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    这是一份辽宁省沈阳市实验中学(于洪校区)2021-2022学年九年级下学期模拟卷英语试卷三(无听力),共9页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 38 分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    本次测试采⽤两种⽅式作答:客观题采⽤问卷星进⾏线上作答,主 观题在卷纸上答题区内⼿写作答,答完后在规定时间内上传到晓⿊板。
    第⼀部分 选择题 (共 37 ⼩题, 1-10 题,每⼩题 0.5 分,11-25 题,每⼩题 1 分,26-37
    题,每⼩题 1.5 分,满分 38 分)
    ⼀、单项填空 (共 10 ⼩题, 每⼩题 0. 5 分; 满分 5 分)
    1. --- I'm nt sure Tny will cme r nt.
    --- Me neither.
    A. whenB. ifC. whetherD. weather
    He lks sad. Let's cheer him up.
    A. let him dwnB. make him happy
    C. make him pleasureD. disappint him
    3. --- I have a tthache. What shuld I d?
    --- Yu shuld see a .
    A. nurseB. dentistC. reprterD. teacher
    4. --- What are yu busy ?
    --- I'm busythe plan fr the trip.
    A. with; makingB. in; makingC. with; t makeD. in; t make
    The prices in the shp are very, s many peple g there t buy things.
    A. expensiveB. cheapC. highD. lw
    6. ---Fan Shukai is nly 13 years ld but he's already a student f Tsinghua University.
    --- Ww, hw he is!
    A. shyB. angryC. brightD. healthy
    She explains she is ding her hmewrk.
    A. whetherB. thatC. whenD. if
    8. --- D yu knw the girl in blue is?
    --- I'm nt sure. Maybe a teacher.
    A. whseB. hwC. whatD. which
    I dn't knw he lives.
    A. whatB. hwC. whereD. which
    --- Culd yu tell me yesterday?
    --- Because my bike was brken n my way here.
    A. why yu came lateB. why d yu cme late
    C. why yu cme lateD. why did yu cme late
    ⼆、完形填空 (共 15 ⼩题,每⼩题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下列短⽂,在问卷星中回答 11-25 ⼩题:
    D yu have the feeling that there is t much pressure n yu?D yu lse sleep at night 11 yur study? D yu think yur time is nt enugh because yu have s many things t d? 12a teenager, yu may have these prblems. But dn't 13abut that because everyne experiences stress at times. 14 yu cannt avid stress, yu can keep it under cntrl.
    15 can yu d t deal with stress?
    First, be realistic(现实的).Dn't try t be perfect because n ne is perfect. And 16thers t be perfect can add t yur stress level t. If yu need help n smething, like schlwrk, ask fr it.
    Secnd, learn t relax. When yu feel tired, yu can stp fr a while and listen t music 17is gentle. It can help yu relax. And it's a gd chice 18
    a relaxing bath after a whle day's hard wrk. Yu may als read a gd bk, make time fr a hbby, r play 19 yur pet.
    Third, treat yur bdy well. Experts agree that exercising 20helps peple manage stress. And eating well 21 help yur bdy get the right fuel t be at its best. It's easy fr yu t eat 22fd r eat t much when yu stress ut. But it cannt help t reduce yur stress.
    11.A. because
    B. because f
    C. since
    D. thank t
    12.A. Of
    B. With
    C. As
    D. Fr
    13.A. wrried
    B. wrries
    C. t wrry
    D. wrry
    14.A. Hwever
    B. But
    C. And
    D. Althugh
    15.A. What
    B. Where
    C. Which
    D. Whm
    16.A. expect
    B. expecting
    C. expected
    D. expects
    17.A. when
    B. wh
    C. what
    D. which
    18.A. t take
    B. taking
    C. takes
    D. tk
    19.A. with
    B. fr
    C. by
    D. t
    20.A. regular
    B. regularly
    C. mre regular
    D.the mst regular
    21.A. can
    B. culd
    C. must
    D. shuld
    22.A. health
    B. healthily
    C. unhealthy
    D. unhealthily
    23.A. Learn
    B. Learning
    C. Learned
    D. Learns
    24.A. an
    B. a
    C. the
    D. /
    25.A. that
    B. thse
    C. ne
    D. nes
    What’s mre , slve the little prblems. 23t slve everyday prblems can give yu a sense f cntrl. Develp skills t calmly face 24prblem, make a chice, and take actin tward a slutin. Feeling able t slve little prblems builds the cnfidence t slve bigger 25— it can imprve yur ability t deal with stress.
    三、阅读理解 (共 12 ⼩题, 每⼩题 1.5 分; 满分 18 分) 阅读下⾯短⽂,在问卷星中回答第 26---29 ⼩题。
    Smetimes it may seem difficult t imprve ur health. If s, the fllwing
    health habits may help yu.
    Eat breakfast every mrning.
    Research shws that if yu eat a meal in the mrning yu may nt becme t fat r eat t much during lunch. Eating breakfast can help peple feel better thrugh the day.
    Get enugh sleep.
    Pr sleep can influence ur memry and learning. It can als cause traffic accident! Studies shw that peple wh dn't get enugh sleep seem t get int mre accidents. S stay safe and get enugh sleep!
