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    这是一份2022届辽宁省辽南协作校高三第三次模拟考试英语试题及答案,文件包含2022届辽宁省辽南协作校高三第三次模拟考试英语试题docx、三模英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力
    1.Hw much des the man have t pay?
    A.20 dllars.B.30 dllars.C.40 dllars.
    2.Where are the tw speakers?
    A.On a ship.B.On a train.C.On a plane.
    3.What des the man mean?
    A.He quite agreed with the wman.
    B.He enjyed the lecture the whle time.
    C.The lecture was mre than ne hur lng.
    4.Why des the wman like the range clr?
    A.Because she likes t eat ranges.
    B. Because she usually likes the clr.
    C.Because it means the cming f a new term.
    5.What are the speakers ding?
    A.Listening t the radi.
    B.Watching televisin.
    C.Lking at a new mvie ad in a magazine.
    6.Where is the Peple’s Park?
    A. At the third crssing.B. At the end f the rad. C. Oppsite a schl.
    Hw is the man ging there?
    A. On ft.B. By bus.C. By taxi.
    What' s the weather like?
    A. Sunny but cld.B. Cld and rainy.C. Warm and dry.
    What did the wman buy fr her cusin?
    A. A sweater.B. A scarf.C. A hat.
    Where des this cnversatin take place?
    A. On the phne.B. At schl.C. In the street.
    Why is the wman ging t brrw sme ld exam papers?
    A.She wants t lk thrugh them.
    B.Hers are missing.
    C.She wants t check them.
    12. When will the tw meet each ther?
    A. At 12: 30 pm.B. At 11: 30 am.C. At 11: 00 am.
    13.What's the man's majr nw?
    A. Htel management.B. French.C. Cmputer science.
    14.Why did the wman change her majr?
    A.Because she received a fur-year academic schlarship.
    B.Because she wanted t find a jb mre easily later.
    C.Because she wanted t majr in French at first.
    15.Hw des the wman pay fr cllege?
    A.With the mney frm her parents.
    B.With an academic schlarship.
    C.By ding a part-time jb.
    16.What can be learnt abut the man' s part-time jb?
    A.His fellw wrkers are friendly, but the pay is bad.
    B.He wrks three times a week at a campus.
    C.He wrks at a restaurant and is paid well.
    17.When did Mr Jnes jin the cmpany?
    A. Five years ag.B. Thirty years ag. C. Frty years ag.
    18.What was Mr Jnes , first prmtin?
    A.Office manager.
    B.Head driver.
    C.Vice president f peratins.
    19.Hw did Mr Jnes get his degree?
    A.By paying the fee himself.
    B.By wrking part-time.
    C.By taking night classes.
    20.What is the main pint f the talk?
    A.T welcme a new emplyee.
    B.T say gdbye t an ld c-wrker.
    C.T cngratulate Mr Jnes n his new career.
    6.Where is the Peple's Park?
    A.At the third crssing.B.At the end f the rad.C.Oppsite a schl.
    It is nw China that hlds the crwn f high-speed train capital f the wrld. Here are sme f ur picks fr the greatest high-speed rail jurneys.
    The Shangri-La Train
    Currently the lngest high-speed rail rute in the wrld and taking less than11 hurs t travel mre than 2700km n the quickest service, the Beijing t Kunming train is a truly epic high-speed train jurney. The train is named in hnr f ne f Yunnan's mst famus cities, mythical Shangri-La.
    The Panda Train
    Taking between 12 and 13 hurs t travel 1690km,this train zips alng frm an ancient Chinese capital t the panda capital f the wrld. In rute, the train passes thrugh Yichang. It's here that yu can stp ff fr a glimpse f the massive Three Grges Dam.
    The Silk Rad Train
    The first high-speed train t extend ut int China's vast western regins cnnects the 1776 kilmeters between Urumqi, capital f Xinjiang, and Lanzhu, capital f Gansu, in a little under 12 hurs. The train fllws the ancient Silk Rad via the twn f Turpan, gegraphically the lwest place in China at 154m belw sea level.
    The Island Train
    When it pened in 2015,this was the wrld's first circular high-speed rail-way line, whirling 650km arund suth China's trpical Hainan island, in abut five hurs, prviding passengers with wnderful views f the Suth China Sea and the best beaches.
    21.What d we knw abut The Shangri-La Train?
    A. It's named after a city f Yunnan.
    B.It has the rughest rute f the fur.
