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    试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)。第I18页,第II9 10页。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。




    1. 答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题纸上。

    2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。


    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




    例:How much is the shirt?

    A.£ 19.15. B. £9.15. c. £9.18.


    1. What probably is the man?

    A. A teacher.      B. A reporter.    C. A student.

    2. What are the speakers talking about?

    A. The road condition.    B. The traffic sign.   C. The drivers.

    3. How does the man find Maria Sophia?

    A. Unreliable.     B. Impolite.     C. Inactive. 

    4Why did Pierce eat so much at the part?

    A. He liked the food very much.

    B. lie didn't eat enough recently.

    C. He had no money to buy food.

    5. Where does the conversation probably take place?

    A. At the airport  B. At the railway station.  C. At the bus stop.


    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听 完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


    6. What tickets will the man buy?

    A. Two round tickets.

    B. Two one-way tickets.

    C. A one-w ay ticket and a round ticket.

    7. When does the woman suggest getting to the airport?

    A. At 3:30 p.m.   B. At 2:40   C. At 1:30 p.m.


    8. What does the woman hurry to do?

    A. Go to work.   B. pick up James.     C. Repair the engine.

    9. Where will the speakers meet?

    A. At the office.   B. Near Sarah's apartment.   C. In James's garage.

    10. What will the man do most probably when he arrives?

    A. Find a repairman.  B. Consult his father.    C. Cheek the car.


    11. How did the woman know about the health club?

    A. By hearing from a client.

    B. By seeing ads on the website.

    C. By receiving a membership card.

    12. What does the man think of playing golf?

    A. Boring.   B. Interesting.   C. Difficult.

    13. How many days do the speakers jog each week?

    A. Three days.   B. Five days.    C. Six days. 


    14. Where did the speakers probably go just now?

    A. A store.    B. A museum.  C. A university.

    15. Why does the man refuse to go to the first restaurant?

    A. It's very noisy.   B. It's too far.   C. It's so expensive.

    16. How much will the speakers pay finally?

    A. £10.    B.£16.    C.£18.


    17. What will the speaker do tomorrow?

     A. Find a new house.  B. Call the postman.  C. Look after her mother.

    18. How often is Jim required to clean the house?

    A. Every Tuesday.   B. Every two days.  C. Every day.

    19. What will Jim do every day?

    A. Send Kitty to see a doctor.

    B. Play with Kitty for 15 minutes.

    C. Brush Kitty's hair with a comb.

    20. Why does the speaker remind to close all windows and doors?

    A. To avoid Kitty going out.

    B. To prevent Kitty from getting sick.

    C. To make Jim feel warm in the house.






    The first thing my wife, Peg, said when I retired was “Good news! Now you'll have time to clean the garage!” Not exactly good news — it was the one task I'd been putting off. Inside the garage had been gaps so big you could see all the way down to the ground and all the junk that had piled up since I'd started my job.

    I'd earned a job as a news director, a position where I could use my skills. I threw my whole into it and put aside all the family trifles. I'd even worked my way up to head of the office. And after 30 years' service, I knew it was lime to retire. But after decades of long hours and strict deadlines, now what? 

    This dusty garage didn't seem like much compared to the marble halls of the office building. Sure, I would have more time to spend with my family, but I worried I'd lose the sense of purpose and identity I had felt in my job.

    I picked my way past coolers, snow shovels and folded canvas. Here I was puttering (磨 蹭), of all things. I pulled on work gloves, then removed a box of motor oil out of the way, intending to empty some shelves when my hand hit something hard. What could that be?

    “Just a dusty tin of seeds.” I sighed. “Huh, maybe older than me.”

    I grabbed a plastic tray and pushed them into the soil. “What are my chances?” I asked an experienced gardener. “Not very good,” he said. I told Peg with a sigh, wanting to get rid of the tray, but something made me hesitate.

    One morning, a sprig of green accidentally came into my view. Was it just grass? A weed? Or could it be...? I found myself checking first thing every morning, until one day I saw leaves unfurled. I proudly showed off the broad, healthy leaves to Peg and our grandchildren. UI just feel it even something this old can still come up. Pretty cool, right? Just like your papa!”

    21. Why did the author put off cleaning the garage?

    A. The garage was not in use.    B. He was lazy with cleaning.

    C. The garage was full of wastes.   D. He was occupied in his work.

    22. How did the author feel about his retirement at first?

    A. He felt a sense of loss.     B. He was worried about housework.

    C. He felt freed from burdens.    D. He was hopeful about the future life.

    23. What does the underlined word "something" in paragraph 6 mean?

    A. The experience of planting seeds.

    B. The ability to take care of the seeds.

    C. The words from the gardener about chances.

    D. The expectation for the coming up of the seeds.


    It's an attractive idea: By playing online problem-solving, matching and other games for a few minutes a day, people can improve such mental abilities as reasoning, verbal skills and memory. But whether these brain training games deliver on those promises is up for debate.

