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    1. Where does the conversation take place?
    A. In a supermarket. B. In a classroom. C. At home.
    2. When do the speakers need to check their tickets?
    A. At 7:15 pm. B. At 8:30 pm. C. At 8:45 pm.
    3. What does the man like to play now?
    A. Basketball. B. Baseball. C. Tennis.
    4. What does the man say about Uncle Jim?
    A. He works hard. B. His is often late for work.
    C. He speaks with his mouth full of food.
    5. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. The price of the bed. B. The price of the fridge.
    C. The price of the washing machine.
    6. What color is the woman's dog?
    A. Black. B. Brown. C. White.
    7. What is the woman doing now?
    A. Buying a present. B. Looking for a cat. C. Attending a party.
    8. What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Neighbors. B. Colleagues. C. Teacher and student.
    9. What month is it now?
    A. May. B. July. C. September.
    10. What does the woman offer to do for the man?
    A. Type his paper. B. Present his findings. c. Help do the research.
    11. What is the man thought to be guilty of?
    A. Killing someone. B. Damaging something. C. Stealing something.
    12. Who is the victim?
    A. The man's secretary. B. The man's friend. c. The man's partner.
    13. What do you think of the man?
    A. Happy. B. Excited. C. Calm.
    14. What did the woman forget?
    A. Her briefcase. B. Her dog. C. Her friend.
    15. What happened to the woman then?
    A. She broke her arm. B. She won a prize. c. She missed her fight.
    16. What was the woman's flight like?
    A. Crowded but nice. B. Noisy and uncomfortable.
    C. Quiet and relaxing.
    17. What is it about?
    A. Weather. B. Books. C. Films.
    18. Which city does it talk about?
    A. New York. B. Melbourne. C. London.
    19. What is tomorrow like?
    A. It will be cold. B. It will be warm. C. It will be cool.
    20. Which day is suitable for camping?
    A. Wednesday. B. Friday. C. Sunday. .

    The Flight Attendant, by Chris Bahamian
    WHAT IT'S ABOUT: When flight attendant Cassie Bowden wakes up in a Dubai hotel room next to a dead man, hung over and with no idea what happened, she makes the mistake of lying to everyone, including the FBI.
    WHAT'S SPECIAL: “As intellectually satisfying as it is emotionally entertaining," says Booklist in a starred review.

    Picasso and the Painting That Shocked the World , by Miles J. Unger
    WHAT IT'S ABOUT: This real life story of the great Spanish painter focuses on his early years in Paris when he painted Le: Demoiselles d 'Avignon, which led to the rise of Cubism.
    WHAT'S SPECIAL: “interesting .. fascinating" says Publishers Weekly.

    The Rising Sea, by Clive Cussler and Graham Brown
    WHAT IT'S ABOUT: In the 154 edition in the NUMA adventure series, Kurt Austin and his team trace a mysterious rise in sea levels to a plot to upset the balance of power in Asia.
    WHAT'S SPECIAL: Nighthawk, the previous edition in the NUMA series, landed at No.3 on USA TODAY's Best-Selling Books list last year.

    Fade to Black, by David Rosen felt
    WHAT IT'S ABOUT: New Jersey state police officer Doug Brock, recovering from a gunshot wound, is led to a scary murder case through a support group.
    WHAT'S SPECIAL: Rosen felt also writes other frightening stories.

