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    1. The little girl couldn't find her bag, so I tried to help ________.  )

    A. him B. her C. you D. them

    1. Five students in our class will celebrate their birthdays ________ October.  )

    A. in B. on C. of D. at

    1. Mum, ________ are my shoes
      Under your bed. You should put away your things.  )

    A. which B. what C. how D. where

    1. Jim likes coffee ______ I prefer tea.  )

    A. or B. because C. but D. so

    1. ________ you drive a car
      No, I can't. I can ride a bike.  )

    A. Must B. Can C. Should D. Need

    1. Mary likes tennis and she thinks it's ________ of all sports.  )

    A. interesting B. more interesting
    C. most interesting D. the most interesting

    1. Where is your father, Lily
      He ________ in the kitchen.  )

    A. cooked B. cooks C. will cook D. is cooking

    1. Our school sports meeting ________ next Friday.  )

    A. will hold B. held C. will be held D. was held

    1. This book is wonderful. I ________ it for three times.  )

    A. read B. have read C. am reading D. will read

    1. I ________ you a phone call if I hear anything.  )

    A. will give B. gave C. have given D. give

    1. What do you often do at weekends
      I ________ my parents with the housework.  )

    A. help B. helped C. will help D. am helping

    1. Tony told me ________ last summer vacation.  )

    A. where did he travel B. where will he travel
    C. where he traveled D. where he will travel


    The Best Vacation Ever Winter break was fast coming, and all Scott wanted to do was to go snowboarding. Unfortunately, Scott's parents had different plans. They had booked a weeklong tropical cruise(乘船游览). Scott hated warm weather and asked if he could just stay at his best friend's house so he could 1 ______ every day with his friends at the local mountain. His parents didn't want to hear anything of it. He kept debating(争论) them about the topic, but they would not change their minds. Family time was important to them.
    The week of the cruise arrived, and Scott continued to voice his 2 ______ as he and his family left their house to head south. Scott's dad told him that he would only make the vacation worse for himself if he didn't change his attitude and open his mind to a new 3 ______ . Scott still couldn't stop thinking about all of the snow he was leaving behind.
    When they arrived at the port to board the ship, Scott had a hard time admitting that the size of the ship actually 4 ______ him. The dining room looked like a royal hall the game room had all of his favorite games the ship's deck had several different swimming pools. Then Scott saw the surfing pool. It was 5 ______ . It had big waves, and the girl who was showing how to ride the waves made it look like a ton of fun.
    When Scott and his parents had their swim suits on, Scott's dad went first and only lasted about five seconds before he wiped out. Then it was his mom's turn. She actually made it longer than his dad did. When it was Scott's turn, he was excited but a little bit6 ______ . He hopped on the board and took a stance(姿势) similar to his snowboarding stance. Then the waves started. It felt similar to snowboarding but different at the same time. On his first ride, Scott rode for almost 30 seconds before wiping out. He was crazy about it though.
    A lot of the passengers tried surfing the first day of the cruise, but only eight people or so really started to 7 ______ it, and Scott got to know the people who often surfed there quite well.
    By the time the weeklong cruise was over, Scott had new friends he planned to keep in touch with, a new hobby, and great8 ______ . He apologized to his parents for earliest moaning and groaning(牢骚), and told them it was his best vacation ever.

    1.  A. snowboard B. swim C. surf D. ride
    2.  A. decisions B. complaints C. difficulties D. choices
    3.  A. task B. programme C. experience D. habit
    4.  A. confused B. impressed C. frightened D. disappointed
    5.  A. natural B. valuable C. impossible D. unbelievable
    6.  A. nervous B. careless C. relaxed D. tired
    7.  A. notice B. change C. mind D. like
    8.  A. opinions B. prizes C. memories D. dreams



    Moving in


    Posted 5/15/20 453 PM

    We have moved in our new apartment. We are getting to know the neighbors. Mr. Ramirez is a teacher at a high school. He lives across from us. He is polite. Shannon and Eddie are Australian. They live in the apartment below us. They are outgoing and funny. The library is just a 10-minute walk away. And there is a very pretty park across the road. It isn't expensive. It is just perfect!


    Posted 5/15/20 625 PM

    We moved into our new apartment last Thursday and it's slowly beginning to look like home. The workmen have fit the carpet(地毯). And Dad has helped me with painting the living room and the kitchen. I've been in charge of my bedroom. Mom has been making the curtains(窗帘) all week and I know they'll be great! I'm making Mom and Dad a special meal to say thank you! They're arriving in 20 minutes. So wish me luck!


    Posted 5/16/20 520 PM

    We are still busy finishing the house at the moment. The carpet fitters are coming tomorrow. After they put in the carpet, we'll move in our furniture. When Dan fixes the bathtub, we'll tile(铺瓷砖) the bathroom. It looks terrible right now. The plumber is coming on Saturday. When he puts in the washing machine and dishwasher, it will feel like home.


