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    2023届湖南省天一大联考高三上学期11月考试 英语试题 PDF版 听力
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    2023届湖南省天一大联考高三上学期11月考试 英语试题 PDF版 听力01
    2023届湖南省天一大联考高三上学期11月考试 英语试题 PDF版 听力02
    2023届湖南省天一大联考高三上学期11月考试 英语试题 PDF版 听力03
    2023届湖南省天一大联考高三上学期11月考试 英语试题 PDF版 听力01
    2023届湖南省天一大联考高三上学期11月考试 英语试题 PDF版 听力02
    2023届湖南省天一大联考高三上学期11月考试 英语试题 PDF版 听力03
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    2023届湖南省天一大联考高三上学期11月考试 英语试题 PDF版 听力

    这是一份2023届湖南省天一大联考高三上学期11月考试 英语试题 PDF版 听力,文件包含英语答案docx、英语试题pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. B 2.C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A
    11. A 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. B
    第二部分: 阅读
    B 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. C
    31. A 32. C 33. A 34. A 35. D 36. A 37. B 38. D 39. F 40.G
    第二部分: 完型填空
    C 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.D 46. A 47.C 48.B 49.A 50.B
    51.C 52.D 53.C 54.B 55.B
    A 篇
    21.细节理解题。根据第一部分中的“Supprts fat-burning during digestin.(在消化过程中支持脂肪燃烧。)”可知,如果你正在节食,Almased可能是一个很好的选择,因为它可以帮助燃烧脂肪。故选B。
    22.细节理解题。根据第二部分“Many prducts prmise what nly Almased can deliver. In rder t achieve the unique Almased effect, it takes mre than just mixing sy, ygurt and hney. The recipe fr ur Almased pwder is as simple as it is unique: high-quality and natural sy, hney and ygurt.(许多产品的承诺只有Almased才能实现。为了达到独特的Almased效果,仅仅混合大豆、酸奶和蜂蜜是不够的。我们Almased的配方简单而独特:高品质的天然大豆、蜂蜜和酸奶。)”可知,Almased原材料使用的是高品质的天然大豆、蜂蜜和酸奶。优质的天然材料带来的独特性使得Almased在其他同类产品中脱颖而出。故选D。
    23.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Being a natural prduct, Almased has a very plain taste and can be prepared in many different ways. Whether yu like it sweet r fruity, there are n limits t hw yu flavur it. (作为一种天然产品,Almased有一种非常简单的味道,可以用许多不同的方式来制作。无论你喜欢甜的还是水果味的,你都可以随心所欲地给它调味。)”可知Almased可以用不同的方法食用。故选C。
    B 篇
    24.细节理解题。根据第一段“In 2021, she became the yungest pet t write and read her wrks at a presidential inauguratin (就职典礼). The 22-year ld impressed the audience with The Hill We Climb, which referred t bth painful histry and hpe fr the future. (2021年,她成为在总统就职典礼上写和读作品的最年轻的诗人。这位22岁的年轻人用《我们攀登的山》给观众留下了深刻的印象,它既提到了痛苦的历史,也提到了对未来的希望)”可知,Grman在就职典礼上公开读诗,这使观众印象深刻。故选B。
    25.推理判断题。根据第二段“Fr much f her life, including when she was still an undergraduate at Harvard, Grman had truble prnuncing the letter “R”. (在她生命的大部分时间里,包括当她还在哈佛大学读本科时,Grman在发字母R的音时遇到了麻烦)”可知,字母R的发音对Grman来说很难。由此推知,Grman很难正确读出带有字母R的词——Miranda,故选D。
    26.细节理解题。根据第四段“T practice saying the letter, she’d listen n repeat t ne sng packed with “R”s — Aarn Burr, Sir frm Lin-Manuel Miranda’s histrical masterpiece, Hamiltn. (为了练习说这个字母,她会反复听一首带字母“R”的歌曲,来自Lin-Manuel Miranda的历史杰作《汉密尔顿》——Aarn Burr, Sir)”可知,Grman学唱Aarn Burr, Sir是为了练习字母R的发音,以提高发音水平,故选C。
