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    这是一份2022杭州“六县九校”联盟高二下学期期中联考英语试题(含听力)含答案,文件包含浙江省杭州“六县九校”联盟2021-2022学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题无答案doc、英语答案pdf、英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共20页, 欢迎下载使用。

    高二年级英语学科 试题
    1.本卷共10 页满分150分,考试时间120分钟;
    第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. ?19.15. B. ?9.18. C. ?9.15.
    1.What will the wman prbably d?
    Leave the shp.
    Have anther drink.
    Taste sme ht chclate.
    2.Hw des the man feel abut his midterm exam?
    A. Satisfied. B. Surprised. C. Unsure.
    3.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a travel agency. B. In a htel. C. In an art museum.
    4.What is the weather like nw?
    A. Sunny. B. Strmy. C. Fggy.
    5.What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    Their sick baby.
    The ht weather.
    Their health cnditin.
    第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中
    选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.Why is the man talking t the wman?
    A. She desn抰 have a ticket. B. She parks in the wrng place. C. She desn抰 pay the parking fee.
    高二英语学科试题 第1页共10 页7.What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Remve the tree. B. Stay behind the tree. C. Keep the sign in plain sight.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8至10 题。
    8.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the ffice. B. In a restaurant. C. On the street.
    9.What is the man抯 pinin abut the restaurant?
    A. It was t expensive. B. It was belw expectatins. C. It lives up t its reputatin. 10.What des the man suggest ding?
    A. Eating ut. B. Attending a meeting. C. Ordering takeaway.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
    11.What des the wman want t d?
    Rent a strage lcker.
    Have sme machines maintained.
    Dispse f sme dcuments.
    12.What is the wman cncerned abut?
    Whether the bins are secure.
    Whether a lck is available.
    Whether a truck is sent.
    13.Hw ften des the wman want a service?
    A. Daily. B. Weekly. C. Mnthly.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。
    14.What did the man plan t d n the weekend?
    A. G skiing. B. G climbing. C. Wrk vertime.
    15.What is the relatinship between the man and Silvia?
    A. Clleagues. B. Husband and wife. C. Neighbrs.
    16.What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    The plice helped the man ut.
    The man抯 ffice is n the 12th flr.
    The man was trapped in the lift fr tw nights.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
    17.Where will Dr Jhn Smith give a lecture?
    A. In the Main Hall. B. In the Garden Rm. C. In the Ballrm.
    18.When will a presentatin f papers begin?
    A. At 9:00 a.m. B. At 10:00 a.m. C. At 11:30 a.m.
    19.What des the speaker recmmend the listeners t d?
    Grab sme snacks at the Refreshment Stand.
    Walk arund the twn after lunch.
    Have the frmal lunch tgether.
    20.What are the listeners expected t d at 2:00 p.m.?
    A. Attend a presentatin. B. Take a break. C. Have a discussin.
    高二英语学科试题 第2页共10 页第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 (A、B、C、D) 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
    Wmen Wh Changed Science Frever Ellen Ocha (May 10, 1958?)
    Ellen Ocha is an American engineer and retired astrnaut. Brn in Ls Angeles, Califrnia, Ocha
    was the first Latina wman t fly in space as part f the crew f the shuttle Discvery in 1993. In 1990, Ocha was selected t astrnaut candidacy as part f Grup 13, a grup f twenty-three NASA astrnauts, and became an astrnaut a year later. Her first spaceflight was abard Discvery as a missin specialist and lasted nine days, in which the five-persn crew cnducted scientific experiments and deplyed a research satellite t study the slar crna.
    Mamie Phipps Clark (April 18, 1917朅ugust 11, 1983)
    Mamie Phipps Clark was an American scial psychlgist, wh specialized in child develpment in Black children. Brn in Arkansas, Clark drew n her early experiences as a black child in the segregated (种族隔离) American Suth t help children grwing up with the same inequalities. She initiated the famus Dll Test, which shwed that Black children in segregated schls were mre likely t prefer dlls with white cmplexins and yellw hair while discarding the brwn dlls with black hair and assigning negative traits t them. Her husband, Kenneth, used their research t argue fr schl integratin in the
    1954 Supreme Curt Case Brwn v. Bard f Educatin. This was the first time that scial science was used in a Supreme Curt case.