    C. It runs at a speed f 245km/h all the way.
    D.It travels alng the lngest railway in the wrld nw.
    22. All the trains listed belw run inland except
    A.The Shangri-La Train.B.The Panda Train.
    C.The Silk Rad Train.D.The Island Train.
    23.Wh may be interested in the text mst?
    A.An agentB.A travellerC.A driverD.A designer
    Mst peple chse t take it easy after they retire, but Wang Guilan,an ld lady frm Lianing Prvince, is definitely nt ne f them. She nly started running at the age f 50, as a way t keep in shape,but sn realized it was her passin. She ran her first marathn in 2004 and hasn't stpped since.Frm 2005 t 2017 she cmpleted the annual Beijing Marathn thirteen times,and this year she set a new recrd,becming the ldest persn t ever cmplete the 168-kilmeter marathn.
    S,hw des a 70-year-ld stay in gd-enugh shape t cmplete a marathn while many peple cannt? As a matter f fact,Wang runs at least 20 kilmeters every day frm Mnday t Saturday,and n Sunday she runs sme mre alngside the members f her lng-distance running club. She prefers running n muntain rads in her hmetwn, but in winter, when the weather desn' t allw it,she runs n rdinary rads.
    Wang is als a fan f muntaineering, and participated in the Internatinal Munt Taishan Climbing Festival,where she managed t rank 27th ut f thusands f participants. She nce participated in an extreme challenge, where she had t run 208 track laps while staying awake fr 48 hurs.
    Remarkably, Wang has suffered almst n injuries t her knees r ankles ver the years,which she attributes t her difficult childhd-that hardened bth her bdy and spirit. The nly serius prblem is the cataracts(白内障)affecting eyes,which is why she cmpleted sme f the marathns with the help f a headlamp.
    Wang is a firm believer that age is just a number, and plans t cntinue running marathns and enjying the sunset f her life as lng as her health allws.
    24.Why did Wang Guilan get dwn t running initially?
    A.Because she wanted t keep fit.
    B. Because she had a passin fr it.
    C.Because she decided t set a recrd.
    D.Because she desired fr a life full f challenge.
    25.Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Wang?
    A.Adventurus and intelligentB.Ambitius and generus
    C.Enthusiastic and determinedD.Diligent and mdest
    26. The underlined “attributes” in the furth paragraph can be replaced by
    27.What can be inferred abut Wang Guilan frm the last paragraph?
    A.She enjys admiring the sunset while running.
    B.Her plan t cntinue running will never be given up.
    C.She believes her age matters a lt if keeping running.
    D.Nthing but her physical cnditin can affect her running.
    Unimprtant thugh it may seem,sand is a critical ingredient f ur lives. It is the primary raw material mdern cities are made frm.The cncrete used t cnstruct shpping malls, ffices,and apartment blcks,alng with the material we use t build rads cnnecting them, are largely just sand gravel glued tgether. The glass in every windw and smartphne screen is made f melted-dwn sand. And even the silicn chips inside ur phnes and cmputers--alng with almst every ther piece f electrnic equipment in yur hme-are made frm sand.
    And what is the prblem with that? Our planet is cvered with it. Huge deserts frm the Sahara t Arizna have numerus dunes(沙丘) f the stuff. Beaches f castlines arund the wrld are lined with sand. But believe it r nt,the wrld is facing a shrtage f sand. Hw can we pssibly be running lw n a substance that seems essentially limitless?
    ,Sand,hwever, is the mst-cnsumed natural resurce n the planet besides water.Peple use sme 50 billin tns f aggregate-the industry term fr sand and gravel, which tend t be fund tgether- every year. That's mre than enugh t blanket the entire United Kingdm.The prblem lies in the type f sand we are using.Desert sand is largely useless t us.The verwhelming mass f the sand we harvest ges t make cncrete,and fr that purpse,desert sand grains are the wrng frm.Shaped by wind rather than water,they are t smth and rund t lck tgether t frm stable cncrete.
    The sand we need is the mre angular(棱角分明的) stuff fund in the beds f rivers,lakes and the seashre. The demand fr that material is s great that arund the wrld,riverbeds and beaches are being laid bare,and farmlands and frests are trn up t get the precius grains.
    28. What's the main idea f the first paragraph?
    A.Sand must be melted dwn befre making glass.
    B.Cncrete is the primary material in making a city.
    C.Electrnic equipment may nt wrk withut sand.
