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    吉林省长春市2022届高三下学期线上质量监测(三)(三模) 英语 Word版含答案
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    吉林省长春市2022届高三下学期线上质量监测(三)(三模) 英语 Word版含答案01
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    吉林省长春市2022届高三下学期线上质量监测(三)(三模) 英语 Word版含答案01
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    吉林省长春市2022届高三下学期线上质量监测(三)(三模) 英语 Word版含答案

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. Where is the wman eager t g?
    A. The Nile.B. The Pyramids.C. Egypt.
    2. What are they mainly talking abut?
    A. New shes.B. She shps.C. Her husband.
    3. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At a stre.B. At a restaurant.C. At a htel.
    4. What is the time nw?
    A. 9:00.B. 9:15.C. 9:45.
    5. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Neighbrs.B. Bss and emplyee.C. Dctr and patient.
    6. What is the man struggling with?
    A. Mney.B. Driving.C. Memry.
    7. Hw will the wman help the man?
    A. She’ll give him sme advice.B. She’ll drive him t the bank.C. She’ll remind him f mney.
    8. Where d the wman’s family members have their family reunin in autumn?
    A. In Paris.B. In Hawaii.C. In Tky.
    9. Why des the wman g t Paris fr their family reunin?
    A. Because her family have never been there.
    B. Because tw f her aunts are frm there.
    C. Because she wants t g there fr hliday.
    10. Hw des the man like his trip next mnth?
    A. He is very excited at it.B. He is very calm at it.C. He is a little disappinted at it.
    11. At what time d yu think the cnversatin tk place?
    A. In the mrning.B. At nn.C. In the afternn.
    12. Where did Rita g s that she was late?
    A. The plice statin.B. The restaurant.C. The shp.
    13. Why did Rita g back t her car?
    A. T lck the car.B. T leave the handbag in the car.C. T get her checkbk.
    14. What did Tm suggest?
    A. Phning Rita’s friend again.
    B. Phning her wn manager fr help.
    C. Phning the manager f the restaurant.
    15. What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Bss and secretary.B. Father and daughter.C. Manager and custmer.
    16. What is David Brwn’s phne number?
    A. 633001.B. 622301.C. 633201.
    17. Where is the phne number?
    A. On Miss Grey’s desk.B. On Mr. Blank’s desk.C. On Mr. Brwn’s desk.
    18. When is the speaker talking?
    A. In the mrningB. In the afternn.C. In the evening.
    19. Wh are the listeners?
    A. Patients.B. Visitrs.C. Nurses.
    20. Which is NOT allwed in the hspital?
    A. Smking in any area.B. Listening t the hspital radi.C. Drpping in n patients in the mrning.
    Hw t see Lndn like a pr
    We’ve explred Lndn thrughly and cme away with quite a few lessns. Here are ur tips.
    Visiting Buckingham Palace
    Being Lndn’s mst icnic landmark, this grand 775-rm building is where Queen Elizabeth hstsfeasts and meets heads f state. But if yu’re dreaming f taking a visit t it, yu’ll need t plan yur tripcarefully. The palace is typically nly pen during the summer mnths frm July 23rd t Octber 3rd. Visiting hurs are frm 9:30 a.m. t6:30 p.m. If yu’re visiting when the palace isn’t available t tur,yu can still see the Changing f the Guard.
    Hitting the Lndn Eye
    The Lndn Eye is a playful additin t the city skyline. Standing near centuries-ld architecture,this enrmus Ferris wheel ges rund slwly ver the left bank f the Thames, serving up views ver theLndn Bridge and the Shard t the west, plus a wide perspective f the Palace f Westminster. Buy yurtickets in advance nline, chse a clear day and g first thing in the mrning t avid crwds peak.
    Drinking afternn tea
    Afternn tea—a sacred, buttery ritual (仪式)—is reasn enugh t cme t Lndn. The Britishhave taken a simple tea break and turned it int a luxurius ceremny, cmplete with patterned china, layered plates f finger sandwiches and scnes in cream and jam. And we haven’t mentined the cakes,which are ften brught arund n a wheeled cart. When making a reservatin, remember that afternntea isn’t a snack but a full meal with sweet and salty elements, and yu’ll be stuffed. The smart mve is tskip lunch and maybe even dinner.
