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    2022届福建省高三毕业班4月百校联合测评 英语试题无答案(不含听力)
    2022届福建省高三毕业班4月百校联合测评 英语试题无答案(不含听力)01
    2022届福建省高三毕业班4月百校联合测评 英语试题无答案(不含听力)02
    2022届福建省高三毕业班4月百校联合测评 英语试题无答案(不含听力)03
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    2022届福建省高三毕业班4月百校联合测评 英语试题无答案(不含听力)

    这是一份2022届福建省高三毕业班4月百校联合测评 英语试题无答案(不含听力),共9页。试卷主要包含了 15, 9题等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
    3. 回答选择题时、选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19. 15. B. £9. 18. C. £9. 15.
    1. What will the weather prbably be like this Friday?
    A. Rainy. B. Snwy. C. Sunny.
    2. What des the wman think f her new jb?
    A. Tiring. B. Satisfactry. C. Lw-paying.
    3. What will the wman d this evening?
    A. G swimming. B. G t he cinema. C. G camping.
    4. What will the man d fr his mther?
    A. Make a birthday cake. B. Ck a meal. C. Buy sme flwers.
    5. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Assistant and shpper. B. Custmer and repairman. C. Teacher and student.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. Wh des the wman want t buy a sfa fr?
    A. Her friend. B. Herself. C. Her sister.
    7. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a bedding shp. B. In a supermarket. C. In a furniture stre.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8. 9题。
    8. Hw many peple can get the jb in the end?
    A. Three. B. Ten. C. Tw.
    9. What impresses an interviewer mst?
    A. The interviewee’s appearance. B. The interviewee’s ability. C. The interviewee s manners.
    10. What did the man fail t d last time?
    A. Find a buyer fr the bike. B. Take a picture f the wman. C. Repair the cmputer.
    11. What is eBay accrding t the man?
    A. An accunt. B. An advertisement. C. A website.
    12. Hw will the speakers sell the bike?
    A. By advertising it in a newspaper.
    B. By putting an advertisement nline.
    C. By describing it t ther peple.
    13. What has the wman been busy ding?
    A. Taking tennis lessns. B. Preparing fr her examinatin. C. Lking fr a jb.
    14. Why will the man g t Miami?
    A. T attend a wedding. B. T get married. C. T g sightseeing.
    15. What des the man suggest ding?
    A. Meeting at the airprt. B. Chatting in a cffee shp. C. Having a meal.
    16. Wh made the wman get interested in tennis?
    A. Her brther. B. The man. C. Her rmmate.
    17. What affects ur health as much as vegetables?
    A. Lifestyle factrs. B. Fast fd. C. Sleep.
    18. Hw many peple participated in the study?
    A. Abut 40. 000. B. Abut 400. 000. C. Abut 14, 000.
    19. What questins did the participants answer abut?
    A. Diet. B. Health. C. Hbby.
    20. What kind f vegetables were mst effective in reducing risks?
    A. Raw vegetables. B. Green vegetables. C. Cked vegetables.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Fur Amazing Bks fr Kids
    The Wrld’s Mst Amazing Places
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    The bk has mre than 350 pages and is divided int 12 parts. which are cmmn themes in mnthly magazines . such as explratin, animals, nature, earth, science and technlgy. culture and s n. Each clumn is represented by a clur. which is as easy t identify and lcate as a bkmark frm the side.
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    Entertain yur family and friends with this bk f brain-teasing riddles that will have everyne scratching their heads!
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    An addictive quiz bk fr all the family featuring 10, 000 questins, The Big Quiz Bk has smething fr everyne. With 10 different general knwledge categries—frm Science & Technlgy. Art & Literature, and Natural Histry, t Fd & Drink, Film & TV, and Sprt & Leisure—and three increasing levels f difficulty. it ffers a fresh and up-t-the-minute quizzing experience that will educate and entertain all the family.
    21. Hw much is the bk abut wrld’s different places?
    A. £5. 99. B. £9. 99. C. £12. 99. D. £20.
    22. Which bk is suitable fr a 6-year-ld kid?
    A. Big Quiz Bk. B. Animals Riddle Bk.
    C. Infpédia 2022. D. The Wrld’s Mst Amazing Places
    23. What d the tw bks Animals Riddle Bk and Big Quiz Bk have in cmmn?
    A. They will entertain the whle family.
    B. They are fit fr 7-year-ld kids.
    C. They have three increasing levels f difficulty.
    D. They feature 1, 000 unbelievable facts.
    Officer Jnathan Smith, 30, was called t Bnd Lake near Lewistn. New Yrk, after receiving reprts f a little dg that had fallen in abut 50 yards frm the shre. In this heart-in-muth ftage(镜头) captured by a fellw fficer’s bdycam(人体摄像头), the brave plice fficer threw ff sme equipment befre dashing ut nt the ice. withut any cautin fr his wn safety.