    27.主旨大意题。根据第二段“Fr much f her life, including when she was still an undergraduate at Harvard, Grman had truble prnuncing the letter “R”. (在她生命的大部分时间里,包括当她还在哈佛大学读本科时,Grman在发字母R的音时遇到了麻烦)”及第四段“T practice saying the letter, she’d listen n repeat t ne sng packed with “R”s—Aarn Burr, Sir frm Lin-Manuel Miranda’s histrical masterpiece, Hamiltn. (为了练习说这个字母,她会反复听一首带字母“R”的歌曲,来自Lin-Manuel Miranda的历史杰作《汉密尔顿》——Aarn Burr, Sir)”及最后一段“Overcming a speech prblem is a milestne fr her. (克服了发音问题对她来说是一个里程碑)”可知,Grman通过实际练习克服了发音问题,通过Grman的故事,我们知道:练习可以打破障碍。故选B。
    C 篇
    28.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Even when cmmuning with nature we depend n technlgy fr help — but then, s did Threau (梭罗) at Walden Pnd (瓦尔登湖).(即使在与自然交流时,我们也依赖技术来帮助——但是,<<沃尔登湖>>的梭罗也是如此)”可知,我们都是依赖技术的,自然学家梭罗也是如此;再根据文章最后一段“Thinking mre deeply, I realized we’ve cme a lng way frm ur hunter-gatherer ancestrs, wh walked frm necessity and relied n nature’s gift. Cybrgs are us.(更深入地思考,我意识到我们已经从狩猎采集的祖先那里走了很长一段路,他们从需要出发,依靠大自然的恩赐。半机械人就是我们)”可推知,本文的目的是为了说明人类已经进化为半机械人。故选B项。
    29.推理判断题。根据文章第四段“This insight triggered a recnsideratin f everything that happened during my “nature walk”,which had been technlgically enhanced every step f the way. I’d been functining as a man-machine cmbinatin: a cybrg.(这一见解引发了我对“自然漫步”中发生的一切的重新思考,“自然漫步”的每一步都得到了技术的强化。 我一直扮演着人机结合的角色:一个半机械人)”可知,作者眼中的半机械人应该是人机结合,选项C的图片中即有人又有机器,符合题意。故选C项。
    30.推理判断题。根据文章第五段“But later I did sme research. Threau enjyed what his spyglass discvered, like this eagle frm his jurnal(但后来我做了一些研究。梭罗喜欢望远镜的发现,就像日记里的这只鹰)”和第六段“I think I have gt the wrth f my glass nw that it has revealed t me the white-headed eagle.(我想我已经得到了我的望远镜的价值,因为它让我看到了白头鹰)”可知,自然学家梭罗是肯定了望远镜的作用,所以作者引用梭罗的日记是为了证明即使是自然学家也会使用科技。故选C项。
    31.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Thinking mre deeply, I realized we’ve cme a lng way frm ur hunter-gatherer ancestrs, wh walked frm necessity and relied n nature’s gift. Cybrgs are us.(更深入地思考,我意识到我们已经从狩猎采集的祖先那里走了很长一段路,他们从需要出发,依靠大自然的恩赐。半机械人就是我们)”可知,作者对半机械化人的态度是赞成的。故选A项。
    D 篇
    32.推理判断题。根据第二段“In the early 20th century, nstalgia was cnsidered a mental cnditin similar t depressin. Anyne separated frm their native place fr a lng time was easy t suffer nstalgia. But ver the next few decades, the meaning f nstalgia has expanded frm indicating hmesickness t a general lnging fr the past. And rather than an awful disease, it turns ut t be seen as a bittersweet experience.(在20世纪早期,怀旧被认为是一种类似于抑郁症的精神状态。任何一个长时间离开故土的人都很容易怀旧。但在接下来的几十年里,乡愁的含义已经从表示乡愁扩展到对过去的普遍渴望。它并不是一种可怕的疾病,而是一种苦乐参半的经历)”可推知,第二段想要解释不同时期对怀旧的理解。故选C。
    33.细节理解题。根据第三段中“T test it ut, they cnducted an experiment, where 75 peple wrte abut their wn deaths, and then did a wrd cmpletin task, in which they were asked t cmplete different wrds based n a six-letter wrd starting with C-O-F-F.(为了验证这一点,他们进行了一项实验,让75人写下他们自己的死亡,然后做一个补全单词的任务,要求他们用一个以C-O-F-F开头的六个字母的单词补全不同的单词)”可知,研究人员通过测试证明之前的研究结果。故选A。
    34.推理判断题。根据第四段中“These studies are pretty limited, thugh, and there’s still a lt we dn’t knw abut nstalgia.(然而,这些研究非常有限,我们对怀旧仍有许多不了解的地方)”可推知,怀旧需要进一步研究。故选A。
    下文列举了一个海员的例子,选B, 最合逻辑关系。
    39. 本文后面讲述把握机会的重要性,F项呼应上一段又引起下面内容,故选F。
    40. 根据段首句Smetimes we hear stries abut peple wh break all the rules and still seem t land plum jbs.
