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    四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟” 英语试题含答案+听力
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    四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟” 英语试题含答案+听力01
    四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟” 英语试题含答案+听力02
    四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟” 英语试题含答案+听力03
    四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟” 英语试题含答案+听力01
    四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟” 英语试题含答案+听力02
    四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟” 英语试题含答案+听力03
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    四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟” 英语试题含答案+听力

    这是一份四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟” 英语试题含答案+听力,文件包含四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟”英语试题Word版无答案doc、四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期“二诊模拟”英语试题答案pdf、成都石室中学2021-2022学年度下期高2022届二诊模拟考试英语听力1mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What will the man d this weekend?
    A.Meet his prfessr.B.See a mvie.C.D a prject.
    2.Hw much will the man pay?
    3.Where will the speakers g?
    A.T a Thai restaurant.B.T an Italian restaurant.C.T a Mexican restaurant.
    4.What are the speakers discussing?
    A.What they shuld d next.
    B.Which subject is imprtant.
    C.Hw they shuld slve the math prblems.
    5.Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A.At the man's hme.B.In an ffice.C.At a stre.
    6.Why des the wman call the man?
    A. T change the address.B.T check n a delivery.C.T rder a pair f shes.
    7.When will the shes arrive?
    A.On March 10th.B.On March 7th.C.On March 5th.
    8.Why is the man wrried abut Carl?
    A.She lst her credit card.
    B.She fails t pay her mney back.
    C.She is crazy abut buying things.
    9. What will the man d t deal with Carl's prblem?
    A.Remain silent.
    B. Talk t her abut it.
    C.Try t ask her family fr help.
    10.Hw many pieces f luggage des the wman have?
    11.What shuld the wman d with the bag?
    A.Carry it n.B.Put it n the belt.C.Give it t her friend.
    12.What des the man ask the wman t pen?
    A.Her suitcase. B.Her handbag.C.Her bag.
    13.Why des the schl make the change?
    A.T have the fd machines repaired.
    B.T encurage students t have a healthy diet.
    C.T encurage students t prtect the envirnment.
    14.What is the man cncerned abut at first?
    A.Where he will get fd frm.
    B.Hw he can eat healthily.
    C.What he can eat.
    15.What des the wman think the man shuld d?
    A.Lse weight.B.Drink mre water.C.Eat in the lunch rm.
    16.What des the man think f bringing fd t schl?
    17.Where shuld the listeners meet befre they leave?
    A.Outside the schl gate.B.In the classrm.C.At the sprts stadium.
    18.What shuld the listeners bring?
    A.A drink.B.A sandwich.C.Fruit.
    19.What can listeners see in the Natinal Cncert Hall?
    A.An exhibitin.B.A cncert.C.A dancing.
    20.When will the bus set ff fr schl?
    A.At 5:00 p.m.B.At 5:30 p.m.C.At 7:15 p.m.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Grwing up, pretty much everyne has been in a classrm where a student gets caught with smething they shuldn't have brught t schl, and then the teacher cnfiscates the item. That cmmn scene played ut ne day at a junir high schl in the twn f Mikasa, Japan, with a male student whse name hasn't been released, whm we'll call “Tar”.
    It's nt clear what exactly was cnfiscated frm Tar, but whatever it was, he wanted it back. S last week, while the schl was clsed fr winter vacatin, Tar, accmpanied by his girlfriend, stle int the schl, with his eventual gal t recver his stuff. The tw managed t get inside ne f the schl's staff rms, but it wasn't lng until an emplyee wh was in the building heard them talking ludly and called the plice.
    Getting the plice invlved, which was ppsed t calling the cuple's parents and telling them t cme t pick up their misbehaving children, might seem like verkill. And the plice arrested them instead f suspending them frm schl. The thing is, thugh, Tar is 63 years ld, and his girlfriend is 58.Yes,bth f them attended the middle schl they brke int, but they als bth graduated frm it well ver 40 years ag.
    Whatever his teacher tk frm him als appears t be smething he hlds clse in his heart, cnsidering the lengths he went t t attempt t recver it. It's unclear whether r nt he expected the trading card, dirty magazine, Game By, r whatever the item was, t still be sitting in a strage rm after mre than fur decades, but he als said he was hping t find his teacher's cntact infrmatin in the schl's files, perhaps in rder t persnally ask him t return it.
