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    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Mnthly Talks at Lndn Canal Museum
    Our mnthly talks start at 19:30 n the first Thursday f each mnth except August. Admissin is at nrmal charges and yu dn’t need t bk. They end arund 21:00.
    Nvember 7th
    The Canal Pineers, by Chris Lewis. James Brindley is recgnized as ne f the leading early canal engineers. He was als a majr player in training thers in the art f nanal planning and building. Chris Lewis will explain hw Brindley made such a psitive cntributin t the educatin f that grup f early “civil enginerrs”.
    December 5th
    Ice fr the Metrplis, by Malclm Tucker. Well befre the arrival f freezers, there was a demand fr ice fr fd preservatin and catering, Malclm will explain the histry f imprting natural ice and the technlgy f building ice wells, and hw Lndn’s ice trade grew.
    February 6th
    An Update n the Ctswrd Canals, by Liz Payne. The Smudwater Canal is mving twards repenling. The Thames and Severn Canal will take a little lnger. We will have a reprt n the present state f play.
    March 6th
    Eyts and Aits- Thames Islands, by Miranda Vickers. The Thames had many islands. Miranda has undertaken a review f all f them. She will tell us abut thse f greatest interest.
    Lndn Canal Museum
    12-13 New Wharf Rad, Lndn NI 9RT

    Tel:020 77130836
    ( )1.When is the talk n James Brindley?
    A. February 6th.
    B. March 6th.
    C. Nvember 7th.
    D. December 5th.
    ( )2. What is the tpic f the talk in February?
    A. The Canal Pineers.
    B. Ice fr the Metrplis
    C. Eyts and Aits- Thames Islands
    D. An Update n the Ctswrd Canals
    ( )3. Wh will give the talk n the islands in the Thames?
    A. Miranda Vickers
    B. Malclm Tucker
    C. Chris Lewis
    D. Liz Payne
    Oscar Wrigley, a tw-year-ld child with the same IQ as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, has becme the yungest by in Britain t be accepted int Mensa.
    A leader at the Gifted Children’s Infrmatin Centre said Oscar, with an IQ f at least 160, is ne f the brightest children they have ever cme acrss.
    Oscar’s father Je, 29, an IT specialist, said, “He is always asking questins. Every parent likes t think their child is special but we knew there was smething very unusual abut Oscar. I’m fully expecting the day t cme when he turns arund and tells me I’m an idit(白痴).”
    Mther Hannah, 26, tld The Daily Mail, “He surprises everyne. We knew at 12 weeks he was quite bright. He was unusually quick in mind. The ther day he said t me, ‘Mummy, sausages are like a party in my muth.’ His vcabulary is surprising. He’s able t make cmplex sentences.”
    Dr Peter Cngdn, wh tested Oscar, said he was a “child f very superir intelligence (超常智力)”. He shwed utstanding ability. “Oscar shws great gift. Changing that gift t success is the challenge fr his parents and we are pleased that they have chsen t jin the Mensa netwrk fr supprt,” he said. Exactly speaking, Oscar was accepted at the age f tw years, five mnths and 11 days.
    The yungest British girl t jin Mensa is Elise Tan Rberts, frm Edmntn, Nrth Lndn, at the age f tw years, fur mnths and 14 days, with an IQ f 156.
    ( )4.Why was Oscar Wrigley accepted int Mensa?
    A. Because he is cleverer than Albert Einstein.
    B. Because he has very superir intelligence.
    C. Because he is the brightest child in Britain.
    D. Because his father is an IT specialist f Mensa.
    ( )5.We can infer Mensa is prbably the name f .
    A. the cleverest by in the wrld
    B. the brightest adult in Britain
    C. a club fr peple with superir intelligence
    D. a family with superir intelligence
    ( )6.Accrding t the passage, it’s nt easy fr his parents t .
    A. change his gift t success B. answer his questins
    C. test his gift D. knw him well
    ( )7.The main purpse f the passage is .
    A. t tell us a family with the cleverest child
    B. t give us sme ways t have the same IQ as Albert Einstein
    C. t explain hw Oscar becmes a clever child
    D. t tell us a by with the same IQ as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking
    If yu have ever been disappinted because yu dn’t have a gd gardener, the clever rbt may ne day becme the helper f yur indr plants.
