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    1. Wh is the persn in the pht?
    A. Jack.B. Jack's dad.C. Jack's brther.
    2. What is the wman reminding the man t d?
    A. Pack fr his flight.B. Leave early tmrrw.
    C. Check the time f his flight.
    3. What was making the nise?
    A. The tires.B. The brakes.C. The chains.
    4. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. They are strangers.B. They are friends.C. They are family members.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. What they will buy in the stre.
    B. When the stre will pen again.
    C. Where they will spend the New Year.
    6. Hw much will the wman pay?
    A. $ 15.B. $ 20. C. $ 35.
    7. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a schl.B. At a café. C. At a kids' center
    8. What are the speakers trying t d?
    A. Find their car.B. Lk fr their friend.
    C. Pay the parking fee.
    9. What did Tdd learn last year?
    A. Italian.B. Greek.C. Latin.
    10. What will Rebecca d next?
    A. Try bdy language.B. Call smene in Rme.
    C. Pretend t knw the man.
    11. What did the wman want the man t d?
    A. Swim fur days a week. B. Obey the dctr's rders.
    C. Arrange furniture in her living rm.
    12. Hw des the man feel?
    A. Happy.B. Srry.C. Relaxed.
    13. Why will Steve be at the pl?
    A. T d his jb.B. T give Pam a hand.
    C. T exercise fr a cmpetitin.
    14. Where are the speakers ging?
    A. T a stadium.B. T a clthes stre.
    C. T a schl playgrund.
    15. Wh is the schl's fastest female 100-meter runner?
    A. Jessica Thmpsn.B. Betty Jrdan.
    C. Dnna Brwn.
    16. What is the natinal recrd fr the lng jump?
    A. 20 feet 6 inches.B. 21 feet 6 inches.C. 26 feet 7 inches.
    17. Hw ld was the rck?
    A. One hundred years ld. B. Hundreds f years ld.
    C. Thusands f years ld.
    18. Where is Duckbill rck lcated?
    A. On a beach.B. In the muntains.C. In a natinal park.
    19. Why did sme students prbably destry the rck?
    A. They wanted a pht f it.B. They fund it was unsafe.
    C. They thught it wuld be fun.
    20. What was the public's reactin?
    A. Uninterested.B. Understanding.C. Angry.
    The climate change and envirnmental crises are nw clsely cnnected with ur daily lives. We've cllected a small selectin f ur favurite dcumentaries, charting the histry and future f the challenges we face.
    21. Which dcumentary shws the rle f sil in dealing with climate change?
    22. What can be learned frm REBUILDNG PARADISE?
    A. Wildfires nwadays break ut as frequently as befre.
    B. Wildfires have bth physical and psychlgical impacts.
    C. The damage caused by wildfires can never be recvered.
    D. Wildfires d mre harm t ecnmy than t the envirnment.
    23. What d the fur dcumentaries have in cmmn?
    A. They fcus n the speed f the glbal warming.
    B. They relate t the glbal issue f climate change.
    C. They analyze the frequency f the natural disasters.
    D. They present slutins t dealing with the challenges.
    "Twelve years ag, I was a prfessinal dancer and black belt in taekwnd (跆拳道) when a disease went undiagnsed and wiped ut my muscular system. I finally ended up n life supprt in intensive care with rgan failure." Kaufman recalled, "I went frm living this big life t nt knwing hw I was ging t survive. Frtunately, n my birthday in 2009, I received a new heart and was given a secnd chance at life!"
    After vlunteering in Ls Angeles hspitals, Kaufman started the nn-prfit, Ava's Heart. She and her rganizatin ffered transplant patients services that were ften nt cvered by insurance, including fd, gas, c-pays n medicines, and husing.
    "What I fund ut was that if yu didn't have pst-transplant -husing, yu culdn't get listed and admitted int the hspital," Kaufman said. She leaned that fr the nearly 110,000 peple in the US waiting fr a lifesaving rgan transplant, it was nt just a matter f adding yur name t the list. Patients must be financially secure and be able t affrd transprtatin. What's mre, they must find accmmdatins near their transplant hspital: Kaufman runs tw husing lcatins, which allws the patients t remain clse t their transplant hspital during the perid f their aftercare, typically abut three mnths at n cst.