    D.The value f sand may g beynd ur imaginatin.
    29.Why is the UK mentined in the third paragraph?
    A.T suggest it is rich in prducing sand.
    B.T warn us that sand is ver used in it.
    C.T stress sand is used t much every year.
    D.T shw sand is imprtant in ur daily life.
    30.What determines the usefulness f sand in making cncrete?
    A.ShapeB.WeightC.Ingredient D.Size
    31.What is the writer's attitude twards sand using?
    A.CncernedB.SubjectiveC.Indifferent D.Favurable
    The past 12 mnths wn't be remembered fndly because f the pandemic. Fr the highly skilled team f pharmacists(药剂师) at Bts, life in a custmer-facing rle has brught new challenges.But all have reacted wnderfully t meet the needs f custmers.
    Bts' pharmacist Lisa has played her part in Bts' latest series campaign t increase awareness f the range f services it ffers t custmers. “Besides visiting Bts fr advice frm yur lcal pharmacist we als ffer the Electrnic Prescriptin Service (EPS),Prescriptin Delivery Service(PDS) fr nminated(指定的)cllectin frm ur pharmacies,and selected stres ffer late-night pening hurs.”
    The EPS has been a game-changer fr many peple, enabling them t access their prescribed medicatin frm a pharmacy f their chice in England nly. At the tuch f a keybard,yur dctr can hand ver yur prescriptin t yur nminated pharmacy within England.
    Bts als ffers a Prescriptin Text Message Service (PTMS),which means they can send yu a live update text when yur prescriptin is ready fr cllectin, saving yu frm a wasted jurney and hanging arund in the stre.Cnvenience and accessibility are at the heart f the Bts philsphy.Selected Bts pharmacies are pen until midnight, Mnday t Saturday (with sme pening n Sundays).
    Fr custmers wh are unable t travel t a pharmacy,PDS is available acrss the UK.Yur clsest lcal Bts will be happy t sign yu up fr hme delivery. The cst is & 5 fr each delivery, r fr just £55 a year,yu can receive unlimited prescriptin deliveries. As an alternative t the PDS,custmers may prefer t nminate a trusted persn t cllect their medicatin n their behalf.
    Pharmacy teams can ffer expert advice and varius health services, many f which culd save yu a visit t yur dctr r help yu make healthy lifestyle chices.
    32.Which f the fllwing service des Bts nt ffer?
    A.Face-t-face service.B.Rund-the-clck service.
    C.Prescriptin delivery service.D.Electrnic prescriptin service.
    33.What cnvenience des the PTMS prvide?
    A.It updates Bts' latest news.
    B.It avids custmers' in-stre cllectin.
    C.It reduces custmer's shp visiting time.
    D. It saves pharmacists getting prescriptins ready.
    34.Hw can custmers use the PDS?
    A. By bking a whle year's hme delivery.
    B. By seeking Pharmacists' advice unlimitedly.
    C. By getting free hme delivery after signing up.
    D. By nminating a persn t deliver their medicatin.
    35.Which can be the best title f the text?
    A.A campaign Bts has carried ut.
    B.Respnses Bts has made t the pandemic.
    C.Services Bts has prvided beynd the UK.
    D.Cnvenience Bts has brught t the custmers.
    I grew up like every ther teenager f the 80' and 90'--watching MTV. One day,I decided I was als ging t becme a rck star and perfrm n MTV. Then I set ff t wrk t make that dream cme true,but I fund that ding my wn thing was a cmpletely different ball game.36
    Fr the first time,I started t listen t things I'd never listened t befre,like the drums. 37 Fr the first time I started t really appreciate the pwer f the bass guitar, and the huge part it played in music. Hw was it pssible that I'd never really heard it befre? I started t pay attentin t what all the different instruments were ding and it blew my mind.
    38_ It was richer and mre fascinating, and I started t appreciate it s much mre than I had ever befre.I fund that becming a creatr, rather than a cnsumer, turned me frm a receiver int a prducer.39_ I started t cllect stries,mments,feelings,qutes,and jkes.Eventually, I did reach my dream f being n MTV.
    Music taught me a lt abut being a creatr. The wrld is s full f stuff that it's easy t sit back and just cnsume it. _40_It quickly makes yu aware f yur shrtcmings and yur lack f knwledge.Yet,mving frm a cnsumer t a creatr in every area f life will pen yur eyes and yur senses t s many fascinating things.
