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    专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编
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      专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编(原卷版).docx
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      专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编(解析版).docx
    专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编01
    专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编02
    专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编03
    专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编01
    专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编02
    专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编03
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    专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编

    这是一份专题05 阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编,文件包含专题05阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编解析版docx、专题05阅读理解应用文-2022年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Theatres and Entertainment
    St David’s Hall
    St David’s Hall is the award winning Natinal Cncert Hall f Wales standing at the very heart f Cardiff’s entertainment centre. With an impressive 2,000-seat cncert hall, St David’s Hall is hme t the annual Welsh Prms Cardiff. It presents live entertainment, including pp, rck, flk, jazz, musicals, dance, wrld music, films and classical music.
    The Hayes, Cardiff CF10 1AH
    The Glee Club
    Every weekend this is “Wales” premier cmedy club where having a great time is the rder fr bth audiences and cmedy stars alike. It is hard t name a cmedy star wh hasn’t been n the stage here. If yu are lking fr the best cmedies n tur and brilliant live music, yu shuld start here.
    Mermaid Quay, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF10 5BZ
    Sherman Cymru
    Sherman Cymru’s theatre in the Cathays area f Cardiff repened in February 2012. This special building is a place in which theatre is made and where children, artists, writers and anyne else have the pprtunity (机会) t d creative things. Sherman Cymru is excited t present a packed prgramme f the very best theatre, dance, family shws and music frm Wales and the rest f the wrld.
    Senghennydd Rad, Cardiff CF24 4YE
    New Theatre
    The New Theatre has been the hme f quality drama, musicals, dance and children’s shws fr mre than 100 years. Presenting the best f the West End alng with the pick f the UK’s turing shws, the New Theatre is Cardiff’s ldest surviving traditinal theatre. Be sure t pay a visit as part f yur stay in the city.
    Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3LN
    21. Where is the Welsh Prms Cardiff hsted?
    A. At the New Theatre.B. At the Glee Club.
    C. At Sherman Cymru.D. At St David’s Hall.
    22. What can peple d at the Glee Club?
    A. Watch musicals.B. Enjy cmedies.
    C. See family shws.D. D creative things.
    23. Which website can yu visit t learn abut Cardiff’s ldest surviving theatre?
    A. B.
    C. D.
    体裁: 应用文 主题:人与社会——艺术评析——剧院特色
    【字数】 275 + 56
    【语篇导读】 文章介绍了英国威尔士的首府加的夫市的四家剧院及其特色。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据文章“St David’s Hall”部分中的“St David’s Hall is hme t the annual Welsh Prms Cardiff (St David’s Hall是Cardiff一年一度的Welsh Prms的举办地)”可知,Cardiff的Welsh Prms活动在St David’s Hall举办。故选D。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据文章“The Glee Club”部分中的“If yu are lking fr the best cmedies n tur and brilliant live music, yu shuld start here (如果你正在寻找巡演中最好的喜剧和精彩的现场音乐,你应该从这里开始)”可知,人们可以在The Glee Club享受喜剧。故选B。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据文章“New Theatre”部分中的“The New Theatre has been the hme f quality drama, musicians, dance and children’s shws fr mre than 100 years (100多年来,New Theatre一直是优质戏剧、音乐家、舞蹈和儿童节目的发源地)”以及其下面的网站“”可知,可以在网站找到Cardiff存在最久的剧院。故选A。
    Henry Raeburn(1756-1823)
    The Exhibitin
    This exhibitin f sme sixty masterpieces celebrating the life and wrk f Sctland's best lved painter, Sir Henry Raeburn, cmes t Lndn. Selected frm cllectins thrughut the wrld, it is the first majr exhibitin f his wrk t be held in ver frty years.
    Lecture Series
    Scttish Natinal Prtrait(肖像画)Gallery presents a series f lectures fr the general public. They are held in the Lecture Rm. Admissin t lectures is free.
    Exhibitin Times
    Mnday-Saturday 10.00-17.45 Sunday 12.00-17.45
    Last admissin t the exhibitin: 17.15. There is n re-admissin.
    Clsed: 24-26 December and 1 January.
    £4. Children under 12 years accmpanied by an adult are admitted free.
    Schls and Clleges
    A special lw entrance charge f f2 per persn is available t all in full-time educatin, up t and including thse at first degree level, in rganised grups with teachers.