    21. Which is a prper time t visit Buckingham Palace?
    A. July 18, 10:00 a.m.B. Aug. 23, 8:30 a.m.C. Sep. 27, 3:00 p.m.D. Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m.
    22. The attractin f the Lndn Eye lies in the fact that ______.
    A. it prvides a gd view f sme places f interestB. it makes Lndn’s skyline seem mre harmnius
    C. it spins quickly ver the left bank f the ThamesD. it is mre histric cmpared t the nearby buildings
    23. What d we knw abut British afternn tea?
    A. It is a shrt break with light snacks.B. It is a full meal with varius tasty fds.
    C. It cmbines sur and sweet flavurs well.D. It is cmplete with delicate silver dishware.
    Christmas 2020 was shaping up t be a heartbreaker fr Melanie Lee. A few weeks earlier, her 33-year-ld sn had lst his battle with a lng illness. Then the transmissin(变速器) n her 2007 ChevrletTahe failed t wrk. She had n means f paying fr it t be fixed.
    “When it brke dwn, I brke dwn,” Lee tld CNN. “Nw I dn’t have my baby, and I dn’t havetransprtatin. Hw am I suppsed t stay active in my grandchildren’s lives?”
    Elit Middletn, 38, wh is the wner f a barbecue restaurant and frmer aut mechanic, in his freetime, repairs and gives away used cars. He’d heard abut Lee’s difficult situatin frm her nephew FrankMcClary, the mayr f Andrews, Suth Carlina. On Christmas mrning, Middletn shwed upunannunced at Lee’s hme with a gift: a white 1993 Oldsmbile.
    “I had n idea what was ging n,” said Lee. “He handed me the keys and didn’t ask franything.”Once again, she’s able t pick up her granddaughters frm schl and take them t danceclass. “I gt my freedm back.”
    The idea fr the used-car giveaway came t Middletn a year earlier during a fd drive he’drganized. Many f thse wh’d lined up fr a meal walked up t fur miles t get there because theydidn’t have cars. “Cars are a lifeline in this part f Suth Carlina,”Middletn tld CBS. “There’s npublic transprtatin, n Ubers, n taxis t take peple t jb interviews, dctr appintments, even fdshpping.” S he psted n Facebk an ffer t trade his restaurant’s specialty, barbecued ribs, frbrken-dwn vehicles. Since then, friends and strangers have drpped ff mre than 100 cars in variusstates f disrepair. Many sit in Middletn’s yard waiting t be patched up and dnated, usually t thsehe’s heard abut thrugh wrd f muth. It’s a list f names that grws daily.
    “Peple think Elit is an angel,” Mayr McClary tld the Washingtn Pst. “And I d t.”
    24. What can we learn abut Melaine Lee frm the text?
    A. She lst her sn in a car accident.B. She was deeply depressed when her car brke dwn.
    C. She refused t lk after her grandchildren withut a car.D. She gt a brand-new car frm Middletn fr free.
    25. What will peple get if they give their cars t Middletn?
    A. Sme mney.B. Anther car.C. Sme fd.D. A Christmas gift.
    26. What des the underlined part“patched up”in Paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Fixed up.B. Given away.C. Taken apart.D. Thrwn abut.
    27. Accrding t the text, which wrds can best describe Middletn?
    A. Outging and rganized.B. Mdest and ptimistic.C. Generus and cautius.D. Caring and skillful.
    Facebk has launched its first pair f smart glasses, which huse speakers and cameras, built witheyewear firm Ray-Ban. The glasses, which are available in a range f clurs and styles, are priced at £299 and will be available frm September 13.
    Called Ray-Ban Stries, the glasses feature tw five-megapixel cameras t take phts and vides, aswell as built-in micrphnes and speakers enabling users t make calls and listen t audi. The glassesals cme with built-in LED lights t let peple nearby knw when the wearer is taking a pht r videand pair with the new Facebk View app, which enables users t share cntent frm the glasses t theirscial media accunts.
    Annuncing the new hardware, Facebk acknwledged that privacy was a key issue it had lked taddress when creating the new device. “As with any new device, we have a big respnsibility t helppeple feel cmfrtable and prvide peace f mind, and that ges nt nly fr device wners but thepeple arund them, t,” the scial netwrk said in a blg pst.