    A research team gathered more than eight thousand volunteers globally after collecting their submission of an online questionnaire about their training habits and which, if any, programs they used. Some one thousand participants reported using brain training programs for about eight months, on average, though durations ranged from two weeks to more than five years. Next, the volunteers completed 12 cognitive (认知) tests assessing their mental abilities. They faced specially designed memory exercises, such as menially rotating objects, pattern- finding puzzles and strategy challenges.

    When looking at the results, researchers saw that brain (miners on average had no mental edge. Even among the most dedicated, who had used training programs for at least 18 months, brain training didn’t boost thinking abilities above (the level of people who didn't use the programs. Participants who had trained lor less than a month, also performed on par with people who didn't train at all.

    “No matter how we sliced the data, we were unable to Inui any evidence that brain training games were connected with cognitive abilities,” says leader of the team. That held true whether the team analyzed participants by age. program used, education or socioeconomic status - all were cognitively similar to the group who didn't use the programs, suggesting that brain training games don't live up to its name. Accordingly, the study advocates no more time sitting at a computer and doing little tasks.

    24. How does the author introduce the topic?

    A. By questioning an idea.    B. By having a debate.

    C. By explaining an example.   D. By making a comparison.

    25. What can be learned about the brain training games from the research result?

    A. They cost time to play well.     B. They improve mental abilities.

    C. They aren't as helpful as imagined.   D. They aren't so popular as before.

    29. Why do the researchers analyze the data from different angles?

    A. To engage more participants.     B. To farther confirm the research result.

    C. To test the limitation of the research.   D. To provide evidence for the association.


    On June 7, 1195, a fiery spinning ball emerged from a dark cloud in the sunny sky close to the London city. An account of this extraordinary moment survives in a chronicle (编年史) between about 1180 and 1199 by Gervase. It would appear that this is the first credible record of ball lightning in England, and much more convincing than the earliest European description, which was believed to be from the 17th century.

    Historians discovered the account of what appears to be ball lightning while exploring Gervase’s records of natural events in his chronicle, a treasure of historical details giving insights into medieval culture. They dug through hundreds of pages in Latin and came across this sighting. Gervase’s records of natural events appear within the historical narrative, often with no opening statement, and the account of ball lightning is sandwiched between the events of the changing of kings at that time.

    No attempt is made to explain the marvellous sign in the sky seen near London. Readers are left to draw their own conclusions. But Gervase appears to have been a sharp-eyed observer and reporter of celestial (天空的)activity. His fanciful description of ball lightning is remarkably similar to modem reports.

    Fora long time, ball lightning was regarded with skepticism. Although it is now generally accepted as a genuine phenomenon with thousands of reported sightings, there is still no accepted scientific explanation of its origin. Understanding the phenomenon has been blocked by an inability to reproduce the effect convincingly in the lab and partly because of the variations in eyewitness reports. Whatever the case, centuries later, Gervase's record makes stimulating reading for modem scientists as well as historians.

    27. What's special about the account of ball lightning by Gervase?

    A. It's the most confusing version.    B. It's written in different languages.

    C. Ifs the earliest acknowledged record.   D. It5s the only copy from the 17th Century.

    28. Historians spotted Gervase's account of ball lightning _____.

    A. with ease  B. as planned   C. at the Start   D. by accident

    29. It's difficult to explain the origin of ball lightning mainly because of ______.

    A. no qualified scientists   C. no accurate reproductions

    C. few eyewitnesses reports   D. little support from historians

    33. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

    A. Scientists Search for Explanations for Ball Lightning

    B. Gervase Was Found as The Eyewitness of Ball Lightning

    C. Account of First Ball Lightning Sighting Was Uncovered

    D. Historians Gain a Breakthrough in a Natural Phenomenon




    Why Are Tigers Orange?