    21. What is the right time fr attending Raeburn's English Cntempraries?
    A. Sun. 26 Oct. B. Thurs. 30 Oct. C. Thurs. 6 Nv. D. Thurs.13 Nv.
    22. Hw much wuld a cuple with tw children under 12 pay fr admissin?
    A. £4. B. £8. C. £12. D. £16.
    23. Hw can full-time students get grup discunts?
    A. They shuld g n Sunday mrnings. B. They shuld cme frm art schls.
    C. They must be led by teachers. D. They must have ID cards with them.
    【语篇导读】 本文主要介绍了苏格兰最受人喜爱的画家亨利·雷本的作品展。
    21. B【解析】细节理解题。本题询问 What is the right time fr attending Raeburn's English Cntempraries? 什么时候去参观雷伯恩的《英国同时代人》最合适? 根据题干中的关键词Raeburn's English Cntempraries可找到第二段表格, 由 Thursday30 可知,在十月30号周四能看到 Raeburn's English Cntempraries,故选B。
    22. B【解析】细节理解题。本题询问Hw much wuld a cuple with tw children under 12 pay fr admissin? 一对带着两个12岁以下孩子的夫妇要付多少钱才能入场? 根据题干中的关键词 admissin 可还原到第四段小标题下面£4.Children under 12 years accmpanied by an adult are admitted free.,£4。 由成人陪同的12岁以下儿童免费入场可知,一对带着两个12岁以下孩子的夫妇要付8元,故选B。
    23. C【解析】细节理解题。本题询问Hw can full-time students get grup discunts?全日制学生如何获得团体折扣? 根据题干中的关键词full-time students可还原到最后一段“A special lw entrance charge f £2 per persn is available t all in full-time educatin, up t and including thse at first degree level, in rganized grups with teachers.” 所有接受全日制教育的学生,包括那些有老师组织的有学士学位的学生,每人都可以使用低至2英镑的入场费,故选C。
    3. (2022年全国高考新高考I卷)
    Grading Plicies fr Intrductin t Literature
    Grading Scale
    90-100, A; 80-89, B; 70-79, C; 60-69, D; Belw 60, E.
    Essays (60%)
    Yur fur majr essays will cmbine t frm the main part f the grade fr this curse: Essay 1 = 10%; Essay 2 = 15%; Essay 3 = 15%; Essay 4 = 20%.
    Grup Assignments (30%)
    Students will wrk in grups t cmplete fur assignments (作业) during the curse. All the assignments will be submitted by the assigned date thrugh Blackbard, ur nline learning and curse management system.
    Daily Wrk/In-Class Writings and Tests/Grup Wrk/Hmewrk (10%)
    Class activities will vary frm day t day, but students must be ready t cmplete shrt in-class writings r tests drawn directly frm assigned readings r ntes frm the previus class' lecture/discussin, s it is imprtant t take careful ntes during class. Additinally, frm time t time I will assign grup wrk t be cmpleted in class r shrt assignments t be cmpleted at hme, bth f which will be graded.
    Late Wrk
    An essay nt submitted in class n the due date will lse a letter grade fr each class perid it is late. If it is nt turned in by the 4th day after the due date, it will earn a zer. Daily assignments nt cmpleted during class will get a zer. Shrt writings missed as a result f an excused absence will be accepted.
    21. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A textbk.B. An exam paper.C. A curse plan.D. An academic article.
    22. Hw many parts is a student’s final grade made up f?
    A. Tw.B. Three.C. Fur.D. Five.
    23. What will happen if yu submit an essay ne week after the due date?
    A. Yu will receive a zer.B. Yu will lse a letter grade.
    C. Yu will be given a test.D. Yu will have t rewrite it.
    【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了文学概论课程评分方针。
    【答案】 C
    【解析】推理判断题。根据文章标题“Grading Plicies fr Intrductin t Literature (文学概论课程评分办法)”和Essays (60%)部分“Yur fur majr essays will cmbine t frm the main part f the grade f fr this curse (你的四篇主要文章将构成本课程评分的主要部分)”可知,文章介绍了文学概论课程评分办法,可得出本文是出自一个课程计划。故选C项。
    22. 【答案】B
    【解析】细节理解题。根据黑体小标题“Essays (60%)”、“Grup Assignments (30%)”和“Daily Wrk/In-Class Writings and Tests/Grups Wrk/Hmewrk (10%)”可知,学生的最终成绩由3部分组成。故选B项。
    【解析】推理判断题。根据“Late Wrk”部分“If it is nt turned in by the 4th day after the due date, it will earn a zer. (如果没有在截止日期后的第4天上交,将会得到零分)”可知,如果在截止日期后一周才交文章,你将会得零分。故选A项。
    Passage 1(2022·北京东城·模拟预测)
    Side hustles fr cllege students deliver spending mney while still ffering the flexibility that a full class schedule requires.