    Katsuk Saruhashi (March 22, 1920朣eptember 29, 2007)
    Gechemist Katsuk Saruhashi was brn in Tky n 22 March,1920. She develped Saruhashi抯 Table, a methd fr measuring CO2 using pH, temperature, and chlrinity, which has becme a glbal standard. Saruhashi brke new grund in her study f cean-brne nuclear cntaminatin fllwing the nuclear weapns test the United States undertk n Bikini Atll in the Marshall Islands. Saruhashi抯 research played an imprtant rle in limiting nuclear prliferatin (扩散) arund the wrld, thanks t the signing f the 1963 treaty.
    21.When did Ellen Ocha becme an astrnaut?
    A. 1990 B. 1991 C. 1992 D. 1993
    22.Hw did Saruhashi d her research f cean-brne nuclear cntaminatin?
    Tgether with sme Americans.
    By signing the 1963 treaty.
    By digging int the grund.
    Based n a test n Bikini Atll
    23.Which f the fllwing statements is true?
    Ellen Ocha was the first wman astrnaut t fly in space.
    Children were mre likely t prefer dlls with white cmplexins and yellw hair.
    Saruhashi抯 Table is an internatinal standard fr measuring CO2.
    The three wmen are all black scientists.
    高二英语学科试题 第3页共10 页B
    Gabby Gdwin and her mther, Rzalynn, had a prblem: Even after careful styling, barrettes (发夹)
    kept slipping ut f the 5-year-ld抯 hair. Gabby hated lsing bws, and her mm was tired f buying replacements. As Rzalynn shared her frustratin with ther parents n scial media, smene suggested that the Gdwins try creating their wn barrettes.
    揑 was super excited,? said Gabby, nw l4. 揑 was nagging (唠叨) my mm every single day abut
    these barrettes.? Gabby抯 persistence persuaded her mther, and they began t deal with the prblem.
    First they examined Gabby抯 hair bws t see why they were falling ut. Then they came up with a design fr a duble-face, duble-snap barrette that attaches securely t hair.
    When the Gdwins first shwed their design t business investrs, it was rejected. The prduct
    wasn抰 the right fit r the business plan wasn抰 gd, cmpanies tld them. The setbacks made Gabby mre determined.
    Gabby and her mther didn抰 give up, and in 2014 they began selling the bws nline. The barrettes
    were s ppular that the Gdwins received a patent. Tday Gabby is chief f Cnfidence by GaBBY Gdwin, and the barrettes--called GaBBY Bws--are available nline and in 74 Target stres acrss the cuntry. In 2018 Black Enterprise selected Gabbyas its Teenpreneur f the year. The fllwing year, Gabby and Rzalynn set up a virtual academy t help girls learn business skills.
    If yu watch Gabby deliver a speech n a Facebk vide, it抯 hard t imagine the Suth Carlina
    eighth-grader as anything ther than cnfident. But learning t be the public face f her cmpany was 搑eally hard at first,? she said.
    Over the years, with a lt f practice speaking t audiences, Gabby grew mre cmfrtable in her rle.
    She ffers this advice t kids: 揔eep ding what yu抮e passinate abut, then yu抣l be able t grw in cnfidence.”
    24.What did the Gdwins d after listening t smene抯 suggestin?
    They asked fr help nline.
    They designed a new barrette.
    They lked fr stylish barrettes.
    They bught mre replacements.
    25.Hw did Gabby react t sme cmpanies? rejectin?
    She sld her prducts nline.
    She gave up wrking n barrettes.
    She decided t redesign her barrettes.
    She tld her business plan t a virtual academy.
    26.Hw is Gabby抯 business ging?
    It has suffered a dwnturn.
    It is expanding fast.
    It has failed t get a patent.
    It hardly makes ends meet.
    27.What des Gabby抯 advice t kids shw?
    Every dg has its day.
    Never be ashamed t fail.
    高二英语学科试题 第4页共10 页Cnfidence is imprtant in public speaking.
    Interest and hard wrk lead t success.
    Sleep apnea is when yu have pauses in breathing while yu抮e asleep. These pauses can last frm secnds t minutes. Yu may have difficulty breathing a few times r dzens f times an hur. These breathing pauses can be dangerus if they cause the xygen level in yur bdy t drp r disturb yur sleep. When xygen drps, yur brain des whatever it can t get yu t resume breathing. And then yu may snre (打鼾) , gasp, r make a chking sund.
    Sleep apnea is a cmmn disrder. Anyne can develp it. 揝leep apnea can ccur in bth sexes, in all races, and in peple f all sizes and shapes,? says Dr. Michael Twery, a sleep expert.
