所属成套资源:备战高考 词汇基础 单词、词组、熟词生义、常见超纲词、不规则动词变化
备战高考-词汇基础 A 单词、熟词生义、词组、常考超纲词、不规则动词变化答案版
aboard prep.& adv. 在(船、飞机、车)上
abroad adv. 在国外
academic adj. 学术的 n. 大学教师
access n. 通路,通道,机会
accommodation n. 住处
account n. 账户,描述 v. 解释,占比
acknowledge vt. 承认,感谢,理会
address n. 住址 v. 发表演讲
amateur adj. 业余的 n. 业余爱好者
angle n. 角度
anniversary n. 周年纪念日
apology n. 道歉,歉意
applaud vi. 鼓掌 vt. 称赞,赞许
assistant n. 助手,助理
astronaut n. 宇航员
athlete n. 运动员
attend vt. 出席,参加,照料
available adj. 可利用的,有空的
awkward adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,不方便的
absent → n. absence
accurate n. accuracy
acquire n. acquisition
act n. activity 活动
adapt n. adaptation
admire n. admiration
admit n. admission
agriculture adj. agricultural
anxious n. anxiety
approve n. approval
apply n. application 申请
apply n. applicant 申请人
appoint n. appointment
appreciate n. appreciation
architect n. architecture 建筑学,建筑风格
argue n. argument
arrange n. arrangement
arrive n. arrival
assist n. assistant 助手
assist n. assistance 帮助
assume n. assumption
associate n. association
athlete adj. athletic 运动的,健壮的
attract n. attraction
attract adj. attractive 有吸引力的
aware n. awareness
about (熟义:关于) prep.&adv. 生义:到处=(美)around 到处
1. We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.我们整个下午就在城里到处逛来逛去。
be about to do 正要做某事
2. accommodate 熟义:住宿,留宿 生义:容纳;提供
This hotel can accommodate more than 5oo guests. vt 容纳
He accommodated me when I asked him for help. v. 为...提供住处
3. act (熟义:行动)生义vi.起作用
It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。
4. across 熟义:横过; 越过 生义:1.到、在对面(adv/prep)
he river is 50 meters across.河宽50米 / The tree measures 50 cm across.
5. address 地址;住址(n)
生义:(1).演说; 正式讲演 an address of welcome欢迎词
address a meeting向大会发表演说address the whole nation 向全国发表演
addressed me in low tones.低声与我交谈
(3)称呼;用特殊的头衔称呼 How shall I address you? 我应当怎样称呼您呢?
(4)写姓名地址 (vt) address the letter /envelope 在信上写地址
The envelope is addressed to Jack Johnson, Esq.信封上写着杰克·约翰逊先生收。
6. adapt (熟义:适应)生义:vt.使某物适合与新的用途,情况等;修改;改编或改写(稿本)
These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.
This novel has been adapted for radio from Russian original.
7. admit 熟义:承认
This ticket admits two people to the football match. 这张票可供两人入场看足球赛。
be admitted to /into Beijing University被北京大学录取
(2)接[容]纳;容许 The cinema admits about 2000 people.这座电影院大约可坐 2000 人。
His illness admits of no delay.他的病不容拖延。
8. afford 熟义:担负得起费用 生义:抽得出(时间)
He can't afford an hour for lunch.
I can't afford three weeks away from work.我无法丢下工作三星期。
9. against 熟义:反对, 逆着,倚靠着,
生义:(1)与…成对照 The picture looks better against the light wall.这幅画挂在浅色的墙上显得更美。
(2)防备;防御 against the cold 防冷against a rainy day 防备雨天
10. agree with (熟义:同意) 生义:与……一致,协调,适合
Your story agrees with what I heard.你讲的与我所听到的一致。
Long plane trips don't agree with me.我不适合坐飞机长途旅行。
11. air 熟义:空气,天空 生义:
(1)发表(意见等) air one's views发表意见 = voice one’s opinion
(2)使通风, 使通气 She aired the room by opening the window. 她打开窗子使房间通风。
12. allow 熟义:允许,准许 生义:给予;使得到:Zxxk.Com]
allowed him £1000 for expenses 给他每年1000 英镑的开销
容许(of) allow of no excuse不容辩解
The situations allow of no excuse.形势不容许拖延; 形势刻不容缓。
考虑到;体谅;顾及(for) We must allow for his youth.我们应当体谅他年轻。
酌留;预计 allow 10% for inflation 允许10%的通货膨胀
allow 15 minutes for delay 预留15分钟以防耽搁
13. alone 熟义:单独地, 独自地 生义:[用在名词或代词之后]只有/唯有/仅仅
The key alone will open the door.只有这把钥匙能开这个门。
14. attend 熟义:出席,参加 生义:侍候,照应,与on/ upon 连用)
attend the very sick patients 照应重病人 attend on / upon a very sick man
处理、料理(+to) attend to the problem
15.apply(熟义:申请) 生义: v.应用,运用; 适用
What I have said applies only to some of you. 我所说的只适用于你们当中的一部分人.