    Her rganizatin als helps dnr families, which she thinks makes the whle circle cmplete. "One rgan dnr can save eight lives and then there's tissue and skin and eyes and bld vessels (血管) and s many ther things," Kaufman said. "The dnr is the whle stry. Withut the dnr, there are n transplant centers, n transplant surgens, n me. In my eyes, the dnrs are the heres."
    T date, Ava's Heart has helped nearly 90 families with burial csts fr their lved nes whse rgans have saved cuntless lives. Kaufman als wrks clsely with thse wh receive dnatins t build relatinships with dnr families and spread awareness abut the imprtance f rgan dnatin.
    24. Why did Kaufman take abut her memry in Paragraph 1?
    A. T illustrate the significance f life.
    B. T recall her plain and bring days.
    C. T indicate her mtivatin fr paying back.
    D. T cnfirm her enthusiasm fr the prfessin.
    25. Fr a transplant patient, admissin int the hspital requires the fllwing EXCEPT ________.
    A. health insuranceB. nearby husing
    C. financial securityD. afeard transprtatin
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes Kaufman?
    A. Brave and caringB. Grateful and warm-hearted.
    C. Cnsiderate and hardwrking. D. Sympathetic and easy-ging.
    27. What message des the text mainly cnvey?
    A. It's better t give than t receive.
    B. The blessed bear the heart f giving.
    C. Health matters much mre than wealth.
    D. Vlunteering makes the wrld a better place.
    Paisley is a distinctive pattern used t decrate fabrics and make cuntless clthes lively. This pattern als has a uniquely rich histry dating back hundreds f years, spreading acrss multiple cntinents.
    Paisley's mst bvius feature is the large swshing (涡旋) shapes called bteh. Many experts believe the shape is actually an artistically designed tree, which was a pwerful religius symbl in India fr thusands f years. Besides, the pattern culd als represent flwers, the sun, a phenix, r even an eagle. The exact meaning is lst t histry, even thugh the pattern lives n.
    The pattern eventually made its way t the Western wrld in the 18th and 19th centuries, when it became the height f fashin fr the time. Silk scarves bearing the pattern culd be as expensive as a small huse. Owing t its ppularity, especially in Great Britain, it was quickly duplicated and mass-prduced. One f the majr manufacturing centers f the pattern was Paisley. Sctland, which is hw the pattern gt its English name.
    In the early 20th century, the ppularity f the pattern faded fr a time. Eventually, it explded back nt the fashin scene with the help f a surprising frce: rck 'n' rll. It started in the 1960s with the Beatles, wh nt nly wre paisley but used patterns in clrful artwrk. Other rck legends like the Rlling Stnes, Janice Jplin, and David Bwie kept the trend ging well int the 1970s. Paisley was suddenly cl and glamrus again, at least temprarily.
    Since then, hwever, the ppularity f the pattern has slwly declined. It still pps up n fashin runways and as a clrful accessry (配饰) fr sme clthes, but paisley is just ne f many elegant patterns. Nevertheless, that desn't mean it wn't make a cmeback again.
    28. Accrding the text, what is bteh?
    A. A universal symbl f art. B. A sacred tree planted in India.
    C. The typical shape fund in paisley.D. The manufacturing prcess f paisley.
    29. What des the underlined wrd "duplicated" in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Transfrmed.B. Prtected. C. Ablished.D. Cpied.
    30. Why des the authr mentin the rck 'n' rll stars in Paragraph 4?
    A. They preserved the value f paisley.
    B. They studied the histry f fashin.
    C. They helped paisley regain its ppularity.
    D. They lked extremely cl and glamrus.
    31.What can be cncluded abut paisley frm the text?
    A. It wn't withdraw entirely frm the fashin wrld.
    B. It was discvered in Britain and thus gt its English name.
    C. It has been regarded as a typical representative f pp culture.
    D. It demnstrates the clse cnnectin between religin and fashin.
    Humans, by nature, have always lived in grups and scial interactin is fundamental fr every part f ur health. Lack f it can lead t feelings f islatin and lneliness. A strng supprt netwrk and slid cmmunity bnds prmte ur emtinal and physical health, and are critical cmpnents f a balanced adult life. Hwever, just as with many ther aspects f ur lives, there seems t be a limit t hw large ur persnal netwrks can grw.