    The colors of an animal serve lots of different purposes for instance, to help them hide into surroundings and escape from being noticed by preys (猎物). For tigers, their ability to be invisible will just decide whether they catch dinner or go hungry.       31

    As for humans, orange is a color used for items that need to stand out, like traffic lights and safety vests. That's because we have what's called trichromatic color vision, which differentiate three types of color: blue, green and red. 32      .  But most other mammals, including dogs, horses and deer, have dichromatic (二色的)color vision for only two colors: blue and green. Humans who get information only of blue and green arc considered color-blind, and can't distinguish between red and green colors.         33

    Mammals like deer arc the tiger's main prey, and their dichromatic vision means they don't see tigers as orange — they see them as green. That makes the tiger much harder to spot as it's prowling behind a bush or crouching in the grass. Although green ligers would probably be even harder to spot, evolution (进化)just doesn't work with the ingredients necessary to make green fur. 34       The only recognizably green mammal is a sloth, and its fur isn't green in fact. Thats an alga that grows in its fur.

    35        There seems to be no evolutionary pressure, particularly for deer, which arc the main prey of the tiger, to become trichromatic. That's probably because the tiger doesn't know it's orange either. So, the evolutionary race really doesn't exist for that color. It's just that the tiger has evolved over the sweep of evolution to have a coloring, a hiding system, which protects it very well in its jungle setting.

    A. Actually, there are no green furry animals.

    B. Orange fur makes tigers relatively easy to spot.

    C. The same is likely true for dichromatic animals.

    D. Then, why don't deer evolve the ability to see orange?

    E. So, of all the colors they could be, why are tigers orange?

    F. Colors of humans, eyes are quite similar to many other mammals’.

    G. We share this style of vision with some mammals like apes and certain monkeys.





    The engineer's motto is: "Keep it simple and serious.” But Dr. Arnold, though the fifth woman engineer in history to win the Nobel Prize, is somewhat 36       . She always seems to meet something unexpected or have the talent to make things 37       .

    Here's a picture of a beaming President Obama, 38        her for winning the National Medal. That should have been a moment of 39      . But you can never imagine what happened to her. The minibus that 40         the medal receivers should catch fire at the White House door. The bus filled with smoke, passengers within were gasping and crying and staggering toward the 41          the younger ones carrying the older onesand all were greeted by a team of Secret Service agents, 42       aimed at the medalists heads. They were amusingly 43          as terrorists. What a joke!

    Another 44        story! When Dr. Arnold and her little son, landed in London, the border agent asked what brought them to the UK. Feeling very proud and hot-stuff, Dr. Arnold 45         she was going to a reception to meet the Queen. She then 46          shot her mouth off about her next award ceremony at the palace in Italy. The agent skeptically 47         her slightly disheveled (凌乱的)clothes and demanded the invitation letter. But she said it was in her suitcase. Without more 48     she, along with her son, was grabbed to the detention room (拘留室). They spent the next two and a half hours there 49           their story was verified (证实), and 50         made it to meet the Queen. Once again, the should-be 51           engineer was mistaken. Afterwards, she 52      , We should have been simple, sensed the environment and then respond." Her son replied, “Mom, next time why don't you keep your mouth 53       .

    See what the engineer has 54  ! Yes, indeed we can never tell one's experiences from their 55         .                            

    36. A. different B. popular C. ordinary D. difficult

    37. A. back to normal B. off course C. to the point D. beyond perfection

    38. A. instructing B. calling C. thanking D. congratulating

    39. A. shame B. honor C. relief D. fear

    40. A. delivered B. guided C. separated D. sheltered

    41. A. agency B. exit C. bus D. house

    42. A. guns B. fingers  C. sticks D. arrows

    43. A. awarded B. rescued C. mistaken D. teased

    44. A. familiar B. great C. frightening D. fun

    45. A. pretended B. agreed C. announced D. proved

    46. A. still B. only C. thus D. even

    47. A. touched B. cleaned C. eyed D. removed

    48. A. inquiry B. request C. greeting D. comfort

    49. A. or B. before C. once D. if

    50. A. gradually B. suddenly C. surely D. barely

    51. A. serious B. talkative C. careless D. dishonest

    52. A. doubted  B. regretted  C. insisted D. argued

    53. A. wide B. sweet C. shut D. open

    54. A. looked into  B. showed off  C. gone through  D. played with

    55. A. talents B. appearances C. stories D. professions




    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45)



    It might be surprising to know that ice-skating has appeared in the ancient limes. Believe it or not, it 56                (be) once a warriors (战士的)art with ice skates. The sport was then called bingxi, and it was practiced because Manchu men needed to master the skill of moving 350 kilometers in a single day 57     (reach) their enemies.

    When the Manchu men moved from the north to the capital city of Beijing 58       came to power in the Qing Dynasty, ice-skating became 59      traditional sport. Every winter, there were 200 proficient ice-skaters 60        (select) to perform on the frozen royal lake.