    21. If you are interested in reading real stories of a person's life, you are likely to choose,___________
    A. Fade to Black B. The Rising Sea
    C. The Flight Attendant D. Picasso and the Painting That Shocked the World
    22. Nighthawk is the __________ edition in the NUMA adventure series.
    A.14h B.15h C.16h D.17h
    23. According to the passage, Fade to Black is a ____________.
    A. romance B. thriller C. news report D. history book
    When Jennifer Doudna was in sixth grade, she came home one day to find that her dad had left a book titled The Double Helix on her bed. She put it aside, thinking it was one of those detective tales she loved.
    On a rainy Saturday, she picked up the book. As she sped through the pages, she became fascinated by the drama, which encouraged her to explore nature's wonders. Even though her high school teacher told her that girls didn't become scientists, she decided she would.
    She worked with a biologist, Charpentier, to turn a curiosity of nature into an invention一an easy-to-use tool that can edit DNA. Known as Crispr, the tool will transform the human race. James Watson, the author of The Double Helix, later told her it was the n:ost important biological advance: since he and Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA.
    For this achievement, Doudna and Charpentier were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020. Until now, only five women, beginning with Marie Curie in 1911, had won or shared the Nobel for Chemistry. out of 184 award winners. When this year's prize was announced, Dr. Charpentier said it would provide a message specifically to young girls who would like to follow the path of science and to show them that women can also be awarded prizes.
    A few decades from now, if it becomes possible and sate to edit DNA, should we allow parents to improve the IQ and physical strength of their kids? Should we let them decide eye color? Skin color? Height? After helping to discover Crispr, Dr. Doudna has become a leader in considering these moral issues. That's the main message we should take from this Nobel: New technologies can be a huge benefit to the human race, but in order to make sure they are used wisely, it's important for people to understand them.
    24. Jennifer Doudna decided to become a scientist because,__________
    A. her father pushed her B. a book inspired her
    C. her teacher encouraged her D. James Watson motivated her
    25. Dr. Doudna was awarded the Nobel Prize because,__________.
    A. she wrote the book “The Double Helix"
    B. she discovered the structure of DNA
    C. she is a hardworking woman scientist
    D. she helped invent a tool for editing DNA
    26. According to Paragraph 4, which of the following is NOT true?
    A. The two women's success will inspire more girls to be devoted to science.
    B. Since 1911, there have been 184 people who won the Nobel for chemistry.
    C. If girls follow the path of science, they will surely achieve their goals.
    D. Crispr will make a big difference to the human race.
    27. Which words can best describe Jennifer Doudna?
    A. Determined and responsible.
    B. Ambitious and humorous.
    C. Cruel and indifferent.
    D. Fearless and stubborn.
    We' re accustomed to thinking of environmental change, and its effects on our health, as Being measured in years. But researchers are now discovering how quickly and dramatically air quality can improve - and how big an impact those improvements can make.
    For instance, when Atlanta hosted the 1996 Olympic Games, parts of the city were closed to cars for 17 days. In the following four weeks, kids' medical visits for lung diseases decreased by more than 40 percent. In 1990, when Hong Kong passed stricter regulations for the content of fuel oil used by power plants and cars, SO2 levels immediately fell by 45 percent on average and as much as 80 percent in the most polluted areas. Within six months, there was a significant decrease in the number of deaths from air related diseases.
    In March 2020, when businesses shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic, NO2 levels were about 30 percent lower on average in the northeaster United States than they were in the same month for the years 2015 to 2019. Also, during the month that China was under quarantine(隔离) from February to April because of the pandemic, one study estimated that improved air quality helped to impede more than 12,000 pollution-related deaths. With a recent study showing that the higher PM2.5 is, the more people will die from the COVID-19, measures to improve air quality may be more important than ever before.
    28. The examples in Paragraph 2 are given in order to prove that_________,
    A. kids often see doctors
    B. people love the Olympics
    C. air quality can improve
    D. cars should be prohibited
    29. What does the underlined word "impede" mean in Paragraph 3?
    A. Increase. B. Recover. C. Witness. D. Prevent.
    30. What might be the best title?
    A. The surprisingly fast-acting benefits of cleaner air
    B. The influence of COVID- 19 on the environment
    C. The cause and effect of the widespread disease
    D. The significance of fighting against COVID-19
    31. What will the article probably talk about in the following part?
    A. The causes of COVID-19.
    B. The solutions to air problems.
    C. The examples of air pollution.
    D. The results of the air research.
    Any C.E.O. book ought to do two things. Firs, it should be a tale of how the author did it. In Bee Fearless, the 10-year-old C.E.O. Mikayla Ulmer's book, the origin story of Ulmer's company begins wit bee stings (蜇), after which her parents encourage her to learn about the insects rather than fear them. She does some research and finds out that bees are in danger, which raised her concern.
    So the 4-year-old sets up a lemonade stand (柠檬汽水摊) outside her house in Austin, Tex.as. She sweetens her lemonade with honey, since bees make it and it's healthy. She sells it with an information card about bees. Her lemonade is awful at first, but a series of experiments produces something better. Best of all she donates money to bee-related organizations.
    People around Austin notice it. The owner of a pizza shop offers to sell the drinks if she bottles it. Then she is invited to the TV series “Shark Tank" and later goes to Hollywood. She leaves Hollywood with $60,000 and expands her lemonade business.