    Take class ntes
    One side hustle fr cllege students invlves taking ntes in class and selling them.
    Three sites — StudySup, NexusNtes and Stuvia — ffer attractive pay fr uplading and selling class ntes t ther students at yur university. Each has its wn pay frmula. But yu usually get a bnus when smene signs up t get access t yur ntes, plus a payment fr each set f ntes that sell. Students say they can earn $250 t $500 per class, per semester. Because this jb requires taking great class ntes, yu’re likely t d better in schl.
    Becme a tutr
    Many yunger students have fallen behind academically as they struggled with distance learning. That pens an pprtunity fr thse wh have mastered a subject, frm high schl algebra t Spanish, t teach that subject t thers. A number f tutring platfrms allw yu t sign up and tutr nline r in persn.
    Sme f the best: Wyzant, Varsity Tutrs, and, fr thse wh want t teach music, LessnFace.
    Be a survey taker
    The best ptin in this categry is a site called Prlific, which helps researchers find pre-screened survey participants. What makes this site better than mst is that it asks yu t answer qualifying questins — age, incme, family status, etc. — in advance. Then, the site sends yu nly the surveys that yu’re qualified t take. Yu’re given an estimate f the time it will require t take each survey and hw much it pays. Yu decide whether it’s wrth yur time.
    Charge scters
    Big campuses are ften littered with electric scters and bikes that can be unlcked and ridden arund campus. Riders can drp the scters just abut anywhere. S scter cmpanies, such as Bird and Lime, enlist “chargers” and “juicers” t pick them up, charge them vernight and return them t a designated area early the next mrning.
    If yu have a late class, there are tw benefits t signing up t charge. First, yu earn between $5 and $20 fr each scter yu return fully charged. Yu als get t ride the scters hme fr free, which isn’t a bad way t get back t yur drm.
    1.Which site allws ne t get paid by uplading their class ntes?
    2.What may make Charge scters attractive?
    A.It pays riders fr charging scters.
    B.It prvides mre benefits fr students.
    C.It ffers a means f free transprtatin.
    D.It helps slve litter prblem n campus.
    3.The passage mainly intrduces ________.
    A.methds t d better in schl
    B.jb ptins fr cllege students
    C.after-class activities fr students
    D.ways t meet a full class schedule
    【答案】1.D 2.A 3.B
    1.细节理解题。根据Take class ntes部分“Three sites — StudySup, NexusNtes and Stuvia — ffer attractive pay fr uplading and selling class ntes t ther students at yur university. (studsup、NexusNtes和Stuvia这三个网站为上传和出售课堂笔记给你所在大学的其他学生提供了诱人的报酬)”可知,四个选中只有StudySup允许通过上传课堂笔记来获得报酬。故选D项。
    2.细节理解题。根据Charge scters部分“If yu have a late class, there are tw benefits t signing up t charge. First, yu earn between $5 and $20 fr each scter yu return fully charged. Yu als get t ride the scters hme fr free, which isn’t a bad way t get back t yur drm.(如果你有晚课,报名充电有两个好处。首先,每还一辆充满电的小型摩托车,你就能赚5到20美元。你还可以免费骑摩托车回家,这是回宿舍的好方法)”可知,Charge scters吸引人的地方是它会给为小型摩托车充电的骑车人付钱。故选A项。
    3.主旨大意题。通过全文,并结合第一段“Side hustles fr cllege students deliver spending mney while still ffering the flexibility that a full class schedule requires.(适合大学生的兼职,既能得到零用钱,又能保证完整课程表所要求的灵活性)”可知,本文主要介绍了四份适合大学生的兼职。故选B项。
    Passage 2(2022·重庆一中模拟预测)
    Mnthly subscriptin (订阅) educatinal bxes fr students can be a great way t develp an interest in a particular subject. If yu want t learn smething at hme while having fun, yu can have educatinal bxes delivered mnthly straight t yur huse.
