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    第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)




    1. When does the man often do some housework

    A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.

    2. What was the man working as in Africa

    A. A volunteer. B. A teacher. C. A headmaster.

    3. What is the woman probably doing

    A. Buying coffee beans. B. Selling something. C. Working on the farm.

    4. How does the man feel

    A. Tired.               B. Worried.    C. Happy.

    5. What will the man still look for

    A. The knives. B. The forks. C. The spoons.




    1. When did the speakers meet last time

    A. A day ago. B. Five years ago. C. Ten years ago.

    7.What is the purpose of the man’s visit

    A. To go on holiday. B. To see his family. C. To be on business.


    8.What is the probable relationship between the speakers

    A. Classmates. B. Sister and brother. C. Doctor and patient.

    9.How did the man hurt his arm

    A. When cutting wood. B. When lifting weights. C. When using a computer.

    10. What does the woman promise the man to do

    A. Keep his secret.           B. Take care of him. C. Tell the truth.


    11. In which century was the house built

    A. 19th. B. 20th. C. 21st.

    12. How many bedrooms does the house have

    A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

    13. What is the man’s main concern about the house

    A. Its age. B. Its size. C. Its location.


    14. When did the man first meet the bridegroom

    A. At work. B. At university. C. At the wedding.

    15. What is the woman doing in India

    A. Studying. B. Traveling. C. Working.

    16. Where is the woman from

    A. England. B. India. C. Japan.


    17. What did John probably buy

    A. A car. B. A television. C. A washing machine.

    18. How can John get his money back

    A. If the product was not used.

    B. If the product cannot be repaired.

    C. If he decides to buy another product.

    19. What discount code will John get

    A. 20%. B. 80%. C. 100%.

    20. What is the main purpose of the notice

    A. To keep John satisfied.

    B. To introduce a family business.

    C. To ask specialists for suggestions.

    第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

    第一节 (共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)



    Most people agree that eating healthy food is important. But sometimes making good food choices can be difficult. Now, here are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their health and their dining out experience.

    Open Table app

    Open Table app helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat. It is a free service that shows users restaurants available based on where and when they want to dine. It gives users points when they make reservations, which can add up to discounts on restaurant visits.

    Max McCalmans Cheese & Wine Pairing app

    Wine and cheese can be a great combination. But which wines go best with which cheesesMax McCalman’s Cheese &Wine Pairing app can help. It provides information about hundreds of different cheeses and suggests wines to pair with each. Max McCalmans Cheese & Wine Pairing

    app(MMCWP app)is free.

    Happy Cow app

    Vegetarians do not eat animal meat. Vegans do not eat any animal products. The Happy Cow app is made for both groups. Users can search for vegetarian-vegan restaurants and stores around the world.

    Local Eats app

    Restaurant chains, like McDonalds, can be found almost anywhere a person might travel. But sometimes travelers want to eat like locals. The Local Eats app is designed for that. It can help you find local restaurants in major cities in the US and in other countries. It costs about a dollar.

    Where Chefs Eat app

    “Where Chefs Eat”is a 975-page book. Most people would not want to carry that around. But there is a much lighter app version of the same name for just$15.Six hundred chefs provide information on 3,000 restaurants around the world on the Where Chefs Eat app.

    21. Which app seems especially useful for those on a diet

    A. Open Table.    B. MMCWP.  C. Happy Cow. D. Local Eats.

    22.What is special about Where Chefs Eat app

    A. It is free.                  B. It is complex.

    C. It is designed by chefs.      D. It is named after a book.

    23.What is the main purpose of the text

    A. To introduce some applications.     B. To share dining experience.

    C. To advertise restaurant chains.  D. To recommend healthy food.



    Yesterday, a salesman called me by phone, on behalf of a telecom company, to sell his phone plans. I was at work and I usually didn’t like telemarketing (电话销售), so I excused myself that I couldn’t talk yet and said he could call me back one hour later, at 6:00 pm.