16.arm (熟义:n.手臂)生义:n.武器 v.武装
Police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous. 警察说该男子携有枪,十分危险。
17. account for 熟义:占...比例 生义:解释,说明...的原因;
His illness accounts for his absence.
18. age 熟义:n. 年龄 生义:v. 使变老,老化
Worry aged him rapidly. a man aged 30
1 have the ability to do sth 有能力做sth
2 be able to do 能够做sth
3 be absent from 缺席
4 be absorbed in 全神贯注于
5 have/ get the access to 有得到sth的机会/享用sth的权利
6 accuse sb of sth = charge sb with sth 控告sb sth,指责sb sth
7 be accustomed to = be used to 习惯于(此处to为介词)
8 adapt (sb) to 适应sth
9 add up to 合计达
add to 添加,增添
10 in addition to 除了……之外
11 admit doing 承认做sth
11 admit sb to/ into sth 使sb进入sth be admitted to/ into college
12 in advance 提前,事先
13 take advantage of 利用
14 advise sb to do 建议sb去做sth
advise doing 建议做sth
15 can/ could (not) afford sth / to do 供应(不)起sth/做sth
16 be afraid to do sth 不敢做sth be afraid of sth 害怕sth
17 at the age of 在……岁的时候
18 agree on sth 就sth达成一致意见; agree with sb 同意sb
19 agree to do sth 同意去做sth
20 ahead of 在……的前面
21 aim to do 目标去做,力求做
22 on (the) alert 保持警惕
23 allow sb to do 允许sb去做sth
allow doing允许做sth
24 from a ( different/ unusual/ strange…) angle 从……的角度
25 the answer to (the question) ……的回答
26 be annoyed at/ with sb about sth 因sth对sb感到恼怒
27 be anxious to do 急切的去做sth
28 appoint sb to do 指定sb去做sth
appoint sb as 指定sb为
29 have/ make an appointment with sb 和sb有预约
have/ make an appointment to do 预约去做sth
30 appreciate doing 感激做sth
31 the approach to sth/ sp sth/sp的方法/通道
32 approve of sth 同意sth
33 arm in arm 手挽手
take/ catch sb by the arm 抓住sb的手臂
34 under arrest 在拘留中
35 attend to 照料,关照
36 pay attention to 注意sth
37 attract sb to sth 把sb吸引到sth
38 sth be available to sb sb可以得到sth
39 avoid doing 避免做sth
40 be aware of 意识到,了解
41 (far) away from
abundant adj. 丰富的; 充裕的
abbreviation n.缩短,缩写
abide v.容忍,忍受
accomplish vt. 完成(某事物); 做成功; 实现
accord n. 一致;vt. 给予 (be in accord with)
accordance n. 一致 be in accordance with
accordingly adv. 相应地,因此
adept adj. 熟练的,内行的 n. 行家
be adept in/at
adhere to 粘着,附着;坚持,信守
aerial adj.空中的,航空的,空想的,空气的
affirm vt.断言,批准;证实
agitation n. 焦虑,鼓动,煽动
agreeable adj. 令人愉快的; 宜人的
agony n. 极度痛苦
alert adj. 警惕的,机敏的;vt. 使警觉,提醒
allowance n. 津贴,零用钱
alter v. 变化,改变,修改(服装)
ally n.盟国,支持者
alphabet n. 字母表,字母系统
ambiguous adj.含糊的,不明确的
ample adj.富足的,充足的
amplify vt. 放大,增强;扩大
anthropologist n. 人类学家
anchor n. 锚 vi.抛锚,停泊
anticipate vt. 预料,预期,期望
antique vt. 古董的,古老的 n. 古董
anonymous adj. 匿名的
arch n. 拱道; 拱门; 拱形牌坊 v. 使拱起
assault vt.&n. 突袭,突击,侵犯
apart adv. 相隔;分开;除去
apt adj.易于... be apt to do 易于做
apparatus n. 器械,仪器;器官
appetite n. 食欲,胃口;欲望
Arctic adj. 北极的,极寒的
Antarctic adj. 南极的
Atlantic adj. 大西洋的
array n.&v. 大量,数列;布置, 排列
appliance n. 用具,器具,器械
arbitrary a. 随心所欲的;专断的
arrow n. 箭;箭状物
assemble vt. 集合,召集;装配
associate vi. 交往 n.伙伴,同事
ascend v. 上升,登上,晋升
astronomer n. 天文学家
attain vt. 达到,获得,完成
attribute vt. 把…归因于 n.属性
aviation n. 航空,航空学
await vt. 等候,期待
arise arose arisen
awake awoke awoken