    Spangler Bxes
    The Spangler bxes feature a range f hands-n scientific experiments designed by Steve Spangler, a frmer TY hst f a ppular science educatin prgram n News fr Kids. Prjects fcus n STEM—science, technlgy, engineering, and math. Examples f prjects include explring lava(岩浆)science, the sund waves, and physical laws.
    Finders Seekers Bxes
    After receiving a Finders Seekers bx, yu’ll explre characters f a new city and culture every mnth while slving puzzles. Think f Finders Seekers as an escape rm challenge that takes place in yur living rm. Clues and nline research tls are available t help in case yu get stuck slving the mystery. Each puzzle takes apprximately tw t fur hurs t cmplete.
    Creatin Bxes
    Creatin teaches students electrnics, digital tips and high-level prblem-slving. Each bx teaches a lessn and is prgressively mre challenging. A sampling f the prjects includes a md lamp, an electrnic memry game, and a distance detectr using an ultrasnic sensr(超声传感器).
    Kiwi Ddle Bxes
    Kiwi Ddle Bxes are amng the mst ppular bxes n the market. They feature a variety f themes custmized t students aged frm 8 t 18. Ddle fcuses n art and design with prjects such as a felt succulent(肉质植物)garden, a faux(人造的)leather sample set, and handmade sap. Ddle prjects intrduce students t new crafting materials and techniques and al craft supplies are included in the bx.
    1.Which f the fllwing is included in Finders Seekers Bxes?
    A.Features f cities.B.Online instructins.
    C.Histrical mysteries.D.Escape rm challenges.
    2.Which bx will be suitable fr students f different ages?
    A.Creatin Bxes.B.Spangler Science Bxes.
    C.Kiwi Ddle Bxes.D.Finders Seekers Bxes.
    3.Where is the text mst likely frm?
    A.A research reprt.B.A scientific jurnal.
    C.A magazine fr kids.D.An engineering textbk.
    【答案】1.A 2.C 3.C
    1.细节理解题。根据Finders Seekers Bxes下的内容“After receiving a Finders Seekers bx, yu’ll explre characters f a new city and culture every mnth while slving puzzles.”(收到Finders-Seeders搜索框后,您将每月在解决谜题的同时探索新城市和新文化的人物。)可知,通过Finders Seekers Bxes可以了解城市。故选A项。
    2.细节理解题。根据Kiwi Ddle Bxes下的内容“They feature a variety f themes custmized t students aged frm 8 t 18.”(它们的特点是为8至18岁的学生定制了各种主题。)可知,Kiwi Ddle Bxes适合不同年龄的学生。故选C项。
    3.推理判断题。根据第一段“Mnthly subscriptin (订阅) educatinal bxes fr students can be a great way t develp an interest in a particular subject.”(每月为学生订阅教育盒子是培养学生对某一特定学科兴趣的好方法。)可知,文章最可能来源于儿童杂志。故选C项。
    Passage 3(2022·辽宁·大连市一0三中学模拟预测)
    If yur family lves t travel but yu wrry abut the envirnmental, scial and ecnmic effect, it’s time t take a mre sustainable apprach t yur trips.
    Wales packs many sustainable activities fr kids. Camp in ne f many green campsites arund Pembrkeshire, where children can have fun learning abut sustainable living. Or find an envirnmentally friendly campsite at The Greener Camping Club. Dn’t frget t factr in a spin n the wrld’s nly peple-pwered rllercaster in Snwdnia.
    Vlcán Tenri Area
    When yu think abut taking yur kids t Csta Rica, yu nrmally fcus n viewing its incredible wildlife. But what abut giving back t the human residents t? One way t supprt lcal cmmunities and understand the Tic culture is by staying n a farm, and there are lads f lvely ptins arund Vlcán Tenri.
    Explre the kid-friendly Austrian capital f Vienna, which ffers mre rganic farmland than any ther city and has bth “Green Taxis” and plenty f bike-share statins. The city has sme fantastic museums fr children and the splendid Schlss Schnbrunn where kids can dress up.
    San Francisc
    San Francisc is perfect fr a break that will bth delight the kids and satisfy yur sustainability principles. The city has banned plastic bags and bttles fr years. Plus, mst f the fun things t d with kids can be accessed withut using a car and many invlve green spaces.
    Head t the Explratrium: an incredible hands-n science museum in a slar-pwered building.
    1.Which destinatin best suits families that enjy camping?
    A.Wales.B.Vlcán Tenri Area.
    C.Austria.D.San Francisc.