    A.Hwever,creating is hard.
    B.I became curius abut life.
    C.I became an active hunter-gatherer f ideas.
    D.Music pened up t me n a whle new level.
    E.The beat and the sunds even made me dance.
    F. Yu'll transfrm frm a cnsumer t a creatr sme day.
    G. This required a whle new way f thinking, seeing and listening.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It was a very ht day in late summer. I was wrking in a lcal wd factry. It was dangerus, back-breaking wrk that paid very 41.In the year I had wrked there, nly fur ther peple hadn't quit and been42 with new faces,fr there was n ther wrk fr them t find t 43_ur families.
    On this day the 44 weren't wrking and all f us were cvered in sweat and sawdust. When I lked arund,every face I saw lked angry and45,Abruptly,a vice called ut,“ Hey!
    There is a(n)46 in here.” A lst little deer wandered thrugh the pen lading bay drs, cwering(蜷缩)in between the huge stacks f wd.All f us stpped t seek frheras she47 lking fr a way ut.
    Nw mst peple here hunt deer fr meat in the fall,but als treat them with great48 during the rest f winter mnths. Therefre,all f us were sn 49 wrking tgether t free this litle deer.By 50_ ff all the ther rutes we were able t guide her and 51 her back t the pen dr.
    We watched as she52_ut f the building and back int the wds.Then we walked back in t 53.I nticed smething,thugh.On every face there was a 54 smile.It was as if this ne single act f kindness had energized us again and_55_us f what life is all abut.
    utB.ran abutC.held up D.hid away
    Believe it r nt, challenging sme f yur limits, which yu have never tried,56(help) yu change fr the better. When meeting with difficulties r new things, dn't step back. Rather, figure ut 57 yu are frightened f and d it_58_(cntinuus).
    If yu are a salesman, afraid f talking t peple persnally r ver the phne, nw, instead f 59_(feel)scared and cncerned abut yur failure, spend at least five minutes a day t pick up the phne and make a call. Althugh smene may hang up n yu, dn't stp n 60 first try! Eventually, yu can lk at fear in the eyes, saying, “G n, and I am nt scared!” Yur cnfidence will increase significantly in this way.
    Recent 61(survey) shw that starting with a hbby als encurages us t face challenges, like cking, sewing, gardening, painting and s n. Whatever it is,62(believe) it is a gd chance t try new things. And these hbbies may als give yu sme extra incme, if 63(carry) ut well.
    67 is n denying that many ther ways can als help yu accept challenges, like setting aside fixed time t exercise and travelling with friends r alne. All in all, Challenging yurself can make yu_65_(brave) and adapt t sciety better,
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    As lng as I can remember, it is mre than 5 years since Dad left us,whm we missed very much. And what we are suppsed t d nw is accmpany Mum very well,caring fr her as much as pssible.Mum cherishes'everything frm Dad,especially the thing that gives her a beautiful memry.
    Yesterday, after telling my brther Rhys, and me t stp playing like wild animals, Mum went t take a bath. We were having a pillw fight when suddenly ne hit a vase. Mum heard the lud crash. Wasting n time,she went wiping int the rm. I was sure that she was ging t shut at us, but instead she just knelt by the pieces and began t cry.
    This made Rhys and me feel pretty awful. We went ver and put ur arms arund her,and she explained t us why she was s upset. In the pieces lay a brken glass rse,ne pedal(花瓣)gne, which was given by Dad n their first wedding and anniversary. Dad had said that if he ever frgt t bring flwers hme fr an anniversary in the future. Mum was t lk at that ne. It was like their lve:it wuld last a lifetime.
    We began crying, and ffered t glue it. But Mum said that wuldn't really fix.Nw that it had been brken,the value f the “limited editin” had reduced. As Mum slwly began t pick up the mess,we tried everything we culd think f t cheer her up, but even ur best funny faces didn't wrk.Everything was picked up.Tears kept cming dwn her cheeks.
    Paragraph 1:
    Seeing Mum ging back t the bath, I stpped her.
    Paragraph 2:
    Mum hugged me very tightly and finally smiled.
    An unfrgettable activity

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    2023届辽宁省农村重点高中协作校高三第三次模拟考试英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023届辽宁省农村重点高中协作校高三第三次模拟考试英语试题(含答案),共16页。试卷主要包含了短对话,长对话,短文,阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,用单词的适当形式完成短文,邀请信等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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