    Back in 1992, a British schlar named Rbin Dunbar came up with a hypthetical (假设的) number defining the maximum sum f meaningful human relatinships a persn can have. The number, which was later named after him, was discvered accidentally while he was studying the cleaning and brushing tendencies — a scial behavir —f nn-human primates (灵长类动物). Arund that time, researchers had discvered that the large brain f these primates was a result f their scially cmplex scieties. The relevance was that the larger the brain, the larger the animal's scial grup was likely t be. Scientists culd then theretically use an animal's brain size t calculate hw many members culd make up this grup. Dunbar applied this thery t humans, and the resulting number was rughly 150.
    Dunbar's Number, hwever, nly refers t the limit f meaningful cntacts within ur scial netwrk. It des nt accunt fr ther relatinships. Human scial relatinships tend t have numerus layers, and extend utward frm the individual in circles with the same centre. The innermst circle cntains five peple: ur lved nes. The next circle hlds f ur gd friends. The third circle is reserved fr peple we cnsider friends, and the furth is where the limit f 150 can be fund. Nwadays, with varius frms f electrnic cmmunicatin, such as websites fr scial netwrking and micrblgging peple find it very cnvenient t create nline cmmunities t share infrmatin, ideas, persnal messages, and ther cntents. Cnsequently, it is pssible fr a human t get int the fifth (500acquainitances) circle, an impressive breakthrugh that was difficult t achieve in the past.
    32. What can be learned abut Dunbar's Number in Paragraph 2?
    A. It is cnfirmed by the scial reality.
    B. It serves as an accurate measurement.
    C. It is backed by a certain theretical basis.
    D. It establishes links between health and netwrk.
    33. Which f the fllwing diagrams illustrates human scial relatinships?
    34. Why is it easy tday t g beynd the furth circle f human relatinships?
    A. Human brains are becming bigger and bigger.
    B. Scial media have cntributed t the phenmenn.
    C. Meaningful cntacts grw significantly with age.
    D. Peple are eager t imprve every aspect f their lives.
    35.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Grup Living: A Slutin t Health Prblems
    B. Dunbar's Thery: A Ladder t Career Success
    C. Scial Netwrk: A Sured f Endless Pleasure
    D. Dunbar's Number: A. Measure f Scial Relatins
    Yur alarm ges ff n the first day f January. Yu frce yurself ut f bed and steadily walk tward the bathrm, where yu catch sight f a pale-faced, sleepy-eyed "mnster" in the mirrr. 36 , Hwever, after a mment, yu think. "Wait, it's kay because tday is New Year's Day, time t get back in shape!"
    Fr many peple, the start f a new year signals the end f a perid f verindulgence (放纵). During December, it is ften justified by the planning f New Year's reslutins t turn neself int a fit and healthy human being. Hwever, the fact is that apprximately 80% f New Year's reslutins are abandned befre February. 37 While we may have gd intentins when making reslutins, we are nt actually making urselves any mre disciplined. Change invlves, a degree f stress, and smene nt mentally equipped t handle that stress will struggle t change.
    38 One idea is t think small rather than big. Many peple's plans invlve extreme measures, while in reality, change is likely easier in smaller steps, which allws fr greater success. 39 30 minutes f TV time fr tw hurs at the gym can be rewarding in mtivating smene t wrk ut every day.
    Finally, set cncrete gals. 40 Fr example, I'm ging t g running every day t train fr a half-marathn in April "wuld be far mre pwerful than "I'm ging t get in better shape this year". Mst imprtantly, remember that despite their names, New Year’s reslutins shuld be fr life. Change takes time and effrt, but with suitable strategies, there is n reasn why yu cannt stick t yur reslutins permanently… r at least until June.
    A. Yu seem t be ver the mn.
    B. Almst instantly, yu step back in hrrr.
    C. S, hw can yu make yurself mre disciplined?
    D. Instead f making a vague reslutin, make a specific ne.
    E. Anther helpful strategy is t design a persnal reward system.
    F. Given this situatin, why shuld we still put urselves under great stress?
    G. Regarding why this happens, the answer is likely related t self-discipline.
    It was a nice Thanksgiving Carter and his friend Andy hit Palm Peach - a turist attractin in Flrida. The sky blue and the water 41 , with nly gently waves, they spent hurs 42 sme shells and turtles fr Carter's cllectin.