    The Hexa Plant is a six-legged rbt that has been specially made t care fr the ptted (盆栽的) plant that it carries n tp f its head. Using light and heat sensrs (传感器), the rbt has the ability t carry its plant in and ut f the daylight. If the huseplant needs mre sun, the Hexa Plant will walk int the sunlight; and if the huseplant is getting t ht, the Hexa Plant will g back int the area that blcks direct light. The Hexa Plant will even d a little dance when it senses that the plant needs t be watered t warn its wner.
    The rbt was develped by Vincrss engineer and funder Sun Tianqi after he saw a dead sunflwer sitting in the darkness in a rm back in 2014. “Plants nly receive an actin withut respnding,” Sun Tianqi wrte in a blg pst. “Whether they are being cut, bitten, burned r pulled frm the earth, r when they haven’t received enugh sunshine, water, r are t ht r cld, they will hld still and take whatever is happening t them.”
    Accrding t Sun Tianqi, fr billins f years, plants have never experienced mvement f any kind, nt even the simplest mvement. In their whle lives, they stick t where they were brn. Sun Tianqi cntinued, “D they want t break their wn settings r have a tendency (趋向) twards this? I d nt knw the answer, but I wuld lve t try t share sme f this human tendency and technlgy with plants. With the help f the rbt, plants can experience the mve.”
    The Hexa Plant mdel rbts are nt fr sale, thugh Vincrss des sell a Hexa Plant rbt mdel. It is said that in the near future the rbts can pen up a new market t watch ver ur husehld plants.
    ( )8.What can we learn abut the Hexa Plant?
    A. It helps peple d sme gardening.
    B. It waters the plants thrugh dancing.
    C. It helps indr plants get prper sunlight.
    D. It carries the ptted plant with its hands.
    ( )9.What des the authr try t shw thrugh Paragraph 3?
    A. The way plants spend their whle lives.
    B. The cmmn way peple deal with plants.
    C. The difference between plants and humans.
    D. The cause f making the indr plants’ helper.
    ( )10.What des Sun Tianqi try t d using this technlgy?
    A. T develp gardening skills.
    B. T draw peple’s attentin t plants.
    C. T make plants experience the mve.
    D. T study the living cnditins f plants.
    ( )11.What can be the best title fr the text?
    A.A new market fr rbts
    B. An indr plants’ helper
    C. An imprtant develpment in gardening
    D. The tendency f gardening in the future
    Have yu ever wndered what wild animals d when n ne is watching? Scientists have been able t recrd the “private” mments f wildlife with leading-edge technlgy. Lw-cst, dependable and small mdern cameras are f big help.
    Cameras placed in hard-t-reach places have taken vides f everything frm small desert cats t larger snw-lving felines(猫科动物) in the nrthern Rcky Muntains. These cameras are imprtant tls t learn new infrmatin n wildlife.
    Sme vides help scientists see the effects f climate change. Fr example, the desert animal javelina and the tree-lving catimundi have been caught n cameras nrth f their nrmal hme. This culd mean glbal warming is enlarging their living area nrthward.
    Researchers use cameras alng with glbal psitining systems, r GPS. They attach GPS devices(设备) t mule deer and antelpe in and arund Yellwstne Natinal Park. Then they can recrd their mvements, r migratins(迁移). These cameras can be left in very rural(荒野的) areas fr days, weeks r even mnths. They can prvide infrmatin n hw many animals are mving ver a given perid f time.
    Rural vides can shw details abut animal behaviur, such as the calls made by migrating mule deer. Als sme cameras recrd animal life and shw everything frm bisn in Saskatchewan, Canada, t the underwater weed frest ff Califrnia’s Channel Islands.
    Hwever, rural cameras have their prblems t. Animals such as wlverines and bears smetimes attack them. Scientists d nt knw if the attacks are the result f anger r interest. Als, the devices have becme ppular tls t help hunters lk fr animals. Sme peple argue that it is unfair t use the cameras that way. Even with such prblems, rural cameras are clearly an imprtant scientific tl in researching wild animals.
