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    这是一份辽宁省沈阳市和平区2022年九年级零模英语测试卷(word版无答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了5 分;满分 5 分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 选择题(三大题;共 38 分) 一.单项填空 (共 10 小题,每小题 0.5 分;满分 5 分)
    从 A,B,C,D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
    When yu are given imprtant task, try t stick with and finish it.
    A. aB. anC. theD. 不填
    --Hell, David! Yu have gt a new mdel plane.
    --Hell, Linda! I made it by ! N ne helped me.
    IB. meC. mineD. myself
    I will lk up mre befre I make my decisin n my new jb.
    messageB. newsC. infrmatinD. advice
    Rger wants t be a taxi driver. It is fr him t pass the driving test.
    necessaryB. difficultC. impssibleD. early
    Yu shuld walk slwly in snwy weather yu will nt fall ver.
    whileB. thughC. s thatD. if
    The basketball match in ur schl next Mnday mrning.
    is ging t hldB. is ging t be held C.will hldD. has been held
    In many eastern Eurpean cuntries, yu ught t yur glvesifyu want t shake hands with thers.
    cut ffB. shut ffC. put ffD. take ff
    -- Have yu finished yur hmewrk?
    --Yes, I it yesterday.
    finishedB. will finishC. have finished D. is finishing
    I d nt knw .
    wh will teach ur English next term
    wh ur English will teach next term
    wh will teach us English next term
    whm will teach us English next term
    --Hi, Paul! Lng time n see. What’s new?
    --I wn first prize in a writing cmpetitin.
    -- That’s wnderful news.
    I am srry t hear that.
    I dn’t agree.
    Oh, that’s terrible.
    二、完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 15 分)
    阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A, B, C, D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 When ten-year-ld Reese Osterberg lst her hme in Fresn Cunty, Califrnia, in a large wildfire early last autumn, she had a very serius 11: Did anyne get her baseball cards? N ne
    Being busy sending kids, dgs and hrses t 12 places, the family frgt the cards because f the stress. When she 13 the Giants’ matches n TV, Reese, the Giants’ fan, wuld lay ut
    each player’s card n the flr . “I like baseball cards 14 they are pictures f peple ding smething happy— ding what they lve, and what I lve”, says Reese.
    Reese’s lss tuched the 15 f the Fresn Cunty Fire Department. They psted her stry nline asking peple 16 Reese fill up her baseball card cllectin. That, in turn, tuched the heart f Kevin Ashfrd.
    Ashfrd knew where Reese culd find sme 17 : in his garage. He has ver 25,000 cards which were 18 abut $35,000 t $50,000. Ashfrd was thinking abut 19 them when he saw the fire department’s pst. “I wasn’t really ding anything with them”, says Ashfrd. “I thught I culd 20 this prblem rather quickly.”
    The firemen tk the cards frm Ashfrd's garage t theirs and then 21 Reese during a tur f the firehuse. Ashfrd's cards were 22in frnt f the firehuse. Then, Reese 23shared the baseball cards she gt frm Ashfrd and peple acrss the cuntry with ther kids influenced by Califrnia’s Creek Fire.
    She’s gtten s many, in fact, that she started Cards frm Reese, a (an) 24 that cllects cards and gives them t thse in need. Reese is specially 25t give away the cards. As she explains, it’s lucky t share.
    11. A. sprt
    B. prblem
    C. lessn
    12. A. safe
    B. clean
    C. big
    D. cl
    13. A. watched
    B. saw
    D. fund
    14. A.althugh
    B. because
    C. if
    D. when
    15. A. eyes
    B. hands
    C. ears
    D. hearts
    16. A. help
    B. t help
    C. helping
    D. helped
    17. A. cards
    B. magazines
    C. pens
    18. A. cst
    B. paid
    C. wrth
    D. taken
    19. A. thrwing
    B. selling
    C. making
    D. getting
    20. A. make up
    B. lk fr
    C. wrk ut
    D. pick up
    21. A. wrried
    B. surprised
    C. scared
    D. interested
    22. A. thrwn
    C. pured
    D. pushed
    23. A. quickly
    B. angrily
    C. sadly
    D. clearly
    24. A. situatin
    B. traditin
    C. rganizatin
    25. A. busy
    B. happy
    C. srry
    D. angry
    三、阅读理解(共 12 小题,每小题 1.5 分;满分 18 分) 阅读短文,然后根据其内容从 A, B, C, D 中选出最佳选项。
    If yu want t see the ancient bat, yu have t visit .