    The wner had been walking the 10-mntb-ld dg arund the lake n January 5 when Kna sptted a distant flck f geese landing n the water and ran twards them. Hrrified, Kna’s wner watched as the dg fell int the freezing water at the edge f the ice.
    In an email t Lewistn Plice Department. the wner wrte: “Althugh she is a strng swimmer. there was zer chance f her getting back ut nt the ice and she began t panic and tire quickly. ”
    The witness nearby called 911 right away. and 15 minutes later. Officer Smith and tw ther fficers frm the Plice Department arrived. Withut hesitatin r rescue equipment. the fficer remved his unifrm and gun belt and ran ver the ice twards the exhausted Kna. When he gt clse enugh t her. Officer Smith grabbed the dg and pulled her frm the water s she was able t run back ver the ice 10 her wner.
    “Kna and I and everybdy that lves her are extremely grateful fr his selflessness and curage, ” the wner wrte. “His prfessinalism and bravery shuld be applauded. I have witnessed cuntless acts f selfless herism. Officer Jn Smith’s actins rank high in my bk. ” The wner was an authr. wh has written many bks.
    Lewistn Plice Department psted the bdycam ftage frm the rescue n their Facebk page, alng with the message frm Kna’s wner.
    24. Why did the dg Kna run t the lake?
    A. The wner asked Kna t d it.
    B. Kna wanted t play n the ice.
    C. The gunsht frightened Kna int ding it.
    D. A flck f geese excited Kna’s curisity.
    25. What is Kna’s wner?
    A. A rescuer. B. A pliceman. C. A writer. D. A phtgrapher.
    26. Which f the fllwing can best describe Officer Smith?
    A. Strng and skilled. B. Brave and selfless.
    C. Successful and hpeful. D. Outging and generus.
    27. What’s the best title f the text?
    A. A Pliceman Rescued a Dg Struggling in Frzen Lake
    B. Lewistn Plice Department Received an Unusual Email
    C. A Stry Between a Dg and the Geese
    D. The Act f Selfish Herism
    Many animals depend upn sund t find fd. detect enemies and cmmunicate with ne anther. These species understandably suffer when lud mtrways cut thrugh their habitats. Sme deal with by singing mre ludly, sme change the timing f their calls t ccur when fewer peple are driving, thers just mve t quieter places.
    All f these actins cme with significant csts attached and scientists have lng dcumented the eclgical damage caused by nise pllutin. It has always been assumed, hwever. that nise is a prblem unique t animals. But a new study by Ali Akbar Ghtbi-Ravandi, a btanist at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran. has shwed that plants suffer t.
    That plants can be hampered indirectly by nise pllutin has never been in dubt. Since mst flwering species depend upn pllinatrs(传粉者) and mst fruit-bearing species need animals t spread their seeds. it is bvius that if these animal partners are harmed by nise then their btanical cunterparts will d badly, t. What has remained unknwn is whether r nt plants themselves suffer directly frm nise pllutin.
    Sunds are pressure waves transmitted thrugh gases, liquids and slids. Scientists have previusly assumed that plants may be able t sense these waves as they are struck by them. A number f experiments have cnfirmed this in recent years—plants bmbed with ultrasund (超声波) in the lab have shwn a range f bad respnses including the expressin f stress-related genes, slw grwth and reduced prductin f seeds.
    Yet bmbing plants with ultrasund is nt the same as grwing them in the presence f actual traffic nise. T this end. Dr Ghtbi-Ravandi decided t set u an experiment t study precisely this questin.
    28. What’s the purpse f the first paragraph?
    A. T draw readers’ interest. B. T intrduce the tpic.
    C. T state sund’s effect n animals. D. T stress the damage f nise.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “hampered” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Attracted. B. Frightened. C. Harmed. D. Killed.
    30. What is still unknwn t scientists?
    A That nise isn’t a prblem unique t animals.
    B. Hw sme animals respnd t nise.
    C. That mst plants depend n animals t spread seeds.
    D. Whether plants suffer directly frm nise pllutin.
    31. What will prbably be talked abut in the fllwing paragraph?
    A. The experiment abut the influence f traffic nise n plants.
    B. Dr Ghtbi-Ravandi’s achievements n plants study.
    C. Differences between ultrasund and traffic nise.
    D. Ways t slve the prblems f traffic nise.
    Sme events have been added t the 2024 Olympics, with surfing, breakdancing and sprt climbing amng the recent additins. With them cme a grup f terms that are freign 10 the French language. Fr sme French-language purists, it’s t much t bear t rely n English t praise surfers n their “nseriding”—standing n the frnt f the bard. They’ve decided they need a French slutin.