    So we have our good story. The second task is harder一for anyone, let alone a teenager selling her story to other kids: How do you make people believe that they too could accomplish something like this?
    In Ulmer's book, she delivers the key to keeping in contact with customers like writing thank-you notes. She also writes about connecting with the strangers over a brief trade. Many grown-ups never learn the art of selling. Near the book's end, Ulmer describes telling a group of girls in South Africa to "imagine what it would feel like”" to buy things they want without having to ask others for help.
    32. What first inspired Ulmer to start her business?
    A. Her parents' blame. B. Her concern about bees.
    C. Her hatred for businesses. D. Her desire to help other girls.
    33. What does the underlined word“this" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
    A. Writing a book of bee protection. B. Selling bees successfully.
    C. Succeeding in achieving one's goal. D. Saving bees in tieir own ways.
    34. From Ulmer's story, we can infer that
    A. after bee stings, she became afraid of bees
    B. her attempt on lemonade was a total failure
    C. her book only teaches girls how to help themselves
    D. she develops a good relationship with customers
    35. What is the purpose of this text?
    A. To introduce a book. B. To explain how to start a business.
    C. To advertise a drink. D. To recommend a famous company.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5 分,满分12.5分)
    The Coronavirus has changed every aspect of our lives, including our eating habits. Comfort food was made for times like these_____ 36 _____ Many people are eating differently from what the trend suggests. Shopping habits have shifted in favor of convenience foods with long shelf lives that are designed to deliver pleasure.
    No judgment here_____ 37_____ To make more money, busy parents are putting breakfast, lunch and dinner on the table in between video conference meetings. Besides, convenience foods are engineered to taste good and make us feel good.
    _____ 38_____ That's because a growing body of research is showing that green food choices not only affect our waistlines. _____ 39_____ That does not happen in the “I can't believe I ate a dozen cookies in one siting" sort of way. Rather, there may be something in the food we' re eating that's influencing our state of mind.
    Nutritional psychology argues that modern Western diets have contributed to increased rates of mental illness, particularly depression. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains have been linked with lower rates of depression_____ 40_____
    As a third of all Americans are reporting that the coronavirus pandemic has caused damage to their mental health, we might need green food more than ever.
    A. Money is tight in many households.
    B. Perhaps we are bored with routine work now.
    C. What we drink probably affects our family atmosphere.
    D. Our food choices are also changing the quality of our life.
    E. A diet change of just a few weeks has been found to lift moods.
    F. But you might want to save room for something green on your plate.
    G. It seems the healthy-food trend that took root in recent years is changing.
    My parents divorced when I was five. I don't_ 41 them saying more than “hi" or “bye" to each other for the rest of my childhood. I went to my dad's house every_____ 42_____ weekend, and they didn't really speak to each other during the transfer.
    _____ 43_____ later, I had my own family. But when Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Mom asked my husband and me to invite Dad to move_____ 44_____ with us and our four children. I said,“Mom, how are we going to do this? Dad is going to be here all the time,__ 45_____ we still want you to come and visit. We don't want it to be weird."
    “Not a problem," Mom replied_____ 46_____ "We are just going to_____ 47__ourpastandallbe friends." Hearing this, I was so_____ 48_____
    At our first family dinner together, I sat next to my_ 49 , the daughter of my mom and my stepdad. I looked around: Mom, Papa, and my stepdad, Doug. all at the same table.
    I_____ 50 _____ to my sister, "Weirdest thing ever!"
    "Yes, but_ 5L_ else seems to think so," she replied. "It's_____ 52_____”
    For the next ten years, Dad lived with us, and whenever Mom and Doug came over, the three of them would_____ 53_____ like old friends. And in a way, they were. My whole childhood, I had wished that my three_____ 54_____ could all get along. And here they were. It wasn't exactly_ 55 I'd had in mind. But God knows what he is doing.
    41.A. forget B. remember C. imagine D. expect
    42. A. another B. one . C. other D. others
    43.A. Years B. Centuries C. Hours D. Minutes
    44. A. around B. off C. out D. in
    45. A. until B. but C. or D. unless
    46. A. randomly B. vaguely C. confidently D. arbitrarily
    47. A. get over B. get off C. go over D. go off
    48. A. confused B. relieved C. worried D. frightened
    49. A. brother B. mother C. sister D. stepdad
    50. A. submitted B. screamed C. compromised D. whispered
    51. A. nobody B. somebody C. none D. nothing
    52. A. amusing B. freezing C. amazing D. disappointing
    53. A. complain B. quarrel C. read D. chat
    54. A. friends B. parents C. relatives D. neighbors
    55. A. what B. that C. which D. why
    In May 2009, the famous sports magazine, Sports Illustrated, wrote_____ 56_____ cover story about a high school baseball player_____ 57_____ (name) Bryce Harper, calling him “Baseball’s LeBron". Bryce Harper was a sports talent_____ 58___ possessed gifts far_____ 59 _____ (great) than some in the majors. The writers_____ 60_____ (predict) greatness for him, and they were_____ 61_____ (eventual) proven right.
    Three years later, Harper_____ 62_____ (award) the National League Rookie of the Year: He hit 22 home runs, and had a 340 on-base percentage, the best average for a teenager in nearly 50 years. All of those happened_____ 63_____ his first season with the Washington Nationals.
    Although it may be hard to believe now, when he returned to his hometown, he was outperformed by most of the_____ 64_____ (player) there. “I got______ 65_____ (control) by them when I got there," he said, "I kind of second-guessed it, kind of thought if I should be there or if I should be in high school again."
    假定你是李华,请你为某英语报社写一篇新闻报道, 内容包括:
    钟南山(Zhong Nanshan)
    荣获"共和国勋章" (the Medal of the Republic)
    2003年抗击非典型性肺炎(SARS),2020 年抗击新冠病毒肺炎(COVID-19)