    Facebk said it wuld als ffer guidance t users n hw t safely use the glasses with regard tthers. “We’ve develped guidelines fr what is and isn’t an apprpriate use f the glasses, sme f whichare surfaced right in the app during nbarding, and which are available in full nline n ur dedicatedprivacy micrsite fr Ray-Ban Stries.”
    “These tips include respecting peple’s preferences if they ask yu t stp recrding r dn’t want tbe in a pht r vide, nt capturing phts and vides while driving, and turning ff the glasses inprivate areas like places f wrship, a dctr’s ffice, r lcker rms.”
    28. Which f the fllwing statements is true accrding t the text?
    A. The smart glasses are made by Facebk independently.
    B. The glasses have mre than tw five-megapixel cameras.
    C. Users can share cntent frm the glasses with their friends.
    D. The build-in LED lights help take better pictures.
    29. What can be inferred frm the text?
    A. The glasses will be a hit with Facebk users.B. Peple can buy the glasses at the start f September.
    C. The tips n safe use f the glasses are nt free.D. Sme peple may feel uneasy when being caught n camera.
    30. What is Facebk’s attitude t the issue f privacy?
    A. Serius.B. Indifferent.C. Negative.D. Objective.
    31. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Safety Guidelines fr Glasses UsersB. Facebk’s Release f Smart Glasses
    C. Privacy Related t New TechnlgyD. Users’ Feedback n Smart Glasses
    IQ is ften cnsidered as an imprtant driver f success particularly in fields such as science, innvatin and technlgy. In fact many peple have endless fascinatin with the IQ scres f famuspeple. But the truth is that sme f the greatest achievements by ur species have primarily relied nqualities such as creativity, imaginatin, curisity and empathy (同感).
    Many f these characteristcs are rted in what scientists call “cgnitive (认知的) flexibility”—askill that enables us t switch between different cncepts r t adapt behavir t achieve gals in a nvelr changing envirnment. Cgnitive flexibility prvides us with the ability t see that what we are ding isnt leading t success and t make the apprpriate changes t achieve it.
    Cgnitive flexibility may have affected hw peple cped with the pandemic lckdwns(疫情封锁)which prduced new challenges arund wrk and schling. Sme f us fund it easier than thers tadapt ur rutines t d many activities frm hme. Such flexible peple may als have changed theserutines frm time t time trying t find better and mre varied ways f ging abut their day. Others, hwever, struggled and ultimately became mre rigid in their thinking.
    Flexible thinking is key t creativity. It als supprts academic and wrk skills such as prblemslving. Fr example, visual artists may be f average intelligence but highly creative and have prducedmasterpieces. Creativity is als imprtant in science and innvatin. We have discvered that successfulbusinessmen wh have created multiple cmpanies are mre cgnitively flexible than managers f a similarage and IQ.
    Cgnitive flexibility is als assciated with high recvery frm negative life events as well as higherquality f life in lder individuals. It can even be beneficial in emtinal and scial cgnitin: studieshave shwn that cgnitive flexibility has a strng link t the ability t understand the emtins, thughtsand intentins f thers.
    Neurimaging studies have shwn that cgnitive flexibility is dependent n a netwrk f frntal brainregins. There are a number f ways t bjectively assess peple’s cgnitive flexibility including theWiscnsin Card Srting test and the CANTAB Set Shift Task. And the gd news is that it seems that yucan train cgnitive flexibility.
    32. What can we learn frm Paragraph 1?
    A. Creativity is the nly surce f peple’s success.B. A driver’s achievement is nt determined by IQ.
    C. The IQ f famus peple is mysterius.D. IQ may nt be the key factr in human’s achievements.
    33. Which might NOT be an example f cgnitive flexibility during pandemic lckdwns?
    A. Organizing nline meetings.B. Taking up indr wrkut.
    C. Jining in grup hiking.D. Learning t bake at hme.
    34. Which belngs t the cnsequences f cgnitive flexibility?
    A. Flexible peple tend t stick t their rutines.
    B. Peple have a better understanding f thers’ feelings.
    C. Businessmen are mre likely t succeed than visual artists.
    D. Older individuals are able t avid misfrtunes in life.
    35. What wuld the fllwing paragraph talk abut?
    A. The ways t develp cgnitive flexibility.B. The applicatin f cgnitive flexibility.
    C. The Wiscnsin Card Srting test.D. The imprtance f training cgnitive flexibility.
    Imagine yu’re abut t submit an applicatin t yur dream schl and suddenly, yur heart startspunding(狂跳): Did I make a wise decisin chsing this majr?36 ? T avid this situatin,fllw these steps.
