。A. offered主动提供;B. agreed同意;C. managed设法(完成);D. planned计划。结合下一句中 the cashier (收银员) thanked me for my offer.,可知此处为我主动提出帮她付钱。选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    23.考查动词。句意:虽然她拒绝了,但她离开的时候,收银员还是感谢了我的好意。A. hesitated犹豫;B. paused暂停,停顿;C. declined下降,婉言拒绝;D. cried哭。根据本句中when she left, the cashier (收银员) thanked me for my offer. 可知,这位女士没有接受我的帮助,所以选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    24.考查短语。句意:她说”我们都需要这样互相帮助”。A. consult with咨询,请教;B. talk about谈论;C. compete with与……竞争;D. care about关心。结合前一句,收银员对我的乐于助人的行为表示感谢,本句中like that即表明需要像我之前的这种乐于助人的行为,选项D语意上符合语境。故选D项。
    25.考查副词。我完全同意,然后走出商店,感觉好极了。A. unwillingly不情愿地;B. hardly几乎不;C. immediately立刻;D. totally完全地。前一句收银员对我的行为表示感谢,结合本句语境,应该是我完全同意,选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    26.考查形容词。句意同上。A. good愉快的,好的;B. embarrassed尴尬的;C. upset难过的;D. moved感动的。结合前一句收银员对我的行为表示感谢,可知我的心情应该是愉悦的,高兴的。选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    27.考查名词。句意:在这家商店里我似乎有很多善意的时刻。A. street街道;B. supermarket超市;C. store商店;D. hospital医院。结合上文,我在一家商店里买东西做的善事,此处再次讲到我的很多善意,应该是在同一家商店,选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    28.考查名词。句意:我经常去那里给我爸爸买药。A. shoes鞋;B.medicines药;C. books书;D. drinks饮料。根据下文:Dad’s had so many health problems爸爸有许多健康问题,可知此处应该是给爸爸买药。选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    29.考查名词。句意:前几天我和柜台那个女人聊天。A. counter柜台;B. corner角落;C. desk桌子;D. door门。根据语境,收银员应该是在柜台的后边。所以选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    30.考查名词。句意:当她了解到我父亲是谁时,她问起了他,我告诉了她。A. colleague同事;B. teacher老师;C. friend朋友;D. dad父亲。结合上文I go there a lot to pick up ____8____ for my dad. 可知,此处是她问起我的父亲是谁,选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    31.考查动词。句意同上。A. filled充满;B. let让;C. showed展示;D. took拿。本句中固定搭配fill sb. in (on sth.)向……提供(情况),结合本句she asked about him和she thanked me for caring for him.可知,我是告诉了她问的内容,所以选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    32.考查形容词。句意:然后她感谢我照顾他,这很特别。A. normal正常的;B. funny有趣的;C. special特别的;D. relaxing令人放松的。结合下文She was so understanding她是如此的善解人意,这点使我觉得很特别。选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    33.考查动词。句意:能想起这些真好。A. warned告诫;B. reminded提醒;C. informed告知;D. convinced使信服。前一句讲到 Dad’s had so many health problems that I’ve almost forgotten how he was before.爸爸有很多健康问题,以致于我几乎忘了父亲之前是怎么样的。同时根据 she asked about him and I ____11____ her in. 可以得出,此处我是被提醒想到了父亲的情况,所以选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    34.考查名词。句意:她非常善解人意,鼓舞人心,给了我所需要的力量。A. recognition认出;B. suggestion建议;C. strength力量;D. opportunity机会。根据语境,此处是说她的理解的话语给了我力量。选项C符合语境。故选C项。
    35.考查形容词。句意:我最近也一直在祈祷,对自己和爸爸要有耐心。A. familiar熟悉的;B. satisfied满意的;C. strict严格的;D. patient有耐心的。固定搭配:be familiar with对……熟悉;be satisfied with对……满意;be strict with对……严格;be patient with对……有耐心。结合上文She was so understanding and encouraging, 她的善解人意,令人鼓舞。结合本句语境,对待父亲,我也在祈祷,愿自己能够同样如此,选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    36.考查动词。句意:只要我记得这么做,我们的日子就会好过很多。A. forget忘记;B. fail失败;C. remember记住;D. hate讨厌。结合后文,我和父亲一起看电影,父亲和我的交谈,让我感到很开心。这些都是生活给予我之前的善意的回报,所以此处填只要我记得对自己和父亲有耐心,生活会好过很多。选项C项符合题意。故选C项。
    37.考查名词。句意:我们都很喜欢那部电影,这部电影似乎让他敞开了心扉A. environment 环境;B. movie电影;C. atmosphere氛围;D. situation情形;由前一句The other day we watched Forest Gump together. 几天前,我们一起观看了Forest Gump,可知此处指的是这部电影,所以选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    38.考查动词。句意:他不怎么跟我说话但那天说了。A. spend花费;B. quarrel吵架;C. talk谈话;D. argue争论,争辩。结合后文It really means a lot to me. 这对我而言意义非凡。可知此处讲的是父亲平时不太讲话,在那天说了。选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    39.考查形容词。句意:他不怎么跟我说话但那天说了,这让我很开心。A. curious好奇的;B. serious严肃的;C. nervous紧张的;D. happy开心的。根据下一句It really means a lot to me.可知,我对爸爸那天和我的谈话是开心的,选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    40.考查名词。句意:那天他对我很好。A. sacrifice牺牲;B. kindness善良;C. help帮助;D. encouragement鼓励。根据前文,提到我对陌生人给予善意,帮她付钱,得到收银员的感谢。此处,父亲和我谈话,给我了开心,也是父亲给予我的善意。选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    A back injury drove Briton Rose Oliver to tai chi, which led her to her husband and then took both of them to China. Twenty years ago, Oliver’s back injury 21 her childhood dream of becoming a ballet dancer. But the injury did 22 her to tai chi, a martial art 23 practiced in slow motion. Her initial hope was to improve her 24 , however , it turned out to bring her more. She later married her 25 , Rey Nelson, who taught her how to play tai chi , and founded a school with him, 26 the martial art to more than 10,000 students over eight years.
    In 2000, the couple moved to Shanghai. They taught 27 in universities and happily 28 tai chi under various masters to enhance their skills in playing. After years of practice, Oliver found her occasional 29 had disappeared amazingly. But her greatest pain 30 when her husband died in 2003, leaving her alone to follow their 31 passion for tai chi. She thought of 32 . But she finally determined to carry on to 33 her husband.
    With the 34 of her tai chi “family” — the masters and students, Oliver spent her time outside tai chi teaching English as she did before and 35 cultural-exchange events. She founded the Double Dragon Alliance, which 36 Chinese kung fu masters to teach martial arts to westerners and organizes seminars and events for them to 37 Chinese massage, acupuncture, traditional medicine, and calligraphy.
    Because of her 38 to cultural exchange, Oliver was given he Shanghai Magnolia Award, an award given to foreigners who have made 39 contributions to the city. And she has been officially 40 as a Member of the Order of the British Empire by Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II-one of the highest honors to a citizen.
    21.A.realized B.destroyed C.promoted D.decreased
    22.A.limit B.cheat C.lead D.devote
    23.A.typically B.rarely C.immediately D.simply
    24.A.figure B.appetite C.appearance D.health
    25.A.instructor B.colleague C.supervisor D.classmate
    26.A.supplying B.explaining C.guaranteeing D.teaching
    27.A.sports B.language C.music D.art
    28.A.watched B.suspected C.learnt D.accepted
    29.A.backaches B.headaches C.toothaches D.stomachaches
    30.A.strengthened B.faded C.came D.worsened
    31.A.previous B.separate C.shared D.temporary
    32.A.coming off B.standing up C.turning away D.giving up
    33.A.honor B.accompany C.comfort D.understand
    34.A.influence B.support C.education D.agreement
    35.A.collecting B.attending C.analyzing D.covering
    36.A.enables B.orders C.promises D.reminds
    37.A.exchange B.experience C.sponsor D.explore
    38.A.inspiration B.suggestion C.adaptation D.contribution
    39.A.natural B.professional C.significant D.hopeful
    40.A.required B.celebrated C.respected D.announced

    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:奥利维亚背部受伤使她儿时成为芭蕾舞者的梦想破灭。A. realized意识到;B. destroyed破坏;C. promoted提升;D. decreased降低。根据空前的Oliver’s back injury(Oliver’s的背部伤痛)及空后的her childhood dream of becoming a ballet dancer(她童年时成为芭蕾舞演员的梦想)可以推测此处表示“梦想的破灭”,因此用动词destroy。故选B项。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但这次受伤却使她开始练习太极(一种慢动作的武术运动)。A. limit限制;B. cheat欺骗;C. lead领导;D. devote奉献。lead to指“将某人带入,引进”,这从文章第一句A back injury drove Briton Rose Oliver to tai chi(由于背部受伤,Rose Oliver去练太极拳)也能得到提示,此处表示这次受伤“使得”她开始练习太极。故选C项。
    23.考查副词词义辨析。句意:太极是一种典型的慢动作的武术运动。A. typically典型地;B. rarely很少地;C. immediately立即地;D. simply简单地。根据空前的a martial art(一种武术运动)及空后的practiced in slow motion(慢动作)及对太极的常识可知,它是一项典型动作慢的运动。typically意思是“典型地”,修饰动词practiced,符合语境。故选A项。
    24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她最初是希望增进健康。A. figure形象;B. appetite食欲;C. appearance外表;D. health健康。根据文章第一句A back injury drove Briton Rose Oliver to tai chi(由于背部受伤,Rose Oliver去练太极拳)她是因为背部伤痛才走向太极的,所以最初的目的肯定是希望增进健康。故选D项。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不久之后,她同自己的教练雷·尼尔森结婚。A. instructor讲师;B. colleague同事;C. supervisor主管;D. classmate同学。从空后面的who taught her how to play tai chi(教她打太极的)可以看出是她的“老师或教练”。故选A项。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她同自己的教练雷·尼尔森结婚,并共同创办一所学校,在8年多的时间里向1万多名学生教授太极。A. supplying 提供;B. explaining讲解;C. guaranteeing保证;D. teaching教学。根据空前的founded a school(创办一所学校)可以推测作为学校,应该是教授太极。A、B、C的词都不合适。teaching意为“教学”,符合语境。故选D项。
    27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们边在大学教英语边跟着多个高手学习太极。A. sports体育;B. language语言;C. music音乐;D. art艺术。根据倒数第二段中的Oliver spent her time outside tai chi teaching English as she did before(Oliver像以前一样在太极之外教授英语)可知他们是在教语言。language意为“语言”,符合语境。故选B项。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们边在大学教英语边跟着多个高手学习太极。A. watched看着;B. suspected怀疑;C. learnt学习;D. accepted接受。根据空后的under various masters to enhance their skills in playing(在各种大师的指导下,提高他们的太极技巧)可知此处表示跟高手们学习,learnt意为“学习”,符合语境。故选C项。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过数年的练习,奥利维亚发现她经常性的背痛消失了。A. backaches背痛;B. headaches头痛;C. toothaches牙痛;D. stomachaches胃痛。从文章第一句A back injury drove Briton Rose Oliver to tai chi(由于背部受伤,Rose Oliver去练太极拳)可知Oliver患有背痛的疾病,故选A项。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,2003年丈夫的去世给她带来了极大的悲痛,留下她一人去追随他们对于太极共同的热爱。A. strengthened 增强;B. faded减弱;C. came来;D. worsened恶化。根据空后的when her husband died in 2003, leaving her alone(2003年丈夫去世,留下她一个人)可以推测这件事给她带来了痛苦。因此使用came表示“痛苦的来到”。故选C项。