    The French gvernment has created a team f language experts devted t prmting the natinal language. They will meet peridically ver the next cuple f years t identify and define new sprts terms. The French battle against the influence f ther languages isn’t new. In 1994, the Tubn law was passed, frcing the use f French in all gvernment publicatins, cntracts and advertisements. Yet it cntained several lphles(漏洞), which allw brands and cmpanies t extensively use English. As a result, anglicisms(从英语中借用的词) are becming mre bvius.
    Julie Neveux, linguistics(语言学) prfessr at Srbnne University in Paris, said anglicisms are“smetimes estimated at just under 5% f the present vcabulary, but they are disturbing because they shw that we fllw an ecnmic and cultural mdel ther than ur wn. ” They are particularly present in sprts cmpetitins and events, during which athletes frm arund the wrld are used t cmmunicating in English. “Sprt was ne f the first areas t be glbalized, ” said sprts histrian Michael Attali, “This phenmenn has strengthened English as the fficial language. ”
    Despite their best effrts, n cmmittee has successfully prevented English frm infiltrating(渗透) everyday language. By the time French fficials agreed n a translatin and its definitin, the English versin has already spread thrughut the natin, “Similar cmmittees have been put in place in the past, but nthing has changed s far, ” said Attali.
    “There are far fewer anglicisms in French than there are French wrds in English. ” said Neveux. adding these exchanges shuld nt be seen as a threat. “All living languages exist by brrwing frm each ther. Languages nly exist thanks t their impurity. ”
    32. What will a team f language experts d?
    A. Prmte the spread f French in the wrld.
    B. Decide upn sme new sprts terms.
    C. Bring English and French tgether.
    D. Make French much purer.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “they” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Anglicisms. B. English wrds.
    C. French wrds. D. Newly created wrds.
    34. What’s the result f previus effrts t stp English frm infiltrating French?
    A. Unimprtant. B. Successful. C. Fruitless. D. Unmentined.
    35. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. English is mre ppular than French.
    B. All languages shuld be preserved.
    C. The exchanges between tw languages can be avided.
    D. Neveux is psitive abut the impurity f language.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Fr thse f yu wh have decided t study in clleges ver sns, it’s time t chse yur majr. There’s n standard rule fr hw t decide n a majr. 36
    ●Start with yur interests.
    Brainstrming can be helpful. Make a list f everything yu’re passinate(热情的) abut. 37 Then. review yur list and pick ut a few things that culd be related t different curses.
    ●Think abut yur abilities.
    Next, make a list f yur skills. 38 Attending sme academic prgrammes r ff-campus activities and taking internships(实习) are gd ways t bth explre yur interests and gain skills.
    ● 39
    Yu might nt knw exactly what yu want t d prfessinally, but yu may have a mre general gal f ding wrk that helps peple. fr example. Additinally, yu may als want t cmpare salaries fr varius careers t see what the future wuld be like if yu had that career.
    ●Get insight frm prfessinals.
    Yu might have friends r family members wh can share their experience f chsing a majr. 40 They will have cnsultants and resurces that yu can use t gain a better understanding f the ptins available t yu,
    A. It’s imprtant t remember that yur majr isn’t a direct rute t a future career.
    B. Hwever. here are sme ways t narrw it dwn.
    C. Cnsider yur career utlk.
    D. Cmpare the tw lists t see where they verlap.
    E. Knwing what really engages yu is imprtant when selecting a majr.
    F. Yur passins will help present yur ptential chices fr subjects t study.
    G. Meanwhile. yu culd als turn t sme training schls fr verseas studies.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    There are tw prblems in the wrld: Garbage and pverty. Eradajere Oleita thinks she may have a 41 fr them. It’s called the Chip Bag Prject. She is asking a 42 f lcal snack lvers: Rather than thrw yur 43 chip bags int the trash, dnate them, s she can turn them int sleeping bags fr the 44.
    Chip eaters drp ff their empty bags at tw lcatins in Detrit, where Oleita and her vlunteer helpers 45 them. Alter they wash the chip bags, they cut them pen. lay them 46. and irn them tgether. They use padding and liners frm ld cats t line the insides.
    It takes abut fur hurs t 47 a sleeping bag, and each takes arund 150 t 300 chip bags, 48 whether they’re single-serve r family size. The result is a sleeping bag that is “waterprf, lightweight, and easy t 49 . ” Oleita said.
    Since its start in 2020, the Chip Bag Prject has cllected mre than 800. 000 chip bags and created 110 sleeping bags. Sure, it wuld be 50 t raise the mney t buy new sleeping bags. But that’s nly half the gal fr Oleita—whse family 51 t the United States frm Nigeria a decade ag with the hpe f attaining a better life-and her fellw
    52. “We are devted t making an impact nt nly scially, but 53 , ” she says.