    A. TurkeyB. EgyptC. IraqD. Clmbia
    Wh will give back thusands f ancient art crafts t Iraq?
    IraqisB. EgyptiansC. AmericansD. Thais
    We can knw frm the text that .
    the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza pened early this year.
    the 3,500-year-ld clay tablet is the first piece f writing in the wrld.
    the Chibcha nce lived near Bgta, Clmbia
    14 ships went dwn underwater because f a strm.
    What is the text mainly abut?
    News abut travel
    News abut histry
    News abut science
    News abut the envirnment
    Giza, Egypt
    An ancient bat mved t its new hme
    An ancient bat has been transprted t
    its new hme — the Grand Egyptian
    Museum in Giza. The Great Bat f King Khufu is thught t be ver 4,500 years ld. It was built s that the king culd sail acrss the skies after his death. It will be n shw when the museum pens later this year.
    Treasuresare returned Thusandsf ancient art crafts are t be returned
    t Iraq. The US said it wuld return mre than 17,000 treasures that were taken frm art businessmen and museums in the US. Amng them, a 3,500-year-ld clay tablet , shwing part f the Epic f Gilgamesh is thught t be ne f the wrld’s first pieces f writing.
    Dardanellers Strait, Turkey An underwater museum fr divers pens
    Divers( 潜水员) can nw
    discver 14 remains f
    British and French ships in an underwater museum. The remains date back t a war that happened in 1915 during Wrld War I. The shallwest ne is arund seven meters underwater and the deepest , a British ship called HMS Triumph, lies seventy meters belw the surface.
    Near Bgta, Clmbia
    Treasures fund in a temple
    wh study ancient remains t help us understand histry) have discvered eight bxes filled with different treasures. The bxes were fund in a temple that nce belnged t the Chibcha, wh were the main civilizatin in the area frm 600 AD fr abut 1000 years.
    When I was grwing up, I was embarrassed t be seen with my father. He was disabled and very shrt. When we walked tgether, peple wuld stare at us.
    Our usual walk was t r frm the subway, which was hw he gt t wrk. He almst never missed a day. He wuld make it t the ffice even if thers culd nt. It was a matter f pride fr him.
    He never felt sad fr himself r envied ( 嫉 妒 ) ther peple wh culd walk nrmally. What he lked fr in thers was a gd heart. T him, that mattered mre than anything else.
    My father still tried t d the same things as thers did, even if he culdn’t d them the same way. Fr example, he liked t g t dances and parties, where he culd have a gd time just sitting and watching instead f dancing.
    I nw knw he tk part in sme things thrugh me, his nly sn. When I played basketball (prly), he “played” t. When I jined the army, he “jined” t. When I visited his ffice, he wuld intrduce me, but he was really saying, “This is my sn, but it is als me, and I culd have dne this, t, if things had been different.”
    He has been gne fr many years nw. I wnder if he ever nticed that I was embarrassed t be seen with him during ur walks.If he did, I am srry that I never tld him hw srry I feel. I think f him when I find myself envying thers – when I dn’t have a gd heart.
    What made the father feel especially prud?
    He drew lts f lve frm ther peple.
    He almst never missed a day at the ffice.
    His sn sent him t the ffice every day.
    He culd walk with his sn.
    What did the father think f his situatin?
    He didn’t envy peple wh culd walk nrmally.
    He wanted peple t understand him.
    He culd always d things the same way as thers.
    He smetimes felt srry fr himself.
    What des the father mean by saying “if things had been different”?
    If he culd jin the army.
    If the rules were different.
    If he was nt disabled.
    If he was treated well.
    What can we infer abut the authr frm the text?
    His father has been gne fr many years.
    He feels srry fr being embarrassed.
    He desn’t have a gd heart.
    He still feels embarrassed t have his dad.
    We usually think that garbage is useless and dirty. Hwever, an art exhibitin in 2019 prves that “useless” things can actually be helpful.