    What subjects interest yu? An autmatic answer may be the subject in which yu get the highestscre.37. If yu had t take ne class, what wuld it be? When yu have free time, what kinds fbks wuld yu pick up and read? Yur answers may hint at what yu’re truly interested in.
    38. Fr example, artificial intelligence, bimedical science and mechanical engineering aresme f the mst prmising current majrs.
    Nw take a clser lk at the abve tw steps. Fr example, maybe yu find yurself hked whenyu’re learning abut cmputer science, and artificial intelligence appears t be f great imprtance in thewrld as well.39. There may be a few, but dn’t wrry, we still have ne mre step.
    Check yur dream schl’s admissin requirements. Fr example, I’ve been interested in bthpsychlgy and educatin, but apparently psychlgy has higher requirement fr admissin. 40.
    Grab a pen and start creating yur wn desirable majr.
    A. N, think hard
    B. Mark them bth
    C. What if I’m wrng
    D. What abut seeking advice frm my parents
    E. If yu have many ideas in mind, list them all dwn
    F. Cmparatively speaking, educatin wuld be a smarter chice
    G. Write dwn what yu believe will be mst in demand in the future
    I develped my fascinatin fr China as a child and when the pprtunity arse fr me t learn inChina, I did nt 41. My China jurney is ne in the wnderland.
    Already stressful and challenging, my experience f struggling fr my Master’s Prgram in Xi’anJiatng University 42int a greater strm as COVID-19 rcked ur bats. My life ended up inchas. Our 43was in the Chinese gvernment. We believed they wuld sn take us ut f this 41—leaving r staying. And they did.
    My time in China has given me many mments f self-reflectin, and pprtunities fr 45wh Iam. Finding new styles t express my inner self is truly an 46activity within China!
    I nw travel t and frm n the busy rads, tunnels and sidewalks f the city in all kinds f weather tmeet deadlines n a daily basis. It is my ttal 47that the traffic system f this cuntry 48whatChina is—the best f bth wrlds—Western and Asian.
    Fd! Being invited t a hme cked dinner really helps t 49nstalgia(乡愁). Cking tgetherhas been an unfrgettable way f 50with friends, and withut dubt, friends are 51fr living ameaningful life.
    Same as 52! Have yu seen hw the elders f the natin play Ping Png? It is played s 53and skillfully as t be named the fficial sprt. My university, Xian Jiatng University gave me awnderful pprtunity t 54this sprt and many mre.
    Having 55in kindergarten fr five years in America, I’ve understd that gd parenting and educatin are the 56f a child’s discipline and persnality. I’ve been blessed t bserve that theChinese 57and parenting methds have 58Chinese teachers and children in a special way. Iwuld lve t 59their unique schling techniques int my educating practice.
    My tw years in China have been just as unbelievable yet beautiful. Sucha 60f the bdy, heartand mind can surely carve memries n stne frever.
    41. A. decideB. hesitateC. regretD. escape
    42. A. wrsenedB. widenedC. strengthenedD. sharpened
    43. A. dutyB. dubtC. hpeD. truble
    44. A. dangerB. dilemmaC. prcessD. failure
    45. A. assessingB. imaginingC. changingD. explring
    46. A. academicB. awfulC. enjyableD. rdinary
    47. A. beliefB. bjectinC. expectatinD. fantasy
    48. A. damagesB. affectsC. cmpletesD. represents
    49. A. prmteB. maintainC. relieveD. understand
    50. A. bndingB. cmparingC. cnsultingD. grwing
    51. A. availableB. essentialC. unusualD. cnsiderate
    52. A. custmsB. artsC. jbsD. sprts
    53. A. patientlyB. cheerfullyC. crrectlyD. cmmnly
    54. A. engage inB. put ffC. apprve fD. cmment n
    55. A. struggledB. taughtC. perfrmedD. lived
    56. A. resultsB. effrtsC. rtsD. advantages
    57. A. cultureB. languageC. literatureD. architecture
    58. A. struckB. shapedC. cnfusedD. exhausted
    59. A. adaptB. divideC. imprtD. transfrm
    60. A. feelingB. relaxatinC. meetingD. jurney
    Chinese museums have made a leap in their develpment ver the past few years. Statistics releasedby the Natinal Cultural Heritage Administratin n May 18 61(shw) that there was 62rise fabut 23 percent cmpared with 2015. As a result, China has the furth 63(large) number fmuseums in the wrld next 64the United States, Germany and Japan.