    S, hw can yu tell whether yu may have this disrder? One f the mst cmmn symptms is
    excessive (过多的) daytime sleepiness. 揂nyne wh feels s tired n a regular basis ? even if they allw enugh time t get enugh sleep n a regular basis and they still feel this way ? needs t discuss it with their dctr,? says Twery.
    Anther cmmn symptm is lud, frequent snring. But nt everyne wh snres has sleep apnea.
    Other symptms f sleep apnea may include feeling impatient r depressed, r having md swings. Yu may have memry prblems r truble cncentrating. Or, yu may wake up with a headache r a dry muth.
    Yur dctr can diagnse sleep apnea based n yur symptms. A sleep study, which recrds things
    like heart rate and xygen level while yu sleep, can shw whether apnea is mild r severe. 揟he largest amunt f the ppulatin with sleep apnea has mild sleep apnea,? Twery explains. 揗ild sleep apnea may r may nt be assciated with any daytime symptms. Peple wh are s sleepy that they抮e at risk f a driving accident are prbably in the mderate (中等的) t severe range.”
    28.What des the underlined wrd 搑esume? in Paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Avid. B. Cntinue. C. Adjust. D. Cntrl.
    29.Peple with sleep apnea usually__________ .
    find it difficult t breathe while walking
    have a lwer xygen level in their bdy
    feel tired and sleepy during the day
    have a stable md during the day
    30.Hw des the authr develp the furth paragraph?
    By making cmparisns.
    By listing sme examples.
    By analyzing sme facts.
    By fllwing the rder f imprtance.
    31.What can we infer abut 搒leep apnea? frm the last paragraph?
    It may cause heart prblems.
    It affects the majrity f peple.
    It is highly dangerus fr drivers.
    It rarely shws any daytime symptms.
    高二英语学科试题 第5页共10 页D
    Orbital structures are becming increasingly imprtant fr wrldwide cmmunicatins and a new generatin f technlgies. But scientists are warning that the danger f space debris (碎片) is rapidly increasing. Space debris can include pieces f ld rckets, nn-peratinal satellites, lst tls and ther items. They present a risk t spaceships, satellites and space statins.
    In an effrt t reduce the amunt f debris rbiting the Earth, a grup f ecnmists at the University
    f Clrad at Bulder prpsed a yearly fee, r tax, n satellite peratrs fr their use f an rbital path. The grup抯 study n the subject appeared recently in the publicatin Prceedings f the Natinal Academy f Sciences.
    Matthew Burgess helped write the study. He said in a statement: 揝pace is a cmmn resurce, but
    cmpanies aren抰 accunting fr the cst their satellites impse (迫使) n ther peratrs when they decide whether r nt t launch. S we need a plicy that lets satellite peratrs directly factr in the csts their launches impse n ther peratrs.”
    Akhil Ra was the lead writer f the study. He said mst f the prpsed answers t the prblem have
    been based n using technlgy t clear away the debris. But, Burgess said, remving debris nly means that peratrs will launch mre satellites, and an internatinal treaty calling fr a yearly fee r tax wuld push cmpanies t be mre mindful abut launching further bjects int space.
    Christpher Newman is a prfessr f space law at Nrthumbria University in Britain. He said that
    impsing a space tax culd be tricky. Newman nted that such a cst culd be seen as a restrictin n the free use f space, and the effrt t place a fee n the use f space culd easily be slwed by the many details invlved.
    32.What wrries the scientists?
    The high cst f cleaning up space.
    The increasing risk f space debris.
    The safety f cmmunicatin systems.
    The practical effects f new technlgies.
    33.What was the ecnmists? suggestin?
    Strengthening cntrl ver space statins.
    Allwing cmpanies t use space fr free.
    Charging satellite peratrs rbital-use fees.
    Using advanced devices t catch space debris.
    34.What is Burgess抯 attitude twards clearing away the debris?
    A. Supprtive. B. Neutral. C. Indifferent. D. Negative.
    35.What did Newman think f the ecnmists? idea?
    It wuld lead t an argument.
    It was well wrth cnsidering.
    It was hard t put int practice.
    It wuld eventually be rejected.
    第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    高二英语学科试题 第6页共10 页Five Daily Habits t Keep Yu Fcused and Healthy at Cllege
    Are yu struggling t stay fcused this semester? There is always smething ging n fr cllege students, including schl prjects, time spent with friends, and extracurricular activities. Belw are five essential daily habits that can keep yu ging strng at cllege.