    That’s what he did. So we talked for 15 minutes. He explained to me his different phone plans, which he stated to be better than my current one. While listening to him, sometimes I was lost in my thoughts and I gave several “hmm hmm” as a sign of agreement to convince him that I was still there. Sometimes, I felt a bit impatient, especially as he had difficulty in correctly talking in French. But I stayed calm and polite until the end of the discussion.

    At the end of the conversation, he revealed (袒露) the following to me: “Thank you, Linda. You are the first person in a long time with whom I had an enjoyable conversation. Usually, people shout at us, speak to us rudely, and treat us as thieves. Today, since 10:00 am, I hadn’t had a conversation without an offense. I know you had a long day at work and you could have relaxed in front of your TV. Instead, you listened carefully to me. I sincerely thank you. I wanted to tell it to you.”

    I thanked him for this revelation. I realized how much he could have been the subject of verbal violence, all through his working days. Unfortunately, the telephone enables the customers to have such aggressive behavior. Indeed, physical barriers do not exist in this situation and a kind of dehumanization (非人性化) seems to happen. I am also conscious that those people getting impatient could have been me. Yet, he was only doing his job and he shouldn’t have suffered from the violence.

    24. Why did the author let the salesman call back later

    A. She meant to refuse him at once.

    B. She showed interest in his phone plans.

    C. She hoped for more about telemarketing.

    D. She wanted to use the way to discourage him.

    25. How can we describe the author during the 15-minute talk

    A. Patient.              B. Careful.

    C. Kind of absent-minded.    D. Obviously impolite.

    26. What did the salesman intend to express in Paragraph 3

    A. His deep apology.                   B. His true appreciation.

    C. His anger at misunderstanding.         D. His sufferings in telemarketing.

    27. What does the underlined part “verbal violence” in Paragraph 4 refer to

    A. Unkind spoken words.              B. Physical barriers.

    C. Salesmen’s impatience.       D. Customers’ Humanization.


    Facing a pandemic (流行病) lockdown can make people feel worried. But nothing has represented this panicky behavior more than hoarding (囤积), specifically toilet paper.

    Seemingly beyond borders and cultures, people have been clearing supermarket shelves primarily for this necessity. But what’s the reason for this sudden toilet paper fixationSteven Taylor told the Independent that our toilet paper hoarding is a product of our strong dislike. During a pandemic, people’s sensitivity to dislike increases. “Dislike is like an alarm mechanism... and what better tool for getting rid of disliking material than toilet paper. I think this is how it became a conditioned symbol of safety.” he said.

    Niki Edwards of The Queensland University of Technology said, “When people hear about the virus, they are afraid of losing control. And toilet paper feels like a way to maintain control over cleanliness.”

    Another reason behind this toilet paper trend, according to the BBC, is the snowball effect. Due to its coverage, both in the news and social media, people naturally ask, “Will there be enough toilet paper for my family and me” This always leads to more people following the crowd and buying toilet paper because of their fear of missing out.

    “Fear is very catching. So when those sorts of things go about like viruses, when you see people around you buying things in a panicky way, it’s going to make you feel more anxious.” wrote American psychologist Baruch Fischhoff for CNBC.

    While there are, of course, selfish people who collect a large supply of toilet paper just because they can, it’s worth judging the importance of things correctly. Remember, just as countries are cooperating to find a vaccine(疫苗), we must cooperate to ensure that everyone has their share of necessities.

    28. Why do people buy toilet paper crazily during a pandemic lockdown

    A. They are in a panic.                 B. They are unhappy.

    C. They are short of toilet paper.          D. They are tired of cleanliness.

    29. What effect does the media have on the trend according to the BBC

    1. Warning.         B. Pushing.        C. Unknown.           D. Slight.

    30. What does the author want to say in the last paragraph

    A. We are lack of the basic necessities of life.

    B. We should be united against the pandemic.

    C. People are selfish to collect toilet paper. 

    D. Countries should share vaccines all the time.

    31. What can be the best title for the text

    A. Hoarding under the Pandemic   B. Being Afraid of Missing out

    C. Cleaning Supermarket Shelves   D. Strange Behavior Worldwide


    Tree planting used to be regarded as an effective means of controlling climate change. Perhaps it’s time for us to rethink this practice. Trees pull carbon dioxide or CO2 from the air. This effectively removes CO2 from the atmosphere, making trees an important part of the fight against climate change. But trees only hold onto carbon dioxide as long as they’re alive. Once they die, trees decay (腐烂) and release that CO2 back into the atmosphere.