    And, f curse, there’s the symblism f saving bags that wuld therwise land in the trash and using them t help the hmeless. It’s a pwerful 54 that envirnmental injustice and 55 ften g hand in hand. As Oleita said, “I think it’s time t shw cnnectin between all f these issues. ”
    41. A. slutinB. reasnC. preferenceD. gift
    42. A. questinB. favurC. permissinD. chice
    43. A. dirtyB. cheapC. emptyD. new
    44. A. injuredB. ldC. sickD. hmeless
    45. A. buryB. cllectC. huntD. buy
    46. A. flatB. heavyC. carefulD. straight
    47. A. repairB. sewC. decrateD. design
    48. A. wrking utB. leading tC. resulting inD. depending n
    49. A. carry arundB. take utC. g ffD. put up
    50. A. harderB. clevererC. simplerD. slwer
    51. A. gtB. fledC. mvedD. flew
    52. A. vlunteersB. studentsC. wrkersD. friends
    53. A. ecnmicallyB. persnallyC. envirnmentallyD. privately
    54. A. reprterB. editrC. educatrD. reminder
    55. A. scietyB. pvertyC. pliticsD. safety
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    One f the biggest themes at this year’s CES tech shw was electric and autnmus transprtatin- - cars, trucks, bikes, bats. And, it turns ut, tractrs.
    Farm-equipment giant Deere shwed a new autnmus tractr with 56 attached tillage(耕作) tl at CES. Fr thse nt familiar 57 farm life, Julian Sanchez, Deere’s directr f emerging technlgies, says that tillage is an 58 (imprtance), time-cnsuming, and tiring prcess f preparing the sil fr next seasn s planting. If yu dn’t d it fast, the grund culd freeze. And 59 (effective) tilling means sme seeds wn’t take and yield(产量) 60 (drp).
    While autmatic driving has been n tractrs fr several 61 ( year ), Deere’s autnmus tractr can perate withut. a driver in the cab. The tractr can detect bstacles 62 might damage the attached tiller. And, he says, it can run arund the clck, saving time and labr, and imprving prductivity by as much as 20%.
    If the tilling is t shallw, yu dn’t break up the straw t deep, and the tractr mves t 63 (slw), increasing fuel csts. This system includes six cameras t detect hles, rcks, r ther materials, 64 (infrm) the farmer when an issue needs t be addressed. Eventually. Deere expects 65 (add) ther tasks t the autnmus tractr.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 活动时间、地点和内容;
    3. 你的期待。
    参考词汇:周年纪念日 anniversary
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I was fur years ld in 1993,when my family emigrated(移民) frm the United Arab Emirates t Trnt. Yung enugh t be changed by my new hme, but ld enugh t knw I was different frm everyne arund me. I was the nly Arab and nly Muslim in my junir kindergarten class. Beynd thse bvius differences, Canadian life prved t be quite distinct in ther ways. And I discvered anther surprise that December.
    Overnight, everything was suddenly cvered in red and green. My classmates talked excitedly abut ckies and what gifts they’d asked Santa fr that Christmas. At sme pint, I must have asked myself, “What is Christmas?” There’s nthing quite like it in the Muslim wrld. The clsest cmparisn might be Eidal-Adha, which translates frm Arabic t “Festival f sacrifice”. While bth hlidays shw the same spirit f sharing with the less frtunate and spending time with lved nes, Eid meant new clthes and a family dinner. And that was abut it. N tree decrated with rnaments(装饰物), and n gifts cvered in wrapping paper.
    Christmas was cmpletely freign t me, but then my parents unexpectedly infrmed me that Santa wuld be paying us a visit n Christmas Eve. “But aren’t we Muslim?”I asked.
    “Yes, but Santa lves all children equally and gets them all gifts, ” my mther replied.
    S n that first Christmas Eve in Canada, she hung versized red and white stckings, each ne custmized with ur names, ff ur bedpsts. I have a distinct memry f the restless expectatin that kept me awake lng after bedtime and my jy when I gt up n Christmas mrning t find my stcking filled with gifts.
    Still in my pyjamas(睡衣), I ran ver t the kitchen t tell my parents that Santa had indeed visited us last night. I asked if they’d seen him, and Mm said, “Of curse!” Mm ffered Santa a cup f cffee, as is the Arab custm when hsting guests. He needed the energy fr the lng night ahead, she tld me.
    When I returned t schl after the hlidays. I had a stry t share with my classmates. Santa had visited me t! I culd shw ff gifts while ther kids shwed ff theirs.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My parents kept ur Christmas traditin ging fr years, until I was t ld t believe in Santa anymre.
    As an adult. I’ve cme t realize creating a sense f belnging is jining in traditins.

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