    第二节(满分25 分)
    阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成- -篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
    Lily was cleaning windows, and it was what she must do for her family's new Chinese restaurant. Everything had to be absolutely perfect: unique decorations, skillful employees, and delicious traditional food. Then customers would love the place, making the business a success.
    Lily's family had just moved here from San Francisco, having bought a small restaurant, which was opened yesterday. She was new in the neighbor and had few friends. The first few days at her new school hadn't been easy, either. She found it hard to talk to people she didn't know and it seemed like the students hadn't even noticed her. She was eager for a friendship, though.
    Lily shifted her vision to look outside the restaurant as a girl about her age, with abundant red hair, walked up the street. The girl paused to study the sign announcing their opening and then looked directly at Lily with a friendly smile. Lily smiled back shyly and lifted a hand, accidentally waving with the cleaning cloth. The girl smiled at her amusement and waved back happily.
    Lily hesitated, not accustomed to starting friendship, but she felt courageous, so she opened the door. "Hello," she said, adding the first thing that entered her head, “do you like Chinese food?”
    “I don't know, but I like to try new things," the girl remarked, and then she introduced herself as Gabriela.
    Lily could not think of additional conversation until she had a sudden idea.__________
    The following day, Lily was doing her restaurant routine :when she heard an unexpected knock. ______________________________________________________________________________________

