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    2019-2020学年度第二学期期中检测试题高二英语 (本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5小题, 每小题 1.5分;满分7.5 分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有15秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman do now? A. An engineer B. An official C. A teacher2. What is special about the meal? A. The taste of food B. The price of food C. The kind of food3. What are the speakers probably doing? A. Camping in the countryside. B. Touring in a wonderful city. C. Discussing a holiday plan.4. When did the dining room close? A. 10 minutes ago B. 20 minutes ago C. 30 minutes ago5. What will the man do this evening? A. Buy some clothes. B. Wash his clothes. C. Organize his clothes.第二节(共15小题, 每小题1.5分;满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What is the man most unhappy with about the MP4 player? A. The scratch B. The receiver C. The earphone7. What does the woman decide to do for the man in the end? A. Sell another model cheap to him. B. Exchange his MP4. C. Give his money back.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. How much would one year’s rent be if the woman pays yearly at once? A. 20600 yuan B. 21100 yuan C. 21600 yuan9. What is not included in the rent? A. Gas B. Electricity C. Water听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the man studying in college? A. Business B. Computers C. Accounting11. When will the man begin the job? A. On April 24th B. On may 4th C. On July 4th12. How long will the man need to work every day?A. Four hours B. Five hours C. six hours听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How did the man know about the festival? A. From a magazine B. From a newspaper C. From a poster14. Which instrument does the woman love? A. The drums B. The guitar C. The piano15. Why does the man think it is worth going to the Sunday performance? A. It offers free drinks. B. There are cheap tickets. C. He can join singing.16. When is the man’s evening class? A. On Friday B. On Saturday C.On Sunday听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。17. Which language is added this year? A. French B. Spanish C. Russian18. What course does David Malcolm teach? A. Writing Short Stories B. Understanding the Internet C. One-to-one tennis coaching19. How often can people have a yoga course? A. Once a week B. Twice a week C. Three times a week20. When does the course on Modern Art probably start? A. From the first week of June. B. From the second week of June. C. From the third week of June.第二部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分35分)第一节 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分;满分20分)ABears’ fat takes on the general taste of their diet. In fall with fruits in plenty in North America’s forests, bear fat is indistinguishable from the best pork fat. But if a bear recently has eaten fish or garbage, the taste of the fat is less pleasant.This seasonal taste has now limited the practice of harvesting bear fat to very few hunters. But bear fat wasn’t always like this.In the 19th century, native Americans used bear fat to weatherproof knives, straighten hair and drive insects away. The plenty of black bears also made it important food. Cooking with bear fat wasn’t widespread until the late 19th century. French settlers used American ingredients to cook European dishes.Luckily, North Americans began to rethink their approach. Around the turn of the last century, bears in general were removed out of the food supply in part thanks to the arrival of the teddy bear. The story goes that during a hunt in the early 1900s, Theodore Roosevelt spared a little bear. Cartoonists fell over themselves to recreate the event, and one New York toy store made use of the moving pardoning, creating the “Teddy Bear”.The period also witnessed a moving American agricultural landscape that saved the bears from dying out. As border areas became farmland, bears moved to areas with a mall population while the need for their meat and fat reduced. Why go bear hunting when you could raise beef, pork, and chicken? This new found access to protein led game animals to fall out of favor. Meanwhile, national government controlled the hunting of at-risk animals.Thanks to that, bear populations stabilized throughout the 20th century. But knowledge about the harvesting of bear fat turned to be little-known.While the number of bears has grown, the secret of cooking with their fat hasn’t.21.What can we know about the bear fat in the19th century?A. It was more delicious than pork fat.B. It had a wide range of uses for native Americans.C. It was introduced to America by the French.D. It was harvested in large amounts in all seasons.22. Why the consumption of bears meat and fat was reduced?A. Because the increase in American agricultural land.B. Because the prohibition against hunting animals.C. Because the order of Theodore Roosevelt.D. Because the alternative protein sources.23. From the last sentence we can learn that__________. A. bears in America are not as popular as before B. dishes with bear fat are not tasted yummy C. recipes for bear fat have been little known D. nobody knows why bears have become moreBIn the struggle to end global warming, one community is having remarkable success. It’s Penn State University. In many ways, it’s just like any other small city. It runs largely on fossil fuels, giving out carbon dioxide. The planet-warming gas comes from the steam plants, from power stations that supply electricity, and from cars. Penn State has worked out those greenhouse emissions(排放物) every year over the past 25 years. Twenty years ago, the line was going up sharply. Then, in 2004, the line suddenly changed direction. And it has been falling ever since. Penn State’s greenhouse emissions are now down by 1/3, compared with that in 2004.How did Penn State succeed? It started with some students, teachers and people who wanted to make the university a greener place. In the mid-1990s Professor Christopher Uhl organized an environmental movement. Students worked out greenhouse emissions from buildings, and gave the university mostly poor grades for its environmental performance. “We’re using the university culture.” Uhl says. “It’s data that will speak to an academic Institution, not, you know, ‘You should do this.’ We reported our studies in public. Lots of people showed up.” It put the university under pressure. A retired Navy officer named Ford Stryker persuaded Penn State’s budget offices to set up a fund to pay for upgrades that cut greenhouse missions. Some of these upgrade projects are low-tech, like adjusting heating and air conditioning systems, making sure enough air is flowing but not so much that extra steam is needed to keep everyone warm. You’d be surprised when you use a HVAC (供热通风与空气调节) system. It’s not worth the cost, taking three to five years to get it back. Penn State also changed the fuel in its central heating plant from coal to natural gas, which gave out less carbon dioxide. Besides, this year, with the cost of solar power falling sharply, Penn State signed a deal to buy electricity from a solar farm in Pennsylvania’s Franklin County.Many other universities are on the same path. Penn State’s efforts, however, are noticeable. It hasn’t used “carbon offsets” that cancel out emissions by capturing carbon dioxide elsewhere, such as by planting trees. Penn State’s example is worth learning for any city.24.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 1?A. Praise Penn State for its efforts to save fossil fuels.B. List different sources of carbon dioxide in Penn State.C. Describe Penn State’s history of fighting greenhouse emissions.D. Show Penn State’s achievement in cutting greenhouse emissions.25. How did Christopher Uhl put the university under pressure?A. By announcing the study results.B. By blaming the university in public. C. By advising the leaders to take action.D. By carrying out upgrades independently.26.What is the main idea of the text?A. What challenges Penn State has faced up to.B. How Penn State is cutting greenhouse emissions .C. How Penn State is different from other universities.D. Why Penn State wants to cut greenhouse emissions.CFolklore (民用传说) has long been passed down from one generation to the next, attracting children while so tying families and communities together.But the National Trust has warned that advances in technology and social media are causing folklore to die out as it is no longer relevant to modern lives. It said that in a world occupied by smart phones and the Internet, superstition (迷信) that were once believed to save the lives of miners and tales of magical blacksmiths were no longer of interest to children who have never ridden a horse or put coal on the fire.Jessica Monaghan, the National Trust’s head of Experiences and Programming, called on the public to share its knowledge of folklore from different regions of the UK to keep it alive. “These tales and traditions tell us so much about tour ancestors and their relationship with the world around them and help us appreciate a rich history and symbolism of the places we live in now,” she said. Ms Monaghan thought some tales were unique to particular parts of the country reflecting local character, while others showed how much the nation shares in common. Many come from the same basic human needs, such as shelter, food, companionship and adventure.“Through these tales—whether they’re about white harts, mirrors or water spirits—we can explore and celebrate not only what makes communities around the UK unique, but also the things that tie us together and have been done generations,” she added.Dee Dee Chainey, author of the National Trust’s A Treasury of British Folklore, said, “In the Doctrine of Signatures of the 16th century, the walnut (核桃) was seen to cure diseases of the brain, purely because it looks like the brain. Few people today would believe this as we now have advanced medical knowledge and scientific methods through which to evaluate the success of medical treatments.”“It’s interesting, though, that new folklore is being created all the time,” she said. “Internet memes (模因) were a type of folklore, passed through online communities in the same way that old superstitions and tales were passed on by word of mouth in the past. This new lore reflects modern needs—the things we dream about, and the fears that follow us in the darkest nights today.”Ms Chainey insisted there was “still hope” with folklore seeing a resurgence (复兴) as many attempt to research old tales. “Many of the old fairy tales are now being rewritten and retold in new ways: with new heroes, heroines, and new lessons that are relevant to the modern day,” she said. “And that’s what folklore is about: taking the old wisdom and traditions, and redefining them for who we are, and the lives we now have.”27.What do we know about folklore according to the National Trust?A. Folklore can reflect modern lives.B. Folklore is only attractive to adults now. C. Folklore is harmful to the minds of children. D. Old folklore is dying out due to the rise of social media.28. In Paragraph 3, Jessica Monaghan wants to show ______________.A. the great value of folklore B. the long history of folklore C. the great changes of folklore D. the unique contents of folklore29. Why does Dee Dee Chainey mention the walnut in Paragraph 5?A. To show it has great medical value. B. To stress folklore needs to be valued. C. To explain why folklore is unpopular. D. To show only science can save people’s lives.30.What should we do about folklore according to Ms Chainey? A. Select some old tales as teaching materials. B. Pass on old superstitions by word of mouth. C. Recreate folklore to meet the modern needs. D. Pay attention to the old wisdom and traditions.