    2.What advantage f Austria and San Francisc appeals t kids?
    3.In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?
    【答案】1.A 2.B 3.B
    1.细节理解题。根据Wales部分中“Camp in ne f many green campsites arund Pembrkeshire, where children can have fun learning abut sustainable living. Or find an envirnmentally friendly campsite at The Greener Camping Club.(在Pembrkeshire附近的一个绿色营地里露营,孩子们可以在那里愉快地学习可持续生活。或者在绿色露营俱乐部找到一个环保的露营地)”可知,威尔士适合喜欢露营的家庭。故选A项。
    2.细节理解题。根据Austria部分中“The city has sme fantastic museums fr children…(这个城市有一些非常棒的儿童博物馆……)”及San Francisc部分中“Head t the Explratrium: an incredible hands-n science museum in a slar-pwered building.(前往探索博物馆:一个在太阳能建筑中令人难以置信的动手科学博物馆)”可知,奥地利和旧金山吸引孩子的优势是博物馆。故选B项。
    3.推理判断题。根据文章内容,结合第一段“If yur family lves t travel but yu wrry abut the envirnmental, scial and ecnmic effect, it’s time t take a mre sustainable apprach t yur trips.(如果你的家人喜欢旅行,但你担心对环境、社会和经济的影响,是时候采取更可持续的方法来旅行了)”可知,文章介绍了几个绿色旅行目的地,应是出自报纸的旅行部分。故选B项。
    Passage (2022·山东·德州市教育科学研究院三模)
    Best Bks t Make Yur 2022 Happier, Brighter and Mre Creative
    T discver nature
    Tday’s urban living makes it easy fr us t feel divrced frm nature. Like s many thers, we are feeling the call f the wild. Urban Wild by Helen Rk is ut in February and full f psitive suggestins t help yu discver wildness n yur drstep. The mnth-by-mnth frmat is such a great tl fr discvery and will tell yu exactly what t lk ut fr each seasn. Melinda Salisbury’s The Way Back is a change n the traditinal mnthly almanac (历书) and a truly mdern guide back t natural rhythms, which is designed fr thse wh feel mst remved frm the ld ways and cycles.
    T g in fr sprts
    Finding an exercise that yu enjy—ne that yu want t stick t because it’s s much fun—is a surefire way t have yu bunding int the year. Take a strll with 52 Ways T Walk. Annabel Streets digs int the science and rmanticism f walking and explres the gd things that can happen with this ne small act. And the classic Running Like A Girl is still a hugely inspiring bk that will make yu want t pull yur sprts shes n befre yu’ve finished chapter tw.
    T find yur creativity
    Frm its tiniest details t its mst dramatic events, yur stry is a sacred gift. But hw d yu find and tell that stry? Nikesh Shukla’s new bk Yur Stry Matters is ut n March 17 and it’s full f writing inspiratin t help yu with yur wn stries. Julia Camern’s classic The Artist’s Way turns 30 this year. Her prgram fr creative recvery begins with the Mrning Pages, a daily writing ritual f three pages f stream-f-cnscius, and the Artist Date, a dedicated blck f time t nurture yur inner artist.
    1.What is special abut Urban Wild?
    A.It cmes ut every mnth.B.It shws traditinal life styles.
    C.It marks the start f each seasn.D.It prmtes nature in the city.
    2.Which bk will fire yur lve fr exercise?
    A.The Way Back.B.The Artist’s Way.
    C.Running Like A Girl.D.Yur Stry Matters.
    3.What is the Mrning Pages by Julia Camern?
    A.A creative writing task.B.A bk n her wn stry.
    C.A famus artistic wrk.D.A diary f classic writers.
    【答案】1.D 2.C 3.A
    1.细节理解题。根据T discver nature小标题下的“Urban Wild by Helen Rk is ut in February and full f psitive suggestins t help yu discver wildness n yur drstep. (海伦·鲁克的《都市荒野》将于2月出版,书中充满了帮助你发现家门口荒野的积极建议)”可知Urban Wild的特别之处在于告诉你在城市里发现自然美。故选D项。
    2.细节理解题。根据T g in fr sprts小标题下的“And the classic Running Like A Girl is still a hugely inspiring bk that will make yu want t pull yur sprts shes n befre yu’ve finished chapter tw.(经典的《像女孩一样跑步》仍然是一本非常鼓舞人心的书,它会让你在读完第二章之前就想穿上运动鞋)”可知Running Like A Girl这本书能激发你对运动的热爱。故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。根据T find yur creativity小标题下的“Her prgram fr creative recvery begins with the Mrning Pages, a daily writing ritual f three pages f stream-f-cnscius(她恢复创造力的计划从Mrning Pages开始,这是一种每天三页的意识流写作仪式)”可知Mrning Pages是一种创造性的写作任务。故选A项。
    Passage 5(2022·湖北·黄冈中学模拟预测)
    Graphic Nvel (漫画小说) Making Cntest 2022
    June 1-July 31, 2022
    All cmics fans, artists, and strytellers: Yu are invited t enter San Jse Public Library’s Graphic Nvel Making Cntest fr all ages.