    Still, cnsidering his current age, it seems that the wiser thing fr Tar t d wuld have been t simply call the schl r walk in like a fully grwn adult and plitely ask fr his stuff back. As fr why he didn't, bth Tar and his girlfriend were intxicated at the time f their arrest, s it lks like this may be a case f tw peple recalling their student days while getting bth liqured and wrked up, and then deciding “We shuld break int the schl and get my stuff back!”, which is the srt f thing that really nly ever sunds like a gd idea t teenagers and drunk peple.
    21. Why did the man break int the schl?
    A.Because he missed his yuth and wanted t revisit the schl he attended decades ag.
    B.Because he planned t find ut which teacher tk away his stuff when he was yung.
    C.Because he intended t break int the strage rm f the schl t get this stuff back.
    D.Because he wanted t recver smething taken away by his middle schl teacher.
    22.The authr f the passage may believe that .
    A.it was immral fr the teachers t take away students' persnal belngings
    B.Tar held the stuff his teacher tk away dear given his effrts t have it back
    C.the emply's reactin f calling the plice t reprt the incident was necessary
    D.Tar shuld have cnsidered his age befre taking actin t break int the schl
    23.The underlined wrd "intxicated" prbably means .
    99 smartphnes in a small cart(手推车).That's all it tk Simn Weckert,a German artist,t trick the Ggle Maps traffic algrithm(算法)t generate a fake traffic jam in the streets f Berlin (just in frnt f the Ggle ffice in the German capital).
    The smartphnes were all cnnected t the netwrk and with lcatin services activated. The mbiles were cnnected t Ggle Maps in driving mde, as if they were n bard f driving vehicles. The artist pushed the cart alng the streets f the city, walking n a slw pace and stpping every nw and then.
    Fr the regular persn passing by, they wuld just see a man pulling a cart full f phnes, as if he was walking his dg. Hwever, Ggle Maps saw differently. Fr the Ggle Maps navigatin algrithm, this smartphne-full cart appeared as 99 cars, almst nt mving at all. Thus, the algrithm decided the street must be cllapsed and the fake traffic jam became alive. Therefre, Ggle Maps turns the street frm green (light traffic) t red(heavy/nt mving traffic),as it has been shwn in the Ggle Maps website.
    Ggle Maps is a very ppular applicatin amng drivers. Its navigatin algrithm has very accurate real time traffic infrmatin, in mst cases mre up t date than mst f the car's built-in navigatrs. At the cre f this accuracy lies the crwdsurcing algrithm: the data frm all the users f the app is being cllected and used real-time t identify the cngestin f the rads.
    With its pwerful crwdsurcing-based navigatin algrithm, Ggle Maps can utperfrm the car built-in navigatin applicatin, especially if the latter is nt cnnected t the Internet. Hwever, the crwdsurcing is exactly what Simn Weckert used t explit fr his Ggle Maps trick.
    The Ggle Maps trick is definitely a curius example n hw technlgy influences ur lives tday and hw smene can use it t influence ther peple. Of curse, in this case the artist's intentin was just t make sciety aware f his pint. But smene culd als explit similar technlgical weak pints with ther ill intentins.
    Ggle had this t say in respnse t the “trick”: Whether via car r cart r camel, we lve seeing creative uses f Ggle Maps as it helps us make maps wrk better ver time. The cmpany als reassured t make maps as accurate as pssible. Ggle als pinted ut in a jkey fashin that it can distinguish between cars and mtrcycles in sme regins arund the wrld-but it hasn't figured ut a way fr carts yet.
    24.What can we knw frm the passage?
    A. The smartphnes' driving mde was n s that they culd be put n driving vehicles.
    B. Staying nline, the car built-in navigatin applicatin perfrms better than Ggle Maps.
    C. Ggle cnsidered this event as a reminder that they need t imprve their service further.
    D. The artist aimed t use this trick t warn peple nt t be influenced by high technlgy.
    25.What d we knw abut Ggle Maps navigatin algrithm?
    A. It can use the data cllected frm the app users t generate accurate traffic infrmatin.
    B. Simn Weckert has n idea as t hw the Ggle Maps navigatin algrithm wrks.
    C. The traffic infrmatin frm the Ggle Maps is shwn t the app users with a shrt delay.
    D. Crwdsurcing algrithm has little impact n the accuracy f the Ggle Maps.
    26.It can be inferred frm Paragraph 6 that
    A. peple want t figure ut hw technlgy, like Ggle Maps, can affect peple's life
    B. the artist tricked Ggle Maps in rder t raise the awareness f tech cmpanies
    C. the authr f the passage believes the artist did a gd jb in achieving his gal
    D. peple shuld be cautius abut the fact that technlgy may be used fr bad purpses
    27.What is the best title f the passage?