    65Chinese museums are develping rapidly, yet further refrm 66(require) tday in rdert give them a mre utstanding rle in the natin’s verall develpment. After three years f preparatrywrk, nine ministry-level 67(rganize ) jintly released the dcument, which ffers guidelines nprmting refrm 68develpment f the field.
    “Hwever, 69(face) the prblem f unbalanced develpment, we shuld make mre effrt 70(imprve) ur museum system.” said Guan Qiang, deputy directr f the Natinal Cultural Heritage Administratin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Ladies and gentlemen, welcme t ur schl! It is a hnr t intrduce ur martial arts club t yu.
    Since it funded six years ag, it has been ppular amng students. Every Friday afternn, themember gather t practise martial arts under the directin f tw teachers, that have ever cmpeted inmartial arts cmpetitins.The members are frequent rganized t put n perfrmances in variusccasins. Nt nly can we keep the Chinese traditin alive, and we can als strengthen ur bdy andwillpwer by practise martial arts.
    Nw, let’s watch ut sme wnderful perfrmances tgether. I hpe they can have a gd time in urschl.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    1. 表示支持;
    2. 对此项运动的理解;
    3. 给出建议。
    参考词汇:crss-cuntry running race越野赛
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua
    听力:1—5 CAABC6—10 CBABC11—15 CACCA16—20 CBBAC
    阅读:21—23 CAB24—27 BCAD28—31 CDAB32—35 DCBA36—40 CAGBF
    完形:41—45 BACBD46—50 CADCA51—55 BDDAB56—60 CABCD
    61. shwed62. a63. largest64. t65.Althugh/Thugh/While
    66. is required67. rganizatins68. and69. facing70. t imprve
    Ladies and gentlemen, welcme t ur schl! It is a hnr t intrduce ur martialarts club t yu.
    Since it funded six years ag, it has been ppular amng students. Every Fridayafternn, the member gather t
    practise martial arts under the directin f tw teachers, thathave ever cmpeted in martial arts cmpetitins. The
    members are frequent rganized t put nperfrmances in varius ccasins. Nt nly can we keep the Chinese
    traditin alive, and we canals strengthen ur bdy and willpwer by practise martial arts.
    Nw, let’s watch ut sme wnderful perfrmances tgether. I hpe they can have a gdtime in ur schl.
    删掉 yu/we
    Dear Jack,
    I’m very delighted t knw that yu are ging t take part in the crss-cuntry running race held annually inyur schl. I’m prud f yu and admire yu s much.
    Lng-distance running benefits us a lt. Nt nly can it build up ur bdy but it can als strengthen ur will.Besides, finishing the hard race will help us btain self-cnfidence and mtivatin,which are essential qualities inur future success.
    T make it, it’s necessary t train regularly and make full preparatins fr it.Als, there is n dubt that yushuld take enugh nutritius fd and valuable instructins frm yur cach.
    G fr it and wish yu success.
    Li Hua
    (Text 1)
    M: D yu really want t g t Egypt?
    W: Yes, I really want t g there! I’m lking frward t seeing the Pyramids and the Nile.
    (Text 2)
    W: D yu like my new shes?
    M: Oh, yes. Aren’t they smart? Where did yu buy them?
    W: Thank yu very much! They are a present frm my husband.
    (Text 3)
    W: It’s lvely. I’ll take it.
    M: Are yu paying cash?
    (Text 4)
    M: The bus was suppsed t arrive at 9:00 and it’s already 15 minutes late. If it desn’t cme sn, I’ll be late frmy date.