    31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是,2003年丈夫的去世给她带来了极大的悲痛,留下她一个人去追随他们对于太极共同的热爱。A. previous之前的;B. separate各自的;C. shared共同的;D. temporary暂时的。根据上文happily ____8____tai chi under various masters to enhance their skills in playing(高兴地跟着多个高手学习太极,提高技艺)可知喜欢太极应该是大妻俩共同的兴趣和爱好。shared意为“共同的”,符合语境。故选C项。
    32.考查动词短语辨析。句意:她想到了放弃,但她最终还是下定决心坚持它来纪念她的丈夫。A. coming off成功做成;B. standing up支持;C. turning away拒绝;D. giving up放弃。根据空后的But she finally determined to carry on(但她最终还是下定决心坚持下去)可以看出此处表示与“坚持”相反的含义,giving up意为“放弃”,符合语境。故选D项。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她想到了放弃,但她最终还是下定决心坚持来纪念她的丈夫。A. honor纪念;B. accompany陪伴;C. comfort安慰;D. understand理解。根据常识可知,她继续太极是为了纪念她的丈夫。honor意为“纪念”,符合语境。故选A项。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在她的“太极家族”——包括教练和学员的支持下,奧利维亚将她的时间花在了教英语和参加文化交流项目上。A. influence影响;B. support支持;C. education教育;D. agreement认同。根据空后的of her tai chi “family”(“太极家族”的)及根据常识可知,在遭受痛苦的时候,身边的人给予的应该是支持。故选B项。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在她的“太极家族”——包括教练和学员的支持下,奧利维亚将她的时间花在了教英语和参加文化交流项目上。A. collecting收集;B. attending参加;C. analyzing分析;D. covering覆盖。这里考查动词和events的搭配,attend events表示“参加活动”,符合语境。故选B项。
    36.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她建立了双龙会,这个组织让很多中国功夫高手向西方人传授功夫,为这些西方人组织研讨会等项目来感受推拿、针灸、中医和书法。A. enables使能够;B. orders命令;C. promises许诺;D. reminds提醒。空前的which指代上文中的the Double Dragon Alliance(双龙会),根据空后的“很多中国功夫高手向西方人传授功夫”,可知是空前的组织“使得”空后的事情发生,enables意为“使能够”,符合语境。故选A项。
    37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她建立了双龙会,这个组织让很多中国功夫高手向西方人传授功夫,为这些西方人组织研讨会等项目来感受推拿、针灸、中医和书法。A. exchange交流;B. experience体验;C. sponsor赞助;D. explore探索。组织研讨会等是为了让西方人了解或足体验一些传统的中国文化事物。experience意为“体验”,符合语境。故选B项。
    38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:因为她对文化交流的贡献,奥利维亚被授予上海白玉兰奖。A. inspiration灵感;B. suggestion建议;C. adaptation适应;D. contribution贡献。从前文可知,奥利维亚为文化的交流做了很多事情,从后文an award given to foreigners who have made ____19____contributions to the city.(这是一个颁发给为上海做出贡献的外国人的奖项。)也能看出是表示她的贡献。故选D项。
    39.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为她对文化交流的贡献,奥利维亚被授予上海白玉兰奖,这是一个颁发给为上海做出重大贡献的外国人的奖项。A. natural自然的;B. professional专业的;C. significant重要的;D. hopeful希望的。significant此处表示“重大的”,可以修饰contribution一词,也符合文意。故选C项。
    40.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她被英国女王伊丽莎白二世正式宣布授予大英帝国荣誉勋章——这是对英国国民的最高荣誉之一。A. required要求;B. celebrated庆祝;C. respected尊敬;D. announced宣布。根据空后的as a Member of the Order of the British Empire by Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II(被英国女王伊丽莎白二世授予大英帝国荣誉勋章)可知此处是表示她被女王正式宣布授予勋章,announced意为“宣布”,符合语境,故选D项。
    A group of students at Yale University has set up a drone (无人机) delivery service on campus. Kiki Air 21 to deliver candy, snacks and other small items to students who place orders 22 an app. The service is being tested 23 using a small group of student customers before being launched 24 wide. Developers told the Yale Daily News that users 25 items from a menu on their phones and receive them at one of several drop 26 around campus in a padded envelope 27 to a drone.
    Kiki Air's founder, Yale senior Jason Lu, says his company 28 from a class project and has 29 a $150,000 grant(补助金) from a California-based investor in startups. “The convenience store business model hasn't been 30 in a hundred years,” Co-founder Cat Orman told the student newspaper. “Delivery is 31 , inefficient and pays divers terrible wages. We created Kiki Air 32 we want to bring that model into the future in the 33 that creates real jobs and reduces the carbon footprint.” Customers are notified when a drone is 34 the prearranged drop zone to ensure they are in the area to 35 a package.
    The newspaper reported that a Kiki Air drone 36 last week onto a campuswalkway, but nobody was 37 . Oman described the incident as a “controlled landing” and said the company has increased 38 and will improve the service after the incident. Yale officials didn’t immediately return 39 left on Monday seeking comment. Company officials say they hope eventually to 40 the service to other campuses.
    21.A.prefers B.promises C.manages D.demands
    22.A.for B.to C.through D.over
    23.A.currently B.gradually C.sincerely D.fluently
    24.A.nation B.world C.town D.campus
    25.A.order B.require C.consult D.accept
    26.A.directions B.locations C.environments D.devices
    27.A.carried B.added C.attached D.accessed
    28.A.grew B.dated C.benefited D.differed
    29.A.raised B.gained C.saved D.donated
    30.A.updated B.discovered C.operated D.explained
    31.A.convenient B.necessary C.unpopular D.expensive
    32.A.when B.if C.because D.though
    33.A.way B.result C.case D.event
    34.A.finding B.leaving C.nearing D.locating
    35.A.do up B.pick up C.give out D.put out
    36.A.stopped B.landed C.arrived D.fell
    37.A.warned B.affected C.injured D.punished
    38.A.delivering B.flying C.controlling D.training
    39.A.items B.messages C.service D.drone
    40.A.improve B.restore C.exchange D.expand

    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kiki Air承诺,只要学生通过应用程序下订单,就能给他们送去糖果、零食和其他小商品。A. prefers更喜欢;B. promises向(某人) 承诺 (给予他们某物);向(某人)保证 (他们获得某物);C. manages管理;(设法)做成某事;D. demands要求。根据前文“a drone delivery service”可知,主语“Kiki”应是无人机送货服务,结合后文“deliver candy, snacks and other small items to students who place orders”可知,其应该保证给与下单的学生提供糖果,零食和其他小物品。故选B项。
    22.考查介词词义辨析。句意:Kiki Air承诺,只要学生通过应用程序下订单,就能给他们送去糖果、零食和其他小商品。A. for为了;B. to朝向;C. through通过;D. over在……之上。根据后文宾语为“an app”,可知,应是通过该软件下单订购。故选C项。
    23.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这项服务目前正在一小部分学生客户中进行测试,然后在全校范围内推出。A. currently当前;一般地;B. gradually逐渐地;C. sincerely诚恳地;真诚地;D. fluently流利地;通畅地。根据句中“The service is being tested ___3___ using a small group of student customers before being launched ___4__ wide.”含有的语法结构为现在进行时的被动结构,因此可知,在讲述当前的情况。故选A项。
    24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项服务目前正在一小部分学生客户中进行测试,然后在全校范围内推出。A. nation国家;民族;B. world世界;C. town城镇;D. campus校园。根据文章首句内容“A group of students at Yale University has set up a drone delivery service on campus.”可知,该服务是要在校园里开展的。故选D项。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:研发人员告诉《耶鲁每日新闻》,用户从手机上的菜单上订购商品,然后在校园附近的几个投递地点之一收到商品,商品装在附在无人机上的软垫信封里。A. order命令;订购;B. require要求;C. consult咨询;查阅;D. accept接受。根据后文宾语为items,意为“物品”,且主语为“users”,意为“用户”,可推知,应是用户通过手机订购物品。故选A项。
    26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:研发人员告诉《耶鲁每日新闻》,用户从手机上的菜单上订购商品,然后在校园附近的几个投递地点之一收到商品,商品装在附在无人机上的软垫信封里。A. directions方向;说明书;B. locations地点;准确位置;C. environments环境;D. devices仪器;设备。根据前文“receive them”可知,本句应是讲述收货地点。故选B项。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:研发人员告诉《耶鲁每日新闻》,用户从手机上的菜单上订购商品,然后在校园附近的几个投递地点之一收到商品,商品装在附在无人机上的软垫信封里。A. carried提;抱;携带;B. added增加;C. attached附; 贴; 系;D. accessed获取。根据前文“a padded envelope”,意为“软垫信封”,可知订购的商品被放在软垫信封里,而该信封应是附着在无人机上。attach to,固定结构,意为“依附,附属;使贴/粘在……上”,符合句意要求。故选C项。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kiki Air的创始人、耶鲁大学大四学生Jason Lu说,他的公司是从一个课堂项目发展起来的,并从加州的一个创业投资者那里获得了15万美元的资助。A. grew生长;B. dated给……标注日期;C. benefited有益于; 得益;D. differed不同。结合句子“Kiki Air’s founder, Yale senior Jason Lu, says his company ___8___ from a class project and has ___9___ a $150,000 grant from a California-based investor in startups.”句意可知,本句在讲述Kiki Air的“创业”初始,起源于一个班级项目。grow from“由……发展起来”,符合句意要求。故选A项。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kiki Air的创始人、耶鲁大学大四学生Jason Lu说,他的公司是从一个课堂项目发展起来的,并从加州的一个创业投资者那里获得了15万美元的资助。A. raised提高;筹集;B. gained获得;C. saved救助;储蓄;D. donated捐赠。根据后文“a $150,000 grant from a California-based investor in startups.”可知,150,000美元的补助金是从投资者那里获得的资助。gain sth from sb.“从某人那里得到某物”。故选B项。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:便利店的商业模式已经有100年没有更新过了。A. updated更新;B. discovered发现;发觉;C. operated操作;D. explained解释。根据句子:The convenience store business model hasn’t been ___10__ in a hundred years,” Co-founder Cat Orman told the student newspaper. “Delivery is ___11 _ , inefficient and pays divers terrible wages.”句意理解可知,“a hundred years”,“inefficient”,“terrible wages”均可推测Cat Orman在讲述一百年以来便利店的“不便之处”,工作模式未曾得到更新。故选A项。
    31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:运输成本高昂,效率低下,潜水员的工资也很低。A. convenient 方便的;B. necessary必要的;C. unpopular不受欢迎的;D. expensive昂贵的。根据后文“inefficient and pays divers terrible wages”可知,在讲述便利店的“不便之处”:送货效率低,给司机的工资也很低,因此可推知,“昂贵的”也可为其不便之处。故选D项。