    【语篇解读】文章讲述了 Kere 来自非洲一个贫穷的国家,他从小就有责任感,理想远大。为了掌握先进的知识,他出国学习,成绩优秀,最终成了一名建筑师。后来得知家乡建设学校,他积极参与学校建设,为家乡做了巨大贡献,也得到了人们的赞许。
    41.C 根据下文中的"frm the German gvernment and went t study in Germany" 并结合作者的国家是世界上最贫穷的国家之一可知,当地(lcal) 没有学校。
    42.D 根据下文他没让父母失望,后来为家乡的学校筹集资金并分享知识和技能可知,此处是说他从小就有强烈的责任感(respnsibility )。
    43.A 根据下文中的"He wn a schlarship"可知,他成绩优秀,学有所成,因此是没有让家人失望(disappint)。blame责备,cheat 欺骗;truble麻烦。
    45.D 根据下文中的"The schl had been built sme years previusly"可知,之前的学校应该是即将倒塌(cllapse)。 sale 销售; pening开放; exchange交换。
    46.A 根据下文中的" t share with his village the advantages”可知,此处他因为爱自己的家乡,所以决定(determine)贡献出自己的力量。
    47.C上文提到他出国学有所成,此处应该是说他决定分享教育(educatin)给他的优势。pverty贫穷;curage勇气; frtune运气。
    48.B 根据上文中的"Mr. Kere launched the Schl Bricks fr Cand prject"可知,Kere回到家乡并且开始(set abut) 为建校项日筹集资金. pick up 捡起,好转;insist n坚持; lk int调查。
    49.A 根据下文中的"mre than 300 pupils" 可知,这所学校于2001年开学,现在共有300 多名学生, 此处是指"计算总数(cunt)"。mnitr 监视; advise建议; abandn抛弃。
    50.B 此处是说这所学校不仅为村里的孩子提供(prvide)教育,而且还被用来向整个村庄的人传授新技能和知识。change改变; fund提供资金; spare匀出。
    51.C 根据空前的"new skills"可知,此处表达"技能和知识"。这所学校也向整个村庄的人传授新技能和知识(knwledge)。traditin传统;wealth财富; freedm自由。
    52.D 根据上文中的"bright"可知,此处形容词与之对应的是"有能力的(capable)"。generus慷慨的; patient耐心的; mdest谦虚的。
    53.C 此处是说只有通过(access)接受教育,他们才能为自己建设一个更美好的世界。devtin奉献;tendency趋势; applicatin申请。
    54.B 根据空后的" because the villagers n lnger see it as a waste f time fr their children t be in schl" 可知这个学校很成功(success)。treat乐事;term学期; prmise诺言。
    55.B 根据前文提到的"t be in schl"和“instead f", 可知此处应该是与呆在学校相反的。同时根据前文提到的这是一个世界上最贫穷的国家之一,可知答案应选择B(field田野);cmpanies公司:apartments公寓;factries工厂。
    with 57. a 58. explanatin 59. was based 60.genetically
    61. getting 62. hw 63. matters 64.t fall 65. times
    56.with。考查介词with引起复合宾语结构的用法,即with与后面的numerus apps, trackers and gurus telling...
    构成 “with+宾语+宾语补足语”的复合宾语结构。
    a。考查不定冠词a 的用法,该题a small amunt f 为固定词组。
    58. explanatin。考查词性转换,即该题根据语境应使用explain的名词形式。
    59. was based。考查动词时态,语态,该题中the 8-hur day mvement与base呈被动关系,
    60. genetically。考查词性转换,根据语境,determined应被副词修饰。
    61. getting。考查非谓语动词,根据语境,介词abut后应接动名词做宾语。
    62. hw。考查hw many引起的宾语从句。
    63. matter。考查动词时态。根据上下文语境,该处谈论一个客观事实,应使用一般现在时。
    64. t fall。考查非谓语动词。该题为固定句型 “It takes sb. smetime/smething t d sth.”