    Recent studies have found that trees around the world are growing faster than ever. Rising atmospheric CO2is probably driving that rapid growth, said Roel Brienen. High levels of this gas are boosting temperatures, which in turn speeds tree growth in those areas, he added. The faster trees grow, the faster they store carbon. It seems like good news. However, it is known that fast-growing tree species, in general, live shorter lives than their slow-growing relatives.
        In order to see whether this is a universal phenomenon, Brienen and his colleagues analyzed over 210,000 individual tree ring records of 110 tree species from more than 70,000 sites worldwide. “By measuring tree rings’ widths one can tell how fast trees grew, while counting rings provides information on tree ages and allows making inferences about trees’ maximum lifespan (寿命).” Brienen explained.

    The team also created a computer program that modeled a forest. Early on, it showed that “the forest could hold more carbon as the trees grew faster”, Brienen reported. But after 20 years, these trees started dying and losing this extra carbon again. “We must understand that the only solution to bring down CO2 levels is to stop emitting (排放) it into the atmosphere,” said Brienen.

    32. What is the first paragraph mainly about

    A. Where carbon dioxide or CO2 is.

    B. Whether trees will be planted or not.

    C. Why the atmosphere can remove carbon dioxide.

    D. Why trees against climate change should be rethought.

    33. Why are trees growing faster than ever according to recent studies

    1. They give off and store lots of CO2.   B. They belong to fast-growing species.
    1. Rising atmosphericCO2may help them.   D. The surrounding trees may affect them.

    34. According to tree rings widths, we can know a trees _______.

    A. Age.            B. Height.             C. Growth speed.        D. Top lifespan.

    35. What might be talked about in the following paragraph

    A. Why the team founded the computer program.

    B. Why the faster trees grow, the longer they live.

    C. How to make the old trees live a little longer.

    D. How to deal with dying trees emitting their extra carbon.




    During the cool months from October to March, camel caravans (骆驼车队)arrive in the desert city of Timbuktu (廷巴克图)every few days. Led by Tuareg and Arab traders, the caravans have traveled from the salt minesof Taoudenni in Mali.    36   Long ago people in the deserts of Africa could not get it easily. Salt was so valuable that 1 ounce of salt was worth 1 ounce of gold.

    Nowadays, each salt caravan has from 60 to 300 Camels. Each Camel carries four to six bars of salt. The journey from the mines to Timbuktu takes 15 days.    37  

    At Taoudenni, salt is mined from ancient lake-beds that dried up millions of years ago. The mines lie deep below the Earth’s surface and are reached by tunnels. Large blocks of salt are dug out and then cut into small blocks above ground.    38   The local people of the Bella and Haratin groups do the work. However, their wages are so low that they are treated little better than slaves.

       39    Here the salt is sold and carried downriver to other parts of West Africa. So Timbuktu is an important meeting place for the desert travelers. It was also once a center of education, with schools and a university that drew scholars from all of the world.

    Trucks are taking the place of camels carrying salt. One truck can carry hundreds of bars of salt. And a truck can make the 900-mile roundtrip in about a week.    40  


    A. Mining salt is a very hard job.

    B. Traders are familiar with the mines there.

    C. Something bad happens to the camels on the way.

    D. The days of the camel caravans are coming to an end.

    E. It is a trade that has not changed in thousands of years.

    F. To avoid the hot sunthe caravans travel only at night.

    G. Timbuktu is near a river at the crossroad of three trade routes.

    第三部分语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

    第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

    A woman in a faded(褪色的)dress and her husband, dressed in an old suit, walked into the president’s office. The secretary could tell at once that such country people could have no  41  at Harvard University.“We want to see the president,” the man said 42 .“He’s busy,” the secretary answered.“We’ll43 ,” the woman replied. The secretary finally decided to

       44   the president.