    32.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我们创造了Kiki Air,因为我们想把这种模式带入未来,以创造真正的就业机会和减少碳足迹的方式。A. when当……时候;B. if如果;是否;C. because因为;D. though尽管。分析可知,后文“we want to bring that model into the future in the ___13__ that creates real jobs and reduces the carbon footprint(我们想把这种模式带入未来,以创造真正的就业机会和减少碳足迹的方式)”应是之前句“We created Kiki”的原因,应用逻辑连词because引导。故选C项。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们创造了Kiki Air,因为我们想把这种模式带入未来,以创造真正的就业机会和减少碳足迹的方式。A. way方法;道路;B. result结果;C. case情况;案例;D. event事件。分析可知,“that creates real jobs and reduces the carbon footprint”应是所填空名词的定语从句,根据该从句含义可知,这是一种未来的便利店经营的方法和模式。故选A项。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当一架无人机接近预先安排好的投递区时,客户会收到通知,以确保他们在该地区取走包裹。A. finding找到;发现;B. leaving离开;C. nearing接近;靠近;D. locating定位;找到……的准确位置。根据后文“the prearranged drop zone to ensure they are in the area”可知,客户会收到通知,以确保能够在指定区域内拿到包裹,因此,无人机应是在接近/靠近该区域时才发出通知。故选C项。
    35.考查动词词组辨析。句意:当一架无人机接近预先安排好的投递区时,客户会收到通知,以确保他们在该地区取走包裹。A. do up扣好;B. pick up拿起;取走;C. give out分发;D. put out熄灭。根据“the prearranged drop zone to ensure they are in the area to ___15__ a package”可知,无人机递送包裹,应是将其放在地上,客户应是将其拾起拿走,因此“pick up”符合句意和语境。故选B项。
    36.考查动词词义辨析。句意:该报报道称,上周,一架Kiki无人机坠落到校园走廊上,但无人受伤。A. stopped停止;B. landed着陆;降落;C. arrived到达;D. fell落下;坠落。根据后文“will improve the service after the incident”可知,应是发生了事故,因此可推知,本句在讲述该事故“无人机坠落”。故选D项。
    37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:该报报道称,上周,一架Kiki无人机坠落到校园走廊上,但无人受伤。A. warned警告;B. affected影响;C. injured伤害;使受伤;D. punished惩罚。根据前文“The newspaper reported that a Kiki Air drone ___16___ last week onto a campuswalkway”可知,报道了一件无人机坠落到校园走道上的事故,but表转折,应是无人受伤。故选C项。
    38.考查动词词义辨析。句意:阿曼称这是一次“可控着陆”,并表示公司已经加强了培训,并将在事故后改善服务。A. delivering递送;B. flying飞行;C. controlling控制;D. training训练。根据前文Oman described the incident as a “controlled landing”可知,负责人将这次事故描述为“受控降落”,因此可推知,该公司应加强无人机训练以便改善服务。故选D项。
    39.考查名词词义辨析。句意:耶鲁管理人员没有立即回复周一要求置评的留言。A. items项目;商品;B. messages信息;消息;C. service服务;D. drone无人机。结合句子“Yale officials didn’t immediately return ___19___ left on Monday seeking comment”含义可知,耶鲁大学官方没有立即对周一要求置评的留言进行回复。故选B项。
    40.考查动词词义辨析。句意:公司官员说,他们希望最终将这项服务扩展到其他校区。A. improve提高;改善;B. restore恢复;C. exchange交换;D. expand扩大。根据后文“to other campuses”可知,该公司希望将该项服务推广扩大到其他校园。故选D项。
    I was twelve, dependent on Mom. She raised me alone and except when I was at school, we were almost always together.
    As a 21 she left at 5:45 a.m, leaving me 22 for waking myself up, fixing breakfast, and walking to the 7: 30 a.m. bus.
    I 23 being left home alone in the mornings, especially having to take the bus. Once I 24 it, and I wasn't only late to school, but 25 Mom to struggle to find someone to drive me. After that I was so worried that I left 26 every day to make the half-mile walk. Before the other kids arrived, 1 27 by myself in painful pre-teen 28 as commuters (通勤者) drove by.
    One day as we walked through town, an older man 29 us. He suddenly broke into a wide smile, calling my mother's name. But l didn't 30 him.
    “Hello," she responded.“How are you feeling?"
    "Couldn't be better! This must be your daughter, right?"
    "Yes." She replied.
    “Nice to meet you. How 31 you are!"
    I looked at him 32 with no idea what he was talking about.
    "You have the most wonderful mother. When I was in the 33 , she took the best care of me. I shall never 34 her."
    I watched this stranger’s 35 in Mom. He kept thanking her.
    Right then it dawned on me what it all 36 for Mom to do her job--serving and loving strangers often during their 37 times. I constantly witnessed someone 38 Mom, but it was the first time I had 39 why l stood at he bus stop every morning. My mom was a nurse; she 40 other people and me, too. I am not lucky. I am blessed.
    21.A.nurse B.driver C.saleswoman D.policewoman
    22.A.ready B.grateful C.responsible D.eager
    23.A.hated B.escaped C.imagined D.appreciated
    24.A.noticed B.missed C.boarded D.hired
    25.A.helped B.advised C.caused D.urged
    26.A.secretly B.freely C.safely D.early
    27.A.trained B.stood C.read D.sang
    28.A.shame B.regret C.astonishment D.embarrassment
    29.A.caught B.guided C.approached D.welcomed
    30.A.prevent B.condemn C.trust D.recognize
    31.A.adorable B.lucky C.healthy D.intelligent
    32.A.uncertainly B.closely C.impatiently D.nervously
    33.A.organization B.neighborhood C.company D.hospital
    34.A.forget B.hurt C.cross D.abandon
    35.A.strength B.curiosity C.delight D.control
    36.A.saved B.meant C.arranged D.felt
    37.A.scariest B.happiest C.busiest D.wildest
    38.A.inviting B.consulting C.influencing D.thanking
    39.A.wondered B.explained C.understood D.recalled
    40.A.took to B.cared for C.got round D.fixed on
    21.考查名词。句意:作为护士,每天早上她5:45分从家里离开。A. nurse护士;B. driver司机;C. saleswoman销售员;D. policewoman女警察。结合下文My mom was a nurse,可知此处妈妈的职业是护士,A项符合题意。故选A项。
    22.考查形容词。句意:作为一名护士,她早上5:45就离开了,让我负责叫醒自己,准备早餐,然后步行去早上7:30的公交车。A. ready准备好;B. grateful感激的;C. responsible有责任心的,负责的;D. eager渴望的。结合文章开头She raised me alone母亲一人独自抚养我和本句妈妈早上5:45就离开家了,自然 waking myself up的就是我自己。所以C项符合题意。故选C项。
    23.考查动词。句意: 我讨厌早上一个人在家,尤其是要坐公车。A. hated讨厌;B. escaped逃脱;C. imagined想象;D. appreciated感激。根据上文except when I was at school, we were almost always together我和母亲几乎总是在一起,除了我上学,所以此处应该是对于被独自留在家里,我是不喜欢的。选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    24.考查动词。句意:有一次我错过了,我不仅上学迟到了,还让妈妈费了好大劲才找到人开车送我。A. noticed注意到;B. missed错过;C. boarded上车;D. hired租用。结合本句中I wasn't only late to school, 我不但迟到了,可知,我错过了坐上公车,选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    25.考查动词。句意同上。A. helped帮助;B. advised建议;C. caused引起,导致;D. urged敦促。结合句中Mom to struggle to find someone to drive me,妈妈费力找人开车送我上学,可以得知是给妈妈造成了麻烦,cause sb.to do为固定搭配,符合题意。故选C项。
    26.考查副词。句意:之后我很担心,所以每天都提前离开,去走半英里的路。A. secretly秘密地;B. freely自由地;C. safely安全地;D. early早早地。由上文得知,我错过了公交车迟到,所以这里应该是担心迟到,所以提早离开家,选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    27.考查动词。句意:在其他孩子到达之前,我(青春期前的孩子)独自痛苦又尴尬的站立着,乘客们开车经过。A. trained训练;B. stood站;C. read读;D. sang唱。结合上文 walking to the 7: 30 a.m. bus。可知,此处为我站着等车。所以选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    28.考查名词。句意同上。A. shame羞耻;B. regret后悔;C. astonishment惊讶;D. embarrassment尴尬。结合as commuters drove by,可知,其他上班的人开车,我站着等车,所以显得尴尬。选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    29.考查动词。句意:有一天,当我们穿过小镇时,一个老人走近我们。A. caught抓住;B. guided指导;C. approached靠近,走近;D. welcomed欢迎。根据下文He suddenly broke into a wide smile, calling my mother's name. 可知,他是走近我们,选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    30.考查动词。句意:但是我们不认识他。A. prevent阻止;B. condemn谴责;C. trust相信;D. recognize认识,认出。根据上文,He suddenly broke into a wide smile, calling my mother's name. 他突然冲我们笑,喊妈妈的名字。以及下文I watched this stranger可以推断我们都不认识他。选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    31.考查形容词。句意:你真幸运!A. adorable值得崇拜的,可爱的;B. lucky幸运的;C. healthy健康的;D. intelligent聪明的。由下文You have the most wonderful mother,可以得出,当这个人对我说话时,他认为有这样的妈妈对我来讲是幸运的。所以选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    32.考查副词。句意:我不确定地看着他,完全不知道他在说什么。A. uncertainly不确定地;B. closely亲密地;C. impatiently不耐心地;D. nervously紧张地。根据下文I watched this stranger,可以得出,在这个陌生人和我说话时,因为我不认识他,自然不确定他在和我说话。选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    33.考查名词。句意:我在医院的时候,她把我照顾得很好。A. organization组织;B. neighborhood四邻,街坊;C. company公司;D. hospital医院。由上文得知,妈妈是个护士,所以此处这个人讲的应该是在医院里,妈妈把他照顾得好。所以选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    34.考查动词。句意:我永远不会忘记她。A. forget忘记;B. hurt伤害;C. cross越过;D. abandon丢弃,抛弃。根据上文在医院的时候,妈妈把他照顾的很好,结合语境,此处应该是不会忘记的。选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    35.考查名词。句意:我看到这个陌生人对妈妈的喜爱。A. strength力量;B. curiosity好奇心;C. delight高兴;D. control控制。结合下一句 He kept thanking her.可以得出。这个人对妈妈是喜欢的,自然看到妈妈就是开心,高兴。选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    36.考查动词。句意:就在那时,我开始明白妈妈的工作意味着什么——经常在陌生人最危险的时候为他们服务,爱他们。A. saved救助,挽救;B. meant意思是;C. arranged安排;D. felt感觉。根据语境及本句中serving and loving strangers,可知,这些对于妈妈工作的意义。所以选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    37.考查形容词。句意同上。A. scariest最恐怖的;B. happiest最开心的;C. busiest最忙碌的;D. wildest最狂热的。由上文句子When I was in the hospital, she took the best care of me.知道,当病人在最危险的时候,妈妈的工作对病人意义非凡。选项A符合题意,故选A项。
    38.考查动词。句意: 我经常看到有人感谢妈妈。A. inviting邀请;B. consulting咨询;C. influencing影响; D.thanking感谢。结合上文He kept thanking her.,可以得知,生活中妈妈同样被许多人感谢过。选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    39.考查动词。句意:那是我第一次明白,为什么我每天早上站在车站。A. wondered想知道;B. explained 解释;C. understood明白;D. recalled回忆。结合上文serving and loving strangers often during their scariest times知道妈妈的工作的意义,所以此处是我第一次明白了我每天早上在等公车的原因,选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    40.考查短语。句意:妈妈也在照顾着其他人和我。A. took to带到;B. cared for关心,照顾;C. got round绕过;D. fixed on专心致志。由前一句 My mom was a nurse,可以得出,此处是妈妈照顾我。选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    If you could possess any three things, what would you want? Eleven-year-old Ruby Kate loves 21 that question at nursing home in the Harrison. Even more amazing, she then 22 to make the residents' wishes come true.