    Ice-skaters during those times wore knee pads, and they secured their shoes with leather. Their shoes 61        (fit) with single iron blades for speed, and double blades for security. There were also 62         (compete) for figure skating, ice acrobatics (杂技)and speed skating 63       were held for the benefit of the royal family.

    China being one of the oldest and longest 64        (last) civilizations in the history of the world, the ancient Chinese were also involved 65      different sports. And most of their popular sports are still being played up to the present time.




    假定你是校学生会主席李华,邀请了即将来访的新西兰学生交流团参加你校成人礼。请给领队Mrs. Evans再写一份电子邮件,附上活动具体安排(附件)。你的邮件正文内容包括:

    1. 成人礼大致安排;

    2. 希望读完附件,提出建议;

    3. 期盼到来。


    1. 词数80左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


    成人礼 the coming-of-age ceremony;附件 attachment 




    It was a cold yet sunny Saturday morning in February. Dad's New Year's resolution had been to get fit. Mum pushed him out of bed and told him to go jogging by the river. Later, after a nice lie-in. she went downstairs in her dressing gown and found the kids watching TV. She turned it off and said she was going to do something really special for Dad's birthday. If they overheard anything, just promised to keep it secret.

    Jenny looked at Mum with a puzzled expression on her forehead and promised they wouldn’t say anything whatever happened. Bui Jenny reminded Dad's birthday was in June and it might be a little too early to get all steamed up about it.

    Silent for a moment. Mum said she was not getting everything ready but just wanted to spare enough time for preparation as this year it's a bigger deal than usual. Dad was going to be 50.

    “50! Gosh, that's half a century," spluttered Gerry. “I knew he was old, but I didn't realize he was ancient!”

    Indeed, that was why Mum started planning; a special party for him. Mum talked with grandma about the plan because her house was the only one in the family that is spacious enough for all friends and relatives. Grandma quite agreed and also started preparing.

    "But you know how Dad feels guilty to bother others. You've got to admit,” reminded Jenny. Thinking over the special occasion, Mum was continuing with her secret when one evening, Dad was sitting at the dinner table and he suddenly slapped his forehead, UI just realized that I am going to be 50 in June. Let's just quietly forget about it. I want to mourn (哀 悼)the passing of my youth in private."

    “Oh, come on Dad, don't be such a spoil-sport!” begged the kids, hoping to give mum a hand.

    Realizing no more chance to hide the secret, Mum carefully worded her thought and shared her plan of having a little party at grandma's house. Dad was stunned (震惊的)to no reply.


    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

    Paragraph 1:

    Frustrated, Mum made a call to grandma.


    Paragraph 2:

    They got everything ready as planned when June finally came.











    1-5 ABABC   6-10CCABC   11-15 CABAB 16-20 CCABB




    2 l-25 DADAC   26-30 BCDBC



    31-35 EGCAD





    36-40 ABDBA 41-45 BACDC 46-50 DCABD 51-55 ABCCD



    56. was 57. to reach 58. and 59. a 60. selected

    61. were fitted 62. competitions 63. that/which 64. lasting 65. in




    One Possible Version.

    Dear Mrs. Evans,

    So excited that we'll soon meet and join in the coming-of-age ceremony in our school. Here, I’d like to share with you our plan ahead of time briefly.

    For this most awaited ceremony, we've arranged enlightening activities, like an inspiring speech, a video from parents with their best wishes, and best of all, a unique ritual where we'll make an oath of being responsible into adulthood. Attached is our detailed schedule. Please let me know if you have any suggestion.

    How expectant that we are to have you with us through these moments. Right here waiting for you all.


    Li Hua



    One possible version: 

    Frustrated, Mum made a call to grandma. Sensing Mum's sorrow, grandma comforted and advised, Why not just prepare a simple yet special get-together?” Slapped awaken by Mum's new plan, the two kids both burst into deafening cheers and skipped round and round. Together, they brainstormed a list of ideas when suddenly Jenny murmured, "What's Dad's resolution for the new year?” Suddenly, it all clicked and they merrily reached an agreement to plan a secret hiking trip to the hill they once frequented and a family picnic at the top.

    They got everything ready as planned when June finally came. That morning, when Dad was about to jog as usual, Mum hurried to tell him about their new plan. Seeing the three in sportswear, Dad realized something, and this time he nodded. All the way, the two kids bounced around, laughing and chatting. He, along with Mum, recalled a lot of sweet memories in their youth. Upon arriving at the top, the three just pitched into the picnic in sheer pleasure. With the cool breeze, Dad gazed at them reflectively and suddenly realized that it’s no longer disturbing to celebrate birthday with the love of family.



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