第二节 (共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)根据黑布林阅读The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。31. People and Utterson thought that Hyde had killed himself because___________. A. he was unhappy B. he had already killed Dr Jekyll C. Jekyll could not replicate himself D. he had murdered Sir Danvers Carew32.What brings Hyde into being?A. A potion, concocted by Jekyll B. A magic bookC. A genie (神怪) D. Incantations (咒语)33.Who summons Utterson to Jekyll’s house near the end of the novel?A. Enfield B. Jekyll himself C. Hyde D. Poole 34. Dt. Lanyon died from_________. A. the poisonous potion B. had bad life habit C. his confusion and fear D. the strong desire to help35. “I found it difficult to keep the respectable and dignified reputation that I valued so much.”What does the underlined word mean? A. showing a manner worthy of respect B. showing a way to look down upon others C. showing how to greet new people D. showing how to communicate with others第三节 七选五(共5小题,每小题2分;满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。We often associate generosity with money. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Generosity is all about giving and you can give your time, attention and love as well as money. 36 Try the following tips and see how they will change your life.Be generous to yourself.Before you can become generous to others, you need to learn to be generous to yourself. You need to take good care of yourself and your needs. Be generous at giving yourself time to relax or enjoy a hobby. Don’t hesitate to spend money on your health and well-being. 37 Start by giving a little (and not giving money).One of the smallest and cheapest things you can give to others is your smile. 38 Notice how different it will make you feel and how differently people will treat you.Reflect frequently on what you have in life.Greed is a desire to acquire more than what one needs or deserves. 39 Generosity will come as a result of the realization that your life is already full and you can make it fuller only by sharing it with others. 40 If you make a donation to a food bank, then imagine happy faces of children who see tasty treats at their table. Think about how happy your kids will be if you give them a full day of your undivided attention and time.A. Are you ready to become a more generous person?B. Imagine how your gift will change somebody’s life.C. Above all, acknowledge your importance in this world.D. Giving money to charity is a common form of generosity.E. So start to be generous by smiling to everybody at least for a day.F. But they feel that their life is more meaningful and they will also help.G. Make a habit of thinking how much you already have and be grateful for it.第三部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分50分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Due to a fascination with monkeys, Tara Harris decided to learn wild animals at Yale University. And it finally led her to a(n) 41 in conservation biology. She uses the skills she has learned to help 42 animals.As a conservation biologist at the Minnesota Zoo, Harris works both at the zoo and in the 43 . “Many people don’t know that zoos have conservation biologists who work outdoors to help 44 endangered species,” says Harris.In 2017, U. S zoos provided more than S220 million for conservation biologists. Harris is proud of that 45 , and explains, “That makes zoos one of the 46 conservation movements on the planet.” Some of the 47 has been used to develop the Minnesota Zoos breeding (繁殖) program. Breeding endangered animals is 48 .” It’s risky, but sometimes it’s the best choice, she says. 49 , zoos are helping to save endangered species through 50 . Harris says, “ Zoos 51 so many people and we can teach them to recognize what endangered species face in the wild.”Many zoos encourage people to “shop wisely” when 52 something containing palm oil(棕榈油). Palm oil production is the main 53 of rainforest deforestation in areas where many endangered species live. We want to 54 people of the importance of their everyday 55 in helping endangered species, says Harris.Zoos also provide training for students who are interested in saving wildlife. Harris is now 56 students who may be the next generation of conservation biologists.Despite the difficulties in saving endangered species, Harris remains 57 about the future. “Many kids 58 . They use their birthday money to help endangered animals,”she says. “When they do that, they 59 others, too. It gives me hope for the future. I believe we have the 60 to do better.”41. A. interest B. career C. course D. increase42. A. dangerous B. sick C. strange D. rare43. A. wild B. park C. desert D. sea44. A. hunt B. save C. catch D. raise45. A. sign B. award C. number D. function46. A. richest B. freest C. easiest D. biggest47. A. time B. donation C. money D. energy48. A. challenging B. tiring C. amazing D. surprising49. A. Therefore B. However C. Besides D. Otherwise50. A. experience B. education C. development D. prediction51. A. appeal to B. stand for C. focus on D. believe in52. A. eating B. growing C. exploring D. purchasing53. A. effect B. cause C. event D. resource54. A. accuse B. cheat C. remind D. cure55. A. actions B. problems C. meals D. visits56. A. instructing B. monitoring C. changing D. impressing57. A. curious B. silent C. optimistic D. crazy58. A. benefit B. contribute C. confirm D. perform59. A. expect B. defeat C. comfort D. inspire60. A. freedom B. power C. technology D. responsibility第二节 单项选择(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。