    Ruby Kate has long been close to 23 folks, since her mother, Amanda Chitsey, works at nursing homes in northwest Arkansas and she often 24 with her. Last May, Ruby Kate noticed an old resident named Pearl staring out a window 25 as her dog was being led away by her new 26 , since she was not able to 27 to look after her with a small pension.
    So Ruby Kate 28 to do something about it and started by asking residents what three things they desire most. They simply requested for 29 like chocolate bars, McDonald's fries, and even just a prayer. Using her 30 money to change the situation, Ruby granted the 31 of about 50 people in three months. Then she started appealing for 32 .
    The nice people of Harrison responded 33 so much so that Amanda set up a GoFundMe page, Three Wishes for Ruby's residents, hoping to collect $ 5, 000. They 34 their goal in a month. After GoFundMe promoting Ruby's 35 internationally this past January, Three Wishes raised $ 20,000 in five months 36 . With the money, Ruby was able to get more 37 : One resident asked for a man cave, so Ruby came up with the novel idea to get him a tent and 38 his fridge with snacks.
    Earlier this year, “Three Wishes” became a nonprofit and launched its 39 nationwide chapter. Ruby Kate doesn't plan to stop here. “I consider 40 to be my hobby,” she says, “and I'm very good at it and I would like to pass this kind act on.”
    21.A.sharing B.raising C.answering D.consulting
    22.A.leaves out B.goes on C.sets out D.turns down
    23.A.poor B.sick C.old D.young
    24.A.gets on B.races down C.comes up D.tails along
    25.A.sorrowfully B.optimistically C.hopefully D.firmly
    26.A.nurse B.owner C.folk D.resident
    27.A.expect B.arrange C.choose D.afford
    28.A.refused B.continued C.decided D.stopped
    29.A.money B.food C.pets D.items
    30.A.collected B.own C.ease D.borrowed
    31.A.wishes B.kindness C.friendship D.behaviors
    32.A.relief B.sympathy C.donation D.assistance
    33.A.sensitively B.seriously C.spiritually D.enthusiastically
    34.A.changed B.set C.failed D.hit
    35.A.question B.story C.website D.collection
    36.A.obviously B.hardly C.consequently D.finally
    37.A.excited B.devoted C.creative D.curious
    38.A.stocked B.emptied C.sold D.bought
    39.A.final B.first C.former D.continuous
    40.A.kindness B.virtue C.treasure D.power
    【解析】这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了11岁的Ruby Kate帮助养老院的居民实现愿望,且在GoFundMe网上发起了名为“三个愿望”的募捐活动后得到了得到了GoFundMe的推广,五个月内获得了两万美元的募捐的故事。
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:11岁的Ruby Kate喜欢在Harrison的养老院提出这个问题。A. sharing分享;B. raising提出,上升;C. answering回答;D. consulting咨询。根据上文If you could possess any three things, what would you want?可知Ruby Kate喜欢在疗养院提出询问对方想要什么的问题。raise question“提问”。故选B。
    22.考查动词短语辨析。句意:更令人惊奇的是,她接着开始着手让居民们的愿望成真。A. leaves out遗漏;B. goes on继续;C. sets out开始,出发;D. turns down关小。结合后文to make the residents’ wishes come true.可知Ruby Kate问了老人想要什么之后,就开始着手让这些愿望成真。故选C。
    23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Ruby Kate自从她的母亲Amanda Chitsey在阿肯色州西北部的养老院工作以来,就一直与老年人保持着密切的关系,她经常跟着母亲一起去。A. poor贫穷的;B. sick生病的;C. old老的;D. young年轻的。根据后文an old resident可知Ruby与老年人保持着密切的关系。故选C。
    24.考查动词短语辨析。句意:Ruby Kate自从她的母亲Amanda Chitsey在阿肯色州西北部的养老院工作以来,就一直与老年人保持着密切的关系,她经常经常尾随着母亲一起去养老院。A. gets on上车;B. races down往下(趋势);C. comes up走近;D. tails along尾随。Ruby的母亲在养老院工作,Ruby经常尾随着母亲一起去养老院。故选D。
    25.考查副词词义辨析。句意:去年5月,Ruby Kate注意到一位名叫Pearl的老人悲伤地望着窗外,她的狗被她的新主人带走了,因为她无法支付照顾她的一小笔费用。A. sorrowfully悲哀地;B. optimistically乐观地;C. hopefully有希望地;D. firmly坚定地。Pearl的狗要被带走,Pearl肯定是很悲伤的。故选A。
    26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:去年5月,Ruby Kate注意到一位名叫Pearl的老人悲伤地望着窗外,她的狗被她的新主人带走了,因为她无法支付照顾她的一小笔费用。A. nurse护士;B. owner主人,所有者;C. folk民族;D. resident居民。因为负担不起,所以狗要被新主人带走了。故选B。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:去年5月,Ruby Kate注意到一位名叫Pearl的老人悲伤地望着窗外,她的狗被她的新主人带走了,因为她无法支付照顾她的一小笔养老金。A. expect期待;B. arrange安排;C. choose选择;D. afford负担得起。狗被带走的原因是Pearl付不起钱。故选D。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以Ruby Kate决定做点什么来改变这一现状,她首先询问了老人们最想要的三样东西。A. refused拒绝;B. continued继续;C. decided决定;D. stopped停止。根据后文Ruby帮助居民实现了愿望,可知Ruby决定了要做点什么来改变这一现状。故选C。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们只是想要类似巧克力棒、麦当劳薯条等物品,甚至只是祈祷。A. money金钱;B. food食物;C. pets宠物;D. items物品。根据后文chocolate bars, McDonald's fries可知这些都是物品。故选D。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Ruby用自己的钱改变了这种状况,在三个月内满足了大约50个人的愿望。A. collected收集;B. own拥有;C. ease减轻;D. borrowed借。后面提到了Ruby开始号召捐款,由此可知一开始她用的是自己拥有的钱来给老人实现愿望。故选B。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Ruby用自己的钱改变了这种状况,在三个月内满足了大约50个人的愿望。A. wishes愿望;B. kindness善良;C. friendship友谊;D. behaviors行为。根据第一段中make the residents’ wishes come true.可知此处指实现50个人的愿望。故选A。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后她开始呼吁捐款。A. relief安慰;B. sympathy同情;C. donation捐款;D. assistance帮助。根据后文hoping to collect $ 5, 000.可知她开始呼吁捐款。故选C。
    33.考查副词词义辨析。句意:善良的Harrison居民反应如此热烈,以至于Amanda建立了一个GoFundMe页面,上面写着“给Ruby老人的三个愿望”,希望能募集到5000美元。A. sensitively敏感地;B. seriously严肃地;C. spiritually精神上;D. enthusiastically踊跃地,热心地。结合后文so much so that Amanda set up a GoFundMe page可知养老院的居民对Ruby号召的捐款反应热烈。故选D。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们在一个月内达到了目标。A. changed改变;B. set设置;C. failed失败;D. hit达到。根据后文their goal in a month.可知他们在一个月内达到了目标。此处考查短语hit the goal表示“达到目标”。故选D。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:今年1月,GoFundMe为Ruby的故事进行了全球推广,三个愿望最终在5个月内筹到了2万美元。A. question问题;B. story故事;C. website网站;D. collection收藏。GoFundMe为Ruby给养老院居民实现愿望的故事做了全球推广。故选B。
    36.考查副词词义辨析。句意:今年1月,GoFundMe为Ruby的故事进行了全球推广,三个愿望最终在5个月内筹到了2万美元。A. obviously明显地;B. hardly几乎不;C. consequently结果;D. finally终于。根据上文Three Wishes raised $ 20,000 in five months可知三个愿望最终在5个月内筹到了2万美元。故选D。
    37.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有了这笔钱,Ruby可以更有创意:一个居民想要一个人住的洞穴,所以Ruby想出了一个新奇的主意,给他买了一个帐篷,并在他的冰箱里储存了一些零食。A. excited激动的;B. devoted献身的;C. creative创造性的;D. curious好奇的。根据后文novel idea可知有了这笔钱,Ruby可以更有创意了。故选C。
    38.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有了这笔钱,Ruby可以更有创意:一个居民想要一个人住的洞穴,所以Ruby想出了一个新奇的主意,给他买了一个帐篷,并在他的冰箱里储存了一些零食。A. stocked储存,供应;B. emptied清空;C. sold出售;D. bought购买。根据后文his fridge with snacks可知指在冰箱里储存了一些零食。故选A。
    39.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:今年早些时候,“三个愿望”成为了一个非营利组织,并在全国范围内设立了第一个分会。A. final最终的;B. first第一的;C. former前者的;D. continuous连续的。“三个愿望”成为了一个非营利组织后成立了全国范围内第一个分会。故选B。
    40.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我认为善良是我的爱好,”她说,“我很擅长,我想把这种行为传递下去。”A. kindness善良;B. virtue优点;C. treasure财富;D. power力量。根据后文I'm very good at it and I would like to pass this kind act on.可知此处指Ruby认为与人为善是自己的爱好。故选A。
    When our girls are brave, they are free to explore in their learning and in life. That exploration leads to the 21 of their talents, passions and weaknesses. On Saturday night we saw one of our students act so bravely that it took my 22 away.