    ( )12.Which f the fllwing helps scientists knw abut climate change?
    A. Hw active animals are. B. What animals eat.
    C. Where animals g. D. When animals mve.
    ( )13.Where are the cameras fixed?
    A. Under water. B. In the field.
    C. On GPS devices. D. On wild animals.
    ( )14.What may be the disadvantage f the rural cameras?
    A. They affect animals’ search fr fd.
    B. They make wild animals puzzled.
    C. They make animals attack ne anther frequently.
    D. They might bring danger t animals.
    ( )15.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Cameras recrd animals in the wild
    B. Every cin has tw sides
    C. Animals n lnger have secrets
    D. An inventin makes animals mad
    On Frgiveness (论宽恕)
    T frgive is a virtue(美德), but n ne has ever said it is easy. When smene has deeply hurt yu, it can be extremely difficult t let g f yur hate. Hwever, frgiveness is pssible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial t yur physical and mental health. Peple wh frgive shw less sadness, anger and stress and mre hpefulness, accrding t a recent research.
    16 Try the fllwing steps:
    Calm yurself. 17 Yu can take a cuple f breaths and think f smething that gives yu pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, r smene yu lve.
    Dn’t wait fr an aplgy. Many times the persn wh hurt yu des nt intend t aplgize. They may have wanted t hurt yu r they just dn’t see things the same way. 18 Keep in mind that frgiveness des nt necessarily mean becming friends again with the persn wh upset yu.
    Take the cntrl away frm yur ffender(冒犯者). Rethinking abut yu hurt gives pwer t the persn wh causes yu pain. Instead f fcusing n yur wunded feelings, learn t lk fr the lve, beauty and kindness arund yu.
    19 If yu understand yur ffender, yu may realize that he r she was acting ut f unawareness, fear, and even lve. Yu may want t write a letter t yurself frm yur ffender’s pint f view.
    Dn’t frget t frgive yurself. 20 But it can rb yu f yur self-cnfidence if yu dn’t d it.
    Why shuld yu frgive?
    Hw shuld yu start t frgive?
    Recgnize the benefits f frgiveness.
    Try t see things frm yu ffender’s angle.
    Fr sme peple, frgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.
    T make yur anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.
    If yu wait fr peple t aplgize, yu culd be waiting an awfully lng time.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Angela used t fly. Using her 21 fr wings, Angela wuld run faster than anyne. Nw, she thught, “I am 22 than everyne.” She was the last t get ff the schl bus, with the 23 f walking sticks.
    “Yu must be Angela!” A girl came t her. “I’m Laurie, yur instructr. Are yu ready t learn t ski?”
    “N,” Angela answered, but still 24 Laurie int the changing rm. “I can understand hw yu feel.” Befre Angela said anything, Laurie 25 her trusers and shwed her left 26 leg. Angela’s muth drpped pen. “Three-track skiing(三板滑雪) was designed fr peple like us. If I can learn t ski, 27 can yu,” Laurie said. They put n the regular ski, and used utriggers(支架) t 28 .
    Laurie and Angela made their way t the 29 track. Angela spent the mrning climbing and falling, sliding and falling, and turning and 30 . She felt disappinted and 31 .
    “OK, 32 ne try befre lunch,” Laurie said after they climbed 33 the hill nce again. 34 Angela managed t fllw Laurie dwn the small hill withut falling. When she stpped beside Laurie at the bttm, she punched her fist in the air and said, “Yes!”
    After lunch, they mved t a 35 place. Lking dwn frm the tp, Angela felt 36 . “I can’t g dwn that!” she cried.
    “Fllw me!” Laurie 37 . “Yu are ding great! Try t be Flying Angel again.” “That was befre I lst my leg 38 cancer,” Angela whispered. “Trust 39 ,” Laurie said.
    Angela tk a deep breath, then leaned frward, sped up, tk turns and skied dwn the hill. Faster. Faster. It felt like 40 .