    Take a walk every day.
    Walking is an easy way t exercise. Yu'd better meet friends fr a walk, nt fr a meal. As yu walk, yu will see the beautiful wrld arund yu. Once yu try, yu will find that adding a walk int yur daily life is very easy.
    Jin scial grups.
    Scial grups can prvide supprt. They might include sprt teams, art r music grups. The peple in the grup can ffer advice and can help each ther in difficult times. Als, being in a grup keeps yur mind busy. An active mind is a healthy mind!
    Have a hbby.
    A hbby culd be running, reading r making smething with yur hands.
    Hbbies help peple t relax and rest. Hbbies bring us jy as well.
    Yu may have a gd memry and learn better if yu .
    A. eat breakfast every mrningB. have a gd sleep
    C. take a walk every dayD.jina
    scial grup
    If yu need help and want t help thers, yu'd better .
    invite yur friend t a meal
    make smething with yur friends
    becme a member f a scial grup
    have a hbby
    Which f the fllwing is TRUE?
    If yu have breakfast every mrning, yu'll be fat.
    All the traffic accidents are caused by pr sleep.
    T jin a scial grup helps yu have a healthy mind.
    Having a hbby is the best way t relax.
    Which is the best title(标题) f the passage?
    A. Ways t Imprve Yur HealthB. Reasns fr Keeping healthy
    C. Gd HabitsD.Breakfast and Exercise
    阅读下列短⽂,在问卷星中回答第 30---33 ⼩题
    Overweight(超重) is ne f the biggest health prblems nw. Being verweight affects mre than hw yu lk. T much fat can kill yu.
    What's wrse, verweight children turn int verweight adults. If yu're bese nw, yu prbably will grw int an bese adult. But here's gd news. Yu can fight verweight.
    Change yur eating habits
    Yu are what yu eat, kids like snacks. Did yu list any healthy snacks? One study f eating habits shwed that sft drinks are the first in the snack list. Next, kids chse salty snacks, like chips. What's mre, the list is full f junk fd frm N. 3 t N.11. Finally, N. 12, kids picked a healthy snack—fruit. S, think abut yur snack chice again.
    Get utside t exercise
    Jim, a player n his schl ftball team, had a weight prblem nt lng time ag. He culd never get anyne t play with him. S his father and he started playing ftball fr a few minutes every night. Ten minutes turned int an hur r mre. In just a few years, the heavy kid became athletic, fit and healthy.
    Mre TV means mre fat
    Nearly every American kid watches TV fr 2 hurs and 56 minutes every day—that adds up t 44 days a year f sitting. Mre TV (r mre Internet surfing, r mre cmputer games) means mre fat.
    Eat an apple a day, walk arund the huse, play with yur family… D it tday, and d it mre tmrrw. It will help yu a lt.
    What des the underlined wrd "bese" mean in Chinese?
    A. 苗 条的B. 虚 胖的C. 健 康的D. 聪明的
    Which f the fllwing statements is NOT true?
    When we watch t much TV, we will prbably get t much fat.
    A few years ag Jim was fat.
    Being verweight nly affects hw we lk.
    Eating an apple a day is gd fr ur health.
    What can we d t fight verweight accrding t the passage?
    ①Try t get up early.
    ②Try t take mre exercise.
    ③Try nt t sit in frnt f TV r cmputer fr t lng.
    ④Try t eat mre healthy fd.
    A. ②③④B. ①②③C. ①③④D. ①②④
    The passage mainly talks abut .
    ne f the biggest health prblems, verweight
    hw t play ftball
    the healthy fd
    hw t fight verweight
    阅读下列短⽂,在问卷星中回答第 34---37 ⼩题
    Spending tw r three hurs playing utdrs each day can reduce a child’s chance f becming shrt-sighted, a research shws. It challenges the belief that shrt-sightedness is caused by cmputer use, watching TV r reading in weak light.
    The Australian gvernment researchers believe that sunlight is gd fr peple’s eyes. They cmpared the visin ( 视 ⼒ ) and habits f 100 seven-year-ld children in Singapre and Australia. In all, 30% f the Singaprean children were shrt-sighted—this rate (⽐率) was ten times higher than Australian children.
    Bth grups spent a similar amunt f time reading, watching televisin and
    playing cmputer games. Hwever, the Australian children spent an average f tw hurs a day utdrs — 90 minutes mre than the Singaprean children.
    Prfessr Ian Mrgan, frm the Australian Research Cuncil’s Visin Centre, said, “Humans are naturally lng-sighted, but when peple begin t g t schl and spend little r n time utdrs, the number f shrt-sighted peple gets larger. We’re als seeing mre and mre shrt-sighted children in cities all arund the wrld—and the main reasn may be that city children spend less time utdrs.”
    Daylight can be hundreds f times brighter than indr light. But why des playing utside prevent us frm becming shrt-sighted? Scientists believe that natural light has a special chemical which stps the eyeball frm grwing ut f shape and prevents peple becming shrt-sighted.
    S be utdrs. It desn’t matter if that time is spent having a picnic r playing sprts.
    Hw much time did the Singaprean children spend utdrs n average every day in the research?