    A. Ggle Maps: accurate yet easy t be tricked
    B. Simn Weckert, a successful artist tricking Ggle
    C. Artist fled Ggle Maps with fake traffic jams
    D. Watch ut fr the bad intentins behind high tech
    In her 2018 memir, Educated, Tara Westver, shared her incredible life stry. She tld f being raised by parents wh did nt permit her t g t schl r see a dctr. In spite f it all and the accmpanying pverty and pain, she went n t g t Brigham Yung University (her first class there was her first experience in a classrm) and then n t Cambridge University and ultimately becming a bestselling authr. It tk a great deal f curage fr her t share her stry.
    This week she wrte smething that, I wuld argue, tk even mre curage. In her New Yrk Times essay, “I Am Nt Prf f the American Dream,” she sught nt t re-write her life stry but t crrect hw thers have chsen t interpret it.
    Writing, “A curius thing happens when yu ffer up yur life fr public cnsumptin: Peple start t interpret yur bigraphy, t explain t yu what they think it means.” Sme tell her, “Yu are living prf f the American dream that abslutely anything is pssible fr anybdy.”
    She ges n t explain hw her jurney was nly made pssible thrugh affrdable public clleges and generus Pell Grants(资助金),saying that the access and impact f bth has been shrunk. T bring her pint hme she ntes that the cst f public universities has dubled since she went t schl and Pell Grants previusly cvered almst 70% f csts vs. the less than 30% they cver tday.
    Westver perfrms a valuable public service in this essay, perhaps at sme persnal csts. We are drawn t “rags t riches" stries like hers. We want her t be the her, a rle mdel fr thers t fllw, t be yet ne mre example that hard wrk is the primary, if nt nly, engine f ur success. By taking back her stry and pinting ut with glaring clarity what thers may have missed, she ffers a clearer path fr thers t fllw and prvides realistic slutins ur cuntry can take t make that path pssible fr mre.
    In clsing she writes, “Fr my part, I will begin by telling my wn stry differently-by abandning that fashinable ld legend that reduces any tale f success t ne f determinatin and diligence. I will admit that, t be frank, it was an easier time, and things were better. Our institutins were better. Perhaps that is what the stry is abut. There is the ne thing I learned when I cashed that check sent by Pell Grants: that peple cannt always be strng again after a difficult situatin, but a cuntry can. ”
    Her essay is the perfect example f what I hpe t achieve thrugh much f my wn wrk t help thers see and share ur stries differently, ne that includes nt nly ur wn effrt but all thse ther factrs that
    cntributed t ur jurney, in the hpes that it can create a mre realistic radmap fr thers t fllw and
    28. In her new essay, Tara Westver wed her life success t .
    A. inexpensive educatin and plentiful financial supprt frm the cuntry
    B. determinatin and diligence
    C. her lving parents and caring cllege teachers
    D. hard wrk and better educatinal institutins
    29.Why des the authr say Westver “perfrms a valuable public service in this essay, perhaps at sme persnal csts”?
    A.Because she expldes the myth that hard wrk is the nly cause f persnal success.
    B. Because she abandns her image as a self-made her t help thers t see the prblem.
    C.Because she may suffer financial lss by uncvering the truth t her ptential readers.
    D.Because she pints ut a clearer path fr thers t fllw and ffers practical slutins.
    30.Accrding t the passage, what slutin may Westver ffer?
    A. Individuals shuld make mre effrts t make their life a success.
    B.Students' parents shuld prvide supprt fr their cllege kids.
    C.The gvernment shuld increase funding t public universities.
    D.Public educatin shuld be perated as businesses fr prfit.
    31.What attitude des the authr have twards Tara Westver?
    Scientists have lng sught t prevent sharp memries frm dulling with age, but the prblem is hard t slve. New research suggests Virtual Reality (VR) might help lder peple recall facts and events based n specific details.
    The study invlved 42 healthy lder adults frm the San Francisc Bay Area. Half f the participants, the experimental grup, spent a dzen hurs ver fur weeks playing a virtual-reality game called Labyrinth. They wre headsets and walked in place, wandering virtual neighbrhds while cmpleting missins. The ther half, the cntrl grup, used cmputers t play games that did nt require navigating r recalling details. After 15 sessins, the latter perfrmed much the same as befre n a lng-term memry test based n picking ut bjects they had seen abut an hur earlier. But the Labyrinth players' scres rse, and they were less frequently tricked by bjects that were similar t nes they had viewed.
