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    专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)
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    专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)01
    专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)02
    专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)03
    专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)01
    专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)02
    专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)03
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    专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)

    这是一份专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用),文件包含专题36读后续写07助人型原卷版doc、专题36读后续写07助人型解析版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共41页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. a flush f (表情绪的名词)=a wave feeling/sense f...一阵...
    3. (表情绪的名词) flded ver sb=swept ver sb

    tremble//shiver/shake (with fear, panic excitement, rage...)

    1. Tears blurred ne's eyes.
    2. One's eyes gt misty.
    3. One's eyes misted/dimmed with tears.泪眼模糊
    4. clse t tears几乎要哭了
    5. tears (rll dwn ne's eyes/cheeks/face)泪水落下

    As the ecnmy was in decline(经济衰退), sme peple in the twn had lst their jbs. Many f their families were struggling t make ends meet (使收支平衡). (2020.7高考山东卷)
    There was a man sick in bed(卧病在床), his wife, wh tk care f him and culd nt g ut t wrk, and their little by. (2020.7高考山东卷)
    But ne day, a hurricane hit the area (台风袭击当地) where he lived, cmpletely destrying his hme (完全摧毁他的家) . (2021广州2月联考)
    典型:某人想到/明白...; 有了主意
    1. It suddenly ccurred t sb that 从句=It hit sb that 从句=It struck me that 从句 =It dawned n sb that 从句
    2. (idea, thught...) ccurred/came t sb.= int ne's mind= in ne's mind
    3. One's mind began t race
    Then he gt a saw (锯子) frm the truck and cut a sectin ut f a big lg n the side f the rad. We rlled it ver and put his jack n tp, and we were in business.然后他从卡车上拿到了一把锯子(锯子),从路边的一根大木头上砍了一段。我们把它翻过来,把他的杰克顶放在上面,我们开始做生意。【八省联考】
    1. nt lng after that, afterwards, lng, didn't take lng befre 从句=It tk sme time befre从句不久, ...
    2. fr an instant/mment一瞬间

    1. T ne's surprise(delight)/Strangely enugh, it turned ut that 从句
    2. But n secnd thughts, ...但是转而一想,...
    3. But what happened next was pure magic. 接下来发生的非常奇妙
    Nw, I was definitely grateful t her fr extending a helping hand(伸出援手).(2021届湖南长沙市一中高三月考三)
    Mlly and Shawn met n Tuesday, and she says she culdn’t thank him enugh (非常感谢他)and everyne invlved in fr what they did fr her. (2020届山东省泰安市高三第二轮复习质量检测(二模)英语试题)
    1. Needless t say, they were deeply mved (他们被深深地感动了), especially Bernard wh finally fund a way t make mney fr his family. (2020.7高考山东卷)
    2. He was tuched that I, a cmplete stranger, cared s much abut him (如此关心他) and said he was willing t wrk.(2021广州2月联考)
    3. In a flash, with tears welling up in my eyes, I was tuched beynd wrds (感动得说不出话来). I felt s warm as if there were nine suns in my chest. (2021年1月八省联考)
    4. I ndded in gratitude, eyes glistening with held-back tears(眼睛因为强忍的泪水而闪耀). (2021年1月八省联考)
    5. Stunned and mved(惊讶又感动), I stared at the nte, feeling a pang f guilt abut my previus thught that all peple were indifferent.(2021年1月八省联考)
    It is lve that makes the wrld g rund(是爱让世界运转)and Bernard felt it deep in his little heart.(2020.7高考山东卷)
    Everyne was happy and sweet, expsing their sets f white teeth(露出他们洁白的牙齿).(2020.7高考山东卷)
    I made up my mind t pass n “lve” t thers(传递爱给其他人). Just as a saying ges : “ Rses given, fragrance in hand(赠人玫瑰,手有余香). ”(2021年1月八省联考)
    Frm that day n, every time I meet smene wh needs help, I always reach ut t them, hping t pass n the kindness (希望传递善意)that Mexican family ffered me.(2021年1月八省联考)
    5. Smetimes, a small act f kindness may be pwerful enugh t make a huge difference(会有很大不同).