    One of the lead characters of our show, Blue Stockings, was played by a science teacher, Ben Walker. 23 , Ben broke his nose very badly playing football on Saturday and consequently couldn't 24 . Ella Jones, a Year 11 student and part of the cast, who 25 to rest on Saturday, was 26 to play Ben's role.
    Think about that. She had three hours' 27 , playing a role of a 28 she had never played before, in front of a paying audience, and if she couldn't 29 , she would reduce the impact of the whole play. Not the end of the world, but it would be 30 for all concerned.
    I would have 31 . But Ella rose to the 32 . She said, “I was astonished; 33 , I figured the show must go on and I wanted to 34 . I wasn't scared 35 I arrived at the theatre and realized how much there was to 36 . It wasn't just about lines, but it was the stagecraft (舞台表演技巧). I was 37 about the other actors because I know how 38 it is to perform a role with someone who isn't as invested, especially if it is an emotional scene.”
    Asked how the show 39 , Ella said, “It was amazing, and the audience seemed to love the male character I played for the first time.” She added, “Just because you're scared doesn't mean you can’t be 40 . Anyway, I made it.”
    21.A.discovery B.change C.growth D.control
    22.A.pain B.breath C.faith D.concern
    23.A.Secretly B.Hopefully C.Unsurprisingly D.Unfortunately.
    24.A.coach B.perform C.survive D.retire
    25.A.refused B.decided C.happened D.promised
    26.A.asked B.forced C.trained D.reminded
    27.A.wait B.interval C.notice D.judgment
    28.A.director B.woman C.man D.teacher
    29.A.take it away B.look it up C.make it out D.carry it off
    30.A.encouraging B.disappointing C.rewarding D.amusing
    31.A.run B.agreed C.shared D.failed
    32.A.power B.challenge C.danger D.threat
    33.A.besides B.therefore C.however D.instead
    34.A.win B.quit C.resist D.help
    35.A.until B.unless C.so that D.the moment
    36.A.put away B.hand in C.work out D.take over
    37.A.doubtful B.confident C.curious D.worried
    38.A.easy B.tough C.embarrassing D.interesting
    39.A.sounded B.improved C.started D.went
    40.A.brave B.proud C.calm D.shy
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种探索导致他们发现自己的才能、激情和弱点。A. discovery发现;B. change改变;C. growth增长,生长;D. control控制。根据exploration leads to和of their talents, passions and weaknesses可知,此处指导致这些“发现”。故选A。
    22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:星期六晚上,我们看到我们的一个学生表现得如此勇敢,使我大吃一惊。A. pain疼痛;B. breath呼吸;C. faith信仰;D. concern关心。固定搭配:take one’s breath away“使某人大为惊讶”。故选B。
    23.考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,本在星期六踢足球时把鼻子摔得很严重,因此不能参加比赛。A. Secretly秘密地;B. Hopefully充满希望地;C. Unsurprisingly不出所料地;D. Unfortunately遗憾地。根据第3空后的Ben broke his nose very badly playing football on Saturday and consequently couldn't可知,此处指受伤,不能参加比赛,所以“非常遗憾”。故选D。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,Ben在星期六踢足球时把鼻子摔得很严重,因此不能参加比赛。A. coach训练;B. perform执行;C. survive幸存;D. retire退休。此处指不能“参加”比赛。故选B。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:演员埃拉·琼斯是一名11年级的学生,碰巧周六休息,她被要求扮演Ben的角色。A. refused拒绝;B. decided决定;C. happened碰巧发生;D. promised许诺。此处指“碰巧”休息。故选C。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:演员埃拉·琼斯是一名11年级的学生,碰巧周六休息,她被要求扮演Ben的角色。A. asked请求,问;B. forced强迫;C. trained训练;D. reminded提醒。此处“请求”琼斯扮演Ben的角色。故选A。
    27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:想一想。她提前三个小时通知,在已经付了费的观众面前扮演一个她从未扮演过的角色,如果她演不下去,她就会减少整部戏的影响。A. wait等待;B. interval间隔;C. notice通知;D. judgment判断。此处指提前三小时得到“通知”。故选C。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:想一想。她提前三个小时通知,在付费观众面前扮演一个她从未扮演过的男人角色,如果她演不下去,她就会减少整部戏的影响。A. director主任,导演;B. woman女人;C. man男人;D. teacher教师。根据语境可知,Ben是一个男人。故选C。
    29.考查动词短语辨析。句意:想一想。她提前三个小时通知,在付费观众面前扮演一个她从未扮演过的角色,如果她演不下去,她就会减少整部戏的影响。A. take it away拿走;B. look it up查找;C. make it out明白,理解;D. carry it off掩饰过去。因为她是演出救场,如果不能“掩饰过去”就会影响整部戏。故选D。
    30.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不是世界末日,但对所有相关的人来说都是令人失望的。A. encouraging令人受鼓舞的;B. disappointing令人失望的;C. rewarding值得的;D. amusing有趣的。根据Not the end of the world, but此处but表示转折,指对相关的人来说是“令人失望的”。故选B。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我会逃跑的。A. run跑,经营;B. agreed同意;C. shared分享;D. failed失败。此处指我会“跑走的”。故选A。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是艾拉接受了挑战。A. power力量,能力;B. challenge挑战;C. danger危险;D. threat恐吓。根据转折连词but可知,艾拉接受了“挑战”。故选B。
    33.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我很惊讶,但我想节目必须继续下去,我想帮忙。A. besides另外,此外;B. therefore因此;C. however然而;D. instead代替,反而。根据I would have ____11____.和I figured the show must go on可知,此处表示“转折”。故选C。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很惊讶,但我想节目必须继续下去,我想帮忙。A. win赢得;B. quit停止;C. resist抵抗;D. help帮助。根据I figured the show must go on可知,我要“帮忙”。选D。
    35.考查状语从句。句意:我并不害怕,直到我来到剧院,我才意识到有多少事情要解决。A. until直到……为止;B. unless除非;C. so that为了;D. the moment一……就……。此处是until引导的时间状语从句,故选A。
    36.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我并不害怕,直到我来到剧院,我才意识到有多少事情要解决。A. put away放好,储存;B. hand in上交;C. work out解决;D. take over接管。此处指有许多工作要解决。故选C。
    37.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很担心其他演员,因为我知道和一个不太投入的人演一个角色有多难,尤其是在情感戏里。A. doubtful可疑的;B. confident自信的;C. curious好奇的;D. worried担忧的。根据前文可知这里是替代Ben的角色,所以“担心”和其他演员的配合。故选D。
    38.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很担心其他演员,因为我知道和一个不太投入的人演一个角色有多难,尤其是在情感戏里。A. easy容易的;B. tough艰苦的,困难的;C. embarrassing令人尴尬的;D. interesting有趣的。根据前文可知,这里是替代Ben的角色,所以演起来是“困难的”。故选B。
    39.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当被问及演出进展如何时,艾拉说:“太棒了,观众似乎很喜欢我第一次扮演的男性角色。”A. sounded听起来;B. improved提高;C. started开始;D. went进行。此处表示演出的“进展情况”。故选D。
    40.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她补充道:“你害怕并不意味着你不能勇敢。不管怎样,我成功了。”A. brave 勇敢的;B. proud自豪的;C. calm冷静的;D. shy害羞的。此处指挑战一个角色害怕,但并不意味着不“勇敢”。故选A。
    It’s fortunate for children to have siblings(兄弟姐妹) accompanying them. And the kids would be luckier to have a brother as 21 as Christian Hamerter. The 1l-year-old boy, attended a father-daughter dance with his 7-year-old sister Skylar after finding Skylar was 22 by their dad.
    In the days leading up to the 23 in March, it was all Skylar was 24 for, talking about it all day. On the other hand, her mom Trelysia felt more and more 25 . At this time of year, their father is always fully 26 in official duties. He didn’t attend last year’s dance due to a conference, 27 having made a promise. Then, she was right to be worried. On the big day, 28 , his father was sent abroad on business. “It was 29 that he failed to go there for a second year. Skylar 30 because she had her heart set on going.” Trelysia wrote in a 31 . “I felt so bad and also cried uncontrollably.”
    That’s when Christian 32 ! The big brother wanted his sister to feel loved and special. And he picked out a suit and gold tie, a perfect 33 for Skylar’s gold dress. “The action filled me with 34 ,” the mother wrote, “for 1 just know that I’m 35 a kind man──and an amazing father one day. He has 36 that he can be.” Skylar had a great time with Christian there without her dad’s 37 . Even better, now she knows her brother would always come to her 38 .
    The post warmed hearts of the people it 39 and picked up more than 110,000 reactions 40 the sweet gesture.