    “The imprvement brught them back up t the level f anther grup f yunger adults wh did the same memry tests,” said cgnitive neurscientist Peter Wais f the University f Califrnia, San Francisc. He and his clleagues designed the VR game, which they said likely stimulates the hippcampus- a brain area that is imprtant fr lng-term memry. The team did nt bserve imprvement n tw ther tests, which measured autbigraphical memry(自传体记忆)and spatial memry capability.
    “It wuld be great t actually fllw peple ver time and see what this type f game des fr lng-term memry,” said Meredith Thmpsn, a Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy educatin researcher. Daniel Simns, a cgnitive psychlgist, said that testing three measures, instead f just ne, wuld increase the pssibility f finding an imprvement. And it remains unclear hw test perfrmance in a labratry setting might translate t real-wrld situatins. Simns ntes, “The utcme needs t be repeated, ideally with a much larger grup, befre it is treated as a strng finding.”
    Wais's team is nw investigating hw lng the bserved effects last and which elements f the training have the mst impact.
    32.The purpse f this study is t
    A. prmte the develpment f Virtual Reality technlgy
    B.see if the designed VR culd help imprve lng-term memry
    C.test the navigating functin f VR headsets n ld adults
    D.appeal t peple suffering frm memry lss t play mre VR games
    33.What is true abut the experimental grup?
    A.They achieved imprvement in lng-term memry after the experiment.
    B.They played the designed VR game and cmpleted navigating tasks.
    C.They were better at lng-term memry than yung adults.
    D. They made mre mistakes in picking ut bjects amng the similar nes.
    34.What can we knw frm Daniel Simns' wrds?
    A.“VR gamers" in the study experienced imprvement f the senir's lng-term memry.
    B. The experimenting time shuld be lng enugh s that reliable results can be btained.
    C. The findings might nt be valid enugh due t the lab setting and number f participants.
    D. It is impssible fr scientists t apply the research findings t the situatins in real life.
    35. In which clumn are we likely t read this article?
    A. Aged Care SpaceB.21st Century Psychlgy
    C. Stck Market ABCsD. Science fr Better Life
    Thich Nhat Hanh, ne f the mst influential Buddhist leaders wh ppularized mindfulness in the West, said walking was nt simply a way t get frm ne place t anther, r an activity t be reserved fr a perfect frest path.36
    Thich Nhat Hanh believed that the Earth is sacred, s wherever smene walks, they can be reminded f this spiritual cnnectin while als uniting their mind with their bdy._37_It is a key part f every visit t the 11 Plum Village mnasteries he funded arund the wrld. He taught that peple's true hmes are lcated in the present mment, thrugh awareness f their steps n the Earth, their bdies, and their minds. Walking meditatin brings practitiners back t this slid grunding.
    Here are the steps f walking meditatin as it is dne in the Plum Village traditin:
    Take a mment t breathe and center yur bdy in the space yu are abut t walk.38 In “We're All Mving," fr example, the grup sings, “We're all mving n a jurney t nwhere, taking it easy, taking it slw. N mre wrries, n need t hurry, nthing t carry, let it all g.”
    39 Walk in a slw, relaxed way, preferably with a light smile. Think abut the miracle f being alive and being able t step n Mther Earth, repeating these phrases: “Breathing in, I knw Mther Earth is in me. Breathing ut, I knw I am in Mther Earth.”
    Take ne breath per step, fcusing n yur ft tuching the Earth. 40 The pint is t find a cnnectin between yur breathing and yur steps.
    Instead f sitting meditatin, Thich Nhat Hanh's practices emphasize adding mindfulness t daily life anytime, anywhere. By incrprating walking meditatin int a daily r weekly schedule, every step can be part f a deeper practice f interbeing.
    A. One f his best-lved teachings is walking meditatin.
    B. At Plum Village practice centers, mnks and nuns lead participants in singing a few mindfulness sngs befre starting.
    C. It culd be a prfund practice putting peple in tuch with their breath, their bdies, the Earth-an awareness f what he called “interbeing”.
    D. Yu can als ntice hw many steps yu take while breathing in and then breathing ut, naturally.
    E. While walking, be mindful f yur breath and yur ftsteps.
    F. Adpt a psitive attitude twards life and death while walking.
    G. Walking meditatin has nw becme ppular in the West and Vietnam.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    I used t take scks fr granted; put them n in the mrning and take them ff at night. I perated under the same 41 fr years, wearing black scks during the week with my suits, and white scks n the weekend with running shes.
    All this 42 five years ag when I was given a pair f scks that did nt_43 my black and white criteria. This pair had_44 .On Christmas mrning, I unwrapped a pair f scks cvered with bright red rnaments. At first, I nly felt 45 wearing these Christmas scks arund the huse. But that wuld change.