    Passage 01---开车半路救人
    A yung and successful manager had a new Jaguar, whse side* dr was dented (凹陷的). The damage was very nticeable, but the manager never bthered t repair it. He kept the dent there t remind him f ne afternn as well as this message:Dn't g thrugh life s fast that smene has t thrw a brick at yu t get yur attentin!
    The manager was traveling dwn a neighbrhd street, ging a bit t fast in his new. Jaguar. He was watching fr kids rushing ut frm between parked cars and slwed dwn when he thught he saw smething. As his car passed, n children appeared. Instead, a brick crashed int the Jag's side dr! He braked sharply and drve the Jag backward t the spt where the brick had been thrwn. The angry driver then jumped ut f the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car, shuting, “What was that all abut and wh are yu?”
    The yung by aplgized. "Please mister ... please, I’m srry. . . I didn't knw what else t d," he begged.
    “I threw the brick because n ne else wuld stp. . ." With tears cming dwn his face, the little by pinted t a spt just arund a parked car.
    “My elder brther fell ut f his wheelchair and I can't lift him up. he said.
    Still crying, the by asked the astnished manager, "Wuld yu please help me get him back int his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's t heavy fr me. ”
    Mved beynd wrds, he hurried t the spt with the by. Anther by was lying n the grund bleeding. He tk ut his clean handkerchief and tuched lightly at the fresh scrapes (擦 伤)and cuts. A quick lk tld him that the wund was serius, the disabled must be taken t the hspital at nce.
    Luckily, he had a first-aid kit in the car.
    In fifteen minutes, they arrived at the nearest hspital.
    1. Dn't g thrugh life s fast that ______________________________(必须有人向你扔砖头才能引起你的注意)!
    2. ______________________________(他泪流满面), the little by pinted t a spt just arund a parked car.
    3. ______________________________(他感动得说不出话来), he hurried t the spt with the by.
    4. _____________________________(他看了一眼就知道了) that the wund was serius, the disabled must be taken t the hspital at nce.
    5. ______________________________(慢慢地,他把残疾人扶上汽车后座), while the yunger brther sating beside t take care f him.
    6. Starting the car quickly again, ______________________________(他冲向最近的医院).
    7. The manager gt ut the wheelchair and ______________________________(把伤残者抱进车里,急忙把他推到急救中心).
    8. At this time, the yunger by and his parents came t him and _____________________________(向他表示衷心的感谢) .

    Passage 02---马戏团购票
    读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    Once, when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line t buy tickets fr the circus. Finally, there was nly ne family between us and the ticket cunter.
    This family made a big impressin n me. There were eight children, all prbably under the age f twelve. Yu culd tell they didn't have a lt f mney.
    Their clthes were nt expensive, but they were clean. The children were well-behaved, all f them standing in line, tw-by-tw behind their parents, hlding hands. They were excitedly talking abut the clwns, elephants, and ther acts they wuld see that night with their brthers r sisters in a lw vice.
    One culd sense they had never been t the circus befre. It prmised t be highlight f their yung lives. The father and mther were at the head f the pack, standing prud as culd be. The mther was hlding her husband’s hand, lking up at him as if t say, “Yu are my knight in shining armr.”
    He was smiling and respnding in pride, lking back at her as if t say, “Yu gt that right.” The ticket lady asked the father hw many tickets he wanted. He prudly respnded, “Please let me buy eight children's tickets and tw adult tickets s I can take my family t the circus.”
    The ticket lady gave the price. The man's wife let g f his hand, her head drpped, and his lips began t shake. The father leaned a little clser and asked, “Hw much did yu say?”
    The ticket lady again quted the price. The man didn't have enugh mney.
    Hw was he suppsed t turn and tell his eight children that he didn't have enugh mney t take them t the circus?
    Actually we were nt wealthy in any sense. S I understand hw the kids wuld feel. I felt srry fr them.
    Paragraph 1
    Seeing what was ging n, my dad put his hand in his pcket, pulled ut a $20 bill and drpped it n the grund.
    Paragraph 2
    That day my father and I went back t ur car and drve hme withut any tickets.
    1. Once, when I was a teenager, my father and I ______________________________(我们排队买马戏团的票).
    2. The father and mther were at the head f the pack, ______________________________(尽可能骄傲地站着).
    3. The man's wife let g f his hand, ______________________________(她低下头,他的嘴唇开始颤抖).
    4. ______________________________(父亲靠得更近一点问道), while the yunger brther sating beside t take care f him.
    5. Then ______________________________(他捡起它,拍了拍那人的肩膀说), “Excuse me, sir, this fell ut f yur pcket.’
    6. He knew what was ging n, ______________________________(他直视着我爸爸的眼睛,双手握住我爸爸的手) and squeezed tightly nt the $20 bill..
    7. ______________________________(他的嘴唇颤抖着,眼泪顺着脸颊流下来), he replied, “Thank yu, thank yu, sir. This really means a lt t me and my family.”
    8. _____________________________(他停顿了一会儿), as if wandering in his memry.