    W: Yes, I have a meeting at 10:00 and I can’t affrd t miss it.
    (Text 5)
    M: Gd mrning, madam. Cme in. What can I d fr yu?
    W: Well. I’m having difficulty in sleeping. I ften wake up at three in the mrning and I just can’tget back t sleep.
    (Text 6)
    M: Hey, Susan. Yu’re gd at remembering things, aren’t yu?
    W: Yeah, I guess s. Why?
    M: I’m always frgetting things. Last week I went t the bank fr sme mney, and I frgt t take it utf the machine. When I remembered and went back, the mney was gne. Besides, I culdn’t rememberwhere I parked my car.
    W: That’s pretty bad.
    M: Can yu give me sme advice n ways t imprve my memry?
    W: Nt really. Yu’d better just let me drive yu t the bank next time.
    (Text 7)
    W: My parents tld me my uncles and aunts are planning a big family reunin in Paris thisfall.
    M: Are yu ging t the reunin?
    W: Yu bet. All my uncles and aunts will take their children alng, t. S I’ll meet manycusins there.
    M: Hw nice! But why Paris?
    W: Because tw f my aunts are French. They met and gt married t my uncles in France.Sme f their relatives are still living there.
    M: Have yu ever been t France befre?
    W: N. Actually, I’ve never traveled abrad. I’m very excited abut it. I just can’t wait.
    M: My parents are ging t take me n a trip t Hawaii next mnth by way f Tky, butI’ve been there three times already.
    (Text 8)
    W: Srry, I’m late, Tm.
    M: It’s all right, Rita. Where have yu been?
    W: At the plice statin. I’ve lst my handbag. Or perhaps smene’s taken it. I dn’tknw.
    M: Oh, n. What happened? Sit dwn. Was there anything imprtant in it?
    W: Imprtant! My checkbk, all the papers I need fr wrk.
    M: Oh, that’s terrible. But hw did yu lse it?
    W: Well, as yu knw, I was with a friend all mrning and we had lunch tgether. After Ihad lunch, I went shpping. And when I wanted t buy smething, I culdn’t find mycheckbk. Then I remembered that it was in my handbag. And my handbag was in mycar.
    M: S yu went back t yur car.
    W: But I didn’t find it there.
    M: And yu went t the plice statin?
    W: Nt immediately. Befre I went t the plice statin, I called my friend’s ffice. Nluck.
    M: Yu shuld g t the restaurant where yu had lunch and lk fr it.
    W: Oh, I shuld have dne that.
    M: Nw yu’d better telephne the manager right away.
    (Text 9)
    M: Any messages, Miss Grey?
    W: Just ne, Mr. Blank. Yu had a telephne call frm smene called Brwn, David
    M: Brwn? I dn’t seem t knw anyne called Brwn. What did he want?
    W: He wuldn’t say. But it sunded imprtant. I tld him yu’d phne him as sn as yugt back.
    M: Well, I’d better d it then, I suppse. Er... yu’ve gt his phne number, haven’t yu?
    W: Yes, it’s 633201.
    M: 622301.
    W: N, 633201.
    M: Oh, I’d better write it dwn, therwise I’ll prbably frget it.
    W: I have already dne it, Mr. Blank. It’s n yur desk.
    (Text 10)
    Hell, listeners. Welcme t Hentn Hspital Radi. Befre ur music prgram at fur, I’m ging t repeat smef ur hspital rules.
    The visiting hurs are in the afternn frm 2:30 t 3:30 and in the evening frm 7:00 t 8:00. But remember nlytw peple can see yu at the same time. Srry abut that, but yu can imagine what wuld happen if we didn’thave these rules. The ther rules are abut ur hurs. We start pretty early—yu might nt be used t that. Wewake yu at 6 ’clck, breakfast is at 8 ’clck, and lunch is at nn; there’s tea at 3:30 and supper is at 6 ’clck.Yu can see the n-smking sign—we dn’t allw smking in the wards. Hwever, if yu d need t smke, thereare special areas where it is allwed.
    Yu will find the radi switch n the wall near yur bed, with yur headphnes, if yu want t listen. It’s ur wnhspital radi wishing yu a speedy recvery.

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