    65. times。考查名词单复数。time 在该语境中应为 “次数”之意,根据语境采用其复数形式。
    Dear Jack,
    I’m writing t express my heartfelt gratitude fr yur generus assistance during my stay at hme because f the epidemic situatin.
    Withut yur timely help with my English nline, I culdn’t have gt alng with my English study. Besides, it was yur cnstant encuragement and psitive attitude twards life that enabled me t g thrugh the tugh time. Nw I sincerely invite yu t cme t China, whse breathtaking scenery and splendid culture will surely guarantee an enjyable jurney.
    Thank yu again. Lking frward t yur arrival.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Dear Jack,
    I’m writing t cnvey my heartfelt gratitude t yu fr yur generus assistance during my stay at hme because f the epidemic situatin.
    Never will I frget yur practical and patient guidance n my English nline, which made it pssible fr me t make great prgress in English study. Additinally, if it hadn’t been fr yur devtin and cnstant encuragement, I wuldn’t have been s psitive t my study and life. In return fr yur kindness, I’d like t invite yu t travel in China next summer vacatin.
    Thanks again fr all yur help. Lking frward t yur arrival.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Thughts started running thrugh my mind. I needed t start CPR. But I culdn’t d CPR n a persn wh was sitting in a car. Did I remember hw t d CPR? There was n way fr us tw wmen t lift this guy and carry him thrugh this traffic t the side f the rad. By the time an ambulance arrived, he wuld be dead. Just then, ver my shulder, I nticed a black car had pulled up behind us.
    In an instant, the man frm the black car was standing beside me and said, “I am a dctr.” I stepped back. He cnfirmed that the man indeed had n pulse. He quickly carried the uncnscius driver t the sidewalk with the help f the wman. I walked arund t the passenger windw t check n the elderly lady. Her hands were shaking wildly, tears in her eyes. She culd nly manage t whisper, “Will he be OK?” “I hpe s,” I tld her sftly, as the dctr began CPR. And his breath recvered!
    Text 1
    W: Jack, stp watching TV and call yur sisters in fr lunch. We’ll fly t Paris after I finish packing.
    M: Really? That will be a lt f fun. Will Dad g t?
    W: Dn’t wrry. Yur dad will meet us as sn as his business trip ends. (1)
    Text 2(第2题为主旨大意题)
    M: I like t start my day with a cup f cffee and the mrning paper. Hw abut yu?
    W: That sunds great. I usually get up early and g fr a jg arund the lake. It refreshes me and I feel energetic thrughut the day.
    Text 3(第3题为推断题)
    M: Have yu heard that Mike wn the English speech cntest in ur schl last Friday?
    W: It’s n wnder that he was called t the principal’s ffice with a big smile n his face.
    M: But he really deserves it. He sits beside me in the classrm. I knw he had prepared fr the cmpetitin fr half a year.
    Text 4
    W: Parker, when d yu want me t wake yu up the next mrning? At 7:00?
    M: Mm, please knck me up 30 minutes earlier. (4) I prmised Rex that I wuld g t the library with him at 7:30 in the mrning.
    W: Okay, I gt it.
    knck sb. up 敲门唤醒某人
    Text 5
    M: Excuse me, madam. I am here t lk fr the 6th editin f Lngman Dictinary. Can yu tell me where the Reference Sectin is? (5)
    W: Oh, please take the elevatr t the fifth flr. It will be n yur right.
    M: Thanks s much.
    Text 6
    W: Hi, Frank. This is Jane. (6)
    M: Hi, Jane. What’s up?
    W: Amelia and I planned t g t the new art museum at 3:00 p.m. tmrrw. Yu knw, we are very interested in paintings and sculptures. But she will have t take care f her grandma wh is badly ill in hspital. S will yu be available then?
    M: Srry t hear that. I’m nt a big fan f the arts, but I wuld like t keep yu cmpany. (6)
    W: That’s s kind f yu. I will pick yu up at yur huse at 2:30 p.m. tmrrw.
    M: I will be studying in James’ huse at that time. But dn’t bther. I will cycle t the museum directly. (7) It wn’t take me mre than ten minutes.
    W: Okay, see yu tmrrw. (7)
    M: Bye.
    Text 7
    M: Why d yu lk s wrried, Christine? (8)
    W: Oh, Bb. (8) I gt int a big argument with Bettie and she has decided t mve ut. (9)
    M: What did yu argue abut?
    W: I tld her that she needed t help clean up the apartment.
    M: What happened after yu tld her that?