    读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    Dawn came slwly. A shaft f sunlight reached int the 4-meter-deep crater(弹坑),making the metal f the bmb shine. The bys were numb and tight, and hungry. They tried nt t lk at the huge shape f the bmb that appeared ver them.
    Harry suddenly pened his eyes and seized Jack's arm. "Listen!" he whispered. Jack's eye widened instantly, and bth bys strained their ears. They culd hear a man talking sftly. The vice seemed a lng way ff. Jack went t shut, but Harry clamped his hand ver Jack's muth. "Dn't shut/' he hissed(发出嘘声),"We'll be blwn int pieces."
    The sft vice came nearer and nearer. Suddenly, an army captain appeared at the tp f crater. He was talking t a muthpiece(话筒)arund his neck. He stpped talking when he saw the bys. "What the..." he said, “Wh are yu?" Hairy fund his vice, "Jack and Harry Brwn." "Is that dg dead?" asked the captain. “N: he’s sleeping," said Harry.
    The captain spke int the muthpiece again, “Sergeant(中士)," he said, stpped and tk a breath befre he went n. “There are tw kids and a dg dwn here." Then the captain cruched dwn and stared clsely at the bmb. “Dn't mve and dn't speak," he said, "r we'll all g up." He began talking quietly t his sergeant.
    Jack and Harry were t stiff t mve. They held Raf, the dg, tightly and waited. Anther man appeared at the tp f the crater. "I thught s," he said, "It's them all right?"
    "It’s Old Tin Hat!" whispered Jack. Old Tin Hat was carrying a ladder. He and the captain lwered the ladder int the lse earth next t the tw bys. "Keep still," the captain warned them. As the captain held n at the tp. Old Tin Hat started t cme dwn the ladder very slwly, very gently, step by step. At last, he reached the bttm, and with ne mvement, he lifted Jack n his back. Harry watched as Jack was carried up. It seemed t take an age.

    Paragraph 1:
    With a sudden fall f earth, Old Tin Hat frze halfway up.
    Paragraph 2:
    Old Tin Hat pulled Harry nt his back, carrying Raf under his arm.