    The president was 45 but agreed to see them. The woman told the president, “We had a son who 46 Harvard University for a year. He loved the university. But about a year ago, he was accidentally 47 . My husband and I would like to build a/an   48    to him, somewhere on campus.”

    The president wasn’t    49  he was shocked.“Madam,” he said, “We can’t   50    a statue (塑像)to every person who attended Harvard University and died . ”

    “Oh, no,” the woman explained  51  . “We don’t want to put up a statue. We thought we would like to 52 a building to Harvard University. ”

    The president rolled his eyes, 53 at the old dress and suit. Then he exclaimed (惊叹), “A building! Do you know how much a building 54  ? The cost of Harvard University’s buildings altogether is    55 7.5 million dollars.”

    The woman fell silent. Then she    56   to her husband and said quietly, “If that’s all it costs to start a university, why don’t we just start57 own?” Her husband nodded. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford got up and walked away,58  to Palo Alto, California where they established the university that bears their 59  —Stanford University, a memorial to a60 that Harvard University no longer cared about.

    41. A. business   B. interest         C. experience         D. advantage

    42. A. curiously      B. softly    C. strangely       D. rudely

    43. A. delay    B. wait    C. return           D. leave

    44. A. urge             B. help    C. disturb    D. replace

    45. A. anxious    B. pleased   C. excited   D. annoyed

    46. A. attended   B. desired         C. served       D. constructed

    47. A. abandoned        B. killed    C. injured         D. dismissed

    48. A. access    B. entrance        C. statue    D. memorial

    49. A. inspired          B. confused        C. touched.          D. attacked

    50. A. decorate         B. build    C. donate    D. devote

    51. A. quickly    B. proudly   C. angrily           D. shyly

    52. A. show            B. introduce        C. give               D. move

    53. A. looking    B. glaring          C. laughing           D. pointing 

    54. A. wastes    B. costs    C. sells              D. produces

    55. A. additionally      B. separately      C. over    D. below

    56. A. explained        B. responded       C. complained         D. turned

    57. A. his              B. their            C. your              D. our 

    58. A. apologizing   B. escaping   C. traveling   D. reporting

    59. A. name    B. investment         C. reputation        D. donation

    60. A. hero          B. graduate   C. volunteer   D. son




    第三部分语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)



    Once upon a time, there was an old man, nearly blind and deaf,    61   lived with his only son. When he was at table, he often dropped some food on the table. His son and daughter-in-law did not like this. So they made him sit in a corner behind the stove. There he     62   (give) an old bowl with a little food in it.

    One day his hands shook so much    63    he could not hold the bowl. It fell to the ground and broke to pieces. The daughter-in-law shouted at him 64 (angry), “What a careless old man you are!” His eyes were filled with    65   (tear), but he did not say anything. Then they

       66    (buy) a cheap wooden bowl and gave a little food in it.

    One day, 67  old man’s little grandson was sitting on the ground by him, trying to fit some pieces of wood together.

    “What are you making a wooden trough (凹槽) for?” asked the old man .

    “It is for Dad and Mum     68   (feed) from when I grow up,” answered the little boy.

    His parents’ jaws dropped. They felt very sorry and     69 (embarrass), and started to cry. Then they begged for a real 70   (forgive), saying to the old man “We are wrong. Please forgive us!”


    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

    第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分

    As a student, I always have to stay up lately to finish all my homework. I used to being angry about the pressure from school. One day, I said, “I went to bed at 12:00 pm at last night. Now I just want sleep.”And then my teacher answered, “I went to bed at 1:00 am every day.” After that, I didnt complain anymore, because I knew my teachers worked hard than me. I started to appreciate themselves. I also wrote a card to them to give my thanks. When get the card, they were all touched. Besides, I realized what powerful the sentence “Thank you” is. When we give our thanks to others, the world is full in love.

    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

    假定你是李华, 每周你们班的英语课上课前都有一个十分钟的个人演讲活动,你打算在下周英语课上讨论如何养成良好的生活习惯。请你用英语准备一篇演讲稿,要点包括

    1. 简述现象

    2. 如何养成良好的生活习惯

    3. 表达感受或期望



    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




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