    21.A.enthusiastic B.generous C.considerate D.intelligent
    22.A.left behind B.misunderstood C.set apart D.cheated
    23.A.result B.event C.opportunity D.scene
    24.A.concerned B.competent C.ready D.eager
    25.A.anxiety B.curiosity C.satisfaction D.confusion
    26.A.caught B.skilled C.occupied D.disappointed
    27.A.since B.except C.without D.although
    28.A.worse still B.sure enough C.as usual D.for example
    29.A.unexpected B.uncertain C.unquestioned D.unlikely
    30.A.wept B.complained C.argued D.apologized
    31.A.magazine B.diary C.book D.post
    32.A.moved on B.stepped forward C.took off D.backed away
    33.A.substitute B.match C.symbol D.demand
    34.A.relief B.appreciation C.pride D.confidence
    35.A.seeking B.changing C.affecting D.raising
    36.A.proved B.promised C.agreed D.explained
    37.A.wish B.practice C.assistance D.company
    38.A.rescue B.notice C.knowledge D.defense
    39.A.united B.reached C.convinced D.informed
    40.A.evaluating B.instructing C.celebrating D.recording
    21.考查形容词。句意:孩子们要是有个像 Christian Hamerter这么体贴的哥哥就更幸运了。A. enthusiastic热情的,热心的; B. generous 慷慨的,大方的;C. considerate体贴的;D. intelligent聪明的。结合下文:The 1l-year-old boy, attended a father-daughter dance with his 7-year-old sister Skylar 11岁的哥哥陪同7岁的妹妹参加了父女舞会。可得知:哥哥对妹妹的体贴。选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    22.考查动词短语。句意:这个11岁的男孩,在发现Skylar 被父亲留下,未参加舞会后,和他7岁的妹妹 Skylar 一起参加了父女舞会。 A. left behind留下; B. misunderstood 误解;C. set apart使与众不同;D. cheated欺骗。结合下文On the big day, _____8_____ , his father was sent abroad on business.,可以得知,父亲被外派国外出差,所以父亲不能去参加舞会,也就留下了妹妹。选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    23.考查名词。句意:在三月活动的前几天,这是 Skylar 一直渴望的,她整天都在谈论这件事。A. result结果; B. event事情; C. opportunity机会; D. scene场景,景象。结合上一句,哥哥带着妹妹参加了父女舞会,所以此处指的就是这次舞会,选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    24.考查形容词。句意同上。A. concerned关心; B. competent有能力的,能胜任的; C. ready现成的,准备好; D. eager渴望的。根据本句中talking about it all day可知,对这次舞会,妹妹是可期待的。选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    25.考查名词。句意:另一方面,她妈妈 Trelysia 越来越焦虑。A. anxiety担心; B. curiosity好奇心;C. satisfaction满意;D. confusion困惑。结合下文Then, she was right to be worried.随后,她的担心是对的。可以得知,此处表示妈妈对此很担心。选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    26.考查形容词。句意:每年这个时候,他们的父亲总是忙于公务。A. caught 被抓住的;B. skilled熟练的; C. occupied被占用的; D. disappointed失望的。结合下一句He didn’t attend last year’s dance due to a conference他去年因为一个会议没有参加舞会,可知,他是忙于工作。选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    27.考查连词。句意:他去年因为一个会议没有参加舞会,尽管已经答应了。A. since自从……时候;B. except 除……之外;C. without 没有;D. although尽管。根据下文It was _____9_____ that he failed to go there for a second year.这是他又一次不能去参加舞会,可知,父亲答应要参加这次舞会的。选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    28.考查短语。句意:在那个重要的日子里,他的父亲被派往国外出差。 A. worse still 更为糟糕的是;B. sure enough 果然,果真;C. as usual像往常一样;D. for example例如。结合上文At this time of year, their father is always fully _____6_____ in official duties,可知每年的这个时候父亲都是忙于工作,因而,此次被派出国外出差是确定的。选项B符合题意,故选B项。
    29.考查形容词。句意:毫无疑问,这是他又一次不能去参加舞会。A. unexpected意料之外的; B. uncertain 不确定的; C. unquestioned 毫无疑问的,无可争议的;D. unlikely不可能的。根据上一句,his father was sent abroad on business,他的父亲被派到国外出差,可知此处不能参加舞会是确定无疑的,选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    30.考查动词。句意:Skylar 哭了,因为她一心想去。 A. wept流泪,哭泣; B. complained 埋怨;C. argued争论,争辩; D. apologized道歉。根据下文:“I felt so bad and also cried uncontrollably.” 我感觉很糟糕,也控制不住地哭了。可以得出,此处表示Skylar哭了。选项A符合题意,故选A项。
    31.考查名词。句意:Trelysia 在一篇文章中写道,“我感觉很糟糕,也控制不住地哭了。”A. magazine杂志; B. diary日记;C. book 书;D. post帖子,博文。结合下文The post warmed hearts of the people这封帖子温暖了人们的心,可知此处,Trelysia是在帖子中写到。选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    32.考查动词短语。句意:那时候 Christian 站出来了。 A. moved on继续前进; B. stepped forward 站出来;C. took off脱掉; D. backed away后退。根据下文The big brother wanted his sister to feel loved and special. 大哥哥想让妹妹感到被爱和特别。以及接下来哥哥得一系列举动,可知,哥哥扮演了父亲的角色,所以,此处表示哥哥Christian走上前来。选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    33.考查名词。句意:他选了一套西装和一条金色领带,和 Skylar 的金色裙子完美搭配。A. substitute替代;B. match匹配; C. symbol标志; D. demand要求。根据语境,哥哥得穿着和妹妹的裙子是完美搭配的。选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    34.考查名词。句意:这个行为让我感到自豪。 A. relief 宽慰,欣慰;B. appreciation 感激;C. pride 骄傲;D. confidence信心。结合下文the mother wrote, “for 1 just know that I’m _____15_____ a kind man──and an amazing father one day.某一天,儿子会成为一位令人惊讶的父亲,可知,此处儿子的举动是让妈妈感到很骄傲。选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    35.考查动词。句意:母亲写道,“我只知道,我养育了一个善良的人,和一个令人惊奇的父亲。 A. seeking搜寻,寻找;B. changing改变; C. affecting影响; D. raising养育。根据本句后半句an amazing father one day某一天儿子会成为一个令人惊讶的父亲,可以得出,现在作为母亲,是在养育着这样一个善良的儿子。选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    36.考查动词。句意:他已经证明了他可以。 A. proved证明 ;B. promised 承诺,答应;C. agreed 同意;D. explained解释。结合下一句Skylar had a great time with Christian there without her dad’s _____17_____ .没有父亲陪同,Skylar和Christian在舞会上玩的很开心。可以得出,儿子代替父亲陪妹妹去参加舞会是成功的,这充分证明了儿子的爱,选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    37.考查名词。句意:没有父亲陪同,Skylar和Christian在舞会上玩的很开心。 A. wish祝愿; B. practice练习,实践; C. assistance帮助; D. company陪伴。由上文知道,因为父亲被派到国外出差,儿子代替父亲陪妹妹去参加了舞会,所以是父亲没有陪同。选项D符合题意。故选D项。
    38.考查名词。句意:更好的是,现在她知道,她哥哥总会来救她。A. rescue营救; B. notice注意; C. knowledge 知识; D. defense保卫。come to sb’s rescue 挽救(搭救)某人,come to notice, 开始注意;come to knowledge了解知识;come to sb’s defense 替某人辩护。结合句子语境,可知,此处表示妹妹Skylar感受到哥哥Christians是在她有困难时求救的对象,所以,选项A符合题意。故选A项。
    39.考查动词。句意:这个帖子温暖了人们的心,收到了超过110,000个为此甜蜜的姿态的回应。 A. united联合; B. reached 到达;C. convinced使信服; D. informed告知。根据语境,妈妈是把这件事情发到了网络上,任何人都可以读到。所以此处表示网上上看到这个帖子的人。选项B符合题意。故选B项。
    40.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。A. evaluating评价;B. instructing 指导;C. celebrating赞美,颂扬;D. recording录制。结合文章知道,妈妈发帖到网络上使许多人看到了哥哥对妹妹的爱。这份爱是被赞扬的。选项C符合题意。故选C项。
    This summer, Roman Espinoza put up what he called a ''blessing box'' filled with food available to any and all who need it on his lawn (草坪).
    Roman Espinoza, a 46-year-old New Yorker, hoped to 21 the problem of hunger in his community. He was 22 that there were plenty of poor and homeless people in his neighborhood, and he also knew that they 23 needed help. That’s why he decided to construct a ''blessing box'' filled with food on his own lawn. People who are in need of food are always 24 to take something from the ''blessing box''. It mostly holds canned food. He found that not everyone who 25 food from the ''blessing box'' wanted to be known, so they often 26 until it was dark to avoid 27 .
    Roman was inspired by a 28 action at the local community college, where he saw there was a small box with a number of free food 29 inside that was meant for poor students who couldn't 30 a snack or a meal. He thought it was such an amazing gesture and decided to try that in front of his own home.
    Thanks to him, there's a whole community that 31 donates food and other necessities. Roman is so grateful that other people are also donating food for the less 32 , and he feels honored that he 33 others to do so.
    34 , people started donating things into Roman's blessing box, but it definitely didn't 35 there. In fact, many people had a strong 36 to build their own blessing box, so they turned to him for help. And many more wanted to help in their own way. The local Home Depot store, 37 , decided to sponsor all of the wood needed to build new 38 . By 39 the word and the idea of these amazing food pantries, people can truly make a significant 40 for the poor in the entire city.
    21.A.worsen B.update C.cause D.relieve
    22.A.ashamed B.aware C.doubtful D.desperate
    23.A.sadly B.hardly C.badly D.rarely
    24.A.allowed B.forbidden C.requested D.accompanied
    25.A.purchased B.stole C.swallowed D.took
    26.A.waited B.hid C.thought D.struggled
    27.A.enjoyment B.pride C.embarrassment D.preference
    28.A.terrible B.similar C.natural D.illegal
    29.A.items B.chains C.shops D.projects
    30.A.resist B.enjoy C.miss D.afford
    31.A.carefully B.regularly C.passively D.suddenly
    32.A.intelligent B.dependent C.innocent D.fortunate
    33.A.inspired B.invited C.convinced D.challenged
    34.A.At times B.At once C.At first D.At last
    35.A.fail B.stop C.start D.move
    36.A.ability B.curiosity C.dislike D.desire
    37.A.however B.or rather C.for example D.instead
    38.A.boxes B.communities C.stores D.homes
    39.A.ignoring B.remembering C.spreading D.breaking
    40.A.promise B.difference C.judgment D.comment
    【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个名叫Roman Espinoza的纽约人通过在自家草坪设立“祝福箱”为穷人和无家可归的人提供给免费的食物。社区其他人在他的启发下也纷纷开始给那些不幸运的人捐赠食物,甚至也设立自己的“祝福箱”。通过传递这样的行为,他们可以为社区的穷人和无家可归者带来很大影响。
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Roman Espinoza,一个46岁的纽约人,希望缓解他所在社区的饥饿问题。A. worsen使……加剧;B. update更新;C. cause引起,造成;D. relieve缓解。根据下文的That's why he decided to construct a ''blessing box'' filled with food on his own lawn.可推测,Roman Espinoza想用在草坪给需要的人提供食物的行为在社区缓解饥饿问题,故选D项。
    22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他知道在他所居住的社区还有很多穷人和无家可归的人,并且他也知道他们非常需要帮助。A. ashamed羞愧的; B. aware知道的;C. doubtful怀疑的;D. desperate绝望的,迫切的。根据下文的and he also knew可知此处考查固定短语be aware that…“知道”,know和be aware that是同意词复现,故选B项。
    23.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他知道在他所居住的社区还有很多穷人和无家可归的人,并且他也知道他们非常需要帮助。A. sadly悲伤地;B. hardly几乎不;C. badly急切地;D. rarely稀少地。根据下文的That's why he decided to construct a ''blessing box'' filled with food on his own lawn.可知Roman Espinoza知道那些穷人和无家可归的人非常需要帮助,故选C项。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那些需要食物的人通常被允许可以从这个“祝福箱”里拿吃的。A. allowed允许;B. forbidden禁止;C. requested请求;D. accompanied陪伴。根据句意可知,此处考查短语sb. be allowed to do sth.“某人被允许做某事”,故选A项。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他发现并非每一个从“祝福箱”里拿东西的人都想被别人知道,因此为了避免尴尬他们通常等到天黑才来。A. purchased购买;B. stole偷;C. swallowed吞;D. took拿。根据上文的People who are in need of food are always ___4___ to take something from the ''blessing box''.可知此处用“拿”符合语境,take是原词复现,故选D项。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他发现并非每一个从“祝福箱”里拿东西的人都想被别人知道,因此为了避免尴尬他们通常等到天黑才来。A. waited等待;B. hid隐藏;C. thought想,认为;D. struggled挣扎。根据下文的until it was dark可推测他们是等到天黑才来的,故选A项。
    27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他发现并非每一个从“祝福箱”里拿东西的人都想被别人知道,因此为了避免尴尬他们通常等到天黑才来。A. enjoyment乐趣;B. pride骄傲;C. embarrassment尴尬;D. preference偏爱。根据上文的He found that not everyone who ___5___ food from the ''blessing box'' wanted to be known可推测他们觉得从盒子里拿东西很尴尬所以不想让别人知道,故选C项。