    W: She gt upset and said she wuld mve ut. But it’s the truth. She never helps arund the huse.
    M: Yeah, that culd be a prblem.
    W: I had t say smething, since we’re rmmates and I’m tired f cleaning up her mess. (8)
    M: I knw exactly hw yu feel. (8) I like t make things neat and rganized t.
    W: But the biggest prblem is that she never pays her rent n time. She is late every mnth. (9)
    M: S, what are yu ging t d?
    W: I have t find a rmmate in a shrt time. I can’t affrd the rent by myself. Hwever, I am ging t attend a seminar at the headquarters in Beijing. Can yu lend me a hand when I am away? (10)
    M: N prblem. (10)
    help arund the huse 帮着做家务
    Text 8(第11题为推断题)
    M: Did yu enjy yur stay with us?
    W: Yes, very much s. Hwever, I have a flight that leaves in abut tw hurs at Trnt Pearsn Internatinal Airprt, s what is the quickest way t get there?
    M: We d have a free airprt shuttle service.
    W: That sunds great, but will it get me t the airprt n time?
    M: Sure. The next shuttle leaves in 15 minutes, (12) and the airprt is nly 25 minutes away.
    W: Fantastic. I’ll just wait in the lunge area. Will yu please let me knw what time it is nw?
    M: Of curse, 7:40 a.m. (12) Oh, befre yu g, wuld yu be able t settle the minibar bill?
    W: Oh, yes, certainly. Hw much?
    M: Let me see. The bill cmes t $37.50. Hw wuld yu like t pay fr that?
    W: I’ll pay by my credit card, but I’ll need a receipt. My cmpany has prmised t pay fr all the travel expenses. (13)
    M: Abslutely. If yu like, yu can leave yur bags with the prter and he can lad them nt the shuttle fr yu when it arrives.
    W: That wuld be great, thank yu.
    very much s 非常……(用于加强赞同的语气)
    shuttle 来往于两地之间的航班(或班车、火车)
    minibar 迷你吧(旅馆房间里放有饮料的小冰箱)
    Text 9
    W: Did yu knw that April 22nd is Internatinal Mther Earth Day?
    M: Yes, but we shuld think abut the envirnment every day, nt just ne day a year.
    W: That’s true. I reuse all my shpping bags and put the garbage in separate bins. (14) I’ve tried t reduce my use f dispsable prducts, such as paper napkins and paper plates.
    M: That’s great. I wish I culd d that t, but due t the heavy wrklad, I rder takeut a lt. That means a lt f dispsable cntainers. Since my neighbrhd desn’t have any recycling statins, I thrw them away. I feel guilty abut that.
    W: Well, sme f thse cntainers are made frm envirnment-friendly materials, s they can be recycled. And if nt, we can reuse them after cleaning them up. That’s what I’m ding. (15)
    M: That’s a really gd idea! I’ll start ding that. (15)
    W: Actually, small actins might lead t big changes in the envirnment. Fr example, peple can set the air cnditiner arund 26 ℃ in summer and turn t energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances. (16)
    dispsable 用后即丢弃的;一次性的
    energy-efficient light bulbs 节能灯泡
    Text 10
    Dear members! We are delighted t talk abut the pening f ur new statinery stre named Billin Bks n 15th Street, West England. The grand pening will be held next Mnday, and we invite yu all t jin us fr the event.
    This stre is pened t meet the demand fr a statinery stre in the area, since the nearest ne is abut 8 miles away. We hpe parents and children can buy the schl supplies withut traveling far. (17)
    We have bks and statinery f all kinds. A variety f paints, markers, clrs and spray paint are available at ur stre fr reasnable prices. Mrever, ur prices are abut five percent lwer than thse in ther stres withut giving up the quality f the prducts. (18) In the future, sme activities like setting up a reading crner and sharing bks will be invlved.
    We are als ffering twenty-five percent ff n all prducts n ur grand pening, s make sure t check us ut and nt t miss the amazing ffers and discunts. (19) The first thirty custmers will als get a free gdy bag frm us.
    We invite yu t pay us a visit and supprt ur business. Feel free t spread the wrd t. (20) Thank yu very much fr shwing interest in ur stre.
    statinery 文具
    clr 颜料;染料
    spray paint 喷漆
    check sb. ut 查看;观察;看一看
    gdy bag 样品袋(为促销等目的免费赠送)
    spread the wrd 传播消

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