    21-23 DAB 24-27 BDCA 28-31 CDAB 32-35BCDA
    41-45 BCADB 46-50 CABCD 51-55 ACDBA
    56. a 57. named 58 who/that 59. greater 60. predicted/had predicted
    61. eventually 62. was awarded 63. during/in/within 64. players 65. controlled
    A possible version
    On September 8, 2020, Zhong Nanshan, China’s renowned medical expert was awarded the Medal of the Republic, the highest state honor, for his outstanding contribution to fighting the COVID-19 epidemic.
    Zhong, who led the fight against SARS in 2003 was again put under spotlight because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Dangerous as the disease was, the outspoken and responsible doctor stood on the front line of epidemic prevention and control to save numerous lives.
    Admittedly, Zhong has handed over a perfect answer sheet to the Party and the people and he is a heroic figure fully deserving the honor.

    Lily could not think of additional conversation until she had a sudden idea. She ran into the kitchen and came back with a small package. “Some Chinese candy for you to try,” she explained. “If you enjoy it, I hope you’ll return and tell me.”
    “Excellent, I’ll see you around soon.” Gabriela headed down the street, glancing back with a cheerful wave. Lily spent the remaining afternoon hoping Gabriela really would return and not think Lily’s gift was strange.

    The following day, Lily was doing her restaurant routine when she heard unexpected knocking. It was Gabriela with a plate covered with plastic wrap. Lily grinned with enthusiasm and opened the door with an excited greeting.
    Gabriela presented the plate and said, “I brought biscuits made from my grandmother’s recipe to thank you for the delicious candy.”
    “Come in, and we can have some biscuits right now,” Lily stammered, happy inside.
    Lily was now positive that the restaurant would make a wondrous impression on the customers and that she was going to enjoy life here immensely.
    21. D。细节理解题。根据题干中的real stories of a person’s life,可以推断出答案为D. Picasso and the Painting That Shocked the World 。
    22. A。细节理解题。根据“the previous edition in the NUMA series”,以及“The Rising Sea, the 15th edition in the NUMA adventure series”可知,Nighthawk是the 14th edition, 故选A。
    23. B。推理判断题。根据Fade to Black相关介绍信息中的“a gunshot wound”和“a cold murder case”可知,这是一部惊悚小说。故选B项。
    24. B。细节理解题。根据第二段的On a rainy Saturday, she picked up the book. As she sped through the pages, she became fascinated by the drama, which encouraged her to explore nature’s wonders.可知,Jennifer Doudna受到这本书的启发,决心成为一名科学家。故选B项。
    25. D。细节理解题。根据第四段的For this achievement, Doudna and Charpentier were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020. 可知,Jennifer Doudna荣获诺贝尔化学奖是因为她的成就。再根据第三段的She worked with a biologist, Charpentier, to turn a curiosity of nature into an invention — an easy-to-use tool that can edit DNA. 可以得出答案为D项。
    26. C。细节理解题。If girls follow the path of science, they will surely achieve their goals,这个句子中的“surely”表达过于绝对。故选C项。
    27. A。推理判断题。根据第一段的 Even though her high school teacher told her that girls didn’t become scientists, she decided she would.可知Jennifer Doudna是一个意志坚定的人,根据最后一段After helping to discover Crispr, Dr. Doudna has become a leader in considering these moral issues可知这位杰出的女科学家目前正在积极应对基因编辑技术的应用所引起的伦理问题,可见她是一个负责任的人。故选A项。
    28. C。推理判断题。根据行文逻辑,第二段一开始就是具体的例子,这是为了说明第一段最后的观点。根据But researchers are now discovering how quickly and dramatically air quality can improve — and how big an impact those improvements can make.可以推断出答案为C。
    29. D。词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句可知,空气质量的改善能降低疾病的死亡率,根据第三段最后一句可知PM2.5含量越高,死于新冠病毒的人越多。因此改善了空气质量,有助于“阻止”因为空气污染引起的死亡。故选D。
    30. A。标题选择题。根据第一段But后面引出的话题,及下面两段的具体阐述,可知本文是为了说明空气质量改善所带来的益处。故选A项。
    31. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段后面的 measures to improve air quality may be more important than ever before. 可知2020年改善空气质量的措施比以往任何时候都重要,可以推断出下文应该接着列举有哪些可行的措施和解决方案。因此答案为B项。
    32. B。细节理解题。根据第一段后面的 She does some research and finds out that bees are in danger, which raised her concern. 可知Ulmer在被蜜蜂蛰了后,在父母的鼓励下了解到蜜蜂的现状并产生担忧。因此答案为B项。
    33. C。推理判断题。代词通常指代的是前文提到的相关内容,根据二、三段的叙述可知Ulmer取得了一系列成功,这里是指让其他孩子他们也可以取得“这样的成功”。故选C项。
    34. D。推理判断题。由最后一段的前两句可知Ulmer在书中说明了自己如何通过thank-you notes和顾客保持联系的,可以推断出她与顾客之间培养了良好的关系。故选D项。
    35. A。推理判断题。从文章第一段及最后一段的第一句可以看出,本文是一篇书评。故选A项。