    Express Gratitude
    One f the keys t happiness is t express gratitude fr the things yu have already accmplished. Things as small as enjying delicius fd with yur friends and having access t higher educatin can be
    yur starting pints fr this pwerful daily habit. 36
    Get Enugh Sleep
    Sufficient sleep is a great way t maintain a fcused and healthy lifestyle. Just like yu set an alarm t wake up in the mrning, try setting an alarm fr yurself t g t sleep at night. One f my friends tried this.
    Try it and reap the benefits f imprving yur memry, creativity, and stamina.
    T bst yur mental and physical strength, yu shuld have a shrt wrkut every mrning.
    But a 15- t 45-minute daily wrkut will make a huge difference in yur life. It is the key t
    starting a prductive day. Wrkuts als help yur sleep by prmting deeper and lnger sleep.
    Set Scial Media Limits
    39 Hwever, excessive use f these can lead t depressin. Accrding t the BBC, recent
    research has fund that yung peple wh spend mre than tw hurs n scial media every day are mre likely t reprt pr mental health. Yu shuld schedule a certain time each day t check yur feed.
    Take Cntrl f Yur Finances
    Yu must gain cntrl ver yur mney. T cut csts, I recmmend buying secndhand textbks, cutting ut junk fd frm yur diet, and aviding eating ut at restaurants as much as pssible.
    40 Besides, think abut getting an n-campus jb t earn sme extra mney.
    Yu shuld als study hard and apply fr schlarships.
    This habit is nt designed t turn yu int a champin athlete.
    And it wrked ut pretty well as he was mre rested during the day.
    It is true that scial netwrking apps and websites are psitive in sme way.
    Yur tw best friends are the brain in yur head and the mney in yur pcket.
    Excessive use f scial media can lead t negative scial behaviral cnsequences.
    This is a very helpful activity because yu start yur day n a strng and psitive nte.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 (A、B、C、D) 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
    When a man lies in a chair in a barbershp with a steaming, ht twel acrss in his face, he relaxes.
    Ging t the barbershp is a great pprtunity fr men t gather and 41 life stries. Men walk ut
    feeling great ____42 spending just an hur in this cmmunity setting and taking time fr____43 .
    Lrenz Lewis cnsiders that the barbershp is ne f the few safe spaces where men feel 44
    t express their feelings penly. In 2016, Lewis 45 The Cnfess Prject, a cmmunity-led prject
    高二英语学科试题 第7页共10 页that trains barbers as mental health advcates after years f struggling with his wn mental health. It mainly
    reaches ut t men wh may be 46 t receive therapy (心理治疗) because it means pening up t a
    stranger in a clinical setting.
    Matt Dillin, wh wns a barbershp that 47 The Cnfess Prject, explained why he 48
    that the barbershp is the 49 place fr men t pen up. ? This is ur 慶untry club?. There is
    fellwship (交情), and there抯 that wnderful 50 when yu抮e arund guys that have been thrugh
    what yu抮e ging thrugh.”
    Speaking abut ne抯 51 and being listened t in an accepting way greatly 52
    mental health. A study shws that when peple share their feelings, they 53 t have strng
    immune systems.
    The barbers supprt their clients in the mment, 54 trust and pening a pathway fr
    cmmunicatin. They encurage their 55 t seek supprt frm therapists and ther mental health
    prfessinals if necessary.
    41.A. share B. publish C. create D. analyze
    42.A. althugh B. unless C. after D. s
    43.A. practice B. self-educatin C. amusement D. self-care
    44.A. anxius B. disappinted C. cmfrtable D. eager
    45.A. cntrlled B. frmed C. searched D. imprved
    46.A. unwilling B. ready C. excited D. grateful
    47.A. learn frm B. participates in C. cmpetes with D. checks n
    48.A. prmises B. questins C. recmmends D. agrees
    49.A. specific B. limited C. ideal D. embarrassing
    50.A. feeling B. attitude C. time D. pinin
    51.A. name B. achievements C. family D. emtins
    52.A. prevents B. damages C. prmtes D. threatens
    53.A. tend B. stp C. prefer D. decide
    54.A. verusing B. building C. discussing D. wasting
    B. leaders C. interviews D. custmers
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
    On the shrt-vide platfrm Duyin, there used t be millins f 56 (vide) abut eating.