    28.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Roman受到当地社区大学一个相似行为的启发,在那儿他看见在一个小箱子,里面有大量专门为那些买不起快餐或者一顿饭的穷学生准备的免费食物。A. terrible糟糕的;B. similar相似的;C. natural自然而然的;D. illegal违法的。根据上文的what he called a ''blessing box'' filled with food available to any and all who need it和下文的where he saw there was a small box with a number of free food可知Roman的想法和社区大学的想法相似,故选B项。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Roman受到当地社区大学一个相似行为的启发,在那儿他看见在一个小箱子,里面有大量专门为那些买不起快餐或者一顿饭的穷学生准备的免费食物。A. items商品,物品;B. chains链条;C. shops商店;D. projects项目。根据上文的a small box with a number of free food可知盒子里装着可以吃的商品,故选A项。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Roman受到当地社区大学一个相似行为的启发,在那儿他看见在一个小箱子,里面有大量专门为那些买不起快餐或一顿饭的穷学生准备的免费食物。A. resist反抗;B. enjoy享受;C. miss错过,想念;D. afford买得起。根据上文的poor students可知此处用“买不起”符合语境,故选D项。
    31.考查副词词义辨析。句意:多亏了他,整个社区的人都定期捐赠食物和其它必要物品。A. carefully仔细地;B. regularly定期地,有规律地;C. passively被动地;D. suddenly突然。结合上下文可知,此处是指社区的人在Roman的影响下都定期过来捐赠食物和其它东西,故选B项。
    32.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Roman非常感激其他人也来给那些没有那么幸运的人捐赠食物,同时他也因为启发别人这样做而感到荣幸。A. intelligent智慧的;B. dependent独立的;C. innocent无辜的;D. fortunate幸运的。根据上文的poor and homeless people可知他们都是不那么幸运的人,故选D项。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Roman非常感激其他人也来给那些没有那么幸运的人捐赠食物,同时他也因为启发别人这样做而感到荣幸。A. inspired启发;B. invited邀请;C. convinced说服;D. challenged挑战。根据上文的Thanks to him, there's a whole community that ___11___ donates food and other necessities.可知社区的其他人受到Roman的启发,也开始帮助那些不太幸运的人,且上文的Roman was inspired by a ___8___ action也有暗示,inspire是原词复现,故选A项。
    34.考查副词短语辨析。句意:一开始,人们开始把捐赠的东西放到Roman的“祝福箱”里,但很显然事情不止于此。A. At times偶尔;B. At once立刻;C. At first一开始;D. At last最后。根据下文的In fact, many people had a strong ___16___ to build their own blessing box,可知,一开始人们把东西放在Roman的“祝福箱”里,但后来他们也想设立自己的“祝福箱”,故选C项。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一开始,人们开始把捐赠的东西放到Roman的“祝福箱”里,但很显然事情不止于此。A. fail失败;B. stop停止;C. start开始;D. move移动。根据下文的In fact, many people had a strong ___16___ to build their own blessing box,可知人们的捐赠行为不会停止于把捐赠物品放到Roman的“祝福箱”里,他们想要有更一步的行为,故选B项。
    36.考查名词词义辨析。句意:事实上,很多人都有设立他们自己的“祝福箱”的渴望,因此他们求助于他。A. ability能力;B. curiosity好奇心;C. dislike不喜欢;D. desire渴望。根据下文的so they turned to him for help可知此处用“渴望”符合语境,故选D项。
    37.考查副词词义辨析。句意:例如,当地的Home Depot商店决定赞助修建新箱子所需的所有木料。A. however然而;B. or rather更准确地说;C. for example例如;D. instead相反。根据上文的And many more wanted to help in their own way.可知本句是对上文的举例说明,故选C项。
    38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:例如,当地的Home Depot商店决定赞助修建新箱子所需的所有木料。A. boxes箱子;B. communities社区;C. stores商店;D. homes家。根据上文的many people had a strong ___16___ to build their own blessing box和该句的wood可知此处是指赞助修建“祝福箱”所需的木料,故选A项。
    39.考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过传递语言和这些美好的食物储存柜的想法,人们可以真正对全市的穷人带来巨大影响。A. ignoring忽略;B. remembering记得;C. spreading传递;D. breaking打破。根据上文的he feels honored that he ___13___ others to do so.可知Roman的行为向社区的其他人传递了帮助穷人和无家可归的人的信息,故选C项。
    40.考查名词词义辨析。句意:通过传递语言和这些美好的食物储存柜的想法,人们可以真正为全市的穷人带来巨大影响。A. promise诺言;B. difference不同;C. judgment判断;D. comment评论。根据句意可知,此处考查固定短语make a significant difference“有巨大影响”,故选B项。
    I work as a waiter at a restaurant. Last night an elderly and seemingly 21 couple came into the restaurant and my co-worker seated them. We usually 22 our own tables. At one point the elderly couple signaled to me that they were ready to 23 . I was super busy so I found myself a bit 24 ,but out of politeness I went to them and 25 their order.
    The 26 began ordering and started stammering(口吃)to an extent I'd never heard before. It was very 27 that he had a speech disorder. I could 28 the wife had told her husband a great range of things that she wanted, as a way for him to 29 ordering. It took a while for him to order, and in the meantime, she looked so proud and content 30 her husband's severe stammering.
    Honestly the whole thing just brought me to 31 . It was touching and just made me realize that a huge part of 32 is acceptance, tolerance and support. She could have made the order and made things a lot 33 for her husband and 34 the stares from other tables,but she didn't. 35 she supported him and was proud to see him complete the order. I 36 took their gesture of wanting to order as being rude, but I think they 37 it because he really wanted to get the order right.
    This whole thing also reminded me that life is 38 for all of us. I assumed this wealthy couple had everything going for them, but it just 39 me that all of us have our problems. Anyway, as long as we hold a positive attitude towards life, things will 40 well.
    21.A.anxious B.troublesome C.wealthy D.talkative
    22.A.take care of B.take part in C.take possession of D.take interest
    23.A.eat B.order C.pay D.leave
    24.A.helpful B.lucky C.awkward D.unwilling
    25.A.refused B.took C.delivered D.received
    26.A.waiter B.manager C.wife D.husband
    27.A.common B.ridiculous C.apparent D.annoying
    28.A.tell B.agree C.prove D.accept
    29.A.allow B.suggest C.practice D.enjoy
    30.A.because of B.in spite of C.in addition to D.as well as
    31.A.anger B.laughter C.confusion D.tears
    32.A.life B.career C.love D.kindness
    33.A.cheaper B.earlier C.easier D.slower
    34.A.avoided B.ignored C.returned D.respected
    35.A.Luckily B.Instead C.Therefore D.Otherwise
    36.A.initially B.deliberately C.eventually D.frequently
    37.A.permitted B.regretted C.signaled D.admitted
    38.A.worthwhile B.meaningless C.rewarding D.challenging
    39.A.reminded B.inspired C.disappointed D.promised
    40.A.Act out B.work out C.break out D.pull out
    21.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:昨晚一对看起来有钱的老年夫妇进到餐厅里,我的同事安排他们坐下。A. anxious焦虑的;B. troublesome麻烦的;C. wealthy富裕的;D. talkative爱说话的。根据下文的I assumed this wealthy couple had everything going for them可知此处用“富裕的”符合语境,wealthy是原词复现,故选C项。
    22.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们通常负责我们自己桌子的客人。A. take care of负责;B. take part in参加;C. take possession of拥有;D. take interest感兴趣。结合常识可知,服务员一般只负责自己所分配桌子的客人,故选A项。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一会儿,这对夫妇示意我他们准备好点餐。A. eat吃;B. order点餐;C. pay支付;D. leave离开。根据下文的I went to them and___5___ their order.可知此处用“点餐”符合语境,order是原词复现,故选B项。
    24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我那时候超级忙,所以不太愿意去帮忙,但出于礼貌我去到他们跟前,接受他们的点餐。A. helpful有帮助的;B. lucky幸运的;C. awkward尴尬的;D. unwilling不乐意的。根据上文的We usually ___2___ our own tables和I was super busy可知这对夫妇不是作者负责的客人,而且作者当时也很忙,由此推测他不太愿意去接受他们的点餐,故选D项。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我那时候超级忙,所以不太愿意去帮忙,但出于礼貌我去到他们跟前接受他们的点餐。A. refused拒绝;B. took接受;C. delivered投递;D. received接收。结合句意可知,此处考查固定搭配take one's order“接受某人的点餐”,故选B项。
    26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:丈夫开始点餐,但他的口吃是我从来没有见过的。A. waiter服务员;B. manager经理;C. wife妻子;D. husband丈夫。根据下文的the wife had told her husband a great range of things that she wanted可知妻子在和“丈夫”交流,丈夫在点餐。故选D项。
    27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很明显他有语言障碍。A. common常见的;B. ridiculous荒谬的;C. apparent明显的;D. annoying令人生气的。根据上文的The ___6___began ordering and started stammering(口吃)to an extent I'd never heard before.可知丈夫说话结结巴巴,由此可见他的语言障碍很明显,故选C项。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:句意:我敢断定妻子已经详细地告诉了丈夫自己想要吃什么,她想以这种方式锻炼他点餐。A. tell断定;B. agree同意;C. prove证明;D. accept接受。根据上下文可知,此处是指作者根据自己的观察判断出事情的真相,故选A项。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我敢断定妻子已经详细地告诉了丈夫自己想要吃什么,她想以这种方式锻炼他点餐。A. allow允许;B. suggest建议;C. practice锻炼;D. enjoy享受。根据上文的the wife had told her husband a great range of things that she wanted可推测妻子告诉丈夫想吃的东西的目的是锻炼他点餐,故选C项。
    30.考查介词短语辨析。句意:与此同时,她一直坐在他身旁,尽管她丈夫口吃不断,但她看起来很自豪,也很满足。A. because of由于;B. in spite of尽管;C. in addition to除了;D. as well as和……。根据句意可知,上下文是转折关系,故选B项。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:老实说,整件事把我感动哭了。A. anger愤怒;B. laughter笑;C. confusion困惑;D. tears眼泪。根据下文的It was touching可推测作者被这件事情感动哭了,故选D项。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它很感人,让我意识到爱是接纳、耐心和支持。A. life生活;B. career职业;C. love爱;D. kindness善良。根据下文的she supported him and was proud to see him complete the order可知妻子对丈夫充满了爱意,故此处用“爱”符合语境,故选C项。
    33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她本可以点菜,让她丈夫轻松一些(不那么吃力),还能避免让其他桌子上的客人投来异样的目光,但她没有。A. cheaper更便宜;B. earlier更早;C. easier更容易;D. slower更慢。根据上文内容可知,她丈夫有严重的语言障碍,点菜很费劲,她本可以自己点菜让丈夫轻松一些(不那么吃力),故选C项。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她本可以点菜,让她丈夫轻松一些(不那么吃力),还能避免让其他桌子上的客人投来异样的目光,但她没有。A. avoided避免;B. ignored忽略;C. returned返回,归还;D. respected尊敬。根据上文的It was very ___7___ that he had a speech disorder.和下文的the stares from other tables可知,如果妻子自己点餐就可以避免其他客人异样的眼光,故选A项。
    35.考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,她支持他,并为他完成点菜这项工作而感到骄傲。A. Luckily幸运地;B. Instead相反;C. Therefore因此;D. Otherwise否则。根据上文的but she didn't. 和下文的she supported him and was proud to see him complete the order可知此处用“相反”符合语境,故选B项。
    36.考查副词词义辨析。句意:最初,我认为他们点餐的行为是粗鲁的,但现在我知道了因为他真的非常想把餐点正确,才向我示意的。A. initially最初;B. deliberately故意地;C. eventually最终;D. frequently频繁地。根据上文的I was super busy so I found myself a bit ___4___ ,but out of politeness I went to them and___5___ their order.可知作者认为这对夫妻点餐的行为很粗鲁发生在故事的开始,故此处用“最初”符合语境,故选A项。
    37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最初,我认为他们点餐的行为是粗鲁的,但现在我知道了因为他真的非常想把餐点正确,才向我示意的。A. permitted允许;B. regretted后悔;C. signaled示意;D. admitted承认。根据上文的At one point the elderly couple signaled to me that they were ready to ___3___ .可知此处用“示意”符合语境,signal是原词复现,故选C项。
    38.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:整件事也提醒我,生活总是充满挑战的。A. worthwhile值得的;B. meaningless没有意义的;C. rewarding有回报的;D. challenging有挑战的。根据下文的all of us have our problems可知每个人的生活都会有挑战,故选D项。
    39.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我认为这对有钱夫妇似乎什么都有了,但它提醒我,我们所有人都会有自己的问题。A. reminded提醒;B. inspired启发;C. disappointed使失望;D. promised承诺。根据上文的This whole thing also reminded me that life is ___18___ for all of us.可知此处用“提醒”符合语境,remind是原词复现,故选A项。
    40.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们只要对生活有一个积极的心态,一切都会好的。 A. act out表演出来;B. work out进展;C. break out爆发;D. pull out开出,拔出。根据句意可知,此处是指只要有积极的态度,事情就会顺利进展,故选B项。
    Kemira had just taken a shower when she found her 12-day-old daughter, Ryleigh, was choking. The 24-year-old new mother 21 the bathroom and began patting her daughter on the back. But the baby 22 was hesitating to breathe. She 23 that Ryleigh needed to get to the hospital quickly.