    Submissin Guidelines
    ● Create yur wn graphic nvel with a maximum length f 8 pages.
    ● Each submissin must be the creative and riginal wrk f the submitting authr / illustratr.
    ● Cmputer generated images are acceptable as lng as they are yur riginal wrk.
    ● Entries are encuraged t be submitted digitally by emailing t graphicnvels@sjlibrary.rg (as a PNG, JPEG, r PDF attachment). Digital entries can be submitted n later than 11:59 pm n July 31, 2022.
    ● Entries can als be submitted t any perating San Jsé Public Library lcatin n later than the end f the business day n July 31, 2022.
    Age Grups and Prizes
    ● Children (0-9) & Pre-Teens (10-12): Gift and art supply baskets awarded fr first, secnd, and third place winners f each grup. Art supply puches (小袋子) fr tw hnrable mentin winners f each grup.
    ● Teens (13-17): First place $100; secnd place $75; third place $50. Art supply puches fr tw hnrable mentin winners.
    ● Adults (18+): First place $100; secnd place $75; third place $50. An art supply puch fr ne hnrable mentin winner.
    All cash prizes will be awarded as gift cards.
    Awards Ceremny
    Save the date fr ur virtual Awards Ceremny n August 28, 2022 at 2:00-4:00pm. At this awards ceremny, cntest winners will be annunced and guest speakers will ffer inspiratinal messages t cntest participants. Register t receive a videcnferencing invitatin.
    1.Which f the fllwing will result in disqualificatin?
    A.Submitting cmputer generated images.B.Emailing yur entry n July 30, 2022.
    C.Sending a graphic nvel f 10 pages.D.Mailing yur entry t San Jse Public Library.
    2.What will a 16-year-ld first prize winner get?
    A.$75 in cash.B.A $100 gift card.
    C.An art supply puch.D.A gift and art supply basket.
    3.What d we knw abut the Awards Ceremny?
    A.It will be held nline.B.It will take place n July 31, 2022.
    C.Winners will give speeches at it.D.Winners will get its invitatin in advance.
    【答案】1.C 2.B 3.A
    1.细节理解题。根据文章的第一个小标题Submissin Guidelines中的第一点“Create yur wn graphic nvel with a maximum length f 8 pages.( 创作自己的漫画小说,长度不超过8页。)”可知,参赛作品的最大长度限制是8页,所以一部长度为10页的漫画小说将会被取消资格。故选C项。
    2.细节理解题。由文章的第二个小标题Age Grups and Prizes中的第二点“Teens (13-17): First place $100; secnd place $75; third place $50. Art supply puches fr tw hnrable mentin winners.( 青少年(13-17岁):第一名100美元;第二名75美元;第三名50美元。两位荣誉获奖者将获得艺术用品袋。)”以及最后一句话“All cash prizes will be awarded as gift cards.( 所有现金奖励将以礼品卡形式发放。)”可知,一位16岁的第一名获奖者将会得到一张价值100美元的礼品卡。故选B项。
    3.细节理解题。由文章最后一个小标题Awards Ceremny中的“Save the date fr ur virtual Awards Ceremny n August 28, 2022 at 2:00-4:00pm.(请为我们于2022年8月28日下午2:00-4:00举行的虚拟颁奖典礼预留时间。)”和“Register t receive a videcnferencing invitatin.(请注册以接收视频会议邀请 )”可知,此次漫画小说竞赛的颁奖礼将在线上举行。故选A项。
    Passage 6(2022·江苏省泰州市教育局模拟预测)
    Brilliant Spring Breaks
    The bees are buzzing and flwers are blming. Take a lk at these destinatins and grab a relaxing getaway while making the mst f the UK cuntryside.