    Dear Pretty Rubbish, an art event rganized by the Wrld Wide Fund fr Nature (WWFN) and digital media art cmpany Blackbw, was held in Beijing. It lked at wasteful garbage and asked questins abut the relatinship between ur lifestyles and ur garbage.
    “We hpe that everyne wh visited the shw can think abut hw ‘useless things’ are prduced, why they are tssed ut, and whether ‘useless things’ are really useless”, said Ca Yujia, the design directr at Blackbw.
    Artists Zhu Yuxuan and Liu Yifan cllected nyln cable ties, LED lights and plastic bttles frm designers’ wrkshps t create a wrk where plastics, in the shape f cells, “grw” in a crner. There, the lights blink ( 闪 烁 ) regularly just like “breathing”. When peple walk near it, the wrk respnds by shwing light patterns, as if cmmunicating with the visitrs.
    Speaking abut the wrk, Zhu said: “It’s like sme kind f cmmunicatin between humans and plastics.”
    Plastic has a life lnger than almst any creature, taking centuries t break dwn. Thugh peple think plastics damage the envirnment, they are a big part f ur daily lives. “S we want t ask the questin: Althugh the damage cntinues, is there a way fr humans t recncile (和解) with plastics?” said Zhu.
    Which phrase can take the place f the underlined phrase “tssed ut”?
    A. wrked utB. used upC. thrwn awayD. put ff
    Which f the fllwing might Zhu agree with?
    Useless things are really useless.
    Artists shuld make wrks frm garbage.
    Plastics shuld be left t break dwn n their wn.
    Humans shuld find a better way t deal with plastics.
    Which wrd can best describe the art event?
    A. CreativeB.WastefulC. BalancedD. Awful
    Which is the best title f the text?
    Try new ways t reduce garage
    Plastic pllutin arund us
    Live peacefully with “garbage”
    Cmmunicatins between human beings and nature
    第二部分 非选择题(四大题,共 62 分)
    四、回答问题(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分;满分 10 分) 阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。
    The fllwing is a ntice . Yu can find the infrmatin abut a sprts meeting.
    Lk thrugh it and see what yu can take part in.
    Next Wednesday (8 May) and Thursday (9 May) Tennis
    Start time: 12.00 Wednesday.
    Yu must bring a tennis racket with yu.
    Yu can take part in a 100-meter race every hur frm 10 a.m. until 11a.m. n Wednesday. Ten students can jin in each race. The 1500-meter race starts at 12 nn n Thursday and will take place every hur until 4 p.m.
    The first rund f races start at 12 nn n Wednesday. Nine peple can jin in each race. The tp three swimmers will reach the next rund. The secnd and third runds f races start at 2 p.m. and 4
    p.m. n Wednesday. The final rund will take place at 5 Wednesday.
    Remember , there are limited places fr each event. If yu want t take part in any f the events, yu shuld let the gym teacher knw by Mnday (6 May) at the latest.
    Winners will receive prizes frm the schl.
    What is the text abve?
    Hw lng will the sprts meeting last?
    Can yu take part in the 100-meter race f running at 10 a.m n Thursday?
    Hw many runds are there in swimming?
    What can winners get frm the schl?
    五、阅读短文 (共 7 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 7 分)
    Mre students are ding chres arund the huse these days because it can prvide them with life skills. Hwever, sme students 43 (like) husewrk because they think it is a waste f time. In my pinin, it is imprtant fr us 44 (d) husewrk.
    First f all, ding husewrk can help us get back ur energy. It frees us frm studying and 45 (relax) bth ur bdies and minds s that we will have mre energy t d ur hmewrk later. Secnd, ding husewrk can help ur parents. When they cme hme frm wrk, they are s tired that they dn’t want t d 46 (smething). If we help them d chres like sweeping the flr r washing the dishes, they 47 (feel) happy.
    Last but nt least, ding husewrk can help us build independence. Husewrk includes learning basic skills.When we g t cllege r live alne as adults, these skills will enable us t live independently and get used t the changes in life 48 (cnfidence).
    Since husewrk plays such a big rle in ur lives, we shuld accept it. We can help urselves and get mre 49 (happy) at the same time.
    六、综合阅读(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分;满分 20 分)
    阅读短文,然后按照要求完成第 50-59 小题。
    By West Lake, in the city f Hangzhu, there is a small statue f a traveller. His name was Marc Pl.