    She had hardly made it out of her neighborhood when she was 24 by Kimbro, a police officer, for speeding. Kemira 25 over to the roadside. Desperate for 26 , she handed the baby to Kimbro. He put a hand on her little 27 gently. Ryleigh’s heart was barely beating.
    Kimbro 28 for an ambulance-it was seven minutes out, and the hospital was ever further away. But Ryleigh couldn’t 29 seven minutes, her lips already a shade of blue.
    The fact that Kimbro was there was something of a 30 . He is a school resource officer who 31 spends his days patrolling (巡逻) the middle school ten miles away. But he travels farther when 32 is out in the summer. Even 33 : he had recently completed a CPR class and knew exactly how to treat a baby. Kimbro used one 34 to clear the baby’s airway. That was the magic touch. 20 seconds later, Ryleigh began to 35 .
    “As long as she’s crying, she’s 36 .” Kimbro said. He worried that Ryleigh would 37 again, so he continued pressing her chest 38 and periodically clearing her airway with his finger. “The whole time I was thinking, ‘Do not let this baby by 39 in front of h mother’” he later told Inside Edition. “Just don’t.”
    At the hospital, Ryleigh 40 quickly, thanks to a determined school police officer who was in the right place at the right time.
    21.A.got rid of B.settled down to C.held on to D.burst out of
    22.A.always B.even C.still D.once
    23.A.admitted B.realized C.explained D.required
    24.A.stopped B.arrested C.tracked D.fined
    25.A.pulled B.turned C.took D.went
    26.A.money B.help C.advice D.relief
    27.A.face B.head C.chest D.nose
    28.A.radioed B.searched C.wished D.sent
    29.A.live B.get C.offer D.wait
    30.A.battle B.symbol C.choice D.miracle
    31.A.actually B.recently C.usually D.eventually
    32.A.time B.school C.patience D.fire
    33.A.luckier B.worse C.easier D.funnier
    34.A.hand B.stick C.finger D.tool
    35.A.smile B.cry C.move D.play
    36.A.struggling B.returning C.changing D.breathing
    37.A.sleep B.hurt C.hesitate D.choke
    38.A.firmly B.quickly C.gently D.simply
    39.A.starve B.die C.weep D.suffer
    40.A.recovered B.adjusted C.behaved D.managed
    21.考查动词短语辨析。句意:24岁的初为人母的这位母亲冲出浴室开始拍打女儿的背部。A. got rid of 免除; B. settled down to专心致力于;C. held on to坚持;D. burst out of 冲出。当得知婴儿窒息之后,Kemira应该是从浴室里冲出来。故选D项。
    22.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但是婴儿还是不能呼吸。A. always 总是; B. even甚至;C. still仍然;D. once曾经,一次。上文提到婴儿窒息了,根据“hesitating to breathe”可知,但婴儿仍然(still)不能呼吸。故选C项。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她意识到Ryleigh需要尽快送进医院。A. admitted承认;B. realized意识到;C. explained解释;D. required要求。Kemira无法让婴儿恢复呼吸,这时候,她意识到(realized)到Ryleigh需要尽快送进医院。故选B项。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她还没有开出社区就被警察因为超速给拦下来了。A. stop停下,拦下;B. arrest 逮捕;C. track 追踪;D. fine 罚款。根据下句“Kemira over to the roadside”可知,Kemira把车停在了路边。由此推知,她着急送孩子去医院,车开得肯定快,所以被警察拦住了。故选A项。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kemira把停到了路边。A.pulled拉动; B.turned转向; C.took 拿;D.went走。根据the roadside可知,此处指“停车”,pull over(把车开到路边)为固定搭配。故选A项。
    26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Kemira当时渴望得到帮助,她把孩子交给了Kimbro。A. money 金钱;B. help 帮助;C. advice. 建议;D. relief 救济。通过语境可知,Kemira当时渴望得到的是帮助。故选B项。
    27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他把一只手轻轻放在婴儿的胸部。A. face 脸;B. head 头;C. chest 胸部;D. nose 鼻子。根据下句“Rayleigh’s heart was barely beating.”可知,警察Kimbro把手放在婴儿小小的胸部,感受她的心跳。故选C项。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kimbro打电话叫了一辆救护车。A. radioed用无线电与……联系;B. searched 搜寻;C. wished 希望;D. sent 派人去叫。根据常识 Kimbro应该打电话叫救护车,四个选项中能够表示这类意思的只有radioed。故选A项。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但Rayleigh等不了七分钟,她的嘴唇已经泛蓝了。A. live生活;B. get 得到;C. offer 提供;D. wait等待。根据her lips already a shade of blue.可知,这里指Rayleigh等不了七分钟。故选D项。
    30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:事情发生时,Kimbro刚好在场,这真的是奇迹。A. battle战争;B. symbol 标志;C. choice 选择;D. miracle奇迹。根据故事内容,在这危急时刻,碰巧Kemira被Kimbro拦下了,而Kimbro又碰巧刚学过心肺复苏术,知道如何处理婴儿的窒息,这一切的巧合真是奇迹。故选D项。
    31.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Kimbro是个住校治安警,他通常在学校巡查。A. actually实际上;B. recently 最近;C. usually 通常;D. eventually 最终。根据下句“But he travels farther when is out in the summer”可知,学校不放假时,警察Kimbro通常(usually)在学校里巡逻,不会到更远的地方。故选C项。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:学校放假的时候,Kimbro会往更远的地方巡逻。A. time时间;B. school 学校;C. patience 耐心;D. fire火。根据上句中“He is a school resource officer”可知,Kimbro是个住校治安警,他的职责范围主要在学校,如果他往更远的地方巡逻,一般是学校放假了。故选B项。
    33.考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意:更幸运的是,Kemira最近刚完成了CPR课程,知道如何来治疗小婴儿。A. luckier更幸运的;B.worse 更差的;C.easier 更容易的;D. funnier更有趣的。能碰上Kimbro这个帮手就很幸运了,恰巧Kimbro又懂得心肺复苏术,这就更幸运了。故选A项。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Kimbro用一个手指清理婴儿的气道。A. hand 手;B. stick 棍子;C. finger 手指;D. tool 工具。根据下文“so he continued pressing her chest 58 and periodically clearing her airway with his finger.”可知,Kimbro用一个手指清理婴儿的气道。故选C项。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:20秒后,婴儿哭了出来。A. smile 笑;B. cry 哭;C. move 移动;D. play 玩耍。根据下文“As long as she’s crying, she’s 56 ”可知,清理气道之后,婴儿哭了出来。故选B项。
    36.考察动词词义辨析。句意:只要孩子哭,它就在呼吸。A. struggling 挣扎;B. returning 返回;C. changing 改变;D. breathing 呼吸。根据常识可知,孩子哭出来代表孩子有呼吸了。故选D项。
    37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他担心Ryleigh会再次窒息,所以他继续轻轻地按压她的胸部,时不时地用手指清理她的气道。A. sleep 睡觉;B. hurt 受伤;C. hesitate 犹豫;D. choke 窒息。根据“Ryleigh, was choking.”可知,他担心Ryleigh会再次窒息。故选D项。
    38.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他担心Ryleigh会再次窒息,所以他继续轻轻地按压她的胸部,时不时地用手指清理她的气道。A.firmly 有力地;B.quickly快速地;C.gently 轻轻地;D. simply 简单地。根据前文“He put a hand on her little  7 gently”可知,提到了gently。故选C项。
    39.考查动词词义辨析。句意:决不能让孩子就这样死在她母亲面前。A. starve 挨饿;B. die死亡;C. weep哭泣;D. suffer 遭受痛苦。婴儿窒息,面临生命危险,所以Kimbro说决不能让孩子就这样死在她母亲面前。故选B项。
    40.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在医院里,Raleigh很快就康复了。A. recovered 康复;B. adjusted 调整,适应;C. behaved 行为表现;D. managed 设法做到。根据thanks to a determined school police officer who was in the right place at the right time可知,多亏了一位意志坚定的学校警官,他在正确的时间出现在正确的地点。所以婴儿最终得救了,所以此处指Raleigh很快就康复了。故选A项。


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