    ( ) B. arms C. bdy D. feet
    ( ) B. weaker C. swifter D. slwer
    ( ) B. catch C. help D. drp
    ( )24.A. fllwed B. pushed C. pulled D. stepped
    ( ) up B. dressed up C. put n D. relied n
    ( ) B. magical C. universal D. artificial
    ( ) B. neither C. s D. als
    ( ) B. slve C. replace D. balance
    ( ) B. beginner C. lngest D .fast
    ( ) B. ging C .skiing D. mving
    ( ) B. hpeless C. energetic D. cnfident
    ( )32.A. last B. befre C. first D. after
    ( ) B. up C. n D. ff
    ( ) B. Briefly C. Lgically D. Peacefully
    ( ) B. lwer C. higher D. harder
    ( ) B. frightening C .excited D. exciting
    ( ) B .screamed C. whispered D. encuraged
    ( ) in B. accrding t C. because f D. s that
    ( ) B.I C. yurself D. yu
    ( ) B. skiing C. walking D. flying
    第II卷 (非选择题)
    Famus scientist as he is, Yuan Lngping cnsiders himself 41 farmer. He grws 42 is called super hybrid rice. As a yung man, Yuan Lngping saw the great need fr increasing the rice utput. At that time, hunger was a disturbing prblem in many parts f the cuntryside. He wanted t increase rice harvest withut 43 (expand) the area f the fields. In 1973, a special strain f rice made 44 pssible t prduce 20% mre f the crp in the same fields. Thanks 45 his research, the UN has mre tls in the battle t rid the wrld f 46 (hungry). Using his hybrid rice, farmers are prducing harvest 47 (tw) as large as befre. He is nw circulating his rice knwledge in less develped cuntries 48 (increase) their rice harvests and he wants t exprt his rice s that it can be grwn arund the glbe. Thugh he 49 (struggle) fr the past five decades, Yuan Lngping is quite satisfied 50 his life. In his spare time, he enjys listening t vilin music, playing mah-jng, swimming and reading.
    第四部分:写作(共两节, 满分35分)
    :短文改错 (共10分;每小题1分,满分10分)
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。
    修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
    2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。
    I ften g t a weekend schl. S did many f my classmates. This seems ppular amng students. Gd weekend schls have excellent teachers which help us imprve ur studies. Besides, we get t knw students frm anther schls and learn abut their campus f life.
    S every cin has tw sides. Our schl wrk is already a heavy burden. Extra lessn ften take up t much f ur time. In additin, pay lts f attentin t the extra lessns will affect their schl subjects. We may als find urselves very tired n Mndays t cncentrate n the lessns in ur wn schl. We shuld think seriusly abut this issue and make best use f ur time.
    假定你是Lin Ta,你校将要举办一场有关“地球生命如何起源”(hw life began n the earth)的知识讲座。你打算邀请外教Cper参加。请用英语给他写封电子邮件告知此事,要点如下:
    Dear Cper,
    Lin Ta
    1-5 C D A B C 6-10 A D C D C 11-15 B C B D A
    16-20 B F G D E
    21-25 D D C A A 26-30 D C D B A
    31-35 B A B A C 36-40 A D C C D
    41. a 42. what 43. expanding 44. it 45. t
    46. hunger 47. twice 48. t increase 49. has struggled 50. with
    I ften g t a weekend schl. S did many f my classmates. This
    seems ppular amng students. Gd weekend schls have excellent
    teachers which help us imprve ur studies. Besides, we get t knw
    students frm anther schls and learn abut their campus f life.
    S every cin has tw sides. Our schl wrk is already a heavy
    burden. Extra lessn ften take up t much f ur time. In additin,
    pay lts f attentin t the extra lessns will affect their schl subjects.
    paying ur
    We may als find urselves very tired n Mndays t cncentrate n the
    lessns in ur wn schl.. We shuld think seriusly abut this issue
    and make ∧best use f time.
    六、书面表达 (略)

    甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题+: 这是一份甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题+,文件包含2022-2023-2期中高二年级英语学科答案详解docx、2022-2023-2期中高二年级英语学科试卷docx、2022-2023-2期中高二年级英语参考答案docx、audiomp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共22页, 欢迎下载使用。

    甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案): 这是一份甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份甘肃省兰州市教育局第四片区2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,共12页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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