    Marc Pl grew up in the city f Venice, in present-day Italy.In 1271, when he was 17 years ld, he (A) set ff n a jurney t Asia with his father and uncle. (B) He did nt return hme until 24 years later. His travels tk him acrss Asia, alng the Silk Rad and thrughut China.He lved Hangzhu s much that he described it as “the finest city in the wrld”.
    When Pl finally went (C)_ _ t Venice, there was a war and he was captured. While he was in prisn, he tld the stries f his travels t anther man there. This man wrte the stries dwn in a bk (D) called The Travels f Marc Pl. Because f the interesting descriptins f Asian life in the bk, Pl's travels sn became well knwn in Eurpe.
    The stries gave many Eurpeans their first lk at the life and culture f the peple in Asia. Pl tld f many amazing things that were unknwn t Eurpe, such as paper mney. (E) 他写到关于中国的发展, with its large cities and systems f cmmunicatin. His bk made Eurpeans mre and mre interested in the East. It als influenced many ther explrers,including Christpher Clumbus.
    Pl died in 1324. His last wrds were: “I did nt tell half f (F) I saw.” 50.写出文中画线部分(A)和 (D)的同义词或近义词
    将文中画线部分(B)改写为 He hme 24 years.
    least help yu feel better.①
    Everybdy gets stressed frm time t time. Different peple feel stress (A) different ways. Sme ways f dealing with stress — like screaming, hitting smebdy, r punching a wall, dn’t slve much. But ther ways, like talking t smene yu trust, can start yu n the rad t slving yur prblem r at
    Try taking these steps the next time yu are stressed.
    It’s easy t let yur feelings g wild when yu are upset. Ntice yur feelings, and name them, fr example, “I am s angry!” ②And say r think abut why yu think that way. Then, find a way t calm dwn and get past the upset feelings and find a way t express them.
    Smetimes when kids are stressed and upset , they take it ut n themselves. (B)但是那不是一个好主意。 Remember that there are always peple t help yu. Be kind t yurself and ask fr a helping hand r a pat n the back that yu need.
    ③Yu need t figure ut what the prblem is. Even if yu can’t slve all f it, maybe yu can begin by slving a piece f it. And then yu will find it easier and easier t get yurself (C) f truble.
    Mst stress des nt last lng. (D) Maybe yu have n idea when it disappears , but stress des g away, ften when yu figure ut the prblem and start wrking n slving it. And it feels s gd when stress is gne!
    将文中画线部分(D)改写为 Maybe yu when it disappears. 58. 将 "After yu are calm and yu have supprt frm adults and friends, it’s time t
    get dwn t business. " 填入文中,①②③三处中最佳的位置是:
    七、 阅读与表达 (共 2 节, A 节 5 分, B 节 20 分; 满分 5 分)
    a balanced diet, anther difference, dairy prducts, different kinds f vegetables,fried fd
    A) 阅读短文, 然后根据其内容从方框中选出可以填入空白处的短语。
    Dear Diana,
    I have received yur letter, and yur questin. “Which is healthier, Chinese fd r American fd ?”, is very interesting.
    Fr ne thing, we Chinese have many different kinds f fd every day. We have rice, meat, fish, plenty f vegetables and fruit, and als 1like milk. I think we have 2. But in my pinin, American children like fast fd mre, such as hamburgers and sandwiches.
    There is 3.In general, we ck dishes in different ways in China. Chinese peple dn’t eat much 4, such as fried chicken wings and ptat chips. S, I believe Chinese fd is healthier than American fd.
    But I als hear that yur mix 5 t make a salad every day. It is true? If s, that is a very healthy dish!
    Yurs, Mimin
    B) 随着生活水平的日益提高,人们对于健康饮食越来越重视。新学期伊始,
    词数 80-100,开头已经为你写好,不计入总词数。
    Dear fellw students,
    With the develpment f the sciety, peple pay mre and mre attentin t a healthy diet

    2022年辽宁省沈阳市和平区九年级一模英语试卷(PDF版无答案): 这是一份2022年辽宁省沈阳市和平区九年级一模英语试卷(PDF版无答案),共4页。

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