    36. G。从后面一句trend一词可知。
    37. A。从To make more money… 一句可知,目前许多家庭经济拮据。
    38. F。根据两段之间的语义逻辑,以及后面一句中的green一词可知。
    39. D。前一句中的not only…,连接后一句中的also。
    40. E。由本段段意可知。

    41. B。动词辨析。根据下文,作者现在“记不得”父母离婚后自己的童年时期他们之间曾经打过招呼。答案为B。
    42. C。固定短语。“每两周、每隔一周”为every other week。故选C。
    43. A。名词辨析。从下文可出,作者已经成家,应该是多年之后。故选A项。
    44. D。介词辨析。根据常识,父亲得了 阿尔茨海默症,作者应该是邀请他“搬进来”跟自己一起住,便于照顾。因此答案为D项。
    45. B。连词辨析。根据语境,作者已经决定将父亲接回家住,又想让妈妈经常过来做客,担心引起尴尬,所以思前想后感觉内心很矛盾,这里用but表示转折。因此答案为B项。
    46. C。副词辨析。从妈妈前后的话语中可以判断,她对能够应对好这种情况是很有信心的。故选C项。
    47. A。短语辨析。此处是说,我们能够“克服”过去(不愉快的事情)并成为朋友。故选A项。
    48. B。动词辨析。作者说出自己的担忧,在得到妈妈很有信心的答复之后,应该是感到“宽慰”。 故选B项。
    49. C。名词辨析。从逗号后面的同位语可知应该是作者的sister。故选C项。
    50. D。动词辨析。从上下文语境可知,作者这时应该是和sister耳语呢(女孩子之间有好多好多的悄悄话哦)。故选D项。
    51. A。动词辨析。从语意来看,应该是除了作者感到奇怪之外,没人有这样的想法。故选A项。
    52. C。形容词辨析。从语境可知,这样的三个人能和谐相处真的“令人惊奇”。故选C项。
    53. D。动词辨析。从语意看出,三个人应该是像老朋友一样聊天。故选D项。
    54. B。名词辨析。从上文语境可知,我的父母和继父,所以应该是三个父母。故选B项。
    55. A。连词辨析。考查表语从句,what在从句中充当had的宾语。故选A项。

    1. 本题总分为 15 分,按以下 5 个档次给分。
    2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    3. 词数少于 60 和多于100 的,从总分中减去 2 分。
    4. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:时态、人称、内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。
    5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。
    6. 如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。

    第五档( 13—15 分):能写明全部要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚;
    第四档( 10—12 分):能写明全部或绝大部分要点;语言有少量错误;行文不够连贯,表达基本清楚;
    第三档( 7—9 分):能写明基本要点;语言虽有较多错误,但能基本达意;
    第二档( 4—6 分):能写出部分要点;语言错误多,影响意思表达;
    第一档(0—3 分):空白试卷,有倾向错误,乱抄试卷文章,用不正确的笔书写,或者只能写出一两个要点;语言错误很多,只有个别句子正确。

    1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。
    2. 评分时,先根据所续写短文的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    3. 词数少于130的,从总分中减去2分。
    4. 评分时,应主要从以下四个方面考虑:
    5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个重要方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。
    6. 如书写较差以致影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。