    A. 2 hurs.B. 90 minutes.C. 1 hur.D. 30 minutes.
    What is the fifth paragraph mainly abut?
    Why playing utside is gd fr ne’s eyesight.
    Why natural light has a special chemical.
    Why peple becme shrt-sighted.
    Why daylight is much brighter than indr light.
    Which f the fllwing is true accrding t the passage?
    Peple will all becme shrt-sighted after they begin t g t schl.
    Playing utdrs fr 2 r 3 hurs every day can help prtect yur eyesight.
    Children in Australia are mre likely t get shrt-sighted than thse in Singapre.
    If yu spend tw r three hurs playing utside each day, yu wn’t get shrt-sighted.
    Where is the passage mst prbably frm?
    A. A nvel.B. An advertisement.C. A ntice.D. A science magazine.
    第⼆部分 ⾮选择题(两⼤题;满分 22 分)
    四、回答问题 (共 5 ⼩题, 每⼩题 2 分; 满分 10 分)阅读短⽂, 然后按要求完成第 38~42 ⼩题。
    Hw fit are yu? D yu lk after yurself? D yu eat healthily r d yu eat
    anything yu like? Astn Villa Ftball Club are encuraging their players and lcal children t eat healthy fd. They knw that what yu eat is the key t success.
    Eating the right thing
    A gd diet is a basic part f sprt these days. Astn Villa manager Martin O'Neill's sprt and health experts, have chsen a secret weapn—rganic fd (fd grwn withut chemicals). Fitness manager Jim Henry eats with his players and said, "I chse rganic fd fr Astn Villa because I've read studies shwing that rganic fd has higher levels f vitamins." He believes that the best way t get vitamins is t eat the best fresh fd.
    Eating after the match
    Head chef at Astn Villa, Lan Edge, feeds players with the best fd as sn as they finish an match. He says, "Fd is very imprtant t sprts stars and particularly after a game. There is an hur f pprtunity when they need t eat t get the best muscle strength."
    Teaching healthy eating
    Everyne at Astn Villa enjys rganic fd at their training grund. But the club is als wrried abut the unhealthy diet amng lcal children wh prefer sweets and unhealthy fast fd. As part f their wrk in the cmmunity, Astn Villa has pened up their kitchen and invited children frm lcal schls t their club. Villa midfielder, Nigel ReCker, visited the children n the pening day. "The kitchen is helping t develp a healthy way f life," he said.
    A final wrd frm the kitchen
    Head chef Ian says, "Ftballers knw hw imprtant fd is t their prfessin and nine times ut f ten, they g fr the healthiest chice." D yu watch yur diet? If yu d and yu keep yurself healthy, yu can be a winner!
    Is a gd diet a basic part f sprt these days?
    What's the best way t get vitamins?
    When is the best time t feed players?
    Why has Astn Villa invited lcal children t their club?
    What des the writer want t tell us in the passage?
    五、 综合阅读 (共 6 ⼩题, 每⼩题 2 分; 满分 12 分)阅读短⽂, 然后按要求完成第 43~48 ⼩题
    Puberty is the stage f life when yung peple leave childhd and head int adulthd. It is a difficult prcess fr teenagers (A)because it has an effect n bth their minds and bdies. They need t understand what is ging n with their bdies, hw t deal with thse changes and hw t start taking (B)respnsibility fr themselves.
    A yung persn may begin puberty at 8, while (C) may nt start puberty
    until 14 r 15. In general, girls start puberty tw years befre bys d. Fr bth girls and bys, (D)它通常在 18 岁之前就结束了.
    During these years, the bdy (E)develps in many ways. Feelings can als
    change quickly.
    Teenage bys at this stage ften begin t take unnecessary risks. Their fcus is n having fun and being accepted by thers. They need t think befre they act and make gd decisins fr themselves.
    A girl's persnality ften des nt develp in the same way as a by's. Teenage girls smetimes lse cnfidence in themselves. They are n lnger certain abut their wn feelings. (F) they are usually afraid t tell their parents r teachers abut their prblems. Fr this reasn, teenage girls shuld be encuraged t discuss things with trusted adults.
    Parents, schls and cmmunities can d a lt t care fr and help yung peple. It is everyne's respnsibility t make sure that yung peple grw int healthy
    ⽂中(A) 处划线部分改写: because bth their minds and bdies
    by it.

    2022年辽宁省沈阳市最新中考模拟卷英语试题(含答案无听力): 这是一份2022年辽宁省沈阳市最新中考模拟卷英语试题(含答案无听力),共9页。

    2022年辽宁省沈阳市浑南区九年级一模英语试卷(无答案无听力): 这是一份2022年辽宁省沈阳市浑南区九年级一模英语试卷(无答案无听力),共8页。

    辽宁省沈阳市实验中学(于洪校区)2022年中考英语模拟卷五-恰同学少年之“英”姿飒爽-英语试卷(无听: 这是一份辽宁省沈阳市实验中学(于洪校区)2022年中考英语模拟卷五-恰同学少年之“英”姿飒爽-英语试卷(无听,共9页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 38 分),—Mum, it's t ht等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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