    A whle new wrld had pened up t me, and I started lking fr mre 46 scks.
    As my tastes changed, my chices became mre cmplex. I have scks with the Canadian flag. I have Easter scks cvered with 47_eggs. I have scks related t vacatins frm all ver the wrld. There’s always rm fr ne mre48 in my drawer.
    Nw,every mrning I pnder(仔细考虑)my sck chices.I try t_49 my scks t hw I’m feeling that day. If the day is ging t be_50_,I reach fr my “lucky scks”.
    I_ 51 my scks t the peple wh wuld see them and what statement I want t make. I realized that, nt nly wuld the scks frame my_52 t the day, but they culd als prduce a smile fr thers. Small 53 can make smene's day.
    I first_54_with this idea n a visit t my ft dctr. Dr. G is a quiet man. He always wre black scks. When I shwed up with my Pink Panther pattern and explained these “special” scks were just fr him, a smile_55_his face.Smething_56_.A cuple f mnths later, I saw him again. He pulled up his pant leg t shw ff his new scks and_57_said,“Blue Jays scks frm my sn!”
    Every Christmas nw I give Dr. G and his staff scks with persnality. Nw my rutine visits are mre interesting. When I appear, everyne gathers in the receptin area and 58 their funny scks.
    My scks start my day n a_59_nte,make daily living mre enjyable and, hpefully, bring a smile t smene. They are als very easy t_60 n laundry day.
    upB.experimentedC.triedD.met up
    nB.went acrssC.flashed acrssD.sank int
    ffB.pick upC.exchangeD.purchase
    The “One Wrld, One Family” theme f the Opening Ceremny 61 (represent) by the image f a single snwflake and was central t the shwpiece frm beginning t the end f the Ceremny. The theme was based n 62 ancient Chinese saying which meant that “a_63 _(true) wise persn sees the whle wrld as a family".
    Wrld-renwned Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimu played master f ceremnies fr a secnd time, becming the first persn 64 (direct) tw Opening Ceremnies in the same city. Zhang was als the mastermind behind the spectacular Beijing 2008 Opening Ceremny.
    The celebrated film directr brught the shwpiece t 65 (live) thrugh music, sng, dance, innvative technlgy and firewrks, with Chinese citizens frm Beijing and Hebei prvince-instead f stars, prfessinal singers, dancers r actrs-66 (take)part.
    The center stage within the venue cmprised 11,600 square meters f HD LED screen,67 imitated “a crystal clear ice surface" thrughut the Ceremny. Zhang further used high technlgy t bring his creatin int 68 (exist) thrugh Artificial Intelligence using live-mtin capture technlgy.
    In his address, IOC President Thmas Bach praised the athletes fr their resilience and the inspiratin they prvided t the wrld thrugh sprt. “Yu have arrived here after vercming s many challenges, living 69 great uncertainty. But nw yur mment has cme: the mment yu70(lng)fr. We all are standing with yu. We all are supprting yu. We all are cheering yu n,” he said.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    As an ld saying ges, “Happiness is nt the absence f prblems, but the ability t deal with it. ”Why is it difficult t define, r rather discver and achieve happiness? I maintain the majr determinant lies frm a persn's attitudes.
    There is much cnnectin between the circumstance f peple's lives and hw happy they are. Instead, happiness cmes with the struggle t be happy. Peple smetimes g t extremes, and wildly pursue mney, high scial status, and s n, thse are all symbls f success-but never f happiness. Perhaps if they shifted their life gals frm success t effrts and t cnfidence that they will be successful ne day they wuld be a great deal happy.
    Hw can we achieve happiness? There is little dubt whether varius peple have diverse ways f ging abut this task. As fr me, the mst significant secret is realizing that happiness is by-prduct f smething else. The mst bvius surces are thse pursuits that gave ur lives a purpse. These can be anything frm playing the basketball t studying insects. The mre passins we have, the mre happiness we are likely t experience.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    校报正在征集即将毕业的高三学生的稿件,请以“My Highlight in High Schl”为主题,介绍你在高中的生活体验。内容包括:1.你高中生活中的精彩时刻;2.它带给你的感受或改变。

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    四川省成都市石室中学2023届高三英语下学期三诊模拟试题(Word版附解析含听力): 这是一份四川省成都市石室中学2023届高三英语下学期三诊模拟试题(Word版附解析含听力),文件包含四川省成都市石室中学2023届高三英语下学期三诊模拟试题Word版附解析含听力docx、2023届三诊模拟英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共26页, 欢迎下载使用。






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