    Flating in the water, Carter didn't hear a speedbat dash tward him. Sensing it was almst n tp f him, he made a 43 turn t ne side, getting his head ut f its path befre it ran him ver. 44 the prpeller (螺旋) f the engine 45 his right arm ff, reddening the water arund him and the net.
    Carter realized he wuld 46 if he didn't swim. But with ne f his 47 gne, Carter struggled and screamed fr help. Immediately, Andy swam t him. Meanwhile, Captain Stantn quickly stpped the bat beside the 48 . They bth helped 49 Carter nt the bat's diving platfrm. "Gd is with us," Andy cmfrted his friend ver and ver, rushing him t the hspital. Carter, a cmmitted Christian, felt his fear and panic 50 . After 68 days in hspital, Carter 51 then and there that he wuld put his spared life t gd use by educating thers abut cean 52 .
    At Carter's request, the judge nly sentenced Stantn t a light 53 f $ 200. " 54 cmes frm the heart," says Carter. "If I can 55 smene else's pain, I will."
    41. A. rughB. hrribleC. visibleD. calm
    42. A. nettingB. trapping C. tracking D. mnitring
    43. A. gracefulB. clumsyC. desperateD. tentative
    44. A. UnfrtunatelyB. CnsequentlyC. Ridiculusly D. Naturally
    45. A. put B. driven C. scratchedD. sliced
    46. A. faint B. drwnC. weaken D. regret
    47. A. arms B. 1egsC. eyesD. ears
    48. A. victim B. sailrC. guide D. fisherman
    49. A. lwer B. direct C. lad D. thrw
    50. A. break awayB. melt awayC. stay nD. hang n
    51. A. pintedB. remarkedC. regrettedD. decided
    52. A. pllutinB. safetyC. cnservatinD. explratin
    53. A. reward B. bnusC. penaltyD. pensin
    54. A. GratitudeB. AmbitinC. BeautyD. Frgiveness
    55. A. easeB. faceC. tlerateD. experience
    At the beginning f the 21st century, slw and ften uncmfrtable trains struggled wildly acrss China, with lw average speeds making 56 (jurney) such as Shanghai-Beijing a test f endurance.
    Since 2008 China's high-speed rail industry has evlved rapidly and built the wrld's lngest netwrk, symblizing the 57 (cuntry) ecnmic pwer and increasing prsperity. The netwrk 58 (expect) t duble in length again, t 70, 000 kilmeters, by 2035. In additin, the Chinese have created a 59 (ttal) different picture f high-speed rail netwrk, 60 ften prves faster and mre reliable than Chinese dmestic flights.
    Nt satisfied with pushing the bundaries f speed and civil engineering, Chinese cmpanies are amng the first in the wrld 61 (intrduce) new technlgy such as autnmus train peratin and advanced signaling. Althugh its trains are 62 the wrld's fastest, China is still spending billins f dllars n maglev (磁悬浮列车). Hpefully, it wn't be lng 63 China perates passenger services well beynd the current limits f steel wheels. 64 (take) a typically realistic apprach t raising the speed f land transprt, China sees maglev as 65 better ptin fr bridging the gap between rail and air n lng distance rutes.
    Fr nearly fur mnths, the little dg, Indiana, frtunately survived in the wds with a wunded shulder. She'd been mistaken fr a wlf and sht while running wild with her mther, Dakta. An animal cntrl fficers said they were the mst strngly bnded pair he'd even seen and the tw dgs refused t leave each ther's side, even while trying t escape being caught.
    As a result f the gunsht, Indiana lst bth her leg and her mther, fr the tw were sent t different adptin grups. While Indiana was learning t walk n three legs dwn suth, Dakta was 1,000 miles nrth in New England. The first adptin family returned her tw days later. They said the dg culdn't bnd with humans, kept them up all night and wasn't suitable t live in a hme. Eventually, Dakta fund her frever hme with me n Lng Island. I have experience with such dgs, and Dakta, a husky (哈士奇犬), just needed attentin and smene wh understd hw t apprach her. I always let her cme up t me. I gave her the time and space t explre and feel cmfrtable. She sn let me put a belt n her and wuld lie n the sfa with me quietly.