    Trefeddian Htel
    At the Trefeddian Htel yu can expect a warm welcme whether yu are bking a family hliday, r rmantic escape. Our beautifully lcated castal htel in Mid-Wales has smething fr everyne t enjy: all-arund sea views, miles f glden sandy beaches and a heated indr pl.
    St Mritz Htel & Garden Villas
    Escape t ur Miami inspired luxury htel r castal villas n the nrth Crnish cast. With ur Shrecrest restaurant serving seasnal dishes with ingredients surced frm Crnwall’s markets; Cwshed spa; indr and utdr pls; a bunch f lcal attractins and surrunded by the sea, St Mritz Htel is the place fr relaxatin and adventure.
    Greenwd Grange
    Welcme t a cllectin f 17 luxury, stne built, self-catering hliday cttages in Drset. There’s s much t ffer, whether it’s relaxing in yur wn private cttage (sme have ht baths), swimming in the indr pl, r playing the vlleyball n the seashre, we’ve gt it all—yu can even pick yur wn fruit r vegetables frm ur kitchen garden. Cntact us fr mre infrmatin.
    Skye Shepherd Huts
    Lking fr a hliday ffering peace and quiet? Chse Skye Shepherd Huts, with amazing wildlife, dnkeys and hens fr cmpany. Set in a lvely traditinal village by the sea, ideal fr walkers, bating nearby and eagle-sptting. Pet friendly. Cmfrtable with beautiful views, but electricity and ht water are nt ready fr use.
    1.Which destinatin best suits peple wh enjy cking?
    A.Trefeddian Htel.B.Skye Shepherd Huts.
    C.Greenwd Grange.D.St Mritz Htel & Garden Villas.
    2.What is the disadvantage f Skye Shepherd Huts?
    A.There is always bad smell.B.It nly admits pet wners.
    C.Vehicles are banned except bats.D.Ht shwers are nt accessible.
    3.What d the fur destinatins have in cmmn?
    A.Ocean views.B.Glden beaches.
    C.Seasnal dishes.D.Adventurus activities.
    【答案】1.C 2.D 3.A
    1.细节理解题。根据 “Greenwd Grange(绿林庄园)”标题下的“…yu can even pick yur wn fruit r vegetables frm ur kitchen garden (你甚至可以从我们的厨房花园里自己采摘水果或蔬菜)”可知,在绿林庄园,游客可以在厨房花园里自己采摘水果或蔬菜,是一个适合烹饪的目的地。因此,最适合喜欢烹饪的人的目的地是C项“Greenwd Grange.(绿林庄园)”符合题意,故选C项。
    2.细节理解题。根据 “Skye Shepherd Huts(斯凯牧羊人小屋)”标题下“Cmfrtable with beautiful views, but electricity and ht water are nt ready fr use. (美丽的景色让人感到舒适,但电和热水还没有准备好)”可知,斯凯牧羊人小屋虽然景色宜人,但是电和热水和还没有备好,无法使用热水沐浴。因此,斯凯牧羊人小屋小屋的缺点是D项“Ht shwers are nt accessible. (无法使用热水淋浴)”符合题意,故选D项。
    3.细节理解题。根据“Trefeddian Htel(特里菲迪亚酒店)”标题下的“…all-arund sea views, miles f glden sandy beaches and a heated indr pl. (……全方位的海景、数英里的金色沙滩和一个温暖的室内游泳池)”和“St Mritz Htel & Garden Villas(圣莫里茨花园别墅酒店)”标题下的“…a bunch f lcal attractins and surrunded by the sea… (……周围环绕着大海……)” 和“Greenwd Grange (绿林山庄)”标题下的“…r playing the vlleyball n the seashre… (……还是在海边打排球……)” 和 “Skye Shepherd Huts (斯凯牧羊人小屋)”标题下的“…Set in a lvely traditinal village by the sea… (……位于海边一个可爱的传统村庄……)”可知,这四个地方,共同的特点是都在海边,可以看到美丽的海边景色。因此,这四个目的地共同点是A项“Ocean views.(海景)”符合题意,故选A项。
    An Intrductin t Raeburn
    Sunday 26 Oct., 15.00
    Raeburn's English Cntempraries
    Thursday 30 Oct., 13.10
    Characters and Characterisatin in
    Raeburn's Prtraits
    Thursday 6 Nv., 13.10
    Raeburn and Artist's Training in the
    18th Century
    Thursday 13 Nv., 13.10

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