    Posted 5/16/20 746 PM

    Since we bought our new house, my whole family has been helping us get things ready. Mom has been gardening every day, while Auntie Stella has been making the curtains. My husband Tom has been painting the windows and his dad has been tiling the roof for 10 days now. I have been fixing the bathtub for two days and my sister Anna has been painting the living room for three days.

    1. Whose new home is just a 10-minute walk away from the library ______

    A. Linda's. B. Matt's. C. Jordan's. D. Kathy's.

    1. What has Linda's dad helped to do ______

    A. To fit the carpet.
    B. To clean all of the bedrooms.
    C. To make the family a special meal.
    D. To paint the living room and the kitchen.

    1. To get things ready, Kathy has been ______ .

    A. tiling the roof B. fixing the bathtub
    C. painting the windows D. making the curtains


    Hats in Harvard The cold wind blew through the trees and between buildings. Winter was on its way. Amaya was warm in her house, thinking about an article she'd read at school. The article was about the kids who helped out their communities, and she thought it would be really cool to help her own town, Harvard.
    The only problem was that she wasn't sure how to help. What did her town need that a kid could do In the article, the kids grew food for people who needed food. But it was winter, she couldn't start a garden. Amaya was still deep in thought when her mom said it was time to go shopping.
    On the road, Amaya saw a family walking on the sidewalk, wearing only light jackets. How cold they must be, Amaya thought. That gave her an idea! She could help her town. She could collect winter coats, hats, and gloves for people in Harvard who needed them.
    Amaya decided to talk to her teacher, because then she could share her idea with her classmates at least. Mrs. Monroe was very supportive when Amaya talked about her idea. She even said she could help Amaya talk to the principal(校长) about it, so they could get the whole school involved! They decided to call the project "Hats in Harvard" and they wrote up a letter explaining the idea to the families. Mrs. Monroe said they could even take a field trip to parks around Harvard where families in need gathered to drop off the coats, hats, and gloves. Amaya was excited, and really hoped the principal, Mrs. Brown, would let the school participate(参加)!
    Mrs. Brown was excited about the idea, and said she would make sure copies of the letter went home with all the students! They collected the winter clothing for a few weeks, then were able to take their field trip to two parks to leave the clothes where families who needed them could get them.
    Three days after their field trip, Amaya and her mom once again saw the same family walking together. This time, though, the family looked nice and warm in some new coats, hats, and gloves. Amaya felt a warm glow in her heart, and was very glad she could help her community.

    1. The article Amaya read was about ______ .

    A. the cold weather in Harvard
    B. the communities in her town
    C. the trees and buildings near her house
    D. the kids who helped out their communities

    1. To help her own town, Amaya ______ .

    A. grew food for people who needed food
    B. wrote up a letter explaining her idea to the principal
    C. collected winter clothes for people who needed them
    D. went shopping with her mom to buy some new clothes

    1. Three days after the field trip, Amaya felt happy because ______ .

    A. she really helped her community
    B. she could take a field trip t the parks
    C. Mrs. Brown was excited about her idea
    D. Mrs. Monroe helped her to start a project


    Scientists found that people who have fewer friends in real life are happier than those with far more if many of theirs were online.
    Social media, the researchers said, has encouraged younger people to have larger but more impersonal networks of "friends". But instead of trying to get more friends, they added, a better cure for loneliness might be spending time with those you're closest to.
    Researchers from the University of Leeds, UK studied data from two online surveys of nearly 1 500 people. Those who took the survey gave details about their ages, social interactions (相互影响), and how satisfied they were with their social lives. They included details of how often and how they interacted with family or neighbours, and whether they included people who provided services to them in their networks.
    The researchers found that those who had a small number of close friends generally were happier than those who had a large number of superficial (关系浅的) friends. "Loneliness has less to do with the number of friends you have, and more to do with how you feel about your friends," said Dr. Bruine de Bruin, one of the researchers. "It's often the younger adults who admit to having negative perceptions (负面看法) of their friends. Loneliness happens in people of all ages," she added. "If you feel lonely, it may be more helpful to make a positive (积极的) connection with a friend than to try and find new people to meet," she also said.
    In her study Dr. Bruine de Bruin found that older people had smaller social circles than young people, but the people in these circles were closer to them. Younger people, on the other hand, had bigger circles that were made up of "peripheral others"people who are not true friends, but just people they know. These so-called friends didn't influence the younger people's happiness.
    The results of the study show that the stereotypes (偏见) society has about old people being sad and lonely might not be right. "The research shows that older adults' smaller networks didn't have a bad influence on social satisfaction and happiness. In fact, older adults had a better feeling of happiness than younger adults," said Bruine de Bruin.
    Based on these results, the study believes that people should pay more attention on the ties with close friends instead of increasing the number of friends.

    1. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about ______

    A. Who studied the surveys.
    B. What were included in the surveys.
    C. How the surveys influenced people.
    D. How many people took part in the surveys.

    1. What can we learn from the passage ______

    A. Young people make close friends online.
    B. You'd better try to meet new people if you feel lonely.
    C. Older people have closer friends in their small social circles.
    D. The so-called friends bring more happiness to young people.