    1. 哈利吓得喘不过气来,但幸运的是那家伙很稳定。
    2. Old Tin Hat又起来了。他一到山顶,手就伸出来,杰克就不见了。
    3. Old Tin Hat又从梯子上下来了,温柔而谨慎。
    4. 最终,他加入了哈里和英国皇家空军。
    5. 尽管哈利暗示那只狗是走在最后,但他坚持说他们会在一起。
    6. Old Tin Hat第二次开始爬梯子。
    7. 男孩和狗的重量使他喘不过气来。
    8. 经过巨大的努力,他们到达了火山口的顶部。
    9. 所有人都获救了!远处传来微弱的欢呼声。
    10. 一群人挤在栅栏后面。
    11. 在那儿,“妈妈!”Hurry冲过去,紧紧地抱着妈妈。后来,消息传来,炸弹已安全运走。
    读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    It was a Saturday afternn. The clr f the sky was changing, first light gray, then dark gray, and finally dark and dense. The wind was blwing heavily, and the trees were swaying in the strng wind. It began t rain cats and dgs. Sn, the rad was filled with puddles frm the rain.
    In such a strmy afternn, My mther tk my five-year-ld brther, Christpher, and me t a new big ty stre she had read abut in the newspaper. "S many tys,“ the advertisement had shuted in full and flashy clr, “ that we had t get a huge warehuse t fit them all!”
    Christpher and I culdn't have been mre excited. We ran acrss the parking lt, thrugh the cld and biting rain, as fast as ur little legs culd carry us. We left ur mther utside t battle with the frustrating umbrella, which never wrked when she wanted it t. "Christine! Take care f yur yung brther!“ Mther shuted at the tp f her vice.
    “Christine! I'm ging t find the Leg sectin(乐高积木区)!There's a new pirate ship I want, and I have fur dllars! Maybe I can buy it!“ Christpher exclaimed and ran ff excitedly. I nly half heard him. I tk a right turn and, t my wide-eyed delight, fund myself in the midst f the Barbie(芭比)Wrld.
    I was studying a Barbie and ding sme simple math in my head when suddenly an earthshaking clap f thunder rared frm the strm utside. I jumped at the nise, drpping the dll t the flr. The lights flickered(闪烁)nce and died, cvering everything in a blanket f blackness. Thunder cntinued t shake the sky and lightning illuminated the stre fr secnds, casting frightening shadws n my mind.
    Paragraph 1:
    “Oh n,” I thught, “Where’s Christpher?”
    Paragraph 2:
    “Christine, I’m here.”
    1. 我当场被吓呆了,我觉得有必要看看,拥抱我的弟弟,确保他没事。
    2. 我的胃扭曲了。我在黑暗中在过道上跑来跑去,惊慌失措地填满了我的小胸膛,使我呼吸困难。
    3. 我撞到了糖果,被玩具绊倒了,还疯狂地叫着我弟弟的名字。
    4. 虽然我很着急,但还是找不到他。沮丧和恐惧的泪水从我的脸上滑落,但我继续奔跑。
    5. 激动得我喘不过气来——在乐高过道里,我找到了克里斯托弗。
    6. 他独自站在海盗船旁,一动不动。
    7. 我松了一口气哭了起来,搂着他,紧紧地拥抱着他。
    8. 他拥抱着我说:“我知道如果我在这里等着,克莉丝汀,你会找到我的。”
    9. 然后,我拉着他的手,我们去寻找我们的母亲,她一定在商店里拼命地找我们。
    读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    There was a thick frest n the sides f a muntain. Many kinds f animals lived in the frest. A deer was eating grass and leaves with her tw yung nes. The yung nes wandered happily here and there. The deer fllwed her fawns (幼鹿)int a cave. The deer was frightened because it was a tiger's cave. There were bnes f dead animals all ver the cave. Frtunately, the tiger was nt inside the cave at the time.
    The deer was trying t lead her yung nes ut f the cave when she heard a lud rar. She saw the tiger at a distance cming twards the cave. It was dangerus t g ut f the cave nw. She thught f a plan. The deer raised her vice and shuted, "My deer yung children d nt weep. I shall capture (捕捉)a tiger fr yu t eat. Yu can have a gd dinner."
    The tiger heard these wrds and became frightened. He thught, "Whse is that strange vice frm the cave? A dangerus animal is staying inside t capture me. I shall run away t escape death." The tiger began t run away frm there as fast as pssible.
    A jackal (胡狼)saw the running tiger. “Why are yu running in great fear?" the jackal asked. The tiger said, "My friend, a pwerful and fierce animal is in my cave. The yung nes are crying fr a tiger t eat. The mther is prmising t capture a tiger fr them. S, I am running away."
    The cunning jackal was nw sure the tiger was a cward (懦夫).It said, "Dn't be afraid. N animal is fiercer r strnger than a tiger Let us g tgether t find ut.”
    But the tiger said, "I d nt want t take a chance. Yu may run away. I will be left alne t die. S, I will nt cme with yu."
    The jackal said, "Trust me. Let us knt (打结)ur tails tgether. Then I will nt be able t leave yu." The tiger agreed unwillingly t this prpsal. S the jackal tied their tails in a knt. Nw they walked twards the cave tgether.
    Para. 1
    The deer saw the jackal and the tiger cming tgether.
    Para. 2
    The tiger was shcked t hear this and he was sure nw the jackal cheated him.
    1. 她对着站在山洞里的孩子们喊道。
    3. 看那豺狼为我们捉到了一只老虎。
    4. 他把老虎的尾巴绑在尾巴上。这是为了防止老虎逃跑。你很快就会把老虎当晚餐了。
    5. 所以,老虎决定从站在洞穴里的可怕的动物身上逃脱。
    6. 他开始跑。他忘了那只豺狼。他把豺狼拖过岩石和荆棘。
    7. 在疯狂的逃跑中,豺狼被夹在两块岩石之间。老虎使劲地拉。
    8. 他的尾巴被切断了。豺狼在这次事故中丧生。
    9. 没有尾巴的老虎跑向森林的另一部分。鹿和她的幼鹿离开了老虎洞。
    10. 他们安全地加入了牛群。头脑和智慧的存在可以使人免于危险。

    专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用): 这是一份专题36 读后续写07 助人型 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用),文件包含专题36读后续写07助人型解析版doc、专题36读后续写07助人型原卷版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    专题19 书面表达之读后续写(助人为乐型)-2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(全国通用): 这是一份专题19 书面表达之读后续写(助人为乐型)-2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(全国通用),文件包含专题19书面表达之读后续写助人为乐型解析版-2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练全国通用docx、专题19书面表达之读后续写助人为乐型原卷版-2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练全国通用docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    专题41 读后续写12 高频语法的运用 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用): 这是一份专题41 读后续写12 高频语法的运用 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用),文件包含专题41读后续写12高频语法的运用解析版doc、专题41读后续写12高频语法的运用原卷版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共40页, 欢迎下载使用。

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