61. After he missed the last bus and had to stay over-night at his classmate’s, he was afraid he had _________ his welcome.A. worn out B. given out C. run out D. figured out62. A high grade is supposed to prove _________ in the course, but the answer he gave did not show his knowledge on the subject. A. competition B. competence C. communication D. completion63. His smile implied that he wouldn’t _________ our invitation, although he said nothing. A. accept B. receive C. withdraw D. decline64. I was too sleepy at the cinema last night and _________, missing the end of the film. A. dropped off B. left off C. called off D. broken off65. It was a ___________and tiny case so there was no question of him being sent to prison. A. serious B. tough C. civil D. typical第三节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分;满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空,使整个文段句意完整,语法正确。Power walking is a style of walking performed at a rapid, energetic pace. There is no special 66 (require) for you to start except a pair of comfortable walking shoes, and a love of fresh outdoor air.Power walking offers many benefits. Walking at a quick pace of 4 mp 67 (burn) around 300 calories per hour. 68 (consequence), power walking, in addition to a healthy diet helps manage your weight. Also power walking decreases the risks of serious 69 (disease) like high blood pressure, heart attacks and certain types of cancers.Power walking helps reduce the stress associated with day-to-day living. 70 (remove) yourself from the busy home atmosphere or 71 (stress) office environment for a power walk can leave you refreshed and energetic. Power walking uses both upper body and lower body strength, 72 results in stronger muscles and bones. And 73 (improve) body conditioning makes 74 easy for you to carry out daily tasks.Power walking can transport you to your destination. You not just avoid the need for a car 75 save money on gas as well. If the family dog needs a walk and you need a workout, power walking is a convenient way to do both at the same time. This activity fits all different lifestyles.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)76-8076. The wind in the village was a__________ strong and villagers were beginning to worry about the weather.77. They just would not stop. They kept swearing at him and _______(吐口水)on him.78. Mr. Smith arrived at a hotel and went to the r____________ desk to check his reservation.79. If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you may have to go above his head to your p_________department or senior manager.80. He often nods to the ___________(路人)as if he knew all of them.第二节 书面表达(满分30分)81.应用文写作(满分10分)假定你是李华,你校外教 Smith先生因为家乡遭遇了地震,心情低落。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.表示同情;2.介绍同学们给予灾区的帮助;3.表示愿意帮助外教。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。82.读后续写(满分20分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。I stepped off the bus and headed for the pool with my friends, concentrating on what I needed to do to win this swimming competition.I jumped in the water, amid(在…中) screams of “Oh man, it’s freezing”, and found it wasn’t too bad. I started to warm up, and noticed the sky getting gray. “It’s going to rain,” my friend Ashley said behind me. “Let’s pray for no thunder or lightning,” I replied. “This meet can’t be canceled.” That was when I noticed his uneasiness. “What’s wrong?”I asked.He looked over at the other team and back at me, saying, “Their 50m freestyle swimmer, Jack, is talking something bad about you. He said you’d be a good swimmer if you didn’t swim like a girl. And he’s not only saying something bad about you, but every one of us. “Ashley gave me a look of encouragement and added, Atom, you’d better swim as fast as possible and beat him. Show him who’s the boss!”My event was third. By that time, all my friends had shown up and I was preparing for my 50m freestyle sprint(冲刺) I walked over to the blocks(起跑器)and began to prepare myself.“You think you actually have a chance?” came an aggressive voice from my side. I turned and recognized the guy who Ashley had pointed at. It was Jack, who added, “Don’t even try.” Luckily, I was not alone. My friends were close by.“My friend is going to beat you,” Ashley warned. Jack replied, “That’s a good one. We’ll settle this in the water.”“Swimmers up!” the official called. I stepped onto the starting block and prepared for the race. That was when all my friends started to cheer me on. I focused all my attention and followed the officials order, “Take your mark.” I bent down into my starting position, the cheering around me growing louder.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1When the starting gun fired, I jumped into the water.____________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2All I heard was cheering._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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