    1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage ______

    A. Different Types of Close Friends
    B. Friendship between Old and Young
    C. Friends The More, the Better
    D. Friends Online or Offline


    Is Writing Notes by Hand Better than Typing
    Many college students have given up taking class notes by hand. Instead, they type on laptop or tablet computers. But scientists from Princeton University and the University of California say that this method is less effective.
    If you need to remember something, write it. Writing notes by hand is much better for long-term memory of ideas, or conceptual(概念上的) information. That is the finding of a 2014 study published in the journal Psychological Science.
    So, turn off your computer if you want to remember something. Computers can take your attention away from your work. They can be distracting. Computers provide the chance to send a quick message to a friend, check a sports' score, shop or watch a funny cat video. But scientists say computers may hurt performance in school, called academic performance. The research showed that students who type notes on a keyboard often transcribe or write down what the professor says word for word. They may write without really thinking about what they are writing. These electronic notes contained more words. But scientists say it leads to "mindless transcription". Transcription means to record something exactly as you hear it.
    However, students taking notes longhand, or by writing them, need to first process the information they hear. Then they record just the main points, or summarize. They use fewer words. This is because people usually write slower than they type. This process of summarizing information leads to a deeper understanding.
    In the study, students listened to a teacher and then took a test. Some took notes by typing on a computer. The others took notes by writing them down. Both groups performed about the same in remembering facts. But students who typed their notes did much worse on conceptual questions. These questions required them to understand an idea. Also, researchers found that those who wrote their notes remembered conceptual information better a week later. Researchers believe that the students who wrote notes longhand had a deeper understanding of ideas and concepts.
    Scientists know that students probably will still use their laptops and tablets in class. But they suggest using some of the available technologies for writing notes by hand on computer screens. They say this might be a good compromise(折中) between old school and new school.
    This research was contained in a classroom. But the findings may be valuable for anyone wanting to remember more of what they read, hear or see.

    1. According to the passage, how do many college students take class notes ______

    A. They type on laptop or tablet computers.
    B. They memorize the information in mind.
    C. They write down the notes on notepaper.
    D. They record the information with recorders.

    1. The word "transcribe" in Paragraph 3 probably means " ______ ".

    A. think about what they are writing
    B. write down just the main points
    C. misunderstand what they hear
    D. record everything they hear

    1. What can we learn from the passage ______

    A. Students who take notes on a computer usually use fewer words.
    B. Students who take notes by writing do worse in remembering facts.
    C. Students who take notes by writing have a deeper understanding of ideas.
    D. Students who take notes on a computer remember things better a week later.

    1. What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage ______

    A. To show a better way of taking notes for long-term memory.
    B. To suggest students using more technologies for study.
    C. To point out the disadvantages of using computers.
    D. To stress the importance of taking notes.


    1. Students at Bullock Creek High School in Midland, Michigan found an unusual way to raise money for their robotics team.
      Every year, 28 students on the Blitz Creek team take part in a national robotics competition, where students are challenged to create a robot that can perform certain tasks. They design robots, build them, and write the programs that run them.
      But building robots isn't cheap. Maxton Herst joined the team in the ninth grade, and later he became the captain of the robotics team. By accident, Maxton Herst saw a video about a toilet paper pyramid. Maxton realized that it was possible to build a record-setting pyramid, and then sell the toilet paper to get money for their program. All the team members agreed to try his idea.
      Blitz Creek has been planning the pyramid since last May. One challenge was calculating(计算) how many rolls of paper were needed. The answer turned out to be 27434.
      In late December, team members gave up part of their winter holiday to build the pyramid. The pyramid was so big that they had to build it from the inside before backing out and filling in the areas where they had been standing. It took about 16 hours, with many people working, to complete the pyramid. The final height of the pyramid was 4.95 meters tall, which is about 61 centimeters taller than the current(当前的) Guinness World Record.
      The pyramid opened for viewing on January 4 2020. Sadly, because the pyramid was in the school's front hall, it could only stay for three days. With all the excitement caused by the pyramid, it turned out to be fairly easy to sell the toilet paper. Many supporters did help. Families and teachers bought half of the paper. A large company bought the rest. The team made about 10000 from the event, which will help pay for its activities.
      Maxton talks about the success of his crazy idea. "If you've got an idea, and you know that this idea is good, push it," he says. "Don't stop."

    What did the students at Bullock Creek High School raise money for

    What did the students do to get money

    How much money did the students make

    Who were the supporters

    What made Maxton's idea successful


    1. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
      提示词语: cough lessons review better
      ●What do you know about his condition
      ●What are you going to do to help him

    Dear Peter
    I am very sorry to hear that you are in hospital.
    If there is anything that I can do, please let me know.
    Li Hua

    某英文网站正在开展以 "积极面对问题"为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你曾经遇到过的问题是什么,你是怎么解决的,有什么收获。
    提示词语: fail ask for practise brave
    ●What was your problem
    ●What did you do to solve it
    ●What have you learned from it

    Everyone meets problems in life.



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