    When I, accidentally, read the pst f Dakta's first adpter, it mentined that the little dg Dakta had been running with was sht, and, I thught, killed. I'm a bradcast news jurnalist, s I always did sme survey and, by chance, heard a stry frm a Suth Carlina TV news utlet abut a dg that recently had her frnt leg cut ff because f an ld gunsht wund. And anyne wh wanted t adpt Indiana was required t have a six-ft fence because she kept jumping ver the ne at the care shelter in Suth Carlina. There was n mistaking it—she lked exactly like Dakta. Indiana wasn't killed by the gunsht, just badly injured.
    While Dakta lved me and her new hme, she still missed her kid. ____________________________________
    I decided t bring three-legged Indiana t my hme. ________________________________________________
    听力1-5 ACCAB 6-10 BCABA 11-15 CBAAC 16-20 BBACC
    阅读21-23 ABB 24-27 CABB 28-31 CDCA 32-35 CDBD
    7选5阅读36-40 BGCED
    完形填空41-45 DACAD46-50 BAACB51-55 DBCDA
    56. jurneys57. cuntry's 58. is expected 59. ttally60. which
    61. t intrduce 62. amng 63. befre 64. Taking/Have taken 65. a
    Mre Exercise, Better Health
    Nwadays, many students haven't realized hw imprtant exercise is and dn't wrk ut regularly, listing varius reasns such as lack f time r exhaustin frm studying. Hwever, taking regular exercise dcs us students gd, helping reduce stress and imprve learning efficiency. Therefre, we shuld give pririty t exercise hwever busy r tired we are. We can incrprate exercise int everyday rutines, like squeezing in ten minutes daily fr a jg.
    Let's take actin and exercise mre frm nw!
    While Dakta lved me and her new hme, she still missed her kid. She wuld utter murnful hwls whenever I tk her ut fr walks in the wds. It seemed as if she was calling fr her puppy t cme back. The exact scene made me heart-brken, and I tk actin all at nce, determined t reunite mther and pup. I called the TV statin, asking fr cnditins abut the little dg, nly t be tld that Indiana was receiving medical treatment fr falling n the grund when jumping ver the fence.
    I decided t bring three-legged Indiana t my hme. Instantly they gt reunited, Dakta culdn't stp licking her puppy's face. Happy and excited, the tw dgs were wagging their tails wildly. The heart-warming scene mved anyne n the spt. Dakta has since stpped her srrwful hwls while Indiana has never tried t jump ver the fence. These nce-separated dgs played tgether, chasing each ther arund the rm and slept tgether with their nses resting n each ther. If there is t be any devtin, it will cme thrugh any species.KISS THE GROUND
    The dcumentary adpts a light vice when explring the pwer f the wrlds sils t draw in carbn nm the air. The film begins by examining hw farming and pesticides have led t sil lss, tracking the damage dne t eclgy, health and climate. The slutin is fund thrugh regenerative faming —a field receiving mre and mre attentin.
    Dramatically titled, Lenard DiCapri's 2019 dcumentary fcuses n the melting plar ice caps f the Arctic. The dcumentary explres the planetary impact f melting ice, but intelligently includes slutins.
    DiCapri explres renewable energy technlgies and sustainable ecnmies t put frward a visin fr a cleaner future.
    It can be difficult t really understand what climate breakdwn lks like. In 2017, Chasing Cral brught the very real impacts f climate change int sharp fcus. The insight int the wrld's crals suffering frm cean acidificatin and temperature rise is impressive.
    Wildfires — nce a natural regulatr f ecsystems, nw an increasing phenmenn thrwn ut f rhythm by climate change — are s frequent that many hardly cnsider the cnsequence. While it's ne thing t deal with the financial lss and restratin, it's smething quite different t repair the brken spirit f a cmmunity. In Rebuilding Paradise, we fllw the jurney f the citizens f Paradise, Califrnia, as they attempt t restart their lives frm the ashes f the destructive 2018 wildfires.
    Mre Exercise, Better Health

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