    Text 1
    M: I need to use the restroom, but the door is locked. No one is in there because I already knocked on the door. Can you give me the key?
    W: Well, the restroom is for customers only. You’ll need to buy something before I can give it to you.
    Text 2
    M: When does the play start? My ticket says 7:30 pm.
    W: Well, that’s when it officially starts. They actually check tickets fifteen minutes earlier. And if you’re not seated when the lights go down five minutes before that, they won’t let you in.
    Text 3
    W: I play basketball three times a week. What’s your favorite sport, Patrick?
    M: I played baseball as a young kid, but I haven’t picked up a bat in years. I’m much more into tennis these days.
    Text 4
    M: I wish Uncle Jim wouldn’t talk with his mouth full of food.
    W: Well, I love his jokes and that makes up for his lack of manners.
    Text 5
    W: How much did you pay for this new fridge?
    M: Oh, it was a little over a thousand dollars, plus tax. It was much more expensive than our washing machine, but not nearly as much as our bed!
    Text 6
    W: Is this the shop selling things for dogs?
    M: Yes, Madam! What can I do for you?
    W: I want to buy a coat for my pet. He is white and he has big eyes. I can’t decide what color and size is OK.
    M: I suggest you bring him here so that we can choose a good one for him.
    W: You’re right. But I won’t do that.
    M: Why not?
    W: It will be a present for his birthday. I won’t let him see it until his birthday party.
    Text 7
    W: Alan, you’ve been so busy lately that we don’t see you anymore.
    M: I’ve been trying to finish this research project so that I can present my findings at the conference in July.
    W: But that’s two months away. You’ve still got lots of time.
    M: Not really. You see, I’ve finished all the research, and I’ve just organized all my notes, but it will take me almost two months to type them up.
    W: Well, if that’s your only problem, I can help you finish it in less than two weeks.
    Text 8
    W: Tell me everything about what you were doing at 10 pm on June 23.
    M: OK. That night, I was working in my office. My secretary Ms Winnie Au and my partner Mr Terry Wong can prove my innocence.
    W: Did you go out to buy some food?
    M: No, because I really had no time to eat. I am the project manager. If I can’t finish the project on time, I’ll be fired.
    W: How come we’ve found your fingerprints at the scene of the murder?
    M: The victim is a friend of mine. I’ve been to his home before and it’s normal for me to leave fingerprints there...
    Text 9
    M: Kate! Welcome back!
    W: Thanks.
    M: You look tired.
    W: Ah... I’m exhausted...
    M: What happened?
    W: I left my hotel in New York at 6:00 this morning, but I forgot my briefcase, so I had to go back and get it.
    M: Oh, Kate...
    W: And then I missed my flight…
    M: Oh...
    W: So I had to wait two hours for the next flight. It was so frustrating!
    M: I bet.
    W: And I sat next to a lady who talked and talked, and a little kid kept kicking my seat! I almost lost my mind!
    M: Oh, no! That’s terrible. Where’s your suitcase?
    W: Well, when I arrived, my bag wasn’t at the baggage claim!
    M: That’s so annoying. I can’t believe it! Well, at least you made it!
    Text 10
    Hi, everyone. Welcome to the broadcast for the week. Well, what a wonderful Monday we had in Melbourne today! There was sunshine right across the city with clear skies on all horizons. The temperature was a beautiful 31 degrees and light wind blew from the west and northwest, giving all those who were outside something to smile about. There was no rainfall recorded anywhere in Melbourne today, but that’s not going to last. I’m sorry to say. Looking at the forecast for the rest of the week, it’s going to get a bit rough. There’s some cloud cover moving from the west at noon and it should reach us by late afternoon tomorrow. But tomorrow should still be warm, with a top of 27 degrees. On Wednesday that storm will be right on top of us and you can expect some showers and possible thunderstorms starting in the early hours of the morning. Rain should continue through to Friday, with a high of 26 degrees, and the weather will begin clearing on Saturday, when the temperature will rise to 29 degrees. It’s also a fine day on Sunday with temperatures rising to 30 degrees. That’s the weather for the whole week. Thank you for listening and we wish you a good night.


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