    In rder t attract mre viewers, sme vlggers (视频博主) shwed hw they ate 36 rice dumplings in 15
    minutes r 6.5 kg f ndles in ne meal. What they did caused 57 serius waste f fd.
    China started an 揈mpty Plate? activity in 2013. At that time, President Xi Jinping said, 揊d waste
    is serius and 58 (shck). Since a large number f peple are still shrt 59 fd, fd
    waste must be stpped?.
    S far many shrt-vide and live-streaming platfrms 60 (take) part in the activity. 61
    高二英语学科试题 第8页共10 页enjys wasting fd will be fined by the platfrms.
    Sme restaurants have taken steps, t. Custmers in Hebei can take their leftvers hme in takeut
    bxes which can be used in a micrwave ven. In Hubei, peple 62 (encurage) t use 揘-1
    mde?. It means that if they eat tgether, they shuld rder dishes as thugh there was ne fewer persn in the grup. In Shaanxi, sme restaurants serve half prtins t diners. The mre gd methds are
    develped, the 63 (little) fd will g t waste.
    A natinwide 揅lear Yur Plate? activity against wasting fd is getting ppular nline. Scial media
    users are invited 64 (share) phts f empty plates after finishing their meals.
    Peple arund the cuntry are trying t stp 65 (waste) fd. What abut yu?
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分 15分)
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。______________________________________________________________________________________
    ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
    第二节 (满分 25 分)
    A bright sun setting, Sylvia was driving hme her cw, a valued cmpanin, wandering thrugh the frest, and listening t birds? singing. Suddenly the air was cut by a sharp whistle nt far away. Sylvie knew it wasn抰 a bird抯 whistle.
    揌ell, little girl,? a yung man came int sight suddenly, 揑抳e lst my way. D yu think I can spend
    the night at yur huse?? Sylvia was alarmed, but still agreed.
    When they arrived, her grandma, Mrs. Tilley, welcmed the guest with hspitality. The man explained
    t them that he was an rnithlgist (鸟类学者). 揇 yu cage them up?? Sylvia asked dubtfully. 揙h n,? he answered enthusiastically, 揑 sht dzens and dzens f them myself, and preserve them with special chemicals.”
    揝ylvia knws a lt abut birds, t.? Her grandmther said prudly.
    揜eally? I caught a glimpse f a very rare bird, a little white hern (苍鹭), which keeps me arund. Have yu seen it, t?? He gently asked, lking at Sylvia with sme hpe.
    But Sylvia was watching a frg in the narrw ftpath.
    揑t抯 a tall, white bird with sft feathers and lng thin legs. It prbably has its nest at the tp f a tall tree.? The man cntinued eagerly.
    Sylvia抯 heart gave a wild beat. She knew that special white bird! She had seen it n the ther side f
    高二英语学科试题 第9页共10 页the frest and had nce apprached sftly near where it std.
    The yung man added desperately, 揑 wuld give $100 t yu.”
    Her grandma gave amazed attentin t it, but Sylvia still watched the rad.
    The next day the yung man hvered abut the wds, and Sylvia kept him cmpany, having lst her
    first fear. They had such a wnderful day t enjy the birds? sngs and the thick branches. She had never
    seen anyne s handsme and charming. A strange excitement filled her heart. Sylvia wuld have liked him better withut his gun. She culd nt understand why he killed the birds he seemed t like s much. She felt her heart tremble every time he sht an unsuspecting bird as it was singing in the trees.
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右
    Para.1 At night, Sylvia stayed awake while her grandma and the yung man were sund asleep. ______________________________________________________________________________________
    ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
    Para.2 Suddenly Sylvia抯 dark grey eyes caught a flash f white that grew larger and larger. ______________________________________________________________________________________
    ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
    高二英语学科试题 第10页共10 页

    2024杭州北斗联盟高二上学期期中联考英语试题含答案(含听力): 这是一份2024杭州北斗联盟高二上学期期中联考英语试题含答案(含听力),文件包含浙江省杭州北斗联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题docx、浙江省杭州北斗联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024杭州六县九校联盟高二上学期期中联考英语试题无答案: 这是一份2024杭州六县九校联盟高二上学期期中联考英语试题无答案,共9页。试卷主要包含了5 分, 满分 7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年浙江省杭州市六县九校联考高二下学期4月期中英语试题含解析: 这是一份2022-2023学年浙江省杭州市六县九校联考高二下学期4月期中英语试题含解析,共27页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,只需上交答题纸等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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